YAMAMOTO'S BANKAI, Explained - The Power to Destroy Soul Society | Bleach DISCUSSION

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back when bleach was coming out every single week way back in the iran car arc and the fake karakura town era i think the bankai that i was most curious about that we hadn't seen yet was that of the head captain yamamoto shigakuni genryasai now i say most curious because yamamoto was never my favorite character his bankai although certainly intriguing was not the one i was most excited about i was more excited to find out bangkai for characters like kyoroku and urohara than i was for yamamoto but i say curious because of all the zampakta we'd ever seen in the series ryujin jakka was always the one that i really struggled to even visualize what a bankai for this could even be and the reason for that is because his sheikah was almost as powerful as basically every other bank banquet we've seen in the series anyway abilities like anetsuji goku and jokaku and joe were such visual spectacles that i really had trouble imagining what a bankai for yammer could be that could possibly do justice to the shikai which really was just an absolute spectacle of power on display every time we saw it and that's not to say that fans didn't try and come up with something for the head captain before it was revealed i remember seeing numerous theories abound online things like yamamoto would bring in the power of the sun or bring the power of the sun down itself or even create some kind of enormous phoenix akin to the sokyoku little did we know of course that those theories about the sun would actually turn out to be somewhat in the vein of truth but regardless i think people were very interested to see what yamamoto's bianca actually would be after witnessing him using his sheikai every so often and it blowing people away every time he did to be honest at some points i wondered if we'd even ever get a bankai for this character just because his power was already so off the charts and i really did wonder if kubo could ever even do him justice with abankai so when the thousand-year blood war arc began and from the off it looked like the past of the goatee 13 might actually play a big role and the older captains including yamamoto might be more pivotal to the plot and the character development i thought okay we might actually get a bankai for this character especially it started ramping up when we got all the stuff about chojiro we got his bank little did i know that we'd actually get yamamoto's banco within almost the first 20-25 chapters of the ark in this video i'm just going to go over zanka notachi yamamoto's long-awaited bankai see what it can do see how it looks and see whether or not we think it did justice to the old man and his incredibly powerful zampato ryujin jacka before we begin guys we're still on the way to 40 000 subs i think there's less than 500 subs to go now or something like that so if we can hit that before the end of the year i would really really appreciate it so hit that button now you're in the perfect place for bleach content every single week don't forget to give the video a thumbs up as well it really helps on the youtube algorithm and hit the notification bell to stay up to date with all of my videos so yeah towards the end of the very first invasion of the vandom reich the really awesome string of chapters that kubo did at the start of the thousand year blood war we finally got it yamamoto's bankai the unthinkable most powerful of powerful zarnpak tower abilities zanka no tachi i will admit to being a little bit disappointed that it didn't have any kind of ryujin jakka resemblance in its name but zankanotachi is pretty cool nonetheless what was more immediately apparent and interesting however was how the bankai initially looked yamamoto activates his bankai at the end of chapter 506 when he faces off against who he believes to be yuhar bach in a rematch a thousand years in the making i will admit to my excitement being somewhat clouded over in this chapter a little bit mere pages before saying bankai i thought that yamamoto had just killed as not for good and i was a little bit disappointed by that considering he got taken out in a single hit by the guy shikai that's nothing too surprising but i i did think he was dead um so i was a little bit like oh and then he did his bankai at the end and i was like okay that's kind of redeemed it the actual panel where he says baankai is incredible and actually that's something i want to bring up briefly as well is that yamamoto has always been a character that kubo has really flexed his drawing muscles with every time we see his sheikah ryujin jakka it's always a double page spectacle then you know there's just amazing things going on every time he does it abilities like i said earlier ener tsujigoko look absolutely incredible in the manga so to see his bankai on display was always going to be a work of art but it's actually surprisingly subdued so what happens is when he says bankai zanka no tachi his flames actually disappear they just disperse and you know of course that his sheikai gives off flames constantly like a stream of power but here they vanish leaving behind nothing but a charred blade with a single strand of smoke coming off it it's actually a really cool visual in my opinion and it really helps give off the impression that yamamoto is this truly aged warrior who has been through a lot and his zampakto has seen just as many battles my immediate first thought was actually this reminds me of ichigo's tensor zangetsu condensing his power instead of blowing it outwards like most bankers actually are and i thought that was really cool and actually kubo would then repeat that resemblance with kenpachi's bankai later on down the line i think all three of these characters are actually very similar in the way their reaction is just so monstrous compared to just