RETSU UNOHANA - Bleach Character ANALYSIS | Lady of the Blade

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one of the key themes of the thousand year blood war arc is the idea of facing up to your past or having the ghosts of your past resurface to haunt you once more no matter which way you look at it the idea of the past is integral to this final arc of bleach as you can even see in the name of the ark the thousand-year blood war so many characters in this arc must deal with demons of their ancient past that in some way will shape their very destiny ichigo himself must deal with the secrets of his family's history and everything but the reign but perhaps more importantly specifically to this video the four elder captains of the goatee 13 must confront their own history in one way or another looking back to the past and dealing with their demons there in a way that may very well decide their fate in this video today we're going to be looking at the character of retsu unohana the captain of the fourth division and of course there will be major spoilers for the thousand-year blood war arc of bleach if you haven't read the manga and don't know what's going on uh it with this character essentially now you guys did vote for this character i really appreciate that i know it has been quite a while since that poll went up it has taken me a little while and apparently all of my hair to finally get to this point but i really do appreciate it and there will be a new poll going up for the next analysis video which definitely won't take quite so long um pretty much about the same time as this video goes out so make sure to keep an eye out for that and before we kick off this character analysis video guys if you haven't subscribed yet we are inches away from 60 000 subs so if you want to hit that button and support me like that as a bleach fan i would really appreciate it give the video a thumbs up as well if you can get to a thousand likes that would just be absolutely amazing and it really helped the exposure on youtube just getting out there to more bleach fans like you guys and finally i do have a patreon now as well if you want to help support me out just that little bit more you can go to the link that's right there in my description you can support me for as little as a dollar a month and every single bit really helps me out so i want to say a big thank you to everyone who is currently a patron that's really really appreciated so i mentioned in that introduction about how each of the four elder captains in the goatee 13 must deal with some kind of demon from their past and that's no coincidence obviously kubo does put the spotlight on the older captains to some degree in this final arc which makes a lot of sense when the very core of this arc is about a historical foe re-emerging to take down the soul society once and for all with yamamoto the head captain of the goatee 13 perhaps the oldest shinigami with the most skeletons in his closet quite literally when it comes to his bankai his demon from the past is yuhabak the very main enemy of bleach of the final arc who comes back to wreak vengeance and havoc on the soul society which is something yamamoto must deal with and we see of course how that does guide his fate he essentially fails to deal with that demon of his past it overcomes him and engulfs him and he succumbs to that and actually dies ukitake is a little bit different again we look at his past we see him as a young boy very young boy but terminally ill literally on the edge of dying um and his parents in some ways almost make like a deal with the devil with mimi haggy the right arm of the soul king to try and save this boy's life and this is something that he has to deal with in the present day in the thousand-year blood war arc and again it consumes his life he loses his life because of it but he does try and use that to save the soul society so there is some nobility in that uh skeleton in the closet kyoraku's is a little more abstract about his how his past kind of defines the steps he takes in the thousand-year blood war arc we see in his past this kind of theme this running theme that everyone he kind of interacts with they leave some kind of burden on him and then they die be that his older brother nanal's mother they both end up leaving him these hairpins that are just like referencing the burden of death that he's found himself kind of carrying and this kind of references a couple of things it's obviously overtly important in the now and leo barrow fight where he's feeling responsible for what might happen to nanal but perhaps more uh intrinsically with the thousand-year blood war arc it's referencing the burden he carries on his shoulders after losing his father figure and taking on the role of the head captain and then we finally make it to unohana the character of today's video and her demon of the past is quite a literal one it's herself and it's really fascinating i think to see unohana in this light because we've been told the goatee 13 of old the original goatee 13 were a gang of thugs a ruthless gang of criminals and brutal bullies essentially who went around wielding their swords in a kind of lawless and domineering way and in many ways this version of unohana is the closest we ever get to seeing that original goatee 13. yamamoto obviously was a part of that he was the ringleader essentially but he has very much left that life behind and that's another way his past comes back to haunt him in a way very explicitly explained by you har bark he says you know you've become weak you've let the goatee grow weak you've changed and because of that i'm going to crush you because yuha is from that animalistic brutalistic time and he hasn't changed like jana has which gives him the edge here so unohana is the closest we ever get to see of that yamamoto we never see his more demonic side onohana we do and she is the vessel through which we get to see the original goatee 13 in some kind of action as little as it may be and i'll be honest i think the changes to her in the