Ranking the TOP 10 STRONGEST Sternritter in Bleach

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Reddit Comments

This is good content. You put a lot of thought into the rankings.

The only thing I’d say is that Gremmy should canonically be below the Shutstaffel after the second Auswahlen.

The Auswahlen is a redistribution of the epitaph-based power that was granted to each of the sternritter. Each epitaph represents an amplified component of Ywach’s soul.

Each of these pieces of Ywach’s soul is like a mini Hogyoku (Lille received the first and largest piece, hence being the closest to “god” (Ywach))

Enjoyed the controversial Jugram placement.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

The real Yhwach defeated Kenpachi. He switched with Royd while BazzB and co attacked Yama. u/animamask showed a scan from the 13 blades databook listing all the fights, but I forgot to save it.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/juli4n0 📅︎︎ Jun 23 2020 🗫︎ replies
well we're finally here to rank the top 10 strongest sternritter in Bleach I'm really looking forward to this video just like the last one put a lot of time and research into this to try and get it right I've been through the list once before I even filmed a bit of this video before before changing the list over again and again and then we're finally here and I think I'm pretty happy with this list now I'm not entirely sure the good thing about the top 10 snow meter is unlike the majority of the last one these guys actually get a decent amount of screen time for the most part most of them have a good amount of abilities and their shifts are pretty well defined so it does make this list a slightly easier I think overall but there are still some tricky positions in there but also it makes it more enjoyable and I think you're going to like this video I hope you do let me know of course I always enjoy seeing your rankings in the comments below and if you haven't seen the last video already we ranked Evaristo enter from number 27 right down to 11 to get ready for this video so I implore you go and watch that one first if you haven't seen it already and before we get into this video guys I just want to say wasn't I on a thousand subs like a week ago I really thought I was going to get more mileage out of that 1k subs video but I just can't thank you guys enough I'm starting to sound like a broken record I think but just the channel has been growing like mad and I constantly I'm just getting so much support from you guys and I just really really appreciate you and I appreciate that this channel is becoming everything I always wanted it to it's a place to talk about bleach you know the franchise that we all love so much and I think you guys you keep supporting me I'm able to keep supporting bleach and it's just it's just me a great time while we wait for the anime to come back so yeah I just wanted to give a quick thanks to everyone who has helped this channel grow so tremendously over the last three months right let's get on with the top ten list then no more waiting around really interested to see what you guys think as always leave your own rankings in the comments below I'm really keen to see how we agree and how we differ I'm not expecting everyone to agree with every position on this list although I do think the general consensus on the last list was you know pretty good or I completely actually completely agree with some of you guys who had differing opinions on the rankings I can totally see them they all made sense so let's do the top 10 list now and we'll just see how how we go I'm really excited for this list as it was with the last the power difference between the top guys at the top and the guys at the bottom is just a massive Dolph and honestly at the tops of six guys the top five guys have powers that verge on the divine which honestly made it kind of difficult to rank them here towards the end but like I said it's they're an interesting Bunch they've got some really cool abilities so without further ado here's number ten so when the vandamm reich first invaded i really enjoyed their aesthetic I thought they came across as cold calculating ruthless and militaristic and a bunch of these characters really kind of helped reinforce that idea as not cang-du bg9 just a bunch of really kind of sinister looking characters and then a luchador shows up yes number 10 on my list the tenth strongest durmitor is stirring to s the superstar mask de masculine now I certainly didn't expect mass to be this high when I first saw him in Bleach I thought who's with me a total goofball but actually it turns out that while he kind of is he's an incredibly powerful one the superstar is a ridiculously broken ability when I was researching this list a friend of mine actually mentioned that masks superstar shrift is actually like a miniature version of the miracle and I can totally see that while mask doesn't really use traditional quinsy abilities outside of the volson dig the superstar more than makes up for it and it has almost limitless potential in the last video when I was impressed by Kerr jaw he'll gay and I don't know how to pronounce his name but I appreciate everybody who's trying me out there I was impressed that the fact that courage was able to take on lowly men only the Tri beast yes and a on but Marx really kicks up a notch in quick succession mask is able to defeat ikkaku yumichika hisagi bonk i can't say and bankai rose and then he's finally put down by a kind of overpowered Renji yeah this fight really demolishes the bleach power scaling or what was left of it anyway because the characters just become so absurd towards the end masks the superstar ability is personified by James a strange amorphous immortal kind of