Trisha Paytas | A History of Scandals & Controversies Pt 1

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Holy damn 5 parts

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/CeleriterNix 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2020 🗫︎ replies
they put two and two together hey there as you may have guessed by the title we have a really really huge huge task ahead of us today and to only make matters worse I've already recorded this but then realized that I have lipstick on my teeth so I get to do this twice every now and then I do an episode of let's say a larger series where I go through a history of and influencers scandals and controversies so far I've done one on Gabi Hannah and I've also done one on James Charles and here recently of course the hot topics have been around Trisha Paytas and I have recently recorded a couple of videos talking about her recent drama and at one point decided that I didn't want to feed into it anymore I didn't want to pay much attention to the situation at hand anymore and that in general I was done giving Trisha the attention and supporting her in any way however several of you have pointed out to me that I should do one of these histories on Trish's career so that we can not only really take a look at her entire career and her entire presence here on the YouTube platform and really every single scandal she's gotten herself into all of the drama all of the controversies and so that we could do so without digging through her content ourselves so that we could have that all in one place where it's just one comprehensive look at Trisha Paytas and what she has done up to this point so that's what I decided to do and I cannot express to you guys how much dumber I feel than I did a week ago so we are here to take a look at a history of Trisha scandals and controversies and to be quite transparent I fully expect this video to be demonetised and/or copyright claimed immediately so if you would like to support my channel you can subscribe turn on notifications like comment all that jazz if you don't want to do any of that totally understood thanks for stopping by anyway this is a super quick reminder to LIKE and subscribe if that's something you want to do if that's not something you want to do I'm sorry for the interruption I'll shut up and start talking but I would recommend subscribing with notifications if you are interested in the coming episodes and what I mean by that is that as one could guess a history of Trisha scandals on YouTube and really a look at her career on YouTube will take a very long time so we're not going to be able to break this all down in one video I don't think any of us has the brain power to sit down and deal with all of that I don't think I have enough storage space for that much footage nor do I have the emotional and mental capacity to do that all in one go so this will be likely a three-part series or so so if you are looking forward to seeing the episodes to come then I would recommend subscribing with notifications or at least following me on social media to see when those episodes come out but I am expecting them to be about once a week or so if I stay on track so with this first episode or Trish's early career we're really going to be looking at about the first seven years or so of her time here on YouTube and then when we get to the second episode we're going to be looking at probably three or so years which I will call her mid-career and the last episode is really only going to cover probably about two years and I think it's important to be mindful of those time frames and what they look like because the amount of content that is in each episode will only go to show you how progressive and more frequent this drama is becoming as time goes on as each day go and what you're gonna find with each of these situations when I give my commentary on them I am going to try to take somewhat of a neutral stance there are gonna be some situations where I completely disagree with Trish and whatever she's done in that situation or I may aside with Trisha given this situation and I encourage you to try to do the same to look at each situation individually and then at the end of this whole series we can kind of come together and make a decision as to whether we believe Trish should be canceled or should she be given yet another chance but regardless I want that to be your choice at the end of the day so I am NOT going to be asking you to follow or subscribe to Trish nor am I going to be asking you to unfollow or unsubscribe to Trish I am NOT going to be giving video credits to Trish to send you to her page nor am I going to ask you to sign a petition to get her off the platform all of this is independent of how I feel about her overall I just feel that my aim here is to be more educational and give you guys the facts that you've asked for and whatever advocacy we decide to take from this is up to you the individual that said please do not assess my overall opinion of Trish based on my opinion of one situation I encourage you to put your own thoughts and opinions down in the comments and if a situation requires more context that you feel is necessary feel free to add that context I've said this before I'm human there's only so much information that I have at my disposal and a lot of you may have more information to bring to the table so I encourage you to do that if there is a scandal that occurred during the time frame were speaking about that I haven't covered please feel free to enlighten us and to drop information down in the comments that provides more information about additional scandals we may not know about in this video that said we are here to be critical of Trish we are not here to hate on Trish we are not here to hate on anyone else mentioned in any of these situations we're not here to hate on me we are not here to hate on each other so if that's your vibe if that's what you're here to do I thank you for watching to this point but it's probably now the time to click off and go elsewhere and take those comments elsewhere where they are welcome but that is the one caveat with my channel is that we don't accept hate comments on my channel we are here to think critically