thousand-year blood war make her a considerably more interesting character that's why i've literally started on the thousand-year blood war because i think without it she is a little bit one-note and kubo really doesn't do a lot with her throughout the rest of the series but let's get on with this character overview she actually first makes her appearance in chapter 81 she is actually in this story for quite a while she first appears in 81 and her final appearance is in 527 when she is killed by kenpachi zaraki kick-starting his journey eventually culminating in him having a barn kite of his own looking at her appearance and her personality you know i'm always i'm never really going to complain too much about a design of kubo's i think he genuinely knocks out the park with every single character he has retsu unohana's design she's reserved she's serene she's calm almost like royal like she's very very regal and composed and holds herself very well in this manner that you kind of look at her and you understand why the shinigami respect her so much even though she hasn't really done anything in the story she does command that screen presence at the same time the way the braid is done up so tightly under her chin and concealing her front you do get that sense that maybe she is hiding something coupled with the way she's able to terrify people whether that's 11th division members or even characters like kiraku in the in the term you do get the sense that this character there may be more to her than meets the eye in terms of her personality you know when she's got her retsu persona she's very kind very caring the motherly figure of the goatee 13 essentially but there is that underlying darkness that you get to see ever so slightly when she threatens people like the 11th division but she seems to genuinely care about for example the members of her division all the people she's having to look after of course ya chiru unohana is a total 180 in a way that creates a real dissonance with the character i think she's like two totally separate people and i actually think that is obviously supposed to be the idea here unraveling her braid you know she's now more ferocious more animalistic but there is an elegance to her as well the way her hair flows similarly to how her heyori flows she looks almost ghost-like um and i think that that's that is really really important i think the way kubo draws this character is just awesome like yatsurunohana looks really cool from her facial features to her eyes that are like barely open um her eye eyelashes are like so thick and dark that you can barely see the lights of her eyes and that's clearly the point you know she's supposed to look like she's drinking the cusp of darkness like she's supposed to be genuinely yatsurunohana although i don't think she is this kind of character in the present day she's supposed to be reminiscent of soul society's ancient evil cruel past and i think kubo nails that with how she looks she looks kind of scary um you know and and you know the scr again talking about screen presence she makes kemp actually like a baby next to her i think anyway when they have their fight i think that's phenomenally well done there's obviously the scar as well that kim patchy gave her um nice symbolism all round really with how unohana looks and it even extends to her zampakto she has an incredibly long todachi i believe it's called and again that just adds to the whole flowing nature of this character's look i think it works really well and her personality as ya chiru unohana is quite serious but there is that kind of sense that she is mentoring kenpachi in this fight that's why i don't think we get a true reflection of how she was a thousand years ago necessarily because she has still matured she does have that extra thousand years of experience as being retsu unohana to fall back on now as well so i don't think she's ever gonna be the exact same person that she was all those years ago but she is battle hungry she loves the fight you know but she also has contempt for the way kim apache holds himself and that's really fascinating you know kenpachi saraki has always been presented as like the top dog you know he is the king of fighters um in the soul society so it's so it's fascinating to me to see someone come in just slap him around and really talk down to him about the way he's been doing things and i absolutely love that and it goes you know two for two with ken patchy himself as well like he's thinking all the time like he sounds like he's learning like he's a student i think that's fascinating so for me unohana was never the most interesting character and i think kubo you know he doesn't go out of his way to make her that interesting until a thousand year blood work i'll just put my hands up and say that healer characters you know they're never that you know they're never going to be the coolest character are they you know on a very surface level she kind of comes in does a bit of healing every now and then and up and up until the thousand year blood work basically doesn't do anything so for me she was never one of my favorite captains or even my favorite you know characters but i think she does transform for the better in the thousand year blood work that actually rounds her out really nicely moving on to her plot overview in the seoul society arc she really doesn't do a lot now she does actually appear in all four major story arcs which is really cool um but she doesn't do a whole lot in this first story arc you get her initial introduction she is introduced as the kind of matriarch of soul society very motherly like i said coming in to identify eisen's corpse now what's really cool here though is that while unohana is basically just using a healing capacity here there's already more to her than meets the eye and you know she doesn't have the most outlandish design she doesn't have a huge role in the plot so i feel like it's probably fairly easy to overlook her at this early stage in the story but if you look a little closer there is more going on