TOP 10 Most BROKEN Bleach Abilities, RANKED (Manga Only) | Bleach Ranking

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right so i figured i would get the spooky season rolling by trying to tackle a list which genuinely terrifies me and that's ranking the top 10 most broken abilities in all of bleach now eight years ago i did a similar video to this looking at what i believe to be the top five most broken abilities in the series the only problem was the thousand-year blood war arc had barely gotten off the ground and so we hadn't even met like two-thirds of the stern ritter at that point so when it came back around to today when i was doing my research for this version of the video i had my head in my hands at one point realizing that maybe half of the stern writer alone could make a list like this and of course it's no secret that bleach is home to a massive catalogue of weird wonderful and absolutely bonkers powers which don't seem to have any kind of rhyme or reason but that's part of why we absolutely love the series as fans kubo gets so creative with his abilities creating some truly unique and marvelous powers that in many cases help to define the characters and etch them into our memories that being said it does make a list like this quite difficult and honestly when i was coming up with my 10 for this list i knew i wouldn't be able to make everyone happy to be honest i'm not even sure i'm happy with it at the end of the day i'm pretty happy with spots one and two but everything else i think is genuinely fair game and there were so many characters and abilities that couldn't make the cut where i felt they genuinely deserved to like soifon's nigeki kisatsu ability ugram hash waltz the balance mask the masculines the superstar askin naklavar purni dapanka jazz and their schriftz uh xyliporo granz's gabriel ability uh bucks al's phelan most of yamamoto's bankai there is just so much that could have made the cut and didn't and i feel kind of bad about that but i think at the end of the day i have to settle with what i've come up with and you know i'm i'm all right with it but i'm also very keen to find out what you guys have put because i truly think this could be such a subjective list and i really want to know obviously like always where we actually mesh if you've got similar picks to me but i'd also love to see who else makes your list and why so as always please let me know in the comments below and before we get started guys if you haven't hit subscribe yet make sure to do that now because you're in the perfect place for bleach content like this every single week don't forget to give the video a thumbs up as well if you enjoyed it because it does help with the exposure it helps my channel and it helps the video get out there to more bleach fans like yourselves and if you do want to support me that bit further we have a patreon for the channel too where you can support me for as little as a dollar a month you can gain early access to my videos and of course a an enormous thank you goes out to everyone who is already supporting me over there i truly really appreciate it and without further ado let's kick off this list and before we begin just one final thing this is from the manga only we'll probably do another list at another time including things like the light novels and maybe even anime filler as well it's just if i'd included all of that i probably would have lost my mind especially at some of the stuff that's in those novels so for now we're doing manga only but obviously your lists can contain whatever you like so leave them in the comments below all right and so coming in at number 10 on this list to get things going is orihime inuis shinshan rika abilities now this being at number 10 meant it was obviously vying for that spot with a number of other abilities in the series but in my opinion i'm happy having orihime on here it's been noted numerous times in the manga that her powers encroach on god's domain itself it might look like she just heals and defends but in reality she is rejecting events that have actually happened this means she's able to do some truly incredible things such as restoring entire lost limbs or apparently restoring entire halves of people's bodies such as with mentally malia there is a little bit of contention with the limits of this power i would say anyway certainly in the canon manga the way kubo draws menoli's injuries it really looks like she is dead and orihime successfully brings her back to life which would be an incredible achievement however there are a couple of times later on in the manga where it seems like she can no longer do this such as when she's unable apparently to revive ichigo after his fight with all kiara the second final battle when he actually dies and at the start of the thousand-year blood war arc she seems to make no attempt to revive the deceased iran car in waco mundo so i'm not entirely sure where the limits of her power actually lie but regardless what she can actually do is truly incredibly impressive you know when it comes to her defensive capabilities as well she even defends against almighty uh buck in the very final battle of bleach orihime might be a contentious pick because i do think her powers seem to fluctuate throughout the series but the very notion of what she's able to do the fact that even someone like eisen commends her for saying her powers you know trespass onto god's domain i'm pretty happy with her being on the list and coming in at number nine is an ability i really enjoy and that's tsukishima shukuro's book of the end an ability so scary and powerful it basically decided the entire trajectory of a story arc now tsukushima's ability again is very easy and simple to use he simply has to cut someone and he's able to immediately insert himself into their past as someone of note to them and essentially what this amounts to in a rudimentary way is total mind control it's obviously not really mind control when you get into the minutia of it but for all intents and purposes that is what it achieves and he manages to turn each of those closest friends and family against him although it's really quite clever because he's not really turning them against ichigo they ichigo himself is doing that they all all fukushima