Every Pokemon! The COMPLETE Ultimate Pokemon Evolution Tree Of Life!

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hello there Pokemon masters welcome to the wonderful world of Pokemon my name is Bert Kabuto be you're poking professor for this series and you know one of my favorite areas of research is evolution how do pokémon evolve from each other and I'm not talking about how they evolve I a level up or with an evolutionary item like a stone no I'm talking about evolution in the way it work here in our world small genetic changes being passed down over hundreds of thousands of generations in a process called natural selection this has taken life from a single-celled organism into the variety of different species you see on the planet today now my most popular video on this channel is all about this idea evolution common ancestry a phylogenetic tree of pugna life discussing three pokémon squirtle Lapras in the fossil tortuga however for this 12 part series I want to upscale I'm not just going to talk about three Pokemon no I'm going to talk about all 807 currently known species of pokémon and then when new species a program we get discovered I'll be talking about them as well the thing is we can't just follow our own tree of life we know that all Pokemon of all from the common ancestor new except new isn't a single-celled organism in the same way that life evolved enough on it no it's a complex thing like a cat okay we also know that there are other things with all the pokemon like dragons spirits and legendary pokemon ultra beasts clearly we're going to be rising in here as well so joining me with you to learn a little bit about Pokemon a little bit about evolution and maybe a little bit about our own world but let's start with some of the earliest types of creatures to appear in our world mollusks mollusks come in a variety of shapes and sizes and often though not exclusively are marine in nature they're invertebrates meaning they have no spines and in the Kanto region both oyster and omastar within that classification will phylum throughout the program while these mollusks will tend to appear as either shelled or non shelled and of course oyster an omastar are both shell we also know that these are some of the oldest creatures in a Pokemon world and the animals they're based off some of the oldest in our own world giving rise to much of modern-day life in the Pokemon world this can be seen in the pub one that it is so fitting that we've started off with the origin to everything our Lord and Savior healings in this case we're talking about omastar and throughout the whole series I will be referencing the final evolution of the Pokemon only because omastar is just a grown up on the night and it is known that the reason that it became extinct is because our stars shell who too big and heavy mean it could no longer chase and crayons shoulder which means boy stur also existed around the same time another type of creature that are actually older than mollusks arsenide Aria and in the Kanto region there is one of these as well Tentacruel based on a jellyfish tend to cool and its pre evolution tentacle are known as the zubats of the sea they have been found all over a Pokemon world and that in itself says an awful lot about the amount of time that they've been here they've had so much time to stretch out and cover the Seas of the Pokemon planet and in all world deadly fishes are possibly some of the oldest multi living creatures they represent the beginning of complex life-forms interestingly though we do know the origin of Pokemon life the pokémon Mew an animal that is a multi-organ creature appearing like a cat is said to contain the DNA of all living popular today suggesting the ancestry of all Pokemon comes back to this point however it is a life film it's far more complex than the single-celled organisms that life on our planet are both from so what gives here well potentially the Pokemon that we call Mew today is different to be pokémon called Mew in the ancient times this creature has evolved to be far more complex and look like other mundane life forms however answer you have a different theory that I'm going to delve into in a later episode for now though we can go to the Pokemon tree and see that we have mu at the base snah Darya as the first branch stretching off the tree and if you go further along you have mollusks and while much of Pokemon life came from the sea and stayed there like seeking which is just a fish and it remained in the oceans others like amphibians and arthropods emerge from the oceans in all their various shapes and sizes arthropods in the age of Pokemon world may have descended from the fossil that we have found for Pokemon tops it was an avid hunter in the ancient pokémon world and some of the life long's that means premier are the crab Pokemon kingler the cicada para sex the beetle pincer the bee Pokemon Pedro and the moth Pokemon venomoth additionally and very likely a close living relative of animals as well is butter free on our planet moths and butterflies are incredibly closely related and this can also be seen in a Pokemon theory this theory suggests that butter free and venomoth swapped evolutionary lines with butts are free looking a heck of a lot like the venom at the pre evolution for venomoth its eyes mouth and color scheme all fit that of Butterfree while the head crest on Caterpie looks an awful lot like that of animals as well as venom off sharing meta pods big dopey eyes whether this Pokemon theory is true or not one thing is for sure but a free and venomoth are very closely related and while I'm on the subject but a freeze evolutionary line is a good way to observe and think about evolution in the Pokemon world Butterfree of course based off of the butterfly in the real world transforms from a cocoon which transforms from a caterpillar in the real world this process is called metamorphosis and that word metamorphosis is actually a better representation of how pokemon evolution happens when a pokemon evolution happens like krabi into kingler that evolution is more like a metamorphosis the process that caterpillars go through in our world to become butterflies anyway speaking of kingler it like all the bud pokemon that we've just mentioned are all invertebrates meaning they don't have spines in fact their skeletons are known as exoskeletons meaning they are on the outside of their body as protective armor and it seems very likely that they may have all descended from Kabutops that said moving up the evolutionary tree skeleton has started to take hold seeking as I said remained in the oceans and that only first known bony fish some fish are not bony but we will get onto that a little bit later in this series for now I've started to leave the oceans in a couple of different varieties one which are the amphibians in the Kansai region the other ones to about is Poliwrath and don't let the glove deceive you this frog is based off of the glass fraud an animal with transparent skin and the tadpoles match Polliwogs to a teeth the swirl on Polliwogs belly that is the intestines of the Frog and a tadpole becoming a frog is yet another example of metamorphosis in our world there is another Pokemon in Kanto that you may think to be a frog Bulbasaur but Bulbasaur in its evolutionary line ending in Venus or a Pokemon based off of reptiles specifically lizards these across the evolutionary tree from amphibians in a group known as reptilians and while they are based on lizards there is actually a dinosaur known as Bulbasaur dinosaurs are also of course reptiles of the ancient world the Baba Soros was not named after Bulbasaur while they do have incredibly similar names it was named for his big bulbous nose and Saurus because it's a dinosaur that's how we know of course that you saw is a reptile not an amphibian reptilia also come in a variety of other different things like snakes turtles and tortoises and these can be seen in our bond Lapras and lobsters plus there's a Lapras I have discussed thoroughly before and they even have a common ancestor in the Pokemon world but why don't I say that for another part about to is another great example of evolution in action you see our bark has different patterns on its hood depending on which regions you find it in it's kind of like a predecessor to a lowland things and these variants have proven successful in their different regions based on what works perhaps specific designs allow it to intimidate prey allowing it to survive and reproduce and other designs may prove better at finding a mate for whatever reason these pattern variants get passed down over different generations and it means that the our box will have the slightly different versions depending on what region you find it in and this is evolution at work now there's one new section to Reptilia that exists in the world of Pokemon that doesn't exist in the real world and these are Draconis dragons and these two come in a variety of different shades we can take a look at some of these more serpent-like ones for example dragon eye and its pre evolutions and garrow's - maybe some kind of sea serpent now you might consider the garrow's to be more like a fish because of its pre evolution magical but as we've already discussed the way that evolution works in the Pokemon world is more akin to metamorphosis magic heart becoming Gyarados Magikarp is essentially the larva stage it is the baby stage and Gyarados is the final not only that it ties into our own world mythology of dragons and the story of the carp jumping over the Dragons gate and while you might be thinking that Garros is not a driving type there are several reasons as to why it could still be a dragon in the world of Pokemon number one it's used by Lance an expert in dragon Pokemon just sort of seems like a point in his favor as well as being located in the Dragons Den but on top of that we can't really use Pokemon types and the series to distinguish the different types of species for example both drapion and gliscor from generation 4 are clearly related they both have a lot of similar traits with drapion being a poison type and gliscor having the poison heal ability they are both scorpion like in nature and I will discuss them further in the generation 4 video however they do not share typing's as well as that a lowland variants of their original cancer counterparts usually have wildly different Taipings from their originals and yet these Pokemon are clearly relates it to the original versions as well as being the exact same type of animal so we can't distinguish what type of animal they are based on their types oh and as a side note another way that you might determine a creatures species in the real world is its ability to breed with other animals if they can't reproduce similar than they're probably not closely related however in the Pokemon world a groups work a little bit differently I suspect and I have had Pokemon theories that suggest that breeding does not want the same way and when you can have a skitty breed with a Wailord you know that they're not the same species of Pokemon so yes we have to take this alternative more investigative approach there was also a Pokemon theory that suggests just like venom Alton Butterfree the Gyarados and Dragonite also had their evolutionary lines swapped over with Magikarp looking at tad the more like Dragonite although I don't really see it myself and Gyarados being a natural fit to the end of the dragonair dratini line with magic harp and Dragonite sharing a more distinct color scheme and again the legend of Magikarp popping over the fence becoming a dragon would make sense for it to become a dragon type and Garros being a natural final progression to dratini and dragonair certainly in shape so you can see that these Pokemon are related although I don't buy that theory 100% there is another creature encounter that is also closely related to the Dragons and it's a wyvern and this is the fossil of the Pokemon Aerodactyl now wyverns in legend a myth are traditionally a little bit different to dragons the best way to distinguish them from their brethren are the fact that their arms are part of their wings anyway dragons and wyverns share a ton of similarities and again Aerodactyl is a pub one used by Lance the dragon master so arid actual very likely a dragon slash wyvern of some sort maybe even the ancestor to all dragons you could certainly see how those claws at the end of its wing might become redundant and over the years it might develop a new set of arms this is over hundreds of thousands of years of evolution and you would end up with a Pokemon more like Charizard and yes Charizard you too are a dragon again being used by Lance but also it does have a mega evolution which is Dragon type it's certainly no lizard it breathes fire and flies this is what you think of when you think about dragons it's also possible to the way it flies and have fire igniting out of its tail and the way complete fire is that it has lungs filled with methane somewhere in its biology the ability to convert oxygen into methane it is a gas both very flammable as well as it is more buoyant than air which means that Charizard body will be easier to lift allowing it to fly gracefully and carry its own weight as well about methane is toxic meaning it can't stay in the body or else it went poison itself and that would make sense as to why Charizard us of all faiths hail that expels flames when the flame goes out Charizard will die not because there's no