Todd White - Crushing Fear.

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guys I wanna I want to share my heart with you and I want you to not to me out here just for a few minutes I won't be long I want to pray for the sick we want to see miracles happen one of the things that is is so contested it seems like today is that healing isn't for today that's such a lie that's something that people told me when I first got saved but every time I opened my Bible it never went away it was still there like like when I opened my Bible healing and miracles didn't go away they're all through the Bible like if you didn't believe in miracles you'd have to throw the whole book away you know I wanna I want to share some of the some of the testimonies that I have I have had the privilege of stepping into but also watching others step into I want to share one from a power in love because we were you know I I just talked about it but early on when we started the power and love schools we only had gosh I remember the first one I went to there was like 40 people 40 people were there 40 people came because they had to go out on outreach it's the craziest thing because it's all good when you're coming to learn and you're coming to grow and you go to a prophetic conference and and man people are gonna prophesy and oh my gosh that was good but let them send you out and make you do it and tell you you have to go out there and do the same thing that right there produces fear and God like I said didn't give us a spirit of fear but of love and power and a sound mind power and love and a sound mind love and power and a sound mind so my heart cry is to see every believer equipped and have that fear thing crushed so we had went to a place gosh I forget the name of it no I don't yeah I do anyway it was in Ohio somewhere Ridgeview corners I think it was and I believe this was the first year of power in love and we had done and probably probably had I would guess maybe a hundred people come to this school or of the conference we used to calm conferences now it comes schools because a conference you go to learn but a school you apply what you're being taught and so that's so important that's what's so important about LC you with lifestyle Christianity at any given moment if I ask students how many of you have stepped out this week and seen a miracle almost 100 percent if not a hundred percent of the hands go up because it's something that they're taught every day they're taught that and then outreach doesn't stay outreach outreach becomes lifestyle so lifestyle is what we're talking about and that's what we want to do we want to establish a Christian life to where everywhere we go we become a conduit so I remember these two ladies came up to me it was outreach time we had done the session in the morning and and they came up and they said listen we want to go out with you on outreach we have a friend that wants to go to but you cannot make her go because she she's not ready to go and talk to people but you can't make her go and talk to anybody she'll go along but we're gonna protect her and I go what do you mean you're gonna protect her and so they said well she's really afraid she really doesn't you know she really doesn't want to go with you but she'll go because we're her friend I said hold on where is your friend and they both stood sideways and she's over here like this she's petrified and I looked at her and I go what is wrong she just don't talk to me I said whoa whoa hold on a second I am NOT your enemy I'm not your war she goes you're like a pit bull and I'm like a cat on a table that's what she said I said you're not a cat and I'm not a pit bull I'm a southern you're a daughter and that's just weird so she said to me she goes I'm not going anywhere with you so I said to the ladies and I said listen I said how about I just sit down and I talked to her a little bit just to communicate and like and share my heart with her for a minute I said is that okay I said I won't sit near you I'll just talk to you she goes okay she is just I'm not going anywhere with you I said okay that's fine so we sat 'only talked for a little while and her name was Karen and she had gone through all kinds of hell she'd been a Christian for quite some time she's never stepped out in that place on outreach let alone even had conversations with a lot of people she kind of kept to herself she was a little recluse and so I said to her I said ma'am I said can I ask you a question I said do you know how much Jesus loves you she as well he loves everybody that's a common statement in the church actually that he loves everybody and it's true but not everybody knows that they're loved there's a difference between saying do you know Jesus loves you and being loved by him and said the most important thing for me is knowing that you're loved but knowing that you're actively being loved at all times that's what's powerful and so I sat with her for a little while and I said - I said can we go and get some food and just we'll go through a drive-thru we don't have to go anywhere and she said well I'm not going in anywhere with you I said it's okay you don't have to go in anywhere with me it's all right and so again like I said this is a power in love school these are one of the ones we've done which lead into why we came here because lifestyle