Healing Service | Todd White | LWCC

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thank you stretch your hands down stretch your hands out please father we just thank you for this special man the anointing you've placed on his life the gifts you've deposited within him we thank you now for the fullness of that anointing coming forth and that gifting within fulfilling your every purpose not only for this church tonight and the people that are here but in the days going forward i plead the blood of jesus over him over his ministry and declare that no weapon fashioned against him will ever prosper in jesus name amen [Music] wow okay just just to help me please shout louder for jesus okay thank you god we love you jesus we love you and we love you we love you wow we love you [Applause] okay sit please sit thank you wow ah i love him i mean i love him he is head over heels for me i'm not kidding people are like that's kind of arrogant there's a lot of people your god's too small my gosh he never looks away he's always looking right at me and you too if you just catch his gaze your life will be totally surrendered because that's what it's all about where's the keys help me jesus where'd they go oh my gosh i'm just still hear me keys i do i love helps the medicine go down are you with me it's like that spoonful of sugar but i don't believe in sugar so worship all right uh wow um i'm so thankful to be here this feels like home like it really does it really does every time it just feels like home i just want to honor you pastor mack and lena i just you're special real special thank you wow oh okay let's get serious here is my lovely wife jackie's in the house come on stand up she's the most amazing super mom ever ever uh i try to do what she does and i'm like please help me she goes away for a day and i'm like okay i got this i got this kids everybody help dad i'm not kidding just amazing i'm just so thankful um pastor mack was sharing today during offering and i want to i want to i want to go to that verse actually it's in revelation and he was sharing the reality of what worship looked like but not the yeah go to revelation chapter 12 for me please whoa there it is you're you're something else bud [Applause] i could now see i could just sit here [Music] oh i was sharing with the students today i love worship like i mean i love it and god doesn't need you to worship him he he's perfectly secure without you doing it like he's he's pretty secure you know that like you don't worship him and he goes there it is okay like god do you understand it's it's all we can do but god knows that when you worship him you become like the one you worship and sometimes people miss the worship that's for him to get to the word that's for them like we come in late they're gonna worship for at least a half hour we can get there we can get there right before he speaks shame on us to miss the worship that's for him to get to the word that's for you that's not good worship is ministering unto the lord to where i'm actually where i'm actually loving him with every part of me but i'm actually ministering to him it's it's like the priest they'd minister unto the lord so so worship isn't just about singing a great song or being moved with goosebumps it's i worship you with my whole life and so this scripture here we're talking about the word of our testimony it says in verse in in chapter 12 verse 11 it says and they overcame him they overcame him who the enemy how do we overcome the blood of the lamb because the word of their testimony so powerful so important but if you miss this last part you're done this is the part that the enemy wipes out of scripture i mean he can't wipe it out of scripture but he can wipe it out of our mind because we still hold on to us i don't know if you know this is key like the bible doesn't say deny the devil pick up your cross and follow him do you know that's not scripture do you understand that the devil's not the issue you are hey come on look it's going to be i'm going to get up all in your grill right now [Music] like the gospel sets you free from you but if you don't get free from you you can't live in freedom because you're still in the way the bible says deny your pick up your cross and follow him so how can we really follow him if we're still in the way we don't sing and it's all about me it's all about me would that be weird that's like so whacked out that's crazy we would never do that no it's all about him but it says that they overcame him by the blood of the lamb the word of their testimony and they loved not their own life unto death what does that mean i mean i'm talking about death see the fear of death has been crushed and righteousness is the only word right there righteousness crushes that fear of death thing see when i'm right with god it doesn't matter who i'm wrong with when people are against me it doesn't matter god is for me and if i see this and understand the reality of what i'm carrying here on this planet see i'm i'm carrying the authority of heaven all of heaven is backing me up all of heaven like i'm a joint heir like it's real but that's not just like boasting rights that's the reality of my life like i'm a joint heir with jesus everything that jesus christ relied upon fully and completely to further god's kingdom the kingdom of god he preached the kingdom of god a hundred more times than he preached being born again but being born again is essential to unlock your potential being born again is the starting place that's the launching pad it's you were not fathered right you didn't get brought up right you didn't get what you need when you were first birthed everybody doesn't matter how good how bad everybody must be born again don't care if your parents were the most amazing parents on the planet if you're not born again you will not see eternity with god you will spend eternity away from god but when someone prays a prayer to get born again it's essential to unlock your potential but jesus didn't say i'm the way the truth and the life no one comes to heaven except by me even though it's ultimately true that in the end heaven is our destination if you miss this crucial point destroying hell won't be your mission you being destroyed by it on this earth until you get to heaven will be first john 3 8 is the mission statement for the christian