Ranking the Bleach Sternritter from WEAKEST to STRONGEST (Part 1)

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This was surprisingly difficult due to their powers being so vague and weird a lot of the time. Let me know how your ranking differs!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/MrTommo2304 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 18 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I can't tell who is the strongest or not, but Nanananana daring to attempt to even think of believing he could touch Aizen while sitting in the Chair-sama makes him easily the dumbest.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/KyoukaMugetsu ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 18 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

It is SO complicated , sure I know what tier globally they belong to but I d have a hard time saying which one is 18 or 17 for example. One point for the prononciation of all those names

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/612marion ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 18 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Hey, getting killed by Kenpachi isnt embarasing. Hes frigging Kenpachi!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/juli4n0 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 18 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

NICE ranking man๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ‘

I pretty much agree with The WHOLE list!!

Canโ€™t wait for part 2!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/XXDetergentXX ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 19 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
it's finally time to rank the stern writers so I've deliberated on this list endlessly now I've gone backwards and forwards on it I've moved people around and I think I'm finally there I think I'm at a place where I'm sort of happy with the list I've got and when I say sort of it's because the characters on the list their powers are just so weird the stern writers have this collection of abilities that range from completely situational to just totally vague to absurdly overpowered and it makes ranking them from the weakest of the strongest surprisingly difficult however I am at a place with it now where I am pretty happy to show it to you guys and I'll be interested to see if you agree with my placements before we begin a couple of housekeeping points I've not included you hi himself as to me he's not Oscar Mayer he's the Emperor of the vandamm Reich and let's face it he'd be number one also for my own clarity sake I haven't included either of grammys creations so there's no sheren-sama no and there's no Gwen aioli but every other sternritter is totally fair game as you've probably already seen from the thumbnail this video is going to focus on Stern mrs. 27 through to number 11 there's going to be a top 10 video coming out next but I just wanted to do this for my sanity and for yours as I think this is gonna be a pretty long video as it is so you might want to grab a drink and settle in because it is gonna be a lengthy one like I said if you don't agree with this list guys please let me know your own in the comments I'm always fascinated to see what you guys think to see where you drank characters and to see how similar we are if at all and if you haven't subscribed if you just found this video and you're new to the channel hit that subscribe button because if you love bleach you are in the right place by supporting me I can continue to support bleach and bring you guys videos and we can just keep that momentum going until the animation finally returns but without further ado what say we just get going with this list because like I said it's going to be quite long so the last place on our list is number 27 and for me the bottom sternritter was always going to be one of probably two characters and you might already be able to guess who they are these characters have the dubious honor of being the only character in the series that I can think of to be introduced when they are already dead so last place on our list then number 27 number 27 is sister it's a q the question Berenice Gabrieli we know next to nothing about this character like I said she is introduced to us already dead kampachi has killed three stern Ritter's and dumped them at the fate of hash Wharf and new-ha and berenice is one of them and to me out of the three of them she's the least impressive sounding we don't find out anything about her ability apart from vague hints from Kenpachi himself he mentions that she started talking and try and get him to question himself but being in the vicinity of her teammate Jerome his roar drowned out her ability and compact you just took her throats out this tells me a couple of things it tells me that the question is kind of useless because it's very situational if there's kind of any noise any loud noise it seems like it might be useless it seems like it might be similar to roses powers when if you cover your ears or something you're not gonna be affected not only that but Berenice is clearly not particularly sturdy Kemp actually appears to just rip her throat out and kill her in one hit so that's also quite embarrassing but I think the main fact of her being at the bottom