Christianity University was the goal the goal was to have thousands and thousands of people that are completely overwhelmed with the love of God that don't walk in fear but actually walk in faith and want to represent God's love everywhere they go but representing God's love doesn't mean walking with with active sin in your life representing God's love means to walk with sin being crushed and annihilated to where your habitual nature to want to sin has been completely cut off see sometimes the miracles have come into people's lives and all of a sudden their kingdom is lopsided because they press more into the gift than they do the one that gave it and when you press into the one that gave the gift the giver of the gift and you press into his heart for you the last thing you want to do is sin and Jack that up because you don't want to mess up a relationship on your end you can't mess it up on God's end but you can mess it up with active sin in your life to stop you from receiving God's love because you're graying out or you're twisting your conscience and we don't want that so we teach that and it's so important we are teaching it at that power in love school so this lady looks at me she goes okay I'll go to lunch I said well here I said there's four towns and the four towns were around one of them was called defiance and I said oh my gosh that's the one we got to go to defiance I mean that sounds like a great town like that's what I did my whole life I lived in defiance and I lived in a place of twisted miss and in a place of defying everybody and not caring but I'm thinking let's go redeem the town I mean that's my heart cry and so I just see that stuff and I'm like a little kid like that's the one she was I don't want to go there and I said look let's just go to a restaurant and we'll go eat so she says to me she goes okay but we're not going in and we're going through the drive-thru and you're not I'm not praying for anybody and she kept saying I'm not praying for anybody I would share testimonies about touching people it's it's God's heart to get to people and he wants to use us to do it and it doesn't matter where you are it doesn't matter if the social distancing is six feet that six feet is still invoice and invoice territory for you to land a complementing a hopeful word a word of encouragement you know you're behind people in grocery stores you could buy their groceries regardless even if it's six foot just slide in there slip your debit card in pay for their groceries and tell them that Jesus loves them don't think that that won't have a radical radical radical touch on people's lives especially with the economy kind of shaking I'm telling you this is a time for the church to be bold as a lion to step out and to actually bless people be generous bless your waitresses just go after that it's so important to be radically generous because that's the way we want to live so I don't just teach this I live this so here this lady we we go through the drive-thru and we get to the drive-thru and I go you know what I'm not really hungry she was good I don't want to go here so we parked in the parking lot so I said to her I said you know I said she and I shared my testimony with her a little deeper and some of the stuff that has happened to me and what God set me free from and they were same things that were in her life that could set her free see when you share your testimony the the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy and the word testimony actually means do it again God so when you share your testimony it actually impregnates the very air for that very thing to happen again so it's so important that in this day and right now what we're dealing with with everybody keeping to themselves and that you don't stop sharing your testimony because you want to share testimonies every day if you can call your friends inspire like blow away with the reality of what God's doing and watch God show up in their life and do the same thing like today thousands and thousands and thousands of people are going to be healed and even after this is archived thousands and thousands and thousands of people are gonna be healed even by listening to the message again why because the testimony means to do it again and since heart didn't heal anybody it's God that heals people if he did it now he'll do it again and there's no there's no shutoff of the anointing on the message and God is so powerful and that's what he's gonna do you just want you to see it's gonna be amazing if you have friends call him get him to point up on line we're gonna pray for the stick and the stick will be healed if you have friends when we pray like towards the end what I want you to do is I want you to get them on the phone and we're gonna pray for them on the phone and they'll get healed over the phone why because Jesus is king call your most atheistic friends and God will heal them on the phone people say well what if God doesn't well what if he does come on all you got to lose his pride and you don't want that anyway his pride comes before the fall we don't want that stuff in our life so Karen we went to the parking lot she's you know what I don't pray for people I'm just done with people so here the thing is that she's been hurt by people and she's been devastated by people she's been let down by people now she has