Top 10 STRONGEST Zanpakuto in BLEACH, Ranked

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as the favored weapon of the Shinigami the zanpakuto has been the conduit for some of the most exciting and creative abilities we have seen throughout Bleach but as we know the zanpakuto is more than just a weapon is also a shinigami's partner and a embodiment of their own soul and because of that some of these abilities are exceptionally powerful and frankly devastating and yet even broken to behold with some bankai being ridiculously strong some shikai being ridiculously strong and so to that end I want to in this video rank what I believe to be the top 10 strongest zanpakuto throughout the entire series and perhaps even beyond that as well I will only be dealing with cannon material and we also aren't talking about Arrancar zanpakuto in this video either probably do a separate video for resurrections at some point but this isn't me looking solely at Shinigami zanpakuto including shikai and bankai and the criteria were going to be using here is looking at the overall versatility of the sword its abilities its destructive potential its strength its on-screen feats there's a lot here to go into and unpack regarding the zanpakuto so let's just crack on with this video before we begin however if you haven't subscribed to my channel you're in the right place if you love Bleach just hit that button and the notification bell and you'll keep getting Bleach videos every week and what more could you want than that obviously leave a comment below guys I'm not expecting everyone to agree with this list that's the good thing about rankings everyone has an opinion I'd love to know yours so please let me know in the comments below what zanpakuto you think deserve to be ranked in the top 10 strongest I'll be very intrigued to see what you guys think number one is cuz honestly I think there's a couple of options here and we dive deeper into that as we go further into the video so without further ado let's begin the 10th strongest zanpakuto in Bleach in my opinion is byakuya kuchiki senbonzakura now senbonzakura is a zanpakuto we have seen many many times in the series it's one of the zanpakuto that is privy to a heavy amount of exposure we know pretty much everything this dump octo can do which I think really helps in its shikai form senbonzakura it basically takes the form of millions of blades that look like chair blossom petals very cool design for starters but in terms of his actual destructive capabilities we have seen this firsthand especially by Aki his bankai Simone's Akaka Yoshi we've seen it take on numerous opponents in the past starting from as early as the soul society arc we see Renji get one shot it by V Aki as bankai we see him take on Ichigo with his devastating senkei ability and even his shook a Huckabee Tech n power which to be honest put B Aki on such a high pedestal in terms of abilities it was hard to see how anyone could match him at the time further into the series we've seen abilities like go K used against the Espada's Amaury and we've even seen the devastating effects of byakuya's bank I turned against him in the thousand-year blood war coming back from his training in the Royal realm byakuya has refined senbonzakura even further now it shikai form looks like his bankai form at least according to as not and not only that but B Aki was strong enough at this point to use his bankai to take on multiple stern writers and finally his final ability sink a bogey iike Sen jika is strong enough to obliterate the head of gerard Valkyrie who have you seen in my stir mature ranking video I put pretty high up on a list for me Sam bong Sakura makes it onto this list for a number of reasons it's incredibly versatile with a huge amount of abilities at its disposal but even in its basic form senbonzakura has so many uses whether it's defensive back you can use the petals to defend himself from attacks or go all out and absolutely devastate his opponent as we've seen in nearly every fight he's in perhaps this is more down to be akhiya as a fighter than just his zanpakuto but it's really interesting seeing it used in a creative way against soo Kashima when he has to catch his own zanpakuto's blades and then use them with a more so much say forceful twist therefore I think putting senbonzakura on the top 10 list is only fair coming in at number 9 is the powerful Isis on Pocket oh here in Maru hue Mario is of course wielded by the fan-favorite toshiro hitsugaya it's got a really awesome design for starters and its bankai tiger and here in maru allows hitsugaya to gain the attributes of an ice dragon now whether this is just down to hitsugaya's popularity as a character or not we have been heavily exposed to he all amaru throughout the series this thing has an unlimited number of abilities at its disposal it seems ranging from Kyoto in here COSO to sin and Euro - good choice tsurara to reduce anchor - ice clones I mean it's pretty much unlimited what you're in Mario can actually do and that's