about everyone else and i really enjoy that and i like that trifecta of characters whose bankai seem to collapse in on themselves instead of actually billowing outwards so we've got yamamoto's bankai here on show now and it is just this dried up shriveled old sword giving off some smoke definitely not really what anyone expected but kubo is one for subverting expectations often in the best way possible before we begin actually seeing what yamamoto can do however what was really cool about this bank was the way kubo used it to set the tone of the battle immediately and i think it's a fantastic visual way of showing us just how much power yamamoto's bankai actually has the mere act of activating this bankai has repercussions for the entirety of seoul society and i love that it's such a great way of just showing how awe-inspiring yamamoto's power actually is without actually saying it it's a great method of showing not telling and i love the fact that the sheer heat coming off of his bankai causes ukitake's throat to dry up shouldn't sway his lips to crack and then unohana watches as this vas just empties of its water because of the heat in the air and i think that's a really really nice way of setting the tone for the battle and i i really hope that the anime kind of creates this sense of foreboding with that because it is a really it's like a slow burn apology to the pun but it is kind of building to yamamoto's bankai you also get to see it actually shut down hitsugaya's bankai just by activating again showcasing the difference in power between these characters kang do is trying to use the stolen daigra and hyordin maru but now that zanka otachi has been activated it just instantly begins to melt and that's a really really cool little detail despite all this heat however there's actually no flames on display and it's definitely an interesting way to kick things off but yamamoto attempts to attack what he believes to be yuha and basically yuha is trying to discern exactly what's going on here because when they fought a thousand years ago yamamoto used zanka notachi back then and it was just this sword that produced immeasurable amounts of flame with every swing we get a brief glimpse of a flashback panel of captain yamamoto using it a thousand years ago but now things have changed and i really like that because it shows that even as old as yamamoto was back then he still was mastering his bankai and harnessing it and changing it and making it even more powerful than it was back then so i love the fact that his bankai did still evolve even from that point it shows you that you know it doesn't matter how powerful you are there's still stuff you can learn and yamamoto even says that to you how he says like you know is my bank really the same as it was a thousand years ago feel the effects with your body now yamamoto's bankai has four different abilities and it's nice and simple um they're all named after points of the compass and the first one he uses is zankanotachi east kyoku jitsujin and this is a really cool ability basically this is where all of the flames every single flame of ryujin jakka is concentrated on the edge of zankano tachi's blade it doesn't produce any flame and it doesn't burn anything either but simply the raw power of this sword's edge will cause anything it comes into contact with to just disappear from existence um and this is the sort of thing that i think many of us actually kind of imagined yamamoto would do but never seriously like it's the sort of jokey ability where if you hit someone they just are erased from existence because he's so powerful but that's quite literally what kyoku jitsujin was doing there's an interesting panel where kubo tries to depict this and i remember thinking i had no idea what was going on in this panel um but yuha and yama are sort of silhouetted and yamamoto has struck the ground and there's a massive chasm where the floor once was and i remember reading it and being like what's going on in this picture um but it is easier to see now um you're kind of looking at yammer and you are from below as though you're in the chasm but that's completely absurd it's basically anything that yamamoto touches with this blade's edge is just completely annihilated from existence and you know it doesn't really get more powerful than that now of course yamamoto is not done his bankai really does encompass absolutely everything it needs to and yuhab basically says that you know okay that's an incredibly powerful ability but as long as i don't get hit by it i can still fight you so what we've got with kyoku jitsujin is the ultimate offense but of course as yamamoto says as there's an east there must be a west and we are introduced to the perfect defense as well zanjitsu gokui and basically yamamoto is enveloped in flames and this ability is actually active from the moment he uses his bankai he can just choose to make it visible or not so the fires are all around him and as yuho baka tries to attack him his sword is just erased from existence there's a theme here and basically yamamoto reveals that yeah he is shrouded in this cloak of fire now what's cool about the cloak of fire is that it's not actually flames it is rayatsu leaking off of him giving him the impression of being covered in fire as noted by hash wealth but what's really cool about that little visual flourish is that you can see him almost like breathing fire the fire is coming off of his eyebrows off of his moustache his beard coming out of his mouth he has become the flame itself because it is just his rayatsu leaking off of him but again the visuals with this bangkai were really really on point but what i really like about this bankai so far is that it's not completely crazy visually it's actually quite neat you've got this sword that's all decayed and dried up but with an incredibly strong edge and yamamoto himself is just like wearing a cloak of fire but