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hey guys my name is sediuk and welcome to the first experimental video of city skylines in the sunset Harbor update and today we're gonna answer the question on everybody's lips that nobody has asked but I'm still going to go forever anyway and that is to see if the brand new fishing industry can support a town now what do I mean by that well what I mean is there's gonna be no jobs available the only jobs available in this small town is simply going to be from the fishing fishing fishing fishing industry and now we're gonna see if it can actually support a town so I don't know if we can create these small efficient towns and if they will be productive if they will grow and if they will be viable and we're gonna see all about this in today's experimental video so if you guys enjoyed this experiment I want to see more from this brand new DLC then please make sure you smash that like button down below let me know in the comment section if you haven't already please make sure you subscribe so you are notified when that next video comes out now this is one of the brand new maps in the new DLC I forget which one it is it's one of them I think it's the very first one you can select and I've kind of bought some land around it so all the little kind of more tiles to play around with just so I got a little bit more access to the waterfront so you have a nice little River we also have the big open sea which is what I think I'm gonna utilize in this experiment so what we need to do then is we need to build a small little town now all we need is some residents I might push it to a little bit of commercial just a go hey you know what they're gonna spend some money I might not we'll see how it goes first and then we're gonna build the fishing industry now I've got well over 600,000 in the bank so we're gonna hopefully you know make profit let's see how that goes so I need to pick a centralized location for the town and I could do something like in the middle there or over here which is pretty much where the start point is for this map but it's a fishing village it was really a fishing village which will hopefully grow into a small town and I think a nice little centralized location will be simply in the middle here it's very close to both beaches that we currently have set up there is some beautiful trees right now with Stonehenge in the middle which we're literally gonna destroy I'm so sorry Stonehenge I'm so sorry but this is literally what its gonna be like then so we're gonna first start them or put all in pause and we're gonna simply start with the four-lane road here which would be pretty much going through the middle of this whole town and oh don't want that type of road or don't end up like a normal Road or the one with trees you know we'll go be trees oh excuse me and you upload upload upgrade sorry we're gonna be trees that'll be the center road that will tears through our small little village now off this we're gonna have a few different things so I think what we'll do first then is we'll take a road off from the like a point of it here maybe and come down by 20 and this will go down to where we eventually have the industry set up so it's more like a a higher capacity road for the industry then everything house is pretty much gonna be set up as you could expect so I know a little crossroad like that and then we'll kind of build some roads office so let's just kind of go not a full grid effect but let me go up by I want to maximize it as much as possible so we'll bring us up to 50 up by 10 and across and we go another up by 10 and across cuz I gotta make this actually because I gotta by 11 it's not exactly the right length for trying to maximize the grid there we go and then we'll kind of them worldly off so some areas will stick out a little bit further than others I think we'll go by 10 and then go up that one can stick out a little bit there and we want like little cross through roads as well so I think we have a point there where it connects that can go up there so we kind of then sprawling out what will eventually be our neighborhood and I feel more start with that and then we'll slowly from this now when it comes to the fishing industry then we got to set this up pretty stem sweet so I think I'm gonna create a a makeshift Harbor which is gonna mean reclaiming some land so let's let's pick a point and if I pick the point to being me of that brush size boys about here how does that stick out I'm gonna do it on the edge the beach round about there so if I come out to here how does that sit there we go cuz I've also got a push it down this way cuz this is about our roads gonna go and if I kind of create a little cliff edge that looks down on our whole dock that'll be pretty sweet are we pretty nice so at what point does the level that I'm doing right now kind of merge it's not really gonna merge as it so we're gonna have to then kind of smoothen out as the road slowly comes up so try and smoothen out a bit as much they can it's not gonna be perfect but this is then literally our little dock area so let's extend it a bit more then because obviously we want to make sure that we've got plenty of room to place then all all off fishing but like what they called the called something I can't remember the call they're called harbors there we go Wow I took a while didn't it yikes so it sticks that a little bit here now the great thing about this is we have the natural sea barrier kind of thing there a little bit I think that sticks out quite far now so we could kind of roll with that but at the same time I'm gonna bring it down a bit more and then kind of create an oval not over a semicircle in a way has to also be like