I mean we know nothing about her be she dies immediately and see her ability is rendered utterly useless just by being in the vicinity of another sternritter which causes her to die so yeah that's not a great start for the stone Ritter's and I think Berenice deserves a spot at the bottom of the list alright so number 26 on the list then is as you might have guessed Berenices partner-in-crime stomata are Jerome guize bat the roar now Jerome always kind of interested me I remember seeing him on came back to shoulder and thinking like that guy is not human because in fact Jerome can actually turn into a big ape-like monster and then emit a sonic roar the roar is powerful enough to pop the heads of some nearby regular foot soldiers Shinigami but frankly Jerome just screams giant fodder to me he's another one of these characters that comes up against Kenpachi is larger than life and kim pachi just cuts him in half and it's something we've seen before with Tesla and gerricault it's impossible to say how well Jerome's were all would work against any other Shinigami but I don't think it's really gonna have the power to fire captain level opponents Jerome's translation might be kind of unique and cool but Kenpachi through him like butter and he goes down almost just as easily as Berenice next on our list is sternritter w the wind nozzle Wisel weasel i don't know how to pronounce it now I'll be honest at first I had car high hopes for this guy he's the first sternritter outside of the the big Trinity of you ha hash Wharf and were you to step foot in the Royal Palace and I thought his intro where he rises up from the shadow was actually really well done unfortunately it was mostly downhill from there so this characters ability is the wind and essentially he can make things Bend away from himself which is kind of creative everything about this character is focused on that ability right down to his design he has two tongues because the whole tongue twister thing he can't speak very well it's all to do with being wound up winding around things but unfortunately just doesn't make for that interesting or powerful a character my ansel is able to use his ability fairly creatively to help defend you ha and also to cut down a couple of divine soldiers but you hire himself says that his soul that could also deal with those soldiers meaning they're only really average Shinigami level strength nah Ansel is Len one-shot by senji Maru and I appreciate that San Jamar is a Royal Guard member but my Ansel clearly talks a little bit too much and completely gives the game away while leaving himself totally open to an attack it's pretty amateurish I kind of expected better from the stoma to that you have brought with him to the palace but I think that also speaks volumes my amazon is clearly only there because his ability is conveniently incredibly defensive he's able to bend people away from himself and although he manages to quite cleverly use his ability to kill a few soldiers I don't ever see it being useful against anyone remotely powerful next up is Sturmer tu the underbelly nananana jerk OOP or as I like to call him the off-screen sternritter this guy is really weird you know he's in this series a really long time he comes in around 495 I think he's the first era to get a name on screen and he lasts all the way until Busby betrays him and in fact he's in come for your own world as well for some reason but he just doesn't do anything this guy does everything this guy does I've known is off Green he first fights Rose off-screen he then threatens to defeat Renji that never happens and then he kind of comes in and it she go he basically attempts to attack it she go like this misses and then the last time you see him he gets shot in the back however he does one thing of note which is the thing that's stopping him from being last on this list he used this is underbelly to paralyze Aizen of all people for five minutes that's pretty impressive I don't really like Nana's underbelly ability I think it's pretty much useless I think it's very telling the only person he hits with it is strapped to a chair and can't move I think that speaks volumes about the underbelly juice in an actual battle the fact that nanana has to observe his opponents first and then he seems to actually have to hit them with it and then calculate their reacts ooh way too much going on it's a really really weird power and I just don't think it's that practical so yeah I think there's not a whole lot to say about nanana now number 23 of this list I think is probably going to be the first controversial entry and it's Sturm tuti the Thunderbolt Candice catnip and the first member of the Bambi's to be included on this list now don't get me wrong I actually think Candice has a really cool suite of abilities and the Thunderbolt is used in a really nice way I like the fact that she has a bunch of named attacks like galvano blasts galvano javelin and electrocution and I think her fight with it she o is kind of cool I especially love the creativity where she breaks her wings off and uses them as swords that being said I think this character is mostly just flash over any real substance I don't think she's that powerful out of the femme Ritter's that fight be a kiya she's the only one to go down and not get back up again during that