and we are here to be critical of people and that's totally fine we are respectful intelligent people not hateful people now if at any point you hear me say to put a pin in this just keep in mind the behavior that we are talking about at that time because we will likely see something very similar come up in the future so who is Trisha Paytas Trisha is a public figure as we know she is from Illinois and moved to California to live with her father about halfway through her high school career and at 18 right after graduating from high school she moved to LA with the sole desire to become famous at the time she became a stripper and an escort to support herself while she hustled with fame as her destination in Vegas so 2007 Trisha creates a YouTube channel under the name blonde Sun doll for MJ as an ode to two celebrities that she loved dearly she speaks about how much she loved Michael Jackson as a kid and wanted to incorporate his initials into her username but her earlier videos were heavily heavily focused on Quentin Tarantino and her love for him in his movies mr. Tarantino oh I love you so I cannot really write for love and I guess I'll give it again they consisted of a lot of wraps and poems dedicated to Tarantino as well as countdown videos to his upcoming film Inglourious Basterds but over time her channel did evolve into something that focused more on advice around beauty and fashion as well as comedy here's my joke so big time would you sir or director Steven Spielberg is doing the next action flick and it's all classical composers yes Bruce Willis message is on an ounce or so you're ready to start it consoles [ __ ] what about you babe he's like I'll be Bach it's like [ __ ] and like to compose a story times collaborations and so on and we soon saw how much of a shameless self-promoter Trish was with all of her television show appearances as well as appearances in movies and music videos some people have been turned off by this and some people really respect her for her game so just to take a look at some of the TV show appearances she's made she has been on Ellen celebrity name game America's Got Talent dr. Phil my strange addiction room to our challenge and Celebrity Big Brother UK so in 2010 light was shed no pun intended about Trish's tanning addiction and really whether or not she actually had one she was of course on my strange addiction for her tanning addiction but she later said on YouTube that she isn't really a tanning addict on the show however she did talk about visiting multiple salons in a day in addition to spray tanning and laying out in the Sun a lot he'll reinstate the canola tan once every 24 hours um but the way I knew that lies only currently I'm remembering six one and I go to all them if I have something big going to me it's almost disgusting if someone doesn't have a little color because the Sun is healthy the majority of people in California such a disappointment because they're not tan and especially the girls because I won so I like how conscious here but it's like you know be tan we're in California it's such a bad reflection I think at this estate understand people in general so her appearance on my strange addiction does imply that she does have a problem and perhaps an addiction towards tanning however we do know how much Trish likes to be on TV so we may never know the real truth around this addiction or lack thereof but I don't know that anyone really cares at this point in 2012 Trisha posted a video called why I'm voting for Mitt Romney now this is not a political channel so it is not my place to say whether you should vote for one party or another but the reasons Trish gave for voting for Mitt Romney were very ridiculous and her returning viewers quickly caught on that this was a troll video for the reasons she listed others on the other hand were infuriated by this video and her logic as these reasons got progressively more and more ridiculous and untrue so basically what Mitt Romney is superhot then another reason I'm gonna vote for me well my kin is named mitzvah I think it's well it's actually mittens but we call him it's for you know short and for all those who are saying like Republicans don't like women or whatever like yeah they do they're married to him so honestly I could use some free Obamacare or whatever he's pitching out there but I can't vote for him because he's gonna take away my right to be a Catholic which he basically already has and it's turning into a tyranny like socialism like Mexico in the 1940s looking at the like to dislike ratio on this video at 78 k dislikes I am inclined to believe that most people didn't know that this was a trolling video and this is not the last time that we're gonna see this sort of behavior from Trish so if you're one of the people offended by her trolling videos buckle up because there's just a lot more to come so of course I would like you to put a pin in this in November 2012 which we should put out a music video called kiss kiss in which she plays a character named Trisha Trisha is a Japanese game guru style pop star or what is also called a guru and in the music video as well as an accompanying vlog Trish uses a very stereotypical voice and accent known among Japanese culture as well as looks and styles and behaviors that are very stereotypical of the game girl lifestyle greeting her fans arigato fan batos but there is another layer of controversy with this whole situation beyond Trish's cultural appropriation the ganker a lifestyle itself is very controversial as Gangrel translates to English as blackface and looking at various photos of gang girl girls we can see why some people are very angered by the look and its likeness to the makeup used in minstrel shows from the early 1800s so I will be placing some links down below that will go a little more in depth about the gang girl lifestyle some arguments for it some arguments against it so that you can really get a comprehensive look at what it entails and make your own decisions around it but as it pertains to Trish I've said this before what else can I say that's bad Trish don't do that that's bad it was bad for at least two very important reasons and I would have thought at the time that she'd