life jesus was anointed for this purpose to destroy the works of the devil so the christian life that is born again and filled with the same spirit romans 8 11 the same spirit that raised jesus christ from the dead dwells in you and will quicken your mortal body yes he'll quicken it when it's resurrection time but he will quicken it now i need him to quicken this body now i need to quicken my senses now i need to be able to discern between both good and evil i need to have my senses trained to discern between both good and evil in first peter it talks about desiring the pure milk of the word when we get born again when we get saved the most important thing that you could possibly do is get into this place and a posture of prayer you go into your secret place you seek the father when when no one's looking you seek the father and then he rewards you when everyone's looking but if i'm seeking him for stuff i'm not getting stuff i'm seeking him for him and i get him and stuff comes with him it's important it's priority the priority is seeking the father in secret jesus said in the way the truth and the life no one comes to the father except by me and he talks about eternal life in john 17 verse 3. he says this is eternal life that they might know you god father that might not they might know the father the one and only the one and only the one and only allah is not in there he's not i'm sorry he's just not he's not muhammad's not in there there's not in there harry christian is not in there just not in there the father's in there jesus didn't come to introduce us to just god he came to introduce us to the father and when you get born again you get re-fathered that's what born again means it means to have a brand new dad a brand new father his name is abba abba and if we don't connect with that we will allow our earthly parents to determine their identity there's so many christians caught up in that some dads get upset when i say this well i'm good to my kid you ain't god sorry you're just not and you're not perfect only one was perfect jesus you know that he came to represent the father he said i and the father are one and the pharisee's one to kill him the father and i are one what let's kill him he was making himself equal with god and even though in philippians 2 it says even though he had equality with god he considered himself of no reputation he wasn't trying to make a name for himself he was coming to reveal the father the father the father are you guys with me this is so powerful when you connect with him as a father not just god not just this this god that doesn't want anything to do with you this god that has more things on his plate than just you that's just the weirdest thing that you could be upset about thinking that god's really really his that his gaze is really on each person god so loved the world that he gave us one and only son so if god so loved the world then his eyes are on the world like everyone like there is nobody that he's not seeing you look at psalm 139 you can't hide from god like you couldn't make david said i couldn't even make my my bed in hell yet you're there in the sea and you're there the farthest place ever you're there you're presence so since his presence is is always where we are let's not ignore it anymore i'm just going to be i'll be free for all of you tonight i'm not kidding because i'm i wake up loved by god i go to sleep loved by god i wake up in the morning i'm loved by god i walked by a mirror i see you in there people were like god is totally arrogance no it's confidence i believe him it's faith i believe him i am fully possessed by jesus you are going to be possessed you're going to be possessed by one of two things the world or him he there's no straddle there's no like middle place you know there's no gray in the christian life do you understand there's no like well you know well you know people were like what about purgatory there's no gray in the christian life none you're either four isn't that amazing the only gray is or you're for or against you gather or you scatter you're either dead or you're alive you're either blind or you see you're either lost or you're found or is that middle area but there's no gray in that it's a decision are you with me it's a decision you're either this way or you're that way you're either this way or you're that way you're either over here or you're over there you can't be here you don't understand see here's the deal so many people go through life i've talked to so many people man i don't stay ready yet man you know me i got you know i got things to do life to live man my mom praying for me but i'm just you know i ain't ready well i got news for you man see we got this picture that eternity is like somewhere out here where we're just gonna one day make that decision eternity is right here bam it's over right there it's over i'm talking you are here and then you just whoa eternity's not out here oh my gosh that's not how it works it's boom one second boom and i want my one second however long it takes whether i'm martyred however long it takes buddy i just wanted to be like this hey you don't understand i live for this day to live is christ here and to die is gain here to live is christ and to die is game god's not looking for people that just want to do church on a sunday he's looking for people to tabernacle with him he's looking for people to be the temple of the lord he's looking for people that have a broken and contrite heart on this one i will look and he who trembles at my word how can you tremble at something you never read well i just don't get it i need a pastor wrong your pastor is not your connection to jesus god gave us all a book we're like i hate books i hate reading no the great news is this thing's not for your brain the reason why you hate it is you're trying to get it here the bible's not meant for your brain it's meant for your heart your heart can take you places your brain can't fit he's not looking for the smartest of people he's looking for the surrender of people he's not looking for people that are brilliant and have gone to school for 12 years i mean if you do that's awesome all he's looking for you to do is get born again surrender and admit that your way is not the right way his way is the only way and his way is the way to the father and first connection i