Top 10 WEAKEST Zanpakuto in Bleach, RANKED | (Manga Only)

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okay so i braced myself for this video um but you guys have wanted to get kind of my take on what i believe to be the weakest zone puck toe in bleach um and i figured i'd go for it and kind of come up with a list and see what you think now of course as with the rest of my list videos like this like top 10 strongest zampak toe top 10 strongest bankai when i say weakest i'm not just talking about one attribute like physical strength um it's generally going to be an all-encompassing look at numerous attributes that kind of help to make up the placement in this list which i think is fair um of course it is just my opinion at the end of the day and of course i'd love to see your opinions in the comments below it's always really cool with these list videos to kind of compare and contrast and see how close i was to yours or how far away um i do think there are some examples in this list that are pretty irrefutably bad um but definitely some closer to the top like 10 9 etc that are more debatable which is where the fun kind of comes into it i think and of course a couple of housekeeping points before we begin as i mentioned just then this really is my opinion so if yours differs just let me know in the comments below and i'd absolutely love to see that and secondly there are a couple of zanpak zampakto who probably would have made this list had we known a bit more about them and i'm kind of just generalizing here because we don't know anything about them so they could have been amazing but i'm talking about zampato like east sanes itaegumo or tetsuzymon unnamed shikai which we have seen on numerous occasions but know nothing about um and now these two are both now captains so there's zampakta you'd have to assume is kind of impressive but um yeah we don't actually know for sure so they're not going to make it onto the list and before we begin guys if you haven't hit subscribe yet make sure to do that now for bleach content like this every single week also give the video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it because it really does help with the exposure of the video making sure as many people can see it as possible online and if you want to take that support for me one step further we do now have a patreon for the channel as well where you can support me for as little as a dollar a month if you enjoy what i do here and we do now have over 50 patrons which is just a great number and i really appreciate it so thank you to everyone who has become a patron so far so the zonpak toe they're often the main conduit of power in bleach it's generally a chance for kubo to get really creative with his abilities and his ideas and let the shinigami have some really awesome move sets at the same time and while you have some zanpakto that sign a massive torrent of sakura petal blades or allow people to manipulate shadow and make children's games a reality there are definitely some shinigami who got the short end of the stick here and that's kind of what we're going to look at in this video and to begin with i just want to do one honorable mention i didn't think it was necessarily fair to put this one in the video because it's purposefully being weakened by its owner but that one is fuji kujaku now fuji kujaku is obviously not the real name of yumichika's zampato that is kujaku and that one absolutely would not make this list but fuji kujaku is the one we spend 95 percent of time of the time with in the series and it's basically just a fan of blades that's it terrible reach probably not that powerful we do see yumichika use it to kill a hollow at the start of the fake karakura town arc when he cuts his head into about four different slices but outside of that you really have to assume this zampakto is just not that good and that's obviously the point which is why it's not technically making the list um yumuchika is punishing it essentially and therefore making it weaker than it should be but i felt like it should probably be on here just talked about a little bit because it really is bad i think like i was trying to think about zan paktor on the list and i was like fuji kujaku cannot do anything and not only can it not do anything it can't reach anyone it has nothing but you know the fact of the matter of the nature of its existence means it's not really fair to put it on the list at all but that's my honorable mention for the video and so coming in at number 10 is probably already going to be controversial but that's what this video is all about apparently i think um but basically i thought about this one for a little while tussled with it even making the list but i think the vast majority of the time we spend with this sampucto showcases a number of its weaknesses and that is renji's zabi maru and i want to be clear here i want to add another footnote to this this is zabi maru before the thousand-year blood war rock so specifically featuring his original bankai hihio and of course in this video i'm going to try and look at the zampakto as much of a singular object as i possibly can and separate them from their wielders as much as it is physically possible to do so at the end of the day the two will always be intrinsically linked as is the nature of the zampato however zabi maru has always struck me as while having a really cool design it seems clunky