a natural barrier might seem a little bit weird but just war with it guys roll with it I'm gonna push this back a bit more and of course we're gonna smoothen off the edges all right there we go so that's I like natural sea barrier from our little dock area your Bella finger sin yeah this is so freakin weird but just roll with it guys roll with it and oh oh oh let me can i ton do that and yes I mean brush this up a bit it's a bit too pointy might not want it as pointy as it's coming out to be and then bring that brushstroke down I'm paying too much attention to this aren't I there we go there we go there we go there we go right anyway so siloed natural kind of barrier which maybe at some point we might do like a key wall to kind of edge it all off or maybe even a flood barrier or something like that so this is gonna be the kind of edging and the boats of sail out self through there it will be glorious now we're gonna have some flooding so if we fast forward the flood in part right now let it overflow and then we will reset the sea level boom is it still gonna flood boom there we go careful I think we've got away with that one almost almost these days so I've got a key wall all off anyway and we'll get to that point in just a moment but let's now take a look at getting the town set up them so let's get a zoning and it's all gonna be low residential to begin with as we create our wonderful little town and we'll back this up to here as well and then that will maybe be some commercial front there down the main road we see how it goes we'll set up the water side of it as well so let's pump this down the big main roads first and then we'll displace it there so that all covers that we're gonna use the brand new water tower because I feel like this is one of the best things that they've implemented in this new DLC just for the simple fact that is you know it does a lot of pumping power compare it to like this 120,000 this does 160,000 which is ridiculous I like it I like it a lot so I think we'll put the water tower up on the hill no reason to why we did that but we will power then we'll use the same hill for a couple of wind turbines there we go we need to switch output don't mean I forgot about that now we could do I mean it's it's a small it's a small town isn't it so we ain't gonna worry about doing sewage plants and whatnot but I feel like we should be somewhat eco friendly and maybe drop a couple of eco ones going in they're not gonna like it but if I don't be answered that all that sees flowing this way will eventually come down to around here oh I don't know that'll be right that'll be part of the challenge if it ever does now be part of the challenge that we're gonna sell ourselves it's also it's gonna be power so I think I'm gonna set a little wind turbine not in the ideal location but just there and then hopefully that little town should then slowly start to grow right there we go so we don't the super demand Milan they're just gonna get it all up and running pretty quick but as it stands right now we're losing 1900 a week which is not viable for this small town plus we don't really have any residents moving in because we don't have a road connection set up just yet so let's get this going all the way up and what's the best way to do this light simple connection okay what I think I'll do is we'll kind of just keep it really simple so if I go from there and let's pick that point go issues some Aniki to cut straight across to there and then alright that's the connecting point there but if I delete back and that is it ten why you left them which is the correct way we'll sort out the length of it in just a moment and I think then we'll drop this down there we go and over as if the town is going to spread that way so then we'll get the highway we'll just do some simple slip roads that's all its gonna be and then back down and this side boom and then back down this simple nothing over the top and that then gives our outside world connection and then we should hopefully yep there we go start to see the people move it in which then our weekly income should slowly go down to the bottom so we need power let's get the rest of this all hooked up so they've got everything they need there and it's only the simply residence at the moment so while we have that while we dump in pollution into the river behind we can now finally take a look at what is gonna be known as our fishing industry right so let me get this all set up then beautify it as best as I can to the point where we're ready to add in all the harbours right so before I show you the monstrosity that I've just created let's just take care of some of the town's needs right now because people are not gonna be happy so you've already got 1,000 residents and we're gonna need now some of the local services so a small police station which can cost us for 80 a week to run so if I have that one just there we'll do the small fire station facing opposite as well so it's not the main drag of the road that will pass through as normal now I'll take care of everything now we're gonna need some garbage needs as well this is all that other stuff that I kind of you kind of forget that you're gonna add in now this stuff does provide jobs believe it or not and we've got now 71 jobs available from the police the fire and I don't know if it includes any of the sewage I don't think it does I think it's just those buildings so that's kind of interesting so the next we're gonna need then is garbage that's a big thing so let's see what we could potentially add in a small recycling center hmm see that might be the way to go forward but we have to kind of create some kind of an area for it so if I brought this or kind of bent it to go round