flame there but rather because no longer expelling that deadly methane poisonous gas now evolving from ancient reptiles and ancient Wizards are the birds that's right monday birds you see they actually evolved out of the closest living relatives to the dinosaurs and yes there are dinosaurs in the Pokemon world I will get to that too I guess some of them survived but you can see it in alien life at fira Pidgeot we can evolve with rattle like qualities dodrio is an odd type of bird evolved alongside these but is it definitely a bird go back and Farfetch'd are less Raptor like they are type of bird known as well a dark and in the fossil record pokémon there is a creature that connects these Pokemon to reptiles but again we will save that for later so revoked at the origin a Pokemon life encounter sanae daria mollusks bony fish amphibians reptiles and avian life there is only one other type of life-form that we really discussing this video and that is mammalian life you and I where we have come from but before that let's talk about our mystery pokémon of the day now with every generation of Pokemon there's always one creature that absolutely bubbles the mind of perplexes Pokemon theorists like myself whenever I see these evolutionary trees these are the ones that truly confuse us and in this part I want to talk about the Pokemon slowpoke what is it is it a salamander an amphibian that can lose its own tail and we grow it we know slope hotels are sold what a hippo its aquatic or a sloth it's slow I honestly wasn't sure until researching for this project maybe you have your best guesses let me know in the comments below and we'll check in a little bit later on so mammals are vertebrates they are animals with hair or fur and mammary glands which in the females of a species secrete milk than a young to drink this includes of course humans you and I although humans of the water pokemon did not evolve from Pokemon and I will explain that a lot later on in this series but for now let's take a look at those human-like pokemon Hitmonchan hitmonlee and machamp who likely share a common ancestor with many of the ape or simian pokemon and those include prime e and a ton of other pokemon get to later these Pokemon seem to evolved similarly to how eight life and humans have evolved in our world but definitely humans did not have all from hit on Chan hit on Liam a champ I will talk about that a little bit later on other closely related mammals come in the form of rodentia Pokemon like rat icky and it's all only inform Pikachu or in this case right you right you also with and alone seem to be very closely related they are sort of transitional form between the Pokemon as they are currently and what they could become this isn't to say that alone and Raticate or right you are going to suddenly transform one day again that would be metamorphosis no it is to say that their offspring will continue to look evermore different from the original Raticate and write you from cancer and eventually they will just be totally different species of pokémon altogether again this is just like our bark and its hood patterns eventually it'll look like a totally different kind of snake further along and Mammalia are the pokemon based off of marsupials like the kangaroo Kangaskhan and the almost guaranteed to be related marijuana and it's a little I'm sure you had a number of Pokemon theories as to why these Pokemon are related but a cubone is just an abandoned baby Kangaskhan and this theory seems to have even more credence with you SOS chaining and poking all to summon ultra moon where q bones can call Kangaskhan for help it seems very likely that these Pokemon are super related while snoop yours are mostly known for their pouches and carrying their young although not all marsupials have this now dubbed Rio and it's alone and form are based off of moles and there's nothing too much more to add here other than a load of Gaea look stupid similarly sound / it's a lonely form which doesn't look stupid are also diggers they are based off of pangolins other mammals hypno is a creamy creamy tapir and need a king I need Queen our base of all rhinos although if you were looking just on its previous evolutions you might be inclined to think that they're based off of rabbits however ideally we are looking at the final evolutions here so yes they are based off of rhinos now there's a piece ability here that need a queen is not something from nature the rolla need a queen is a failed cloning attempt of lido King this scene in the fact that it's not just some regular gender variant like other Pokemon but rather it is its own species of pokémon a species of pokémon that cannot breed near the Queen and its pre evolved from the arena they they can't breed even though most of a Pokemon can unless they are legendary or genderless Pokemon as well as its shiny phone has the same coloring to the video King as well as being highly associated with Team Rocket's leader Giovanni a person who is expertly known and renowned for his ace research into cloning it's possible that he just did not need a king first and that need arena is not a natural Pokemon but there's not really enough evidence to back up that Pokemon theory so for now we'll just assume that it's based of a rhino and very closely related to neither King essentially the same Pokemon now all these pokeman I've just mentioned are based on an omelet which is a massive group of Mammalia there's also includes balls like Taurus and horses like rabbit ash and weed Lee a branch of life that has returned to the sea these include sea lions and dugongs the creature that dugong is based off of and the creature slowpoke and its evolution Slowbro are based on them if you guessed the extinct sea manatee called promised aside then you were right but seriously if you guessed that you googled at first look at this thing this thing is a slowpoke and it makes so much sense and interestingly these types of creatures these types of poke would have returned to the ocean and they are not fish they are not based on the fish whales are the same we'll talk about those a little bit later on in the series no they are also mammals back on land though carnivorous began to evolve and they consist of cats dogs wolves and foxes and so much more in the Pokemon world this is Persian and it's lowland variant they are cats Arcanine of course is a dog it's a canine so that's one of my favorite book whatever is a bear and between the dogs and cats is a species newgen a book more world much like dragons between them are these kinds of Fox cat dog creatures like Flareon Jolteon a Vaporeon it sort of hybrid of all the different traits of these similarly related animals and that makes sense because Evie is the poster child for evolution it is a conglomeration of different traits from different creatures and it's evolutions are no difference so here we get a branch of life that doesn't exist in the real world but kind of like plant Pokemon or ghosts treat your which there is so much enough way of Bost life and plant life in the Kanto region like vileplume or Gengar as well as that that's legendary Pokemon like the legendary birds mantras APIs and Articuno or what about manmade Pokemon like religion Mewtwo well all that is gonna have to wait for future parts for now though let's hop across the border and take a look at Joe tone hello Pokemon masters Bucky Berto be here and had a lot of interesting different forms of life however now we must look to its neighboring region of Johto stretching from mount silver to the world islands the life-forms found here can help us paint a bigger picture of what's going on in the Pokemon world and we'll finally get to see how some of these creatures relate to the ones from the Kanto region what types of creatures might we find in it additionally there is one more Pokemon that's kind of our perplexing Pokemon of the day so to speak and that is Blissey what is this Pokemon you're gonna have to let me know your thoughts in the comments your guesses and see if you're right later you know feathers like a bird in a pouch like a marsupial it lays eggs like a bird a reptile but it's not a bird I mean come on it can't be right I'm a bird keeper I would know for now let's look at a different type of life this Cnidaria and a coral Pokemon named corsola corsola is a Pokemon found around olivine city and the world islands and corals in the human world but despite their appearances are fact animals in diverse Burress corsola and coral was a part of a classification near daria and they are actually quite closely related to mollusks which as we said in the last part some homes living shells to great examples here on the cargo and shuttle well it's less clear with shock or mcCargo lightly developed in an era where the earth was still boiling on the surface it's only in this extreme environment where such an extreme type of life could survive none shall blasts include the octopus one of the most bizarre things of life to exist here and in the Pokemon world for that to any hammock Tillery in fact according to its Pokemon Sun projects entry this Pokemon is a descendant of the lord helix self-honesty other types of sea life worth noting here the other bone is H like Antonin qwilfish kingdra is also amongst these being a see who's there is another type of sea life here there are major to read but in evil be different and that is it man time now Mantine or man teen is often seen with a remoraid attached under its wing this might be similar to how clean a fish work in our world cleaner fish have a sort of symbiotic relationship with the vision of the swim around many of them eaten dead cells or bad bacteria from in and around the fish that's right they even go in the bigger fishes Maps but the bigger fish don't eat them instead they let them do their job the two creatures helped each other survive and we can see this in how man's like a wolves into man time this when you have a remoraid in your party now we move on to the arthropods they emerge from the sea long ago and they wear their skeletons on the outside in the form of exoskeletons ariados isn't a blackhead ariados though is not actually attracted having only four limbs instead of eight and this will continue through all spider pokemon in the future I guess Pokemon just likes to keep it liyan is of course a ladybug and heracross a beetle and i said in the last part that it's likely that these life-forms evolved from the arthropod known as Kabutops in ancient times and this can be seen in another Pokemon from Kanto cipher and it's Jojo evolution sizzle like I say you can't see it so much with sizzle but you can see the similar traits between Sipho and Kabutops not only do they both have massive size for hands they also have similar postures and are both great hunters with incredible agility once introduced to the metal coat its size changed drastically but you can see how these pokemon could be connected similarly the technique of evolving a metal exoskeleton to help you survive is shared with other bond Pokemon including fortress it is the evolution of the program pineco which is not actually a pinecone it just looks like them there are sea bag worms like Bernie and bag worms become moths so fortress is actually kind of like metabolic hakuna it's still in the cocoon state and clearly whatever it's doing is working for it so it doesn't need to go any further than that so it's a coolant closely related to the moths and butterflies amphibians are water around this generation with quality of easly related to Poliwrath is also Quags angle which is an axolotl and if you know your Pokemon they'll be popping up again in the next episode another part where life divert is reptilian and in the johto region there are plenty of those Dunsparce and seelix of course are snakes and in the johto region it does seem that forming a metal exoskeleton is the way to go although reptiles don't typically have exoskeleton this is the Pokemon world so we have to give it some leeway and fun side note here about Dunsparce it's pokedex entries talking about how it happily shares tunnels with diglettz we also get our first look at crocodiles and alligators in the forum or alligator which is it's an alligator it's still in contention but it's thought that alligators and crocodiles are very closely related to birds and are some of the closest living relatives alongside birds to the dinosaurs in fact it's worth noting here that birds actually are dinosaurs they are just relatives they are what dinosaurs look like in the present day birds equal dinosaurs however in the Pokemon world dinosaurs have also lived in their more traditional forms in the Pokemon Quran at all while there is of course a fossil Pokemon of the t-rex in tyrantrum which will be later on down the line Tyranitar is a living modern-day version so it seems that some of the dinosaurs of the program world managed to survive this could also be seen Meganium and while it's exciting to talk about the survival of these Pokemon we're gonna explore their evolutionary branches a little bit more in later paths there is also one more change to the world of Pokemon that I would like to suggest that's a little bit different from our own and that is the evolution of bats bats in our world are very clearly mammals they evolved alongside the rest of the Mammalia but in the Pokemon world there is a theory that strongly connects bats like throwback to reptiles in the form of Aerodactyl it is said the crobat might be the closest living