Top 10 STRONGEST Bankai in Bleach, RANKED (Manga Only)

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as a series bleach is well known for its impressive catalogue of diverse and creative special abilities and powers and among those abilities none is more revered than the ban kai the elusive final stage of a shinigami zanpak tow the culmination of a year's worth of training and often show-stopping displays of incredible power in this video i'm going to try and do the unthinkable and rank what i believe to be the top 10 strongest bankai in all of bleach now when i say strongest i'm not just talking about raw power although of course that will factor into any positioning on this list however it's just one part of a larger criteria as with my other ranking videos i like to take an all-encompassing look at the subject matter so as far as bankai goes we'll also be looking at abankai's versatility its unique killing power and also any potentially broken abilities it might have on the side and finally before we kick things off one last piece of housekeeping as you can see from the title this is a manga only video which means we'll only be looking at banco that appeared during the run of bleachers manga however in the future i do want to do another list like this one that encompasses all of the supplementary material as well including the novels so we'll get characters like hisagi and shinji's baankai and also slightly more out there bankai's like that of azashiro but for now we're just looking at characters from the manga before we begin guys if you're a fan of bleach you are in the perfect place for content like this every single week so make sure to hit that subscribe button now i would really appreciate the support and also if you enjoyed the video whether our lists differed or not make sure to give it a thumbs up because it really does help with exposure on youtube as well and of course if you want to take that support a step further i would really really appreciate it you can now become a channel member by hitting the join button down below just to show your support for me and what we do here on the channel and i would really appreciate it it helps me more than you know so after much debate i finally whittled down a list of what i believe to be the top 10 strongest barn kite in the series plus two honorable mentions and i'm pretty happy with it for the most part although i feel like you're never gonna be truly happy with a list like this you'll always kind of get some thought in your head later on that this should have gone there or i maybe forgot this or something like that but for now for the most part i'm pretty happy there is one character i want to address who i think people would probably be expecting to see on this list who's not actually here and that's ichibe hiyosa bay his bankai shirafude ichimonji is of course very powerful allowing him to bestow a brand new name onto someone that he has already robbed the name of however that's the main reason he hasn't made it onto my top 10 list i actually don't find his barn kite to be that impressive ichimonji is a unique case where the majority of the broken power and ability comes from its shiikai on my top 10 strongest zhan puk toe list i actually ranked ichimonji second and i stick with that opinion now but i truly believe most of that comes from the shikai just by splashing ink on his enemy he can remove their name and all of the power that comes with it uniquely the bank i hear is more complementary than anything else allowing it to be to then go on to change their name to something else but at that point they've already lost everything as it is that's not to say the bankai doesn't have multiple applications both in and outside of battle because obviously it does but for me it doesn't make the list just because it's weird it's kind of complementary to an already immensely powerful shikai whereas most of the bank on this list you'll see take their sheet kite and blow them out to epic proportions all right kicking things off then with our first honorable mention and it's actually sage and komamura's cockatoo tengen mio or to be more precise kokojo tengen miyo dangai joe joe calling it joe sounds really weird but i think he pronounces it joy in brave cells but i'm not entirely sure either way it's common more as bankai a few years ago before the final arc you would have been laughed out of the room for including commonwealth ban kai anywhere near a top 10 bangkai list however after the humanification technique that sees him ripping out his heart to achieve immortality his bankai takes on a new form where it sheds its armor and becomes a whole new beast now komamura's new bankai is very impressive the immortality is a nice gimmick that basically means it would be really hard for him to lose any kind of one-on-one fight as we see when he absolutely decimates the sternuto bambieta despite attaining what seems to be complete immortality the reason common morrow's banquet is only an honorable mention and not anywhere near the actual top half of this list is because it has such colossal drawbacks simply by using this ability and attaining this power komomora then loses everything it is a one-time deal and not only does he lose everything he becomes a full-on animal as opposed to just an anthropomorphic human animal thing he can't even hold his arm puck toe anymore his bank has such a colossal drawback in this stage and it doesn't seem to even last that long either also crucially although komomora becomes immortal apart from that he seems to remain the same guy for the most part so i think if someone could outmatch him in a fight they still