Who is the SOUL KING? A Guide to Bleach's BIGGEST MYSTERY | Discussion

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well it's been a very long time coming but today we're finally going to talk about rayo himself the soul king of all the characters questions and secrets in bleach in my opinion the greatest mystery to this day remains that of the soul king the closest thing to a god in the known bleach universe the soul king rules over seoul society as a figurehead yet his importance runs even deeper than that in charge of the regulation of souls the sulking himself is a linchpin that is tied to the existence of the major worlds of bleach he is the fabric that holds together the reality of soul society waco mundo and the human world without the sulking there can be no bleach yet despite his critical importance in the lore of the bleach universe the sulking himself remains an incredibly enigmatic character if he can even be called that we know next to nothing about him despite him playing a major role in the motivations of both eisen and yuhabak and he's teased throughout the iran car arc before finally making an appearance in the final arc of the series but even there he mostly acts as a bystander but kubo drops a ton of tantalizing lore bits for the soul king throughout that story the sulking as a whole is elaborated on further in the can't fear your own world novels but even there we still know next to nothing about this godlike being in today's video we're going to look at what we do know about the soul king rayo himself so far ask some questions of our own and maybe even look at some of the inconsistencies that show up surrounding the soul king particularly in the thousand year blood war arc before we begin this video guys if you haven't hit subscribe yet make sure to do that right now hit that button down below if you're a bleach fan you're in the perfect place for content just like this every single week also give the video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it i really would appreciate the support and it really helps to spread the word on youtube so thank you so much to those of you who have already done that also if you want to take your support for me a little bit further we do have a patreon now we've just smashed the milestone and 50 patrons which i really appreciate um if you enjoy what i do here on the channel and you want to support me a little bit more you can do so from a dollar a month and every little bit helps so thank you so much to everyone who has become a patron already the soul king as an entity has always utterly fascinated me and it's kind of a bit of a weird contradiction because on one hand i think it's one of the things that kubo actually did really really well smashing my expectations for what the soul king was actually going to be and yet at the same time it's so brutally left hanging so many critical plot threads and important parts surrounding the sulking the thousand-year flashback even perhaps a flashback back to the beginning age of soul society the earliest age of soul society is crucially missing from the manga which was always so disappointing to me and now obviously kubo was going through some serious health problems and clearly decided some things needed to be cut so that he could at least still bring the story to a satisfying conclusion and i think as far as the soul king is concerned we do get enough in the thousand year blood war arc to be intrigued by him and to know a little bit about him i would have just loved a bit more and there are just so many questions we're left with regarding rayo but a part of me also kind of likes that at the same time it allows for some awesome speculations surrounding what i believe to be bleach's greatest mystery still but first some context surrounding the soul king's role in the story and how he has been portrayed so far in bleach and before we actually begin this video the way it's going to work is we're going to do a little bit of context first and we're going to break down the soul king's role in the thousand year blood war arc then we're going to break down everything that's kind of mentioned about him and can't fear your own world before finally coming around some questions we have ourselves the first time we actually learn of the existence of a monarch of the soul society is chapter 223 the scarlet creation where yamamoto reveals to hitsugaya matsumoto and odahime that the soul society has discovered eisen's true objective now at the end of eisens betrayal that little saga at the end of the soul society arc eisen reveals that he wants to sit upon the throne of heaven and i think many of us kind of took this to be somewhat metaphorical and it it still is today however the answer is also perhaps more literal than we were initially led to believe yamamoto reveals that eisen has his sights set on something called the oaken the king's key and as matsumoto clarifies it's literally a key that will allow eisen access to the royal house where he can then presumably kill the soul king yamamoto reveals that the soul king is a real being his existence is absolute but no shinigami has ever laid eyes on him he is incredibly mysterious and kept in a space completely removed from that of the soul society and his name is rayo it's immediately fascinating kubo just suddenly with one fell swoop added this entirely new layer of law to the soul society an organization