other things that she's about to tell me in the future like not so far ahead of where we are right now and why she doesn't want to pray for people but she's been devastated she's been totally overwhelmed by the way that people have treated her by the way that she's been hurt by the way that she's been betrayed by the way that she's been backstabbed which a lot of people in the body of Christ carried that stuff and they're like you know I've got wounds I've got news for you those wounds can be completely healed by your completely submitting to the king of glory by you giving your heart to Jesus that all that unforgiveness gets completely crushed because when you see that you didn't deserve it and God forgives you you will completely render forgiveness to everyone around you so amazing again when I even talk about this right here I can see puddles on the floor where stains of students with tears and snot mess have been on the floor getting radically delivered we have times in here where they run to the front because God shows up no one told them to it's just that's what happens Oh God and bam they get radically delivered man radically delivered and I've seen hundreds it's so powerful all over the world but it's really special here because this is our house it's amazing so I'm talking to Karen and she says to me she said I don't pray for people but I like I love animals and I understand why people say that and if you use it on the tail end of I don't pray for people it's because you've been hurt by people and animal animals can't talk back animals can't talk back even if you have a parrot all they can do is repeat so animals can't talk back so I'm not gonna hurt your feelings I'm not gonna they're not gonna despised and rejected they're not gonna all that stuff plays into this so I looked at her and I said I understand that you pray for animals and I shared a testimony of me praying for my aunt's horse and my aunt's horse had torn a muscle and the hind in the hind quarters it was a show horse and jesus healed my aunt's horse to get to her heart and it was amazing and she goes oh that's awesome and finally we have something to talk about it's it's really cool until then I'm just this psycho crazy guy and so she looks at me and she goes you know she goes I just I just love animals and I looked in the corner of the parking lot and there's a pet store and I'm like this is the Lord I'm in the town of defiance and I've got a woman that's been completely hurt by people so she's not gonna pray for people but there are animals in that store that need repair and so I'm thinking let's go to the pet store she goes okay but I'm not gonna pray for anybody I said okay you don't have to pray for anybody let's just go so we walk into the pet store I love I love sharing testimonies but one of the things that I'm developing and have developed over the years is I love hearing the testimony of someone else like I can't even explain it like in the beginning of my life I'm teaching at the power in loves and I'd go up there and I'd share testimonies and I'd go up there for I would just mess the minutes up it would say 90 seconds or less and since I'm one of the teachers I could kind of and I didn't want to I just get carried away and I'd share like I share ten testimonies that happened in a lunchtime and so I'm up there for like eight people in the 90 seconds and I'm like I didn't mean anything but what I was doing was that testimony was so intense than it was discouraging other people to share their testimonies I didn't get it because it was wisdom it was zeal but not not enough wisdom with my zeal and I'm growing in the Lord and so my heart cry for the last couple of years especially since we've been here and as the power and loves I've grown is I love hearing what God did through someone else like more than I love hearing what God did through me I can't explain it except it's this reproduction thing because my heart cry I want to reproduce what God has done in my heart in people and I don't it's not just for me it's for the world it's for the body of Christ so what I want to do is I want to reproduce the mindset that God's placed in me in others and I want to go after that with all my heart because this isn't about Todd white it's about the body of Christ it's Christ in us thup of glory I heard bill say that Christ is in us for our sake but he rests upon us for others and that's so powerful because he's not to be in you as some kind of a lake he's to be in you like rivers and he's supposed to flow through you like rivers of living water so the body of Christ needs to get this because we time is short man and like we're we're we're hit with this pandemic crazy fear ridiculous flu that is in the world and the body of Christ has been hiding under a rock not all but a lot in the name of wisdom and we're supposed to be standing on a rock with Jesus and we're supposed to have godly wisdom peaceable gentle willing to yield I'm not saying how big meetings and and defied the government like I'm not leading a rebellion but I do rebel against fear because fear is demonic wisdom its strategy from Hell setup to get you to think like the devil he's afraid every day so the devil wants to make you afraid right now to make you think like him because all he wants is to take the body of Christ that has confessed Jesus to think like