Ranking the End of Series Bleach Captains from WEAKEST to STRONGEST

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Like the list, can't find nearly anything I disagree with. Except....nah I'm just kidding, great list! Subscribed.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/rbo7 📅︎︎ May 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

I almost instinctively want to say Kenny. Almost. Unfortunately, Shunsui's bankai is pretty hax, and could defeat just about anyone, likely even a bankai'd Kenny.

There's also Mayuri. I don't doubt he could devise a counter to just about every other captain with enough time.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/organic-buddy 📅︎︎ May 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

This is actually a very good list!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Cans59 📅︎︎ May 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

I thought he'd do all captains past and present. Can't say I'm surprised to see Kyoraku was number one. His bankai is just overkill.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/origina1fire 📅︎︎ May 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

Kenpachi is the strongest by definition.

Shunsui could beat him in a fight if he used Bankai right off the bat, however he can only use Bankai when far away enough from allies to not kill them as well.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

Ok, i gonna try my best to change this list for a BETTER one in my opinion, but first doing this list is kinda pointless, why? because that line up is 10 years after the end of the Blood War, we don't know much of how powerfull each one got in 10 years, maybe Shinji didn't gave a fuck and didn't trained at all and Iba was all out training like crazy and could be even stronger than Shinji, just a extreme example but i think you get my point.

Some points before i start, everyone in that list has a Bankai, no exceptions. You need one to even be able to get the rank of a Captain.

Now let's start. as to easy compare i will copy and paste your/the video list first: 1 - Kyoraku, 2 - Zaraki, 3 - Byakuya, 4 - Mayuri, 5 - Toshiro, 6 - Shinji, 7 - Soi Fon, 8 - Rojuro, 9 - Kensei, 10 - Rukia, 11 - Lisa, 12 - Iba, 13 - Isane

This is what i would change

1 - Zaraki, 2 - Kyoraku, 3 - Toshiro, 4 - Byakuya, 5 - Mayuri, 6 - Shinji, 7 - Rukia, 8 - Soi Fon, 9 - Rojuro, 10 - Kensei, 11 - Lisa, 12 - Iba, 13 - Isane.

Some notes: Toshiro adult form was very clear beyong Byakuya Bankai. Lisa was already almost at a Captain level during the Arrancar arc, i agree with you that the gap between Lisa and Iba must be huge. Kensei is weak as fuck, his zombie form was as if not more powerful than his Bankai. Well like you said, it is kinda off his power level in the final arc because of that, but also... it's not like PePe is a close fighter compared to Mask.

I commented in his video, but i will leave here too :)

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/xItacolomix 📅︎︎ Jun 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

They are different

Kenpachi is brute force and strength. Nobody can fight him 1 on 1 unless they have an ability that can counter that kind of overwhelming power

Shunsui has good abilities, but he has major drawbacks to almost every one of his powers.

Hitsugaya is the closest to having capabilities similar to Kenpachi while having a host of other techniques to help him

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Purona 📅︎︎ May 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