without even touching upon the adult hitsugaya transformation that comes when his bankai is fully mature any perceived weaknesses that Hyorin Maru might have for instance the majority of enemies they get frozen by this seem to come out mostly okay on the other side I would put down probably to hitsugaya's inexperience and the fact that he is pretty young Hiyori Maru is obviously insanely powerful and there aren't many ice zanpakuto to compare it to but the fact that it has the power to control the weather as well as we see with Hilton hyukoh so in the fake character a town arc really means that this zanpakuto is ridiculously strong and I think the main thing here is clearly its versatility it seems to be able to do almost everything with a litany of abilities at its disposal number eight then is where things start to get really interesting in my opinion and this Sam Puckett o is in Rakuten which belongs to token artists una yachiru to be more precise it actually belongs to the sooner you shiro noble family much in the way that the ESA sword Shing Kenya cotton burg which in an hour wields in the final arc actually belongs to her family and not to her now if you haven't read can't for your own world toka nada is actually the villain of that story and he's had his own zanpakuto confiscated from him so he steals the sooner you share of families aren't octo instead the way toca nada wields Enric eoten is actually similar to how humor chica uses Rua rewrote kujaku he uses essentially a false shikai by calling it a slightly different name and in this form it's nothing really that special it has the ability to bounce powers back essentially a worse version of akitaka so yo no kata wari because it doesn't come with any of the additional trappings that that sword does however it's it's true form that gets it the eighth place on this list and this is a really powerful but I think kind of balance stability that puts toka nada in quite a position of power when he fights someone so Enric Ian's real ability is the power to mimic the powers of the opponent it is facing and then scale that retsu to match toca nada let's say for example toca nada was fighting vice-captain now in the book he obviously fights his soggy so n Ricky Odin is able to mimic the powers of kazeshini but then scale up the reiatsu to match toca nada which immediately means anyone with less Ray accident okie nada is in really big trouble because n Rakuten does all the does all the legwork for him essentially the big weakness to Enric houghton however is pretty obvious I think if he was to fight someone like Yamamoto sure he would gain the powers of ryujin jakka to some degree but the reacts who would be scaled down so hard to match toca nada that Yamamoto would still almost certainly win that fight I think that's not to say token are as weak he's certainly no pushover but it is a weakness inherent to Enric EO tin itself what's uh Turley absurd about Enric eoten however is that it can actually mimic more than one power at once in can't for your own world toca nada manages to take on the abilities of many different Shinigami giving him an utter plethora of powers to choose from of course there is a downside however and the more powers Enric attend mimics the weaker those individual powers become this is what I mean when I say Enric Houghton feels quite balanced to me it's very very powerful and frankly it is kind of broken in a lot of ways but the fact that it has to scale to match token ardas reiatsu the fact that the individual powers can be weakened and the biggest weakness in my opinion the fact that it drains the wielders lifeforce really stops Emeric eoten from rising any higher on this list it's a powerful blade wielded of course by a pretty powerful individual but it does have a number of weaknesses that stop it from achieving true greatness so I think 8 is a good spot for that sword now number 7 on this list might be the most contentious of them all I'll be completely honest with you guys I did not know where to place this guy and I think you'll understand when you find out who it is number seven is the main character Ichigo Kurosaki and his Zhang gets ooh now Zhang getsu is of course the zanpakuto we have spent the most time with throughout the entire series we've seen the trajectory of its power and we've also seen the origins of its power as well at least when the series begins Zhang getsu is little more really than a blunt instrument but it is clearly incredibly powerful ichigo's able to use it to defeat captain's like Kenpachi and be a Kia and Zhang getsu is definitely a conduit for ichigo's own massive reiatsu admittedly it's only real ability seems to be the getsuga tensho but that is very powerful in and of itself as well and it she goes original bankai gives him a massive speed boost capable of countering even senbonzakura kageyoshi now admittedly the way Zhang gets to is used and portrayed kind of fluctuates throughout the series and I think a lot of this comes down to the fact that it she goes own power is very turbulent