Could These Things Have Belonged to a Witch?

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[Music] [Music] [Music] hey folks well the day took a very strange turn this morning I received an email a few weeks ago which was an invitation to come out and metal detect an old stone foundation somewhere out in this piece of land we set the date for today and all day yesterday in all last night thunder and lightning storms decided to risk it today I think it's supposed to clear up later this afternoon but we are just socked in with fog right now it's probably not translating through the camera lens but I cannot see very far through these trees right now might get to the landowners home this morning to talk about this place and get some directions and they mentioned a few things they left out of the original email they called this place the witch house they don't have really any concrete history to back that up that's just what they grew up calling it so I don't know we'll see what that means for us today they mentioned that there's been some Bigfoot sightings out here in the past and you know I joke about Bigfoot a lot in my videos I know that there's many many true believers who watch my videos and these people would fall in that category they said they've seen him out here and then they mentioned one more thing which I have never heard of before I'm not even sure if I'm saying it correctly I don't have cell service right now to research it but they call it will willow the wisp or will of the wisp and apparently it's lights they see lights out here sometimes so hopefully the Sun comes out soon and we don't have to worry about any of that stuff apparently the home is from the 1800s beginning and I'm not sure we're gonna use our middle detector and maybe we can figure that out today we'll see what we find today [Music] [Music] alright well we made it no ghosts or goblins on the way you see there stone walls everywhere around here and the cellar is right on the other side of that stone wall it's pretty well open although I see that stinging nettle everywhere it'll be worth it I'm sure so we're gonna do some loops around the cellar wander around in some of these old pastures see if what we can discover about this place well it's uh sprinkling a little bit right now but it's hard to tell if it's come out of the sky or if it's just coming off the trees as the winds blowing but we just got our first artifact here a spoon oh yeah look I've got some hallmarks on there that never happens this would have been plated brass it looks like you can see that the plating is chipping off well figure it out to figure out when this thing was made we almost never see hallmarks on brass cutlery usually pewter obviously silver but awesome we'll figure this one out and I'll shed some light on the history of this place kudos we can find here all right well we just got a little piece of what I believe is lead and when I saw it I thought it was just kind of it be some scrap led a splatter or something you know they melted lead for lots of different things and occasionally some fell on the ground and you find clumps of it but I flipped it over what do you think is that a flower oh wow looks like it's actually silver-plated - still soft it's definitely LED when we hit with my toothbrush and water and see what it looks like all right what do you think of that it was clearly silver-plated there's a lot of it left the back is pretty rough maybe this was piece of furniture or upholstery I suppose is it like an upholstery button again we're pretty unsure about when this place was here they don't ever remember there being a building here so best guess is late 1800s but this would fall in line with that you look pretty sick around this area see what else we can find here hey well I just found a little buckle like one I've never found before again it's just like a pressed sheet brass it all still operates you eat a lot of the buckles we find our horse tack I'm gonna say with confidence this was worn on a person's clothing and just because of how you know delicate it is I'm gonna say it's probably on a lady's dress I will strap going through here probably a cloth strap you know beautiful all right that's good fine see that's been fine all right well this is a first for me but this is uh what appears to be a thermometer it was bent and I thought it was just scrap brass so I just opened it up and I noticed there's numbers and writing all over it you can see we have a scale here it's an odd one no 0 for 8 might not actually be a thermometer let me clean up here where the text doesn't see what it says so the scale goes from 0 to 24 it might go a little further and at the top warranted with an eagle and it says balance so I'm wondering if this is actually more of like a level oriented balance I guess it could be a thermometer but the scale doesn't make any sense it doesn't really make any sense for being a level either but warranted balance I don't know it's pretty cool it's got an Engel on it man if this had broken off and this is all I I would have found I would have been very confused well it's got an eagle on it warranted balance I don't know I'm gonna guess it's a level I know what you think good save well the sunshine starting to peak through the clouds the fog is lifted and it is infinitely less creepy out here now you actually see around me and since we got so much rain the last couple days I've shown these little guys numerous times in the past but these little red EFTS they're newts that I think they're Eastern newts they're absolutely everywhere there's three of them right here check this out is it got here and here it's a third one right here he's just running away and now they're just absolutely everywhere you know every 20 feet I'm looking down and seeing one it's really cool we've been very dry this year so all over the rain that we've been getting that's all this stuff is starting to shoot up mushrooms probably just since yesterday we've got a whole bunch of new mushrooms out of here right now all right let's do some watermelon stick [Music] check this out I love it when this happens I just got a very very loud target and assuming it was on the surface I used my pin pointer and just under the leaves look at this it wasn't even underground sitting there on the surface and considering it's in very very good condition look at that I won't try to move any of this but still has all its teeth still has the little ring maybe a will try to move it I know well I always break it whenever I try to move these things suspender right maybe we're in like a dumpy area here I'm just gonna be a lot of stuff close to the surface very cool would have been shiny brass back in the tent back in the time it was used really really cool steam brass late 1800s maybe even early nineteen hundred's cool let's keep going alright well I just got something kind of exciting here it's a tag of some kind stamped plated tag and it has writing all over it and I'm pretty sure right at the bottom I said Holyoke mass so my hope is it's gonna have a date maybe even name see this Holyoke all right well there's a tea right here I'm having a hard time making out what these two three letters are which I assume is the company name for whatever this was this is a product label I'm pretty sure because here you can see there's a whole bunch of patent dates and they're all 1890 there's an 1891 and then it says you know patents for serving maybe steel Co Holyoke mass hard to say you know I'll do some research in let you know what I can find out but it doesn't get much better than that it's got a date on it so they were here late 1800s probably into the early 1900s that's beautiful so this was fairly shallow just like that suspender so I'm on a little bit of a hill here I'm wondering if this is a little bit of a dump