with this character than meets the eye so she does appear to be on the side of law in the soul society's civil war this is a concept i've brought up before in my videos the soul society arc splits eventually splits the goatee into two sides the side of law and the side that kind of you know is not necessarily rebelling but they almost like they can see things clearer and they're trying to do something about what's going on here unohana appears to be on the side of law what's interesting about her however is that although she does appear to be on that side she actually maintains more of a neutral position throughout kind of just healing anyone who needs to be healed and then eventually going straight to the source and confronting eisen and gene in the central 46 showing obviously great insight you know she was able to kind of deduce that something was slightly off about eisen's corpse even though she doesn't correctly guess what it is she's literally about the only person who thinks that something might not be quite right here and i love that and i think the way she just completely just goes in there to confront eisen and gene without a second thought is really cool really telling of how powerful she actually is now of course when she does confront eisen and gein in the central 46 she doesn't know the extent of eisen's power however i do think it's telling that eisen just leaves without a fuss rather than you know trying to one-shot her like he does to hitsugaya remember that he takes hitsugaira out in a single stroke moments before unohana arrives it's not like he doesn't have the time if he thought he could do it but clearly he doesn't i i you know eisen's incredibly smart guy he doesn't want to try and fight unohana i think that's really telling and honestly really really cool um then after that you know you get to see you get to see minozuki in action this massive like manta ray which is again is just so creative and kubo's absolutely just on fire with these designs all the time and you know she kind of eats people and then spits them out and they're getting healed by minazuki's stomach acids essentially so unohana does kind of just play the role of clean up towards the end of the arc and really like i said she doesn't do a huge amount in this first arc but there are a couple of things like i said that set her up for being perhaps one of the more perceptive characters but also someone to be feared and right at the end of the arc she absolutely terrifies the 11th division members who are causing a ruckus in the infirmary what's kind of fascinating about this though is looking back now going back through bleach to kind of research this character here when she is scolding the 11th division guys she must also you think maybe deep down inside relate to them in some way as well but you know i think that's kind of fascinating that she has this persona that she is so um just uh dedicated to i think it does work really well for the character we then move on to the iran car arc and once again i have to say unohana doesn't do a huge amount here either she appears in waco mundo with mayuri biakia and kenpachi to help aid ichigo's team and she arrives where chad is and the execquis and what's really cool is rod born just immediately initiates the retreat the moment she shows up and now unohana's two for two for appearing in front of confronting enemies and then just immediately retreating so that's pretty good going i'd say for her but once again she just kind of plays the role of a healer again kind of adopting a neutral stance she even decides to heal gantenbane after he was defeated by chad um really she always exudes immense confidence which i think is really important unohana is very very rarely ever rattled and that's actually really interesting i think that because unohana is a captain i think we feel very distant from a lot of the time because she's not involved necessarily in any of the major storylines or the major battle she is kind of a fringe captain but she's coming at it from a position of immense experience and i think the reader in many ways uh judges her in the same way a lot of the characters do in that she is kind of this distant almost insurmountable statuesque figure with tons of experience and like just world weary knowledge um and i think that's really cool she then heads to fake karakura town with ichigo and this is kubo throwing her a bone 100 this is him giving her actually a standout moment to do something and i really like it so basically ichigo is heading towards fake karakura he knows he has to take on eisen and unohan is kind of giving him a pep talk and it's a really nice chance for the two characters to actually come together and talk because normally in normal circumstances ichigo and unohana are barely ever going to say anything to each other so this is a really fresh moment and you get obviously the hints that ichigo can probably defeat eisen due to the amount of rayatsu he has based on his shihakushan all that sort of thing unohana again being perceptive enough to figure that out and then healing him as they go things get a little bit weird for unohana when they arrive in fake karakura town and this honestly and i don't mean this is like a criticism because i think it's absolutely fair enough to not know exactly where all of your characters are going to end up but the fake karakura town really makes me think that kubo didn't necessarily have unohana's backstory planned out yet because she arrives she helps hiyori who is on death's door she kind of heals just about everyone who is there and that obviously makes total sense um but knowing unohana is literally one of the most skilled fighters in the soul society as we will see she can run rings around kenpachi's iraqi it's really weird that she doesn't fight at all she doesn't fight at all knowing like you know eisen is on the verge of achieving his goal you know he's just wiped out the goatee 13 in front of her very eyes yamamoto has been knocked out because of eisen's trickery and we kind of have to accept that unohana