the devil all the while hoping that God rescues us out of here the rapture is not a rescue mission it's a pickup for a bride that has made herself ready if the pickup for a wedding date like the bride has made herself ready there's the making ready of the bride and it's so exciting and so powerful for us to step into this so Karen and I we walk into the store she distances herself from me she doesn't want to be around me because there's people there now we're one of the pet stores she's okay with the word pet but she's not okay with Todd because Todd is a crazy guy in her mind but she did call me a pitbull so I'm kind of a pet I guess right so we walked into the door and we walked down the one aisle and now now she distances herself from me and she's kind of looking at stuff on the shelf and I said to a lady that's pushing a shopping cart because she's leaned over like this so obviously it looks like her back hurts and she works there so a lot of times what I do is I pray for the people are in the store like right now you have employees that are in stores you have hurting employees you have employees that are scared because they have lots of people going by they have gloves on they have all that I would HIGHLY encourage the body of Christ to step out and love on cashiers love on people stocking shelves love on managers go to restaurants love on waiters and waitresses don't avoid the restaurants because you're afraid listen you got to eat so if I mean if you're in complete fear I will tell you the way to break through that fear is to focus on the Lord and what the Lord says about you and then go and face your fears because really there is none it's just it's just this crazy it's a prison made of vapor walls that aren't real it seems like a cell but it's not a cell it's actually a fake it's it's it's Satan's charade it's not real like the body of Christ needs to step out and love people we're not supposed to stop loving yes people probably aren't gonna want you to get up on them and hug them yes people probably don't want a handshake they want to elbow bump but what if you were somewhere and you saw somebody hurting really bad like this lady in the store that I saw and you said to them hey like I feel like your back's hurting but I didn't just hear a word of knowledge I just saw her leaning over now you got people that stalk you have people that are on their feet obviously there could be something wrong with feet or back or something you can ask them it will take their mind off of this virus and you can say listen you you have something going on with your back yes why do you ask because I really want to pray for you well I'm not supposed to touch anybody okay well just in the name of Jesus you pray for them from a distance and watch God heal them you do not have to lay hands on them you can speak Jesus spoke and people were healed do you know that the same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in us and can flow through us and can heal through us the same way that he flowed through Jesus and healed through Jesus that doesn't mean that we're above that just means that we're the hands and feet and the body of Christ the fullness of him that fills all in all and the same Holy Spirit Romans 8:11 that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in us that right there isn't just to get us out of here that's so that God moved in here so that he could take over he doesn't want to come in and just like change the wallpaper like he doesn't come in and just like hey I'm just gonna set up some pictures and and rearrange this here I like the couch over here no God wants to knock down the walls of your house and he wants to make you fit to be a temple of the Lord like he's amazing and God is totally into transforming you completely and he wants to use his word to do it but he also wants to use encounters with the Holy Ghost to do it because we need encounters with God not just reading we can't just we can't just have the word we have to have the spirit and the word that's what we need is the perfect combination so I'm I look at this lady I asked her about her back I'm back with Karen in the store I looked at her and I said does your back hurt she goes well comes with the territory honey I said no way so so Karen is here looking at something on the shelf but she's not buying anything and she's just kind of like acting like she doesn't know me and it's okay there's a lot of people that I've walked with that act like they don't know me it's so funny but God knows me and he knows my name and so I'm so good with that and so I asked her eyes I said Ken that's right for you she goes well sure now just I said just look if we put my hand on your shoulder she said sure I said father I just thank you in the name of Jesus I thank you for a brand new back right now I thank you for discs being healed in Jesus name father thank you for wholeness right now right now online there are backs being healed as I just said that right now there was a warmth in your back the Lord told me he was doing it he said I'm gonna heal as you share testimonies the same testimony you're sharing I'm gonna do livestream all over the Internet so father I thank you for backs on the internet being healed right now in Jesus name on livestream just like the lady in the cart when I'm sharing this testimony it is like a