and it becomes very difficult to place him on a list like this obviously when we get to the thousand-year blood war arc we discover the truth about it she goes zanpakuto it was never really a true zanpakuto in the first place and when he finally does get anis ouchy of his own it is a mixture of his Shinigami and hollow powers the hollow within is actually Zhang getsu white is his zanpakuto spirit so does that mean that when we consider the power of Zang gets to itself do we have to consider the monstrous hollow form that for Ogura where I don't know really because it's it's very difficult to say if that was a manifestation I'm saying get su or if that was more the hollow side of things and ichigo's instincts it's really difficult to say but it's clear regardless that Zhang gets who has and just frankly enormous amount of base power during the lost agent arc when it gets his powers back we can see this in full force the size of the gauge circa 10 shows that he is unleashing is just ridiculously off the charts or them Italy they're never that big again which is which is weird and this kind of all goes back to what I say about zangetsu being very inconsistent in the way it's portrayed in the series when it jugo does finally get his true shikai and it's eventually true bankai we can see all of his powers in balance in the form of a couple of swords so you have to assume then that ichigo's the main zanpakuto he has when he starts dual wielding is a combination of his hollow and his Shinigami powers so does that mean again then that the gran rey cero he uses can be attributed to zangetsu or just to Ichigo himself so that's why it's really confusing I'm not sure if I'm under so design yet so you by putting him here at seven it's just really hard to say especially when the guys above this have considerably more concrete powers and abilities one thing we absolutely can't discard however about zangetsu is that it does contain pretty much the single most powerful ability in Bleach in the final getsugatensho and its mu getsu ability mu gets who has the power to pretty much cleave through anything it is a one shot one kill move it's able to split a third dimension transcendence eyes and straight down the middle removing all of his powers in the process because it's just such an enormous attack a Miss Lee Aizen doesn't die but you have to remember it's nearly impossible to kill him at this point anyway of course mu gets you does come with an enormous drawback however that it robs the user of all of their powers and it is really not easy to get them back either it takes it to go quite a while for his Shinigami powers to kind of restart and reboot and then he gets a you know big good of jumpstart from the rest of the Shinigami so mu get su is probably the single strongest attack in the series but it has enormous caveats that the guys above this just don't seem to suffer from as for it to go himself well he doesn't really use then gets you to its truest potential in my opinion we get to see white spinning it around and throwing it and it should go although observing this never uses techniques like these so in my opinion Zhang getsu is often never used to its fullest potential Ichigo is content instead to make basically just use getsuga tensho and then eventually get scheduled show much later on down the line so while Sanga Tzu is a very very powerful zanpakuto with a obviously absurdly powerful wielder I don't think it's ever used to its fullest potential I'm not sure you can really count the the kind of hollow parts of that as part of the zanpakuto so it's it's honestly really confusing if you disagree with me on that please let me know maybe I should be ranking Zang gets you higher in this list but his powers are so nebulous me I don't know I just I just don't know if you can really consider it the zanpakuto that comes out or if that's just the Jolla fication aspect of things obviously Ichigo is a perfect hybrid so it muddies the waters quite a bit I'm content with putting you at 7th now but in the future if we do another one of these videos I've got no problem bumping it should go up a couple of places if we will kind of decide that maybe Zhang getsu is being under salt here but really I'm not entirely sure but yeah like I said I'm happy with 7th for now for Ichigo the 6th strongest zanpakuto on this list is a personal favorite of mine and that is Benna he may or a hockey skates crimson princess know better he may might not look like much but this zanpakuto is one of the most versatile in the entire series with some really cool abilities and I always found it really hard to kind of gauge what Bennett he may our was particularly in shikai it can fire energy blasts which by the way it make a really cool firework sound it can also create the blood mist shield which urahara uses in the third movie or Ahura can also use it to create netting he can then infuse that with bombs really it seems like the shikai version of been he may is just limitless and what it can do when you see its bankai of course