ma'am . . . you're thirty.

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I'm doing this from a place of concern I want to stress that to you so hard I've gained this from my place of concern how much do you wanna bet that's not coming from a place of concern hide welcome back to me talking about whatever I want today I want to talk about Lauren Petrie more commonly known as trickle tats or more specifically I want to call her out this is just a good old-fashioned call-out pose because what she did was bad and she should feel bad but first of course I'd like to do my comments shout out this comment rather actually goes to sushi ague who says D'Angelo I upload every day one week later so that was a lie of course this is a reference to the fact that I've been gone for almost two weeks but uh I'm bad I seriously needed a break but at the same time I am seriously so glad to be back I actually came out yesterday on my main channel while I was gone I could not stop writing down video ideas I have so many daily videos planned for like the rest of this month pretty much and of course the one I'm most excited for is my next album review we're gonna be talking about After Hours by the weekend so yeah I think you so so much for putting up with my break but um breaks over time to take out the metaphorical trash so of this lauren lady who runs the channel treacle tats what she did was so gross I literally ended my break and came back to YouTube just so I could talk about it and that's mostly just because I didn't really see anybody else talking about it but someone needs to stand up so of course I'm gonna give you a bit of background information there's a two main people we're talking about in this video today first of which is actually blade so Blake goes by Blake homie online is a 15 year old Instagram model I guess you could call them also Blake is non-binary it says in their bio they them so that's just what I'm gonna call them so I mean from a cursory glance they really just seem to be the average aesthetic alternative Instagram person they've got the tattoos they've got the hair they've got edirol chromia but it's contacts that's that's unique basically it's what a lot of kids are doing nowadays just take a goth and run them through the internet filter and damn blake homie and i have to emphasize that this person is either 15 or 16 now I was unable to get to the bottom of it but they're not older than 60 so Blake also has YouTube channel where they upload tattoo videos piercing videos hair videos and today's video is gonna focus on the tattoo videos cat oohing myself stick and poke tutorial stick and poke tutorial part two I guess now should a sixteen year old be going online and telling other people how to tattoo themselves leaning towards no personally I think that's an awful idea but um I guess that's where the next person comes in Lauren Petrie so Lauren is also one of those like alternative Instagram people she too has the tattoos she too has the hair she - looks goth but drenched in late 2010 s internet culture honestly nobody asked but my opinion on the look is I'm not brave enough to do it tattoos the piercings my pain tolerance is non-existent so I'll let y'all do that so like Blake Lauren is also entrenched in the tattoo community on YouTube in fact you're gonna notice the more I describe this that Lauren is actually like weirdly similar to Blake I don't know if you're picking that up already but Lauren's channel is actually 100% dedicated to tattoos it's called tree achill tats and she has masterpieces such as my subscribers roasts my good tattoos my best friend got a tattoo all the tattoos I got in 2019 basically both of these people really like tattoos okay I can do it but what I cannot dig is this video that Warren uploaded tattoo etiquette Blake homies just such a simple title absolutely belies the disgusting material that we're going to encounter in this video today right off the bat that thumbnail for this video was extremely concerning to me because it says visibly self tattooed before graduating school mom can't tell their real unsanitary tattooing like this reads like a tabloid article okay Blake it's not a celebrity they're just a 15 year old kid 16 year old kid I cannot tell people's ages okay I don't know if you've gathered that by now I don't look my age and that spills over into my brain to where I can't tell what age anybody is on story short this thumbnails looking pretty trashy so obviously I clicked into it but I have to say out of the three subtitles you put on the thumbnail the only valid concern is unsanitary tattooing I understand one needs to make a video about that but like why does it matter if there doesn't know the tattoos are real or like if they self Tet I guess Lauren's gonna explain it to us right that's clearly what I need I'm doing this from a place of concern I want to stress that to you so hard I've gained this from my place of concern how much do you wanna bet that's not coming from a place of concern I don't want any of you being horrible to this person I talks again they are young they are a minor so this is actually a new technique we're in surge of saying hey don't send hate to this person Lauren says don't send hate to this person but then proceeds to do the hating herself I have to give her points for innovation like I have give her points for originality anyway jokes aside the video starts off perfectly fine in my opinion I did this one with like a regular needle you know like an embroidery needle base an embroidery needle an embroidery needle embroidery needle an embroidery needle [Music] embroidery need okay we get it you just learned how to add it you also get it don't use embroidery needles when you're tattooing I think it's perfectly valid to call that out because yeah that's pretty horrifying I don't think you should be poking yourself with an embroidery needle and an attempt to do DIY tattoos but that's just no I'm pretty sure I'm right don't do that you can get tattoo needles on Amazon for like seven dollars so please I beg you get tattoo needles don't use sewing needles okay just because you can doesn't mean