What happened to YACHIRU in TYBW? | Bleach DISCUSSION

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i think it's fair to say that the character of kenpachi's iraqi received more than his fair share of development during the thousand-year blood war arc of bleach however while kenpachi's development mostly resulted in him receiving a couple of awesome looking power-ups there is one character who was so directly affected by that development that she up and disappeared from the series entirely that character is of course kenpachi's former vice captain the former vice captain of the 11th division yachiru kusujishi something of a surprising subplot for bleach's final arc yachiru quite literally disappears about halfway through the story leaving behind nothing but a shihaku show in a way very reminiscent of eisens hollow find experiments in the term back the pendulum mini arc yachiru's disappearance is a plotline that is revisited numerous times during the thousand-year blood war arc with kempachi often trying to find her and at one point almost stalling the trip to the royal palace because he was desperate to go out and continue the search and then eventually she reappears right towards the end of the series to drop the major bombshell that kenpachi is able to use bankai but yachiru's disappearance is fascinating to fans because it's never been explicitly stated what actually happens to her although i do believe the clues are there in the story to make it fairly clear as to her fate however because it is never explicitly stated in this video we're going to be taking a look at yachiru's surprising disappearance in thousand year blood war arc trying to take a look at the clues at the fan theories and come up with a with an explanation that we're happy with before you begin however guys if you haven't hit subscribe yet make sure to do so as you are in the perfect place for bleach content just like this every single week so if you're a fan of bleach you're in the perfect place don't forget to give the video a like as well if you enjoyed it because it really does help get exposure on youtube and also don't forget to hit the notification bell to stay up to date with all of my videos so before we dive into focusing on her disappearance i think we should just do a very quick overview of yachu's role in the thousand-year blood war arc to set the stage and give us some context and don't worry it's not a particularly big role she first appears quite early on in the vice captain's meeting where she mentions about how ikaku and yumichika were investigating the disappearances in rue kongai a little bit later on after the quincy's first invasion yachiru and issane visit their respective captains barracks as kenpachi and unohana duke it out in moochen far below the soul society we get a really nice moment where yachiru picks up kim pachy's eye patch and obviously realizes what's going on beneath them she then appears a bit later on during the second invasion of the quincy where she helps isane set up a makeshift infirmary stealing some quincy beds from their buildings nearby which i thought was quite funny and then they get attacked by the stonewriter gwenell actually reveals her sheikai at this point sanpo kenji which he uses to fight and overpower gwen ale however it's revealed that gwen ale is but a figment of the real stormwriter's imagination grammy thermo grammy then turns yachiru's bones into cookies as she tries to attack him and she lies defeated until kenpachi himself arrives now the true kenpachi having killed unohana he leaves yachiru and faces gremi himself on a grand stage the next time we see her is a rather mysterious segment when kenpachi flies towards a meteorite and activates his unpacked toe for the very first time on screen with drink nozarashi and we see yajiro looking up at him as he says the name a flashback to her first meeting with him back in the ru khan districts um and then after that the next time we see her she is gone kenpachi finishes his fight with grammy and finds her shihakusho lying on the ground and immediately initiates a search for her as this is obviously rather unusual even for yajiro kompachi's search for yachiru like i said carries on throughout the rest of the ark when they're trying to go to the royal palace he demands they stop and look for her but nanao is able to change his mind when they get to the actual varvelt palace itself and the fight with gerard valkyrie is underway kenpachi is pretty quickly overwhelmed by gerard and is then visited by ya chiru who appears to come out of nowhere as though she's some kind of apparition ya chiru then helps kenpachi gain an awesome new power up giving him the ability to use bankai and he then takes on gerard with much more ease however she makes him use too much of his strength his arm is ruined and then he is taken out of the fight and we never see ya chiro again kempachi however in the penultimate chapter of the series does mention that she is not around anymore and that's basically it for the vice captain of the 11th division in the thousand-year blood war arc by the epilogue of the series ikaku is named vice captain in her place and kenpachi seems to have made peace with the fact that she is gone but what actually happened to her what triggered her disappearing and what actually is ya chiru the most common theory and the one i have always subscribed to is that ya chiru is actually the physical embodiment of kenpachi zanpakto nozarashi she is nozarashi's zanpakto spirit if you go back and look at my reviews my weekly reviews you'll see that's exactly what i thought when i was reading the manga as well it seems to make by far the most sense to me now none of this really makes complete sense without a few caveats and that's the sort of thing we'll get into in a minute but i want to look at this main theory of yachiru being nozarashi's spirit in a bit more detail now there's definitely evidence to suggest that this is actually the case but the majority of it does appear in the thousand-year blood war arc specifically from the second invasion onwards you could point to their very first meeting back when yatchiru first arrives on the scene in the dangerous rukon district she somehow managed to survive in this horrible lawless place despite being essentially a tiny child and when she first meets kenpachi she touches his arm puck toe like almost laughs at the blood on her fingers and i think that you could in retrospect see that as her you know touching the blade she and it are one but i think that's more kubo getting lucky with some of his past decisions than anything else the majority of the evidence to support it happens in the second invasion and onwards the first major piece of evidence we get is a bit of a weird one and initially it raised a few red