has done is turn them on to him and that's potentially what makes it so dangerous but i also love the sheer amount of applications this power actually has kubo took it to brand new heights in the fight with biakyo when tsukushima cuts the inanimate ground beneath him and inserts himself into the very history of the land that they were fighting on which is completely bonkers again the nice variations on his power he cuts biaccio and inserts himself into biakia's past as his mentor there's a bit of um debate between fans as to what this actually means i've always read that scene to be tsukushima saying that he has gained the um the disparity between their strengths in terms of training by cutting biakia he has grown to be able to match biakia toe to toe because normally i don't think he would be able to but by cutting him book of the end has granted him that training that he would have had by being that person in biaccia's past so it's a truly devious and dangerous power one that is apparently so easy to use as well um and it's it can just completely shape um and you know an outcome of a situation so book of the end i think absolutely deserves its spot see i just like look at my list and i genuinely think any of these could be almost any position on here like they're all completely crazy um and coming in at number eight is just ichimonji shikai now i had a bit of a difficulty when i began this list i was thinking to myself how do i include zan pakto because they're not really abilities zanpato have abilities um and if i was going to do zarpakto i would just do the top 10 zampakto list again so basically what i've what i've come down to is if a zampakto has a singular ability then that can be counted that's all it can do that's fine but if there's one that has numerous abilities i've just chosen the one i believe to be the most broken but here we have ichibe hiyosa bay's ichimonji which like i said it's sheikai former has just the one ability but that in itself is crazy by splashing ink on any part of his opponent ichibe can remove the name of whatever he has splashed and by doing so it completely loses all power instantly being nullified and completely worthless again it deserves to be on this list i think the sheer ease of use ichibe just has to activate hishikai and then clash with something get some ink on it and it loses its name um you know you see this in full force against yuhabak himself ichibe just completely has him on the ropes nearly the entire battle covering his sword mate you know he says you know you don't know the name of that sword anymore it no longer has any power you know he covers you back in inc just removes him strips him of his name completely and i think it's obviously fitting the leader of the zero division has such a broken power um to his name but i i think it's completely fair for it to be on this list and thematically it's an awesome ability as well coming in at number seven we have another zanpak toe with a singular ability and that is eisens kyokus suigetsu's kanzen simon or complete hypnosis this one was originally higher up in my estimations but just seeing what kind of comes after it i couldn't really justify it eisen himself is monstrously powerful and his shikhai ability is totally broken hence his position on this list um basically eisens shikai as you all know can create perfect illusions that totally you know deceive all five senses and eisen's able to create something that looks and feels and sounds and smells totally real um deceiving people until it's too late and you know there are basically no limitations to this power when it gets directly compared in the manga to something like sakanade it's just so easy to see why kyokus so he gets he's just so much more powerful and has so much more versatility and different applications and eisen obviously uses this power liberally throughout the series confusing the entire goatee 13 into thinking they're attacking him when in reality they are actually attacking hinomori um and he also uses his power to deceive yuho box the almighty at the very end of the series as well i don't think it's any surprise that sui getsu's complete hypnosis makes this list um you know potentially it's a surprise it's not higher up but i think it just goes to show the caliber of abilities left to come on this list but i think uh complete hypnosis you know it was basically the catalyst for the entire end of the soul society arc i think it's more than worthy of being on here and so coming in at number six on this list rounding out this bottom half of the video is yamamoto's zanjitsu gokui ability or zanka notachi west and so unlike the last two shinigami i've just chosen the one ability here because ryujin jakka has just so many abilities um and i genuinely think that zankanotachi west is probably the absolute pinnacle of yamamoto's power in this form he is cloaked in rayatsu that takes the form of fire itself just billowing off of his body and it makes him completely impossible to touch his body apparently reaching temperatures of 15 million degrees he has become essentially a walking son royd gets close to him at one point attempting to strike him but his entire blade is just removed from existence essentially the reason i think west is just so insane is that it takes the power of east which is originally just um condensed onto the edge of yamamoto's blade and drapes him in it because anything that is touching yamamoto at this point is being removed from existence itself um and so i'm pretty happy with putting this part of his bankai on the list although you know it's yamamoto there are so many things he can do that are just completely obscene enetsuji goku is just a sheikah ability but it looks completely mad compared to many things you've ever seen in the series before but zanka otachi west for me is the true pinnacle of the late captain commander's abilities okay moving into the top five now and i hope you are ready for a certain race in the series to pretty much dominate this list starting things off with number five we have leo barrows the x-axis um and it's just it's just godlike it is it is godlike and many of these abilities are coming up next and that is really what distinguishes them from the rest um i feel like lil barrow's true power