we thought we knew pretty well from the soul society arc but no there's now a monarchy there's a royal family perhaps even the non-canon movie diamond dust rebellion implies that there is actually a full-on royal family but this is of course way before we knew anything about the soul king's true nature or his origin or anything like that and it is non-canon yamamoto also reveals that the soul king and the royal palace are protected by the royal guard however interestingly this is not the first mention of a royal guard however i do think that first mention shouldn't necessarily be taken with any real weight anymore way back in chapter 48 when a menos grande appears in karakura town for the first time rukia comments that the jurisdiction of menos grandes is normally left up to the royal special task force and that comes directly from the viz translations honestly though these days i wouldn't really take anything from that i seriously doubt these days kubo intends for that to be the same royal guard that we eventually came to know so we now have our driving force for the majority of the iran car arc eisen wants to enter the royal palace assassinate the soul king and presumably take the throne for himself but if you are hoping to learn more about the soul king in this arc you will be bitterly disappointed we get a couple of tidbits in terms of the pendulum regarding the royal guard or the zero division as they are revealed to be where some captains can actually be promoted to the zero division for life although we don't know how or why yet but the soul king himself is barely brought up again he's virtually never mentioned again through the entirety of the arc and i guess kubo felt that there wasn't really any need to do so at this point in the story we know what eisens after we have a tangible thing to worry about because eisen wants to essentially destroy karakura town to create this oaken so that is where our heroes goals are focused it might have been nice to get a little bit on the sulking but i also don't really know where kuba would fit it in in this part of the story that being said as the iran karak comes to a close and urahara helps ichigo defeat eisen eisen and urahara have a very telling final conversation before eisen is sealed away basically eisen starts ranting up urohara saying how can you have such an incredible intellect and allow yourself to be ruled by that thing and urohara kind of calmly replies oh so you've seen it and the two of them have apparently either seen the soul king or they have some knowledge as to his true nature and you have to remember that none of us knew anything about the king at this point so this was incredibly juicy news but unfortunately it doesn't give us any more answers other than the soul king might not be a traditional king or a traditional being now i remember reading this weekly when this little tit bit conversation came out people immediately thought perhaps the sulking is an inanimate object of some kind but it's interesting because kisuke as we've mentioned before on this channel is a big picture kind of guy he will do whatever it takes to maintain the status quo which is a recurring through line you will see throughout the majority of the kind of most experienced and in the know captains characters like kyoraku or ichibe for example will do everything they can to maintain that status quo and eisen is kind of interesting because out of all the people who like know that the goings-on behind the scenes he's the one who's unhappy enough with it to want to do something about it which i think is quite fascinating gives the sense that eisens less of a villain more of a pariah um but also what right does he have to challenge the soul king with the soul king's existence it goes far beyond eisen himself but kisko basically tells us this is the first time we really find out that the soul king is the linchpin of all three worlds and without him all three worlds will he at this point in the story keith's case says they will be destroyed but we don't know the true meaning behind that so i guess we can come then to my first question about the soul king really and that is how did ki skate and eisen ever see this guy it's extremely explicitly mentioned that no shinigami is ever allowed entrance into the holy halls of the royal palace um and yet kisk and eisen seem to have some good idea about the true nature of the soul king i think this could be one of two things i think that they could have literally seen him somehow they're both very very cunning very very smart not the biggest fans of authority either um they could have perhaps somehow got into the royal palace but i think the punishment for that would have been pretty severe um so it's difficult to envision that perhaps what i'm more thinking is they haven't literally seen the soul king but the two of them are smart enough to have read up about the sulking clearly the information is available in the archives to some degree anyway so they would have found out perhaps pieced it together what actually happened it is mentioned in the manga that the article about this the creation of the oaken actually dates back to the first creation of an oaken so that's a very thousands and thousands of years ago so i think that's more likely they probably being very intelligent pieced together the truth of soul society's original sin which is of course something we'll get into it also