Intriguing Sealed Container Found Miles From Modern Civilization | Metal Detecting Adventure

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[Music] [Music] all right we're at it again out here the tail end of December and still deer season wearing the orange hat just in case again I'm on private property and it's posted against hunting but as we've discovered from previous videos people don't always know how to read signs I guess so we're at a site now that um I don't know a whole lot about it's got a field stone foundation but I can see some rusted old cans on the surface so it's hard to tell exactly how old it is you know they use these field stone foundations as soon as people got here all the way up until 1900s 17-2 1900s so you never really know it's supposed to be a beautiful day today we've had a bunch of snow and it's gone at the moment it's supposed to get up into the 40s or maybe even the 50s today which is a nice change from what it has been we have a lot of property to swing around here I assume there's traffic everywhere so let's get the gear up packing let's see what we can find [Music] all right well not ashamed to say that it's been a couple hours let me actually look yeah it's been out well an hour and a half and I haven't found anything worth showing I found a couple of luminous which leads me to believe that this area is not that old finally just got a good target it's incredibly deep I didn't even pull the camera out because it was so quiet a lot of times iron they'll do that flip the plug it's still a good sounding target so we're gonna we're gonna film it and hope for hope for the best 84 still really deep 85 it's out oh yeah so sounds good it's round whatever it is in the heights it's at a copper or is that a button geez I don't know a closer look at it here it seems to be quite a bit smaller than your run-of-the-mill large set and it's light just leave me to believe that it's um maybe not the same material that large tents are made out of Arlie get the toothbrush out and see what we can fight figure out about this all right we got it if you can see that without the flashlight that is a to ship there's a date down here it says 1841 and the back I believe it says not up here can't really make it out but it says one cent for tribute so this is a hard times token other metal detectorists out there may recognize the name Scoville the button guys they made a bunch of hard times tokens I imagined some of the other button manufacturers also did because they were set up to make stuff out of brass but um this one I've actually found another one of these that was in way better condition and you could read the top much better this is this is an exciting find you know it's always exciting to find a large cent or even a colonial copper but one of these things it actually has a little bit of a story behind it which i think is is extra interesting so even though it's an hour and a half after I got here this makes up for it awesome see if we can find something else all right well I might be in a little hot spot right here coin is right over there and this I've called in the past a saddle shield and it very well could have been a part of a saddle but I am now convinced that these more likely just the end of a leather strap when you have a leather strap that gets a lot of work and you're constantly putting in and out of you know like buckles and things the it's all messed up so they would stick these on the end of the leather strap make him last longer that's pretty cool there's no designs or anything sometimes there was not this time pretty cool I'm in the trail you can see somebody was actually doing some work sawing up a tree fairly recently right next to it just got the nicest smoothest 82 it wouldn't surprise me at all if that was a recent drop of something like a dime or a quarter but I will see in the clump this piece of dirt bike I find these things constantly I don't know how people keep those things together it's just stuff constantly falling off of them is a break or a probably a break there must have wiped out and busted it off oh I was just sitting down having a snack and off on the ridge I heard so either somebody has an AR out there hunting deer I'm just gonna the running deer it's probably a bunch of hunters out there they all shot off a bunch of rounds idea is that all the deer now gonna be running it towards me there's probably hunters in between me and them see if they can catch the deer and run it through I'm gonna keep my eyes open likely if they run past the hunters in between we'll have some some excitement we'll see pretty deep Heights on here leave 78-81 see sounds better 85 nice and smooth alright alright starting to beat little exciting here see yeah just something nice it's another copper Oh awesome day is turned around alright see if we can identify it alright we tell what that is looks like a large cent nice looks like let's be get it cleaned up we'll probably get a date off the bottom there oh yes how nice that side looks 1 cent awesome see if I can get the date off this quick no well I can't tell out here I'm confident that I'll be able to clean it up enough to be able to tell home so beautiful too copper so far today you know I was so excited to find that last copper the token that I forgot to mention last year I found 36 coppers including half cents and tokens and this year when I woke up this morning I had 36 coppers for this year and we're at 38 now so I beat that beat last year's total which I was hoping to do at least by one but now we've done it by two years not over yet maybe we can break 40 I don't want to make a goal like that but if we made 40 that'd be awesome alright we're gonna search around this this area a little bit more maybe they drop more than one check this out it's a little gold-plated keyhole cover well not cover keyhole discussion that's pretty sweet it's very delicate I think I could just probably break this right in half which leads me to leave it probably wasn't on a front door maybe was on a cabinet or a small box or something pretty cool all right well I just found something and I don't know what it is it was not a very high tone I thought for sure was gonna be a shotgun shell what do you think oh it's suspenders it's