Searching the Ruins of a Town’s Wealthiest Family

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[Music] [Music] so hey folks my name is brad martin and we're back up in the mountains of vermont today with our metal detector hiking to a place that i have been looking forward to for the better part of a month since the landowner invited me up here and i'll tell you more about it once we finally arrive but at the end of this old dirt road over 150 years ago was the home of one of this town's wealthiest families now it was sprinkling about 10 minutes ago and i heard some booms in the distance but hopefully we won't get too wet today got a little ways left to go [Music] all right we have arrived standing at the edge of the cellar here the foundation and it is awesome as you can see it is very deep stoned lined for the most part it caved in here but one kind of interesting detail that i'm noticing is you know a lot of foundations up here in the mountains are field stones for the most part round but as you can see these stones are squared off uh rectangular which would indicate that they were cut which seems to show these folks did in fact have some money and on the topic of money the family that lived here owned most of the saw mills in this town throughout the 1800s really from the beginning right until the turn of the century now the landowner did tell me that there have been several people metal detecting here over the years and the amount of copper and silver coins that have come out of here is crazy i don't know exactly how many but he said a lot hopefully we can find a couple of those today let's get our metal detector out all right well nothing special it's just a utensil you know it's a piece of cutlery a knife but look at the design of this thing i've never seen one quite like this very elegant and it is iron but you know at the time it would have been polished up with probably a bone or maybe even ivory handle very impressive looking very lightweight not would not have been you know doing any butchering with this thing this was a nice flatware set really really cool let's keep going all right well i got something here i'm not uh it's a button i'm not sure if there's something on the face of it yet or not i think that there might be definitely a button it almost looks like a two-piece button but uh no back mark unfortunately but this side certainly appears as though there's something on there whoa see that looks like i can honestly say i've never seen a button like this it's like there's a scene there there's a little person uh working on something could be tell what can you tell is that what that is is a person a person's back person's front it's hard to say appears to be a person very interesting i don't know so cool i've never seen a button like this it makes me wonder if the garment like told a whole story you know there was different scenes in the different buttons but um that's a first super interesting we'll find some more very very cool well uh still nothing too valuable here uh you know no giant silver coins or anything yet but i did just find and again it was like almost another surface vine it was just under this dirt here it's dried up dirt and man is this thing intricate and expensive looking would you look at that i'm not entirely sure what kind of you know appointment this is whether it was a pin now that i'm looking at it a bit more it almost looks like up here was uh it was a it was a circle here like a round button maybe maybe this had a button on it and it went in a buttonhole just for decoration pretty pretty intricate really really cool [Music] sprinkling now hopefully it'll pass soon uh as i'm walking around i'm seeing lots of signs of those who came before me metal detecting here things like this it's a piece of glass somebody found stuck on top of a stump and you know over there i saw some horseshoes hanging in trees and those iron rings we find stuck on branches and you know i can understand folks not wanting to necessarily carry that stuff out i do similar things with like axe heads tell the landowner where to find them but i don't know hanging them in trees has always baffled me i guess maybe they don't want to run their metal detector over them a second time usually what i do with you know horseshoes and iron rings is i'll find a place next to the foundation and place them there and let the landowner know that that's where they are must not bother him too much because he keeps inviting people up here but i don't know a little bit weird let's keep going see maybe we can find one of those coins [Music] uh well i just found oh god you know i found a few of these recently to chain it's a brass chain you know i'm always on the fence whether these things are jewelry or i mean i feel like this was a form of jewelry whether that be for a pocket watch or a pair of glasses spectacles something to that effect i would have suspected this would be uh plated in some way gold or silver and you know you could just see by looking at it this is very delicate this wouldn't have been bearing any load whatsoever it's not a typical chain design we have these little rings here what it was doing you know what its job was is your best guess i'm gonna say probably a pocket watch we're missing some obviously maybe there's more in the hole pretty cool bent up plating is gone but you can imagine what it looked like at one time very good i just got kind of an interesting find right on the surface here which is incredible that the leather here is still intact and it's still relatively pliable this appears just to be some leather with rivets and as i mentioned the leather is still quite intact the copper that's in this brass antimicrobial properties in it that you know protects the leather when in the earth and i'm not sure if this is complete it looks like it is this is pretty rounded over on both sides you know what this was part of a saddle part of a you know a rains rig of some kind i thought first it was going to be like a bracelet but i don't believe that it is it's um a mystery let me know what you think just a decoration for something or did it have a purpose pretty cool all right well i got a pretty junky target a lot like the sheet metal that i've been finding today and it's kind of all over the place and i think i just got something pretty special i don't know what it is exactly uh the workings of what looks like a buckle on the back and there's some text here patent may 6 1873 and on this side there is a lot going on so we're going to spray this see what it might be here that's crazy so it is plated when i first came out i thought maybe it'd be silver though it didn't ring high enough on the metal detector you can see the plating is coming off so i'm going to stop rubbing it with my toothbrush but it looks like we have a scene here of a bunch of cherubs or they might be adults it's hard to tell it's like somebody's painting over here this guy's got a rock pick and a hammer this guy's chiseling out a what are those called caps on top one of those pillars roman pillars that's pretty crazy usually we'd speculate how old this thing is but we have a patent date right on there 1873 and i have to wonder whether this was worn on a belt around the