and down this way as if the road continued down there and I just over the brow of this hill here we create our recycling plan area so if I just do something like this keep it simple and we need water to stretch over here so I take the water from over there that's fine and then I let all recycling plant which can go just there it's gonna need some power always that was that close enough I think it should be yes perfect and that provide jobs as well so how many jobs do I have taken up at the minute 101 okay okay okay there's still 98% unemployed and we're still gonna grow the town as well so if the basic needs at the minute suitemate perfect so you wanna see the monstrosity that I just created just please bear in mind you know it's not meant to be beautiful this is still an experiment video but I tried to do something nice tada there's my makeshift seawall I told you I had something in mind I've kind of combined a key we'll just kind of get this edges but I never realized it was not gonna work so I just kind of throw in some rocks and how it looks like a huge mess it looks like something that when you would go and take your dog for a walk you know it's the reason why you have to take a plastic bag with you let's leave that fault there guys I'll leave that fault there but we pretty much you know set up in a way so we're gonna have our little kind of road comes from here to run down the side good answer here and that's where efficient industry will be at the minute so we're currently losing nearly two thousand a week which is a quite shocking but hey ho here we go okay so now we'll get then these big-boy roads and I don't know if we're gonna need that style this type of road to come down here but I'll add it in anyway so if I run said there and then we want to make sure so if I just kind of is it paused and we got it paused yeah I have so if I bring this down tea tea yet to here run that over that way run that to there and then delete delete so delete delete and then delete delete delete I mean create some beautiful bends nice so to there to there to there to there so we pretty much freeing up the whole place right now which is looking pretty damn glorious and we ready to kind of then start building our industry so plug in back into play mode do I bring in more residents or should I keep it as it is right now and I grow the fishing industry and as we need more people to work we start adding more jobs or more resonance and stuff like that I mean that's the way to go forward so fishing industry then I actually don't know how expensive it's gonna be how many how expensive are they oh they're fairly cheap they're fairly cheap oh that's me we should actually check out the fish so you got anchovies we got shellfish we got a couple of salmon I realized tuna doesn't come from the depth it comes from how fast the water is flowing and you normally kind of see it like sometimes by bridges when the waters flowing fast through them but we don't have really have any flash fast flowing water we've probably got a little bit up there but the last of the cool water sources up there in a minute but that's pretty cool anyway I'm getting sidetracked we'll start then with some basic fishing harbors that will get underway and will place on this side because there's a space or you can see there's a little bit a tuner there because the waters flowing pretty quick against those rocks so we'll start with one just there and an output should I put this one right next to it yeah so I got the Aniki on which kind of combines them but I also have this mod of this to touch this mod which me allows me to kind of select the roads which would then get rid of them so I can then place my own roads on there so we'll go with the simplistic basic road there so these all combined as one if I connect it all the way up there they're now gonna be connected to the road so they won't moan about road connections they'll just moan about Ward's of power and the fact that they can't fish it them in it so let's get these guys all hooked up via the water them up to there we still okay for water and sewage yeah the sewage capacity is is almost halfway there but the water consumption we've got plenty of time to go so we're gonna need some power down here then how much megawatts we still got still got a lot of spare wattages oh it's over here run that up to there so all that those guys now should be complaining about is the fact that they don't have any area to fish so how is the town doing at the moment and we'll come back to in a second the town town life is good town life is pretty good at the minute terms of jobs right now we've now provided an extra 50 jobs from those two fishing fingers it towers on the buildings how many jobs is available 26 from each one nice so let's have a fishing route them all right we'll start with this one over here so we kind of will do some bends will kind of like bring it out this way as it will go and and this one can take a turn out this way and kind of fish in the like the small bay area that we have and then we'll kind of bring it back in so there and then that one's pretty much done this one I mean a lot of the fishing lines are gonna cross and that's fine it can do that this will allow it to go out to the sea a little bit we ate a little crisscross come back down before I make it pretty much come back in there we go so if you know crisscross lines there we should then start to see boats heading out there's our first one oh it's so small it's such a small boat isn't it guys well that's pretty cool that said they I'll start fishing them this one has 10 workers so far this one has 10 workers as well we're gonna start educating them as well so we can start you know getting them high higher