Treasure Hunter Discovers the Finds of a Lifetime… AGAIN!!

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[Music] [Applause] hey folks we have a trip planned today that I am very excited about the place that I'm walking to right now I've been to before this is a return trip and the video that I made the last time I was here is my most viewed video on YouTube it has like well over a million views treasure hunter discovers the finds of a lifetime the last time I was here which was two years ago I found a couple Spanish silver coins a couple old coppers a piece of jewelry and knee buckle and I hadn't been doing this very long and those things certainly felt like fines of a lifetime what you guys didn't see is at the end of the day I went and visited with a landowner and showed him most things unfortunately sometimes this happens didn't invite me back likely he went out and bought his own metal detector spent the last couple years metal detecting his own land which is fine you know belonged to him fast forward two years I noticed a couple weeks ago in the newspaper that this property changed hands a has a new owner contacted them asked permission to come out and do some metal detecting said yes so here we are hopefully the last guy left us a few things to find today I've got two more years experience under my belt got a new metal detector I don't know maybe we'll outdo last time [Music] [Music] alright well we made it there's a lot quicker on a four-wheeler doesn't appear as though much has changed I do see some dig holes or not gonna let that discourage us we're gonna do the best we can here today and see if see if we can do at least as good as last time try to come close let's get a metal detector out we've got a pretty iffy target here it's enough to mid tone but sometimes it's a high tone that's a button doesn't appear to be anything on there but it's in pretty rough shape might be might be uh early eighteen hundreds that's cool all right it's a good sign let's keep going well I just found a kind of unique little piece here it is just iron I think it appears to be homemade to some extent this kind of struck me here it looks like it kind of be it became like delaminated this got pulled back and it kind of broke right here or maybe that's part of the design I'm not sure but it does look like you know obviously the age of the stuff we're finding here this would have been pounded on by a blacksmith and created for something they're just like a pot hook attached to things together pretty interesting let me know what you think all right well we got a weird one here I did not film the digging of this despite it actually being a pretty good target because I am right in the runoff from the road I'll show you here you see this channel this was dug recently it's because the road comes down this way Tannehill and this lets the water come this way so that the water doesn't wash out the road so I was pretty confident that this target was going to be you know something from the road something modern but it wound up being a button 1800s judging by the text that's on the back there recheck the hole and I think that this is either another button or it's going to be a very tiny little coin I don't see any evidence of a shank so we're gonna get the toothbrush out see if maybe it is a coin it's pretty thick I don't know I'm optimistic let's check it out all right well I can't see anything on here so I'll work on this at home I'll let you know if I can figure it out belonged to the people who lived here whatever it is keep going you know the video from the last here has hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of comments and I think that the thing that most people talked about was this quartz rock right here and people speculated that it was a grave stone that it was a marker for treasure that it was the threshold for the building you know the list goes on I don't think it's a gravestone it doesn't appear to be a marker for treasure because I did metal detector round it last time I just did again no targets unless it's underneath and my metal detector doesn't reach but I'm pretty sure it would reach so I think personally that it is just a quartz Boulder out here quartz is not uncommon in this part of Vermont and maybe kids played on it maybe they used it to get up on a horse who knows but I think there's anything particularly special about it could be wrong never know about all right we're gonna Middlesex out around here a little bit longer and then we're gonna move on up the road [Music] all right well the theme today seems to be buttons and I'm pretty sure that's what this is but not a hundred percent I'm not actually near anything right now let me show you here well if you can see here there's a stone wall on the other side of that as the road and that way is a cellar and that way is a cellar and you know walk into the other one swinging as I go and I just got a little seventy five target which so far today has been buttons I just got this out let's go a little time back button and I'm on the fence about whether this might actually be silver coin if it is it is very tarnished and smooth I don't know this is probably a button OOP now check it out get that that's a silver coin god it's so tarnished and smooth let me clean this up just a little bit more see if I can get some more information on this alright well I've been staring at this thing forever and I I think it's Spanish but I don't recognize it because there's no pillars and I'll show you I'll give you a close-up here so I think what's down here is a 33 but you can see we have a shield there's a crown on top I'm gonna have to do some research on this one I actually already a sent a text message out to our good friend Mike and we'll see if we can figure it out for us whatever it is it's a little silver coin from long ago and I don't know if you can tell them shaking them pretty excited I've never found one of this style and of this size so whenever it turns out to be it's gonna be my first alright well we're gonna stick around this area maybe there was a habitation here maybe it was just a fluke drop hard to say it's been a little bit more time here [Music] [Music] all right well my text got out to Mike he took time out of his job to help me out here in the woods and he sent me back a picture of a 1 rial Spanish coin which makes sense this is right the right size for a 1 Ryo it's more than likely a philip v but there were other Philips earlier we can't make out the date it's on the smoothest side you know the side without any details and the little details that I need to be able to see to be able to be sure kind of which Philip it is can't read it so we'll take a look at it and I'll show you what I can see there's our shield ok and there's a couple marks over here and down here which I thought was a 33 is actually a double P for Filippis which is Philip you know Latin and it would say Filippis and then a little dot and then the roman numeral for which Philip it is and if it was v it would be a V but we cannot see us so we're gonna assume that's what it is and we're gonna be very excited about it this is awesome old old Spanish coin probably carried in the pockets for a hundred years and then dropped out here seemingly completely random in the middle of what was at one time a field you know try to imagine the scenario of how this was dropped out here it could have been anything while they were building the wall maybe they were chasing after a horse that got away endless but there doesn't seem to be anything else out here so we're gonna carry on to