Pokemon: Sinnoh Names in Japanese are Awesome! | Gnoggin

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welcome to part 4 of this series where we look at the Japanese names of Pokemon and break them down and translate them directly you can learn a lot about a Pokemon based on its name after all well most of the time sometimes you just learned that something is a loach like super low CH because its name in Japanese is just loach followed by loach yeah but now let's look to generation 4 did you know that according to interviews with various dev team members generation 4 was supposedly the beginning of the overall creation of the Pokemon universe the world as a whole generation 1 2 & 3 were kind of created just as Pokemon games but 4 was the starting point of the Pokemon franchise that's going to keep going for basically forever it's a massive media franchise and this means the Pokemon world needs an origin story so in a way they treated gen 4 like a new beginning and it shows I mean the legendaries of these games are the creators of the universe anyway I've still brought along Mika a native Japanese speaker to help with these pronunciations because I know I would butcher all of them so let's get started now I thought it is a combination of the Japanese word first sprout and the English word turtle hi yes Egon it is a combination of their words for Grove and turtle so it's a direct translation of the English name surprisingly there aren't many Pokemon names like this ones that directly translate from English to Japanese in fact there were barely any at all in the first three generations but as you'll see generation 4 has quite a lot of them comparatively though that does it breaking this name down we have earth or ground followed by large and then English is tortoise he goes at it literally fire child ape and when I say literally I don't mean this name combines words like how squirt and turtle makes squirtle I mean this name is literally fire child ape written out and then you remove the spaces and that's the name mole got that it is a combination of words meaning roaring flames and monkey or ape notably you only need a slightly different inflection to go from the word monk to the word Abe gold gods at it inferno monkey 'read meaning this is another name that can be perfectly translated from Japanese to English both Dhamma is derived from the Japanese onomatopoeia for a tiny pebble sized splash a descriptor meaning round and plump and child both icy plump crowned prince again a direct translation in fated thought from English Emperor and the last name of Napoleon Bonaparte Luke could it is a combination of their name for the gray Starling and the onomatopoeia of a bird call mokuba their name for the grey Starling and English's bird the good grace darling Hawk beats Pat English beaver Japanese protruding tooth need added English beaver Japanese feral quotables he literally the Japanese name for the black spotted leaf beetle quoted cricket talk as in the tick-tock of a clock Cody coots Japanese child English blink or links buku seal same as the English name Latin for light and Latin for lion then thought ah so this name is really cool it's named after Wilhelm röntgen the scientist who discovered x-rays as well as roar and Japanese for tiger Sybil me a corruption of their word for flower bud a corruption means a slight misspelling or a slight mispronunciation no due date the same name in English from rose and masquerade this is one of my favorite Pokemon the gaia dose it is a shortening of cranium now move a doodle a combination of the English words rampart ram and bald pate opposite Japanese for shield and Greek for face shield face followed by the suffix for dinosaurs commonly found in the Sara tops today family Bodhi deposit Japanese for fortress and Triceratops minami a cute baby talk way of saying bag worm me no mademou japanese bag worm english madam God made Japanese for muff English male meatza honey Japanese for three honeybees and English honey bee game yeah just be queen Pat CD sit from the Japanese onomatopoeia for electricity crackling and squirrel buoys ed it from English buoy and weasel who Dahl dated same name in English from float and weasel Teddy bull a combination of cherry and the Japanese word for cherry yep yo cherry cherry meat loach loach Teddy me same as the English name and it's a good combination of things from cherry cherubim and blossom as well as cherimoya meaning fruit-bearing tree as well as tear em which is Irish for dry referencing this pokemons forms based on if it's a dry sunny day or not cada XE is a combination of words meaning without shell or to have lost its shell Tori total from Triton a day the family of creatures it's from and perhaps Triton the aquatic Greek God as well as dawn meaning the top dog the head honcho or just an ancient thing and looking at the horns it may also pull from Torito which is Spanish for little bull it'd be able to English for both referring to its two hands and Japanese for strong point and monkey in a way you could translate this to an ambidextrous monkey who one bit is phonetically similar or identical to their word for unstable but in a pun like situation it now includes words meaning soft the onomatopoeia for floating and balloon who've an Aida is phonetically similar to a phrase meaning to follow others blindly which this line of Pokemon tend to do but again in a pun like situation it's also a combination of the onomatopoeia for flow balloon latin for light and English's ride Mimi donut Japanese for ear and English roll since it rolls its ears up me needle the ear and lop as in a lop eared bunny boomer cheap Japanese nightmare English mage don't got us it dawn isn't the boss the head honcho the Mafia leader and crow meaning again we have a perfect translation there's been quite a few of these Yaya Japanese for meow in English glamour boon yet though Japanese for ugly fat meow as well as a bit of English's fat and/or cat be some is the Japanese onomatopoeia for a bell chiming the Japanese onomatopoeia for a bell ringing and in a pun like situation when combines to create this name it sounds similar to the English word listen listen listen listen the gum food from English skunk and PU the thing that people say when there's something stinky PU forgot that good from English skunk bank and tank dole Mita from English mirror in Japanese steel mirror dole cocoon named after a type of large bronze Bell and an onomatopoeia for low loud drumming so hot tip means false flower pot but in a pun like situation it also sounds similar to the phrase meaning to downright lie man in it japanese for mimicry and spanish for baby in english pink japanese good fortune betta fit from english parrots and rap as well as pedo pedo which is japanese for fluent in many languages me gotta get comes from japanese words meaning pumice and granite referring to its key stone and jar or urn referring to it being a container of 108 souls who got mad it literally means to deepen or to become deep but this is also