fight whereas both men in US and little toto managed to survive not only that but I'm pretty sure in can't for your own worlds actually mentioned that Candice is the weakest out the lot of them and to me that actually does make a lot of sense she has camp actually prone on the ground and she hits him with a couple of lightning bolts and he manages to survive he's literally unable to move and she isn't it doesn't seem to be able to finish him off so while I like Candice his moveset I think she is the weakest of the Bambi's and I think that that is reflected in her attacks they're very flashy she uses the Thunderbolt in a cool way but I just don't think they have any real heft behind those moves next on the list is another member of the Bambi's and that's men in s Macau on now stir me to peed the power is not one of my favourite characters in the world I'll tell you that right now in my opinion she's kind of uninspired and her ability is not that interesting she basically has superhuman strength and she can also inflate her muscles to presumably become even more powerful she uses her ability a couple of times such as when she crushes a bunch of fodder Shinigami by picking up her row of buildings which is fairly impressive but frankly anyone can kill for a Shinigami she also manages to blindside it should go and smash his head into a building but he comes out the other side completely unscathed she also lands a punch on Kenpachi but again he's so severely weakened to that point that it's hard to really say how much impact he actually had he doesn't move again after that so that could be attributed to men in US but considering he is so weak it's really hard to say now I put men in a sub of Candis because she does survive against Bank I be a key aware Candis does get defeated and I think that you know is a point in her favor she's clearly sturdier than Candis which is what I think is Candis is real failing however she does get her mind taken over by Pepe and then hits little Toto in the face with her enhanced arm and yet somehow little Toto is able to defeat her off-screen that's why I feel pretty comfortable putting men in US as the second weakest member of the Bambi's now next on this list is a stoic I just feel we don't have enough information about his shrift and that's durmitor oh the overkill Driscoll Bercy now Driscoll is a really weird character because kuba gave him the honour of being the first villain in bleach to kill a named hero on screen Driscoll one-shots chojuro Sasaki Bei using his massive high leg fire lances that he can generate and that's pretty impressive not only that but Driscoll's ability the overkill seems like it's a limitless powerhouse of an ability every time he kills anything that's literally anything he grows stronger but I have so many questions about this power does that strength continually stack or does it eventually drop again over time if he doesn't kill anything for a while not only that but it's interesting that he says that he killed about a hundred Shinigami the first time he invaded soul society and then a hundred again second time he invaded and he still is only beating up hisagi a little bit you see his song he's smashing to the wall yes but he really isn't that injured however I do imagine that had Yamamoto not showed up and Driscoll's high leg file connected with Asami it probably would have killed him it's kind of tough to place Driscoll because he clearly has the power to utterly annihilate vice captain's we don't see him fight a proper captain because the Yamamoto is just so absurdly overpowered that you just one-shots them anyway so again this is one of those examples where there's just not enough information to reliably rank this guy but he's clearly above lieutenant level so I'm happy where he is now oh let's not forget he's also not the smartest of the bunch gloating Lee going up against Yamamoto that he's going to kill him with his own man's bank I really should have seen how it was going to end for yourself now we into the top 20 of this list and Stern meter 20 is one of the few to actually not get their shrift revealed and that's throw into K bg9 BG nines an interesting character because again not enough was answered about this guy he's a freaking robot why is there a robot in the van damn right army who built this guy I don't know Cooper doesn't seem to care I don't think we're ever gonna find out and this is fleshed out in the anime that being said BG 9 is kind of a weird one he's clearly strong enough to be able to wield SOI fons Jaca ho Rai Cobain as he's able to steal her bank I in the first place and when he goes toe-to-toe with her I think it's quite an interesting little fight bg9 is cold analytical and ruthless as shown when he attacks I might his sister for information however his mechanical nature does let him down during the fight and he's unable to detect SOI fon closing in on him at the start of the battle not only that but I feel like being g9 is another one of these examples where it's mostly just flash over any real substance yeah it's pretty cool that he brings out a massive minigun to attack a minor with but SOI fon breaks the thing in half with pretty much no effort during his actual fight with SOI fon it's very hard to tell if he ever actually uses his shrift I've always subscribed to