paying jobs than what they've currently got and we'll put a school just here there we go which there is Georgina 60 eligible students which the capacity of four that is free hundred so we start with that now then so now we got the fish coming out we need a place to sell it to be able to make money now we've got a couple of options we can do the fish market first which sells it direct to customers which i think is what we should do first and so we kind of build up a decent enough industry before we process on to getting a factory which produces the canned goods so a fish market then I feel like we should have it like you know near the water and I think what we'll do here is we'll come up by 20 then and just drop it in where is it boom there we go so like all good things it's gonna need water the power situation was still okay at the minute I'm gonna need some power and then we have a fish market up and running which then itself has jobs available and can support people so we get the electricity coming in it's me operating as normal and then hopefully we make some money off that so as it stands at a minute we're gonna split up and running we're making no money off the industry so there's no fast forward then we still we got fairly quite all we need a crematorium hold aren't people dying people are dying Crematory verses a cemetery will go cemetery are we go or don't I think we should expand the town a little bit more so they brought this down and then pick that spot there we go that goes straight across so bring it to there and then Lisa then I've got an idea I've ham doing the roads so that can come out it's a bear I'm trying to create that town vibe boys there we go wait kind of sprawls in general let me get the water set up Oh press the wrong button straight across and why is that unemployment like right now 89 so we still have a lot of jobs available so yeah might be worth dropping it a little bit more residential well we're good and to that extent and then we'll bring this across to there and then that's both sides then covered in residential which is pretty nice well drop in a cemetery which are place over on this side just there so it's kind of out the way slightly that will eventually have power when we start building up but that will provide the Deaf need in it in a way it's got the power now we're gonna keep an eye on our power as well because we're gonna start using a lot of it but I'll bring a lot more people in hopefully fill up with a few more of those jobs but we need to educate people because I don't think I mean as much as you would assume that catchment fish is really easy it's not I've never caught a fish in my life so I'm having to pretend it's freaking easy we solved 7c fish last week so does that mean we're making money off the industry yet oh pennies mate we're very keen pennies right now which is why we need to kind of catch more fish and then be able to start turning them into canned goods so we really need to take a look at and try more ways to make money off this fishing industry so we've got the residents they can really really pretty much just live in inner town and in work and that's all they can do at the moment so let's let's pause it and let's see what else we could throw in then for the industry we got all ready for other types as well like you know solely get in like you know tuna anchovies and like kind of jazz let me have stuff like the fish farm which allows us to get a Pacific type of fish not specific fish just like get it certain type of finger me don't I'm trying to say here what am I trying to say this yields fish without having to send the boats out that makes sense you just have the algae farm we also have the seaweed farm as well so they come in different prices the yeah they do they're quite expensive so I think we'll start with the fish farm just here there we go it'll be careful they don't overlap stuff we got the algae farm as well which if I placed in could be combined just like that and then we have the seaweed farm which is actually kind of okay in terms of hasn't gonna be placed at too far now they were huge investments that I've just done let me unlock all these roads so I can then delete them so I can then pretty much place them on the same grid system that we currently got going on what's going on here IVA pushes up to this way anyway there we go a couple of TV problems there but we kind of sorted that out so pour that back on there we should be back to normal apart from their heat creating a little bridge so there we go the roads all connected there which is pretty sweet I mean I got a fish farm the algae farm and the seaweed farm as well so oh they need power yes of course they do so we just get that connected over just like that and how is the power front and we borderline now getting to the point where we're gonna have to use some get some more power stuff down all these don't have any water which means more expenditure if you know I love you more expenditures we now slowly spending more money to get this beautiful town making money from this sole industry so wonder if now yeah I'll bet say well if we start selling more fish of course we do yep we are now definitely selling more fish nice okay okay but we still using as money again I don't drop any industry down and if I did drop commercial down I mean it's not that bad but it's gonna take a lot of jobs but I think I've got no choice at this point so just to make the town survive a little bit we'll do a nice strip of commercial but then no industry so we can happily say the only industry in this little town is this an island by the way hmm no not really just it's on the edge of light land isn't yeah so this little town then the only industry is fish