relative to Aerodactyl there are a lot of shared traits between these Pokemon from their wing structure to pointy ears and teeth being only present in the bottom row as well as that as the theory goes they both have similar stat curves movesets they're both omnivores and they are both cave dwellers the list goes on and there is a link below to the full theory video explaining this but it seems likely the crow bat is the closest living relative to Aerodactyl meaning the bats in the Pokemon world might actually be a form of reptile that is evolved similar to mammals mammal-like reptiles just like how whales are mammals not fish but more on that later taking to the skies further are the bird Pokemon which was evolved from the dinosaurs of the ancestor of Tyranitar is also probably the ancestor to a lot of the bird Pokemon Teli bird is a penguin Skarmory yet another steel exterior creature and clearly a bird Zorin knocked out of a not how obviously being an owl so perhaps there was some relationship between those two as well in the world of mammals we have Donna time which is an elephant azumarill witches are rodent with relations to a mouse gerbil and a rabbit depending on which trace you look at dry frig of course is a trough and slowking a seagull joining Slowbro speaking of cows milk tank and Taurus are so closely related being practically gender variance of each other much like how neato king and Nidoqueen are different species a Pokemon share a lot of history in law also no thang is pretty scary so I wouldn't dare place it incorrectly you know that they are related Mariza Whitney Steffen there's a deer meaning it's not too far related from Pokemon like girafarig or rapidash and fro see some kind of bizarre and sheep with fine wool and we can't forget the human like Pokemon either with hitmontop teaming up with eh and him only in carnivore we have another bear that's Ursaring and fur and telogen are respectively based off of ferrets and Badgers which are both very closely related animals and well there are no cats in Jojo there are dogs near league ramble houndoom and spin and two new types of dog cat fox creatures in Espeon and Umbreon oh these eeveelutions are an odd bunch but you can see how certain ones seem to specialize in particular traits with Jolteon looking a little bit more like a fox and s beyond being the most feline of them all and possibly the closest living relative of me this is to say that over millions of years some of the creatures are unlikely to look close to the original form of life and here we can see between Espeon mu that they are very similar they are both feline psychic they have similar color schemes as well as that mu is the ancestor to all pokemon wall Espeon is an evolution of Eevee the Pokemon that is known for its DNA diversity but you know in Tunisia talk too much about the legendaries in these parts I want to save those for later on however there is a trio here that may well be very closely related to the EU nations as well and that is the legendary beasts Reiko Entei weak these creatures are said to be resurrected from dead Pokemon by the legendary Pokemon hoho now no one's quite sure where ho came from either but least three Pokemon may well be resurrected Flareon Jolteon a Vaporeon this is a very popular theory amongst postal researchers and giving the evolution significant inequity city where the burn tower is you can see how these Pokemon might be related now there is one more Pokemon that of course I want to talk about when it comes to mammals and did you forget its Blissey after discussing this with two different evolutionary biology students and many Pokemon eggs but I finally came to a decision about this Pokemon but you might disagree I believe it to be an undiscovered type of monitor monotremes are some of the most bizarre life-forms on earth and they are as well mammals and you only really see them in two groups the platypus and four different species of echidnas these odd animals have all kinds of traits that don't typically fit in nature the kidneys have spikes like a porcupine platypuses have bills like a duck but then they have pouches and they lay eggs and Blissey kind of fits it it has a body shape that definitely isn't a bird but then it has feathers and has a pouch and lays eggs so like I say after many discussions among a few made sense to me but maybe you have a better argument which you can leave in the comments like a platypus it's certainly not a bird and the feathers may be more like the spines and quills of an echidna but again y'all have to let me know your thoughts that before we move over to hone in part three hello Pokemon masters bug keeper Tommy here and welcome back to the wonderful world of Pokemon in this part we're going to explore the exotic Hoenn region with high volcano Peaks vast oceans and blistering deserts the life here has evolved to be pretty interesting so let's start with a new type of life-form in this series and one that I find kind of hard to pronounce echinoderms this is a type of life-form that exists in the water and is known for its five-point radial symmetry you might know them typically as starfish but in the Hoenn region the most notable member of its classification is cradle II and this is based off of sea lilies this ancient monstrosity may have given way to an abundance of life in the Pokemon world but it may not be related to the life-forms that we know today this is because sea lilies in the real world exist at the bottom of the ocean and their environments have not changed much they exist so far away from the rest of the planet and can't really move in the same way that Cray dilli can anyway the normal route to go down is mollusks like swallow which will be our first non shelled mollusk and from here we can see the split into arthropods in this generation armaldo is another fossil Pokemon just like a blue top you may be answer many of the other kinds of arthropods in the whole region this includes beautifly and our stocks again a butterfly and a moth and speaking a moth there is also fly gan who seems to be more based off of a moth than a dragon trapinch is the antlion pokemon which are insects that trap and eat ants like Joran meaning again that yes Flygon it's a bug may not be a bug type but it is a bug my screen is another insect based off of the lantern fly and ninjask as well as a close relative she ninja are cicadas much like or a sect also in the world of bugs are volbeat and illumise who are based on fireflies portal shows itself as a close relative of kingler however is said to be an invasive species not actually originating in the Hoenn region and interestingly there are connections between this bug one and another pokémon in the Hoenn region Sharpedo which is obviously a shark and as we've discussed before closer related to manta rays like Matt time than it is to other fish and this is because it has a skeleton made of cartilage and not bone and it seems likely that in the Hoenn region Korra has evolved to look like Sharpedo underwater to intimidate its prey and possibly to scare off predators like other Sharpedo you could see this based on the shape of its mouth as well as the star on its head just like sharpedo's there's also another closely related odd type of fish known as a jawless fish and this is where wish cash comes from it's based off of a catfish and it has being a jawless fish you guessed it no jewel allowing it to do all sorts of things like swallow a master all the more typical bony fish of the region come in the form of Luvdisc huntail and gorebyss until gorebyss being eels there is some debate about gorebyss who represents both an eel and the long those chimera which is actually real closely related to sharks rays however most seem to agree on being a fish again the debate may exist with it to be able to clamp although compiled itself may not be a clam but more likely a fish egg either way we focus on the viable evolutionary form and that here is Globus and entail they are fish and there is one fish in the Hoenn region that has the highest importance when it comes to this tree enter run again now Pokemon masters the sea life in the Hoenn region is abundant but there's one Pokemon we've gotta have a look at and that is relicanth relicanth is what's known as a living fossil but why well it's a creature that has existed in more or less the same form for the longest time it's based off the coal account in our world a fish that was said to be extinct for over 66 million years and then suddenly it turned up in the 1930s so what gives what its use might be going on here and how a creature like relicanth can possibly exist is why most creatures tend to diversify as they are evolved over millions of years adapting their looks shapes and capabilities in the ever-changing landscape that is the planet sometimes you just can't fix what isn't broken if the environment that relic camp has lived on has remained consistently the same with very little change a consistent food source not too many new predators or perhaps the environment just doesn't change very much then there's no reason for this bug more to diversify and the new specialized genetic traits don't get passed down consistently enough this means that what relicanth has been evolving this as every other animal always is on the planet its form a stayed relatively the same over millions of years it will of course look slightly different some traits may have passed down but it's more or less than same creature and that's why the cola camp and relicanth are known as living fossils however many of the curly cans may have moved away from the oceans and eventually of all those millions of years to become a phidian's and that's where we're looking next and there is just one of you being in this region and I told you in the last part you'll be seeing the axolotl again the Pokemon but Wooper and Quagsire based off of and here well I heard you like my jokes is based off of this animal and again it is a water ground type just like Quagsire another star for Pokemon is just on the other side of the tree a reptile Sceptile yeah you can even see it in the name and it's not the only green lizard in Howard Keck kion's there as well so Viper of course is a snake and likely very closely related to arbok and torkoal is a tortoise and with the other types of reptiles Draconis is Milotic which is absolutely shoot of Gyarados his line not only of these pokeman incredibly similar but magic off the pre evolution of Gyarados is the most abundant pokemon on the planet it can be found literally everywhere and when you're found everywhere you are food for everyone so there's some compelling reasons here as to why Phoebus am i allergic involved the way they have if you look as ugly as a FIBA sorry Phoebus you are less likely to get eaten you look like a Magikarp that's gone off and then when you evolve into a Milotic you are most likely to bleed when you're just that pretty amongst a sea of very ugly lucky Gyarados you're very likely to find a may and pass down your jeans and Gyarados of course being the terrifying problem that it is will protect the young of Nilotic meaning the genes that create Phoebus are even more likely to survive however the reason the Phoebus is so rare is because Magikarp is just so abundant in number there are so many of them that it's unlikely that my load sticks are breeding together and most of them are breeding with Gyarados misty basses are also reading with Magikarp in their local areas and Magikarp eggs have the lowest hatch rate that meaning the eggs hatch the quickest these Pokemon swim everywhere and so just in the fight of sheer numbers phoebus's DNA is less likely to get passed down and more likely to return to that of magic arts and of course with magic arts intense warming abilities that's simply how its DNA has managed to survive yes it gets eaten by everyone but at the same time there's just so many of it it can't all be easy now there is of course another big dragon in the home which is Salomon's and its pre evolution can be found in meteor falls and is ofcourse there with Charizard and as well as dragons there's a new type of living dinosaur in Agra bankroll is again one of those living dinosaurs it's not a rhino like need okay man need a queen there's actually a Pokemon in the next generation that ties it in with the dinos even further but for now if it helps think of it more like Tyranitar I'm speaking of the dinos there is one that is just like Meganium and this is Tropius they're both grass site behemoths with vegetation growing from their necks the only difference is the Tropius consol hide in the skies like the birds so while I pad a part an old tire and the more obviously being based off of a swallow a pelican and a mythological bird known as a ping however there are some odd-looking birds here one of my favorite being blazing up this is based off of a Shamu chicken which I believe are some of the coolest looking birds and I should know I am a bird keeper Ludicolo also has a ton of odd traits but definitely seems to be some kind of duck just look at that beak putting it right up there with gold back on far-fetched and now finally we return to the ground in the world of memedia and we'll start with those human-like mammals with medicham and Karianna as well as the eat like pokemon is slacking Breloom is a marsupial it's a kangaroo and it would seem to be more based on of a kangaroo than a mushroom it's a kangaroo with mushrooms growing on it now there is a type of mammal that