the idea that it's something like the knowledge or the no which would explain how he knows so much about SOI front start and it explained his line about acquiring good data on the McCue shunko despite putting him at number 20 on this list I think BG 9 is pretty average captain level fighter he's clearly unable to keep up the SOI fon speed especially in close quarters combat when she lands a hit on him with McHugh shunko and she dodges his tendrรญa when he attempts to swipe at her later on in the fight he then unleashes a barrage of missiles at how it don't seem to hurt her that much however his analytical side does come into play and he's able to stab her in the wrist to prevent her from releasing her react suit I always thought that was a really cool little detail and that was something that he got from the fact that he learned more about her Shenko the start of bg9 fight is really good but in my opinion it just ends really nebulously he detonates himself somehow which knocks soi-fon out and he's apparently absolutely fine apart from the fact that his audio receptors are a bit weirded out but other than that he's completely fine so that's really weird makes Jack a I commend to the face and survives albeit with a pretty big hole in his head but again it just begs the question as to what this guy actually is he's clearly a robot of some description but even a robot shouldn't be I take a missile for the face so me g9 is just an enigma that unfortunately I don't think will get the answers to but I'm pretty happy putting him as a sort of average captain class spot now next up on the list I had a bit of trouble placing this guy I mean to be fair I had a or placing a lot of them but scimitar n Robert accoutrement is an interesting one I think it can all agree that we started out the arc very impressed with Robert and he was one of the Sterman to that cure gave a lot of spotlight to in the first invasion it seems like his personality was perfectly suited to fight and he starts out by going 1:1 with students we who is in shikai and just completely decimates him they have a really nice little skirmish actually which I think HUBO did a really good job on to show that schinsky wasn't completely outmatched but I also think that Karakas personality was getting the better of him here and that's actually something I want to make a video on in the future needless to say Robert speed is really put on show here he's able to essentially teleport behind karach him and shoot him in the eye knowing that but Roberts please showcase later on as well when he's the only character able to dodge hit she goes attack and he also manages to blindsided she go as well having said that I don't think Roberts gun is actually that powerful yes it takes action suicide but it was a point-blank shot to the face he also shoots karach about four times later on that fight and as far as we're aware clockwise fine after that like I said Roberts a really weird one he starts off the arc really impressive doing all the right things but later on his personality just seems to change and he comes whining he becomes wailing he becomes frankly considerably less impressive and he's basically never getting a chance to do anything again his Boston maniel also never really displays that kind of feat again and unfortunately Robert gets relegated to just not being that powerful I think next up on the list we have one of my favorites Teresa's and that starett ER IE iron can do it really pains me to put came due at number 18 on this list but I think it's a fair spot for him again this is a character that Kubo just did not give enough time to and didn't let him shine as I think he could've been a pretty impressive opponent once again like bg9 he's clearly captain level he's strong enough to wield I'm good and here in Mario and we actually see him use it as well not only that but he's able to defeat Rangi who off screen without taking a single piece of damage himself however for some reason it just goes very downhill very fast for Kang the moment hitsugaya gets his banker back he's able to freeze cang-du with no problem whatsoever and it's just I didn't understand it at all I still feel so bad for what Kudo did to both Kang and bg9 can do is wailing on hitsugaya through the entirety of their one chapter fight with all these impressive hand-to-hand moves none of them are doing anything by the way which is really bad but the moment hits a guy goes bang Chi properly can do you just falls apart he does some shading Zhou move on Toshi area but it apparently does absolutely nothing what I hate most about it is just the nebulous weight oh sure it freezes him he just thought brings his sword up and apparently it's enough to freeze can completely I don't know it's really weird the worst part about it is clang do is completely fine when he uses his volson dick to break out the ice he is completely unharmed but he gets killed off anyway so again it's really hard to say if Kang is anything other than an average captain level fighter and for this list I think it's only fair to place him here when he really hasn't done anything that impressive I just think that kuba could've done so much more of this guy and he clearly had so much more left to give next on this list we have my favorite member of the Bambi stoner - Zed at the zombie