makes sense then that if eisen knows of the original sin of the soul society that he is unhappy with serving within that organization and wants to kind of change it from within i guess and rule up high as someone who can actually bring about a difference to the status quo and that's what frustrates him so greatly about ki scares that kiskay is so intelligent so smart and has such a good understanding of the world and yet he's more than happy to kick back in his candy store with his hat on and not really do anything and that's what annoys eisen so much but that's really it for the soul king in the iran karak so moving on then to the thousand-year blood war and this is where people were getting excited myself included i mean we've just found out this is the final arc of bleach if kuba is going to do anything with the sulking now is the time and maybe he wasn't like maybe he wasn't going to do anything with the king except in pre-release interviews before the final arc came out we did discover that kubo had plans to actually reveal the zero division in full in the manga so people were pretty ramping up their excitement for some involvement from the royal palace and we do get that pretty heavily actually when you look at the final arc as a whole the royal family stuff is pretty much central to the entire thing which is really cool and we see the zero division perhaps earlier than anticipated in the thousand year blood war arc but then that story arc is rocketing on a incredible pace early on so it kind of makes sense but after the quincy demolish soul society at the start of the story the zero division arrive and actually we are immediately whisked off to the royal palace which again was pretty mind-blowing back in the day to finally see the royal palace and actually i guess for many people perhaps myself included it felt a little less grandiose than i was expecting we'd been kind of waiting for so long this truly was you have to understand for weekly readers some of the most asked about content in bleach and it was just suddenly all being thrown at us at the start of the arc like many of us were expecting the royal guard to intervene when eisen was in karakura town but it never happened so to finally get this was pretty mind-blowing and it's here that we actually get our first look at rayo himself chapter 519 is the first time he actually appears in the manga we get to see the main soul king palace in the center of everything in the royal realm and this retainer kind of approaches a massive curtain his eyes are bound so clearly he's not supposed to be looking upon the king which again would bring into question eisen seeing it um and he basically comments saying have you awoken soul king my you know my my soul king and the curtains part and we basically see this massive crystal hanging in mid-air with a silhouette within it and then kubo gives us a very teasing look at this part of the king's face very very short dark hair no eyebrows and kind of like a vacant expression on his face but obviously the main draw are his eyes his very weird looking eyes that seem to have like four irises four pupils i guess um either way he looks very strange and you have to remember as well this is way before you harbok had the almighty way before we had three-eyed yuha um so we're already getting that eye motif from the soul king so that was really cool to see there are a couple of inconsistencies or not necessarily inconsistencies but oddities i'd like to bring up now about the sulking's initial appearance obviously the first one's pretty major um it's pretty clear from the silhouette in the crystal that the soul king has arms and legs in this scene um that's kind of weird you know i'm guessing kubo decided later on he had a really cool idea to flesh the sulking out a little bit further within the time frames he could and i'm not against this you know it's a long-running weekly manga series nothing is necessarily going to remain set in stone but for the most part the core of the soul king's character remains the same he is still sealed in this mysterious crystal um seemingly unable to do anything it is also kind of weird that the sulking seemingly like responds to this retainer it does kind of seem like the retainer is talking to the soul king as though he can hear him as though he's going to respond and it does seem like the curtains almost part to reveal the sulking as if on his doing that whole scene is like kind of weird and like with what we know now also kind of fascinating i think you really should if you haven't done go back and just reread that the end of 519 because it's really interesting to see um the soul king's first appearance now with what we know in the future um so it does seem like he has all of his body parts or at least you know his arms and legs anyway and i guess the final oddity comes again based on what we know of the soul king in the future he seems to be this totally mute husk of a of a life form who doesn't seem to be able to communicate really in any way shape or form but clearly he can clearly the sulking has some way of communicating with the zero division tenjiro mentions that i'm no you know that ichigo kid is special no wonder the soul king is absolutely fascinated with him where does this fascination come from the soul king and ichigo never inter interact in the story other than ichigo just cutting him in half which is a bit of a shame um but