person thing and a lot of people theorized that James is the true stern racer or that masks real name is either way this guy is really weird he doesn't seem to be able to be killed although he does seem to die at the end so there's a lot of unanswered questions there as well but either way James is the source of masks power every time he cheers him on masks grows stronger by a seemingly unquantifiable amount but it's enough to give him a serious power boost to go from not being able to defeat bank I can't say - absolutely annihilating him masks expire level just goes seemingly so far off the charts that it's completely ridiculous plus the superstar can actually heal him as well such as when he restores his eardrums to their former glory as he says the fact that mask goes from defeating a bunch of vice captain to captain level characters with ease to then taking on to bankai visoreds struggling a little bit then gaining a power boost to the point where he can crush them both then gaining three more power boosts but still losing to Renji is just really really weird but there's no denying that massacres on an absolutely triumphant series of victories before finally losing and I think there's no way we can deny that this guy is definitely one of the tops terminators just from the power level and the amount of destruction he causes I think he finally loses eventually because he loses sight of who years and what he thinks he's fighting for this idea of Justice and he does seemingly kill James with the star flash supernova ability so I think that's probably his undoing in the end but there's no denying the mask is absurdly powerful with seemingly limitless potential the 9th strongest eMeter on this list is the fan favorite sternritter H the heat as be now phasma is an interesting character all the sterner so he appears the most apart from hash wolf but he doesn't really get a proper fight now he gets two battles admittedly he fights hitsugaya at the start the second invasion and then he fights hash wall towards the end of the arc but both of these fights aren't such extreme opposite ends of the scale that is really difficult to actually place this guy he's able to utterly demolish hitsugaya when hitsugaya's and she came to the point where I don't think hitsugaya really lands a hit on him that actually hurts bad to be on the other end when Basra fights hash wolf he's so utterly destroyed by him that he's clearly definitely not at that level so where did he place him now Barry has some really cool abilities and fire has been done a lot in this series but I actually think Kubo is that is most creative with this element with Buzzbee and I think the application of fire here is really well done burner fingers 1 2 3 & 4 burning full fingers and burning stomp all have completely unique abilities each one seemingly more destructive than the last let's also not forget that Busbee is the one who takes out Kira and he seems to be kills him in one shot and I know Kira's not dead but he's taken out of the entire war pretty much by what appears to be a burner finger one it could be a high leg file but I think the idea is that it becomes it becomes a burner finger once so Busbee is clearly clearly above vice-captain clearly above shi Kai captain and I think Paz we even mentions to hitsugaya that he could defeat his banker with just one finger and with the way burn a finger once Snipes hitsugaya I could kind of believe it but perhaps the most important aspect of what Busbee achieves is the way he tanks a direct point-blank here from Yamamoto Shi Kai and not only does he do that but he also protects and saves the lives of two other stirrin sirs with him that is an irrefutable in manga fact and it really gives us a great idea of how powerful Busby's flames actually are he comes out of Jarno toes attack not that worse for wear you do see him standing up again after who's able to defend himself and as and nanana and they all come out of it alive I'm not saying Busbee is as strong as ryujin jakka because he's probably not but his flames are undeniably very impressive so I think putting him a knight from this list is only fair eighth place is where things start getting a little bit weird we have the other yourself brother Lloyd Lloyd I said it before in the last video that I really don't like the yourself brothers I think their powers are nonsense they barely even make sense and the roid Lloyd's twist if you can even call it that is really lazy and it kind of comes out of nowhere I personally would have loved to have seen you hard to fake our motor with the own powers with his own strength that would have made him appear way more fearsome I think and as the Almighty Quincy King I think you probably could have done it instead though we've got Roy Boyd so while the two brothers can take the appearance of someone else only Roy fix the personality and the memories of the person they take which is how he's able to recognize characters like cedrus and Hubert when our motor uses his bankai however nowhere does it say that Roy takes the powers of the person he is mimicking so how on earth is he able to stand up to yamamoto swank i unless he's doing so of his own virtue this is when things get really weird Roy is able to apparently beat up Kenpachi without his eyepatch without taking a hit and we supposed to believe that he's just that strong a Quincy becomes out of nowhere and there's no indication that a Quincy of that strength so even really exists outside of the Schutzstaffel now there is a fan theory that hash wolf or you har is actually feeding Roy power to give the illusion of the fact that he is as strong as you ha I don't know about that it's never mentioned in the manga it very it could be very possible by the way we have to