Shiny Pokemon! Their Colors Explained! | Gnoggin -7th gen edition!

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today's video is brought to you by pixel Empire shiny pokemon I've still never legitimately caught one I don't sign of Pokemon go but that doesn't really count now does it the concept of shiny pokemon is neat take a Pokemon make it a unique color make those rare so they are sought-after bottle bank cool afterall similar things happen in nature the rare blue lobster albino animals like this are super cool too like this white moose and that white fella Gator they get this way because of mutations in their genes causing them to simply be a different color and Game Freak took these natural phenomena and applied it to Pokemon called them shiny pokemon on the particular colors that these china colorations are aren't chosen just because they look good I mean clearly that's not the case but from when they were introduced shiny pokemon in Gen 2 all the way through Gen 5 they were designed rather the color palates of the sprites were changed to the next color in the code but when it comes to the 3d games where we're at now well that's not how textures and models work so from generation 6 onwards the shiny colors were chosen a designer gave them their shiny color rather than made algorithm meaning modern pokemon have shiny colors for a reason and I'm going to explain those reasons now starting with the most recent generation as of now I say as gen8 is right around the corner let's go over and explain why every gen 7 pokemon is the color that it is and just to spice things up in no particular order when it comes to Linton's line in sooner R is based on the villainous heel wrestler from the popular manga tiger mask which makes it easy to say that it's shiny color is the white tiger another color and the same manga though you could also say it's just a reference to white Siberian tigers peu Camuto turns very green like a land cucumber CREB brawler and crab Bominable get the classic red boxing gloves the Rowlett lines shiny colors being black and dark green may come from a mythical owl named Strix which dart Rex gets its name from this mythical owl is a big black spooky owl the darker green colors then may just reflect its grass typing and bonus fact about this mythical owl in some tales Strix would squirt milk on the lips of infants and you could use a garlic amulet on your head to keep it away weird now here's a fun fact about two cans they regulate their body temperature through their large beaks it's why they are so large as such you can use infrared cameras and two cans look similar to how shiny two cannon looks after all two cannons pokedex entry states that it can use its beak to heat up seeds and shoot them clearly it's beak is also quite warm from beak just follow suit and picky Peck is just another variation of the polite of woodpecker the bird it is based on charged a bug is a little green bus also the monolith Levison and it's red shiny variation may be a reference to London's Square red buses then Vica volt the bug that's also a railgun turns silver and green making it look somewhat robotic or futuristic referencing railguns further common in sci-fi grubbin isn't is interesting sometimes stag beetle grubs have a more reddish face than a brown one sandy gassed and palos and turned black referencing black sand a rare but real type of sand found all over some beaches it's beautiful or beccaria is really simple each of its forms resembles the dress of a type of dance and of course when clothes are involved any color is possible at least here both the main colors and the shinies resemble a fairly common color for the dress especially the salsa dancer now when you put clothes on a seal they can be any color but white tends to be the most common though lighter colors happen to and this is what we see with Pope Leo and Briana but pre marina goes a whole step further though and becomes a blond the name of this pokemon comes from prima donna which references both opera singing women and women rock stars particularly the blonde a Madonna as in she got her name from the word but anyway both Madonna and many classical opera singers were blonde wishy-washy the sardine turns golden and sardines can in fact have golden scales especially after being soaked in oil and canned gumshoes is a detective in a trench coat like the detective from Pink Panther hence pink or because it's a gumshoe the term for a detective on a stakeout and its name well what color does bubblegum tend to be oh yeah and then young guys just follow suit Morini and toxic ex are based on the crown of thorns starfish and are shinies just turn reddish pink which is referencing another kind of spiky starfish the same but red rock roughen like in rock turn blue referencing the blue wolf which is both a real wolf but also a chinese legend of a blue wolf with a large main that raises a human child Melton and male metal are just using a slice any different sort of metal for their nuts nuts come in all sorts of colors and Sheen's perhaps this time it's a darker brass tert inators shiny makes it more accurate to the Matamata turtle the real-life turtle it's based on mud Bray and muds Dale turn yellow perhaps referencing that famous movie horse spirit which was based on a kegger Mustang kamala stays the same but the log it holds is different perhaps it's from a ghost gum tree which is in the same genus that eucalyptus trees are in eucalyptus being the only kinds of trees koalas eat these trees are ghostly white and sometimes even a creamy pink now Morel LNG tonic become warm colors and given that other languages names for these pokemon reference lamps and morel all blows people to sleep with its lights they may