this does actually make sense and can endure Aki been ahim a era Tommy is one of my favorite bankai in the series it's a very very simplistic bankai I love that it only has one ability but it's an ability that allows her to do anything I think that's incredibly clever burner he mows bankai allows or a Hara to restructure anything he it touches and it has a range we see it peel apart a skins arm we see it create essentially a portal for Grimmjow to three probably the most interesting one I see is when her ahora uses his bankai on himself so he restructures his own eyes to bring his butt bring back his sight and he also restructures his own arm to make it physically stronger and then be able to beat down ask him with it the possibilities of cannon Baraka been AHIMA are atomic are so limitless that I was considering actually putting it higher on this list purely for his bankai been ahima is an incredibly dangerous Sam puck tie wielded by an incredibly dangerous man but I wonder if there are limits to what can be rocky burner he made an atomic can actually achieve and whether those limits are constrained by how much reiatsu or ahora has so obviously in his fight with ask him when he uses his bankai he's pretty much in control the whole time interestingly however I wonder though when he increases the physical strength of his arm how far can that go could he do that to match the strength of someone like Kenpachi or is that goal just too far out of his reach I don't know that would be really interesting to see based on the information we have however so far I think sixth is pretty fair for the zanpakuto that can apparently do it all I wonder if it's fair to say that the zanpakuto can bend reality I don't know like definitely in his bankai it seems like that I'm not sure about the sheikah that the sheik is very weird but definitely one of my favorites and so we reached the top five strongest zanpakuto on this list this is where I really expect the contention to come in but like I said before guys leave your rankings in the comments below I always love to see what you guys have to say so number five on the list then and the fifth strongest zanpakuto on this list is Kenpachi Zaraki z' nose Arashi now nose Arashi in my opinion is very similar to zangetsu it doesn't have any versatility and that's absolutely fine we all know the kind of fighter that Kenpachi is and I think nose Arashi suits him really really well in the strength department I think nose Arashi is completely unmatched except for potentially who I've put at number one but we'll see but in terms of like pure cutting power there is nothing that knows or actually cannot cut through whether that's a meat or whether that's the fabric of space itself nosiree she can just cleave it into his bankai which i thought was really cool how it was left unnamed turns Kenpachi into essentially a berserker demon he becomes like an Oni his skin goes red he grows horns and I just I love the symbolism here but what's important is of course the strength of this thing displays and he absolutely wails on Gerard Valkyrie what's important of course to remember Gerard is still only in base at this point he only goes volson dig after he gets cut in half by Kenpachi but the fact that came Apaches bankai is able to even cleave Gerard in half with apparently no problems whatsoever really proves just how powerful this for Hema that the zanpakuto actually is so the main reason it's fifth on this list is I just think that the zanpakuto ahead of it have so much more utility so much more versatility under their belts but there is really no denying that in terms of raw strength raw cutting power nosiree she has to be at the top on this list but I think overall v is pretty fair but let me know where you drank nose Arashi and the fourth strongest zanpakuto on my list is the current captain commander's zanpakuto shunsui kyoraku scattin kyokotsu catherine kyokotsu is kind of as broken as they come is probably one of the most interesting zanpakuto in the series as well with the ability to bring children's games into reality definitely incredibly creative I know I never expected this from Kubo but since we zanpakuto is a beast that plays quite literally by its own rules now even in shikai mode it's exceptionally powerful with just so many potential abilities under its belt there's keone which means if you step on a shadow you instantly get wounded tacker Oni which means that anyone who's above the other opponent can apparently win a fight although we never really see in action brew show Goma which is basically a wind ability that just surrounds the opponent like a spinning top daruma-san Jacaranda which basically means that shouldn't we can teleport to an opponent and attack them directly if they so much as look shado an arrow oniy the color game that shunsui uses to defeat Stark so as you can see there's just a mind-boggling number of exceptionally powerful abilities here and that's just the shikai even though he does play a bit dirty to get hitting on Stark she there's no