clumsy and unwieldy it's a huge whip that's segmented into different almost like fangs um and like i said it looks really cool but it never seems easy to use it's more devastating early on in the series for sure but i think once people kind of get to know the zompuck toe it loses its unpredictability a bit and just becomes a bit cumbersome and that goes doubly true for hijo zabi maru while i think his hiyozabi maru looks way cooler than soho maru there's no denying that that upgrade gives this stamp toe a ton of versatility back in the original form of hijabi maru the one we spend like i said the majority of time within this story it is again clumsy easy to take advantage of and it seems like we see that a number of times in the series where it is either outmaneuvered or outsped and it's a huge huge target as well and of course we find that in the thousand-year blood war arc that the banankai have a massive weakness which is if they are damaged that damage remains with them forever and it cannot be repaired and hihio zabimaru is just open to taking tons of damage we even see it smash into itself at one point during the soul society arc which i think is a great um example of how cumbersome this thing actually is to control now of course if you want to talk about the wielder renji is clearly very skilled at using zombie maru that much is undeniable and able to use it really to its fullest potential i would say but when you just look at zabimaru as a weapon it's not the most elegant thing in the world it probably is difficult to use and that's why i think number 10 is fair but there's no denying that once thousand year blood war arc runs rolls around this sampucto is truly elevated upwards and so ozabi maru is just ridiculously strong coming in at number nine on this list this one does kind of hurt me a little bit because it is one of my favorite captains but i looked at it and i did some research and i just don't think it can not be on this list and that is komamura's ten ken and tenken is just that it's basic it can only do one thing which is hit really hard when common water uses the shiikai of tenken it basically summons the massive arm of the giant that makes up its bankai and then swings with its sword again it follows common water's movements but it's just one part of a bigger hole and unfortunately tenkin really is so limited it has no versatility whatsoever it just hits really hard and the exact same is true for the bankai kokujo tengen mio and while this baankai looks amazing like i'm never going to deny the visual spectacle that is commonwealth bankai it is again clumsy it's cumbersome there's a theme here between ten and nine they're both enormous targets and unfortunately for cockajoe tengen mio it really has nothing with which to defend itself outside of its colossal power and we see that to good effect it manages to swap tozen out of the sky and immediately just ruin his arm but as tosin correctly surmises if someone is able to survive that attack what more can cocker joe tangent mio actually do um it's a big open target i remember going into the fake karakura town arc i was really hoping kubo might give common more something a little more you know give tenken a new ability i think at this point we'd either just seen or we were seeing the zanpakta rebellion arc of course that's not canon but it seemed like tenken had some fire abilities never get anything like that nothing is ever added and the only thing that is added is that cockadoodling in me actually has a massive weakness um in the fact that if it is damaged that same damage is reflected upon the wielder so that's really bad and that really sucks of course a big plus to this bankai is also revealed in the thousand-year blood war arc when it's revealed that any damage done to the bankai will not remain and this is the one zompot toe that can repair itself now is that really a tenken thing or is that just because komomora has such a strong bond with it um i think it is mentioned it's due to their bond so it doesn't necessarily seem that fair to bring up here but it is something i think that's worth taking notes of but i think tenkin deserves its place on the list down to the fact it basically has no versatility whatsoever and just hits really hard coming in at number eight we have ikaku's hozaki maru and i actually do again like this some puck toe quite a bit i think it reflects ikaku's character really nicely it's simplistic but underneath that there's a layer of skill required here that really showcases his full force fighting style there's no denying however that in a series again like i said full of these crazy abilities a sheikai that just turns itself into an elongated spear that can split into three parts is just not that impressive um and unfortunately that is true here ikaku only ever splits his zampac toe into three ways once i think which is in the ichigo fight which is a little disappointing as it does lend him some nice versatility he might also do it in the edrad fight i can't remember right now but if he does there'll be a picture of it on the screen um and again like i said that's a nice bit of versatility but really the zampakto's utility ends there um and actually it seems painfully brittle as well we see it damaged in the ichigo fight in the ed rad fight in the poe fight um you know so in the shishi gowara fight you know almost every battle ikaku has his shiikai is damaged