movie being played out it's like it just happened yesterday and I'm in the store as I'm sharing this it's almost like an open vision when I share testimonies it's like everything is gone that's why it's easy for me to speak in an empty room that's why I'm like I don't know maybe I'm crazy but I'm in love with Jesus it's powerful this lady's back gets healed and and she stands up she goes oh my gosh and Pam said is it really better like I are much Karen she said is it really better and I said and I said we'll check it real quick and she checked that she stood up she goes yeah she goes oh ma okay and she ignored me again like I'm not even in the room like it's so crazy because what she's doing is she's starting to see and hear the testimony so what happens is see right right now she's she's kind of heckling me on the personal basis because we're together she's upset she doesn't believe and when I'm sharing and there's a reason for that and I'll share it I'll share at the end of the testimony but she's she's upset because she doesn't believe that what I'm sharing is true and a lot of times what happens is somebody's prayed for some way it didn't happen and then they prayed for one other person that didn't happen so they just figured it's not their gift but who gave you the right to change God's Word God didn't say it's your gift he said these signs will follow them that believe in my name they will lay hands on the sick and the sick shall recover that's what Jesus said in mark 16 and it is so powerful those that believe he said these same works that I do in John 14:12 these same works that I do and greater works will he do because I'm going to go to be with the father in other words these same works I do new believers are gonna do and greater works why because he was gonna go to be with the father so the Holy Spirit that was with the disciples was going to be in the disciples he told the disciples in in John 16 he told them he goes guys it's better for you that I go away is if I don't go away he won't come see they had the Holy Spirit with them but they didn't have the Holy Spirit in them or upon them he was there but they were still living as orphans and the body of Christ doesn't have to live as orphans because God's our Father and the Holy Spirit doesn't just live it live in us but he wants to rest upon you but he's not just with you like God's not out here when you get born again the Spirit of God actually comes to make his home in you and he wants to rest upon you and he wants to use you for service and service isn't just getting into full-time ministry that's one of the great things that we do here at LCU is main if you want to go into the marketplace we want to empower you to go into the marketplace if you want to be a police officer we don't want to empower you to be a police officer it's gonna be a fireman we want to empower you to rescue people from burning buildings if you want to be a teacher we want to empower you to be the best teacher but make sure that Christ is your firm foundation and you can't be shaken because even when anything hits no matter what economy troubles trials whatever trials are amazing because trials help us to grow in our character and character like produces like we're amazing guys we we have the ability to whether through any situation because once you're founded on the rock and what's your heart is stable and Jesus doesn't become a crutch but becomes the anchor of your soul your whole life will change and everywhere you go you will transform places no matter where you go so you have revival inside of this circle there's presence is what we long for we want to be with him we want to carry him we want to boast about him we want to share him with the world we don't want to keep him contained this isn't a private matter it's not okay we need to let him out and let him just touch the world so we're in the store we walk down the store down the aisle we get to the end and I see a mom with her two kids and see their dog getting groomed and I said is that your puppy she said the little girl goes yup that's myself oh and she names her dog and it was a beautiful dog then was a golden retriever really really beautiful I'm like wow you know and and and she started to talk about it and I asked the mom ice is there anything that can pray for you for and she looked at me and she goes yeah you sure can pray for us for finances and so you know this lady Karen she stood back she's listening to this she's uneasy she knows that lady was healed her back was healed because the lady told her yes it's gone now we're talking to another person but they don't need prayer for healing they need prayer for finances so what do you do as a Christian when someone says they need prayer for finances you sow a seed into them why because they didn't ask you for healing they said they're struggling so I looked at her and I said you know what I took the cash out of my pocket and I went and I gave it to her I said look this is a seed let me pray for you and so Karen's watching this and she's beside herself she's like oh my gosh what is going on like this is crazy but I heard her say that and I'm praying for them and she said thank you so much you didn't have to do that said no I didn't have to I get to see that's the thing I don't have to pray for people I don't have to bless people I get to