denying that cure our cushy Chi is as strong as many people's bank eyes and it is enough to kill the Primera Espada and we haven't even talked about his bankai yet the ever wondrous whimsical cat in kyokotsu karamatsu Shinju no one's even really sure how this thing works but it is undeniably very powerful basically what it is is it's a theater play about a story of two lovers who eventually commit it was like a suicide pacts and each stage triggers the next so I have to assume that if the first stage didn't trigger the bankai would just not work but obviously the only example we get we see the whole thing so if you take damage from the sharing wounds ability that triggers the next ability which is the the plague essentially that covers you in boils and blood then you both get thrown into a massive abyss of water which drains both reiatsu and resolve and then finally if the bankai is pushed through the fourth stage it's a one-hit kill where cure aku cuts off your head so in my opinion this bunker is just so ridiculous it's so overpowered and I like the way each ability plays into the next so if you end up falling down this rabbit hole there's less and less chance you're coming out the other side alive and I really love that I love the idea of both players in this game being dragged down to the depths until one of them dies and I think that's really really cool I don't think HUBO showcased Kyo rock whose bankai in the best way possible but I love what he's getting across I think it's you can't deny the sheer versatility and power of catting kyokotsu it's enough to kill stark in chika it's enough to remove the of the leader of the Schutzstaffel it's not Shin Suisse fault that this guy was immortal you know nosiree she couldn't kill an immortal guy either so it's really hard to kind of compare them on that front but I think that karach whose sword deserves to be fourth on this list who is gonna take a lot to beat knows Arashi and kat inca katsu but i think we've got it with the top three so before we hit the top three remember I have got a Twitter account you can follow the link in the description follow me there and also we do now have a discord for the channel so many of you guys have joined and so many of you have been incredibly helpful we're taking in your feedback we're improving the discord every day hopefully so it's a great place for you to come and chat bleach and you can talk about this video on there and let me know how wrong you think my ranking is I would appreciate that so the top three then the third strongest zanpakuto in bleach and number three is the zanpakuto of my favorite character Aizen Sasuke and his kyoka suigetsu for the longest time I think yo cursory gets you was probably considered the single most broken zanpakuto in all of bleach it essentially has no downside basically Aizen can just say the release command and you fall under his spell unless you happen to be holding the blade I always thought that was pretty arbitrary I feel like Kubo invented that almost on the spot just to give gain a way out but nonetheless that's the only way you could ever hope to stop kyokasuigetsu and you would only know that if Aizen told you which is you know he told gain apparently again someone as careful as eyes and I find that really hard to believe but he did do it anyway so what's important is that kyokasuigetsu has no discernible weakness unless you happen to know about it once you're under its spell Aizen is able to control all five of your senses what you see what you smell what you hear what you touch it's it's all there what you taste literally every single sense is encapsulated by kyokasuigetsu as Aizen says himself a swamp can become a flower garden or a theaters like a fly can become like a dragon or something like that but either way it's a completely power that is apparently inescapable this zanpakuto in its shikai state is strong enough to thwart you has the almighty which i think is just an incredible feat in and of itself obviously we never found our aizen's bankai so it's a testament to his chic eyes brokenness that its third on this list it's useful in almost every single situation he uses it to easily defeat Hera Bell he uses it to confuse the entire gotei 13 into attacking and nearly killing Momo and this like I said there's no downside to this power Aizen has to put you under it once and then you never know if you're it's being used on you again so kuku suigetsu is absurdly powerful Kubo kind of wrote himself into a corner with this sword I think they just made it so broken obviously if you're battle-hardened and you're smart enough about it like Yamamoto was interestingly there are kind of ways to circumvent it when Aizen stabs Yammer and Yama grabs eyes and he's like I might not be able to see or feel anything around me that is real but I know this is you're a Otsu so I always thought that was an interesting it's not so much a weakness of the sword it's more younger being smart about things but yes far as I'm concerned kyoka suigetsu absurdly powerful and pretty