need to make is with my dad i need to meet him and know him i need to let him love me and be loved by him i don't want to go and stand before god and having seen all the miracles and seeing the dead rays and the blind sea and the just the lame walk i don't want to see that stuff and stand before god and be like didn't i do all these things for you lord i don't want to hear him say away from me i never knew you there is a difference between you saying that you love god and knowing that you're loved by god there is a difference between you saying that you know about god and truly knowing god because eternal life when jesus says this is eternal life by the way it's the lord's prayer it's not our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name that's the model prayer the lord's prayer is john 17. that's when jesus lifted up his eyes and prayed he says eternal life is knowing god and that word no is a greek word called genoso and that word ganoso means to know like adam knew eve like intercourse like that's how you're supposed to know god you were like well that's i'm not comfortable with that well that's why you got a comforter [Applause] yeah but that's just weird no it's love we've just perverted it it's covenant it's the two becoming one that's why we have marriage in church that's why we talk about covenant it's becoming one that you have become one if you read scripture and you look and see you have become spirit to spirit you've become one spirit with him when you get born again your spirit and holy spirit link up and they never unlink you become flesh of his flesh and bone of his bone do you know that's the same thing with marriage when my wife and i came together when we got married we became one flesh and that's what god is saying you become one flesh with god you become your body doesn't belong to you anymore oh gosh you're not yours so why are you holding yourself back from him and since you're not yours and you don't belong to you anymore when you say yes to jesus when you say yes god comes in he's like i'll take the whole house thank you we're like well i'll just give you this right now because i'm not i'm not okay with all of it because i want to hold on to me a little i like being a target for the devil just i'm not done kicking and screaming yet i mean we don't we don't know that but that's really what it is people give 75 to god they're like i'm i'm 75 in lord really really amazing do you ever go to a store and get a water that said 75 pure good i don't care how high the alkalinity is if it's 75 pure it ain't going in here it's if you label it that would you even drink a water that said 95 pure why not i ain't right so why would you not 100 for god let me read the scripture again just in case oh how many of you got this how many of you read it what do you think we brought a bunch they're out there please get one it literally is life-changing we've seen so many atheists come to god they read the book they're like what is this crazy gun all of a sudden they're halfway through boom and little kids can read this thing like i made it so a little child can read it and it's all about our jump into the supernatural and the reality of what that looks like because when i started praying for the sick my wife was not okay for that it took nine months it was like birth giving it was labor to get through nobody wanted to do it nobody wanted to go with me i drugged my little seven and a half year old kid with me she saw so many miracles in the grocery stores and in walmart and i saw somebody get healed in a service and i was like oh my gosh if god's doing it here i'm praying for everyone not everybody's on page with that not everybody's comfortable with with praying for people and the only reason we are not comfortable is because this part right here they did not love their life even when faced with death blood of the lamb word of our testimony love not their own life unto death see here's the deal when you said yes to jesus you signed up to die period do you understand when you said yes you signed up to die i agree to die do you know you have to die to something are you guys with me this is like not the most comfortable this isn't the most comfortable message people are like i don't even know why people come see me no more because i i don't have anything else to talk about except the surrendered life that walks in freedom and victory that stomps on the devil's neck every day it's kind of crazy people show up like hey man i love you and they're like they watch videos and they listen to teachings and stuff then they tell me their testimony some young man came up tonight and just told me about his life and he saw a video that we did we were in the capitol and i was kneeling down and i was praying and i got up and started singing in the capitol and then the police came and stopped me but it was really fun and he said to me i mean it really touched my heart i just get to see it all over it's just a senior graduated right said you don't understand i saw what relationship looked like two years ago and i fully gave myself to god guys we we are people that are supposed to live by example that people could see the fire in our hearts the fire in our eyes the fire in our lives that you would actually it says it in second timothy it says that i would actually endure the suffering i don't know if you know this man but the christian life is suffering you suffer for doing good not for doing evil you suffer for doing good and by suffering for doing good it actually is an inspiration to christians that are petrified when christians are petrified and they see you step out and all of a sudden wait a second i can do that i can the same holy spirit that raised jesus from the dead did that miracle through him he could do it through me same holy spirit that that's teaching todd because i don't know if you know it but the holy spirit is our teacher it says you have one teacher called no one on earth your teacher you have one teacher the christ christ wasn't jesus's last name was joseph and mary christ had jesus christ it wasn't it was jesus the one anointed by god but that anointing was the holy ghost so the holy spirit is our teacher and by the way it says it's the same thing it's in matthew 23 9-10 called no one on earth your teacher called no one on earth your father isn't that something