be smart enough not to do something like this but we all know that worse is to come so of course I want you to put a pin in this so in late 2012 and early 2013 Trish collaborated with a creator by the name of Nina unrated on a series of swap videos where the two sent each other packages filled with gifts that they picked out for each other up to a certain spend limit when Nina talks about this time she does Express that she very neatly wrapped her gifts and did go above the spend limit each time as a gesture to thank Trisha for the exposure she was giving Nina at the time however in speaking to at least one of the packages Nina received from Trisha Trisha apparently packaged this swap box which was meant to be opened on camera with 18 garbage bags specifically but in addition a lot of fans started to notice that items in the boxes sent to Nina were items from previous haul videos on Trish's channel so it was widely believed that Trish was kind of Riga ding or recycling items from her own personal shopping trips and sending them to Nina one strong argument for this was that the girls treated sizes with each other however Trish sent Nina a pair of shoes that were a size 7 when Nina is either a nine or nine and a half and fans of both of them knew that Trish is a size 7 and that these were shoes she had bought for herself so of course this sparked a lot of negativity sent Trish's way a lot of hate on her videos so Trish did end up taking her side of the swap videos down which started some sort of feud in and of its own particularly on Twitter between Trish and Nina according to Nina Trish claimed that she was afraid of Nina that she believed Nina was traveling from Las Vegas to LA with her ex-husband who was an NFL player to hurt Trisha in some way she claimed Nina doxed her she told people that I got on a plane from Las Vegas went to California with my ex NFL ex-husband right she was lying on me and she knew she was lying on me she went on the internet she bashed me and she like just told slides and type of lies she went online and told people that I released her home address that she didn't feel safe I mean when I tell you she trashed me she trashed me um and mind you this is all from Nina's side of the story I don't know if we ever truly heard Trish's side I will say in searching for information around this situation I did find a lot of videos where creators were very critical of Nina and spoke to their bad experiences with Nina and Retd so I do question her credibility can I imagine Trish doing the things that Nina says Trish did absolutely but is there a possibility that there's more to the story I think so either way I think this was very tacky of Trisha and really shows a lack of consideration for the people she is collabing with we know that Trisha never been a very structured person she has never been super respectful when it comes to her collaborations with others but she had the means to go out and buy a thoughtful gift and she simply failed to do so correction she neglected to do so in 2013 tricia was on an episode of dr. Phil in a segment called girls who trash girls who dress sexy and the title of this segment is pretty straightforward when she slammed girls who dress sexy it sparked outrage they told me to kill myself and controversy if you're familiar with the format of these types of shows there is typically two sides of the story with an antagonist on one side and then the protagonist defending their side and Trish did say that she believed she was edited in a positive light there was a man who spoke so angrily and passionately about women who dress sexy and provocatively like Trish that viewers as well as I think dr. Phil himself came to believe that this man just hates women in general so at the end of the day Trish did look better in that situation and that man did look like a fool I should mention but this man on the other side of the argument did say that women who dress this way deserve to be what would trigger you just say she's a loose woman she's wearing the uniform I'm fine you're gonna decide what somebody should wear this is censorship and let's be honest here that's 2013 that may not sound like that long ago but that was a time where this mindset that women should dress in a certain modest way and if they don't they are asking for it that mindset wasn't that uncommon this new wave of body positivity and sex positivity is still relatively new in our society whether or not Trish played a hand in this change I'll let you decide in 2015 Trish did an interview with Business Insider in which she talked about her success on YouTube she admitted to dumbing herself down and playing this ditzy blonde and trolling for cliques she uploaded a video in which she asked do dogs even have brains and I will say that that video was a true true internet gem and if you haven't seen it you're in luck because I'm going to put my favorite segment in this video right here dogs are our mammals right yeah dogs are mammals they're humans or no they're not human they're part of the animal kingdom that God created I love you Jesus but then I wonder like okay dogs can't talk so do they have brains like yes they walk but it because we're telling them to walk - anyone who was offended by that video I'm not even sure how you're coping with what's been going on with her in the past year or so but this was around the time that Trish really cemented this brand of hers as the ditzy blonde girl and she found that it worked it was around this time that her music career started to take off which was relatively successful when we consider who we're talking about here and it was in May of that year that she released a song called fat chicks and in speaking to Business Insider about why she wrote this song and specifically these lyrics she said no one comes right out and says it fat it's like this taboo word that people do take offense to including me at one point but why it's really just me taking that word that so many people describe me as and throwing it away like I'm fat fat fat fat is that good now can we stop talking about that in every video I post in every picture I take so clearly Trisha was trying to take back the power of this word and I think a lot of us