is just chilling like healing people and decides not to fight which is weird because she then witnesses ishin urahara yonowichi get wiped out as well eisen then goes to the real karakura town and apparently she's all right with that it's one of those bits where you really have to suspend your disbelief maybe kubo kind of just forgot about her as well i'm not entirely sure but but it's difficult to look back knowing what we know in the thousand-year blood war knowing how strong she is but also how loyal she was to yamamoto as essentially his right-hand man from a thousand years ago the moment he appeared to be in real danger or or even after he was knocked out i'm amazed that she didn't step in um and that does just tell me that a maybe kubo just forgot about her but also b he probably didn't exactly know where her character was going at this point in the story um you know i'm sure he had some plans for her but that makes a lot of sense to me because otherwise the situation is really weird and then right at the end of the iran car arc after eisen has been taken care of we get a really nice moment from unohana actually um which i think is really powerful and actually in my opinion it kind of goes a long way to showing you how much she has changed now again this is using the power of hindsight after after reading the thousand year blood war how much she's changed and how much she has kind of stepped up to this new role that she's given herself where she basically flat out calls the vizards her allies and you have to remember this means a lot coming from her like i said she's one of the oldest most powerful most respected captains in the goatee 13. if she's calling the viazards her allies they are soul society's allies like that's and you know that's kind of how they see it as well that it means a lot coming from her someone who is such a foundation stone of soul society and it's it's it's really nice to see her say that because um you know the vizards put their lives on the line to take on eisen and i appreciate her respecting that that's really cool and you can totally kind of you can kind of like imagine her a thousand years ago like just not not thinking that way at all we don't really have anything to go off so this is speculation on my part but you can you can you can imagine it you can imagine her not really being particularly kind to anything that's maybe not a shinigami valuing her power over for everything else but here she values friendship and allies and there's a point i want to get to later but i think this helps reinforce it about how retsu unohana is just as much a person as yachiru unohana which is something we'll talk about later the lost agent art comes around and although unohana does have a couple of very minor appearances she really does absolutely nothing at all she kind of questions yamamoto during the flashback about urohara creating the riyatsu blade um but it's really literally just does that mean you're gonna do it and then he's like yes and that's basically it so we then move on to the thousand-year blood war arc and this is you know where the character gets completely turned on her head and unohana is one of the first examples of the past really playing a major role in this character's development and it was kind of after seeing this and yamamoto and then the additional responsibility that kiraki was given that i was really starting to think okay this arc is really going to be focusing on the older captains even though it doesn't really necessarily there is the feel of there is the sense of a new generation taking over from the old one because by the end of the series three of the four old captains are dead um and that's obviously no coincidence what we're here to look at is how they were used before they died and the manner of their death so unohana's character does kind of do a complete 180 although that doesn't actually happen immediately at the start of the thousand year blood war she is very much the same character she has always been so during the first invasion of the quincy unohana and isane are waiting inside the squad for barracks essentially not allowed to leave um in case they get injured because they are the primary healers and you know issane has real problems with this she's like we should be out there we should be helping them fight helping them here we could heal so many people if we actually left this room and unohana says you know we can't do that you know this was the last order given us given to us by captain commander yamamoto yeah i know you know that and he sounds like crying about it it's actually a really good scene because it really shows you the emotional conflict these characters are going through they've been told to hide for their own protection but they both want to help and like unohana is desperate to help and you can see that in her face and then isane kind of tells you that as well but like she's honoring this command by yamamoto and i and you know that's like it's really powerful to think about the stuff behind the scenes sometimes like yamamoto took uhana aside but just before the fight and was like i probably said i think this is going to go really badly you know you have to imagine he probably said i think we're going to be in real trouble here you need to lock yourselves away you know there's this the fourth division out of all of them must survive um and that's fascinating because you know the first division is almost completely annihilated you know chojiro is dead before this yamamoto is then killed loads genshiro okakiba apparently somehow survives everything but other than that there is devastation soul society wide um and unohana really wants to help but what's really interesting to hear is this i this idea of yamamoto giving her the order to stay safe kind of conflicts with kiraku's decision to put her life on the line for kenpachi um and it feels like there's a clash there unless yamamoto was planning on keeping her safe to then sacrifice her later which also sounds pretty messed up to be honest but i don't think that