would do and although they couldn't kill him they could still cut off an arm or two that's why for me this is an honorable mention but i'll be honest as someone who's a big fan of komomora and his bankai in general i'm just really glad to be able to put him on a list like this in any shape or form and our second honorable mention before we really get things going is rukia kuchki's hakka no toga mate one of the brand new baankai we see in the final arc now we only get to see it once in the manga but it's already really impressive she simply activates her bankai and transforms into this amazing ice queen looking design but it's actually the damage it deals that we're really looking at here she's facing off against as not who i would say is roughly an upper mid-tier stern ritter i ranked him as 13 overall in my top most powerful stern writers list and she kills him in a single hit not only that but he's also in the kind of ultimate monstrous form of his holy form so that kind of makes it even more impressive it seems like all she does is send out an area of effect wave of absolutely freezing cold ice that just freezes you down to your very core and kills you almost immediately but i think she also does do a sword swing as well as as is missing the top half of his head regardless the destructive power here is undeniable she kills him flat like there's literally nothing he can do about it he's instantly frozen to the very core and crumbles away to nothing the reason she's only an honorable mention and not further up this list is because her actual versatility here is not great and it's fair enough because as far as we're concerned this is almost essentially the first time she's ever used ban kai however if she does use baankai she essentially can't really move afterwards for fear of shattering her own body she has to very slowly and gracefully release the barn kite so on the off chance her enemy actually survived that initial blast she would be in serious trouble rookie is one where i think for now she fits here in the honorable mentions but given time given a chance to mature and use her bank i like say she does in brave souls where she can jump around and run around with it i think she would be probably higher up this list maybe even close to top five with sheer just absolute killing blow power but for now i'm happy with her being in the honorable mentions starting the list off proper at number 10 is renji obarai's new baankai soho zabi maru much like the majority of people who already had existing barn kai renji gets a kind of overhaul to his bankai in the final arc making it in my opinion considerably more physically impressive even if its design leaves a little to be desired as far as i'm concerned but in terms of its actual strength it's clearly not to be messed with rengi's going up against mask demasculine a stern writer who has already wiped out two vizard level captains and once he activates bankai he just completely dominates this fight he's able to snap mask's arm like it's a twig between the fingers of his new kind of ape arm that he has fling mask into a building and then literally finish him off with just a couple of moves stabbing mask through the gut and then just basically incinerating his body using this massive ability called zagger tempo where after his stabbed mask and mask can no longer escape he clamps down on him with these huge fiery snake jaws it's undeniably really really cool but the strength here is immense basically master masculine has been toying with people the entire time he's been around and then in rent when renji activates bankai he deals with him in about six pages flat so for me although renji's barn clay seems to be mostly about physical strength with very few gimmicks that strength is undeniable and a huge boost over his previous form coming in at number nine is one of the most versatile barn kai on this list and that's hitsugaya toshiro's daigoren hyorin maru daiger and hyonimaru is kind of categorized as this bankai that doesn't seem to be able to kill anything but has an ability for every single situation it seemed in every fight hitsugaya had he gained a new ability suitable for battle and that's what i mean when i say it's incredibly versatile whether he's using hyoten hyakoso to bring essentially an army of snow flowers down upon his opponent to freeze them in this icy tomb or he's using moves like gooncho sarada or cordusembi to attack his enemies kitsugai literally does have an ability for every situation also let's not forget the main change hitsugai as bankai undergoes his absolute maturity into adult hitsugaya during the final battle of the final arc and this of course is incredibly impressive enabling him to freeze even gerard valkyrie flash frees him in literally a few seconds and not only that but the ice in this form allows him to nullify abilities like gerard's hof nung where he simply cuts the sword in half my main reason for keeping hitsugai's daigra and hyori maru down at ninth on this list then is because it lacks any killing power whatsoever i tried to do a bit of research going into this and hitsugai uses his bank i think against seven different enemies during bleach eisen kang do xiaolong lupi harebel gerard and mayuri and he only kills one of them and he only kills xiaolong because he stabs him in the throat the ice is just a secondary thing so unfortunately unlike rukia's bankai who seems to be able to kill pretty much anyone she goes against hitsugai as ban kai basically freezes the surface layer and then doesn't seem to be able to do much after that so for me i'm happy having him here at ninth he has a ton of abilities at his