they are immediately thrust into that kind of conflict situation with yuha so it also kind of makes sense but clearly there's some level of communication going on here um ichibe mentions a little bit later on that it was the soul king who bestowed upon him the name of the monk um so clearly again the soul king can communicate with these guys on some level he infuses their bones with his own kind of power turning them into the ochen this was an interesting little i probably would call it a retcon um kind of around the same time as the soul king's first appearance it's actually revealed that there is no king's key like the oh ken the major focus of eisen's ambition in the iran karak doesn't exist um and actually the oaken is found in the bones of the royal division they're able to just move to and from the palace because the king himself has bestowed upon them the oakhen yeah it's kind of funny that we've been told there's this key in the library uh in in the library archives and kubo draws an actual massive key um and apparently it doesn't exist now i think kubo in some ways kind of gets a bit lucky here i think it actually works out pretty well you could quite easily you could quite easily believe that the knowledge that the royal guards are actually the oaken has been hidden from everyone else and there's just been this fake story about a key i could totally believe that although the zero divisions seem to believe that eisen actually wanted to create one of them um which again i really like i think it plays in really well to eisen's kind of god complex as senjumaru mentions he wanted to take life but also create life and infiltrate heaven and i think that's cool that works really well for me i have no issues with it it is just a bit of a funny retcon clearly clearly back in the irancar arc that was supposed to be an actual key um but i think kubo makes it work here i think he makes it work and it fits into the law really nicely but that was a bit of a tangent background again to the soul king and communication clearly he can communicate on some level maybe it's through the ocean they have in their bones maybe they can just telepathically hear him or something like that um but either way we don't get any elaboration and like i said the soul king does play a role in the thousand-year blood war even though he himself kind of acts as a bystander throughout all of it you harbach the emperor of the vandam right the first quincy is revealed to be the soul king's son um a pure quincy the multiple irises is the sign of a pure quincy apparently and yuha wants to kill his father to end his humiliation at the same time we find out that some of the soul kings discarded limbs actually have sentience and immense power of their own the right arm of the soul king fell to the soul society eons ago and then took on the form of mimi haggy this idea of a grotesque one-eyed god who would sometimes grant the wishes of rukon district inhabitants and then there's the left arm which became purni dapanka jazz which decided to side with his son yuha as a true quincy it's interesting that the soul king is clearly so immeasurably powerful that his own limbs can gain sentience and pernider is like captain level easy so that's actually really really interesting we'll get into the arms a little bit more later on but both of them are quite fascinating and i like that we got that in the manga that was really cool to see another thing that's again kind of interesting is that when we see the soul king after juha has stabbed him in the chest he has ears and then later on he seems to not have ears it looks like he gets rid of those as well um so kubo clearly decided as he was going on no i want this guy to have been stripped pretty much to the bone um of everything he has and it's again a big shame that we don't get any real soul king backstory in this arc whatsoever but uh does mention here that the sulking was essentially placed there by the shinigami to control the regulation of souls so you know when a soul dies in the human world and konsto is performed on them they can pass into the soul society and basically the sulking ensures that the worlds never are never destroyed by an imbalance like the quincy try to achieve you know i obviously have a ton of questions about the soul king is he actually uh bach's real biological father if so how does that even work in my mind i've always imagined it as the sulking had so much rayatsu that he just kind of could even have like torn it out of himself and it would have created another being there's a possibility i guess as well that uh arc is a a reincarnation of sorts or something like that but either way that whole area is really weird but they both have the power of the almighty which is this most god-like ability of omniscience and omnipotence combined into one and represented by their strange eyes both of them can see the future which is again really fascinating for the soul kings character now not too much more of actual importance happens with the soul king at this point his role has been played he has been killed which unfortunately for him is the extent of his role and probably was always going to be yuha has killed him tricked each ago into delivering the finishing blow and then absorbed the soul king's power to become the new king himself i think for the sake of context now it's a really good idea for us to just jump over to can't feel your