Ranking the End of Series VICE-CAPTAINS (Manga Only) | Bleach Ranking

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the captains of the goatee 13 are often considered by many to be the absolute pinnacle of soul society's military might however we'd be unwise to overlook their vice captions as well those that serve closest to them and are often embroiled in many of the same battles the vice captains get an ample amount of screen time throughout bleach to showcase their abilities and what they are truly capable of so in this video we're going to be looking at ranking the end of series vice captains not just from weakest to strongest but taking into account everything that makes them a vice captain their battle readiness and their mental state and just everything that comes together to make them a vice captain before we start the list there are a couple of housekeeping points much like with the end of series captains video in this one i'm not going to be taking can't feel your own world into account and there's a pretty simple reason for that back when i made that end of series captain's video like six seven months ago i hadn't really read any of camp for your own world so it didn't feel right to include it then um and now i feel like i want to have parity between that video and this one just to kind of keep it fair definitely in the future i'd like to do more rankings where we do take cart for your own world into account perhaps when we look at every captain and vice captain the series has ever seen but just to have parity with that captain's video that i made way back when this one is just going to be looking at how the vice captains appear in the manga itself and the other piece of housekeeping is that not every vice captain is actually known at the end of the series we're missing vice captains from squads 7 8 and 13. not only that but there is a second vice captain in squad one genshiro okikiba but he does so little throughout the story i'm not even really sure why he was included as a vice captain and he's not going to be on this list because he doesn't do anything and before we get started we are so close to hitting 50 000 subs if you haven't hit that button already and you are a bleach fan make sure to do that now because you're in the perfect place for content like this every week don't forget to give the video a thumbs up as well if you enjoyed it because it really does help with exposure on youtube and also the notification bell will help you stay up to date with every video i put out and kicking this list off at spot number 11 is the new vice captain of the fourth division keone kotetsu so after her sister isane was promoted to the captaincy at the end of the series keone has now been moved from the 13th division to the fourth where she has taken up the vice captain position and really she couldn't have been anywhere but bottom on this list we know absolutely nothing about her really other than she used to share the third seat of the 13th division with centauro kotsubaki neither of them have ever really shown any inclination of being good in a fight or even having the mental readiness for a fight as they spend most the time arguing with one another keone may have matured now of course but we have absolutely no idea we've never seen her do anything we've never seen her zampac toe we've never seen her skill in keto or anything like that so really we have nothing to go on that's why she's bottom on this list and speaking of centauro i think he probably is the vice captain of the 13th division but it's never actually confirmed so we can't really add him on the list number 10 on our list is a vice captain we have seen in action many times before but unfortunately for him it doesn't make him any more impressive and that's the vice captain of the second division mauricio o'mydah now the main reason amida is here is not for lack of trying the guy does flip-flop between being incredibly cowardly and sometimes actively really wanting to help his captain win a fight but unfortunately for him no matter what he tries kubo is reticent to give this guy an actual victory against nerj pardwak in the fake karakura town arc omida manages to outspeed him in probably his best feat in the entire series land a pretty nice hit with gagetsuburi only to find it's done absolutely nothing to him and nurge is only killed when soyfun is accidentally thrown at his head even much later on when omada rages at the fact that bg9 has impaled his sister and strikes him clear in the face with gigatsubury once again it does absolutely nothing so even when omada does want to take the situation seriously kubota doesn't want to give him a win we know that he's not great with kido and gagetsuburi is not the most impressive zampato in the world so unfortunately for a reminder even if he does try his best sometimes he has to be second from bottom on this list the next slot on this list might be the first controversial one although i'm not sure but it's the new vice captain of the 12th division akkon now akon for me makes it onto this list based entirely on his showing in the thousand-year blood war arc and while we don't ever get to see him fight anyone and therefore we don't necessarily know how strong he is or anything like that in my opinion his mindset more than makes up for it and we actively see him taking a leading role and responsibility during the soul society's most desperate hour everything is going crazy during the first invasion the quincy have showed up they're killing people left right and center and akkon is willing to defy his captain and make moves to free ichigo kurosaki to get in contact with ichigo and then try and break open the garganta once it's been sealed akon did nothing but consistently impressed me during the first invasion even holding out against shaz domino long enough to get ichigo free and by