was the case i think kiraku is basically just completely going against yamamoto um essentially and we've seen that kiraku is very much his own man his own leader i think that's exactly what's going on here i think he's basically just like i know that yamamoto kept her safe but we need her for this so i'm gonna do that um and it's interesting because this whole situation with kiraku putting unohana in danger was not particularly popular with fans and that's something we'll get into just before that however there is another nice moment where the royal guard arrive and again this is the past of the soul society playing a majorly important role in the final arc all of these guys were not given a role in squad zero because of their strength but they were given a role because of their past contributions their contributions to the history and legacy of soul society and we meet koringi tenjiro who it turns out taught unohana everything she knows regarding healing which is actually kind of fascinating because again like you find out that oh maybe she's not the top dog in terms of healing in the soul society after all um and there's a really nice moment where kubo is now starting to drop major hints that unohana's role might not be quite what you think it is in the final arc um as karingi basically says like i need to take the injured back to the royal palace because you don't have the skills to save them but also what you should be doing now is not focusing on healing isn't that right retsu and that you know that's that's a great great moment kringi's like you know poking and prodding at her because obviously he knows that her name isn't real um you know you know she's given herself a false name essentially and yeah i love that i i think that's a great great moment between these two master and student essentially where he's like you know you now we need you to kind of go back to the way you were a thousand years ago to help kempachi out after that kiraku goes to the central 46 and it all comes out we get everything we've been waiting for he basically tells them i need someone to teach kenpachi zoraki the art of the sword which here essentially just means get him to learn his sheikai finally and the person to do that is ya chiru uno hana the very first kenpachi and the first captain of squad 11. this reveal occurs at the end of chapter 520 and i'll be honest it was a genuine jaw dropper this was an incr this was a great reveal it was exciting it was validated and it it just got the fan base really excited for unohana's character which is something that i just don't think have really been done up until this point but what makes this twist so good is that it's just so not problematic at all you know it explains loads about unohana you know it really helps a lot of things click into place but it also explains so much about kenpachi as well it really ties up kenpachi yachiru and unohana's backstories into such a nice little package as well finding out the unohana was the original kenpachi that kenpachi himself looks up to so much that he named yachiru after her bear in mind as well that was actually about the only thing we knew about ya childre before this was that she was named after someone kenpachi admired to find out that person was unohana was honestly just awesome and that she was the right-hand man of yamamoto a thousand years ago she was a horrible person like this complete criminal who was inducted into the ranks of the goatee 13. um yeah it's awesome it's really really well done and adds such an interesting layer to this character now at this point it's important to remember a couple of things prior to the thousand year blood war people were desperate to see unohana do something and kubo actually promised it would happen he said that he was going to let her fight and he was also going to unravel her braid what fans probably weren't expecting was that this was all going to happen at once and then never again um which you know i've got mixed feelings about so unohana takes kenpachi's iraqi down to moo ken the endless limitless eighth level of the prison for them to train and it's fitting of course the prison setting for as kenpachi says to people who if they hadn't got any power would just be regular criminals something unohana agrees with and you know this is a this is a really eye-opening moment for this character we see unohana now with her hair down sporting a almost crazed look just glazing over her face she's become in a sense a totally different person and i wonder i do really wonder about this characterization what are we supposed to be seeing here are we supposed to be seeing unohana's true self a reflection of who she actually is and actually has been this whole time or is it more a reflection of the person she once was that she's now had to dredge up for this moment and i think it's difficult to say i think what we are seeing for sure however is one side of her heart this is definitely at least who she once was um now resurfaced if you want my opinion what i actually think is going on here with unohana which kind of explains the 180 is that basically what we're seeing here is not necessarily who she is right now um but she is tapping into her dark side essentially she's tapping into the darkness within her and dredging it up again to use for this moment where it is finally necessary to do so and my reasoning for that is because you see real displeasure on her face when it's starting to dawn on her you have to assume that she's gonna have to go down this route again um you kind of i kind of get the impression at least anyway that this is something she has sealed behind her a long time ago she does genuinely seem to care about people now whether that's issana you know she even leaves her a note um before she you know presumably she knows she's going to her death um or even if she doesn't she's probably i would assume revealing to isane the truth i think that's what you're supposed to think anyway she definitely cares about isa like i said she cares about her nataro she cares about the people