own world briefly before we finish up the thousand-year blood war arc so in kant for your own world we get vital backstory about the sulking himself and even then it's still left vague and a tease at best i would say so you know a millennia ago at least we're talking probably actually millions of years ago the world of bleach was one one single primordial world was a twisted mass a haze of life and death twisted together some kind of strange ethereal place that you know the descendants of today could never even really believe that's how strange and and otherworldly actually is and people lived in this world hollows were rampant in this world like menos grande class hollows were just rampant in this world as well and they kept killing all the people that lived here and yet from this twisted mass this churning energy came a person a single being stepped out of the darkness essentially and this guy was a hybrid of basically all the races that would come to be a shinigami a quincy he was part human essentially so that he would be a full bringer as well at the same time and he would be the great ancestor to what would become every race in bleach now this guy very very little to the point of nothingness is known about his true motivations his true nature his way of thinking but it did seem at least like he cared for the human inhabitants of this primordial world and he uses his immeasurable power to save them from the hollows that are preying on them and apparently he's so powerful that he can just simply reduce these hollows to mere sand unfortunately for this god he's because he is a god essentially he's a messiah who has kind of come out of nowhere to be their savior unfortunately for him he drew the eyes of five ancestral beings these guys are you know some of the absolute progenitors of the soul society the earliest beings of the soul society in many ways and they are the five ancestors the other sort of original founders of the five great noble houses in seoul society now there's nothing to say this god-like being had any kind of malevolent intent whatsoever it seems like he just wanted to do his best to protect these people but in doing so in wiping out the hollows from existence he was threatening to destabilize this single world so these five beings came up with a plan these five beings captured what would eventually become the soul king and used his immense power to turn their one world into three and create an actual system of life and death by using the soul king's power they split that primordial world into the soul society waco mundo and the human world a place for humans to live a place for the hollow spirits to live and a place for the shinigami and human spirits to live and everything seemed perfect these five beings had essentially managed to save the world from destabilization they had achieved their own goals at the same time as well however none of them trusted the soul king none of them could see past his incredible capacity for power and they were threatened by him and concerned and worried by him despite the fact as i mentioned he has never shown any inclination to want anything other than to protect these people as they were so unconvinced of his cooperation the five beings committed the original sin of the soul society they took this seemingly unassuming but all-powerful being and they performed a ritualistic imprisonment of him tearing off his arms gouging out his organs whittling away his legs and just turning him into this complete lifeless husk seeing him inside a great crystal for all eternity doomed to act as the linchpin to hold these three worlds together sealed within this crystal in a space between life and death the sulking would reside here now pretty much forevermore until the day of his actual death a millennia at least maybe probably even more in the future now the soul king allowed them to do this to him with no resistance whatsoever again something that unnerved these beings to no degree but didn't stop them from doing it you know they shredded his body ripped him to pieces you know basically turn him into the soul king we see today and i think probably this is likely due to his ability of foresight he could see the future you know to a capacity beyond their comprehension he knew that one day his son uh bark would rise up against the soul society come and end this humiliation that he is in taking the seat of the soul king for himself now in doing so as i've mentioned already they ripped off the soul king's arms tossing the right arm down where it would eventually land in seoul society and take up the form of mimi hagi the left arm i think is a little more confusing it's harder to know exactly what happened to that arm but it clearly found its way to uh back at some point and they formed a bond we know that pernider had the powers of compo the compulsory before it was given that title um and the same goes for gerard as well gerard of course is the heart of the soul king the soul king's heart was ripped out and at some point it bonded with this quincy gerard valkyrie i think it's implied that gerard was a retainer for the heart of the sulking rather than actually being the heart himself much in the same way as ukitake was for the right arm and it's really fascinating to see how the soul king despite being torn apart despite being lost to the ages in many ways had an influence over people's lives becoming the heart within