go off what we can see Android while imitating you heart is able to beat up Kenpachi and withstand young Otto's bankai however one thing that's important I think people tend to forget about the roid fight is that when Yamamoto activates his bankai roid is really on the defensive he doesn't achieve anything against Sanka no tachi he tries to attack it at one point his sword is annihilated when the skeletons come out of the ground he's basically on the defensive getting beaten up by them and whenever moto uses North it Cleaves roid into no questions asked so the truly impressive part here is this is the simple fact that Roy's able to survive in the vicinity of a Sanka no tachi and that's of course absolutely no mean feat and clearly Yamamoto believed him enough to think that he was you are so either Lloyd is being given power somehow or it's just his own innate strength that he can pull off these Quincy spells throw a high league file that looks like new hearts and just overall be incredibly durable so I think putting him at eighth is fair but he's a really weird character to rank so I knew there'd be some controversy with this list and I think place number seven is going to be the start of it but I'd like to defend myself I'd like to see what you guys think about this positioning and hear me out stone room number seven on this list is stir me to aim the antithesis and the successor to the random right who are you issue to himself who is an incredibly weird character in the final arc and arc that's supposed to focus on him and he's barely in it he takes up this really cool role infiltrating the random right and you have promises to the Stone Roses that we will eventually see the power of you that makes him worthwhile at the starters successor title but we never see that power it never materializes in an actual fight because you is given nothing to do now we know from the get-go the hashed off doesn't trust you and it's likely that you Han doesn't really either as hashed off comments that the whole successor set up is basically designed to put the spotlight on er you and make it so that he can't achieve anything but he was still supposed to be incredibly powerful and likely received a massive power boost after drinking new hearth blood and receiving his shrift obviously we spent way more time with early throughout the series and we have with the rest the disturbances so we know at least before a time skip that ru is capable of taking on a privilege spoda and also duking it out pretty successfully with characters like ya me who also goes up against sickened a tougher ulquiorra but it doesn't seem to be really trying against you and he does take off his hand pretty easily flash forward then and early must have attained a pretty significant power boost becoming a sternritter to the point where you are is pretty confident about bringing her you to the Royal Palace and helping him with his acquisition of the soul Kings powers Yuri was also accepted into the shoot Stoffel by gerard which would seem to be some kind of acknowledgement of strength and yet when he faces off with hash wolf he gets completely destroyed on a similar level to bass be hash wolf just completely annihilated this guy who you can't fight back he does a couple of the I think he draws his bonus tree at one point that's the best you get out of him this is partly Kubo's fault for not giving this fight the spotlight it deserved but Aaron who does nothing to impress me and tell me that he actually deserves a spot higher on this list now let's discuss the antithesis because that's clearly the bulk of various power and it's undeniably a very strong shrift it enables him to reverse anything that has occurred between two people such as when hash while seriously damages early room antithesis and hash swath gets hit by the damage instead I don't really like abilities like this they're incredibly vague about what their limits are a couple of the sermons has had powers like this especially towards the end of the series guru's power doesn't seem to have any limits I assume you can antitheses as many times as you want and keep reflecting things that happened between people now is the antithesis the power that Newhart spoke of when he said that who you had something that can overcome his power but even then was he talking about the almighty was he just talking about the Alps wollen because you survived that as a child who doesn't really have any feats to speak of in the final art that would really help his argument he performs a pretty impressive lick great again but it is blocked by Orihime and merely this is the same Orihime who does defend against Yuhas almighty attacks as well so that's not really not against you but he doesn't really do anything else in the final up to warrant any kind of higher ranking and the sixth strongest stomachs are on this list is actually my favorite one and that Sturmer 2d the death-dealing asking not level now asking is the only one of the ship Stoffels have been promoted from below which implies that he's not immediately as powerful as the other members and I think that's probably fair enough ask his personality the fact that he likes to kind of remain out of fights he's a follower he's not a leader he doesn't use the initiative he likes to hang back implies to me at least that he doesn't particularly like physical confrontation luckily for him the death-dealing doesn't really deal with any of that and it actually has a huge swath of abilities it can get into you now so the Deaf dealing actually seems to work on three different fronts it has the normal ability where he's able to essentially adjust the lethal dosage of something by ingesting something into his body so against OSC for instance asking drinks his own blood