disposal but apart from that he doesn't seem to follow through at number eight we have hitsugai's main contemporary biakiakuchi with his bankai senbonzakura kagiyoshi once again this is an incredibly versatile ban kai similar to hitsu guys and it has a ton of abilities but different from hitsugiron that he can actually follow through and has great killing power as well biakia's bankai is separated into a number of different abilities whether that's senke gokei shukei haku tekken it's incredible and the power on display is immense but it's not just power it's all-encompassing it's speed it's ruthlessness and we've seen how it can be used to devastating effect such as when he nearly won shots as omari leroux even in his resurrection with his gokay ability similarly to daigaren hiyori maru senbon zakura kagyoshi is a banco we have been exposed to again and again in bleach and i do feel like that has lessened its impact somewhat however it's undeniable that it is an absolute killing machine with just an incredible amount of abilities under its belt and like i said the versatility and speed on show here earn it a place in the top 10. at number seven on this list we have gin ichimaru's kamishini no yari now kamashini no yari is an interesting bankai i was really really disappointed by it the first time it was shown off in the manga um dean was kind of just like oh it can basically just extend to 13 kilometers and i was like really that's it it seemed really unwieldy even though he did cut a huge swath of karakuri town in half in one blow the real strength of kamashini no yari however lies in dean's deception and the way this banchai seems to be able to just do more and more as time goes on although gene himself is playing with viewer expectations here and claiming that his zampato is not actually the fastest or the longest it does seem to excel in both of those areas covering enormous amounts of ground but also retracting immediately back to his hand so he can fight at close quarters as well and it's this again versatility that puts it this high on the list however there is one last thing that gains bankai can do which is truly truly impressive and that's his ultimate ability where his sword turns to dust for a brief period and then leaves a part of itself in its target from that point on it excretes a very dangerous venom that can pretty much kill anybody as we see when it basically kills a transcended ison separating his entire body in half eisen would have died there and then had it not been for the hogyoku resurrecting him so geen's bankai is crazy because he can just do so much with it even has more standard abilities like bhuto and bhutto ranjin to give it that range coverage um but for me it's geen's bankai the versatility it has but also the fact it can basically kill god um nets at a place on this list it's also so easy as well for him to activate that final ability it seems he just literally has to stab someone as long as he wants to use that power it will leave a piece of it inside them and they'll basically be killed the bankai at sixth on this list just missing out on a spot on the top five is mayuri kurotsuchi's new improved baankai konjiki ashi soki jizo matai fukuin shoudai as i said earlier with renji's baankai a lot of people with existing baankai got upgrades and overhauls in the final arc and myres is easily one of the most impressive his bankai has taken on a completely new form at this point resembling some gigantic weird almost like twisted buddha statue or something but it looks incredibly monstrous however its ability is even more warped as it gives birth to essentially the previous form of maya is bankai one of those kind of screaming golden babies now what's ridiculous about this bankai is it it doesn't actually seem to have really many abilities of its own but it has one all-encompassing power that helps it really stand out from the rest myori essentially is able to dictate the abilities of this the baby that comes out of his bankai and it is generated to counter whatever he is fighting so it was kind of a running joke that mayary could always counter his opponent didn't matter what they could do he would have some kind of preparation on hand where he would be able to um fight back against whatever they had for him and that was literally personified in his new bankai he can counter anyone and anything because he can just simply make um the ability of whatever his baby has counter his opponents so we get to see this against perni de panca jazz this is the only time we see it unfortunately but perna's abilities are basically nerves that as long as it touches your skin it can then control your body however myrie creates this this baby that can shed its skin eternally essentially so that it can forever avoid pernido's nerves and that's why emily gets this place on at sixth because you know how do you counter that which can counter you no matter what you know so the only reason i haven't ranked him higher on this list is because i think it has a couple of drawbacks it kind of seems like he can only create one this sounds so weird but he can only create one baby at a time we never actually see the gigantic actual bankai again itself after it births this first baby so i'm guessing it just disappears maybe and mayri has to activate it again i don't know entirely but also the babies themselves seem to be able to be physically destroyed such as when perna rips itself out of the baby with the arrows so yeah i don't entirely know what's going on because this banana only ever gets one use here but to me they seem like distinct weaknesses of the bankai and it's its counterability is