you should ok kids step away from your parents Amazon account and do not be ordering tattoo needles once again I think Lauren's exactly on the money I really am 100% for this video so far she said she's doing that Adam a place of concern she told everybody not to send any hate to Blake she's calling out specific issues that are wrong with the information Blake is presenting literally nothing wrong with this video in fact I think it's very important that Lauren made it so if only it was that simple I'm honestly just so concerned about this video because it is a tutorial can you imagine how many young people have watched this and then exact same thing like it's what all jokes aside is honestly very concerning I feel like that's kind of our job as youtubers just go on the website and call out things when they're not necessarily right and nobody's speaking up about them so unfortunately now it's my turn to do that about this video the fact that they're tattooing on a carpet my freaking car pet is giving me pure fear you know repeating things doesn't make good funnier again Lilly Singh has gotten very far in her comedic career so maybe I don't know what I'm talking about but yeah these are all things that I'm sure Blake didn't know or at least should have conveyed even I didn't know that you shouldn't be touching people on carpet though it does make sense but this is the part of the video where it takes a turn and instead of offering perfectly valid and necessary tattoo do's and don'ts and correcting misinformation Lauren starts attacking not just Blake but Blake's family it's it's like really really really weird I was honestly genuinely curious about this I was curious to see what they had to say when it comes to like their family and stuff with all their tattoos and piercings because I know for a fact that if I look like that oh my mom would have kicked me off the planet but the thing is like you do look like that that's really confusing that you find the issue with it now obviously I do understand that she's saying if she looked like it when she was Blake's age that would have been a little different but again that's it's like a boomer mentality or it's like well my mom would have never let me do this yeah that's probably why you'll have 30,000 tattoos on you now because your mom didn't let you do so much as put the sticker on when you were like 12 you know I think it's weird that she was so concerned about Blake's family in the first place because like what does that have to do with anything but I mean that just borders on kind of weird territory like things I wouldn't necessarily say but I guess I can understand why Lauren sang them then she just veers into absolutely unacceptable territory I don't know why I did it I don't remember doing it I don't care like it's only state like this whole thing concerns me so much because it's like okay but why can't you remember like you're so young do you see what I'm saying here I'm scared that there's something else going on here like you know I don't like with substances maybe I don't know I don't want to sue him or anything like that yep that's right full grown adult just went on the internet and accuses he nature of being on drugs you know you can't do that you just can't do that I don't really have to explain why you can't do that but I can only assume Morin doesn't understand why you can't do that first of all if you don't know then you can't say accusations as strong as substance abuse could ruin someone's life issues like that aren't dealt with by talking about it on the internet they're not dealt with by public speculation and people wondering about it and prying issues like substance abuse are dealt with privately by people within that person's life and the fact that we're having this conversation about substance abuse is always weird because that's not something that Blake ever mentioned so to put that on them is beyond unacceptable for me as an adult to have to sit here and say to another adult hey you don't accuse people of being on drugs is ludicrous especially since I'm assuming that this lone person is older than me yeah they say don't do drugs kids here's a new one don't accuse kids of doing drugs anyway if that's not bad enough which it absolutely is Lauren then goes on to judge Blake's mom my mom just came in here and she's like you need to watch all those tattoos oh stop putting them on yourself because she still thinks they're fake but I'm honestly so concerned that they are living under the roof with someone that cannot figure out that all of those tattoos are real or fake this is like borderline stupidity okay so first you're gonna go online and accuse somebody of substance abuse and then you're going to imply that their parents are stupid you know even if at the very least Blake's mom was like in this video I could sort of bring myself to understand but she's not in the video with blade you can't talk about people that you have never seen and the bottom line is you never know what's going on is a buddies Hall you don't know why Blake's mom hasn't done anything to stop them for getting tattoos you don't know Blake's mom has tried you don't know if their dad is try you don't know anything like you really just don't the only thing you know is good tattoo practice you don't know anything about Blake's life so all these speculations about you know substance abuse in their family life who are you like are you literally as tabloid magazine because if so I'll treat you with like the same respect I would treat the son nothing you have no integrity you're not worth listening to you're not worth looking at you're not worth paying attention to that overnight we're like they're just living the best teen years they're having fun and with the friends going out an experiment in style and what have you and to make such a bold movement of having very visible hand tattoos at such a young age I don't know you have very visible hand - oh my god where do I go from here she even mentions that she herself has hand tattoos so it's like how are you not picking up the irony in fact this whole lotta portion of the video is her just projecting