and therefore he's able to adjust the lethal dose of OSU's blood not only that if asking takes in some kind of Ray Otsu such as when he gets hit by a noose arose back away Musou attack he's able to then gain complete immunity to that afterwards which is completely absurd another facet of the death-dealing gives in a bunch of physical attacks such as the gif ball the gift ring the gift ball deluxe and the gift bear Ike and finally asking can go so far as to heal his own wounds when she's acquired immunity to reiatsu such as what he does after he gets hit by a new Shiro's attack as a character asking always comments about being far away from death's door and this is all part of his immunity and I think it makes him an incredibly difficult opponent to fight the fact that he's able to poison characters has enabled him to defeat many opponents in this series going from grim dota or he made to Chad to Euro eg to ushiro and then he even severely poisons for a harrowing grim Joe on his deathbed asking is a real tricky one because his ability is very devious it's also incredibly potent the poison he's able to generate is enough to wipe out captain level opponents with apparently no effort required whatsoever is false something only enhances this power further with stuff like gif ring destroying or ahorros I like it's absolutely nothing asking however is definitely not a physical fighter as I mentioned before who a [ __ ] is able to outpace in quite easily when he starts using his bankai slices through a skin shoulder then gets behind him and uses his bankai power even more to amplify his strength and send a skin flying and it's at this point asking constant he doesn't really like physical fighting not only that but asking doesn't seem to be able to acquire immunity to physical attacks such as where oxc manages to cut him but Askins analytical side is shown off here as he's the only one of the elites to manage to time his dodge correctly and avoid Oh X's first strike despite asking being clearly a guy with absolutely loads of abilities and one of the strongest rifts in the series there is one thing that lets him down and it's kind of a funny one basically he is not a god a lot of the Schutzstaffel are on godlike level they are they are divine they are immortal asking is not despite being very powerful he's a pretty regular guy and yeah he can survive quite a bit more than your average guy he is the definition of a tank but when grim Joe comes up behind him and rips out his heart that's it for him there's no coming back there's no additional transformation there's no angel transformation he just dies and I think it's definitely that that kind of holds him back as far as a tops or 5 top 3 positions I just don't think the despite his vast library of abilities he would necessarily be able to keep up with someone like Lille or someone like Gerard or Poorna da who can evolve and change constantly no matter what is thrown at them so I think sixth plate is pretty fair for my favorite sermons I think he's definitely very very powerful very very skilled we see him using bow and arrow we see him using physical combat against yoruichi and his ability allows him to wipe out captain level fighters like they're nothing but I think when it comes to an endurance fight someone who get against someone higher up being these ranks asking probably doesn't quite make the cut okay moving on to the top five strongest sternritter and this is another one that I think might be controversial but again allow me to fight my corner on this one because I do think it's a fair point so number five on this list is the Grand Master of the sternritter himself stoner to be the balanced jagran hash wolf of all the characters on this list hashed off is probably the single weirdest one to rank in my opinion as the Grand Master you would assume he probably is the strongest one of them all he has powers and abilities but actually he doesn't really Kubo doesn't give this guy a chance to properly shine I'll give him that and out of hash wants two fights they're both pretty short and they both don't really involve an awful lot of on screen fighting hash holsters completely annihilate spaz be and he completely annihilates early so he's definitely stronger than those two the vast majority of info we have on this guy comes from his flashback we know that he's a unique type of Quincy who instead gives power to others and can't generate his own powers so he probably can't generate a bow he probably doesn't have a mole standing but he does have a shrift we also know that he's been honing his swordsmanship skills since he was a young boy which i think is how he out plays bass be so easily he's just so incredibly skilled with the blade clearly this strength with the sword is there to make up for the fact that he doesn't have normal Quincy powers look at one point he does seem to fire an energy blaster early so I'm not entirely sure what that's all about wear the hat I've got some amount of his powers at some point I don't know but the whole fight with ru is just very very nebulous so hash wolf has three things in my opinion that make him worthy of a top five spot but probably not the highest peak I don't think he was made grandmaster because of his incredible power I think he was made grandmaster because of his relationship with you ha but he's clearly well-respected among the sternritter he's clearly a battle veteran like I said he'd been training since a young age and he can just completely manhandle powerful Quincy like Bosley with the sword his shrift the balance is also just ridiculously overpowered essentially he can take someone's good fortune and reverse it into misfortune which is basically a way of saying if someone gets lucky or someone manages