shinji's own words ichigo chases off uh bucks so really that's all down to akkon but i think akon does an incredible job in a thousand year blood work cementing his worth as a vice captain um and i think he is in many ways a mini miori you know they both originated from the maggots nest i think they both have very similar mindsets although akon definitely seems to be a little more stable out of the two of them so to me that's why he deserves this spot on the list above oh mida because we've really seen that when the time comes he really can step up to the plate next on the list is the current vice captain of the fifth division hinomori momo now obviously momo has had a bit of a turbulent past throughout bleach's storyline having been mentally very affected by eisen's betrayal of her and her redemption from that growing from that becoming a much stronger individual is one of the really nice success stories of bleach however i don't think momo really has all that much to offer as far as vice captains go toby you may is not that special of a zampakto she can basically just fire off fireballs um and really she's never done anything too impressive probably her best feat is outsmarting the tray beastias and helping matsumoto by damaging them with her kedo net which is pretty cool and does show a good level of intuition in the thousand-year blood war arc momo is pretty heavily relegated to the side it's nice seeing her working with shinji but she doesn't display an awful lot using toba you may to mostly attack some soul that's momo has been shown to be overly emotional and having knee-jerk reactions to situations that i don't think necessarily help her for instance after shinji is bombed by bambieta momo immediately jumps into action regardless of the consequences and has to be saved by komamura i definitely think momo is in a much better place mentally in the thousand-year blood war there's absolutely no denying that and i think she'll go on to continue to improve over time but for now i think this is a fair spot for her on the list next on the list we have the vice captain of the first division nanao ise now now is a weird one because this is a character who again before the thousand-year blood warhog never really got much of a chance to shine we know from the thousand-year blood war specifically however that she is immensely skilled at kedo being strong enough to even create a barrier to stop yougram hash wolf from getting to her while her keto skills are very impressive nearly everything else however is not and i was actually a little bit disappointed with nanao when it came to her facing leo barrow now to give her a little bit of credit lil barrow is about as terrifying as enemies are but when she uses the isa sword she comments about how you know it's scary to wield a sword is this really what a battle is like i'm injured you know so clearly kyoraku has been sheltering nanel considerably since she became his vice captain which is very in character for their relationship but it does seem to have held the now back to the point where she doesn't even really know what a battle constitutes and it doesn't seem to have ever really been in one before she's definitely got the right mindset to be a vice captain there's no denying that and she's quickly able to again once eugene breaks through her first barrier she creates a second one in a matter of seconds which is impressive but unfortunately for me nanel's seeming lack of battle experience does hold her back here and number six on our list is another one that was honestly really difficult for me to place and that's the super vice captain of the ninth division mashiro kuna so the only vizard on this list and when i did my ranking the vizards list a little while back i did put mashuro quite low down so she couldn't really be too high on this one and that's again not necessarily her fault although i do think she doesn't have necessarily the best mindset to be a vice captain she's very childish and we've seen that she overestimates her own abilities as well back during the fake karakura town fight when she thinks that she can hold her mask for something like 15 hours only for it to smash while she's mid-fighting one device and then she gets taken out of the battle with a single punch as well that is a bit of a shame however master herself is clearly very powerful extremely skilled in hakuda combat and even able to take out huli with a single kick which again is pretty impressive but also you have to remember we don't really have anything to gauge it against maybe every character could have killed him in one hit or maybe he's incredibly hardy and mashiro's kick was impressive we'll never really know unfortunately and again she doesn't really get an awful lot of time to showcase what she can do but by virtue of having a hollow mask having hollow powers it's clear that she's definitely probably more powerful than the ones that have come before us the reason she's not higher on this list despite her horrification is like i said her mental state her battle readiness i don't think she's necessarily got the maturity to be one of the strongest vice captains on the list entering the top five on our list now we have the newly zombified vice captain of the third division izaru kira nizaru was a weird one to place for me unfortunately the thousand-year blood war arc is not kind to him as you'll remember he gets taken out and right at the start of the arc and we don't see him for almost 200 chapters when he returns as a zombie just to randomly fight leo's weird flamingo clones but izuru is an interestingly well-rounded character having come from a background in the fourth division he's clearly pretty good at healing as we see after ion attacks momo and rangiku izuru is basically responsible for saving rangiku's life from a clearly near fatal injury his son pakto wabisuke is