gerard and i would presume that miracle power he has is essentially the the kind of immortality of god this because he is the heart of the soul king um and when gerard found his way to uh uh gave him the miracle based on the powers he already had inherited from the soul king the same goes for pernader yuha gave it the title of the compulsory based on the fact it already had the soul king's powers one thing i'm wondering is when these people used whatever power they had to just tear the sulking apart did they use something akin to shinken hakyoken that nanal's family the isa family have kept for generations with the power to deflect and split apart a god it seems pretty clear to me that that would have been used on an actual god the one true god if you may of of bleach's universe we've seen what it does to leo barrow who is a messenger of god um and so i can imagine it was probably used to split the soul king apart but we never actually know for sure and so now we know the truth about rayo we know what happened to him and why he looks the way he does the biggest mysteries remaining really are his true nature his motivations was he truly just a kind-hearted individual who was causing destruction but didn't really mean to was just trying to save the lives of the people he was living with in this primordial time it's fascinating to think that with this insight youharbach was trying to return the world to this state and it does actually seem like maybe juha had more respect for his father than you might initially think when yuhar approaches rayo in the present day he says that although he has become pitiful and unable to stop this he is going to end his humiliation now and perhaps even his father has already foreseen that his death would come this day and uh does kill the soul king with ichigo's help and it begins to set in motion the destruction of all three worlds and a return to the original state of the universe of course ukitake activates kamekake we've talked about that in our ukitake video recently which helps to stabilize the world we find out that the right arm of sulking in the millions of years it's been separated from its original body has grown an attachment to the soul society that he has been protecting all this time whether that is due to its uh inhabiting ukitake's body for so long it's difficult to say but regardless mimi haggi tries to bring the soul king's body to stabilization and therefore save the soul society in its current state something yuhaba cannot comprehend and also couldn't see because the soul king being the progenitor of the almighty is actually outside of being able to be affected by uh's power which is really fascinating and it's super interesting because because the sulking himself has no autonomy has no personality no speech no nothing mimi hagi and pernida and to a lesser extent gerard are our best indications of the soul king's personality even though mimi haggi has taken on a will of its own it's still really fascinating to see it kind of gloating at you when he's so surprised to see it fighting for the shinigami when you has been like how could i not see this is it because it's you residing in that right arm rayo the eye kind of like squints at him in this really like mocking way which i always found to be really fascinating um but it's interesting that juha you know he takes personal offense to this he's so surprised that the right arm would actually rise up against him in favor of the shinigami implying that the majority of the soul king does see the shinigami as enemies which is something we'll see in a minute as well um but yuha is furious at this furious that the right arm of the soul king would try and attack its own son um and he destroys mimi hagi and takes all of its power and then proceeds to take the power of the sulking as well now ichibe mentions that the soul king essentially has no equal and i think kubo does a really cool job of showing this actually in the manga itself without explicitly saying it now when yuhar tries to absorb the power of the soul king there's so much rayatsu thick overflowing rayatsu that uh just collapses to one knee staggering as he tries to absorb this power and you have to remember that this is you ha we're talking about pretty much the most powerful character in the series up until this point um and even he cannot contain the power of the soul king he collapses to the ground lil barrow's like do you need some help your majesty and he's like barely able to say anything and as he does try and take all this power there is a massive surplus an enormous amount overflows from uh his cape like turns into rayatsu and it just pours down towards the soul society and hash wolf mentions as the stomach to kind of freak out about the fact that the soul king's torrent of rayatsu is turning into like these monsters with their own sentience hashwolf says you have nothing to fear the soul king's enemies were only ever the shinigami obviously the sulking harbours some kind of grudge to the soul society for their original sin which i think is absolutely fair enough but yeah you see the soul king's reaction just take the form of millions of these actual beings that go down towards the ground and we've seen this before you know it's always someone of great power whose rayatsu is so strong it becomes another being whether that's stark and lilinet kenpachi and yachiru um but now the soul king has so much