fitting for the god of bleach so much as it was with the top to stern Ritter's I have had quite a bit of trouble with the top two zanpakuto and I've deliberated about this quite a bit I think it can go either way I think if you were to put these two in a fight the battle would be decided by what happens first if one of these guys was to land a hit on the other they would probably win if the other person was to go bankai they would probably win so let's go into this let's discuss this and see if you guys agree with my placement I'm gonna try and make an argument for this and we will go from there so the second strongest zanpakuto in Bleach is yes the second strongest zanpakuto belongs to the leader of the zero division himself each EBA heõs obey and is his sword ichimonji ichimonji is a very creative zanpakuto and it is utterly unlike anything we have ever seen in bleach before its power it's basically its base form starts out as a massive brush like a calligraphy brush and when it goes into shikai it gains a blade at the top but its ability is actually similar to that of a brush as Yuhas says when he fights it your Bey as it should be is swinging the sword it's not really doing anything but splashing ink everywhere it chubais then reveals that the sword doesn't cut flesh it cuts names and I remember reading this and be like what is going on here this is ridiculously powerful because apparently we find out that everything in Bleach the power is in the name and obviously this makes loads of sense because you activate your zanpakuto by calling out its name etc etc so each of a has the power to cut names so he cuts you has arm and it's a little harder in English because obviously in Japanese they write you know in like kanji for instance which is actually an image which can be thought visibly cut in half so in English if the word arm is reduced to just are you has arm loses half of its strength and it's like that is absurdly powerful each of a has the power to essentially splash someone with ink and erase their abilities they lose all their strength and here we see that against you Hart and he loses everything and then it should be activates his bankai sheera food ah'm on G and which point he can then rewrite your name and assign you a new one he gives you how the name black ant which basically makes him literally as strong as an ant although I've never really understood that I don't understand how he doesn't instantly die the moment it Jubei kicks him after that but doesn't really matter one way to think about it Jumanji is I've always kind of wondered what the point in the bank I was and I know that sounds weird but ichimonji allows you to array names so at that point your opponent doesn't have any powers so why would you then give them a new one even if it's Black Ant that's more more than nothing so I've always found that kind of weird unless maybe I'm misinterpreting it I'm not entirely sure either way it should be is in a position where he was to fight literally anyone he can cover them in ink and have them lose their ability of course this makes sense he's one of the progenitor Shinigami he is one of the first spiritual beings to ever be in the bleach universe his sword is clearly going to be exceptionally powerful and the fact that he is the person who gives the names to everything he is the monk of perception this makes perfect sense to me and I think it's only fair that the leader of the Royal Guard has a zanpakuto that is frankly as divine as this so who then could possibly be number one and obviously you know who it is by now I would assume and again it kind of comes down to mitigating circumstances but I really do believe that this sam puckett o is unrivaled in what we have seen in Bleach so far but both in terms of shikai and bankai so let's get into it yes the most powerful zanpakuto in bleach belongs to yamamoto shigekuni genryusai the original Captain Commander of the soul Society for over a thousand years and his zanpakuto is the fire renew jinn jacker now we've seen ryujin jakka a few times throughout the series and every time we see it it's a total spectacle Kubo goes out of his way to showcase the raw energy and power of this blade every time you mow it so releases it even shikai is a huge deal and it's command is reduce all of creation to ash much like many of the swords that have come before ryujin jakka has just an absolute plethora of abilities whether that's joke a coup enjo n xu g goku Nadder giri like these powers just go on and on and every single one of them is apparently more powerful than the last joke a ku NGO allows him to trap people in apparently an inescapable fiery fortress while in its Yugi Goku literally bring up these tempestuous pillars of flame apparently enough to annihilate an entire city both of the big bands in the series Eisen and you ha had to prepare special measures to deal with ryujin jakka Aizen created one device just to extinguish Yamamoto's flame and new high use the roid lloyd twist to wear Yamamoto down before defeating him himself