be based somewhat on a nightlight and a lamp at which point the shiny colors make more sense they are warm tom new colors a rack renewed and dupe hider are orb-weaver sea spider combos the letter of which come in all sorts of colors including these shiny ones so land it and Salle's all become white twin shining which is the color of some baby salamanders and sometimes they don't grow out of this whiteness foe mantis and Laurentiis are based on orchid mantises which come in a variety of colors and patterns the shiny is a variant of the orchid mantis path simian is just wearing sports colors it's like a sports ball outfit and sports ball players wear all sorts of colors Farrah Moses shiny makes it look like she's wearing some nice business women clothing labelled sweet lines shiny colorations somewhat resemble when a mangosteen the fruit it's based on is unripe it's white innards are greenish as is the outer fruit and sometimes a mangosteen can have reddish purple fleshy leaves rather than green ones it all just depends on how ripe it is and how much sunlight the fruit got wind pot and gle isopod get bleached common for isopod fossils but they're purple bits also turn reddish conveniently there are red trilobite sand isopods type knowles gray goes Brown and Silve allies white goes gold the only thing I can think of is the alchemy aspect while on the non-shiny we are purifying lesser metals into platinum the highest and holiest of metals hence referencing how this pokemon is an attempt of making an artificial Arceus in the shiny form we may be turning lead into gold or perhaps bronze into gold this was the most common thing many alchemists spent their life on and either way this line is referencing the raising of the status of the metals involved which is very important in alchemy stopple and beware turned from pink to a slightly orangish yellow which is I guess somewhat more accurate to a real red panda or a generic teddy bear I mean ER is one of those pokemon that already come in a variety of colors but if you find a shiny one it's black and it's got little bits floating around inside of it that are all of the colorful bits maybe this coloration is based on the blackness of space with multicolored sparkly stars maybe this shiny is the default form until it picks a color and absorbs air particles of that one color and then Falls this particular mini or couldn't decide what color and wanted to become so it fell while still its default color which is rare so it's quote-unquote shiny or maybe it's the other way around this mini or everything it's a glutton it ate all of the other colors at once Dalma is instead of the more common green kelp or algae is red kelp or algae easy orang gurus white fur turns pink Hindu gurus would wear all sorts of colors pink and purple included and these were colors of high status which gurus were beautifly and ro Bombay just turned pink we couldn't find any real-world basis for this so we assume it's because they are cute girly fairy type things thus pink toget Amaru also is just pinkish now for the same reasons it's really cute so you make it pink though you could also point out that most rodents are pink when they are first born so there's that mimic you go greyscale and this is most likely for aesthetics take as well just because it looks creepy and mostly come Fae is simply two different flowers Zehra Ora is already like if a tiger and a serval had a baby and then deviantART got ahold of it it's shiny then may simply be a white tiger the blue bits reverencing blue lightning grandpa's shiny isn't much based on anything grandpa itself is based on a number of Chinese legends but those points to dragons of other colors primarily read this tannish color may just be a more natural looking color since its normal type and all or perhaps also the thing that it's based on it has the head of a man so this is a sort of flesh tone the tofu is all turned black which may reference the Hawaiian mythology involved the gods they are all based on kana KU con Aloha and lo no were all worshipped and revered but were also mischievious and not really the best gods they were rather dark it's black and many only worshiped them out of fear of offending them also sometimes tikis could be charred black the Jiang Lowline turned pink and yellow pretty ugly now dragons are famous for loving to collect hordes of treasure which may be referenced here by golden scales the pink though no idea you could say it's to make the punching gloves pink like some boxing gloves are sure buzz swall is an odd one it's dark red bits become neon green but the rest see the same pretty ugly there are midges which are in the same family as mosquitos and they're green so I started looking at athletic body building wear and straps but nothing that really works concretely no clothes can be of any color it could be that bus wall is red because it's an engorged mosquito after drinking loads of blood and shiny bus wall still has ultra-feast alien green blood in it green blood being pretty common for depictions of aliens in sci-fi media I don't know shiny Mars shadow doesn't look much different until it attacks the green parts referencing the helmets of ancient Cambodian or Siam martial art wielding warriors which were believed to have been in many colors from gold to orange to green but not really purple it may just be purple because it's a mysterious color also dark pointing to its ghostly Shilo abilities otherwise no stack attack ax is simply built of another kind of stone perhaps yellow granite cobblestone or sandstone Barack's ish by default is already not the right colors for the fish it's based on and it's shiny just goes even more against it but its colors are the way that it is because it's