in some way and unfortunately that kind of translates to the ban kai ryuman hozakimaru as well and again i think ryuumon hozakimaru looks awesome and it's so cool how it takes that notion of a three-piece weapon and just goes crazy with it but again where's the versatility this thing has no abilities it can just basically cut a bit stronger than it did before and it has that one move where ikaku can spin it for a little while to increase and ramp up its energy and its power but realistically were this not as shown in battle manga filled with shonen battle manga tropes the moment ikaku stood there and span his weapon for close to what is it half a minute a minute he would probably be dead by that point anyway and not only that but even a fully powered room on hozakimaru is annihilated by edrad and a fraction level iran car even though ed rand himself dies blue mon hozakimaru loses an entire end of one of its weapons which is just crippling for ubankai as we find out in thousand year blood war arc so for me hozaki maru deserves a spot on the list and coming up for number seven on the list we have matsumoto's high niko i'll be honest with you i've never found heineko to be a particularly impressive zampato now that's not to say it doesn't have its benefits it's definitely got some utility and and some versatility as well it's basically a smaller version of biyaki as senbon zakra in the heineko creates ash clouds which can then be controlled with one's hand and if you touch the ash in there it's like a a buzz saw as that's how i imagine it anyway it's like a ferocious sandstorm that slices you as though you've been cut by a sword my biggest issue with high niko is it doesn't seem to have the dangerous the killer potential of senbon zakra whereas that is like genuine sword blades flying around you this is more like i said a really powerful tornado that will do mostly surface level damage and maybe matsumoto as a wielder is just not strong enough to really show off what heineko can actually do but i've never seen anything that's really made it that impressive in my eyes the versatility is there it can be used in really cool ways like i like how it's used to avoid the effects of wabisca i like how it's used to create a tornado to encase the tribestia and i also like how it's used really creatively in tandem with hitsu guys shiorin maru to counter basby but unfortunately high niko on its own as a stand-alone zampakto has just never been that impressive to me i think this is almost the opposite to the tenken situation we had before where it has the versatility but it really lacks the bite it really lacks the power to go with it and so for that reason it's on this list coming in at number six on the list we have the zan puck toe of the fifth division's vice captain hinomori momo which is toba you may toby you made looks cool it has a really unique design creating this tree-like branch of blades which i think is really unique it looks totally different to everyone else's but in terms of usability in terms of viability versatility strength all of that all encompassing criteria i don't think it's that great i've got to be honest it basically just generates fireballs and then she can fling them at people and that's the extent of the sheikai unfortunately it doesn't do anything else other than that really um it does seem to be able to just generate fire as well like create a spark of flame as we see hinomori uses it to generate a spark of flame to attach to the keto net she creates but in terms of its main use because obviously if we're separating it as much as we can from the wielder we know that whoever uses this isn't necessarily going to be a keto genius so they're just going to be flinging fireballs around left right and center and any shinigami with a moderate level of kido experience can you shakaho it's like one of the most simple keto spells in the series we see it all the time and so in my opinion that really lessens the impact of toba you may which is a shame but also this zampakto is missing again that killer that killer punch that impact that can really immediate like injure people um during the fake karakura town fight toby uma's fireball hits apache square in the face and she doesn't even really see it coming so she has no way to properly defend herself and it barely damages her she gets a little bit of like a burnt costume but she herself is basically seems to be totally fine um so yeah in my opinion toby you may deserves the spot on the list again this is lacking really in both the versatility and damage departments it looks really cool but fireballs just aren't that special in bleach so coming in at number five the halfway point of the list i'll be honest i wasn't sure whether i should even include this character as i don't really know if this is a zhan puk toe which is something we've gone over in the video prior but we may as well talk about it here that is yatchiru's sanpo kenju now i've done a big video on what i think happened to yatsudu and why she's such a weird character in the thousand-year blood war and why sampo kenju's existence is so weird but looking at it purely uh from the zompoktoe's point of view it's just three blades that's it it's literally just three blades and it's kind of cool that the other two blades are invisible if she wants them to be but outside of that that seems to be basically all it can do she swings with it once all