Great list . I wish you could have added the former ones

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/612marion 📅︎︎ May 28 2020 🗫︎ replies
the captains of the goatee 13 are the primary fighting force of soul Society and their ranks have changed quite a bit throughout bleaches past and present timeline by the end of the series we've cycled in quite a few new faces to make up for the losses that happened during the final arc and because of that this group of captains is probably the most varied we've seen so far ironically I also personally think this is the weakest group of captains the goatee has ever seen and the gulf between the guys at the top and the guys at the bottom in terms of pure strength is probably greater than has ever been i want to rank every captain at the end of the series from the weakest through to the strongest looking at their base power level their zanpakuto abilities and just their skills in combat and see who ends up on top before we begin the video though guys I've blasted past 900 subscribers thanks entirely in to your support let's keep that momentum going if you haven't subscribed to my channel already make sure you hit that button and let's push us even closer to a thousand starting at this video at number 13 is the new captain of squad for ISA Nico Tetsu there are a few captain's on this list who seemed to be there to just filled the boots and the captain's who are no longer around despite not having the feasts to prove their worth he sadly is definitely one of these captains and sure she's not likely to be much of a fighter being a member of the medical division however her captain Oona Hana was one of the strongest captain's around so ISA has a lot to live up to it's safe to say then so far that each Center has not quite done that in the series having only revealed her she chi sà do my once and then proceeding to be one shot by Ichigo but perhaps this isn't overly fair as I said already she's meant to be a healer not a fighter and the next captain on our list is the captain of squad 7 tetsuzaemon Eber who takes over from sage in kala Mora now my Eva's own admission he is not strong enough to be a captain and has yet to prove his worth and frankly I agree with him not only does the name of his shikai never get revealed in a storyline he never even fights anyone the one time he steps up to the plate he gets one shot by ion frankly I'm kind of surprised that Eber got the role and not love who was the original captain of squad 7 but it's interesting to see II but actually confessed he doesn't think he's strong enough to be a captain much like East LA because of his relatively recent appointment and the fact that he was a vice captain for the longest time it's actually hard to say if Eva even has a bank ID yet and if he does he surely only just got it and the next character on our list is another new captain stepping ups and fill the boots of a captain who's now vacated their spot this one is captain of squad 8 Lisa Gatto Maru now at this point in the list the Gulf does wide and quite a bit I think those two captains at the bottom are definitely by far the weakest of the bunch on the other hand lisa has the powers of the visor to back her up a little bit but she was a vice captain a level character for the longest part in the story so again it's hard to say if she even has a bank I mean while her zanpakuto hanga ROA tombow while looking cool has never really accomplished much in the story that's not to say she's not entirely unimpressive however as we do see her fending off a transforming hollow Ichigo aside from that load Lisa hasn't really done a lot to showcase the power of a captain throughout the series aside from killing a few menos moving into our top ten now and the tenth strongest captain on this list in my opinion is the new captain of squad 13 Rukia Kuchiki we know you from the thousand-year blood war that Rukia has a hard earned bank eye and it's a strong enough Banco to take out a mid-tier sternritter we're these however that same mid to stare at a would of defeated her in battle had it not been for Becky's timely arrival because of factors like these it's difficult to truly place Rukia but she has got some feats under her belt she defeated the 9th Espada a during the era entirely on her own admittedly almost at the cost of her own life but this was way back earlier in the series and was pretty impressive she's been a steadfast partner to which you go throughout the entire series from day one to the very end and it's pretty clear to me at least that she deserves her position as a captain but she's definitely lacking the experience to be right at the top despite that sodenoshirayuki is clearly a very impressive zanpakuto the next character on our list is captain of squad 9 Kent's a movie rumor and another visored now Kent's a is a tough guy and it to be honest I always expected him to be better in his fights and he actually does but he's a very unimpressive character with few feats to name it doesn't help that tactic as a is something of a low-key zanpakuto even its bank I formed Tekken tactic as a doesn't transform all that much and is quite small-scale Ken saves a bit of a weird vice art especially in the fake character o-town arc where it felt like you were sidelined pretty heavily it's implied that he fights one device and loses because one device comes too fat to fight Yamamoto whereas Ken say is never seen again that's not that great later on Ken's a fights master masculine and despite having the upper hand at the very beginning of the fight gets pretty soundly destroyed we know of course that ken has a hollow mask and it's fully horrifying version is incredibly powerful a scene and turn about the pendulum but he never uses the mask in the final arc and unfortunately has to spend the remainder of that story as a zombie pen seized power