kind of came out of nowhere i didn't expect this for him at all but the true power of the x-axis means he is completely unstoppable his attacks can penetrate everything there is no defense that can stop him but at the same time his true body becomes unable to be hurt he phases through everything much as in the same way as he can't be stopped his attacks can't be stopped nothing can stop him either and it's just ridiculous like you see kyoraku actually hit him point-blank with uh one of his blades it goes straight deep into his shoulder but then the sword just like drifts out of him as though he were smoke and it's completely it's just crazy and obviously x-axis kind of leads into his volston dig and all that sort of thing which isn't really part of the x-axis itself we're just looking at the the shrift and the shrift alone is just completely mad like he shoots through two defending uh royal guard members and still manages to kill oetsu um really this guy turned out to be so much more dangerous than i had anticipated and i think as the kind of holy warrior of god a holy um someone who bestows judgment on you hobart's foes it's more than fitting that he is this powerful in the series at number four we have a fairly old-school ability um feels kind of weird to say fake karakura town is old school but i guess it kind of is um and that's espada number two barragan louisenbarnes respira um and i think it's when you've been in the thousand-year blood war when you've been as deep in the thousand-year blood war as we have it's easy to forget that there were some abilities that could hold a candle to the stern ritter and barrigans is one of them he he is just a walking force of nature and there's a reason he was ruling waco mundo for as long as he was i wouldn't mess with him he basically continuously can emit this ooze this miasma that is a that is capable of touching something and then aging it until the point where it dies and turns to dust and you know thematically it's completely awesome i remember just my jaw hitting the floor a when i saw barrigan's resurrection for the first time but also when he then used respiratory i thought it was unbelievably cool but in terms of how broken it is again it's just so easy to use he can just send it out immediately with little to no preparation he can control how fast and how far it goes um and the moment it touches something that something rots and dies and decays and turns to bone and then to dust as we see with soyfon's arm in an amazing scene where her arm just rots turns into a skeleton and disappears hatchy the exact same thing happens to his hand but crucially there was a time where we thought maybe kedo can deal with barrigan and when hachi stepped up to the plate we were like knew it knew it except immediately kubo takes those expectations and throws them out of the window when barrigan rots and decays kido and you get the amazing uh cliffhanger of that chapter where he's like did you really think kedo was was ageless and that's kind of why to me barrigan more than deserves this spot this high up on the list his power sure he is an individual is flawed you know he's quick to anger he's very arrogant quick to rage but there's no getting around the cold hard facts that if you get touched by respirat unless you happen to quite literally be an immortal ageless being you're probably going to die okay and here we are with the top three um and these were kind of potentially the easiest for me to rank certainly one and two i'm pretty happy with overall um and with number three we've got gerard valkyries the miracle shrift um now the miracle again when if you if you've seen my video where i ranked the stern ritter in terms of their strength and power and ability and all that sort of thing i put gerard as number one and i wholeheartedly stand behind that and the miracle is a massive part of that the miracle is a kind of weird slightly abstract obtuse ability but it effectively boils down to gerard can't be killed and not only can he not be killed but any time he is injured or a part of him is destroyed or something like that it actually comes back stronger than ever before and gerard returns larger than ever before and becomes this hulking god-like monstrosity and i've actually grown to have more of an appreciation for gerrard over the years i used to think he was a big dumb sort of meat sack like yammy who was just there to be beaten around but actually the miracle is really quite cool i love the themes as well of this holy warrior of god who won't die i love gerard's line where he's like i wield my blade even in death for my lord um and the miracle allows him to do that you know there's a great moment where kim patchy just slices off his arm but as though it were nothing gerard just grows a new one bigger and stronger than ever before um and we've never we have never really seen anything like gerard in the series before he's killed once um when biakiah punches through his face at the very start his helmet comes off and his the back of the helmet has a hole in it so biaccia has basically sent sembonzaka through his head but the miracle activates and gerard returns massive and defeats everyone he's then killed again when kenpachi cuts him in half but you better believe the miracle activates his body stitches itself back together again and he's even bigger than he was before and then he's killed again when the captains team up freeze his body and smash his head and he comes back bigger and presumably stronger than ever before kubo was quite obviously making a statement about gerard and his power he is an undying angel of god and the miracle grants him that um and obviously the miracle i'm presuming anyway you know stems from the power of the soul king that he has deep inside him as asking notes gerard had that power before he was given a shrift but it just goes to show you that this power comes from god itself and he can't he basically can't die in lieu of an actual miracle happening which is what happens in the manga so i'm very content with putting gerard here i think and like i said i kind of love it these days i remember what in the manga i was kind of like this guy literally won't die this is ridiculous but now i i kind of commend kubo for going all in like that you