she's actually looking after and i think it would be foolish to assume that she hasn't changed at all in a thousand years not only would be foolish she would be doing her disservice as well to think that she's literally so static that she has she she's literally just this bloodthirsty battle-hardened monster but like giving everyone a fake visage i don't think that's it at all i think yeah i think more likely she tried to change like yamamoto did they both tried to adopt a new persona for a new era and she has firmly locked this version of herself away and kyoraku is asking her i need you to get it i need you to break it out again you know i need you to tap into that darkness one last time and that's why she looks so unhappy about it that's my thought anyway around the sudden change in characterization i think that and what's fascinating about this as well is there's just so much coming to me all the time talking about this because it is fascinating it's almost like once this yacht has been let out of the box there's no going back you know it's like this idea that she knows probably she's going to die here and that's fine because they're killing off this criminal as well like this yachty unohana will be gone once and for all it'll just cost unohana her life to do so and i think that's really great and that's really cool stuff and i know kyoraku got a lot of flack for the decision to have unohana killed you know she is their greatest healer in the middle of a war it doesn't seem that smart i've got to be honest no matter the power gains ken patchy would receive it doesn't seem all that clever um and also what's so weird about this as well is that the the stakes are high in this fight because you know that someone's going to die and you know it's going to be unharmed as well um but what's really weird is that in my opinion at least anyway ken patchy is him learning his chica really worth this based on the outcome because what i mean what happens what happens following this fight grammy kills himself uh he's then kenpachi is then utterly desecrated by the fem ritters purnida then completely embarrasses kenpachi in varvelt and then even using his barn kai kenpachi can't defeat gerard alone in varvel and you hardback has to kill him so it's it's awesome for us as readers to see kenpachi's shikai his long-awaited shikai his long-awaited bankai but whether it was worth it or not i think is something that's really debatable plus i think as readers we would have absolutely loved to have seen unohana take on some stern ritters but alas regardless i love this fight i think it's really really well done i think it's so cool to just have a brutal sword fight that isn't dragged out to ridiculous proportions like the kenpachi neutral fight this is a to the point brutal battle and i think it's really well done as well and it also just shows you just on such a different level that unohana actually was to pretty much everyone else ken bear in mind this is the same kenpachi who defeated noitra and defeated yami right he hasn't actually changed at all that's his most recent state and unohana just wrecks him like she just she just walks circles around him and kills him then kills him again then kills him again and bear in mind he's getting stronger every time she does this so he has to basically get to her level eventually um to the point where he can actually start even connecting with her at one point in the fight he's like i actually landed a hit which just goes to show how completely on another level unohana is i i would love for the anime to you know give this fight a little bit of embellishment really showing us how she's dancing around him uh that would be awesome to see and it's it is a really cool fight it's awesome seeing her using kaido and being like you know why do you think i started to learn kaido so i could make my fights last longer then she uses ban kai the forever nebulous minazuki um which i've done a whole video on here so you know probably won't go into it too much here but it's just a great fight predominantly has awesome backstory for both of these characters as well seeing kenpachi as a little boy is really cool i never expected that even going into all this i didn't expect to see that so that was really great to see and yeah just overall i'm really pleased with this fight but i can't help but be a little disappointed that it is all she got i'll be honest when i was reading this weekly what i actually thought was going to happen was i thought that kubo was going to go the sort of figurative route and say that kenpachi has killed chiru unohana but retsu unohana will now just live on like that forever more like she's passed the title of kenpachi on officially now she will just be retsu forever and never again act like this or anything like that that's that's what i was expecting to happen but no she actually just straight up dies um which yeah i guess is a little disappointing because i think people really want to see her fight some quincies um you know like imagine a tag team of kenpachi and unohana versus grammy and unohana is using kedo and kenpachi's using his sword that would have been that would have been just great but i think kubo probably felt like kim patchy wouldn't have deserved this growth without a major sacrifice perhaps that's what i'm thinking anyway but it's it's really difficult to say exactly what what kubo's thought process there was or if you just wanted the soul society to lose another warrior one thing i do want to bring up before we finally leave this plot overview section is this idea of the transitioning of the title of kenpachi it's done really well it's really nice i love that unohana's hands are finally free of blood that's really cool you see it all washing off her and passing on to the new kenpachi what's weird however is unohana was the first kenpachi right and the idea is that you're not supposed to get that title unless you kill the previous kenpachi as we saw can patchy do saying a lot of kenpachi here as we saw zaraki do to kenpachi gigan joe also side