gizelle jewel now gizelle is one of these characters who really is not a fighter at heart she doesn't really want to fight I think she even says that using her horse and dick tires her out and miss Lee we do see her attempt a bit of hand-to-hand combat and bow and arrow at combat against Ichigo but it's mostly paid up for laughs her actual fight against Miri is a lot more eye-opening she's actually quite the strategist and I think she approaches the fight really well she knows when she has the upper hand she brings out bambietta she brings out Toshiro she has basically entire army of 11th division soldiers at her disposal and when hits you guys in trouble it summons the rest of them the zombified characters like Ken say rose and Matsumoto I think Gisele does pretty well in that fight and I think it says a lot about her character she's smart she's cunning and the zombie itself is quite a powerful ability now ranked against other Quincy's it's not that great because it's actually quite hard to use on a Quincy she has to actually kill them to do it but in terms of an effectiveness against Shinigami yes pretty good not only that but Gisele is also completely immortal although if she can't physically defeat her opponent there's not a lot of help that's gonna be I think it was unfortunate for Gisele to come up against me because he is the king of counters he has a counter for literally everything for some reason he has a counter for bambietta spawns despite the fact that I don't think he's ever seen this character before but you know and and he also has a counter for Gisele zombies so at the end of the day she was kind of screwed over by having me hurry as an opponent but I don't think she's weak at all I think she's just one of these characters who she's a puppeteer she's a puppet master so she is effectively useless on her own and that is showcased very well by the fact that can't say just stabs her in the chest the moment the fight turns the other way number 16 on this list is everyone's favorite Stone writer Pepe Wacka Prada I might get some hate for putting him this high up the list but stรผrmer tyrell the love is actually pretty dangerous to deal with I feel like a lot of people really under 8 Pepe because of his admittedly horrendous design I really like how he looks before he goes into his foursome dig that thing is is another thing entirely but Peck himself gave off this really cool kind of mystic vibe and yeah I think HUBO messed him up completely that being said Pepe is definitely a tough customer and he's able to go one-on-one with a royal realm trained byakuya and he actually gives you trouble and bear in mind this is just after beocca has wiped out about five stern races it's very clear from the start of this fight that Pepe is in complete control he uses his love very cleverly to get be a Kea to basically screw over his own zanpakuto all the while doing a two-pronged attack and attacking him with hisagi at the same time it's actually a really interesting chapter and be accurate is really put on the ropes here quite literally when Pepe hits him in the back with love rope be accurate definitely struggles in this fight whether you like Pepe or not there's no getting around that one thing I want to point out that a friend mentioned to me that I am literally never considered before but it's actually really interesting when Pepe hits me a Kia on the back with the love kiss and it does literally nothing to him I always thought that byakuya was probably cancelling that out with his own reiatsu because Pepe mentions that I'll be a Kia must thought we had to feel loved we know that's not true so it must be react suit but it might not be a friend of mine actually pointed out that it could be be a Kia's own King clothing acting as a serious defense against love kiss and I actually think that is really cool either way when Pepe activates his Volks and dick Kubo clearly decides to change tack with his character and turns him into a huge joke and that's basically why he isn't any high on this list despite having a full suite of abilities Pepe is just tossed aside by Kent say like it's absolutely nothing it's really really weird the tonal shift that happens with Pepe and I honestly think that combined with his vast and dicks design is the main reason for people hating this character as for me I don't hate Pepe I like the fact that he has a consistent theme to his character tainted love he's supposed to be this horrible version of Cupid but yeah I think humor just threw this character away in the end and it was a bit of a shame to be honest but I think Pepe himself is actually pretty dangerous and he was almost in control that fight could be out here the entire time top 15 now who we are getting there and now this is one of the ones that I think is pretty weird and very difficult to rank we have our first yourself brother Lloyd Lloyd now I kind of hate the Lloyd brothers I'll be completely honest with you I think their powers ain't don't make any sense and B I think the twist with Lloyd is just nonsense but that's not we're here to discuss let's talk about Lloyd Lloyd so if I'm remembering this writing they both have the ability to take on the appearance of somebody else which obviously Lloyd does he becomes Kenpachi but only Lloyd has the ability to take on their powers