you can have spiritual fathers but if a spiritual father doesn't point you to the father they might just be making you co-dependent upon them instead of the father and if i don't realize who the father is in my life then i'm going to live with an orphan mindset and i can't afford to live like an orphan when i've been made a son i lived my whole life that way jesus came and set me free from that orphan mindset i remember being in teen challenge and and i was up there and god revealed god revealed to me the reality of wisdom about wisdom to just the reality of me being wisdomless it was the first scripture in james that made sense to me and i was like because they were talking the day before they were talking about trials in teen challenge trials considered joy when you face charles and like you guys are out of your mind like i'm in an orange jumpsuit in front of a judge i'm going to jail that's not joy that's stupid i'm serious because i had no idea what they were talking about trial i've been on so many i've been on trial too many times and i'm in that script i'm in there trying to search for that and i see this if you lack wisdom ask god who gives to all generously without finding fault and i thought to myself oh my gosh this is brand new never read a book before couldn't read had comprehension disorder 34 years old never read a book just pushed me through school got through i could search to find the answers anybody can that scripture hit me and i'm like oh my gosh i don't have any wisdom i'm wisdomless and i'm in the prayer room by myself at 6 30 in the morning screaming i don't have any wisdom that's the answer oh my god i'm wisdomless i mean i'm talking celebration i am freaking out like psychotically freaking out oh my gosh i'm freaking out because i looked at the next part of wisdom the wisdom of god is not sensual and demonic and full of self-seeking and envy and every evil thing because that's what we're doing when we say i got wisdom brother and it's not the lord it says that every evil not some evil every evil thing is in there every all evil is there it's where selfish ambition lies all about me it would be horrible it was all about me in the name of the lord wisdom from above is peaceable and gentle willing to yield full of good fruits without partiality and without hypocrisy that's the wisdom of god and that's what he wants us to have and i'm so excited i'm in the program like oh my gosh freaking out and then i saw that trial thing i'm like i still don't get it i hate trials he said that's because you're guilty always i'm like yeah always and he whispered and said i say you're not guilty and i was like that's stupid then they said it again i say you're not guilty and it hit me and i went oh my god what the blood of jesus he who knew no sin became sin for me jesus who never sinned he never missed it he never missed the mark never 613 laws 10 commandments never missed one ever not ever and he didn't know any sin yet on that tree he became sin marred beyond any man ever he was he was obliterated on that tree they whipped him and ripped his flesh apart for our healing by his stripes we are healed but for our identity why because he was unrecognizable on that tree you couldn't recognize it was jesus it says he was unrecognizable isaiah 53 isaiah 54 it's powerful couldn't recognize him why why did he have to become unrecognizable because we were created in the image of god and because we forfeited our identity in the garden you and i were unrecognizable and jesus had to become unrecognizable so that you and i could become recognizable to the father again that's super powerful man we sing that song well i can wash away my sin nothing but the blood of jesus what can make me hold again [Music] nothing but the blood of jesus oh precious here's the flow that makes me white as snow know what the fountain i know nothing but the blood of jesus [Music] there's nothing else it's the blood it's the blood of the lamb john the baptist didn't say behold the lamb of god that forgives the sin of the world he didn't say that the scripture says behold the lamb of god that taketh away there's a difference between forgiving and taken away yes he forgave you but you'll still remember but if he took him away and that becomes reality and the word becomes and faith hits the word all of a sudden you're not guilty yeah but i did all the stuff i get it then you died this is so crazy todd white hurt and destroyed so many people and i was lost and i hurt and maimed and destroyed and stole and killed like i hurt everyone i hurt everyone killed people's hopes killed people's dreams stole from everyone and anyone threatened my girl's life i threatened jackie's life for seven years that if she left me i was going to take her out and then take myself out of she cheated on me and we're boyfriend and girlfriend man i did all that stuff so how can he take it away because the blood of jesus is the old old testament the blood of bulls and goats and the asher at the ashes of a heifer and the reality of the blood sacrifice in the old testament wasn't able to clean the inside of the cup see the outside was the only thing and it was only it was only until next year on the day of atonement when they had to offer blood again but inside their conscience was condemned moses had the ministry of condemnation it was engraved on stones it was the it was the ministry of condemnation and it had glory it's in it's in second corinthians chapter three it says but we have been given a different ministry we do not have the ministry of condemnation yet the church sits the majority of the church sits in guilt shame and condemnation and is bound by the law even when they come to christ because they're wanting to enjoy the glory of condemnation but jesus christ paid a price for us to have the ministry of righteousness which has much more glory and no condemnation oh buddy it's the blood of the lamb it's the reality of the cross of jesus and he set me free from from from sin he set me free from death he set me free from fear of it and gosh he he set me free from me oh my gosh i used to enjoy sin it was my career [Music] i was a professional i'm not kidding i was a professional i didn't even know that's what it was called i just knew it was called fun to me but then i got saved i mean really safe like not a little bit see man