a psychedelic fish hence the psychic typing but if we had to find a reason you could say that it's a mix of every file and trigger fish's coloration one way or another it's also kind of toothpaste colored it's French name translates into toothpaste crunch cosmic doesn't change much it's spots go from a baby blue to a baby pink perhaps it's the cute factor at play again though also you could look at nebulas the thing it's based on they come in all colors so you can mix and match all you want same thing for Cosmo 'm though interestingly they are based specifically on the Crab Nebula or the cat's eye nebula if any of them and when viewed through different types of telescopes the colors change perhaps referencing to shiny shiny Sol Galileo is a reference to a red Sun when the Sun is near the horizon and the light is being refracted at just the right the Sun at this moment can appear red also there are real Suns out in space that are always red naturally Luna Levin is the Blood Moon when the light from the moon is doing the same this also happens during the lunar eclipse niall ego pulls inspiration from a number of jellyfish even glass jellyfish hence the Taiping but in the case of its coloration and shiny variants it may be pulling from the moon jellyfish naturally they are a bluish purple but they can create light with bioluminescence and this light happens to be a orangish yellow circuitry is interesting sentence I thought I'd never say wires come in all colors of course black being the most common and blue being one of the rarest used wires tend to be colored for color-coding reasons in electricity and blue wires are used for carrying power but not wiring outlets or common devices they are used for connecting terminals so I guess it's awesome that one of the rarest colored wires becomes the shiny which are rare celestina is a reference to a Japanese reference that we explained in this video here but long story short it's main colors are from bamboo and the shiny colors reference the moon people in the story or perhaps it's just the general coloration of rockets car tannaz yellow bits go bite but its torso blue now origami paper can be any color but perhaps this coloration is pointing towards its sword arms its body being the sword hilt essentially after all besides black blue was one of the most common hilt colors for katanas does Lord has been frequently compared to a black hole as it eats and eats everything and never has droppings and this is why it's black but it's also a trash compactor hence the cautionary yellow that having the equipment it commonly is winch tiny though it becomes white and orange the orange may be used for the same purpose as the yellow before but the white may be referencing Don Stark neutron stars are the second heaviest and densest things in the universe right behind black holes point ball turns white and yellow and Magana del black and yellow both referencing various species of wasp mugear 'no actually doesn't have a shiny at least not canonically it has one in the game's code but it's exactly the same Nagaina does however have an alternate form that looks like how it used to in the old days it's painted like a pokeball but that's not a shiny this alternate form though does have a shiny technically which looks like an ultra ball plus f Ilan's colors when shiny referenced in the night sky and which fireworks would go off and with macros m'a the dark obsidian becomes lapis lazuli a dark blue gemstone which in alchemy crystal healing stuff symbolizes all of the deep powers of the stars of gods and wisdom of spirit and truth and vision of the universe and as such was one of the most sought after stones in ancient times and some of these ancient civilizations not only attributed it to the powers of space but even to the powers of death in Sumerian mythology the goddess Anana roamed the underworld and could use rods made of pure lapis lazuli to measure the length of someone's life and you know Nick Rosa macro which means relating to death ultra no crows Mithen being yellow shines brightly like the Yellow Sun and Moon in alchemy however when you further purify light with holy power or anything for that matter it blows white the rocky parts on it could be changing from gold to platinum the second and first most powerful holy metals and alchemy respectively it was said that gold symbolized the perfect man whereas platinum symbolizes a God whoa now how is all that for awesome shiny pokemon changed the way they look and most often it's for the better do you want to change the way you look for the better then head on over to pixel Empire they were kind enough to sponsor this video and they sell prints to make your wall look cooler and clothing to make your body look cooler or warmer in the case of hoodies I mean check these out awesome go wild with the discount code Loxton to get 10% off and directly support this channel it helps us continue to make awesome content like this video so a big thanks to pixel Empire and of course to watching [Music]
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 840,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon sun and moon, pokemon ultra sun and ultra moon, pokemon ultraspace, shiny pokemon, shiny hunting, pokemon shiny fail, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon sword and shield shiny hunting, pokemon sword and shield shiny colors, pokemon sword and shield shinies, shinies in sun and moon, shiny pokemon in sun and moon, why are they shiny, why are shiny pokemon, how rare are shiny pokemon, ugly shiny pokemon, worst shiny pokemon, gen 7, pokemon sun and moon shiny
Id: 5uP9Y4r1ju4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 10 2019
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