and abilities where his brother Lloyd can take on their personality and their memories it's very confusing especially since the manga itself doesn't seem to lend itself to this idea but we'll talk more about that when we get to Roy it talking about Lloyd himself and yeah I think the blatant weakness with his version of the yourself is that it takes the form of the character he's facing in that precise moment in time basically what I think that means is if person is at their weakest and they face Lloyd he will become that version of them and he cannot improve when as compact she was able to kill him by simply becoming better than the version of him that Lloyd had become it's obviously a very very powerful ability and unlike Berenice and Jerome who were obviously at the start of this list Lloyd takes a bit longer for Kenpachi to kill and I think his ability is inherently more useful and more impressive unfortunately for Lloyd I don't think that this weakness is limited to Kenpachi although Kenpachi is a great example of the kind of person who would just become stronger but I think any captain level fighter could really overcome what is essentially a base form version of themselves despite that I think Boyd is probably a pretty impressive guy to fight him patchy like that and he clearly outlasts his allies spot number 14 goes to Lil toto Lampert stomer to G the glutton of all the Bambi's it's pretty obvious that Lil toto is the smartest of the bunch and she is also the most level-headed which I think gives her an enormous advantage over characters like Candice now little Toto's ability is a bit too much on the weird side for me this is the pretty much the perfect epitome of the sterics is having very weird unquenched like abilities the fact that her mouth just becomes some massive strange eating machine is just really weird but it's undeniably quite powerful I thinking can't feel your own world it mentions that she's able to take the abilities of things she eats that's pretty good also like meninist she survives against bank I be Akio when three of the other staring to her taken out pretty easily and Lil toto is also able to defeat men in ass enough to escape with her life when manna Nash tries to kill her Lil toto also eats Pepe and Pepe is visibly terrified of this character despite being in his volson dig I think all of this kind of comes together to say quite a bit about Lil toto in that she probably shouldn't be messed with because she is actually quite strong despite maybe not appearing that way to begin with while her volson dig might look quite unimpressive and her glutton ability is really really weird I think there's no way you can discount little Toto as being one of the stronger members of the sternritter she's very level-headed she's very analytical she knows who she's going into a fight against like Ichigo and she tempers her expectations on that and I think it's mostly her personality combined with apparently an inherent toughness that kind of puts her this high on the list stur return number 13 is a real favorite of mine and that is theater F the fear as not as not some weird character he's really really hard to rank because his ability is utterly broken of all the shrift I think the fear is definitely one of the most powerful in a series despite the fact that Kubo attempted to nerf it in his fight with Rukia now we all know as not probably best for the way he utterly demolishes byakuya at the start of the final arc however on hindsight I administer that mostly to the fact that be akhiya had no idea what he was coming up against and essentially got hit by one of has not stones and it was over for him at that point and that's the problem with as his fear ability is so potent that he could hit anyone on this list pretty much and they would be completely gone in some ways it was hard not to put him in the top 10 because his power is just so absurd especially in his volson dick tartare for us you only need to look at him and he'll completely fall under his spell and we all that Rukia was about to lose that fight so why then is as only thirteen well there's a couple of things about this character that I think let him down I think the biggest one is showcased during his battle with Rukia as not it's kind of similar to Gisele in the way they let their abilities do the talking and they themselves are definitely not physical fighters and it's pretty obvious that when as his fear stops working against Rukia he is at a loss for what to do I think Kubo shows it really well in as its face and expressions and the way he tries to constantly justify what's going on to himself but Rukia runs rings around him until he's able to go volson big she cuts his shoulder he basically just lunges at her at the end of that chapter because he doesn't know what else to do and Rukia freezes him instantly so I think with as the big drawback is the fact that this guy cannot fight unless he's using his ability and I to be honest it makes a lot of sense the first fact shows him is being very ill and I think that kind of comes forth here and it shows you that as not can't do anything without his power that being said don't write him off physically completely he's able to tank Rukia sub-zero attack so I think putting him near the top of the list is pretty fair for this guy the next