you better know what you got saved from and got saved unto because if you don't know what you got saved from the way you got saved too you'll be straddling an ore [Music] lost or found blind or see dead or alive are you with me half in and half out that's not surrendered you can't overcome the enemy by the blood of the lamb and the word of your testimony lest your testimony is the reality of not loving your life unto death i'm so serious buddy when you go up to somebody you want to share your faith with them you want to share all of a sudden that fear thing comes well not here not now because it comes the enemy is a professional but he doesn't want you to ever share with somebody you know it's not just the job of the evangelist guys i don't know if you know it or not but evangelists start to equip you the saints if you see that if you see what you are like god doesn't call you a sinner anymore when you get saved you were a sinner they got saved by grace through faith now you're a saint wow is that amazing pastors apostles teachers evangelists prophets all the fivefold ministry is for the equipping of the sinners for the work of ministry that doesn't even sound right it doesn't sound right because it's not in the bible for the equipping of the saints what are you what is the saint the holy one set apart set apart for what that you would that you would that you would display your good works and they would glorify your father in heaven oh gosh i love it if you see the reality of what god calls you if you see god calls me a saint some people think it's arrogant religion thinks it's arrogance and here and heresy that's because religion was screaming at relationship on a tree and relationship on that tree looked and said father forgive them they don't know what they're doing yeah all right let me share just uh let me share just a couple of uh a couple of recent testimonies and then we're gonna pray you guys all right yeah i look i would i would highly suggest you not leaving here unsaved i'm talking highly like like do you want to go to hell okay good this is so crazy we're like what that was that was rude that was totally rude told me ask me if i want to go to hell of course not do you know that you must be born again there's no other name other than the name of jesus we will see miracles we will see healing we will why because it's impossible for it not to happen because god confirms the word because that's what he does because he's amazing you're like i i just love it it's the confirmation of the gospel these signs will follow them that believe they lay hands on the sick the sick shall recover it's just believers but you have to be a believer to do it so it's important that we believe amen well this is awkward but since we're talking about it would you like to be free from all that stuff that you've done and all the bondage and all that junk would you like to yes or no okay good all right so so if you've never said yes to jesus and you would like to just stand up right where you're at please come on let's do this don't be scared come on stand up where are you amen amen amen come on is that what come on come on come on come on come on come on who else if you never said yes to jesus and you would like to let's do this come on stand up stop being a chicken and stand up and give your life to the king come on that's what i'm talking about who else let's do this who else who else who else you never have said yes to jesus but you're like i'm done living this i want to i want to go after i want to be free if you're here and you want to be free and you've never done this look i know there are people that have backslid let's slide home right now like who are you you're backslidden away from god and you want to slide home where are you come on come on slide home slide home slide hole come on slide hole [Applause] i want all y'all to make your way down here come on hurry up come down here come on come on hey if they stood up around you don't you let them sit back down get down here [Applause] yes love you bro bless you yes [Applause] come on man yeah yeah come on no fear come on man come on bless your champion yeah oh this is exciting oh my look at you that's my hotel that's my hotel desk man come on so good come on yes oh i just doing fist bumps you guys get with that come on don't hurt me okay all right look at that come on this is glory this is glory because we want to pray huh my unsaved kids i'm standing in the gap okay okay this mother one okay amen well i want them too [Music] jesus set me free of course what's their names okay if you got kids and you're standing in proxy and you want prodigals to come home stand to your feet we're gonna pray for them all right now look look around all these parents are the same thing [Applause] okay [Applause] okay well jesus is bigger than that i got bit by a poisonous mosquito yeah and the doctor said i have good news and bad news i said he says the good news is you'll walk again it's okay the bad news is you'll never have kids again i had two already come on and i ended up having amen stand right here stand right here we're gonna pray right now okay we're standing in proxy and then all these people up here come on oh my god oh come on because there are people up here in this line that have kids that they need to be born again who are you where yep gotcha that's okay two years ago yeah okay yeah and this i mean it wasn't today she died it was her birthday yeah okay all right okay just stand there let's pray can i get a female pastor with her please do you have a female pastor here that can come and help me gonna have a female pastor stand with you right now okay that's the that's the heart cry of a mom that's the heart cry of a mom all right we got you we got you we got you we got you we got you we got you uh look i don't know if you know that i i just this is so important because see hell is not a place that's comfortable have you ever have you ever burned the tip of your finger do you know what that feels like to burn the tip have you ever held it in the oil for 10 seconds no way dude you're like ah right done now can you imagine holding your finger in the oil for 10 seconds this isn't a fear thing this is a real thing like people are like well i don't believe in hell well i'm really sorry jesus talked about it more than anybody on the planet