the fishing industry so we still got one more car departs leave and that is getting the fish factories to start producing canned goods now that will just continually make us some money it's making us oh $17 nice I mean the big thing would change when we do start getting the fish factory where these can play about noise Oh citizens are sick oh we don't have any health care this is never expense that we now gotta throw in so if I place that just there and there we go got a small little medical clinic there that those guys will be happy and bounce and then the town is just growing beautifully right okay so how many jobs do we now currently have available 480 jobs in our town in a town that has a population of 2600 okay right we get stuck didn't realize that we actually turn a little bit of profit then for a second I think it now it depends on how much oh my good god the money coming from the industry damn boy now what I think that is it's because we're not producing more goods we now we get in trucks that are not only just taking the goods to the the fish market and selling it but now we can now export them out via just the general trucks right now so look at this returning for the zoo facility that was a box truck any of these carrying fish yes exporting fish there we go and that's how we now making a lot of our money so if we can now use that fish that we exporting out by a truck now we know that we have a surplus and fish we're now ready for the fish factory so about an industry them and how much is a fish factory twenty five thousand rights and what we'll do is we'll kind of create the road I mean I could have a road connecting straight across like that which would be handy and then we're placing the factory just there there we go and how many jobs I have available 50 free so I feel me should build a nice little car park so allow these guys to park up as they're buying their fish or going to work so we drop into little car parks there it's not really gonna make much difference but hey home as you got water yeah so this is pretty much now wait in for fish before we can go on to sell it commercials and goods which will make us more money in general as Wow so that's pretty dope right we got some few little power problems how we doing on that front yes so seeing as we're now a fishing town and we relying on the sea do we now rely on the sea for power maybe I could drop that just then I'll provide us an extra 20 megawatts in total so low fast forward yep there we go boosting up and that the sewage is slowly making its way around so hopefully it doesn't kind of ruin our fishing industry hopefully it doesn't so now oh but now we have a sewage need as well so we kind of bought like making money not making money so is it worth taking a look at potentially some sewage water treatment how expensive is oh wow okay it's not that expensive so in the water treatment extensive what services clean cities but far away from sources well back into the ground so this is a drink pasty of 120,000 I can't sewage capacities is this is double and it costs less oh that makes complete sense right so if I drop that there hook this up to there delete this on now no longer pumping it out into the the river and that handles our sewage needs nice so that it's completely away from the town oh but you still got power oh yeah because that doesn't know technically connect over or leave it as that one right let me delete these all right we'll pause it and there's a better way that we can do this I think about place one there there and there we spend a little bit of money connect it over like that I mean I should handle all our power for quite some time at this point nice nice than nice nice nice so now it's getting the goods coming in and it's slowly pumping out the commercial stuff we'll just see how it goes in time before we start regularly making money so there's moments so we might the crate like an export route as well I can do it by boat but we also have the train line just here and we also do have any avoids that never train on over here it's kind of at the waist lately that's actually quite cool isn't it yeah so we'll utilize that so that could be interesting but it's only when we've really started to make a big chunk of change because at the moment we're so losing money we've got some big big exports still going at the minute which is really good and we're now making money and then slowly misoo so we're pretty much on the cusp at the minute so I've learnt a little bit more right right now because in terms of the job front people employed first these jobs is kind of getting close so what we're gonna do then we're gonna add in some more residents which is probably the opposite thing that I wanted to do it this minute because we need more jobs than more than you think but I'm gonna extend this slightly let me delete any pause and delete these power grids and let's get them connected like this yeah and by dropping that down there we should have some new residents then move in which would give the rest of the town the power that it needs and then would just sort out now this so if I push that back to there push this to here so it's plenty more residential that we're getting in and more taxes which might then make us consistently making money but we still need that industry to provide the jobs we still do so fish is coming in I think now then we just need more fish if that makes sense so let's take a look at what house we could place down so in terms of job fronts they provide 26 they provide 40 odd 26 wow 62 that's a lot there for the seaweed farms isn't it it definitely is a lot for the seaweed farmers but let's get a few more fishing stuff down so I could place one there I pause a second and I