let's not forget as well that Yamamoto captured flames inside one dies his head were enough to destroy the entire of Carriacou town if that bomb had gone off yamamoto sword is absurd in every sense of the word it's clearly designed to be this god-like flame which everybody fears every time it goes off the entire everyone in the vicinity is like freaking out no matter what and that is just the shikai we haven't even started yet guys Janos bankai is anchor no tachi is ridiculous and I can't begin to tell you how happy I was that we actually saw this thing in full and it's really Sanka no tachi that puts Yamamoto above it should be I still believe that were it jebaited cover yamamoto in ink he probably would win that fight but if Yamamoto was already in bankai if he'd already activated Zanka no tachi west and covered himself in a fiery shield I don't think the ink would even get anywhere near him I think it'd be very similar to Android tries to strike Yamamoto and his sword is just erased from existence in his bankai yellow out of has access to four different abilities East which is the first one we see and it can already erase stuff from existence as though it were never there to begin with every single flame Yamato has is concentrated on the edge of the blade and the moment it touches anything it's gone it's just gone from existence there's nothing left not only that but yota has access to as I said West which generates a fiery shield essentially around Yamamoto although it actually turns his body into flames he is literally breathing fire out of his mouth and it's so hot that getting anywhere near it reduces things to ash essentially so that's why I think the HOA wouldn't be able to approach Shalem out so in that situation then we have Zanka no tachi north which is basically a move it's pretty much basically big glorified sword swing but it's enough to kill roid in essentially one hit and then we have the most impressive move most visually insane ability in ER Moto's arsenal use anchor no tachi south kappa daemonic who she died so jin i think is how to pronounce just in the off thought my head really opened us right but basically he raises the dead I mean it doesn't get any crazier than that he's flames ignite the hearts and bones of the enemies he has killed and they rise up to fight for him I mean is that not just the most metal ability you've ever seen I think we all wondered if Kubo would ever really be able to do justice to yamamoto's bankai and i think that speaks volumes about just how powerful his shikai is none of us could even fathom what a bankai would be its kind of similar for Kenpachi in a way but i remember people speculating maybe it's the sokyoku maybe he will literally bring down the sun in a fight and I think that again speaks volumes for the power of yamamoto zanpakuto itself so I think that Kubo did do justice to Yama and I think he did so by giving him clearly the most powerful zanpakuto in the series I think it G Bay's ichimonji is broken enough to where he could stand a chance and defeating Yama in mitigating circumstances if he splashes him first it's probably over but even then it's hard to say it's hard to say if Yamamoto Senko wouldn't just melt the ink away you know it's you know if he activated it after he was covered really really hard to say but I'm happy putting ryujin jakka at number one on this list in my opinion it really has always been the showcase zanpakuto that is used for spectacle that is used to terrify enemies I mean the amount of characters have been one-shot by this thing when at when you're moto ignites a on I love that moment so much he takes out all three tre beast yes in one hit he wipes out three starters in one hit he kills Driscoll Percy in one hit like I can go on yaaaay Oh sword is the most powerful zanpakuto in Bleach and I'm pretty happy putting it at number one so that's it for this pretty lengthy video guys ranking the zanpakuto in terms of power that is my top 10 strongest zanpakuto list but let me know where you think I've gone wrong I can imagine some people probably not agreeing with it entirely but I hope I've done decent job of explaining my position and I'd love to see yours as always in the comments below guys let me know where you rank these swords or if you're bringing in some others that I didn't include in this list I'd be really interested to see but until next time guys make sure you subscribe for more weekly bleach content and I'll see you then good bye
Channel: MrTommo2304
Views: 595,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bleach, bleach manga, bleach discussion, bleach ranking, top zanpakuto, bleach best zanpakuto, bleach strongest zanpakuto, top 10 zanpakuto, manga, anime, bankai, aizen, ichigo, grimmjow, bleach fights, MrTommo2304, MrTommo2304 bleach, bleach anime return, bleach anime trailer, bleach tekking101
Id: cvmTtc8Bsmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 6sec (2166 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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