can understand why however a lot of people were offended by her attempt to make light of such a derogatory term that is so hurtful to so many people again this is not the first time we see this sort of behavior from Trish so I want you to put a pin in this it was in 2015 that Trish started to open up about her romantic and sexual relationships with celebrities she has told us that she has met a ton of celebrities and that she has slept with most of them some of the names she's given us are Desperate Housewives actor Roger Bart an entire baseball team an entire hockey team actors Crispin Glover David Lipper Jamie Kennedy and Anthony Michael Hall you may remember Anthony Michael Hall from his 80s teen movies The Breakfast Club Sixteen Candles and weird science and if I'm not mistaken they dated for about five years or so so that was a legitimate relationship this may or may not have been the start of Trish's oversharing nature on YouTube but I do believe it lends a hand to the attention that she tries to get from her audience by means of pretty cheap shots and in this case talking about her sexual exploits with d-list or below celebrities in September or October of 2015 Trish was supposed to collab with a small creator by the name of simply ness at 15 Nessa was only 18 at the time and was very excited to fly out to LA to collaborate with a number of different creators but specifically with Trisha Paytas as she made very clear on her channel that Trisha was her number one favorite creator they had made plans to get dinner and make videos together one of the days that Nessa was there in LA and as the time approached for their dinner date and collab videos Nessa attempted to contact Trish by texting her over and over again as well as trying to get through to Trish via NASA's manager Nessa has provided us with the receipts which I will put here Trish eventually said something along the lines of oh I didn't know we'd set up these plans even though it was about two hours before this was supposed to happen and she still could have made it happen she didn't text me saying you see nobody texted me so nASA says that she did go back to her hotel room called her mom and basically spent the rest of the night crying Nessa later went on her YouTube channel to upload a storytime about this experience she never mentioned Trish's names specifically but because her fans were following her on Twitter and other social media and knew that she was excited to go to LA to meet Trish they put two and two together and figured that it was Trish Nessa was talking about and such sending a lot of hate and negativity Trish's way at which point if I'm not mistaken Trish demanded that Nessa take that video down and threatened legal action against an 18 year old girl for a video that never mentioned her name in my video where I was talking about the story time saying like oh like I was gonna meet up with this youtuber and then they just completely ghosted me I was so nice about you made me feel like [ __ ] you made me feel like I wasn't important so in terms of this behavior of Trisha ghosting creators who have traveled to collaborate with her you guessed it I want you to put a pin in this and that pretty much wraps up Trish's early career when we're talking about the timeframe from 2007 to 2015 or so so I want to know about your thoughts of Trish's time on the platform during that time did you watch her at any point in that timeframe what did you think of her videos of her trolling videos her advice videos comedy all of it did you watch any of that and what did you think and why did you watch it I personally would say that I wash for a mix of reasons often times I was pretty shocked by the person I was watching but at the same time I oddly kind of liked her so I think that confusion and trying to sort that out kept me coming back during that time I found her to be an interesting person I didn't know whether or not what I was watching was trolling or not so I was interested to see how things would unfold and find out if this was just a character she was playing or if she really was who she was pretending to be there were times where I found her content to be pretty hilarious and entertaining there were other times where I just felt that it was my numbing and I felt like I needed to take breaks and more or less that is how my relationship with Trish's content has gone over the years with Ed's and Flo's times where I would watch her content and then times when I needed to take breaks and then so on and so forth so because I wasn't always watching Tricia some of these controversies that she was involved in I didn't know about until I did this research on these controversies so that's it for now we've got more interesting stuff coming like I said if you are interested in seeing what comes next either subscribe with notifications turned on or follow me on social so that you know when that next video is posted I want to thank you the one person who's watching this who's not me thank you so much for coming back watching to this point and continuing to support me or maybe you're not here to support me maybe you're that one person and I know you're out there who has my notifications turned on just so that you can dislike my videos but in a way you are supporting me so thank you to I really mean that that is a certain level of dedication that most of us can not even understand so for now I'll catch you guys down in the comments bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: helloleesh
Views: 146,588
Rating: 4.8464174 out of 5
Keywords: trisha paytas, trisha paytas drama, trisha paytas tea, trisha drama, trisha scandal, trisha, trisha tea, trisha paytas scandal, trisha paytas controversy, trisha history, trisha paytas early career, trisha paytas tv shows, trisha paytas my strange addiction, trisha paytas dr phil, trishii, trisha paytas mitt romney, trisha paytas ganguro, trisha paytas nina unrated, trisha ninaunrated, trisha paytas fat chicks, trisha paytas cancelled, trishapaytas cancel, helloleesh
Id: r5PNhkv5NoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 1sec (1741 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2020
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