to hit hash Wolff ashwaldt can take that increase his own strength and deal an equal amount of damage back to them while removing it from himself yeah it's all kind of pretty weird if you look at the can-do example base hash swath is not able to damage cana-deuce iron however he takes that good fortune turns it into the balance and then he's able to just cleave through Kang like it was nothing I have to assume that hashed off-balance works on a case-by-case basis I assume he approaches every fight in his base form and then is powered up by good fortune and misfortune as the fight plays out we can also see him using his equipment in a fight with URI when he brings out the front shield and I believe the way that works is it collects good fortune over time and builds and builds and builds until Hache off chooses to release it in an even stronger attack so hash foster balance is undeniably very very powerful as a shrift it pretty much means that he's able to counter most attacks in the series however I just don't think that hash wolf has again like asking the capabilities to keep up with the godlike level on top of this list guys like Jared and lil we know they are basically immortal gods ash one I don't think is again like asking I think he's a relatively normal Quincy apart from obviously the fact that he gives parents it takes it but I think he's a pretty normal human even when you ha goes to sleep and hatch off takes on the master of the ruler and gains the power of the Almighty it's not the full power of the almighty it allows him to see the future but not alter it I don't really think the almighty in this sense would help hash off that much against the guys at the top of this list because even if you can see the future what can you do about it also know the hash Worf is not able to master the almighty who says that his change in nature surprised hash flop despite hash love being apparently able to see into the future and it's something that hash worth confesses himself a swath also fights through you during the night and isn't able to kill him again something that ru mentions himself and hash floss says that his own powers are more suited to fighting the new hearth which I know entire on how that works because the almighty is probably the most broken ability in the series but I don't think that being able to see the future really helps hatch off against the very top guys I think basically he relies on his overwhelming physical strength and skill his dexterity the balance being incredibly powerful and yet the almighty gives him a little bit of a boost as well but I think fifth place is fair for hash wolf let me know what you guys think in the comments because hash was probably one of most interesting and finding out about because he is just so he's a mystery we don't know really anything about what this guy can do beyond being incredible swordsman okay the fourth strongest sternritter on this list this one is stirring to see the compulsory Poorna de pankaj as now the left arm of the sole king is essentially a god-like being in and of itself and we really get to see that in its fight against Murie Poorna de is they would have put down Kenpachi with ease it doesn't even have to move to defeat Kenpachi it's compulsory ability is that powerful now the compulsory much like the death-dealing takes on quite a number of different forms but predominantly it's focused on this idea of continual progress continual evolution we know that me URI is the king of counters I mean how many other characters are going to have a bankai that allow it to shed its own skin to avoid the effects of the compulsory and even so perimeter keeps up with me URI on an evolutionary scale continually adapting to the guy who continually adapts poder can do absolutely crazy things like break off its own fingers to grow entirely new arms this this character is just insane on a level that just keeps on building it builds and builds and builds and it's not really like anything we've ever seen in Bleach before and I actually think this fight is easily one of the Ark's best because of pressure that me URI comes under also like to point out the per is the only one of these ships topple to actually kill someone manages to kill nemu and it's because per liter just apparently is another one these characters that basically can't die never blows it to smithereens but they all become sentient and again I think that's really really cool I haven't even touched on the nerve aspect of this character if it even touches you in the slightest you as Miri puts it in the translations turn to just an absolute mess we've seen it happen quite a few times this is exactly what happens to Ken patchy the compulsories nerve abilities the moment it touches you your body will just contort wildly until there's nothing you can do about it apart from ripping off your own arms or whatever happens to you Poorna derp is easily one of the scariest foes I think anyone has ever fought in Bleach it's just purely a thing of continuous pressure if you damage per [ __ ] it will continue to involve me Yuri blows off its little finger it becomes an entirely new hand it's not all these characters that is basically impossible to kill Miri gets incredibly lucky that nemu has this fast growth agent which basically causes pulenta to constantly blow up and then regrow and blow up and regrow so I assume perimeter is essentially trapped like that I think I can't number exactly can't for your own well maybe mentions that Miri get some piece of it for research I don't remember entirely but what's important here is that perimeter is nigh on impossible to kill nigh on impossible to keep up with and I actually think is one of the cooler more unique ways to showcase the divine ability in Bleach