can place one there for the anarchy let me unhook the roads and delete them and then they're literally then attached to that road they just need a little bit more water do they have power yet they were connected and then they need a fishing route so we're doubling our fish catching from those what two ones over there all right let's start with which one is it it's that one isn't it yeah so let's start with this just wiggling down this way it can do a figure of eight there we go and then this one take more of a longer route to there so a couple little fisherman's there so we mean we should have quite a few boats now circling around if you see from this point there you can see all that but your aunt's little little flies just kind of like hovering around on it but then that would then start giving us more fish back in return which is a good thing so that's positive then it's really positive all right good work guys keep it up which in turn obviously will give us a couple more jobs not too many just a couple more I'm gonna really gonna bulk it up so we get some more down a side there which will be handy but this gives us the most jobs the seaweed farm so maybe I take a look at you know extending that to a certain degree hmm interesting right garbage we're having garbage worries right now oh yes okay so let's get another recycling sent it down oh yeah what's our capacity on that what does that do 24,000 see even if one of those won't do its job a waste transfer facility or we could do the waste processing complex how much is that to run who 5,400 no hmm no no no no hangar for a large recycling center which does 72,000 how much is that that's one thousand nine hundred okay that's that's still too much what we have to go to look at the base incinerator to start burning off some stuff which gives us always exactly like capacity but that is consistently you know awesome then it's providing this with power as well isn't it I hope yet to solve some rug garbage needs and keeps on top of it but we need more fish guys we need more fish so we might take a look at an extend in this dock area a little bit to get more seaweed farms cuz that not only provides a lot of workers but we get a lot of trucks in the process to time now gone on I've now expanded to a second duck area and please ignore the rocks I'm trying my best guys I've tried my best but since then money's been steadily coming in which is really really good yeah I mean like you greased rocks please ignore them we've got a couple more seaweed things over here which I know the boats are going through and all that kind of stuff making us more money and what's good is that this is now consistently being filled I was thinking upon aware that a warehouse time for some you know that come out you can't do a warehouse with fish but you can do it for like commercial goods and all that but we'll see what happens as we add more stuff in now now we do get a lot more workers in the seaweed farm which is why I placed a couple more down we currently stand at about 71% of our peeps unemployed so we're gonna try and up those numbers for nearly you know over 4,000 population which is kind of crazy the only downside is a seaweed farm causes 32,000 a pop that's expensive so if I just pause drop that down we kind of have to do this every time is delete the road from it there we go it's gonna need some water I'm as I set up the whole little section here for water it's gonna need some power huh get up to the grid and that's literally all it needs all it means so I'm trying to provide more jobs more jobs mean there's more money in the economy and the more people can pay those delicious tax rates which I haven't touched still the same but we making look at 5,000 from the industry right now now just keep going so when we know we're making a bit more of a surplus then we'll start thinking about bringing in like an export route which I think could be really good we move really really beneficial to the small little town and again keeps providing us with those sweet delicious jobs so that has a point down by one percent but I need 32,000 every time want to build one of those seaweed places down so it's now do I think about investing in the town do I think about getting a loan just because it's gonna provide us with the money the money's going to a good cause that's how much more money's gonna cost us any of these look how much we've got coming in it fluctuates of course it does but hopefully we can increase that so I might take the big boy alone we'll take that big boy loan we'll pause it and we'll go a little bit seaweed crazy right now so just keep placing I mean we'll just set up low to seaweed farms on this one side there we go I'm gonna have to unhook as much the road that I can alright delete while I can and I think I've missed some of them there we go there we go so that should be all of it gone the stilly like that it was easier for me to do it all over again right straight down straight connection will have all the power and on the water audio hooked up and that's gonna provide us with a lot more jobs so each one give you a couple seconds god I've noticed that they kind of top out to about 50 workers but then itself has now look at that look at that unemployment now dropping we've dropped by nearly 10 10 % there we go we've now employed 10% more people in the town it's pretty good isn't it as that's pretty sweet so I'm hoping that investment pays off which it should do so just give it time to start producing although the trucks already ahead you're heading on their way out already boys I look at them alright now this skedaddle into getting out of here so we gotta start off thinking at this point then we need a closer export so we get more