note really great that you get to see gaganjo in the count of manga he was only for a panel um so what i want to know is when did unohana actually lose the title of first kenpachi because to get that to get a tenth kempachi there must have been a second or third or fourth or fifth and so on so she must have given that title to somebody else at some point did she voluntarily hand it over because the whole idea of the of this battle of kenpachi's is that she is officially relinquishing the title of kenpachi to zaraki supposedly it has never officially been relinquished which would imply that well we know it hasn't because she's still alive so no one's ever killed her in the past so who's the second kim patchy and how'd they come about i don't know i don't know if that's explained maybe in uh spirits are forever with you i need to actually it's right there i can't actually read it because it's in japanese but i'll have to look it up online um but i know there's obviously you know as a shiro uh kuru yashiki i think his name is i don't know if any of them are like really old kenpachi's or not so if you guys can let me know in the comments below that would be really awesome but yeah the transition of the kim patches is handled really nicely i think and it's cool that we actually get to see it happen in real time in the manga and that's pretty much it for the character of retsu or yachiru unohana there's not a huge amount left to go over like i said that's it for her fights she doesn't really have anything else apart from that fans would have loved to have seen more i know i would have loved to have seen more from her in the thousand-year blood war but to be honest i'm kind of grateful that we got what we did um it was good of kubo to actually make good on that promise even if it's not necessarily what people were after it was still good to see nonetheless um her relationships her major relationships are only really with ken patchy and issane and i think with isa you get that you get the sense of the motherly side of her which i think is really important to her character as well to know that she's not just some bloodthirsty demon i think she truly has become this nice person this gentle and kind person like i said she's kind of like locked ya chiru unohana away forever but then has to break out the key um so to speak so i think her relationship with isane is never really given enough time to blossom but you do get some nice moments between them you know it's sounding like waking up from a bad dream and finding unohana outside with no braid by the way which is always a bit weird um but yeah they they haven't they have a a strong relationship together isa basically goes where everywhere she goes um and yeah just really really good stuff overall for those two characters her relationship with saraki on the other hand is pretty fascinating because it really has uh it kind of comes it's so weird that this relationship basically just comes out in the thousand-year blood war arc and is barely around it's barely around for like five chapters and yet it's really impactful because it kind of changes both of their characters permanently you know like they there's definitely a there's definitely a sort of romantic underlying tension there even though i don't think kubo ever would have made that official like i don't think that was ever the intention i think it's just supposed to be there like sparks flying between them like the sparks of battle basically that's what i think that is they are the only two people that could ever like satisfy each other on the battlefield like that's the idea between them they are bloodthirsty demons who are looking for that challenge and yeah if that comes across as slightly romantic that probably was part of kubo's intention but you know bleach has never been a romance manga it's never never going to be explicitly stated but that's definitely the subtext i think i'm not necessarily saying they are in love with each other because i don't i actually don't think that's probably the case but like i said they have such respect adoration and a need to fight one another it kind of comes across like that um but their their relationship is fascinating because like i don't think unharan has even really said anything prior to kenpachi prior to this moment so in some ways it feels a little superficial but in others i think it's really really well done and i think like ken patchy taking her title with him into the battle with grammy is is really powerful stuff and that's really good um and you know in many ways unohana's legacy does kind of live on although it's kind of weird as well that she just sort of does vanish off the face of the earth a little bit and i know she dies but like no one ever really mentions her after that you get the one admittedly nice moment when ken patchy returns to the battlefield and tells you sani that unohana's dead and all this sort of thing but after that you know it does kind of feel like she is just not really mentioned again and then eastern becomes captain later on but that is it for my video on retsu unohana guys i hope you enjoyed it let me know in the comments below what you think of her character did you enjoy her did you only enjoy her after the reveal in the thousand year blood war arc or maybe that actually turned you off the character completely was it too much of an unbelievable 180 for you i'd love to know let me know in the comments below but guys if you haven't subscribed already already make sure to hit that button now and until next time i'll catch you later i'll see you then
Channel: MrTommo2304
Views: 163,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bleach, bleach manga, bleach discussion, bleach anime, bleach character analysis, unohana, yachiru, kenpachi, kenpachi bankai, unohana bankai, bleach tybw, bleach final arc, MrTommo2304, MrTommo2304 bleach
Id: yuLmpNykOw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 27sec (2427 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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