fluctuates weirdly in this arc from the point where he gets destroyed by master masculine to being able to destroy Pepe so he's a bit all over the place so I felt placing him here was pretty fair next on the list is one of my favorite captain's the captain of squad 3 ro ro o trabocchi or Rose for short this flamboyant captain has a pretty cool zanpakuto being King Shara but again much like Ken say and frankly much like the rest of the Vice as he has no real feats to speak of he does go up against the first Espada stark but he is doing so with another captain loved by his side and they both get pretty heavily trounced Rose pips can't say a spot because I think King Shara has more potential as a zanpakuto than tactic as a it's a magical zanpakuto with apparently quite a few abilities or there we only really get to see one Sonata ever get used despite that both rose and Kent they are pretty interchangeable and most of the visoreds are handled quite poorly making them appear pretty weak again like Kent's a rose has a hollow mask to use but even that doesn't help much against stock later on however I think Rose performs better against master masculine than Ken say just purely due to the fact that his bank I King Shara butoden had mask on the ropes however Rosa's own personality really lets him down here and he completely gives the game away by explaining his own abilities that's kind of amateurish especially for a captain as old as him next on our list is captain of squad 2 SOI fon the head of the on Nick's Kido she's definitely got power on her side and she has a pretty cool if gimmicky zanpakuto in suzuki battery her bank hijacker who Riker beam is clearly supposed to be a play to hit kill thing by giving her a one hit kill missile launcher but it's weird the her bunker is pretty ineffective wounding baracan but not killing him and wounding bg9 but not killing him despite this SOI fon has all the makings of a powerful captain but unlike the rest of the captains in thousand-year blood walk she really doesn't receive any character arc whatsoever this is especially apparent when you look at the four captains who had their Bank I've stolen byakuya hitsugaya Kawamura and SOI fon of the four of them so Fon is clearly the one with the least time dedicated to her in that arc and I think the fact that she has no clear power surge throughout the arc no clear powerup means that she languishes somewhere in the middle in terms of the captain strength I think SOI phone is hampered by her age as well and her immaturity comes across in the way she has a go at the squad zero members all the way she puts down can't see after harimoto is killed all the way she has to make some kind of deal with hacci just to fight a life-threatening villain I do think that holds her back but give her a few years to mature a bit I think should be even more powerful next up we've got the de facto leader of the visoreds and captain of squad 5 himself shinji hirako shinji was a really hard character to place on this list purely because he doesn't really do anything Kubo gives his counter absolutely no chance to shine which is incredibly weird when you consider the fact that he is the leader of the visoreds and he plays a major role in near anchor rock Sakon ave is undeniably a pretty cool zanpakuto but it's given a very unimpressive first showing against Aizen who nullifies it in a series of panels however Shinji's Bank is a Kashima yakushima hakufu say Gary try saying that five times fast is quite impressive in that can deal with potentially hundreds if not thousands of enemies at once unfortunately Xin Jie's given absolutely no time to shine in the final arc and his most impressive feat comes very early on when he defeats grim Joe pretty pretty comfortably although grim Joe had one arm and wasn't even his release for him before we fire up the top five captain's who just want to emphasize again that you guys have supported me so much so far and if you haven't hit the sub button please do so and let's push this challenge was a thousand subs the fifth strongest captain at the end of the series in my opinion is the child prodigy himself toshiro hitsugaya of squad 10 this absolute fan favorite character is undeniably powerful and here in Maru is clearly one of the strongest zanpakuto in the series however hitsugaya suffers from a similar problem to stifle and that his attitude towards fighting and his childish immaturity hold him back quite heavily and allow him to be exploited by opponents like Aizen on top of that hitsugaya's powers just don't seem to be that deadly a lot of the opponents that hitsugaya successfully manages to freeze always end up breaking out of his ice and to be honest he doesn't seem to win that many fights on his own especially in the thousand-year blood war arc where he gets pretty seriously beaten up in nearly every fight he's in unlike SOI fon however hitsugaya does get a pretty impressive character growth moment with his powerup being adult Toshiro towards the end but even then his banker has to be completely run down to get activated and it still doesn't manage to do much to Jerrod because of this I think hitsugaya is a powerful captain but what's most interesting about him is his room to grow and his potential for the future the fourth most powerful captain at the end of the series in my opinion is the hardest one to place and that is captain have scored 12 majorica Otsuchi everyone's favorite mad scientist has some kind of preparation planned for every fight and personally I believe that with the right preparation there's not a character on this list that Miri couldn't defeat however this list is about overall strength and I think Miri is definitely let down in some areas his overall powers and the ability of his zanpakuto ashisogi jizo aren't that much to shout about and he gets defeated pretty soundly by early