she's projecting like her life depends on it she's all like Blake's just living there best team life having fun I couldn't help but pick up a twinge of jealousy I mean clearly this Lauren person isn't a teenager anymore me neither it happens to all of us but this whole conversation is counterproductive because obviously Blake has the tattoos on their hands they're not going anywhere they're there so they kind of sit around and make it about the fact that Blake has the tattoos versus what you're doing Misha Lee which was making it about safe practices is just weird and makes you sound like a lot of things I know I just have this image of them just in there like mid-trip mid-to-late 20s of being like holy crap what did I do okay at this point you can basically tell she's just talking about herself but like substituting Blake it's a little eerie like I think you're in your mid to late twenties and you're the probably the one thinking holy crap what did you do I guess I'll just say what I said about Blake you have the tattoos they're there now talking about some random kid on the internet it's not gonna do anything about it look I've been in that place I've been in Blake's play I've spent thousands literally thousands of pounds on cover-ups yep it's projection time strapping kids she's projecting a movie her whole life story apparently you know the fact that you had to spend thousands of dollars of your own money to undo thousands of dollars of their own money worth of work is on you like is it Blake's fault that you look like a coloring book and you regretted it I don't think so and you know I was wondering what it was so I was picking up in this video that was bothering me so much I was like is it jealousy no is it condescension no not really no it's just all too obvious that every watching it it's better Hey look how we started off talking about save tattoo practices and now fast forward and Blake is kind of being blamed by proxy for Lauren's awful tattoo decisions the lack of emotional intelligence here is just it's not doing it for me you may think this is a good thing now and you may think you're like the coolest person but I got a literally guarantee you when you hit your 20s you're gonna be like what did I do okay if she mentions being your new Toni's one more time and again like by the time they're in their mid-twenties you're looking at like 10 years down the line so in 10 years time so things may have changed and hopefully for them it does oh my gosh we get it you're in your mid to late 20s and when you say hopefully things work out you mean they didn't work out for you because that's the only thing I'm picking up from this video like truly what is being gained from this maybe they'll watch this and be like oh my god this girl like why are you so judgmental like let me live my life I've been there like I was saying I've spent thousands of pounds on cover-ups of tattoos that weren't done very well I don't think anyone's gonna be like oh my gosh why is this girl so judgmental I think we're gonna be like oh my gosh why is this growing woman accusing a teenager of substance abuse speculating on her family members and her home life rejecting her own regrettable life choices on to this child and then trying to mask it all as sympathy over that tattoo practices really it was just an extremely pathetic video to upload and I'm sad that I watched it I'm sad that it has any amount of views at all but sadly a lot of people watched it as well and much like me they had some things to say about it and let me just tell you Lauren's reactions to their reactions we're awful girl you just mad a 16 year old that does stick and pokes got more subscribers than you and this Lea it's kind of a mood I think like has more subscribers than me as well anyway to this tree ogle replies yeah that's totally it not that illegal and a safe tattooing at all rolling eyes emoji so I guess the story that Lauren is sticking with here is that the video was just a place of concern over unsafe tattooing methods you know think of the kids can't believe she really feels like she has to go out there and say something it's not your body get over it people like this ruin by bringing other people down just so they can try to rise up I'm annoyed too it's true girl replies it's also other people's bodies they could be ruining Google image tattoo infection and then what's sepsis is if you think it's fair that someone is showing people how they tattoo and then someone gets them that's just wrong you know for some reason I just feel like when this person said bringing other people down so that they can try to rise up they weren't referring to like the first 10 minutes when you were giving advice they were probably referring to the last 10 minutes where you were just making it about yourself and coming up with all these other necessary speculations and pretty much blaming Blake for your own problems so that's sure what that has to do with sepsis or tac-2 infections but go off I guess honestly this video is very passively okay I'm not reading all of that yeah so I don't care that much I wish everyone knew that some kids come from a broken family when she said things like what planet is her family from bro their mom doesn't even notice their existence sometimes just those Blake needs to be educated on tatts the person making this video should be educated on life to hang even though this person does bring up a good point which I kind of already dressed which is you don't know why things are the way that they are and you can never tell that just when looking at a youtube video but to this comment that actually does a good job addressing the core issue with the video Rico just responds I came from broken family and wouldn't you what does lady sound really condescending dude you just sound like you're trying to prove that you know more about tattoos than a fifteen-year-old you aren't their mother please back off this is messed up to be honest you never know what people are going through and maybe if you did a little more research you would know their reasoning change your content um yeah to which she says exactly you