incredibly impressive but that's pretty much all it can actually do whether it can still release poison gas whether it still has all the blades that his old banker used to have unfortunately we don't know starting off the top five we have kenpachi zaraki's unnamed bankai talking about raw power this is power incarnate cranking kenpachi's already massive physical strength up to 11 but also his speed as well allowing him to cut through gerard valkyrie and his shield like butter while running rings around him kenpachi's power in this form is so immense that when yachiru tried to release more of it it ripped kenpachi's own arm off which admittedly is a pretty big downside at this part in the story anyway we really don't get to see this bankai for very long so it's difficult to discern what its limits are however it does seem like it also removes any kind of mental capacity kenpachi actually had reducing his ability to strategize at all and some of you might think that doesn't really mean anything because kenpachi is a hack and slash loving guy anyway but he has been known to strategize during his fights he's smarter i think than a lot of people give him credit for and removing that capacity entirely does seem like a bit of a weakness turning him instead into an animalistic beast who relies on instinct only that being said this bankai is of course insanely impressive cutting through gerard like i said like he's nothing however this is also gerard in base form we never actually get to see kenpachi really fighting his holy form unfortunately which is a big shame because his barn kite is for some reason immediately written out of the fight after this by a pretty contrived measure um for me i'm happy with ken patchy at five because his bankai seems to be quite limited in what it can do it doesn't really have any broken special abilities or anything like that it's just all about raw power and raw speed and i think that that plus his lack of actual cognitive thought in this stage would give him trouble against some of the more tricky bankai we're about to come up against in the top five but i'm happy having him here i think he deserves his spot speaking of tricky banakai we have number four which is shinsui kyoraku's catin kyokotsu karamatsu shinju definitely one of the weirder bankai on this list difficult even to really describe i'm not entirely sure how it links to his original shikai where he could make children's games reality this one seems to make essentially a theater play reality which i guess has the same theatrical flair but either way this bank is an odd one and it did disappoint a lot of people when it was first revealed because it wasn't particularly straightforward but essentially it's telling this i think it's a japanese it's a tragic japanese story about two lovers who commit suicide essentially beneath this black pine tree and thematically i do really like it but we're not here to talk about thematics um shinsui is going up against leo barrow who is one of two stonewriters who essentially are immortal angels of god which does again skew just how strong this bankai actually is but it seems like to me anyway if kiraki was able to get all four stages of this bankai to activate it's a guaranteed kill he basically wins the fight so the first stage of kyolaku's bankai is the sharing of wounds if either you or your opponent has an injury it will be replicated on your opponent and if you're afflicted by that if you get hit by your opponent's injury the second stage activates on you which gives you the plague essentially just you just get the plague you get covered in boils blood runs down your face it looks pretty it looks pretty nasty i'm not gonna lie after that kyoraku plunges them both into dangerous abyss essentially an and just a massive ocean of water they're right at the bottom of it and at this point it becomes almost like an endurance test where your rayatsu begins to run out uh but not only that but the moment you hit the icy cold water your resolve also begins to run out as well and we see leo trying to escape to the surface only to find it impossible to do so at this point kyorak is able to activate his fourth and final stage where he basically creates this string of white light around his opponent's neck and he then cuts their head off it cuts their throat their head basically blows up so it should be an instant kill against anybody while telling this story at the same time however leo barrow is not your average enemy if he had done it to stark it probably would have killed him probably would just cut his head off and that would have been it however lille regenerates his head and turns into some eldritch abomination to keep fighting but i think kyoroku's bankai deserves its place here it's difficult to quantify you know exactly what this bankai does exactly how it works it has multiple abilities that all kind of feed into this one story so you know it has the power to drain rayatsu it has the power to drain resolve it has the power to inflict your own injuries upon your opponent it has the power to give them the plague and finally it has the power of instant kill so i think it deserves its spot here in on the top four it's just it's it's so weird and situational that i don't feel like you can really go any higher you know it's in many ways it feels like a liability which is kind of how cating kyokotsu feels to kyoroku at times but like he may has to make sure that nobody's around ross they'll get caught up in it as well um and then you get essentially put through the ringer um and what's kind of weird is kat in kyokotsu has always been this this shiikai that plays fair you know