just better clip let's see if we get it cleaned off without breaking it nice you know I could say that I've never found one like that before it's got named brain or something on there ooh I can already feel it crumbling in my hands I'm not even gonna attempt to clean it up out here wait do we do that at home that's cool it almost looks like a shoe buckle but uh it's clearly not just a little spender clip all right that's pretty cool let's see if we can find some more stuff all right a few videos ago I found a little iron container which I then broke open with my shovel and I had a lot of people upset about it because they were very convinced that it was a snuff can I don't happen to believe that's what it was but a lot of people did and thought I probably should have brought it home preserved it somehow anyway I found something else there's a little container and I'm gonna bust it open with my shovel we'll see what's inside probably nothing I'm gonna go find a rock to do it on alright here it is it's much smaller than the last one but there's actually a seam on this one my guess is that was probably some kind of bomb like a lip balm see we can get that open alright so it was sealed pretty good water is in there do you think I will admit when that thing first busted open I thought for sure that was a silver coin it's not it's it's still whatever that bomb was see poke it with a stick here all right oh look at that this is more than likely a medicine of some kind I would guess probably over a hundred years old whatever was it's still you know it's uh paste should I put it on my lips what do you think yeah just kidding all right this is uh pretty gross you put the lid back on and put it in my garbage bag all right well I just found something here that I would normally consider garbage not exactly sure what it is but I saw that there was threads on it the reason I'm gonna do some more research is because there's actually writing on there it definitely says a name-brand and Co up top it says Lowell Mass on the bottom so it's pretty cool I can do some research on that and figure out what it's part of again my best guess is that it was maybe a lamp or something like that there's probably a wick that went through the middle there but we'll see it's pretty cool figure out what it is all right well I was just detecting on through and they came to a hole that I had previously dug and i rechecked it and there's a small scent in there and I think it's a fat Indian so before we look at the coin I'm trying to remember what it was that was in this hole along with this it maybe was another one of those coins I don't think so I don't know it was with something that I previously dug maybe I don't remember giving up on any holes today so it was in the hole with something I don't know let's look at this coin anyway and that's what it is an Indian headset it's in pretty good shape get my toothbrush I was like 1863 I don't know if you can see that or not early 1860s had just switched over from the large set to these guys and they're quite a bit thicker than the later Indian Head cents that's pretty cool I think this is the it's not very good condition but I think it's the best condition that Indian that I found they don't hold up too well in the soil so I'm happy with that for sure awesome geez I guess I better check my holes a little bit better from now on all right we calling it a day got off to a slow start today hour and a half with nothing but it turned out all right that broke last year's copper record which I'm pretty excited about I think there might be a few more hunts left in this year so I'll see maybe we can boost it up a little bit more three coins today all right we got our large cent at our Indian Head cent and we've got our hard times token leather strap end our little key discussion suspenders clip I did find one little square nail that is like perfect and I always always bring these home when they're not rusty at all you know and they're still in good shape I did get two well one whole harmonica Reed and then two pieces of the other side of it harmonicas had these things inside of them there's two well for one when you breathe in when when you breathe out and there was wood keeping it all together and that's why you only find the reeds I have found them in the past and there actually is wood still in them but more than likely we only find the reeds yeah just a slim amount of buttons today two buttons one this one of them is iron and one of them is brass and then I cut my piece of dirt bike and then finally our mystery piece with writing on it so we do a little research so hunting season has almost come to a close in Vermont and you know it's not lost on me that a hunter will start an early spring and the go out and they'll hang their trail cams and they'll check them religiously every week and then finally they'll see the giant buck that they've been dream about their whole life they'll count down the days until hunting season finally we'll have a beautiful day like today they'll wake up 4 a.m. come out here climb the tree stand cover themselves and in deer scent you know they've got their thousands of dollars worth of hunting gear on and they weigh all morning and then finally when they think the massive buck is coming out outcomes beeping Brad with a metal detector and ruins their whole year I understand that as a hunter I get that and what that's why I'm in a place where there aren't supposed to be any hunters right now I don't want to ruin anybody's year so anyway that being said I got a few comments last time about people you know being in the woods during hunting season and try not to ruin anybody's anybody's day so anyway hunting season is almost over with so I don't have to worry about that very much longer short hunt today but I had fun [Applause] you you
Channel: Green Mountain Metal Detecting
Views: 164,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adventure, mystery, mountains, gmmd, vermont, dangerous, spooky, haunted, ghost town, abandoned, hiking, treasure, treasure hunting, metal detecting, coins, old coins, garrett, great outdoors, relics, cellar hole
Id: AUEAhvDG_4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2018
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