issue de who's able to simply overpower his bank I it's also important to note that Mira struggles against opponents who are able to adapt almost as quickly as him such as when he struggles to defeat Poorna de sure he wins but the way that character is able to constantly evolve keeps me on his toes and leaves him with him pretty serious wounds at the end so with me yuryev placed him forth but take that with some caveats because given the preparation time he's pretty tough to defeat despite that I don't believe that he would necessarily win against a character of pure strength like Kenpachi or a character of pure trickiness like shin sway onto the top three now and the third strongest cats at the end of the series is the fan favorite captain of squad six byakuya kuchiki in my eyes pyaar kiya is the ultimate all-rounder captain of these of the goat 813 he's good at pretty much everything and he has a fantastic zanpakuto in senbonzakura in nearly every fight he's in B here is quite clearly in control apart from against as not of course and his bank I gives him serious power boosts the other character simply can't match byakuya still extends to his knowledge of the flash step to his hand-to-hand combat and his abilities with Kido as I said he's the perfect all-rounder and I honestly believe that work he wanted to die be a cure is the obvious next choice to be the captain commander number two on my list then the second most powerful captain at the end of the series is probably the most controversial one of them all and that's this captain of squad 11 Kenpachi Zaraki now I'm gonna hold my hands up here and say that Kemp actually quite clearly has the most reactive of any captain in the gotei 13 at this point I also believe he has the most brew strength the fact that he's able to catch Gerard's foot and throw him when Gerard is a little Titan is mind-boggling and I think Kubo enjoyed writing camp actually at that stage in a story because he could quite literatures throw the rulebook out however there are some things holding camp actually back from true greatness in my opinion and that's his own immaturity and his inability to grow I think Kemp actually would lose a fight to cure a coup because cura who is smart where Kenpachi is not Chirac who is patient man compact she is not compact hasn't learned a lot of vital lessons this is most obvious when he gets uh Turley annihilated by perimeter compat reruns in and loses an arm and both legs because he's not willing to adapt to sit to the situation all that tells me is that if compact you were to come up against the opponent with a particularly tricky and not outwardly obvious ability he would be instantly decimated can you imagine Kemp actually approaching cure our coup only to discover that it's actually daruma-san Jacaranda or a CAG a Oni I think from that point on the fight is pretty much lost even Kemp a cheese Bank I is a berserker mode and at the end of the series we have absolutely no answers on it does camp actually have control of this bank I is he able to use the Bangko whenever he wants or does he still need to wait for your cherries intervention and finally it's compact his body even capable of using this power anymore and who's to say he wouldn't just gets head cut off before the fight was even over and speaking of cutting off heads the number one spot goes to the captain commander curations way in my opinion Kuryakin has it all and is the most powerful captain at the end of the series he's a tricky underhanded and dirty fighter who's willing to do whatever it takes to win and I think that's incredibly important when it comes to fighting other powerful characters we see that he's able to land a death blow on stark by stabbing in in the back and from that point on stark was completely done and she thus was able to kill him with a Shi Kai Xin sui's experience and tactics his overall jovial nature masking a sinister undertone helped make him one of the most dangerous and frankly unpredictable of the captains so that's the primary difference between curare when Kenpachi kampachi is predictable sure are who plays by his own rules that's not even to mention the fact that Kat and kyokotsu and by extension his bank I catting care katsu karamatsu Shinju is not perhaps the most broken zanpakuto in Bleach apart from maybe kyoka suigetsu since we hasn't absolutely litany of abilities that make him the absolute most devious trickster to fight against and i think that any of these captain's would lose to him because quite frankly he can just control the entire battlefield and even if they do somehow manage to circumvent his zanpakuto he's very very skilled in flash steps he's very very skilled in Kido to the point where he can do Saeng get in without even acting so any kind of incantation I think it's quite clear that shouldn't we is the captain commander for a reason and it's the most powerful captain at the end of the series so that's it for my ranking video guys let me know in the comments below if you agree for my ranking and if you didn't please tell me yours in the comments I'd really like to see how we match up if we match up at all that'd be that would be really interesting to know but until next time guys hit that sub button and I'll see you later good bye
Channel: MrTommo2304
Views: 594,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bleach, bleach ranking, bleach captains ranked, bleach strongest captain, bleach kenpachi bankai, bleach shunsui bankai, MrTommo2304 bleach, bleach discussion, bleach manga, ranking the bleach captains, bleach captains strongest to weakest, weakest bleach captain, Tekking101 bleach, bleach sternritter, bleach anime return, bleach face again, bleach 2020, bleach anime 2021, bleach anime trailer
Id: wDAY7U4vzoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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