I've really been wanting to talk about all series so far and that is cetaceans and so teach-ins are mammals that have returned to the sea and they are what whales are what way onboard is they aren't fish they don't have gills that breathe water know they have lungs and they need to breathe air however given their adaptations even though they have lungs and have evolved to a libyan land in the past they do need to live in the oceans they simply won't be able to survive on the land however if you want to see what they would look like on man well look no further than their closest living relatives hippopotamuses which you know there's a pokemon in the next generation that is based on now other closely related animals are camels like Tanner ups grumpig leeches pig and worry which is our walrus now these names are really on the nose into carnivore there is the weasel Pokemon Lagoon the dog Pokemon like my Tiana and abyssal and the best spindle there is also a mongoose in zangoose and the cat pokemon delicacy these Pokemon are all really obviously placed based on their real-world counterparts now let's take a look at the rodents because there is something interesting here Plusle and minun these are actually a little bit more based off of rabbits we know that in every generation of Pokemon there is an all-electric rodent that looks a little bit like Pikachu however they're all based on different animals so should I play some more scattered across the Tree of Life I'm thinking not we know that the Pokemon world is a little bit different to Ozzy least they have dragons and ghosts and plants that are alive but we'll get to the ghosts and plants a little bit later on some it seems reasonable to expect that all these rodents probably are very closely related plus my mind I'm a probably closer related to right you and lo them right you than it is to say azumarill the shares in the ramen is speaking of rabbit like ears there is the final corner following that we need to talk about and that it's expired this Pokemon was hard to place because it is literally a walking boom box there is not a lot to go on this is one of the rare occasions where we do have to look the pre evolution and Wisma is the only Pokemon in this line that shares any resemblance to an animal that's all again a rabbit it's got its little rabbit tail and its big old ears so that is where I am going to place Exploud but maybe you have a better suggestion hopefully the Pokemon of the center region are a little bit clearer to define but now we can pull back and have a look at Kanto Johto and hone all together on a tree of life there's only four more regions to go but nine more episodes there's a lot more to discuss in the wonderful hey Pokemon masters bug keeper Toby here in the story of the evolution of Pokemon life there are some environments that are particularly harsh and life finds it difficult to survive and the snowy mountain peaks of sin oh well they're no exception that said harsh environments often tend to breed more extreme variants of life so let's see how they would fit onto our phylogenetic tree did you wrap up warm let's take a look at the sinnoh region now the cool thing about the center region is that there's lots of final evolutions of Pokemon that previously didn't have final evolutions take for example the two that I'm about to bring up magma tar and electivire evolutions of magma and electabuzz respectively now these Pokemon are very bizarre when it comes to their designs what are they magma Tata has traits of a duck and a lizard electivire could be a big cat or a great ape we just don't know let me know your guesses in the comments and we'll reveal the truth pretty soon starting with the lower forms of life there is just one mollusk gastrin on this pokemon takes on different forms depending on where you find them whether you find them in the east or the west so i wonder what would have anything find one directly in the middle of the sinnoh region not in the east or the west we also know that Gaston changes its form depending on whether it's the east or the west of whichever region you find it in but we know not all of the Pokemon regions are sitting on a straight line so whether these are actually east and west forms is kind of undetermined now on to the creepy crawlies that are the are spots and many other pokemon on this list are related to pre-existing Pokemon vespiquen of course is likely related to Beedrill being based off of a queen bee cricket ah is a cricket and closely related to sisal and mafia man Warmerdam are based on the bad one just like fortress drapion is not related to any of the already existing book one on this list but as we said before is very likely related to gly school not only do they look very similar and both come from the same region gliscor also has the poison heel ability linking it further to drapion as well as that at least repellant is an arachnid based off a scorpion and gliscor has a scorpion-like tail even school high school by scorpion a guiding scorpion now a further monstrous bug comes in the form of young mega which likely existed more commonly in ancient times and nowadays only tends to exist in the pre-evolved form known as yanma in order to have all this Pokemon it needs the right learn set one that includes ancient power this is the signature move a fossil Pokemon and tells us that yanmega likely existed more commonly in the ancient past there are actually several Pokemon like this that fit this trend tangrowth and Mamoswine which are exactly the same we won't talk about tangrowth today and Mamoswine will belated a little bit later on but it does show that the giant great white north sinnoh region was also home to lots of giant and great big pokemon moving up the tree we have yet another bony fish in neon and another shark that being Garchomp oh that's right Garchomp did not truly evolve with the other dragons no instead it is the land shark Pokemon that is the classification of its baby stage gibble and additionally both ear and Sharpedo have the rough skin ability they have the same color scheme and head star and even the shiny forms Sharpedo matches the shiny form of mega garchomp so much like a Flygon is a dragon like bug Garchomp is a true like shock checking in with the amphibians before we move on three reptiles though there is just one Toxicroak who of course resembles the real poison dart frog a frog secretes deadly toxins so uh don't touch in the family Reptilia we see licky licky who is that our best guest a lizard especially looking at its tongue it might be similarly related to a chameleon perhaps connected to kecleon in some way Torterra is of course a tortoise and I'm father Sebastian are both resurrected ancient pokémon sharing connection with the living dinosaurs of today with rampardos it's easy to see how it may be an ancestor to modern based Tyranitar and with Mastodon it's even clearer how it may be rated to mande a Grom and the three evolutions of these Pokemon our on and shield are not only look very similar and share very similar typings but the theory goes that they lived in similar areas they both have the same sturdy ability and washable Don used to eat berries on eat metal showing the dietary change of this Pokemon as steel became Erin's primary type of course these Dino like Pokemon are the true ancestors of many of the mande birds as well of which we have three here stretcher chatot and Empoleon and Polian is an emperor penguin which means it's related to delibird - i also want to place magnetar in with the birds well certainly it has lizard-like traits in magma the form of its arms can be seen kind of like wings with feathers its mouth as a beak and its feet and legs strongly resembled that of eight birds it would seem most likely to be a type of duck man between mag mortar on Ludicolo the ducks of this world are just a little bit odd in all the mammals we have rodents our first clear rabbit which is lopunny no body a barrel is Aviva and Pachirisu joins the electric road in Pokemon a rhino Pokemon him right period who shares a lot in common with neither King Annie the Queen and hip out on is that a hippo Pokemon that I mentioned before in aquatic mammal which is likely the closest animal related to seditions like whale Lord that's right in the tree of life well Lord and powered on our cousin's the final giant mammal I want to talk about is the mammoth Pokemon Mamoswine and again because of the ancient power evolution method it seemed that this Pokemon only became Mamoswine more in ancient times however you can see in modern times how it be closely related to to donphan there are is a Pokemon theory that suggests that the reason the palace wines home is the I see cave-in Johto and the only way it can become a Mamoswine is traveling further north to the corner of Sinnoh is because of a climate change after the last great Ice Age which is referenced in malice wines pokedex entries down Southwest wine up originally came from they can only really survive in the icy path and it's only by moving through the icy path and Beyond blackphone city that they could begin to thrive outside in the form that became vampy and thus donphan and i make sense because elephants are related to mammoths now let's take a look at carnivorous amongst them are weasels and skunks that can be seen in floatzel Weavile and scum tank the only skunk pokemon lucario is a jackal a type of dog and proudly as well as luxray are cats basically under leave you and join their evolutionary brethren in the dog cat fox hybrid pokemon and cats is also where I want to put a lector lair maybe it's just personal opinion but to me electivire in its pre evolution electabuzz I very reminiscent of saber-tooth cats we strikes like a tiger this can be very well seen illustrating characterized feel notes just like magma being a duck but maybe your opinions differ here I have seen some post online suggesting the electivire is some kind of grey ape speaking of which and the palm and Infernape are monkeys even though Infernape is called an ape it's not because it has a tail so it's actually a monkey every ball has two tails though so I guess it's twice the monkey that a fern ever was but now we pull back and we see the Pokemon of Kanto Johto horns you know all on one big tree of life you'll notice that there are some Pokemon missing and they'll be after me covered once we've investigated the other regions of the Pokemon world hey Pokemon masters Berkey Berto we here Kanto Johto Hoenn and sin oh those are the regions we've explored so far and so naturally this next part will consist of the you Nova region and the environments very different too we've looked at the grassy plains of Kanto the tropical rainforests of Hoenn and the snowy peaks of sin oh but you know where it's far more urban in its environment how is Pokemon life adapted and evolved around human beings let's take a look at some of the earliest forms of life snide aria course learns how to hula the only Pokemon in this category of simple life Jellison makes in the last being the fifth generations version of Tentacruel and completing this segment of the tree in order arthropods kruskal's needs to be this generations version of Paris XOR kingler but it is definitely closer to kinga story meeting Kyle Baxter are just big bugs Khalfan Sheila being another arachnid although again it only has four legs not eight just like ariados except this one has two fields so I guess there's a little bit more accurate Monday spiders and tarantulas your aunt is obviously an aunt and the victim to both traffic and eat more both of these pokémon like to eat Durin's leave honey is some kind of mantis with Volcarona being a mega loss and these aren't the only Pokemon bugging me ex cavalier and her cell war are curiosities indeed but looking at their pre evolutions we learned that ex cavalier is a beetle and a cell wall is a mosque of some kind it is the only mosque of this generation and that's all the arthropods so further up the line we move to the rest of aquatic life but stunfisk an electron Julis fish being fat fish and eels respectively while basking in and aloe LaMotta are both regular bony fish and of course there is no way that a Lola mola isn't closely related to Luvdisc maybe it doesn't evoke from it in the Pokemon sense of the word but certainly in the real world they are closely related other words as well as of course include the amphibians and again we see some symmetry with early generations seismitoad being this generations Poliwrath if you don't believe me just compare tympole and poliwag they're both small round tadpoles and Poliwrath is related to politoed and Palpa toad is the evolution of time pop that lots of similar names there now of course the next direction life is gone is Reptilia scrappy joins the lizards and superior is of course a snake Draconis come up in this generation in the form of high dry ghana maximus and drum although it is possible but unlikely given its rough skin the drug Adan might actually be an offshoot of Sharpedo and Garchomp however part of having the rough skin ability and somewhat similar coloration there isn't a lot of evidence to really suggest that so that pugna theory is quite and I'm happy to put it with the other dragons I guess you'll have to let me know what you think turtles are of course a thing this generation and the inspiration for this whole series as you remember I did a video explaining how evolution works with Lapras squirtle and tier 2 girl of course in this video we're