UNOHANA'S BANKAI - What was its Ability? Theories and Analysis | Bleach DISCUSSION

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after the initial devastating attack launched by the quincy's at the start of the final arc of bleach the captain commander kiraku shinsui takes it upon himself to help their best warrior kenpachi zaraki finally learn the art of the sword and this essentially just means helping him finally learn to speak to his zampakto hopefully hear its name and learn shikai now kyolaku has only one person in mind to help kemp actually learn this power captain unohana and this was a huge mind-bending twist back in the day captain retsu unuhana the kindly healer of the fourth division well she was actually ya chiru unohana the very first kenpachi the first captain of the 11th division and a blood-crazed criminal that helped yamamoto build the goatee 13 a thousand years ago as a band of merciless thugs unohana decides to train kenpachi by fighting him in a rigorous battle to the death where she murders him over and over again resuscitating him at the point of death to help him continue to grow stronger and finally speak to his damn puck toe now this is genuinely one of my favorite kenpachi fights in the entire series i think there's so much to this battle and there's so much behind it as well but during this fight in chapter 526 kim patchy thinks he's actually finished off unohana with a strike to the chest she surprises him however by activating her bankai minazuki now a new bankai is always an incredibly exciting affair however what followed here was weird abstract and completely unexplained meaning that fans went without any kind of concrete explanations to what unohana's bankai actually did so in this video we're going to take a look at that brief moment in the fight between ken apaches when unohana uses her bankai and try and decipher maybe what's going on here what kubo was aiming for look at some of the theories fans have about her bankai and see if we can come up with something that satisfies us regarding an explanation before we begin however guys if you haven't subscribed to my channel make sure to hit that button now i really really appreciate the support keep pushing us towards 30 000 subs we put bleach videos out like this every single week so if you are a fan of bleach you are in absolutely the right place give the video a thumbs up as well it really really helps with the exposure on youtube um so more people can come and see the video i really really appreciate the support don't forget to hit the notification bell as well guys so that you never miss one of my videos when they arrive in your sub box become a part of the wider community as well by following me over on twitter and don't forget to join us on discord the link to which you'll find in the description below so unohana finally reveals her true nature and this is a really really great twist and i'm really looking forward to talking about this fight in super in-depth detail when we get to that point in the future but for now we're looking at unohana's bankai specifically when she activates it and we're going to try and work out what we think this thing can actually do so in chapter 526 the chapter opens with kempachi pulling his sword out of unohana having sliced her across the chest at the end of the previous chapter and he thinks she's dead however she reveals herself to have survived the attack she then strikes back at kimpachi and the two of them push apart it's at this point that unohana activates her bankai minazuki now you might remember that her shikai is also called minazuki this is the first and only time in the series we see the bankai and the sheikah have the exact same name except they're not quite the same because they actually mean two very different things and in this state the bangko actually means all things end now i think it's really really cool that kubo was able to do this from an artistic standpoint it's just really really creative and the fact that the banker and the shiikai reflect the two very different sides of unohana herself i absolutely love that the shikai is the kind healing manta ray thing that heals people inside its stomach with its stomach acids whereas herbankai well we don't really know what it is but we know that it's very dangerous it's definitely representative of her bloodthirsty side and i just think it's really really creative of cooper that he was able to do that with her now about the bankai itself when she activates it her blade seems to disappear it actually turns into a stringy gloop-like substance and it's obviously a little bit difficult to gauge what that is in a black and white manga but we do see her on the color page of the next chapter as well and it is bright red which led me and many others to think the blade had become almost like a whip made of blood now i think thematically this would be really cool and make an awful lot of sense we know that una hana used to be a blood-crazed murderer and she took on the name ya chiri because she had mastered so many styles of the sword so to me at least it would make an awful lot of sense for her bankai to take on the blood of all the victims she's accrued over the years and in some ways that actually gives her some kind of similarity to yamamoto these two ancient captains who used to be leaders of the horrible goatee 13 this vicious band of killers both of their bankais reflect the crimes they've committed in the past yamamoto's zanka no tachi allows him to resurrect the burnt out ashes of the dead that he has killed with ryujin jack i think that is really really awesome and so it kind of makes sense to me that unohana who's essentially his right-hand man back in the day has a similar bankai that reminds her and the people she fights of the crime she's committed in the past her sword becomes a flowing whip of blood a river of blood because of all the people she has killed however the fight continues and she doesn't explain her bankai at all she transforms it you see it kind of like dripping off of her sword hilt it does look really really cool to be fair and she basically tells kenpachi that it's time to draw the curtain on their fight now it makes sense that she wouldn't just stop and start explaining her bankai because these two guys are killers they are battle lovers and it would just make sense they'd carry on with the fight and they're not stopping for anything but it does mean as fans we don't really get to find out what this thing does now what confuses matters even further is what happens next in the fight and things get really weird as kenpachi clashes blades with unohana they both turn into skeletons now this is really really odd you basically watch their flesh melt away from their skin kenpachi can see it himself he says that he's melting away he can see himself becoming a skeleton and unohana has also become a skeleton so that's kind of weird as well many people have theorized over the