I also think burnin derp is a skilled Quincy able to use its own bow and arrow able to use multiple bow and arrows at the top of each of its fingers I actually really liked this character I thought it made for a fantastic battle and I think it easily deserves his spot in the top 4 possibly the coolest thing about per Naga is the way it can copy abilities as well my actual favorite per at a moment is when it sheds its skin based on the ability of Mary's new bankai my Thai food Queen showed I that is the moment where I thought Miri might actually die where he was completely out of options completely caught off guard and Poorna des nearly took him out and I really liked that moment it really showcased just how scary this character was Miri had thrown everything at this guy but he just continually adapt and gets around it so that was a really cool moment okay we're here at the top of three you are almost there and number three on this list is pretty much just here because his power is obscene we've never seen anything like this in bleach before and you probably guessed it just by me saying that but it's Stewart savvy the visionary grimmy thermo I think it's pronounced thermo I don't actually know but it's Grammy so Grammy is an odd character I've mentioned this before in my original reviews of the series but it's really weird how he exists in a vacuum really he is only here so that came back she can reveal knows Arashi Gremmie is revealed in volume 64 and he dies in volume 64 but he actually has a pretty long fight he's a weird one I think it's undeniable that the visionary is probably the strongest ability we've ever seen in bleach maybe the completed almighty is stronger than that but the visionary literally allows Grammy to imagine something and it will happen there's no limits to it there's no rules to it Grammy can just imagine creating life and it will happen he creates life with when a land shares and himself he creates another version of himself multiple times he also brings the void of space on camp at sea and it just keeps on coming lava giant statues a wave of machine guns Grammy can literally do it all so if Grammy is powerful enough to the point where he can just you theoretically imagine someone dying how is he only third on the list when this one falls specifically on the character's personality Grammy quite simply doesn't know how to fight he doesn't have the mind of a fighter Axel and you can't really blame him you has kept him locked in a cage when he still burned his entire life this is pretty much the first time he's ever been allowed out he doesn't know what to do he doesn't want to win because he is essentially lethargic to the idea of fighting and I really liked this character Turner I thought it was really cool and it was awesome as well to give Ken Patchi a chance at mentoring someone during a fight eventually Grammy does want to fight a does want to win but again his inexperience completely gets the better of him and he ends up accidentally tearing himself apart despite that Grammy is a really interesting character to watch as he grows throughout the fight with Kenpachi using more and more crazy abilities over time to try and get rid of this guy he's able to do things like completely remove the damage he's taken make himself impervious to damage just anything he wants he can do but it's really interesting how cumin seeds his downfall into the fight this guy has an unstoppable ability but his childlike mind his inexperience really just leads to his downfall especially at that one point where ken patch he is able to get the better of him because he's so fast grimmy starts getting pretty scared about that despite the fact that he could easily stop him but he gets overwhelmed and I think that's absolutely key to grammys eventual defeat and the fact that he is only I say only but he is third on this list and compassion even has to warn him about imagining himself dying so despite the fact that grimly can conjure a meteor that is strong enough to destroy the entire seireitei in my opinion third is absolutely fine for this character due to the fact he lacks the battle experience that the other two guys have all right top two guys if you've made it this fine to the video I really really appreciate your support give the video a like if you enjoyed what you see every like helps us get recommended and increases exposure so yeah it's all completely helpful now with the top two this was the biggest debate I had coming into this video I did not know whether to put little burrow or Gerard Valkyrie in the number one spot and there's a reason for that these guys are actually quite similar they're both clearly designed to be demigods they are arch angels they are the end game bad guys they are the most powerful villains we have ever seen in Bleach outside of what you ha and hogyoku aizen but in terms of like mooks these guys are the cream of the crop they basically can't die both of them get their heads removed during their fight and they both of them come back for it both of them are referenced as being godly angelic beings Gerard even sprouts massive fairy wings at one point it'd be really on the nose about it and Lille even looks like a Seraphim like a monster so I really didn't know who to put the top however I have come up with an answer and so these are the top two strongest Doretta in the vandamm right the second strongest durmitor on this list is stirring 2x the x-axis Lil Barrow now Lil is the absolute definition of an unstoppable monster we've never seen anything like this in this series he is unkillable essentially he is you can't even hurt him most of the time and Kubo essentially had to invent something in the law to get rid of this guy and he is the closest thing we have seen