so it says there's a place of weeping and gnashing of teeth that says the fire is not quenched can you imagine holding your finger in the oil for a minute can you imagine holding your hand in an oil a fist in the oil for there's no possible way you can't even fathom that now imagine being in something like that complete body for 10 minutes for 20 minutes for an hour for for two hours for a week can you imagine being in there for a week well no we'd be dead of course you would but there is no death then do you understand that in hell there's no death you're already dead but it's eternal burning it's real we don't have a revelation of what that really is i read a book called the divine revelation of hell by a lady named someone baxter oh my gosh my family read it it was petrifying it's not a fear thing like oh my gosh i'm petrified no it's a place that none of us have to go ever so when we say make a decision we're saying make an eternal decision but make a decision now so that you can stop others from ever having to see that place man ever like her kids like everybody's kids is standing let's just pray right now you guys ready i want you all to know up front what you're doing you're saying i'm fully giving my life to jesus are you with me because if you're not ready then leave are you ready i'm saying are you ready fully you are you giving your life to jesus right now you are can i give you a fist bump [Music] oh my goodness oh it's special man you're a warrior man you've been through all kinds of hell on this earth god is going to shake all that dude you're going to destroy the enemy man all those bridges you think you burned ah i thought i burned them too i did 22 years of horrible and jesus repaired every bridge man and god's going to give you a bridge to your family that is going to be the most amazing bridge you've ever seen you're going to see transformation like you've never seen before and it's going to be awesome you hear me i promise man why because i'm living it that's why amen yes all right everyone gonna pray what we're doing is we're we're making jesus our lord see we're not just making him our savior see because when i say yes to jesus and he becomes my savior what happens is he saves me from something but when he becomes my lord he becomes my master he becomes the one that i live my life from every day and that is where it's at because him being savior is amazing but you don't want to just you don't want to just say yes to incorporate him in because sometimes people with savior he just comes in and then all of a sudden they don't surrender everything they don't surrender everything what they do is they just bring them in for what they can get from him but what we're doing is we're saying we want you to be our lord our master our king and when he becomes your king you come into a royal family and that's what time it is are you ready i can't right now i can't you got to hold on you got we'll pray yes yes yes i'm i'm on it we're gonna do it i'm on it just hold on i want y'all to pray with me right now i want you to say this lord jesus right now i believe that you died for my sin and that you raised from the dead for me to have life i put my faith in you i put my faith in the father the son and the holy ghost right now i'm asking you to take out this heart of stone and give me a new heart a heart of flesh i thank you that right now you have forgiven me because the bible says if i confess with my mouth and believe in my heart that jesus is lord i shall be saved so right now we are committing every prodigal son every prodigal daughter all their rebellion we command to cease right now we proclaim them for the kingdom right now we're saying come home to the father right now come home to jesus right now come home to the father right now in jesus name [Music] [Applause] everybody up here lift your hands please i want you to say this with me holy spirit right now we surrender right now we welcome you come fill us in jesus name freedom freedom freedom [Music] jesus thank you god jesus phillip jesus fill him come on holy ghost fill them bill right now fill them jesus come right now fill these kids right now come on fill them phil phil phil phil holy spirit come right now we welcome you in jesus name baptize people fresh jesus name jesus name [Music] i need a ministry team to come up here and help me lay hands on people please right now while we're doing this if you need a miracle in your life i want you to stand up to your feet please healing miracles yeah i i i don't need you to help me catch him i need you to pray for him lay hands on us come on man come on you need a miracle in your life put your hand up jesus name father we thank you right now holy spirit we just welcome you in the name of jesus right now we command healing and wholeness into bodies all over this house in jesus mighty name right now father we thank you jesus name [Music] thank you lord i want you to put a hand on the person next to you and we're going to pray right now we're going to do corporate corporate body healing the body of christ look it's not christ in todd it's christ in us the hope of glory when we pray we're praying for god's kingdom listen real quick we're praying for god's kingdom to come his will to be done on this earth the same as it is in heaven real simple jesus defined the kingdom when he said the kingdom of god is not meat or drink but it is righteousness peace and joy in the holy ghost so the kingdom is in the holy ghost and the holy ghost is in you so when you're praying for god's kingdom to come you're praying for the holy ghost to come up and out and through you and for his will to be done on this earth the same as it is in heaven there's no sickness in heaven so it's god's will for it to be on earth the same as it is in heaven are you with me all right so here's what i want you to do we're just going to work our way through because i have lots of words of knowledge but it will just go through the body it's easier this way are you ready okay deaf ear say this with me pray with me everybody all over the place deaf ear in jesus name be healed right now ear open [Music] eyes we commend you be restored in jesus name vision return glaucoma cataracts blindness get out in jesus name [Music] floaters disappear right now in jesus name brain be healed night terrors leave in jesus name