rayatsu that it has just basically created an army and it's absolutely fascinating to see it then go for the shinigami and try and destroy them and you know that's why yuha's so surprised that mimi hagi chose to side with the shinigami after all and i guess that's what became of it after living with them for so very long but after yuhobark finishes absorbing rayo that pretty much is it for the soul king as we knew him after ichigo kills yuha the amount of the massive soul king rayatsu that is now a part of him essentially keeps him in this undying state and the zero division are able to then use him as the new soul king to ensure that the worlds are stabilized once more and to be honest it really really bugged me in the manga that this wasn't revealed like the story just ends with apparently no soul king which was the whole point of the whole thing they were supposed to be saving the sulking um but you know we find out you can't fear him well there is a soul king is actually you hobart's corpse and the the zero division were prepared and ready to use ichigo in that place if it came to it and so coming in at basically 40 minutes on rayo we have to ask ourselves what else is there we need to know and for me it comes down to the smaller details the actual question of who is this guy you know what made him tick did he think like a normal person could he speak like a person you know how was he acting was he acting purely out of self-preservation or out of the kindness of his heart for the people around him the soul king is the progenitor of so much in bleach he is the first of almost all the races um a unique position that just nobody else has and can even really attest to uh mark is obviously the closest thing we get to a real soul king um acting as his son but again how is he the soul king's son it's never really explained um the sulking is so fascinating and i think it must have had surely colossal ramifications to actually lose him from the world because he is destroyed and his entire being is sapped up inside you hobbox so he is gone essentially after that um but you know in many ways it seems like uh did respect his father wanted to end his undying humiliation wanting to save him from the curse he had of just governing in an almost lifeless state a static state so in that respect uh does become a more interesting character as a result the soul kings inclusion in the story and yet it's fascinating to see how the soul kings influence extends beyond just his you know mutilated body inside this crystal his right arm governs stillness and stagnation while his left arm governs progress and evolution that's awesome as well his heart found its way into gerard valkyrie incarnate for your own world we discover that it's his saketsu chain kind of became and found its way into aura the fullbringer and that the soul king's nails were also ripped from his body as well many of them were fed by eisen to his own hogyoku and also by tokinada to help piece together hikone but crucially many of those nails went on to help humans become full bringers so really the soul king has been behind everything in many ways it feels like he's just the original quincy he has quincy-esque eyes it sounds like he destroyed hollows in a manner very similar to the way quincy's do and of course he is the father of you harbach and there's a delicious irony there that the soul society was perhaps run by the progenitor quincy but i think the soul king is more than that it's difficult to label him as just one race he is a true amalgamation of nearly everything which again is why those hybrids ichigo hikoni and gingo can act as potential substitutes but the sulking truly fascinates me in case you can't tell on a level that is difficult to reach for much else in the series it's such a shame in that way that we see him so little in an arc that really does focus on him so much but i think that about wraps up this video on rayo and the soul king i'm sure i have plenty more to talk about regarding this character sometime in the future i can't wait for the anime to come back i'm not sure if they will but you know there's that part of me that hopes maybe they'll delve into the soul king's history a little more or if there's the off chance we get can't for your own world animated at least we might get to see this original version of the sulking in this original primordial world i would absolutely love that so guys i hope you enjoyed this video let me know in the comments below what you think of the soul king as he appears in the bleach manga are you happy with how kubo portrayed him or at the very least the amount of depth and themes that this character seemingly had let me know i'd love to hear and also let me know what you thought of the soul king in khan for your own world as well and what your biggest question is regarding the soul king let me know in the comments until next time though guys i'll catch you later i'll see you then
Channel: MrTommo2304
Views: 203,600
Rating: 4.9247394 out of 5
Keywords: bleach, bleach manga, bleach discussion, bleach anime, bleach tybw, bleach soul king, bleach zero division, manga, anime, bleach new anime, bleach final arc, MrTommo2304, MrTommo2304 bleach, aizen, bankai, yhwach, ichigo
Id: 8SAr3FfAgVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 24sec (2364 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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