flags as to the true nature of her being but nothing necessarily too out of the ordinary when she takes on gweneil lee she activates her zampakto's shikai for the first time sanpo kenju or at least it appears to be a shikai however kubo makes a point of showing isane not quite understanding what this actually is that she is looking at ya chiru's so-called shikai summons two creatures to stand by the side of her each with their own blades and essentially that is the power of herself toe she swings they do the same thing as her she essentially has three swords in one as isai points out however sanpo kenju is like no shikai she has ever seen before it's not like captain uno harness that materialized itself into an actual physical being and it's not like hitsugai as either where a being was materialized from a substance that emerged from the zanpato these creatures appear to be two almost totally autonomous beings that just exist within her sword but the blade itself has changed in absolutely no way it also appears that she doesn't use a release command for sampo kenju she says she says come on out but i don't believe that's actually supposed to be the release command i want to get into the debate as to what this actually means for her character if this isn't actually a sheikai in a minute but for now this is the first piece of indication we get that maybe something is not quite right with yachiru obviously the next major one is that her spiritual body just completely vanishes in a way that is similar to the victims of eisens experiments in the term at the pendulum arc leaving behind nothing but their clothes which implies the spiritual body itself has broken down and vanished entirely this seems to happen just after kenpachi says the name nozarashi and activates his zanpak toe implying now that he actually knows the name of his zampakto he's communicated with his spirit yachiru can finally disappear again this is kind of weird and presents its own problems but we'll get into that in a minute and the final piece of evidence and the absolute most concrete one in my opinion that is nearly irrefutable is yachiru's out of nowhere appearance during the battle with gerard so kenpachi has been beaten to a pulp by this godlike quincy and he's lying near death on the floor and yachiru appears out of nowhere in front of him asking him what he's doing lying on the ground now this could initially be attributed to kemp actually just seeing her in front of him in like a dream like dazed state after the beating he's taken and he even says to her where have you been all this time kind of you you might imagine this is what he wants to see right now however yachiru actually leans down and tries to lift him up again and she implores with him to keep fighting in fact in the english viz translation she explicitly says let's keep going let's keep fighting implying it's both of them she's talking about she then also says if you use me properly there is nothing no one you can't cut again use me properly pretty clearly implying that she is calling herself as unpacked toe but the biggest point and the final nail in the coffin as far as i'm concerned is right at the end of this scene when she gives kenpachi the power to activate bankai and she turns to almost face the reader and she says this power is called bankai and you see that kubo has explicitly drawn the shine of the in the shape of sealed state in her eyes i don't think kubo would have drawn the blade in her eyes if it wasn't supposed to indicate that this is her true nature her true form that she is the spirit of his son pakto in some form or another um and she gives him the power to use ban kai and even later on when his arm snaps she says that she released too much of his strength at one time implying that she is controlling his power to some degree so yeah particularly with that final scene it really does seem like yachiru is the embodiment of nozarashi but there are a couple of counterpoints i would like to bring up because this is definitely a little bit weird and i'm not entirely sure it works either way whether you want to say she is or she isn't i think there's definitely um questions on either side so the first thing i want to bring up is the fact that she is a member of the goatee 13 at all she wears a shihaku show she has a zan puck toe of some kind um and she is a member of the goatee 13. now that's already pretty weird how did she get through the shinigami academy we know that she wasn't a shinigami initially because she meets kenpachi in the ru khan guy so the two of them would have had to have gone into the goatee 13 themselves and you can presume there's no evidence to suggest otherwise that yaturu had to go through the shino academy just like everybody else maybe the fact that she came in with kenpachi and he outright kills kenpachi ghiganjo for the captain position means that she was able to just usurp the position of vice captain that's possible but there is also the notion that if she did go through the academy surely somebody picked up on the fact that something's not quite right here then there's sanpo kenju her supposed zanpak toe if it's not a real shikai what is it is it actually just an asachi that she's carrying around for show to try and give the idea that she's a shinigami what i think is possible is that the two autonomous creatures that she has summoned are actually just an excess of kenpachi's spiritual pressure creatures that she has created of her own accord basically from the overflowing amount of power she actually has they there's no sheikai here she's just created these creatures to kind of act as a shikai while she swings an empty blade the problem with that is doesn't oetsun nimaya know the location of just about every asachi in the series he knows all the wielders and everything like that he even knows when ken apache himself picks up someone else's zamfakto to use for himself and him print his own spirit onto it so that's a weird situation does oetsu know of yashiro's true nature and he's just overlooking it or is something else going on here another potential issue and one thing that i am very curious to see how the anime in particular handles is once kenpachi kills unohana in muken nozarashi actually starts speaking to him for the first time ever at first kenpachi has no idea who's talking he thinks that someone else is in mooken calling him out and it's only right at the end that he realizes it's actually his sword speaking to him this implies to me that he can't recognize the voice that is talking to him so clearly it doesn't sound like yat-shiru so is the anime going to make it yatshiru's voice and we're just going to have to assume that he doesn't realize it's her or they're going to make nose rashes sound completely different that's something i think i'm