also pretty cool and pretty impressive as well if he's able to get in close you're gonna do some serious damage to your opponent with an ability that weighs them down to the point where they can't move and there's obviously the really cool little detail where his sword is shaped in such a way as to fit around their necks very macabre but very cool all the same kira is just a bit of a weird one for me though because i don't feel like he necessarily excels in any of these places he is very much a kind of all-rounder vice captain which is not a bad thing to be and has netted him a spot in the top five but for me he's good at kedo he's good at healing he's decent at fighting he's never done anything to stand out in my opinion apart from take on avirama redder but apart from that he's not really done too much but i feel like the fifth spot is good for him because he's been around for a while and he's done quite a bit in the story to showcase that he is quite an impressive fighter on some fronts but nothing really blows me away about kira so i think five is fair for him next up on the list we have the vice captain of squad 10 rangiku matsumoto and i wasn't really sure again where to place matsumoto because outside of the thousand-year blood war arc she's actually quite impressive despite what you might think based on initial impressions matsumoto is actually incredibly smart and very battle savvy she's good against multiple opponents and she does really really well holding her own against the trey beastias and she seems to fight quite a few enemies throughout the series taking on lupi and kira in the soul society arc it's only really in the thousand-year blood war where she doesn't really get much to do at all taken out very early on by kang do and then returning as a zombie despite that again i think matsumoto is another one of these really solid all-rounder vice captains she's good at nearly everything she's solid at kedo she's a decent fighter and the abilities of urzan pakto heineko while not all that impressive in my opinion are still pretty versatile and have got her out of a couple of situations before in the past such as when she faces the trey beastias i think what stands out most to me about matsumoto is the fact that she is always willing to have her captains back her and hitsugayo are definitely one of the partnerships we see the most of in the series and i really think that she comes across as an essential number two number three on our list is the new vice captain of the eleventh division madarame ikaku who is very much what you see is what you get armed with his shikai hozakimaru he is a battle-loving shinigami and he's often been pretty strong throughout the series with a decent showing he obviously loses to ichigo in this whole society up but it's a good brutal battle that really shows off the versatility of hozaki mario when it's being used by someone who is clearly a master against ed rand leone's we obviously see his bankai ryuumon hozakimaru which only improves his power even further but unfortunately ryuman hozakimaru is pretty badly damaged in that fight and myori indicates that it will never again hold the same strength that it once had couple that with the fact that ikaku's mindset is not necessarily brilliant for a vice captain you have to have a certain level of maturity to be a vice captain and ikaku lives for the fight and this might be fine for the 11th division but when comparing him to the rest of the vice captains there are definitely a couple who pip him to the post as far as i'm concerned ikaku has the strength to be probably the best vice captain on here but the fact that he's very unwilling to use all of his power the fact he's unwilling to show his barn kind he would even rather lose fights to characters like poe than show off his barn kai it's definitely not in his favor i actually think the lost agent arc does a good job of humanizing ikaku who up until this point really was this macho bravado guy who was all about fighting and very little else but actually in his fight against shishigawara we really see him come into his own and this is actually the very first time i really feel like ikaku was being prepped to be a vice captain when he gives this kid essentially a lecture about throwing his life away and it's really cool coming from ikaku of all characters who like i said is willing to die on the battlefield rather than show his true power but he says to shishigawara like you know you're willing to give your life for fukushima but would he give his for you and it really makes shishawara think twice about where his allegiances lie and it's a really great little speech from ikaku that really changes shishkawara's mindset so ikaku kind of suffers on multiple levels you know his bankai is probably never going to be the same again and he doesn't necessarily have the best mindset but he is incredibly powerful incredibly durable very resilient he's one of the top guys in the 11th division after all you know he's going to be very strong so ikaku makes it to third on the list and so number two on this list is in my opinion the ultimate all-rounder vice captain and probably the only one on this list i think that would be really affected by kant for your own world and that is the vice captain of the ninth division hisagi shuhei hisagi reminds me of kira in many ways but he's like a better version in almost every way apart from maybe healing we don't really know too much about hisagi's skills there but he's good with kido but even better with his toe kazushini which is incredibly impressive very devilish and very dangerous but what i respect most about hisagi is his mindset when stepping onto the battlefield which is obviously showing off perfectly in his fight against findor in the fake karakura town fight one of the fights heralded as like an absolute turning point for this