waist or you know a shoulder bag or waist coat i don't know how we can use your imagination but that's a beautiful big surprise when that came out for sure incredible uh well i was walking along detecting and i saw a flash of blue on the ground i don't know if this is what i think it is but if it is it's a pretty crazy coincidence let's take a look at it you see that it almost looks like somebody found this already and then discarded it but yeah that is does anybody know that is a blue jar which i believe is a vix vaporub i could be wrong but i'm pretty sure that's what these blue ones are not really sure how old it is it could be well into the 1900s but i'm pretty sure that's a vix and the reason i say it's a coincidence is because just a few weeks ago in one of these videos i was talking about how my grandfather wore vixx as an insect repellent and today for the first time i tried it myself so far it's working pretty good i'm still getting bit a little bit but uh it's working just as good as the deet did and it always makes me wonder you know when we find these things at places like this up in the mountains is that what they were using these for or achy muscles [Music] pretty cool i'm going to keep this if this was discarded by a person before me well they're lost i'm bringing this one home pretty cool [Music] do all right well we just got some more really really intricate um expensive looking i don't know what it is it's an artifact of some kind i don't think it's a buckle i think it might be like a discussion of some kind i don't know i just took a real quick peek at it and you can see there's a ton of gold plating on here see if i can get most of the mud out man and on this side you can see there's more gold plating i think that this is going to require some water what in the world is this thing let me spray some water you know likely the uh some of the plating is going to come off but let's just see let's just see what happens it appears as though it's symmetrical somewhat in in this direction right left to right this way it doesn't appear as though anything is damaged down here it's not open but it does look like it's damaged up here and maybe it seems like it was hollow at some point and it was crushed and this point up here was open so i'm kind of leaning towards you know the bottom of a handle maybe a looking glass like a mirror but it is very very intricate you know not solid silver or or gold or anything it's plated but certainly would have looked expensive in the time which seems to be the theme here very very cool holy smokes look at this thing even there's spigot with silver uh silver plated it's got a lot of the plating out left on there too i'm fairly certain this would have gone into a pipe and not a barrel um a cistern of some kind more than likely water i would guess uh i'm confident this is period with the building you know late 1800s maybe turn of the century very cool old old speaker still silver plated crazy all right i just got a screaming target and i'm pretty sure i know what it is but i thought i would film taking it out in case it's not what it is man this thing is enormous yeah anybody know this is awesome are you kidding me um this is a clock this is the most i've ever found of one both of its movement plates we find these things all the time these uh plates that all the gears and stuff are riveted to but it still has its winder are you kidding me look at that unfortunately this thing is uh pretty busted up looks like some moisture obviously got in there from the ground froze and busted this thing apart and at the very least i'm going to try to get this out to display because that's so cool oftentimes there'll be a brand name and a patent date but you know we have a pretty good idea of when these folks were here so that's not super important but um that's what it is an old clock with the winder still in there so so cool all right folks well the sun is currently shining but i just heard a series of massive booms coming from that way i just heard another one and my wife is sending me weather updates to my phone so we're going to get the things that we found today out do a quick recap and then i'm going to get out of here before i get wet okay starting with the things that i don't think you've seen yet in the back here i did just get a fragment of a pocket watch half of a crotal bell i was pretty excited when it came out but it's just half this i think is an ascussion um although it could be you know like a keyhole for a door i'm not quite sure there's some iron stuck to it here let me know what you think about that one i did get one suspender pretty much completely intact uh and now the things that you have seen we've got our silver plated spigot back here a clock with the winder still in there which i find incredible dinner knife here the handle too probably a ladies mirror very very elegant and guilt and pretty impressive looking i'm sure even more impressive looking obviously when it was all together our little chain i don't think i showed this button but next to that is our crazy intricate button cover we have our button with the little scene in it as of this moment i don't know what's going on in there uh maybe by the time i get it home and get it cleaned up i'll know but uh i think that it would be incredible if the garment actually had like a whole story to tell from these scenes this thing as time went on i think i figured it out when i first found this i thought that those were rivets but in fact they're clasps they're like hooks what it is exactly i'm not sure but we do know now that this clipped on to something i'm gonna go with something decorative and uh not a utility of some kind let me know what you think about that and then of course last but not least this crazy looking belt buckle that has really the only date of anything we found today which is may 6 1873 which does line up with the history of this place and even though it is silver plated this would have been a very uh impressive statement to make with this around your waist very very very very cool more booms back there incredible place fascinating history fortunately we weren't able to find anything too valuable today one of those coins we heard so much about but as the landowner told us people have been metal detecting here for years and they already found an incredible number of coins here so somewhat to be expected the things we did find though i'm pretty excited about i'm sure the landowner is going to be excited to see you know that's more than we can ask for some days in this hobby i want to thank you again for watching hopefully i'll see you next week when we're back up here in the mountains of vermont looking for more treasure
Channel: Green Mountain Metal Detecting
Views: 205,747
Rating: 4.9454741 out of 5
Keywords: adventure, Vermont, best metal detecting finds, metal detecting finds, metal detector, metal detecting coins, metal detecting videos, treasure hunting, metal detecting shovel, metal detecting tips, metal detecting, treasure, old coins, cellar hole, history, incredible, amazing, gmmd, stone walls, mystery, ghost town, New England, 2020
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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