I'm coming down from the home here so stick around here see what else we could find all right well I just got a high tone like a coin and again it wasn't very deep basically everything in this little area right here is very very shallow it's not a coin I don't know if you can make that out there's uh I don't know it's very intricate whatever it is I'm wondering if it's part of a clock let's get it out of here Oh No look at that that's awesome it's not complete champion six lever that's the back of a padlock all brass padlock well hey of all the pieces of a padlock to find that's the coolest right so this is the back ray there's no keyhole here so this is the back plate I'll look around here see if we can find more of it but that is awesome anything with text on it like that big bold letters I find really really fascinating that's going to display very nicely see if we can get a date on it they made these a long time this is a popular brand back then so we'll see very very cool all right we just got a button tone was not great but is a two-piece iron back button with an eagle on there looks like it's probably just a general service beautiful old military button since it is ironed back unfortunately not going to be able to get a definitive date off of it because we would usually use the back mark words probably quite a bit post-civil war general service military button judging by all the other things that we found here so far today I have to say that it were well beyond the Civil War here but let's keep going see if maybe we can find more stuff like this just heard a big limb fall off in the distance sure it was from the wind and not a sasquatch right so I've been sitting on this stone wall drinking some water taking a break and I'm thinking about this which story who knows how these family stories get started you can imagine a grandfather telling a grandchild a spooky story about a basement out in the woods kid grows up never learning otherwise becomes family history but judging by the things that we found today that certainly seems like there was a at least one or several men living here and I guess it's not out of the question that a woman could be accused of being a witch while living with men but usually you hear about it you know like being a widow or a hermit living by herself that reminded me of a story there's actually one documented witch trial in Vermont that happened in the southwest corner and it wasn't publicized I guess there was a lot of shame leftover from what happened in Salem but if you look hard enough you can find information on it yes there was a woman who was accused of being a witch she had magical powers and they threw her in the local river and she sank like a rock which apparently means you're not a witch and I guess she lived out her life there incredible for a long ways from southwestern Vermont right now so I don't think that has anything to do with this place haven't found anything which II guess I'm gonna finish my water see what else we can find here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right well here's something I haven't found in a while the most cicadas up in the trees are going nuts this is what's commonly called a toe tap by people who metal detect we find these a lot this is just a little piece of brass that would have been hammered to the toe of a shoe that's all it is a little piece of brass a couple of holes hammered on with nails pretty cool there's probably another one out here somewhere all right we got a very nice target here dug it up and I'm pretty sure it's a coin it's a little one penny sized it's like it's an looks like it's in pretty good shape oh yeah that's an Indian little Indian Head cent all right well I shined a light on his sideways and I do carry a jeweler's loupe which I was able to look through and see the date it's an 1883 I'll give you a close-up see if you can see it here there it is 1883 now I usually just ignore the comments but people are always asking me why I don't spray my copper coins with water and I did on this one this back didn't come out very clean but you can see how the front is all kind of pitted now the water washes some of the patina away and then you're left with kind of a pitted surface so doesn't happen every time but most of the time you get this sandpapery surface well let's call 1883 Indian Head Penny that gives us a pretty good idea of when people were here and see if maybe we can find more of these maybe the silver kind well we just got a button here and I don't know what it is it doesn't appear to be military I just peeked and I noticed that there was a really big back mark which is very legible as I say not sure we're gonna have to wait to get home I suspect it's the manufacturer but check out the side haven't cleaned it off yet it's at a deer you know let's brush it off yeah it's something it's just like a sportsman's button a livery button I think that this down here is like a little a baby whatever this is interesting not what I was expecting is really really cool pretty interesting maybe that back mark will be able to tell us more information about it really cool button though never seen one quite like that before I've found some in the past with like deer and hunting dogs and stuff like that for like hunting jackets but I think quite like that that's beautiful all right well the sun is shining now things are starting to dry out and you know we made it through the day without seeing any mysterious lights in the woods or Bigfoot or witches so it's like we did pretty good the things we found today are very typical for a turn-of-the-century home up here in the mountains of Vermont and I don't think I showed the metal detector in the video today I don't I didn't do any live digs but I did get a new one since my last one died and it's a couple steps up from the last one which is pretty exciting I'm still learning it but considering I think we did pretty good today let's see everything I found alright so starting from the back let's see we have one and a half harmonicas here a hurricane lamp a kerosene lamp I find a lot of shotgun shells but this is my first believe it or not full brass shell never found them like that and they squeezed it when they were done with it for whatever reason we have our machine plate we're gonna figure that out our padlock cover it has the text on it awesome spoon with hallmark and it says number two on there which I didn't notice before our probably level but again have to find that out later toe-tap variety of buckles and suspenders is another suspender that I found our little lead flower decoration general service probably button our goat probably button and then our Indian Head cent a day full of really interesting things things that I've never found before lots of things with dates which is excellent all right I'm gonna start hiking out of here drive to the landowners home show him everything I found today and you know we didn't necessarily find anything that screams witch but who knows what happened here sure it was a close-knit community stories of what happened probably didn't make it out who knows really thanks for watching hopefully I'll see you next Friday
Channel: Green Mountain Metal Detecting
Views: 94,753
Rating: 4.9540806 out of 5
Keywords: adventure, Vermont, best metal detecting finds, metal detecting finds, metal detector, metal detecting coins, metal detecting videos, treasure hunting, metal detecting shovel, metal detecting tips, metal detecting, treasure, old coins, cellar hole, history, incredible, amazing, gmmd, stone walls, mystery, ghost town, 2019, New England, bigfoot, sasquatch, lights, mysterious, spooky
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 54sec (1194 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 29 2019
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