like kyoroku can get affected by it as well as we saw with eroni however here we don't get any adverse effects on kiraki whatsoever and i think that's that but the reason for that is because he doesn't get hit by the shared wounds at the start because leo is not injured until the barangay shows up but anyway it's a difficult one to place because it's so so weird so situational um you know does it does it go all the way to step four every time or if you have no woo say you have no wounds say cure who has no wounds on him and he uses bankai and lille wasn't hit by any reflected wounds would ivanka just stop you know would that be the end of it there are a lot of unanswered questions unfortunately here but i'm happy putting it forth i think it's killing potential based off what we know is immense and it has abilities are just broken so i'm happy putting it here all right top three now and with this one i wasn't even sure about putting them on the list i've got to be honest i was i found it a really weird one to place i wasn't sure the evidence was there for me to put it this high or even on the list but in the end i chose to put it here anyway um i think it is fitting and that is you probably maybe can guess but ichigo's true zangetsu um true tensa zangetsu uh the long-awaited true bankai of ichigo which we basically don't get to see um unfortunately the moment he activates it it is broken in the future by uh buck and smashed in half and we we barely get to see it do anything in the future however the crucial bits we do see i think are enough to put it as the third strongest bank on this list in my opinion it can't go any higher because we really don't know anything else it can do if it can do anything else maybe it can't but you hobart clearly fears this bankai you hobart by the way being the ultimate god of the series at this point the almighty he's basically the soul king um the most powerful being in the universe at this point fears ichigo's tenses and gets you enough to break in half that's a pretty sterling recommendation of strength however it's not evidence that evidence comes later on however when ichigo stabs you high in the back with his newly reforged tensor zangetsu activates gets to get show and cuts him in half bear in mind this is this is all mighty you have up the most powerful form of this character he's just defeated eisen essentially like punched a hole in eisen's chest and ichigo kills him in one hit his bankai kills hobart in one hit he cuts him in half with gets a good attention and yuha's body is just evaporated now obviously he survives but he only survives because of the almighty he does actually say that he has died he says i can rewrite futures in which i have died so that implies ichigo kills him here so ichigo's brand new banquet is capable of killing the god of the universe in a single stroke um that's pretty impressive that's pretty impressive as far as i'm concerned it took me a little while to come round to that and actually realize what was going on the gravity of what just happened um but yeah she goes ichigo's ban kai you know can walk the walk i think when it actually gets a chance to it's such a shame that it's so messed around with um at the end of the series i'd love to actually seen it in action properly but i think the small snippets we do get are enough to put it at this kind of level on the list number two is admittedly one of my favorite bankai in the series and that's kisuke urahara's kanon buraki benahime aratame now in my opinion this is the most versatile bankai in the series um and i think there's no question about it um i think this bank can essentially do anything you know it can basically control reality and that's absolutely perfect for a character like kisuke who always has an answer to every situation when he activates his bankai it summons the massive statue of benahime behind him and she basically controls this range where she can manipulate reality that's essentially what's going on askin has destroyed kisuke's eyes at this point they are dead that's the power of gift ring it kills anything it touches however thanks to his bank is able to restructure his own eyes and get his sight back what's interesting here is we see a compel there's a comparison to be had here between say kisuke and maya is bankai maya izbankai produces one counter to his enemy perfectly suited for the fight it's in however in the short space of time we see canon biraci benahime aratame he kisuke adapts about three different things in quick succession he splices open askin's arm he turns his own arm into something more physically powerful by which he then smacks asking away that's a really cool moment actually basically keysuke is able to restructure his own body to make it physically stronger and then we also see that he restructures a hole in the gift bear ike and then puts a whole beside asking and it's essentially like teleportation that's what i think anyway there's a bit of confusion about this i think some people think that kieske just simply made a path for grimjo to follow however i think when asking collapses to the ground you do actually see a hole in the floor behind him so i think grimjoe popped up out of it like a portal essentially and punched asking in the back we'll obviously be able to tell better in the anime hopefully but i do i think he essentially connected two different doorways and grimjo just went straight through and came out the other side regardless it's incredibly powerful and the thing with kisko's bankai is truly it's a cliche to say but truly the possibilities are limitless kiske could probably restructure his legs and make himself run