never know what people are going through yet here you are what does this mean is she trying to imply that I guess because Rico tats could hypothetically be going through something then we're not allowed to criticize their video because if that's the case that means you're not allowed to I think I'm getting a headache it's last one I'm gonna look at says if you're really concerned you would have approached this in a more productive way which I absolutely agree with but all trucco tats has to say is what by tattooing myself and doing everything I'm against towards this person says no maybe by talking to them privately about your guns how obtuse do you have to be to read a comment like hey maybe you should have approached this in a more productive way and just go to what by tattooing myself and telling me to grab an embroidery needle and just jab it into myself is that what you want from me you were acting like a child like she's acting like a child and here's the thing she kept saying mid-to-late 20s over and over so I thought that Lauren was in her mid to late 20s no no no no no that that would have been preferable according to this birthday video right here 32 things I learned in 30 years yeah that's right Lauren is 30 she's 30 and she's over here doing this to a 16 year old I am nine years I'm almost 10 years younger than this Laney why am I the one looking at the situation and saying hey you probably shouldn't do this for this person's well-being what a mess but what I was noticing was that Lauren seems incapable of taking criticism like when people just accuse her of having no good reason for making the video it was pretty easier for her to just go and say well I care about tattoo infections but it started to make me wonder what if somebody didn't allow her to make that excuse but criticized her anyway would she actually be able to respond so I found out for myself what exactly did you accomplish with this video besides revealing up to 50 you're discussing his twice as mature as you'll ever be the way you're masking toxicity as concern makes my skin crawl Congrats on 100k you deserve precisely zero I just went straight to the boy and so go ahead and guess what Lauren's response to me was let's get a little germ old okay hon just delete your channels just just delete your channel I was gonna say delete the video but just to leave your whole channel like it's not serving a purpose at this point all you're doing is embarrassing yourselves run away like run to the hills start over started in your life it's not too late for you like if you were really a thirty year old woman just getting snippy with people over the internet because they called you out for wrong ah bullying a kid yeah you don't need to be on YouTube you can't defend yourself because there's nothing to defend so then the illustrious Lauren couldn't just leave it on YouTube right like you're gonna go start a dumpster fire on YouTube but then you want to bring it to other places but remember this is coming from a place of concern so she posted on her Instagram story a screenshot where it says and she is canceled and it says you guys I've been canceled yay me for trying to stop sepsis and infections nobody has cancelled to you like if anything you cancelled yourself but at the same time you're not even getting enough attention for it to qualify as canceling you wish you were getting cancelled but sure you're not there yeah she also put it on her Twitter OMG yay my first cancelled comment about me celebration emoji celebration emoji a celebration emoji look my for me to XXXL the thing about this comment is like it's it's four words like it's completely taken out of context what did this come and actually say I can't help but guess that the comment itself probably had much more constructive criticism than just the four words and she is cancelled but you couldn't deal with that so you just took the four words that would make you look the best but the fact that you thought that that would make you look good is really concerning because this just makes you look petty and childish I ran out of camera space I have never gone off on somebody for so long that I just run out of camera space on my phone what was I even saying okay I have my notes and we can see it I wrote like notes on top of my notes that's how much I had to say about this lady you're misusing your platform I completely understand wanting to educate somebody on tattoos and if that's what you were doing they're not fine but what you're doing is using the premise of educating people on tattoos as an excuse for you to vent your bitterness onto children so congrats on that and asking toxicity as sympathy has to be the most toxic thing I can think of and honestly can I just be the first to say that you were too old for this like the people 30 and above in my life I looked to them to help me and to prevent me from making a fool out of myself instead you are the one making the fool out of yourself and dragging just random people into it lake is half your age I am 10 years younger than you and bottom line you're a bully so it would make more sense if the roles were reversed like I could totally understand a 16 year old not understanding the repercussions of speculating on someone's substance abuse or making remarks about their family members when it's unrelated but like you're 30 I think I think I'm gonna name this video you're 30 because that's the only thing I can really take away from this situation she's 30 that's that's all I've got bullying kids on the Internet you know if you see something say something so I said something and everyone knows what kind of person you are but I think more than that she knows Lauren already knows what kind of person she is so ultimately who cares [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: dangelowallace
Views: 1,406,945
Rating: 4.6803923 out of 5
Keywords: d'angelo wallace, dangelowallace, commentary, ma'am . . . you're thirty.
Id: 3gypp2m_51s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 51sec (1431 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2020
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