sleeping disorders be healed right now in jesus name [Music] next be loosed in jesus name spinal cord be healed right now in jesus name nerves i just pinched nerves in the neck be healed right now in jesus name right now be whole there are people here that have had accidents i saw a horse accident i saw a car accident i saw a truck accident i saw a skiing accident i saw all of those and it has to do with your neck area be healed right now in jesus name even a football injury from years and from decades ago where you got hit wrong it had to do with football you were hit from the side and it jacked your neck up right now god's healing it who is that wave your hand at me it was a sports it was a football injury be healed in jesus name right now neck be loosed in jesus name move your head around it should be completely gone what's that feel like good come on come on shoulders be healed right now in jesus name just lift your arms up man check them out put them down and up what's that like come on if you've got a shoulder injury just shoot your arm up right now just do it a couple times do it three times one two three and check it it should be completely healed really i'm not kidding you were like nuh uh yeah huh if your shoulder is better right now and you know it that pain left wave your hand at me this isn't complicated this is like really fun everybody gets to play because we all have authority to step on the devil's works that's why we all have authority to crush the enemy's camp come on there's there's a a problem in the trap right back here under your right scapula i i don't even know what a scapula is but i heard it that you amen be healed right now in jesus name just be healed right now check move it around check oh that was i never know what a scapula is that was awesome what's it feel like what's it feel like come on that's good amen amen lungs lungs lung conditions father i thank you hey keep your hand on that person come on christoy come on person i saw everybody like come on this is too long dude my arms just go keep your arms down and if you have a shoulder problem and it's hurting just keep them on there be healed amen come on father we thank you for brand new lungs in jesus name we command lung cancer to leave we command asthma to leave we command wholeness into these lungs right now breath of god come in jesus name brand new lungs right now in jesus name father thank you brand new i want you if you had asthma and it was tight and there i want you to take a deep breath i want you to check and i want you to see noticeable change right now i want you to breathe and just check if you have a lung condition just take a deep breath i feel like somebody actually good how does it feel what's going on how's your breath you can breathe is it better i know you can breathe because you're still here it's good i love that i love it is it is there change come on put your hand on your chest father i thank you in jesus name lungs i command you be healed right now you be healed jesus name father thank you for these brand new lungs in jesus name what are you feeling right now what's that feel like what's it feel like it's not good to lie at the altar man what's it feel like amazing good yeah yeah come on father we thank you for brand new organs right now i thank you for pancreas being healed that diabetes would leave right now in jesus name that the doctors would be freaked out that's right in jesus name brand new pancreas right now he's removing gall stones right now gallstones be removed right now they told you that you'd have to get your gold batter removed god is a professional gallstone cleaner outer in jesus name jesus name brand new brand new kidney stones get out in jesus name right now brand new no more kidney stones brand new brand new kidneys diabetes has ruined kidney there's kidney dysfunction and part of it has to do with diabetic it's diabetic kidney problems as you who else there's more there should be five people with that be healed right now in jesus name we command dialysis to cease and desist in jesus name brand new kidneys lord we thank you for brand new kidneys father thank you you're so good we love you in jesus name brand new brand new and no more stones in jesus name now listen you got to be married for this one infertility you got to be married don't play okay yeah you have no idea father we thank you in the name of jesus for fertility i thank you for babies in jesus name i thank you for pregnancies where the doctor said i'm sorry it can't happen in jesus name be pregnant in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name wow you actually you're right now while we're praying this you're saying my daughter can't have kids who are you oh be healed in jesus name that that daughter would be able to have babies in jesus name oh my gosh this is so fun oh i love it we just we just say it god does it yep we'll pray for you father we thank you in the name of jesus who will mental mental disabilities bipolar god healed me up bipolar god healed me of all kinds of stuff you'd be healed in jesus name amen put your hand on their head that they're raising their hand for a mental disorder being healed and he has an eye that needs to open so father we thank you in the name of jesus for complete clarity in the mind we thank you that depression that bipolar that anxiety the reality of the perfect rest of the gospel would come in the mighty name of jesus god we thank you for complete wholeness neurological conditions in the brain god thank you in jesus name brain be healed right now in jesus name lesions on the brain because of ms in jesus name be healed right now wholeness complete healing and wholeness right now in the mighty name of jesus god we thank you we thank you digestive disorders who are you put your hand up i'm not saying that's who you are i'm saying if you have that symptom in your body because your identity is a son a daughter your identity is not a sickness but we do want to see the full manifestation of sickness being healed right now so father we thank you in jesus name for every digestive disorder in this house for acid reflux for any kind of irritable bowel syndrome for any kind of ulcers in the stomach or on the intestinal lining in jesus name colitis be healed in jesus name god we thank you for any intestinal disorder being healed right now being