you don't have to you don't have to like you can go through life and not talk to anybody you don't have to but when you get to heaven you can anymore when you get to heaven it's over you're gonna find out that you have thousands of opportunities that you missed along the way because you are more concerned of what people thought about you then the reality of who God is inside of you and you're caring more about your private matter you're caring more about keeping this thing in and honestly that all gets unlocked when you see that you've been made right with God when you start to see that God has made you right with him and he's for you and not against you when you see that when you see the price that Christ paid for you when you see the cross and what he really did when you see that he took your sins and your lawless deeds and he remembers them no more and he completely obliterated them as though they never existed when you see that everything changes that same thing that guilt then one of my highest priorities here at lifestyle Christiana University is the reality of knocking out guilt shame condemnation and regret I will live my whole life my whole life knocking those things out because they stop you from receiving God's love because with those in place you're constantly looking back wondering what you could do better wondering how you can go back and fix this and when you're doing that you can never focus on this right here because all that stuff is a weight and it is not okay to carry your weight when Jesus told you take his yoke so take your yoke away and take Jesus's yoke his yoke is easy and his burden is light and when you see this and you start to dive into Scripture and you find out what God says about you shame is gone guilt has no landing strip because you've been occupied by the king of glory and you've been occupied by love itself when you're occupied by love nothing can contaminate that thing it's the love of God Jesus who knew no sin became sin so that I might become the righteousness of God that's in Christ Jesus he didn't just make me right with him I've become right with him jesus said that I've become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus I've preached this for for my whole life since I've been born again I'm going on 16 years it never gets old because the blood of jesus never coagulates it's on the throne trying out Mercy Mercy Mercy there's no way there's no other way to live your Christian life any other way is not the narrow gate the narrow gate that leads to life is Jesus many are called but few find it we can't afford to like wonder if this is the gate some people say well that's too good to be true there's no possible way no either Jesus paid the price that he did or he didn't either this whole Bible is true or none of it's true every scripture is true or none of it's true you just pick and choose which ones you want I promise you righteousness and the freedom from guilt and shame and condemnation is what you want in your life you don't want to live with that stuff if Christ paid a price to set you free from it why would you want to live bound by it ever again God is faithful and just he said the just shall live by faith he said that I am unashamed Romans 1:16 I am unashamed of the gospel for it is the power of God unto salvation for them that believe it's the power of God for in it in what in the gospel what is in the gospel for in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith for it is written the just shall live by faith what kind of faith do we have if we're living in fear what kind of faith do you have fear and faith our enemies the only faith the only fear that faith adheres to is the fear of the Lord the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom but the fear of the Lord is completely completely dominant and crushes the fear of man the fear of what people think the peer of what people may say the fear of disease the fear of sickness the fear of the fear of all that stuff God wants to put in us to fear the Lord the beginning of wisdom righteousness is the answer to the sin problem righteousness is the answer to the sickness problem righteousness is the answer like Jesus didn't just pay a partial price he paid full penalty and all sickness was nailed to him on that tree by His stripes we are healed in Isaiah 53 by His stripes we were here healed in 1st Peter 2:24 by stripes we were and by stripes we are somewhere between we are and we were we is and so we need to go after this with everything why bring the cross down to your brain why not bring your brain up to the cross and see the truth of what he paid why would you negotiate the gospel this isn't just one eye this is one-one vision but not one eye both eye center focus single vision if your eye is single your whole body will be full of light we need to have a single vision now more than ever we can't afford to have double vision this is so important and it's so imperative right now for the body of Christ to step into her identity her identity as a bride one that's blameless and spotless one that has had the price paid for her by the bridegroom it's so important that we see that wedding day is quickly approaching and it's so important that we have to realize the bride makes herself ready you make yourself ready by knowing the truth and it's the truth that sets you