talking about Tara Costa Cara Costa being the ancestor of all turtle and tortoise life in the Pokemon world not just like Rossum Blastoise but also the likes of poor Tara and poor Cole this Pokemon also used to live in the time of armor star with a jaw that is said to be able to easily crush them on the star shells and adaptations like a strong jaw or big flippers or a tough shell these are the things that have passed down to become all the other foods of turtle life the same is true for bird Pokemon birds are the living ancestors of dinosaurs I should know I'm a bird keeper after all and it seems that the generation 5 fossils tell a really great backstory about the history of the Pokemon world we've talked a number of times about Cara Costa but now let's take a look at archeops based off the real world Archaeopteryx this creature is a sort of transitional form with just enough traits to be a reptile still but also enough traits to be considered a bird it's considered the first bird and archeops is based off of it it is the ancestor to all bird Pokemon so of course it gets placed right on the first spoke of all bird life it gave way to all other bird Pokemon but remember birds actually are dinosaurs they're just the modern-day versions and again just like how Costa the other generation 5 fossil this Pokemon also used to eat honester little beak marks have been found in on the night shell according to the Pokedex poor lord helix breviary man debuffs on pheasant as well as city lift and SWANA also seemed to be Birds sizzle if is of course the most bizarre one physiologically speaking but may well be related to czar - who also appears on tyrants there is of course another type of reptile that is quite closely related to birds as well as other lizards and lat is crocodiles and alligators and here we have Krueger doll my favorite bug one of this generation and this Pokemon has something really cool about it it is a cooperative hunter according to the Pokedex it hunts alongside Flygon with Flygon whipping up giant sand stones and cookie dough hiding within the sand that it creates then these two Pokemon hunt down their prey and share the bounty examples like this in the real world are very few and far between but even then it's used by only within creatures of the same species we also previously discussed the bat pokémon like crobat although being mammals in our world may be mammal like lizards evolved from Aerodactyl placing this generation zoo back lone Matt and it's evolution swoo bat among speaking of mammalian life starting at the tippity-top song can throw of the most human-like pokemon being great apes however it is important to note that humans did not evolve from Pokemon but you'll have to wait on the final parts to learn about that Conkeldurr is also among them CB poss agency air are all of course monkeys and they are amongst my least favorite pokemon Domino town also joins them being based off an orangutan omocha is another one of the electric rodents with chin sino also being eroded what hog isn't do distantly related either being a groundhog with an element of meerkat speaking of cats we look to car never where lie part is the only actual cat this generation this rivaling generation ones version betta Caswell is a bear and Scotland is a dog with zoar lakh being a dog or fox also closely related at the weasels where we have men's channel and there is also samurai which despite the name is not actually an otter but is much closer to a sea lion in its final form there are a few more mammals Emboar is a pig grumpig sawsbuck is a deer like sandler Buffon a bison and of course related to Taurus miltank zip striker is a zebra and closely related to the horses and s Cottrell is a mole like dog drian heat more is an anteater and praise of course on Durant and he says are part of the same groups as soft so if slack off was the final evolution that would be here but uh no slacking is the final form and that leaves just one more generation 5 Pokemon the bug one whose name I have a lot of trouble pronouncing Moo Shawna who is obviously so closely related to hypno this is the generation 5 Pokemon both are psychic types of course relations to sleep based powers and are based off K peers and laws lettuce Punk their trunks are closer to horses and rhinos not elephants but now we can pull back and look at the whole tree of life taking the you know version all of its new Pokemon and adding them with every single other and you can see how this is all filling out now there are only two more regions to investigate hello Pokemon masters bug keeper Toby here and now we move from the you know arisia which had the most new forms of life in any other generation to the Kalos region which has these smallest pokedex so while this part might be a little bit shorter it's still going to be interesting because why you think you might have it all worked out how we're going to move through the episode actually we're going to start with the highest forms of life and then move down to these simpler ones let's go before we get into this part bubble masters I have a quick question about the pseudo legendary the pseudo dragon of this generation goodra what exactly is this creature because yes while I say dragon we know from past parts but not all dragons are dragons in the world of Pokemon with Garchomp evolving from Sharpedo so what is this well potentially if you're familiar with this series and you've watched all the parts up until now you might be able to guess so let me know your thoughts in the comments and I'll let you know a little bit later on so now let's look at the mammals but barley Pokemon diggersby is more or less just another variant or punny you can see by clapotis Jain is that they could have easily variated over time and led to diggersby second a lot of hands that are its ears did na is an electric rodent that would sit with the other rodent pokémon like right you and it's a low in form plus or minor power issue and Emolga Ches not is of course based off of hedgehog a grass Hedgehog hmm sounds like a legendary Pokemon we all know and in the world of felines we have the only generation 6 pokémon that have gender variant forms these being pyroar and now sleep and music like Espeon maybe one of the closest living relatives to the Pokemon mu another psychic cat with incredible powers as referenced by espers pokedex entries talking about how he asked to restrain its own psychic abilities additionally it has two wildly different gender variance which is might be a sign of it ever-changing DNA so beyond is the latest ugly cat dog Fox's Pokemon and completes our circuit on the EMU shoes which is your favorites pangoro of course is based off of a panda bear and furfrou is at england there is another dog slurpuff which were mostly based on a dog is also based off of food if you had to pick a breed it would be somewhere crossed between a boon or and a Bichon fries and the final mammal in this generation is quite obvious its gogo which is a dope moving background the tree we see a mammal split off from early amphibians greninja is a frog or toad like seismitoad Poliwrath and pointy toed reptiles and gluteal Aeolus lizard as well as the fossil dinars tyrantrum and a wars' and what her antrum is debated Limu likely an ancestor to Tyranitar then rampardos it is definitely an ancestor to view of a bird Pokemon it even has feathers covering his body aurorus is additionally far more interest in them it is the ancestor of Pokemon when Tropius and Meganium finally there is the dragon village although again it is not a dragon this Pokemon is a wyvern and this can be seen both in its name and by its hands running along the edge of its wings where dragons usually have their arms next of course soaring high our bee bird Pokemon descendants of tyrants hawlucha and talonflame used here and also presumably the flightless bird aromatisse well it takes an odd form you can look at its pre evolutions spritzee and see that it is meant to be a burden to match the masks of plague doctors moving rapidly onwards in this very small generation of Pokemon there is only a single fish pokémon dragalge this is a seahorse like Kingdra and this pokemon loves hiding in seaweed we learn in Lola that actually gets on really well with demise a cursed seaweed and that will make sense because there might allows it to camouflage really seem like body we also have arthropods in vivillon and its many variants which are in many ways exactly the same as well alone--and forms or our box different Itza and barbaracle which is one of the most forgettable pokemon in my opinion finally there are two mollusks some of those simple forms of life malamar is a squid our first squid actually they are bizarre animals that can even fly for short periods of times of the water and as I said there is one other most Pokemon and as I mentioned earlier it is it is just a highly evolved snail I mean just look at sliggoo like Garchomp this one is not a true dragon but rather a dragon-like mollusk and through convergent evolution its developed some retraced to Dragons ball not being related at all but given the masks are some of the oldest life-forms make sense feathers have so much time to develop into this shape and this also marks the final modest are known in the Pokemon world of course now we can pull back and look at how the creatures of the Kalos region have impacted the Tree of Life how many of the different branches have started to become a complete hello Pokemon masters bug keeper Toby here and welcome to the tropical region of a Lola as of recording this series Aloha is the most recent region to be discovered but this is not the end of the series oh no no no in fact we are only just over halfway for several reasons number one is near regions of the poking water being discovered all the time about one in every three years anyway new Pokemon life-forms will be discovered soon I'm sure and so we'll have much more to talk about then and in the meantime the observant among you may have realized that I've been missing out what's a Pokemon that's a fairy pokémon like Narwhal Gardevoir legendary Pokemon like Arceus or ghost pokemon like Gengar Rotom where do these Pokemon fit into the Tree of Life well stay tuned to the end of this episode to find out and here special now let's get on with a Lola a tropical region alone shows us how diverse life might be starting with life form we haven't looked at since generation 3 Grady Lee is part of a phylum known as echinoderm these simple life forms have radial symmetry coming in five points usually and both tops of xampp you can you are part of this family echinoderms in the program world may also be responsible for the spoon of the formation of a variety of other life forms however that we should look at in a later part before then we should look at arthropods of which a few so I have yet to be added to the tree crab Bominable is the final crab pokemon and go ispotter is one of my favorite pokemon and you knew clearly the descendant of Kabutops or melbourne there's a whole fun web of pokemon life in here as well this Pokemon is also highly picked on by me alpha murkrow because of its skittish nature they just love to chases other arthropods including Iran tiss a mantis like psyched up for example a crack name is another Iraq canoed who again is not technically an arachnid it has six eggs not eight these publishers can't catch a break Rambaldi who is used to fighting for territory with butter free and Vika more who also fights another type of insect in Iloilo while normally in the wild pincer and heracross are natural enemies in a loader they seem to team up to counter fight against bigger moles the Bernie fish roster is also completed with wishy-washy a common bit of pray for dugong man Wingull brock sesh is also a bony fish but like do not prey but rather predator with those sharp teeth moving along we have the amphibians of which there is one more in this generation and that is Salah so what first slice all might look like a lizard it is actually a salamander now it Lots lives it like traits you can see how closely lizards and amphibians are in fact related both these types of animals evolved from mosques in similar shapes and then diversified into the variety of other shapes that we see of these there is turtle NATO which is clearly a turtle likely evolved from torkoal mimicking a lot of its fire-breathing traits as well as lots of dragon like traits tramper which also shares a few traits with its snake-like cousin Dunsparce and kamon this region pseudo ledge but also of all from reptiles being modern-day dinosaurs and a Lola they come in the tropical form of two cannon or a choreo and decidua but those ones are obvious let's take a step back and look at those reptiles now there is one more reptile that I want to talk about a creature that you might not think of as being a reptile and that is a lowland executive oh Lola introduced the new regional variants and a lone executive or you might think of as just being a tree I haven't spoken a lot about the plant life Pokemon but I don't think this is any kind of plan no I think this is a dinosaur source remember the lowland version is the original a lack of sunlight mean exactly it will don't grow properly and strong enough and this has something of course to do with photosynthesis many Pokemon have plot like attachments and body part but they are still animals like Venus well Prelude this I believe is the same for executive which if I had to place on the Tree of