the next seller and see what we can find there well I can honestly say I've never found one of these before this seems to be in pretty good shape too I've been fighting with it for a while as an iron tone catch my breath here it was under all these roots I had to break them all up and I'm pretty sure this is a big double sided pickaxe it's huge amazing I mean given the age of everything else we've been finding here it's early 1800s like most all things back then hand forged pickaxe that's incredible and I don't want to carry this out but I'm gonna have to I'm gonna stash it somewhere and grab it before I go this is gonna be an incredible display piece for either me or the landowner wants it let's keep going all right I got a pretty cool little find here I don't think it's period with this home site it's cooling the less I think it might be a little bit later this as you can see is a hinge it doesn't work anymore but I'm fairly certain this was a ruler like a folding wooden ruler the wood is obviously gone now I imagine if I check I might find some more like the end caps of the other sides and stuff but pretty sure that's what that is an old hinge from an older ruler I thought maybe there was writing on it I don't think so it's just corrosion it's still cool brass hinge all right suit else we can find all right we got another kind of cool little iron artifact here this what do you know it's a hinge for a door or a gate I suppose and I always you know how interesting can hinge for a gate because it's broken I find this one particularly interesting because of how crude it is you can see here again made by a blacksmith hammered down flat fairly crudely I almost wonder if this is something that would would have been homemade necessary part of life if you wanted to keep your animals in or you wanted to keep the cold out pretty cool let's see what else we can find so last time I was here I had shown some monarch caterpillars munching on some milkweed that's over there and since we're here a little bit later in the season they've already gone into chrysalis and hatched into monarch butterflies I just saw one fly by which is why I'm mentioning it but you know this time of year in the woods it's beautiful these are starting to change I've got monarchs flying around now other moths birds are chirping up in the trees heard some Canadian geese fly by a little while ago it's gonna start turning cold but for now it's awfully pretty alright let's keep on heading through Superfly summer stuff [Music] [Music] [Music] all right well you know I find musket balls out here pretty frequently and it's usually kind of hard to be able to tell how old they are which is of course the case with this one as well but just wanted to show how massive that is sure somebody out there can tell me what they think the caliber of this might be it looks like you can see a casting line around it which would indicate that it was made in a mold as they were this one doesn't really have an obvious sprue maybe this but when it was in a mold where they poured it in that they would be like a little knob I mean you'd get rid of that so that it would go down the barrel but sometimes there's you know remnants of a sprue I don't see what not in this one though this definitely looks like a seam though very cool old lead musket ball let me know what you think that caliber is all right well I just got a very unique little item here it does not appear to be broken it's just a little piece of brass very thin as I said I don't think it's broken because this appears to be fairly square you know even it doesn't appear to be a fracture of any kind I don't know it's interesting though sure has a very specific purpose it does not appear as though there's any marks of any kind on it interesting just a little thin brass hoop I can't believe it I have a bad habit and I and I know I have this bad habit whenever I see a piece of modern garbage on the surface of the ground like this see that that's a Bud Light can I have this problem where I just avoid the area I don't I did it right from the beginning I have no idea why I do that I went to I went against my my usual habit I kicked it aside and I smell checked it around here a little bit I'll take it out with me once we're done here and I dug a little 75 target not unlike the 1 rial that we found down the way and I have another little silver coin here it's smaller and it's got a hole in it and I'm going to suspect it's another Spanish coin I can't see anything on it right now do you think give it a spritz with water here and it is super super thin so I'm gonna guess it's another Spanish coin 1/2 rial I would guess considering where we are that would make a lot of sense that's what we found two of last time am I out of water little bit of a wipe here all right well unfortunately again the side that will help us identify this is missing but it is a Spanish half rial pretty sure you can see an M with a circle which indicates this was created in Mexico City and usually there's a bust on this side the reigning king at the time we got two silver coins last time we got two silver coins this time let's pack it in pack up that beer can and I see what we found today [Music] all right well did we outdo last time I don't think so the trip two years ago holds a really kind of special place in my memory just because all of the things I found that day either I had never found before or had found very limited numbers of all of the things in one day in one trip I certainly felt like fines of a lifetime two years later having done this as much as I've done it I found several more of all of those things but you know to find them all for the first time altogether there's an incredible feeling the things we found today is still incredible let's take a look at it all all right here we have all the stuff we found today and we're starting in the back how can you miss it the enormous iron pickaxe definitely either going to go on my wall or the landowners wall it's very very very cool other iron items here we have this hinge and this hook this time eight buttons we had a lot of buttons last time but this time look at this it's just the tiniest little ball button I've never seen one that small it would have been for a cuff I suspect no designs on there it's just a brass ball button but we did get one little spoon fragment which I did not show what I suspect is a wooden folding ruler didn't find any more pieces this could be quite a bit later than the rest of this stuff but maybe not maybe it's an older one yeah this little loop I feel like it has something to do with sewing but I'm not sure let me know what you think we have an enormous musket ball this copper possibly coin I'm gonna do some work on in a home maybe we can get to the bottom of it and then we have our two Spanish coins just like last time except this time one is a 1 rial and the other is a half real whereas last time I found two half reals great day hi folks I hope you enjoyed I certainly had a great time out here in the woods today hopefully I'll see you again next Friday for another new video [Music]
Channel: Green Mountain Metal Detecting
Views: 132,480
Rating: 4.9398499 out of 5
Keywords: treasure, treasure hunting, treasure hunter, metal detecting, coins, old coins, silver coins, silver treasure, reale, spanish reale, garrett, Garrett at pro, at pro, adventure, great outdoors, relics, cellar hole
Id: gIYQ_-DNzr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 15sec (1215 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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