three and the thing is as well all three blades seem to follow the same trajectory which means that it's pretty it's just as easy to dodge that as it is to dodge one blade um we see this in action when yachiru tries to swipe at grammy he just kind of ducks and he avoids all three of the swords and that's what i mean that's why it's a little bit limited in what it can actually do again it's difficult to gauge the power of sampo kenju because yatchiro is obviously not weak but also gwen ayel is probably not that strong comparatively speaking to the rest of the quincy um and she doesn't even manage to kill him with it it kind of looks like he gets cut in half in the manga but it's actually just one of his kind of corporeal versions of himself he's actually mostly okay once again showing it it's not too difficult to dodge it even with three blades so i think putting sanpo kenju at five is fair it's got a neat little gimmick but it doesn't actually seem to be that potent and once again coming in at number four i wasn't sure if i should include this zarpak toe however i do genuinely think we probably saw all we came to see with this thing and that is actually a vizard zampakto and that's hiyori's kubikiri orochi kumikiri orochi again looks pretty cool most of these zompakto generally do but really you can look at this and then see it for what it is which is basically zabi maru without the versatility you know zombie maru was already pretty clunky but at least it could be unpredictable at least it did have slightly different states of being whether renji wants it to kind of be compacted or as a whip kumikiri orochi is literally just a serrated knife and again unlike zabimaru it seems to have no special abilities whatsoever and the reason i was erring on whether or not to include it or not is because maybe it does have something that we didn't get to see because i was also going to include hagaro tonbo at the same exact spot they're both basically these big physicals aren't puck toe they both seem to be pretty useless um hagaro tombo even gets cut in half at one point completely just nullifying any kind of use it had but hagaro tombo i think has more hiding beneath the surface because we do see lisa use an ability against gerard so clearly this sampucto has a bit more to offer and i didn't think it would be fair to put it down here kubo kitty arachi however is used at least a couple of times in the series and just doesn't seem to be anything more than a big big saw blade um you know so it's probably it's probably pretty powerful i guess in its own right um but really compared to everything else we've seen so far it's lacking in many different areas which that's why i think fourth is probably fair for this sampucto with the footnote the were we ever to find out anything more about it in the future it could quite easily move up or even off the list but i do think that kubo kind of you know he had time to showcase more with this zompunk toe and just didn't so i'm thinking this is probably all it can do and so we reached the top three and in my opinion number three was the most contentious one for me it was probably the zampakto was that was the most difficult to place and i think the zampakto is equal parts useless and equal parts unique and kind of useful it's this it's really a weird one let's get on with it it's hanataro's hisago maru hisagomaru is a bit of a meme zampak tow it's used as one big joke earlier on in the series basically hisagu maru's hisago maru's normal blade acts as this strange kind of gauge where if he hits people with it they just get healed um so if if hanataro was to hit his enemy they would just be healed instead of taking any damage now what that healing does is it fills up a gauge in the middle of his when that gauge reaches the top it transforms becomes a scalpel and releases a massive burst of energy there's a really funny moment in the chapter kind of um kind of omakes in the volumes where kenpachi sees this blast and is like i want to challenge who created that power and obviously hanataro is terrified but in my opinion it still isn't enough it's just not worth it for how terrible this zam puck toe is otherwise now obviously it's totally fitting for a medic to have a zam puck toe that heals people but you know looking at it like i said from that big criteria how versatile is it how useful is it how much how strong is it it's really not at all um if if if the wielder were ever to find themselves in a battle situation i truly believe they would be screwed um the the massive blast is very powerful it seems to be enough to force back a menos grande which is pretty nice but it takes so much effort to get it there and then after that you are left with nothing but a scalpel which still damages people but it's got no reach it can't really do anything you have to get so close to them that you put yourself at massive risk but i hope you can see why hisagomadu was actually kind of difficult for me to place because it's not like it doesn't have its uses um a healing zompuck toe is pretty unique makes total sense for a fourth division member to have this but looking at just the zampak toe itself it's not the best ability to be saddled with and that kind of glass cannon one and done ability doesn't seem to necessarily be strong enough to really warrant it any higher than this so hisago maru i'm afraid is third on the list and coming in at second