a literal combination of their words for shark and round man Japanese is hard Fuko means shark Maru means round combine them to make Fuuka Maru and you get to become deep how does that ah gah by the same name in English which comes from the english word bite as well as japanese for to gobble down to bite chew or sink one's teeth into da booty acid from Carcharias a genus of sharks and japanese for ground or earth as well as gulping biting chewing and seeking 20 thin to build net this is a popular name for Japanese peasants in the old days gone can also be from Snorlax his name in Japanese Kabhi Gham thus be could be as in baby as this is the baby evolution of Snorlax do do same name in English it's Lucario its next evolution but without the middle syllable and then the two other syllables are reversed Lucario same name in English which comes from orichalcum with its syllables reversed orichalcum being a mythical metal it can also come from oracle referring to its supernatural abilities of sensing aura it may also reference Cairo and Pharaoh from Egypt as it's a jackal and maybe even Lycos which is Greek for wolf he bought basses same name in English which is derived from hippopotamus Kaaba riddle comes from their word for hippopotamus and dawn which is Spanish for Lord and Greek for tooth Sukkot it be same name in English a shortening of scorpion door apple is a combination of dragon Dracula referring to its fangs drastic referring to its over-the-top violent nature and scorpion Gudda Gudda comes from plenty of Japanese words such as filth disgusting and the sound of frogs croaking though coudl good Japanese for poison and English's frog masa giba is from the scientific name of the Venus flytrap as well as Japanese for hunger and eating gay cool literally fluorescent fish nae Odin thought from English neon and Lantern Padma that egg manta ray you booty is a combination of words meaning snow and head but in a pun like situation it also contains to cover up which works well as its head is covered in snow Yukino all just means Snow King Manu de is a combination of various words meaning demon weasel sneaking in and meow de Baca we do Japanese for magnetic field and English's coil referring to an electromagnetic coil they'd all better thought comes from tongue the sound of licking and the act of sticking out one's tongue though Sayid dawn dawn comes from Greek meaning tooth and it's common in dinosaur names it can also mean leader or Lord and then the rest is Japanese from angry ground a prefix meaning stronger and Rhino more than bull Japanese for shaggy or unkempt English jumbo Eddie kyboot Japanese for electric and English electricity and cable boob on from boobie and burn toll gate keys same name in English English kiss and Japanese for spike mega Yama comes from mega Nura a kind of prehistoric dragonfly mega and Japanese for large dragonfly efya just just leaf adding ia to something makes it a name I guess see the tails of series for reference Guu Dacia say my a reasoning but then French for ice or possibly English glacier Gouda Alma from English collide scorpion Mahmood from mammoth and the Japanese onomatopoeia for winking Bodie gongs it dope polygon with a Japanese accent and then the Z could be there because it's the final evolution so last letter of the alphabet it's version Z but the Z may also refer to the z axis meaning it's a 3d object or perhaps Z is a corruption of two as they look similar after all porygon Z is a glitch porygon to a dude a dope from English elbow blade and Earl which is a chieftain or military leader in the days of antiquity dynodes it Japanese big English nose you'll know bad is Japanese for night ghosts and French for black Yuki male cop literally snow girl but it also sounds similar to a corruption of kimono note the lid the same name in English motor spelled backwards you could see pixie and the Japanese words for future and knowledge a moody sprite emotion and Japanese for to smile which is EMU and I think that's fun because emus can't smile a little bit gnome agnosticism and Greek for knowledge yada got same as the English name from diamond-- dial as in sundial and gah maybe a corruption of gone from dragon petechiae same as the English name which is derived from the Japanese spelling of pearl Kido damn shame name in English from heat and transfer days Iggy Gus Latin for Royal Greek for giant Giratina same name in English coming from many words gira soul which is a red opal guillotine gear array which is Italian for wander around and Peru China which is Japanese for platinum CUDA Cydia same name in English from crescent moon and Salim who was the Greek goddess of the moon peony is from the last syllable in manaphy and Salone a genus of see angels manaphy from mana and a shortening of ferry dock good eye--you same name in English which is a combination of dark and Japanese for dark it's dark dark Shamy same name in English which comes from a variety of languages such as Chinese for thanks and Hedgehog English's shaman and stamen and Hebrew for sky referring to its sky form I do suit suit this is the god of Pokemon itself its name comes from Ark a prefix meaning most extreme or all high as well as perhaps Archon a Greek word meaning ruler or Lord as well as perhaps our canis Latin for secret and mystery and perhaps this Greek word that I know I would butcher which means beginning as it is the Pokemon that created the universe the latter half of this name then comes from Deus which is Latin for God but then you put all of these meanings together into our chaos and you're super close you're phonetically similar and only one letter away from the Arceus which is an aspect of the astral plane in alchemy and mysticism specifically it's the border between our universe and the spiritual heaven and dang that's some deep stuff they put a lot of thought into this pokemons name which is super cool because I mean it's the God of Pokemon so clearly it's gonna have to have an important name I just love that they do that I love Pokemon lore and all that so much it's my favorite part about the franchise really well that's all of the gen 4 Pokemon their names and Japanese and what they mien and where they came from I hope you learned something so until next time please just remember to never stop using your noggin and be sure to subscribe to be alerted when we do generation 5
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 237,364
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon theory, pokemon go, pokemon lets go pikachu, gen 4 remakes, sinnoh remakes, sinnoh remake, pokemon in japanese, pokemon names in japanese, translating pokemon names, pokemon etymology, pokemon name meaning, arceus pronunciation, how to pronounce arceus, how to pronounce pokemon, pokemon in japan, pokemon lets go, pokemon lets go eevee, japanese to english, japanese pokemon, pokemon name meanings, directly translating pokemon
Id: I0-S-jTlmFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 17 2018
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