Life which is exactly right now it would not be a plant at all but rather a dino or dragon which has plant like qualities and is an offshoot to the likes of Meganium or Tropius which is not hard to see at all if a lone an executive stood off four legs it would essentially be a different variant of Tropius so you can see how they might have evolved similarly now for one last time let's take a look at Mammalia Turkey tomorrow is yet again a part of the electric bride and clan and no no mimic you is not part of this that will be discussed later Kamala is in fact a marsupial and that is because the name koala bear is just because they look I guess bear like but they are not actually bears they are in fact yes marsupials I'm not there of course as a horse gumshoe she is among these like zangoose and isn't actually native to a Lola it was brought in to deal with the rats has a problem perhaps we'll get the chance to visit whatever region gum chooses originally from next in the carnivore we have one cat one dog and one bear these are in sideral like me and you wear one of my favorite Pokemon and sinner all would also seem to be lightly closely related to pyro war another big fire cat I mean they're pre evolutions are called Litton and litleo however not all of the same types of Pokemon do get along like a rock and it's pre evolution rock rough are known for fighting for territory with growlithe the water starts at pre marina is a sea lion which means it's part of carnivorous and related to the likes of warring dugong and samurais you can see the similarities now before we move on to the special Pokemon of the worlds beyond like the ultra Me's there are just two mammals orang guru and simian both related one is an ape one is a monkey do you remember from before that monkeys have tails and orang guru might actually be closer related to dominate an denpa simian this is because they are both orangutangs and da manhã tan has the psychic Zen mode and or guru is a meditating orangutan hello Pokemon masters mokey with Toby here and not just here on earth I'll Pokemon Avengers have taken us into space and as earliest generation one we knew that some Pokemon may have originated not on earth we've now looked at every different Pokemon that may have originated and evolved here on earth which is now available and say poster you can get that links below but another one that let's now look through our telescopes and have a look at how life may have evolved in space there are a number of Pokemon including legendaries we who are confirmed to have come from space star me is the first I'd love to talk about now if it originated on earth it will be an economic ording to its pokedex entries which say it may have come from space and it transmits radio waves to communicate with other life-forms that are definitely originated there and it might be communicating with other Stoney's that are on their homeworld or possibly orbiting the planet or even more possibly the pokemon deoxys which has a similar cool this pokemon appeared when a laser mutated DNA in space and how pokemon like star me or DNA even got into space in the first place is no mystery at all it answered in the first clip of the TV show where we see new travelling around the planet it's flying out into space Mew didn't just spread its genes here on earth but so into these spaces around us and given the definition of legendary Pokemon being simply a pokemon that is particularly special this is why a lot of legendary Pokemon come from space they are special to us here on earth so when we see pokémon like deoxys we call it a legend this too is the case for the Pokemon that is known for being the Oxus counterpart the mythical Pokemon jirachi jirachi is a pokemon that hatches from a comet now there are plenty of Pokemon currently living on earth that we know came from space for example clefable that and its close relative Wigglytuff these Pokemon are almost identical with Shang the same color scheme both regular and shiny both being three-stage evolutions with baby pokemons similar move sets both of them of all from their pre evolutions with the moonstone and have origins in space what clefable is typically the one thought of coming from space it's actually possible the fable has been around on earth longer this jutsu the keratin in its body creating its nails which means it has some kind of skeleton do you often Wigglytuff on the other hand it's a little bit more questionable and they wouldn't necessarily need it that having evolved on the moon where they came from instead their body being used to bouncing around incredibly high here of course it makes use of the atmosphere by sucking the air to allow it to inflate and bounce higher but even though it doesn't have finger and turning I was like clefable which implies that it hasn't been around as long these Pokemon were also identified as coming from space in an episode of the show which also identified the pokemon togepi as possibly extraterrestrial this pokemon along with its evolutions togetic and toby kiss do come from a special mirage paradise it might be easy to assume that they are an otherworldly alien by extension two more legendary Pokemon than pop latias and latias these Pokemon share traits with total kiss like it's on wings or the Aeon duo having the triangles on their chest the same blue and red hand shade as those on togepi's eggs a lot of that they are also known for hiding a mirage gardens like that that togepi comes from in the show and the thing that all these Pokemon have in common is that they only appear to kind-hearted people this could make that us and latias some kind of mutation on Toba kiss and there is one other Pokemon that might also fit in with this group of todya scoff fable and Wigglytuff the gen 5 Aryan or dino and all of these Pokemon star Mead the Oxus tarantula baby Wigglytuff Togekiss ordinal latias from last class all of them apart from wigglytuff's rabbit like ears or Stanny starfish shape and what designs you typically see on earth evolving in space or in environments other than that that you play my planet provides the chance for forms to change a lot more drastically that they would here on earth or certainly could be different than the ones you would see here space I believe is also thought to be the origin of the living rocks throughout this series you may have realized I've left out many of the rock my golem and it's a little giggly sudowoodo or other mineral life things like Klingon proverb has Magnuson Metagross or bronze own who by the way like other space Pokemon has the ability to open portals more than that in a moment it seems that these Pokemon may have their origins in space not only taking inspirations from UFOs and magazines case but also they could be mutated comments with DNA in them like crotch he is or you can see how deoxys and Stanley's life always seemed to come from their rock-like cause perhaps from their other mineral Pokemon have all these Pokemon may have fallen to earth many years ago in different forms and then over time taking the appearances may be now adapting to Earth's environment with golden blending into looks like more like turtles or dr. Eggman and it slowly sudowoodo trying to imitate Earth's trees to no avail still beanie pure rock this branch of evolution is also evidence to buy Pokemon falling to earth and be cont'd a soul rock unit own menial and be here these Pokemon are all confirmed to be extraterrestrials and these are living rocks if Pokemon like these have been falling to earth over millions of years then it's very likely that their ancestors took the form of all the other one Pokemon and it's cold in space - like really cold so we might see Pokemon composited of other minerals like ice these in the form of cry agonal vanilluxe an analogue cry agonal even learns ancient power suggesting that it's been around on earth for a long time Kabhi is one more like Pokemon and is the origin to another mythical Pokemon diancie diancie is a mutation of carvings happening once every so often however there might be another theory here carbink is primarily made of pearl carbon and under intense ki and pressure carbon becomes diamonds it's possible when exposed to certain rays in space or here on earth that is how carbon becomes the an see and it's interesting to see how these pokemon end up changing the environments and ecosystems here on earth for example carbon is eaten by Sableye who loves to eat gemstones however because it's shiny it is also protected by gibble and gabbai and kept in their nests this leads to ongoing battles between gaba and saber life as well as that murkrow also really likes carbon twizzle how shiny it is and thus interesting ecosystems happen around these pokemon in the fall into space and between you going to space yancey deoxys Jirachi we can see how a lot of mythical Pokemon seem to be getting their origins in space and that might also be the case for Hooper another mythical Pokemon that has the ability to open portals helping it jump around the universe to escape from predators it's very easy to see that this problem could be some early ancestor genetic off you of you however that of course is getting a little bit more speculative now Pokemon losses there's one other type of life-form that interests me and it's not just from space it's from ultra space I'm talking about ultra beasts like Nigel ego this preacher looks like it might be from our own planet a type of snide area like a jellyfish but its body is translucent like glass and it has powers far beyond anything we've seen on earth and it's not the only ultra beast Nigel ego pheromone buzz wall katanas circuitry sam sealer does Ward spike attacker NASA pollen playful and it's final evolution nagging adel are all confirmed species of ultra bees and they are unrelated to any pokemon from our world from our universe in fact perhaps out of space or other species have news of their own perhaps not perhaps these ultra bees are the muse of their own ultra spaces we just don't know enough to sure without a little bit more time to study the likes of cosmos evolutionary line solar and lunar light as well turn across mo these are also ultra beasts but they have spent at least a few generations here on earth as a result we've had a little bit more time to study them and their body types have acclimatized to the pokemon world making them a little bit more like traditional pokemon but they are ultra beasts you know all unrelated to pokemon from our own world which means they can't actually really be put on the tree at all they are unlike the other pokemon from space who are likely some early offshoot of MU but for now it's time to explain even more mysteries hey bug will masters bug keep which over here firmly back down on the ground speaking of the ground what about the life that comes from their plants we've seen creatures in the pokemon world that wear flowers and fungi in the forms of Venus or Breloom but what about pokémon like vileplume all Iligan they're not just vegetation they're actual creatures so where would they fit on a phylogenetic tree well you can find out by buying posto of course which is linked below or you can just ask the question how does plant life work in our world well in our world flora or plants are part of a totally different category of life humans are part of the classification Animalia fungi like mushrooms are in another category as well as bacteria being in another category and there is a whole other branch consisting of plant life flora that's right fungus aren't technically the same as other plants but in the Pokemon world it's a little different because it Pokemon are like animals and no people in the Pokemon world are Pokemon but I will get to that then plumlike look more like bulbs whom they're not plants right here the trees and flowers and grass still exist in the world of Pokemon instead these plants they are Pokemon they are animal creatures so where did they come from well first let's see what we have on the table here the cactus like more actors and capture as well as powerful jumpluff cherry and Abomasnow and some flora and there's also Google ice and penguins alongside the coniferous plant pokemon carnivai named victory now so there is a vast array of plant life here where could they all have evolved from what animal in the world of Pokemon could these Pokemon have adapted from there are plenty of pokémon that have plant like traits that could be the origin the ancestor to all these life wounds but I suspect it's cradle and echinoderm which in our world hasn't evolved very much this due to the waterlily the cradle is based off being rooted in under the seat however prey dually is a living being with the ability to move and it has according to its pokedex entries come on land to hunt while exploring its new habitats these Pokemon would have evolved to the new environments very differently like be wanting to adapt into the surrounding plant life to blend in and that has given us the variety of different plants that we see today stretching from snowy environments we get a bomber snow or desert environments we get our cactuses or their descendants is mimicking traits have deadly funguses to survive in the forms of shiny Nasik and among us this makes quite dearly a pivotal fossil in history of pokemon additionally there is another fool these people begin to take you can see that with Pokemon like jump ler for cherrim that they are closely related to viable and blossom Milligan Rose way Serina and Shiva