know that he doesn't give the good guys an out you know without you hobart and his intervention there's just no way they would have won that's what i truly believe um and the miracle is the cause of that coming in at number two on our most broken abilities in bleach list we have grammy thermos the visionary now again harking back to my video on the top 10 strongest stern ritter i actually put grammy at third on the list and that was nothing to do with the visionary that was just down to his character being immature not battle ready doesn't really know how to fight at all and doesn't really know how to use his power to its fullest potential and let there be no mistake the visionary is kubo at his wildest kubo literally sat down and he was like i'm gonna give this character the ability to imagine things into reality and that's it that's as that's as complicated as it gets grammy can literally just sit there and go meteor he can sit there and go i'm gonna bring out the void of space here's some lava here's a water cube to suffocate you in i'm gonna make my body so hard that you can't cut me you can't damage me i can't be killed that's the sort of thing that grammy is capable of doing grammy himself you know like i said he's not really in the right state of mind he doesn't really know how to fight at one point he almost imagines his own death which kemp actually calls him out on but there's no denying that the visionary itself is something on almost completely different level to what we've ever seen before he nearly destroys the entire ceiling during his fight he secret he can create life and remove life with a snap of his fingers essentially not even that you know kubo hammers it home that the visionary is so powerful that grammy can just do this with his hands in his pockets you know he just looks at him and he's like i'm going to create life now you know here's a second grammy here's gwenell he's shaz domino you know all these things that he can just do and i think that's that's you can leave it there he can just do that's grammy thermo that's that's the visionary at work and i think it's more than fair for that to be at number two but number one what could possibly be more broken than infinite possibilities and i think you probably already know the answer and i wonder if we do have the same answer for number one but the one thing that's more broken than infinite possibility is controlling infinite possibility and that of course belongs to you har box the almighty with the almighty yuha is all seeing all knowing and all powerful very fitting for the closest thing to god in the series with the almighty activated uh becomes some kind of eldritch abomination his face covered in like this darkness eyes littering his body for a very literal um depiction of his power but essentially uh the only the only real downside to this is he had to wait a little while to be able to use it but once he can use it he is nigh on unstoppable every he can see the future first of all but not just one linear future juha can see every future all at once as though they were grains of sand before his very eyes uh can then alter the future depending on what he has seen and he can use that ability to anticipate and counter everything that comes his way and all abilities he sees he knows he understands them and he knows how to stop them you know this is a character who at the end of bleach was nonchalantly throwing out lines like all bankai have been destroyed in the future you know he's just done it uh brings himself back to life after ichigo kills him because before his death he foresaw his death and countered it that's why i think the almighty defeats things like the visionary because the visionary could imagine yuha's death but yuha has already seen that counted it and won't die and i do you know i've been vocal in the past on this channel about not really liking the almighty i think kubo definitely wrote himself into a bit of a corner with an ability that was just too strong um although i do like it being counted by kyoko suigetsu but the almighty in my opinion is unquestionably the peak of bleach abilities it is the strongest not this you know the most broken thing we have ever seen he was able to just use this ability essentially whenever he wanted to do whatever he want to defeat whoever he wanted he was up against ichibe the leader of the zero division and the moment he activated the almighty he could see everything ichiba was going to do he could alter the future and just destroy ichibe with barely lifting a finger so i'm very happy the almighty was the one i already knew was going to be number one when i even started this video um and to be honest you know just reading about it in more detail looking back at the manga when he uses it to just control the outcome of his fights look at the future change it the way he wants to be i'm happy with that being number one but that's it for this list guys it was a bit of a nightmare to come up with and like i said i'm not even completely content with it there are so many things i think should have been on here as well um but we've got it we've got a list of 10 at the end of the day um and that's what i set out to do so let me know in the comments below what you think of my list is there anything you would swap out and of course i'd love to see your lists as well to compare just how similar or different they might be and as i'm losing my voice i'm probably going to leave the video there but i really do hope you enjoyed it guys let me know like i said in the comments below what you thought of the list and leave your lists down below too happy october don't forget to subscribe if you haven't done already and until next time i'll catch you later i'll see you then
Channel: MrTommo2304
Views: 128,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bleach, bleach manga, bleach anime, bleach discussion, bleach chapter review, bleach review, bleach top 10, bleach list, bleach fights, ichigo, bankai, aizen, bleach 20th anniversary, bleach 2021, bleach new arc, bleach new chapter, MrTommo2304, MrTommo2304 Bleach
Id: QFq2fvhGyO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 5sec (1625 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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