that's really it so far it's nothing crazy but it is the perfect offense and the perfect defense so yamamoto reveals west he's obliterated juha barks blade and he basically says that he's now cloaked in as in something as hot as the the sun itself so uh is now facing almost the physical embodiment of the sun validating what i feel like was quite a few fan theories way back in the day now i really like zanjitsu goku i think it's drawn incredibly all of this bankai is drawn incredibly kubo was really just doing some crazy stuff artistically with this one um but that actual panel where he reveals his fire cloak i think is phenomenally good it looks really really cool and actually him enveloping himself in in fire is kind of what i always imagined for his barn kite um obviously not exactly like this but i did kind of envision him looking a bit similar to that um so kubo really kind of delivered on that front as far as i'm concerned but the best was absolutely yet to come with this bankai there's an east and a west so you can rightly assume that there is a south and a north and south is the next one we get to see kaka jumanakushi dai sojin is the name of this ability and it's pretty much one of those bonkers powers i've ever seen in bleach but at the same time it so perfectly encapsulates yamamoto being the leader of the gods of death he can resurrect the dead by plunging his blade into the ground he heats up the charred remains of these skeletons essentially and they burst out of the ground and yamamoto says that he will give them one more chance at battle now of cour again as i've said already the visuals in this bankai are off the charts and this is absolutely no exception and it looks amazing when these just you know ash black skeletons rise up out of the ground and yamamoto is there with his fire cloak commanding this army of the dead i love it and i love it and i love because it is a twisted version of being a shinigami you know he's supposed to kind of like guide these souls to the afterlife and especially as the leader of the shinigami as well he really should be the embodiment of a god of death but here he is controlling the dead and leading them into battle and i absolutely think that is phenomenal but kubo wasn't done with this ability and there is one extra kick in the teeth for the fake you harbach and that is the skeletons could have just been a cool little visual trick you know it could have just been this awesome idea that yamamoto raises the dead then they're nothing in particular they're just like rayatsu skeletons but oh no they're actually the skeletons of yamamoto's past victims they are people that yamamoto has killed i would presume with his bankai it could just be ryujin jacka in general but they are the skeletons of people he has actually killed in the past heated up and like rejuvenated into life now to fight for yamamoto himself which you know is a really cruel twist on the idea of being a shinigami and it's just really really clever which is something that uh points out himself you know you know you bring shame to the shinigami he says because of the way he's using the dead like this and what i always wonder as well is is because obviously these a lot of the dead that we see here we find out that yamamoto is using some of you arc's own men against him zedritz hubert who we actually uh find out was the original vice captain of the stern ritters and argola now because these guys were quincy back in the day that means they were probably human so that means that when they were killed by yamamoto did they ever get a chance to move on or has he essentially trapped their souls in some kind of purgatory um until the day he uses his barn clay which is crazy to think about and actually really quite dark but i i do love this idea that yamamoto is the history of soul society and he literally embodies that in his bankai and he just brings it to life to fight for him as like some last-ditch effort i think it's incredibly creative and just really really cool i think it would have already been really cool if it was just raising the dead but the fact that it's actually people that yamamoto has killed himself and seemingly imprisoned within the fires of his sword i love that i think that's really smart so yamamoto has raised the dead against juha bark and now all of these skeletons are kind of just like holding on to him they're not really doing much but they are kind of holding him back a little bit but it gives yamamoto a chance to use his final ability which is of course zankanotachi north tenchi kaijin i'll admit to being a little bit disappointed by tenchi kaijin so far we had been building up the abilities we had kyokujitsujin which visually wasn't necessarily anything too crazy although i will admit in bleach brave cells kyouku jitsujin looks really really nice actually with these searing hot lines of fire on the ground supposedly indicating where he's erased thing from some existence next we have zanjitsu gokui which of course looks incredible but of course it's nothing compared to kaka jumanakushi dai sojin where he raises the dead so maybe i was getting myself hyped you know unjustly for north but i was thinking like you know if you're leaving north until the end maybe it's gonna be something absolutely mind-blowing this is when people were speculating maybe he was going to bring down the sun like something like that you know all like a meteorite which happened anyway later on in the series but something from the sky i remember that was the main theory it was something from up above being north but actually it turned out to just be one hell of a sword swing and don't get me wrong it's still drawn incredible that double page spread of yamamoto swinging his blade with the japanese symbols behind him looks incredible um but it is just a sword swing at the end of the day which is a little bit disappointing it's got some range on it as juha