place this was honestly a pretty easy one for me and as far as i'm concerned the last two are pretty irrefutably bad zan puck toe where you would place them on your list is obviously entirely up to you but for me number two is omiders gegetsuburi and this basically does just create a massive ball and chain with spikes on it and that's it and he can fling it around and it doesn't do anything else other than that um now you might be thinking well kubikiri arachi that doesn't even have range really whereas this can at least kind of go flying the counter to that is that every time we've seen gagetsuburi it comes across as strangely fragile considering what this zompucto is supposed to be it's like a a demolition ball it's a massive flail that can just smash into things and yet ichigo punches through it and in one hit decimates this zampato not only that but gets a body is used to block geovega's attack and it also is massively damaged as well during that so just how reliable is this zampuck toe and also once you've done that what more can you really do with it not only that but this fault obviously might fall more with omider than it does with gagetsuburi but it's worth taking into account because of how strange the situation is omada is given a golden opportunity to s use all of his strength to hit nerj paduak straight in the head with gagetsuburi and he seems to be virtually unfazed so not only is nurge absolutely fine but what does then kill him is geovega throwing soyfon at his head instead now maybe you could argue as i'm sure omada would that get saburi softened him up a bit for soyfon but it's still pretty embarrassing and i don't think gerget saburi has any more to it than that even in a rage omada hits bg9 straight in the face and he's basically unfazed gegitsu buddy has always come across even separating it from its wielder as just a useless zampato to me um yeah it has range but it's massively fragile it has range but it seems to be pretty unwieldy it has range but it's not even that powerful it can't really do anything and so for me i'm perfectly happy with getting saburi at second on the list and so there's only one zanpak tow that i consider to be worse than kagetsuburi in bleach and this is again much like hisago maru i think a bit of a meme zampakto in that it was purposefully designed to be terrible and that is of course kurumadani zenosukes probably the only time zenosuke is going to top a list of mine but tsuchi namazu is is is a joke zampakto it's basically just used to help zenosuke escape situations now the only time we see this ability used in the manga is against a transcendent eisen as ridiculous as that sounds so it's you know you know it's never going to do its best in that situation but i think kubo designed that situation to show us exactly what tsuchi namazu was made for basically zenosuke activates his zampato plunges it down into the ground it does look kind of cool though by the way it's got a really unique design and once it does that once it touches the ground it sends a bolt of rayatsu to the enemy creates like this shock wave that sends bits of rubble up into the air and they come crashing down again onto the enemy to kind of seal them behind this wall essentially giving zenosuke time to escape what what more is there to say it's it's bad it's not offensive it's barely defensive i mean again like i said eisen is the one who is fighting so it was never going to hold him for long but who's it really going to hold at the end of the day it brings up just a couple of chunks of the ground and then puts them down in front of the person so it's got no real versatility unlike hisagomaru it can't heal but it also can't damage people either tsuchi namazu is the perfect example of a joker's arm puck toe used in a joke moment the heroes are expecting zenosuke to stand firm against eisen the ultimate bad guy in bleach and his zampucto just helps him run away that's clearly the whole point behind that thing that's why in my opinion is the weakest zampato in the series because like it's wheeled it is a cowardly blade designed just to create a distraction or to create a small barrier to try and give xenos say a window to run away in and outside of that it cannot do anything else so that's it for this video guys i hope you enjoyed it let me know of course in the comments below if you agreed with any of my rankings you might not at all maybe have been a bit too harsh in some places or a bit too lenient in others i'd love to know what you think and i know that zabi maori one here might be a little unpopular but i think i made a good case for it and of course this is only zabi maru pre the thousand-year blood war arc um but yeah i hope you enjoyed it guys let me know in the comments below what you think are the 10 weakest sound pucks in the series don't forget to subscribe give the video a thumbs up and until next time i'll catch you later i'll see you then
Channel: MrTommo2304
Views: 322,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bleach, bleach manga, bleach anime, bleach discussion, bleach ranking, bleach top 10, top 10 zanpakuto, bankai, top 10 weakest zanpakuto, top 10 bankai, MrTommo2304, MrTommo2304 bleach, bleach final arc, bleach tybw
Id: pXiVev1unCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 47sec (1667 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 15 2021
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