starett on our list is the last of the Bambi's and they're supposedly self-proclaimed leader and yet a master by nor stir Matuidi explode much like as not and the other two who stole bank I before her she's clearly strong enough to be able to wield a captain's bank I as she steals khakha Joe Tang gave me oh but that's not all ma'am yet has real power like a lot of these characters admittedly lies in her shrift and the explode is kind of crazy it doesn't have much variety and it doesn't have an awful lot of strategy to it but the destruction that she's able to cause is on such another level but I think she could defeat many of these Stuart adjust by simply detonating in the entire area we've seen that by using the explode she's even able to overcome shinji Sakon a day he attempts to alter her mind and yeah she gets messed up for little while but she just blows the whole place up and she's absolutely fine after that because what can you do against that bambietta is a walking missile launcher she's very very fast she can just completely annihilate the area around her I don't think can be understated just how or deadly her bombs actually are the fact that what she hits becomes a bomb only adds another layer of threat to this character and then there's her personality at least while she's alive during the Kawamura fight and before that she's completely mad the fact that she can just destroy everything with wanton abandon just shows you that this character cannot be messed with and that she would destroy everything in her path and number eleven and at the top of this particular list is Sturmer 2j the jail purge Opie now I'll be honest with you I really really considered putting courage at number 10 but on reflection he doesn't quite meet the same threshold as those guys most of whom are pretty insane Kurt on the other hand is very much the perfect all-rounder Quincy and he is the perfect introduction to the vandamm like as a threat this is because his knowledge of Quincy techniques is apparently incredibly impressive of all the sturm so he is literally the only one to ever use Ram so cane guy and the only one to ever use slavery this combined with his just general incredible effectiveness of fighting allows him to defeat lowly men only the Trez beast yes Aion and he pushes it to go to use bankai i remember reading the art point was first coming out and kurds would not go down like this sky was so hard to defeat and he fights for quite a while as well he just completely dominates the hueco mundo space and I think that's because of his general effectiveness as a Quincy Kerch is very interesting that in that his Jail ability is almost completely useless like this is one of the ones I'm talking about where it's very situational and yeah he gets good use out of it but Kerch fights based on his own power to me that's what makes him so impressive he's a little bit crazy so I don't think his attitude necessarily helps him too much but he's also very analytical not only that but he seems to have a Marcion over blooped Fame that just I don't think you really ever see again some carrots in the Quincy are just immortal but courage breaks his neck back into place after a on beats him up and apparently is fine courage in my opinion was used the benchmark for all Stern razors Kubo wrote the sky in the start he was like I'm gonna make this guy an absolute beast just basically to show off the threat that the vandamm wreak are unfortunately I don't think many of the Stoics actually live up to courage at example ever again and in that way he kind of causes a lot of disappointment I think it's undeniable though that slavery is monstrously overpowered Kyrgyz Blue is insane and this character is just a fantastic way to introduce you to the man to like because he is so powerful and he is such an all-rounder who and there you have it that is my list of stare emitters from 27 through 211 we'll be doing the top 10 video very soon I assure you but let me know in the comments below guys what you thought of this list as it stands so far that's an awful lot of characters to get through and you can work out obviously who is left for the top 10 I'll see if you agree with that as well let me know in the comments below guys if you agree with me at all on this video you might not agree with any of it please do feel free to leave your own lists in the comments I'd love to go through them and see what you guys have ranked um but yeah if you liked this video give it a thumbs up I really appreciate it it was quite a lot of work I think I'm losing my voice but yeah I really enjoyed making it I love talking about the sternritter sand bleach in general so like I said if you're new here make sure to subscribe alright guys until next time though until the top 10 video I'll catch you later see ya
Channel: MrTommo2304
Views: 228,922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bleach, bleach manga, bleach 2020, bleach anime 2021, bleach MANGA, manga, anime, bleach ranking, sternritter, ichigo, aizen, kenpachi, MrTommo2304, MrTommo2304 bleach, bleach discussions, bleach fights, bleach anime return, bleach anime trailer
Id: Zmjjx7n5toY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 17sec (1937 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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