whole in jesus name blood be healed in jesus name brand new every blood infection every blood disorder hep c hiv whatever in the blood you be healed right now be made whole in jesus name brand new that god would give you a holy transfusion in jesus name a holy transfusion god we thank you we love you we give you glory jesus name hips be made whole in jesus name be healed right now brand new hips god is giving people hip replacements i'm serious but you'll need to move it and check it right now in jesus name brand new hips in jesus name in jesus name i feel like somebody had a bone spur in their right hip like a in their right hip like a spur inside of their god's removing it right now i need to see where that is that's the first time i heard that is that you in the back somebody had a bone spur in their hip there's like a a catch in your hip and it's like it's from a spur that's in there jesus name be healed who is that hip is it a spur you know move it check it move it around what do you feel do you have any pain in there amen amen [Applause] knees now there's a lot brand new squishy stuff in there in jesus name brand new squishy stuff inside of them knees right now brand new stuff and those knees brand new squishy stuff it's okay to say that because it's kind of if you could feel it it'd be squishy jesus name people like that's silly no that's because it's not a smart prayer it's not prayer that heals the sick it's him it's faith so god we thank you for brand new knees brand new cartilage connective tissue brand new acls that's squishy stuff come on brand new ankles in jesus name be healed right now be healed be made whole [Music] wow your memory has been going you just can't remember things like you used to because i there's i really heard that really like someone's actually pulling on that i could hear it in my heart who was that you were put your hand on your head i just like okay i could feel the holy ghost up there in jesus name memory be restored right now sharpness and accuracy laser-like accuracy god is putting in you the wisdom of god the wisdom and counsel the seven-fold spirit of god was upon jesus the spirit of wisdom and counsel god thank you in jesus name clarity clarity i almost feel like there was a medicine that interrupted something with the thought process with thinking it it dulled down your your memory but your sharpness but it was from a medication that you took who is that wave your hand at me so i could see it yeah god's healing it right now father i thank you in jesus name clarity in jesus name clarity in jesus name now i don't know why this is a stretch for me but like when they started praying for you i saw ice skating i don't even know what that means did you used to ice skate okay did you have some kind of something that happened that stopped you from doing this okay all right i i saw like you spinning like i'm talking like ice skating you used to do it okay good because that was freaking me out i never saw that before i just got a picture of you going you don't get out in the ice because of protection of your brain so it's kind of like i've got to be careful on the ice so god wants to give you that back because that was a love that you had in your life so father i thank you in jesus name for that returning right now jesus name brain you be healed right now be completely restored and you go go for your passion because you were really good at it father i thank you in jesus name that's crazy half of this stuff with god i've i i fall into like oh my gosh what was that and he's such a good dad he's like oh that was me son but you never know that you're hearing god unless you're willing to risk it faith is spelled r-i-s-k that's right and you have to get past you because here watch deny yourself watch we're afraid of looking foolish we're afraid of sharing with somebody and us not being correct man you've got to be willing to be a fool for god to live this thing we're so perfection oriented we're so want to be perfect we so don't want to make a mistake we so don't want to mess it up man god is really big like we get this picture that if we're going to pray for somebody and they don't get healed when we pray that we let god down you ain't big enough to let god down are you are you are you hear that that this is a big deal do you know that when you reach out when you step out and pray for somebody do you know what i believe god's doing gabriel watch look it's my boy look at him people are like i'm serious the father's like michael do you see this he's stepping out again wow he's not caring about himself at all he's caring about the kingdom he's caring about me go get him boys come on angels have been sitting around for decades and decades waiting for the church to do something with the word are you with me come on put your hand on somebody beside you again we're just going to pray again you guys all right i love jesus buddy he's so good say this in the name of jesus make this one bold for the kingdom possess them with the holy ghost increase your presence in their life let them affect everybody that they come in contact with let them be fully surrendered submitted yielded filled possessed by jesus we love you and we thank you lord all right just real quick if you've been healed tonight and you know that you know that you know that there's change in your body i want you to wave both hands over your head right now no i want you guys to look around look around if you've been healed tonight wave both hands over your head can you guys give jesus a big huge shout of praise come on come on come on yes glory to god amen
Channel: Living Word Christian Center
Views: 9,372
Rating: 4.8410597 out of 5
Keywords: Todd White, todd white sermons, living word christian center, living word christian center todd white, todd white testimony, todd white 2021, todd white healing, healing service todd white, todd white healing service, lifestyle christianity todd white, lifestyle christianity church, lifestyle christianity movie, lwcc, living word mac hammond, mac hammond, todd white mac hammond, mac hammond todd white, mac hammond living word, todd white lwcc, healing, living word healing
Id: LPyCVn6_YyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 1sec (4501 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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