character which i think is clearly true hisagi was a very nothing character before this battle but in this fight we find out his chicai but more importantly we find out his mindset and his worldview and his perspective on battle which is to fear the sword you wield you know if you don't fear the sword you wield you have no right to use it these are words that he got from the traitorous captain tozen just even if tozen was a traitor the word still ring true and they still mean a lot to his sagi and they helped shape him into the almost ideal vice captain in my opinion kazushini is incredibly dangerous very powerful you know the difference between him and ikaku i was debating with someone quite seriously when coming up this list as to whether hisagi orikaku should take third or second place and in my opinion hisagi's all-roundedness and his level-headedness really help him take this spot but kazushini in itself is is you know ruthless in the moment he activates it findor is basically done for which is not something we should overlook and hisagi even goes against tozen himself a hollow fired captain and while his sagi does kind of get tossed around a little bit he is the one who delivers the final blow in my opinion signaling the ultimate level of maturity for a vice captain killing their captain who has completely lost his way and lost his mind for me that was a moment of incredible growth for his sagi his character does kind of get stunted a little bit in the thousand-year blood war because kubo treats him as a punching bag which is a real shame he gets beaten up by driscoll by uh master masculine by kensei by leo barrow it's kind of sad when you get to the end of it it gets his mind taken over by pepe but despite all those things we also know that he has a bankai as well so that immediately elevates him above a lot of the other vice captains and again that's not really something i can go into until i know considerably more about it and feel more comfortable about it which will be the list where we include the card for your own world stuff but for now i'm happy with his sagi here at second i think he deserves it i think he's earned it and i think as far as i'm concerned he is like i said the ultimate all-rounder vice captain and of course the number one spot in my opinion was obvious and clear from the get-go in my opinion it couldn't really be anyone else and it is the current vice captain of the sixth division abarai renji renji has a proven track record you know being essentially one of the main characters of the series one of ichigo's main supporting friends he's gets a great showing throughout the series for the most part his showing does fluctuate there's no denying that he comes across as very formidable and frightening in the soul society arc as one of ichigo's major rivals and foes and zabi maru in my opinion has never looked more dangerous than it does then renji as we know does take a bit of a beating during the iran car arc and kind of gets again thrown around a bit like a rag doll from opponent to opponent but he doesn't do too bad you know he has some moments of greatness like when he wraps xyloporo in his maru and then hits in point blank with a shaka ho that sort of thing is really good obviously renji's real transformation comes with the time skip we find out he's been training to match eisen in strength and he's again able to give jackie tristan a nice lecture when he defeats her but also renji really does have in my opinion the perfect mindset to be a vice captain he lives to serve biakiya and he is always there for him even though they've had major differences in the past renji is still there to be the ultimate number two for biakia he is the one who is always behind him you really see that in the first invasion as well when biakia goes down against as not renji is there trying to help him desperately trying to help him going so fast to using bankai even though he knows that might get stolen he's just trying to do everything he can to save biakia's life it's a great moment and really cements renji as the perfect vision of a vice captain in my opinion um you know after he comes back from the royal palace he is obviously captain level he's strong enough he doesn't need to be a vice captain anymore but again that really shows his loyalty to his captain you know he just keeps that spot no matter what you know reminds me of chojiro actually in some respects um but with his new ban kai so zabimaru he destroys masked masculine without a second thought um and really there is no equal to renji as far as the vice captains go especially after he comes back from his royal realm training you know he's beating up gerard valkyrie admittedly gerard's in base but still renji is in my opinion unmatched as far as strength goes his feats are there especially after the thousand-year blood world but again more importantly than that he has the right mentality he's very loyal to biakia again he puts he's able to put their differences aside and he is there for his captain in my opinion that makes him the number one vice captain on this list cool that's it for the list guys let me know in the comments below if you agree at all if you'd swap the placements around let me know i'd love to hear your thoughts on the end of series vice captain's list but until next time guys i'll catch you later don't forget to subscribe if you haven't done already and i'll see you then goodbye
Channel: MrTommo2304
Views: 165,898
Rating: 4.9471364 out of 5
Keywords: bleach, bleach vice captains, bleach lieutenants, bleach anime, bleach manga, discussion, ranking, bleach ranking, gotei 13, shinigami, bleach face again, MrTommo2304, MrTommo2304 bleach
Id: UWvgnjHejVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 22sec (1342 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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