years as to whether this becoming the skeletons is physical or it is only it's only figurative it's not actually happening and i think there's an argument for both here and i think both of these arguments possibly relate to herbankai so if we want to take it as this is physically happening to them they are actually both dissolving into skeletons then i think it's possible that what's coming off of unohana's blade is not blood but acid and i think there are some things that actually support this claim a little bit when unohana activates herbankai and her sword turns into this substance we see it bubbling and almost hissing when it comes out of her blade there's definitely a sound effect on there that would imply at the very least that there is a sort of gloopy hissing noise coming off this thing as she activates its power that to me would indicate that it is some kind of acid and also remember that a bankai will at least in some way reflect the shikhai and we know that minazuki shikai actually heals people with its stomach acid so honestly for me the fact that it's shiikai uses acid is probably the biggest piece of evidence for this speeding acid as well the shiikai heals people with acid the bankai strips them to the bone with acid again very indicative of the two sides of unohana and i can absolutely see this being the case i do find it a little bit hard to believe that they would be able to be reduced to such skeletal forms and still survive even with unohana's incredible healing prowess and there's also the fact that she becomes a skeleton as well does that mean that her bank affects her we do see her swinging it around like a bit of a like well without care in the world so i'm assuming that acid if that's what it is is going everywhere so if it does affect her as well that does seem a little bit detrimental to me but she apparently has the healing abilities to restore herself completely anyway so i guess it doesn't really matter if that is what herbankai does that seems to be pretty powerful you would assume that kempachi is only surviving turning into a skeleton because it's what unohana wants you imagine that if she actually activated her bankai against someone she didn't care about fighting they would probably be reduced to dust so that's one avenue for unohana's bankai minazuki it could actually be literal acid coming out of her sword her blade turns into acid that she's able to like manipulate essentially it almost becomes like a whip and that is actually burning away kenpachi's flesh but there is another option i think which is slightly more abstract and not quite as literal now we know that both kenpachi and unohana absolutely love and crave battle both of them love fighting to the degree that they want the fight to be as interesting as possible they want to drag out the fight if they possibly can and make it as interesting for themselves as as they possibly can so is it possible then the unohana's bankai is not actually turning them into skeletons but it is more a figurative representation of their instincts their battle-loving instincts as both of them turn into skeletons to do battle it's possible then that this section of the battle that showcases them as skeletons is not literally happening to them but is a figurative representation of them both being stripped back to their absolute base instincts their their battle loving selves showcased as murderous skeletons wielding blades i could absolutely see that i also wonder though if it is maybe an ability of unohana's zampakto that is slightly more figurative one that brings out the base instincts of those she's fighting so for example here she's fighting kenpachi so the bankai reveals his base instinct which is to love fighting which is to be a fighter and perhaps it makes him even a bit stronger that would in my eyes at least be in line with unohana's desire to make fights as interesting as possible however if she were fighting a coward at heart her bankai would reveal them to be you know a real coward and they you know become completely useless in a battle i could see that as well personally however my genuine opinion is to unohanas bankai i think the acid is actually quite likely just because of the relationship to her chicai however i wouldn't put it past kubo for the whole disintegrating into skeletons thing to just be a figurative representation of them both being stripped back to their absolute base instincts to the monsters that they are at heart that absolutely love fighting i could definitely see that being the case with unohana's bankai safe to say either way we really don't have an awful lot to go on whether you actually think that herbankai is a stream of acid that burns away the opponent or a stream of blood that's indicative of her victims or maybe something considerably more abstract to do with their instinct and stripping them back to who they really are and revealing who they are on the surface it's impossible to say for sure because we won't know unless kubo actually reveals it but let me know guys in the comments below what you think unohana's bankai could actually be do you think it's one of the suggestions i've laid out for you here today if you want a concrete answer from me what i actually think unohana's bankai is i'm going to go with the acid and i'm assuming she's probably healing them at incredibly fast rate just because of the sound effects and the way it looks when she activates her bankai and the fact that it does have such a relationship to the sheikai despite them being two halves they are two halves of the same coin at the end of the day and i think them both using acid makes a lot of sense but then i also think that it being a figurative representation of their instinct makes a lot of sense so really what do i know but that's it for this video guys i really hope you enjoyed my ramblings about unohana's bankai minazuki probably the most mysterious bankai in the series definitely the only time i think we ever got to see ibankai in action and never actually find out what it does i mean i guess ichigo's final tenses and getsu is similar but i assume that's more raw power output unhanas banker actually transforms into something that we have no idea what it does the fact that it's followed up with the abstract section with the skeletons definitely doesn't help but that's it for me this time guys i hope you enjoyed the video hit the like button if you did help the exposure don't forget to subscribe to me if you haven't already and i shall see you next time see you then
Channel: MrTommo2304
Views: 197,233
Rating: 4.9119897 out of 5
Keywords: bleach, bleach discussion, bleach manga, bleach anime, bleach bankai, unohana bankai, tybw, bleach final arc, bleach final arc discussion, MrTommo2304, MrTommo2304 bleach, kenpachi vs unohana, bleach new anime trailer, bleach anime return
Id: l4uSo5vXo8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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