into a train and skedaddle now what I could do is bring that train line in and I can run it parallel to the town here like through the middle and then create a transfer or transport hub just here it's just how expensive is that gonna be for us a cargo one sixty thousand right it's not hugely expensive really is it so I think well I'd do them or just slightly move this down a little bit so I could potentially extend this road to about there right okay and then we'll drop in what's gonna be I can't get in cause of these power lines we're just delete em real quick so I got this over here so it gives us enough time or enough space I got them relocate this as well aren't I right relocating just today it's all good and the train tracks now do i elevate them or because this is a small town dividers run them straight through the anarchy so they could still pass through you know I'm gonna do this to there obviously this is clutching at customers an arm and a leg there we go but we was making money at one point oh no please don't tell I'm going to start losing money oh no okay we make batter making money guys I got worried for a second there I want to elevate all this train track right now to be in the same height as the road kind of Ivan s as good as you're gonna get it can I like own ass rocks no more rocks boys no more rocks yeah hey ho it is what it is I got eclipses there but again I need the money but let's get this connection set up here first then so bring that in there and then we'll curve this one out like that and I gotta bring this over now how expensive is this gonna cost me that's at five thousand okay it's not too bad then so there I can delete a little bit back like that and bam we now have a cargo hub pretty much now set up within the town so it passes through which would be a sight for sore eyes I don't know why some of this is decided to go different levels but let's see what we can do so if I selected let's say this bit there and there to be the same height as that and then if I selected this bit to be the same height as that or a little bit higher is it going up no oh no I go at the point no no hold on hold on hold on there then if I with the power invested with the magic that I hold in my hands and thus being the movie tool to their right can I then go BAM - BAM Annie yeah it kind of almost levels up yeah weren't too bad was it yeah yeah I don't get to focus on that so we've got so many trucks coming in and out hopefully they'll start using the train terminal very soon and it might be to a point where I need to create a road that connects down to here to make it more accessible for those guys so if I create that turn there and then straight down easy so those guys can come up turning to go there these guys coming out and go straight up into there and shoot me too bad we've got so many like trucks driving around you can see them right oh my good god there is lots of them at the minute so now it's south providing us with a few more jobs 58% is now in the unemployment what does nobody want to use my train my train is connected to the outside world right I mean I can't see that far back but yeah it should be all right there we go he did he go in for a second yeah they kind of come in and out real quick so oh he's gonna have a train for us at some point nice little dip there that'll be fun for the train ride right okay I think now now he's changing now it looks like this time to use it I me of our first train leaving the town not bad not bad indeed so with this now having good success as it is you think it's time how much fish should be selling here you think it's time you have a couple more of these buildings I mean the big thing is that do we have the money for that dropping of a fish factory down there we go and another fish market could I squeeze one in just there boom so big boy moves right there I'm doing let me move this car park on this side move that up by one more set of car parks right next to it more fish markets there to deliver more goods and produce in the town before they get shipped out another train heading out so we should have some more exports so what's it up to now 11,000 in our industry that is glorious that is freakin glorious boys I'm so impressed so even this small industry right now is literally supporting this town I think this experiment has been a huge success we got exports for days going out we could continue to rise it so it's down under 7,000 but that's okay because the bank balance is consistently going up it really is consistently going up will just keep growing the fishing industry know keep providing more jobs which is will be good unemployment's at 56% which is amazing we could probably then benefit with a little bit more commercial so we'll drop that in that in itself will also provide jobs if they provide a little bit of a workforce we've got more going in there let's take a quick look now and then so 55% it's up to so we can keep going but this city is pretty much now self-sufficient because of the big industry that we got in the fishing industry and that is pretty damn dope guys I hope you did enjoy this experiment it's it's so good it makes you want to continue this is a serious do we replace oil town with fish town I think you guys decide in the comments section down below but uh let me know what you think guys hope you did enjoy this episode if he did smash that like button down below and until next time I'll see you all soon so good [Music]
Channel: SeniacTWO
Views: 78,545
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: URkqhNp_ens
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 41sec (2921 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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