to an actual god an actual angel in the series probably since Eisen but even then I think lil is more of a literal version of that even in his base form lil is incredibly skilled his power the x-axis allows him to destroy anything between two targets there's no bullet or anything like that it's essentially just erased from existence and when he's got his power unlocked lil is able to make very short work of even the zero division he goes toe-to-toe with the captain commander kiraku since we go so far as being able to dodge his coglioni without even knowing it was coming first although she was weak does overwhelm him in his shikai forcing lil into Molson Indy but I think that's fair enough I think the second strongest eMeter who by the way says he is the closest to God because he was the first one given a shrift he's able to keep up with a sheik i Captain Commander that's fair enough when he goes into his volson League however it is an entirely different story and lil becomes frankly unstoppable much in the way his x-axis can break through anything once he transforms nothing can break through him he cannot be hurt by any kind of physical ability and that includes Kido he's also able to teleport and it is a proper teleport as opposed to harangue Kaku it's very similar to the way eyes and disappears and reforms lil does essentially the same but he like swirls in and out but it was the idea is that lil is definitely supposed to be some kind of angelic being at this point now of course shin-soo is bankai does pushing to his limit again but again this is one of the most powerful bonk eyes in the series that should be a guaranteed kill on almost anyone it cuts Lil's throat and then blows his head up lilz head reforms however and it becomes this massive seraphim dragon thing that is even more unstoppable than he already was he has abilities now like trompet they can just decimate the entire platform that they're all standing on a boat which is like the size of an entire city and it's at this point where you have to wonder like how do you defeat someone like this lille is basically a being of pure light at this point and I actually really liked the concept I thought it was really really cool I thought it was handled pretty well by Kubo it risked going a bit far points by think he held on quite well but either way Lil's power at this point is completely almost untouchable just by lifting his arm up he's able to annihilate entire landscapes and shouldn't we is basically forced to use everything it is disposable to beat this guy and he still isn't able to do it only by bringing in the deus ex machina of the Issei sword is Kubo actually able to put this guy away and it still doesn't kill him the sword reflects the power of a god that it's facing you know confirming that lil is essentially a god-like divine being at this point and by doing so then now is able to split lille into lots of small little birds that go flying down to the seireitei now we don't really know what happens to these guys but Kira is strong enough to defeat at least some of them so I imagine also by losing his highly shine lil has lost the considerable amount of his power at this point I think it's ending can't for your own world that the birds were cleared out of seireitei but it's not actually implied if they were killed or not either way Lil's very weak at this point so the ESA sword is a counter to lil seemingly specifically built for this guy but I imagine in the Lord there would be more to go into but the sword does deal with Lil but apart from that it seems like it would be impossible to kill this guy so how then is he not number one well the strongest stomachs are on this list is sterner to M the miracle gerard valkyrie now as I've said already Jared and lil share a lot of the same traits they're both basically godlike figures they can't really be killed Jared is killed three separate times during his fight with the go to a thirteen initially in his base form byakuya puts a hole through his head and you can see that because Kubo draws the big hole in the back of the hell it to kill him the first time but he resurrects he then gets cut in half by Kim patch his bankai straight down the middle including his head but he resurrects and then through the combined fighting power of Toshiro byakuya and Kenpachi his head is destroyed again and you better believe he resurrects this is the one time in this series we've actually seen this this character cannot die the miracle allows him to regenerate seemingly endless amount of times the fact that he comes back three times and then returns again implies that this character just can't be killed and he's going up against three of the strongest captain's in the entire of soul society and they are just unable to stop this guy that's not to say anything about Gerard's other abilities the fact that his God size puts him like literal Titan nothing has ever been bigger than this line in the series before and it makes him nearly unstoppable to deal with now of course we see that he does have varying degrees of strength he's clearly not able to keep up with the Kim patchi's bankai initially and when the Kim pachi had stayed in that form and be able to beat him down would have been interesting to see but unfortunately don't get to see it so we have to take what we can see but Jarrod is clearly strong enough to match these guys all the way along thanks to the miracle bringing him back countless amount of times now obviously this is done completely intentionally I think Gerard is supposed to be the embodiment of God's holy soldier you know you Hamas right-hand man the Quincy who has been bestowed with everything as Gerard says the mightiest and fastest of the Quincy of them all and I think that is really