tree these Pokemon plants have taken on a more human-like appearance which is not unheard of we've seen this over in Mammalia where by way of convergent evolution we see many other Pokemon with human-like traits we will come back to this in just a moment but there is one more plant Pokemon that we have yet to mention or particular interest del mais del mais is not actually the anchor it just likes hanging around anchors it is in fact the seaweed possessed seaweed yes there is ghosts in the water pokemon and we are now beginning to enter the realms of the mystical you see with these ghost parts like del mines or go guys or these human plants you can see how they would easily evolve into the likes of these fairy plants whimsicott confit and florges and now life has yet again he can a whole new branch in evolution the fairies or sprites this is where I'm going to put Pokemon that typically people have a lot of trouble placing on these evolutionary trees Chimecho may well have evolved from some kind of Ede 52 is a very much like comfy though come fades flowers on every part of the Pokemon it just picks them up and in the same way cuz he picks up keys Marv walls head looks a lot like that of the head of a pitcher plan and these Pokemon way well have given rise to the environment looking species of pokémon Gardevoir gal a jinx goth Peter and Miss your mind lots of people suggest they may have evolved from humanoid Pokemon like so and throw but I don't believe that at all no no I think they are related to humans again I will be getting to that I believe that these Pokemon these fairies through the chain of plants to humanoid plants to fairy like plants two fairies to be a continuum and they've all been given rise by way of the echinoderms now this is not the end of the road Pokemon masters and whether you agree with the decisions I made about the tree in this part or the last part there is one Pokemon that has confused me boggled my mind more than any other Pokemon in this series I'm talking about the Pokemon by sharp what is it is it somehow related to humans it's metallic in nature maybe it came from space or it could even be related to bugs looking at its pre evolution pond yard I tried with the idea that perhaps it was related to praying mantises like that a cipher with its science but I finally put it here with the sprites and fairies when I saw one more Pokemon it could be related to Gallade with similar blade like hands and warrior type natures it seems clear to me that these Pokemon are related hey bug mimosas bug BtoB here you know I've put everything I have into making this series and the Tree of Life evolution poster which you can get links below and it helps support this series but the one thing I'd really love to make is a Pokemon now when it comes to man-made Pokemon there is one that we absolutely have to talk about of course I'm talking about porygon and its evolution porygon to which it gets through the upgrade and its evolution from there Paragon Zen when its data is corrupted by the dubious discs it is the first man-made Pokemon but it is definitely not the only one now if we think about artificial pokemon when we look at the Tree of Life we realize that these things aren't natural they are man-made and so really they've come from human beings from our minds in a new section of the tree porygon z of course is first of these most popular ones none a clone of new and enhanced with human technology the genetics of this Pokemon make it the most powerful and most famous it's also possible humans infused their own DNA into the creation of Pokemon given that it can mega evolve without a trainer present and in the manga has blamed DNA channeled into it in addition dr. Fuji and the movie was trying to clone his daughter or save his daughter perhaps half of her is in YouTube now another legend that Mira's Mewtwo story is genesect and base of its looks and a pokedex entry that mentions 300 million years ago it's believed to be a revived Kabutops the truth though is that it's more likely to be an ancient form of Paris ex not only are they named pretty similarly but also the forearms are a match between Paris and genesect it's possible but there was an ancient third evolution to Paris act all the Paris evolved a little bit differently but the spores eventually took over and then reduced Paris act to the creature that it is known as today McGuiness el valle and volcanion are all man-made legendary Pokemon as well with Nagina being designed to contain the soul heart the life essence of Pokemon so violently based off flea got like Pokemon Aki is created to help defeat the ologies and volcanion being more of a theory based man-made pokemon certainly it's biology is unnatural with two robotic arms that create seem and a super organ inside of it it's possible but this Pokemon was created by the ancestors of team flag whoever it is unconfirmed where it is artificial not however I guess that it probably is cast form is a simple type of Pokemon made by humans to help detect the weather although secretly it may have other uses like detecting the locations of legendary Pokemon in the games it could be used to detect the locations of brown on cayuga thunderous and tornadoes so maybe some more humans on a hunt for legendary Pokemon Tito is another simple Pokemon now it's possible that its origins came from two places in either case it's definitely related to MU the first is that D toes are the original cells of MU that have fallen off of the creature allowing it to become the ancestor of all Pokemon life dittos transforming ability and unstable DNA has allowed it to become all the different life forms that we see on today alternatively the more popular theory in the one I accept is that ditto is a failed cloning attempt at MU you find it not only all over the cerulean cave or anywhere that you find Mewtwo actually but also in the cinnabar mansion where Mew was cloned it's one of the most popular poking theories out there and it does make a lot of sense another theory about ditto is that exposed to the unnatural toxicity of the human world in recent times it is adapted to look like muck and then of course by extension alone luck not trying to you'll dry up in the day heat here hides in bin bags becoming gone boda all its body will inflate and become wheezing this is the adaptable DNA of diso subjected to the horrible toxicity of the human world and it does actually make a lot of sense it also makes sense as to why both wheezy amok are known for being used by Team Rocket members who would have a lot of access to ditto given that they are the result of Team Rocket's cloning experiments humans did not only create Pokemon through science though magic is a part of the Pokemon world with both alchemists and psychics and both garlic and clay dough I said to have been created by humans as giant golems when BOTS live multiple player would have bread to create bow tie and they would become their own species of pokémon it's also said that perhaps paedo was created to mimic the look of celestina an ultra beast who would have flown out of ultra wormholes in ancient times but really that's the you to decide it's another Pokemon Theory finally there are some big one that possessed human items let's start with the phallus and possessed grains of sand heaps and it might make more sense for these Pokemon to be connected to the rock type life-forms that came from space my son isn't a palace and unless it's got the speed on its head and that is when it comes to life similarly to how aegislash is a possessed sword of a fallen soldier what unknown as to what specifically possesses these items whether it's other ghost Pokemon or human souls these items are man-made and therefore I am putting them in the field of manmade Pokemon it's also based on a field of pseudoscience called animistic thinking we're usually children but sometimes adults believe the objects have feelings memories and personalities of their own sounds like someone's been watching too much Toy Story but in the pokémon world it is real and in the Pokemon world there are ghosts and ghost types so that would explain how these items have become it's actually a reasonable explanation now the final two items that are made by humans are possessed by a Pokemon our beignet and electrode let's start with beignet it has two possible origins being either a possessed dull or with its pre evolution shop it is heavily speculated to be the Pokemon Rotom with a reaper cloth infused with it an item that evolves desk cloths either that or like how Rotom possesses objects this Pokemon is a possessed abandoned doll either explanation links it to rotor and that Pokemon - is also linked to electrode Rotom loves electricity and is attracted to electrical devices in the Pokemon world Voltorb showed up after pokeballs did meaning that the poke war came first it was discovered in applicable warehouse it's likely that these Pokemon were created by Rotom finding their way into pokeballs and they're not being able to escape due to the pokeballs and they capturing abilities perhaps the exploding Voltorb or electrode is the Rotom trying to get out but failing and the fact that it's not bothered by its own explosion is because it's a ghost it's a ghost type it's already dead but where Rotom came from is going to have to be saved for another part hello Pokemon masters Bucky Berto be here you know there are some real legends in the world of Pokemon and I'm not just talking about the mythical helix fossile that is said to descend from the heavens praise be to it of course no I'm talking about actual legendary creatures with extraordinary powers now where would they set on a phylogenetic tree of life well if you look close at the poster which you can buy links below you can see that there are roots to the tree the origins of the world of Pokemon so let's use this part to take a look at the Pokemon that science can't explain legendary Pokemon the best place to start is in the beginning Arceus and I want no debates as to whether it's archaea sir Arceus its Arceus the god of all Pokemon and possibly all life in the Pokemon world it is the embodiment of cording to the synonymous of what remains of the original one a great spirit that contained all life Arceus as a god created three Pokemon Dialga the god of time Palkia the god of space and then Giratina the god of the distortion world these pokemon ended up maintaining the rest of creation there was also three spirit Pokemon created as alpha Messman which embody willpower knowledge and emotion respectively it's hard in a world defined by the supernatural see Apple who might have evolved and how evolution could even happen however in Azle book CM esprit we see shapes much like muse and artisan its creation are all god-like Pokemon it's possible that from them new was created and then from there life continue to evolve more naturally there are other legends in the whole world though some of which I can place and some of which I can't growl on cayuga and recreated balance between the earth sea and sky xerneas yveltal and zygolife death in order Reshiram Zack Ron and Kieran will want all one dragon representing truth and ideals regigigas who created regice regice regice deal are the movers of the continents these pokemon all seems to be very godlike and in my mind it doesn't seem impossible but our keys also created these beings to help keep the world and check the other legends are not so sure about in this series we've already discussed the space origins of Jirachi deoxys the ante latias latias hooper as well as the ultra beasts and way back in part 2 we discussed the resurrection of Pokemon who became raikou and suicune but there are more fortunate pokemon but we don't know enough about them later than their origins to place them on a tree of life for example the book one that revived the legendary beasts is hollow it seems to hold no special significance other than being a one of a claim Pokemon it grants wishes and he's worshipped but all legendary Pokemon seem to go through this and it and it's brother lugia don't seem to be gods of any particular type they may be gods of something that Arceus created but they do like how diancie is a mutation of Cobbing might just simply be mutations of other bird or prey and Pokemon placed on the tree somewhere between dinosaurs birds and the rest of reptilian dragons these Pokemon may be mutations but maybe not and the same goes for more to suppress an office you know you may have some link to liu gear in the same way that the legendary beasts do to hope I guess for now we don't know and like I say many of the mythical Pokemon like beyond see from Cobbing could be of mutations of other Pokemon Celebi and shaming couldn't say somewhere in the plant life and sprites area or perhaps Shaymin has a link to channels Victini could somehow be related to two cyndaquil and high-flow Jian will heat traveling in attracted like the other arachnids and not true arachnids Zehra aura perhaps is a variant of luxray manaphy is the only legendary pokémon that can breed but ditto can't manage to copy its own legendary DNA too well so it creates yoni maybe man if you came from other mollusks like Showell say gastrin on I'm honestly unsure with all of these Pokemon and the same level of uncertainty arises from the sword of justice all three of them what for if you killed young they are out for Calvillo to exist in the same way that hoo allowed the legendary beast to exist and all of those Pokemon raikou and