bark is quite far away when he falls to the ground so it's almost maybe like a gets a katencho style attack um but again it seems to erase what it touches from existence so that is definitely a recurring theme with yamamoto's bankai and that is pretty much it once he thinks he's killed youhabar he releases his barn kind we actually get to see the process of that happening the zanpakto itself that was once rusted actually changes back to being a sleek looking blade which is a nice little touch and yamamoto's flames leave his body and i interestingly leave him looking very disheveled as well and clearly quite tired as well the bangkai i imagine takes a pretty immeasurable toll and what's also crazy about the bankai is you must you can you have to consider the toll it does take on yamamoto when unohana even mentions earlier on in the fight that if yamamoto stays in this form for too long he risks annihilating seoul society itself and again i think that is drawn up really nicely when he first uses the bankai and everyone experiences the effects of it regardless of whether they're anywhere near yamamoto it just has this passive ability where it heats up everything to such an enormous degree and the fact that it would eventually destroy seoul society is definitely an interesting burden to bear we don't get to find out too much of what yamamoto thinks of his own ban kai i imagine he is fairly proud of it he's quite a prideful individual anyway but it is interesting we get a brief flashback with him and kyoraki when kiraku was a tiny little kid and there's this portrait of yamamoto shrouded in flame on his wall but he considers it a almost like demon that was let loose on the soul society a thousand years ago and just caused almost untold destruction so it seems to me at least anyway and this really is just raw speculation but i i assume that yamamoto chooses not to use his bankai because he is afraid of the damage he'll cause around him um because because it's not like it's similar to cure occurs and that kia oracle doesn't want to get people caught in the aoe range of his bankai but the range is probably nothing like yamamoto's like yamamoto's affects the entire of seoul society and threatens to destroy it completely if left unchecked for too long so feels like one of these things to me where yamamoto makes a conscious decision to use his barn clay in a situation he believes really calls for ins and instant and immediate eradication and then he removes it as fast as he can basically which i think makes a lot of sense so that is how his bankai works that's everything it can do it is the ultimate offense with kyoku jitsujin the ultimate defense with zanjitsu goku which immediately is a really cool pairing but then it has the added spice of raising the dead and then north which kind of just caps it all off with a great sword swing i think visually it was incredible giving this a idea that yamamoto is a living breathing flame so i guess i'll circle back round to the question i posed at the start of this video really which was did kubo do justice to ryujin jakka essentially the most powerful and unbelievable zampakta we'd ever seen and i think he did and i think it was a really tall order as well i i honestly like i said a part of me expected maybe we wouldn't even get ibankai because of how ridiculous that zampakto actually was but i think he did and i think he did an interesting job of it as well because ryujin jakka visually anyway his bangkai is not the craziest we've ever seen you know i think there are definitely bankai that are a bit more insane than that i think ryujin jakka is surprisingly subdued but i think it's more effective because of it it's a bit like ichigo's but then it has additional layers to it which i really like and then he does kind of go crazy with the army of the dead but regardless i like how yamamoto's own power is mostly kept tightly wound around him i think it's really good so i think for the most part kubo absolutely knocked it out of the park with zankanotachi i was disappointed that he wasn't actually fighting yu habakkuk i think that would have been more powerful um and just more effective in the story in general but i will say that i love zankar note actually i thought it was a phenomenally well done bankai definitely one of the highlights of the final arc and the fact that uh bark stole it and then never used it was always really really weird to me i definitely thought we would see it again in the future um to be honest i would have probably preferred he did that instead of use the almighty but that's definitely a discussion for another time um but yeah let me know in the comments below guys it's always quite easy to come up with a question for these banh kai videos did you like zanka no tachi were you happy with what kubo gave the head captain honestly i was really grateful to see at all the fact that it all came together as nicely as it did was a bonus in my eyes but yeah let me know in the comments below what you thought of zanka notachi is it your favorite bankai was it your favorite moment of the final arc which bankai do you prefer and of course do you think it's the strongest bank i i really do think it's very difficult to combat zankanotachi um because it is the ultimate offense and defense it does have this habit of eradicating things from existence so let me know what you think in the comments below but until next time guys i'll catch you later see you then
Channel: MrTommo2304
Views: 172,046
Rating: 4.9308958 out of 5
Keywords: bleach, bleach discussion, anime, manga, discussion, bankai, bleach bankai, yamamoto, yamamoto bankai, yamamoto vs yhwach, MrTommo2304, MrTommo2304 bleach, bleach face again, bleach new anime, bleach anime return
Id: ZwQeWoG_H_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 42sec (1362 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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