really evident in what Cooper's going for with the Nordic themes the yotan themes the fact that one of Gerard's best lines in my opinion is after he resurrects the second time he goes to attack Kenpachi he says something like even in the face of my own mortality I would still swing my sword for my god or something like that so Gerard is very clearly supposed to be the holy defender and he's volson league ash tonic is something like the divine judgment of God or the divine punishment of God something like that but he's supposed to be an unstoppable force and the captain's obviously see that he won shots Shinji technically still in his base form by the way he hasn't activated volson dig until he gets cut in half by Kenpachi so it's really interesting to see him do these things the miracle is more than just resurrecting him he can resurrect body parts as well so he when his arm gets cut off it comes back stronger and mightier than ever before and also he's just he's just a completely insane character to think about and I don't mind Gerard I actually like I think the execution is fairly well done I think once you accept the fact that this captor can only be killed by a new heart I'll swallow it and which ironically is the miracle that they were all hoping to get I think it's easier to swallow that a character like this does exist in Bleach universe because he is on an entirely different level now the reason I put him above Lille they both obviously got incredible battle experience in my opinion they are far and away the strongest most dangerous turrets in new Harz army designed to be as I said his two holy warriors but I put Lille below Gerard because Lille has an obvious counter if his power is in some way reflected back at him or he's able to share wounds he takes damage whereas Gerard it doesn't matter he takes damage he comes back from it that's the main thing there's no seemingly no benefit to Lille taking damage I know that sounds ridiculous but that's the point we're at now we have to look at the benefits of taking hits Lille gets his arm cut off if the same thing happens to Gerard it just comes back mightier than ever before it's not even a case of overwhelming Gerard to the point where he can use the miracle because apparently even if he's dead the miracle still reactivates so the main reason I put Gerard above nil is kind of steeped in a little bit of speculation but let's talk about it so we know from the fact that despite being unable to be damaged by conventional weapons Lille can take damage in his volson dick and we specifically see that with shin-soo is bankai and it's sharing wounds first down ability so what I'm thinking is how does Hoffner work we know for a fact that if Gerard sword is attacked and damaged it will then translate that down back onto its attacker in essentially the same way but obviously scaled up for size so the reason camp actually takes such a massive hit because hot nanny is so huge and the chip that can Patrick is it is also see relative to camp at each size so basically what I'm saying is if Leo and Gerard were to fight both of them if Lille were to hit half none and damage it would it damage Lille if it does I think there's no way Lille can ever defeat Jared because shooting jared through the face he comes back but if Lille hits half none and it damages himself I don't think he would win that fight but we are really talking about a clash of the gods here a clash of titans who just can pretty much only be tamed by the king himself other than that they are the mightiest of the mighty really and I don't know what else to say Gerard is essentially unstoppable who and that is it for the top 10 list of sermon I think in this video might be longer than the last one somehow but like I said before we started we had a lot to talk about this time characters who actually had fully fleshed out abilities and movesets so I hope it was interesting for you guys I really enjoyed making this top 10 list I really enjoyed doing the entire ranking but of course the main thing is do you agree with any of what I've said if you don't please let me know your rankings in the comments below let me know if you if you do agree with some of my placements how do you feel like Gerard being at the top should have been Lille it should have been hash wolf maybe you think the balancer and the almighty is strong enough to put him there but I'm happy with my list I really I really am happy with it I did put a lot of thought into it like I said it revised it quite a lot so let me know in the comments below guys if you agree with this at all give the video a thumbs up it really helps the exposure and if you haven't subscribed already then to come and join the community we'd really appreciate you being here and just keeping the support for Bleach going that'd be wonderful all right guys but I think I'm losing my voice now so I am gonna head off I hope you enjoyed the video and I will catch you next time see you them Oh Cooper ah why'd you make so many bad guys
Channel: MrTommo2304
Views: 371,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bleach, bleach discussion, bleach ranking, sternritter ranking, bleach sternritter, bleach final arc, bleach anime return, bleach anime trailer, bleach 2020, BLEACH 2020, bleach manga, MrTommo2304, MrTommo2304 bleach, MrTommo2304 bleach ranking, bleach captains ranking, strongest sternritter, strongest captains, bleach strongest captains, bleach strongest bankai, tommo2304, bleach anime, top sternritters, best sternritters, bleach top, espada, vizards, aizen, ichigo, ulquiorra
Id: TGDuzktbySo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 42sec (2502 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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