incredibly fast restructuring them to jump incredibly high i wish we'd had more time with it but i think the unlimited potential of this bankai makes it easily the second strongest on this list it can feasibly do anything and counter nearly anyone and make kisiki himself indestructible could he restructure his skin to make him impervious to damage maybe i don't know we never he never is really in trouble after using his barn kai um like i said it would have been great to see it a bit more however there doesn't really seem to be a noticeable downside either um you know we don't get to spend enough time with it to work out if there is a downside but he's able to just do so much with it and it's it's so easy for him to control and i do think it's perfect for a puppet master like kiesky to have a barn code that has all these strings attached and like can just play with the world around him as though it's his play thing i think it's incredibly powerful and nion unbeatable to be honest because he can just do anything and i mentioned this in my urohara bankai video i think it's perfect for him you know i think it's so good that it has one ability but that ability can do everything really really smart and we've made it to number one on the list and by now you can probably work out who it is the person i gave the number one strongest zone puck toe to also has the strongest bankai in my opinion as i believe they were did they were designed by kubo to be unbeatable and that is yamamoto genre size zanka no tachi zankanotachi is the perfect offense the perfect defense and just also has range and kind of area of effect and just everything built in to make it the unstoppable killing machine that it actually is let's go through it shall we perfect offense this bankai has a running theme going through it where it removes things from existence with zankanotachi east simply touching the the tip of the blade will remove a section of earth from existence it just gets rid of it um there's no fire or anything it's just immediately removed from the plane of existence that they're on so okay that's pretty mad the perfect defense zankanotachi west creates a flaming cloak around yamamoto himself with the heat of the sun um you hop out or at least the fake you have tries to strike him and it just it just evaporates his sword like his blade is no longer there again that theme of removing things from existence that's something that kubo is really playing up here um and it goes well with ryujin jakka's initial release command reduce or creation to ash that's basically what's going on here so at this point you've got someone who can remove things from existence by touching them and also someone who will remove you from existence if you try and touch him perfect offense and perfect defense there's still two more abilities to go so he also has zankanotachi north which is essentially just one hell of a sword swing but there is some range to it that's his kind of ranged angle he flings what's basically like a fiery gets a potential i'm assuming and again it removes things from existence in its path you see the fake uh just has a huge hole missing from him there's no fire or anything it's just all completely gone and then finally there is of course zankanotachi south which summons an undead army of people yamamoto has killed in the past to kind of act as a mobile defensive wall almost they don't seem to be able to do any real damage necessarily but they cling on to uh they just crawl all over him there's hundreds of them it looks like just grappling with this guy slowing him down making it more difficult for him to fight and that's why to me yamamoto just has the perfect most powerful bankai in the series and i think it was obviously in my opinion designed to be that way it was designed to be unstoppable that's the whole point it does seem to tire him out that's maybe the only downside it could also be a side effect of the fact he's thousands of years old at this point um but zanka notachi is truly incredible and really did justice to the head captain um you know ryujin jakka was always the show-stopping spectacle shikai every time it was released it was this crazy moment and i think kubo managed to achieve that again with his bankai giving him the four points of the compass making up the ultimate all-rounder character the most powerful fighting force in bleach as far as i'm concerned anyway i just don't think anyone could get close to him and if he and even if they did he would remove them from existence his army of skeletons would be slowing them down i'm perfectly happy to put zanka otachi at number one on the list but that's it for my list of the top 10 strongest barn kai in bleach let me know in the comments below if you agree at all with any of my positions i'd love to know i'd also love to know your lists as well so put them in the comments below too and we can compare and see just how close we actually were alright guys but i really hope you enjoyed the video make sure to hit that subscribe button now and keep supporting me and the channel i really really appreciate it but until next time guys i'll catch you later and i'll see you then
Channel: MrTommo2304
Views: 456,255
Rating: 4.8814158 out of 5
Keywords: bleach, bleach bankai, bankai, strongest bankai, strongest bankai in bleach, tybw bankai, rukia bankai, ichigo, ichigo true bankai, MrTommo2304, MrTommo2304 bleach, bleach ranking, ranking, bleach new anime, bleach 2021, bleach 20th
Id: ZXKFmkOTf-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 34sec (2014 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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