actually quite interested to see then of course there comes the question of the fact that if yatchiru is the externalization of kenpachi's zampato spirit how can nosarashi talk to him in mooken if she's still in the 11th division barracks that also goes double for the fact that she still exists after kenpachi presumably learns his shikai unless you're telling me that the very first time he activates nozarashi is when he destroys the meteorite but that seems very unlikely to me i'd be very surprised if he didn't activate it at some point in mookin once finding out how but then that doesn't explain why yatchiro is still around as you can see there are definitely clear issues on both sides however i think kubo gives enough evidence to suggest that she is in fact kenpachi's zanpakto spirit to me that has always seemed like the most logical and the most obvious answer as to her true nature there are some other explanations for her disappearance however i have seen some people comparing kenpachi and yachiru to stark and lilinet and while similar i don't think they are the same thing stark and lynette used to be one being literally one being who had to split themselves in two because of their colossal and overwhelming power and while i don't deny that kempakshi probably has as much if not more power than that i don't think it works in the same way and i also think the fact that ya chiru mentions using her and has the blade in her eyes is far more conducive with her actually being his zampato spirit than an entirely separate being if she was an entirely separate almost second half of kenpachi why would she disappear when he activates his shikai another interesting take i've heard is that yachiru is not just the spirit of nozarashi but actually the baankai spirit of nozarashi that's in the fact that she's able to give kenpachi bankai during the gerard fight and also as isai mentions normally if a zampato spirit can be seen it's the externalization of that spirit due to the bankai training as shinigami undergoes which is to say when a shinigami tries to learn bankai they force out their zampato spirit and they force it to submit to them now i kind of like this theory but again i just don't think it's right i think it makes more sense that she is nosarashi itself otherwise again why would she disappear just because he activates his sheikai why would she not disappear much later on and then he activates baankai and again i think the clues are to be found in the fight with gerard she just sounds like she's talking about herself as a zaan puck toe overall another interesting question is if she is kenpachi's on park toe spirit why has she materialized like this at all is it down to kenpachi having an enormous spiritual pressure or is it maybe something else kenpachi perhaps wasn't listening to his zampacto spirit at all so she materialized in a way that he would and the two of them have an incredibly close bond which is why i was always able to accept him automatically knowing how to use bankai because they have almost a closer bond than any shinigami has ever had with their zampak token patchy looks after her like she's family although yeah he doesn't know that she's his zarpak toe spirit they do have such an incredibly tight bond that make total sense to me that he would already know how to use bankai she would just have to give it to him but regardless i think that is that from their first meeting in the rukon district when she touches the metal of the blade perhaps signifying that she is in fact that zampato she's almost trying to tell him this um right the way through to the thousand-year blood war arc when she reveals her almost fake sheikai and then kenpachi activates nosarashi and she realizes he's finally able to hear her properly so she disappears and becomes one with the blade he is actually holding and then eventually she gives him the power to use bankai in the most dangerous of situations and and openly says to him you need to use me properly and then you can cut anybody it is a weird situation there is literally nothing else like it in the series i really enjoyed the subplot in the thousand year blood where our yachty whose disappearance added another layer of mystery to the story that i really wasn't expecting to get out of these two and like i said i think overall it makes sense there are some things that i find difficult to explain away like the fact that nosrashi is talking to kenpachi but yatura is actually also still around all those kind of things are a bit weird and they're also kind of the moments in seoul society arc as well when kenpachi is defeated by ichigo and he is lying on the ground destitute holding his blade above his face and just kind of being like why won't you speak to me um and yachiru is standing right next to him if i remember rightly so that's also a little bit weird not to mention yatchiru's cat-shaped rayatsu that she uses against the messenger in the soul society arc as well that doesn't seem to have any relevance anymore these are all ideas that kubo could have quite easily been building on a little bit in the soul society arc and then just thrown it all away to go with the idea of her being his zarpak tow spirit that's kind of what i think happened here and i like it because it adds a new dynamic to their relationship it really strengthens their bond and it makes her as well of real value and use to kenpachi which i think adds a little bit more to yachtu's character this is a mystery that i wonder if they all bother elaborating on in the anime but really i don't think they necessarily need to i think it is pretty clear-cut that she's his own fuck-toe spirit there's just all these other mitigating circumstances to consider but that's it for this video guys i hope maybe it helped clear things up if you weren't sure about yachiru it is never explicitly stated but i think that kind of makes it all the more interesting regardless but let me know in the comments below what you thought of yachiru's story in the thousand-year blood war can you and what you thought of her disappearance subplot as well and basically the question of the video is do you think she is nosarashi or is she something else do let me know in the comments below but until next time guys make sure to hit that subscribe button and i'll see you then goodbye
Channel: MrTommo2304
Views: 337,511
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bleach, manga, anime, discussion, bleach discussion, bleach bankai, bankai, kenpachi, zaraki, bleach full fights, bleach tybw, bleach 2021, bleach anime, bleach final arc, yachiru, MrTommo2304, MrTommo2304 bleach
Id: L6C7lItZQE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 35sec (1175 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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