suicune and kabali interaction have risen all share the same heights but that connection is loose and there's a lot there to suggest that they're related as from our shadow this is another legendary Pokemon with a question mark perhaps it's a mutation of Darkrai who I'll get onto in just a moment but it truly is a mystery just like the tapis lele Phinney he knew and of course token nice totem okema maybe like the alone variants of the reggie's but it's unknown if they were sent by Arceus or emerge from a man-made totem like play-doh or Cola there are other legends however I can actually make an educated guess towards them see in the world of Pokemon there is a round called the into dreams of all the dream world it's an actual place in the world of Pokemon and it's where land responders and tornadoes seem to have come from there they have their original theory and forms this is also the place where perhaps the Luna or dreamed your dark lion adversely occasion to one being able to bless you with dreams that are peaceful I'm one cursing you in nightmares now then Pokemon masters there are three more pokémon species that I have to talk about in this part and the first is a species known simply as the unknown they are mysterious and individually they are weak they are just symbols letters but when put together they have an extraordinary power theorists across the internet have come to an agreement that these Pokemon may very well be the code that holds together the Pokemon universe in the syndra to ruins they help artis him writing the code creating a new Giratina dialga and Palkia the noise of the azure flee the item that summons Arceus is the noise of the unknown and when they come together they have unspeakable power came from the alternate dimension not an otter space not the inter dream world or distortion world but no the alternate dimension perhaps now a world that writes codes and scripts for video games with Tim balls perhaps the unknown are the video game manifestation of the code that we use to write the very games that's very meta but perhaps they created the egg the inside have the spirit that then manifested in to Arceus and all the rest of life the idea that all life came from this egg as well explains the cinema DH suggesting the Pokemon and humans used to be as one perhaps I'm overthinking maybe order spaces were also created by unknowns or perhaps they have their own kinds of unknowns that take on different letters and shapes one thing we do know is that they do have a lot to do with the origin of our universe and they too have been exploring our Pokemon world well usually they are found in ruins huddling together there's also another Pokemon that can be found huddling in case wall affair well rather their pre evolution why not these Pokemon huddle together for protection and we know from Wobbuffet spoke like century that what affair isn't the Pokemon its tail is the Pokemon and it's pale looks a lot like the unknown on top of that the unknown in wobbuffet are right next to each other in the pokédex and are both psychic pokémon it seems very possible but why not and wobbuffet our bodies created by certain unknown to help explore the pokemon world certainly they don't resemble anything that they could feel on a tree of life so that's the unknown and the wobbuffet line but now there's the third and final point i want to dedicate this part to and it's not a legend either going back to what i said earlier this series is about the evolution of pokemon life how our tree of life works however in our wall the tree of life started a lot less complexly than with a completed life form like m you rather it started with single-celled organisms that mutated over time and this is where i think the psychic pokémon we Angeles comes in aa Pokemon I have missed this Pokemon is a psychic-type and represents two things single-celled organism and an embryo which is another basis for Mew my theory is that the unknown created the egg with Arceus augeas helped create the universe and it's spirit became every including other legends that are created in desparate as alpha oak see these Pokemon created mu and then Mew self shed similar to the theory about detail except here it makes more sense being ranked ulis a Pokemon that shares a little bit more in common with you actually being a psychic-type it looks like an embryo and the simple celled organism that is react ulis that then evolved in the same way that life of water on our planet however a variant of it still exists today in Monday Regulus hello Pokemon masters bird keeper Toby here and welcome to what is not the final part of this series just the final part for now and that's because new Pokemon are getting discovered all the time and when the time comes I'm sure I'll cover them and add them to the phylogenetic tree which in its most complete form is available in the links at the top of the description it truly helps me out in making more series like this but for now for this part I want to have a look at the few Pokemon that I've missed usually coming from human beings and what about trainers like you and me why don't we into this let's take a look well mythology and pokedex entries support the idea that people can become Pokemon a young boy woke up one day and found you become a Kadabra nine Wizards came together and became the nine tails and dead people have become Ganga Roslin's a mollusk and fan Tommy these public sentries suggest the explanations for Pokemon fans that couldn't have come from anywhere else in nature and even though these transformations happened at any one time then these Pokemon will breed and become a new species or just read with other Pokemon that already existed in the same egg group when several humans become a Kadabra and then they breed and they have a bruh and then they evolved into Alakazam suddenly there's a whole new species of pokémon interesting as a result of some kind of twisted magic and over thousands of millions of years they take on adaptations to look more like natural life fiends much--how like Alakazam has a few weasel-like traits changes to male frost last ended up making it into the Pokemon Glalie which we see today and for nine tails in a row that we've seen just how it's changed in needs different environments and transform to the alone of course it is possible with nine tails is just a fox and the Wizards that came together to make it is just a myth but actually the appearance of the Pokemon delphox seems to counter that idea perhaps delphox and its evolutionary lying are an offshoot of nine tails or perhaps nine tails is an offshoot of this Pokemon this does look like a Pokemon where Wizards came together to create it and it would explain delphox his human-like appearance and like I said even dead people can become Pokemon there's Gengar you mask so cough egregious is in this case and phantom which becomes prevalent but while the Pokemon is a very mystical place there are a few other spirit Pokemon and these are harder to place Sableye Chandelure miss maggie astre flu Rotom mimic you and dusk and more these are all spirits of some kind but no one knows if the spirits have dead humans or dead poco certainly their appearances seemed to be spiritual in nature and they definitely wouldn't be anything will go on the evolutionary tree sir tomb is the final and great example this being told that its origin is made of 108 angry spirits now it's possible these spirits in the spirits that make up Sableye Chandelure Miss Maggie strife leandro to mimic you and dusk and while all the spirits of people but actually the spirits of Pokemon but I didn't know what other part of the series to put them into this is because you can find his protein at new Marvel whereas the locos they were trying to harvest that life was pokémon's power their technology is even a sign in new Marvel that tells you not to bring your Pokemon to work then again the life force of put one in humans is just infinity energy on either way the same energy that made up the original one that was Arceus which explains how humans and pokémon according to cinema myth were once one and the same it wasn't because people evolved from Pokemon in any particular kind of way it's because the energy that makes them up is the same thing now let's dissect that a little bit more humans and pokémon used to be the same but how is that possible when we will fit into this but Pokemon masters know that actually answers the question what our people were in the Pokemon world according to the Sinnoh folklore people and pokémon used to be one and the same but that's not a Pokemon I'm not a Pokemon you're not a Pokemon are you let's take a closer look well as I mentioned in the part about plant life in our world above so that we have plant life and life fungi and bacteria the different strains of wife but in the book more we have Arceus has gone and the origin of this tree but our case is merely the manifestation of energy known as the original one according to sinha myths my belief is that first came the unknown from the alternate dimension perhaps even from the human world turning from letters that we used to create the Pokemon video games into Pokemon themselves they created the egg containing the original one a life force and energy that a hatch and life force went out and created the tree of life as we know it here on the human in real-life world with humans and other animals bacteria plants and fungi as well as a creature known as Arceus now first pokemons all of this life made up of the same original energy Arceus then created the other god pokemon including oak sea as elf and mess prep they created new in their image in them use cells shedded from it and became the template from the rest of pokemon life this whole extra variation of life which if you are looking at our world you'd have Animalia including humans bacteria which in pokeman world still exists with an extra bacteria called po Kuras plant life as well as fungi and we know there's special fungi in the world of Pokemon as well like the type to take over the mind of para sex much like cordyceps fungi but like amped up and finally Pokemon they have all run the same planet as animals and humans and that's where many of them take the same traits and there are animals in the world of Pokemon or there were however as of generation two or three they've stopped being referenced so much it's possible but Pokemon being the dominant species a most of them and the human beings we are the last of Animalia in the world of Pokemon we didn't evolve from Pokemon we have over alongside them and we have managed to compete in the world of Pokemon we even have some extra powers there are psychic trainers who can levitate pokeballs and ghost channels who can see spirits humans evolved ever so slightly differently in the world of Pokemon in in order to compete with Pokemon life other powers that humans might have are people being able to jump really high or survive electrocution rapidly or being able to stay ten without aging too much these adaptations have proved useful for humans and thus life include human didn't evolve from humans they have managed to compete and survive alongside them I'm in and that Pokemon masters is how all life in the Pokemon world connects believe me or not agree with me or not we are at the end of the day all just spaced up for in the case of Pokemon digital space stuff why are they real and alas if they were I believe this is how they don't connect and I'm sure many new species of pokémon will be discovered and when they are I will return to the lab to tell you how I think they fit into the tree and maybe make some updates this series this twelve part series about the evolution of Pokemon life has been the biggest undertaking on my channel ever I am so I've just been so passionate about this project and happy to make it realized thank you so much to any of you who have supported me in any way whether it's commenting on the videos liking them who financially supported me at the beginning of this project donations on Twitch people who support me on patreon all the wonderful artists that I've got to work with without them this would not be what it is and I won't be able to make a project that is not only the best thing I've ever made on the channel but also I think the coolest Pokemon series on YouTube so thank you for being part of it and if you want to help support me in the long term for my future endeavors you can always support me on patreon or in the short term if you like you can get hold of one of the posters for this series they are of course linked below and I know that I will be having one on my wall thank you so much for watching I hope you loved the series let me know your thoughts in the comments and as always so high Pokemon masters you you you
Channel: Bird Keeper Toby
Views: 577,918
Rating: 4.8365417 out of 5
Keywords: tree of evolution, bird keeper toby, How all pokemon evolve, pokemon evolution, birdkeepertoby, ultimate pokemon evolution tree, pokemon tree fo life, how every Pokemon evolves explained, pokmeon evolution, how to evolve pokemon, pokmeon nintendo switch, pokemon go, pokemon theory, pokemon science, pokemon evolution 101, Lapras, pikachu, mew, charizard, eevee, mewtwo, kanto, gnoggin, Pokemon Type Explained, Lets go pikachu, pokemon switch lets go pikachu
Id: Dbo7f1DnpFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 26sec (5906 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 25 2018
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.