free the body of Christ has been living by feelings for way too long feelings don't set you free truth sets you free truth sets you free Jesus is the way the truth and the life the truth sets you free I can't say that enough so this lady Karen is dealing with lies lies do not set you free truth sets you free are you with me it's so important it's the truth I'm a truth God man but I'm not a truth outside of the word guy because you're gonna have truth in the world but the truth here come on here's the truth in the world you know your smoker and you reap what you sow you know it's true you smoke and that's in your lungs because of that but what if a greater truth is that Jesus paid a price for you to reap what he sowed what if jesus paid a price to take that out of you what if you've come to Christ and what if you have something in your lungs that you you wish you'd never done and that the smoking has ruined your lungs COPD emphysema lung cancer something in there that came from a life of sin or let's say you're a person that do you have people that slept around a whole lot growing up or in their life and then they come to Christ and wish they'd never did it and they catch like an STD but then there's other people that just they sleep with somebody one time and all of a sudden they get bit time but you have another person that slept with all these people that didn't get bit but that one person that got fit that one time has secured that thing forever and the devil goes you reap what you sow you reap what you said but what if a greater truth is that we get to reap what Jesus sowed he unless the seed falls to the ground and dies it abides alone but if it dies it can reproduce so what he wants to do is reproduce the reality of the cross reproduce the reality of the finished work in you so if you've got a sickness that came that came from sin and you've repented that sickness is trespassing and must leave your body so right now if you've got an STD if you've got a lung disease if you've got cuts on your arm right now we command that disease to leave in Jesus name if you have repented and you're a Christian that thing is trespassing if you haven't all you need to do is say father I don't know you and I want to you can say I need you to pray with me right now I just feel like my heart once you're afraid with me right now those of you who are watching if you are not right with God right now is your chance right now don't don't wave I want you to pray with me Lord God right now I give my life back to you if you're really this good then I want to know you I'm asking you to forgive me of all of my sin oh this is so powerful I feel the Lord myth he loves you so much forgive me of sin that's right right now come Holy Spirit in Jesus name and wipe that disease out of their body in Jesus name I command it to leave on command cuts to vanish I command track marks to leave and jeez name I command your STD to go and dissipate and come to nothing I'll come in your blood disease to leave in Jesus name get out right now AIDS I rebuke you and command you go in Jesus name yeah that's right oh I can feel that hepatitis C I curse you and command you bow right now in Jesus name let them go in Jesus name brand new skin no more track marks no more cuts in Jesus name I feel like there are marks that people have tried to commit suicide you have a mark on your on your left wrist right now it's disappearing just watch it leave it's so good oh Jesus father I thank you for redemption because if you've been forgiven much God wants you to be able to love much and what greater place and having all those stains and all those marks and all those things that you gathered through life completely removed because God says that old things have passed away all things have become new old things have passed away behold all things have become new he did it for me he'll do it for you I feel like there are mines that have been damaged because of drugs right now mines just thoughts your your mind is just scattered constantly if I feel like there's somebody out there you took a lot of acid actually acid and oh my gosh just us psychotic drugs God's restoring your mind right now in Jesus name people say well that's a lot to say oh I've seen it done too many times God thank you for wholeness in Jesus name brand-new as if you never sinned as if you never slept with somebody as if you never smoke that cigarette as if you never dropped acid as if you never took heroin it's so good Jesus thank you Lord pray with me lord I give you my life and I'm asking you to show me who you are and I will live for you all the days of my life God I ask you to encounter people in their homes right now cuz you are so good you are so big Jesus I love you Holy Spirit touch you people Jesus name either on the biggest flake in the world or he's here oh he'll never leave you he'll never forsake you even though everybody else might leave he'll never leave you oh Jesus your king so Karen and I walked away from that she was so blown away we walked up around the corner and walked up to the aquarium's this lady that was petrified now she's walking closer to me it's amazing what can happen when you allow God to produce fruit on your tree and let other people pick it instead of trying to keep selling it there's so much in that that's what we went up front and I asked the lady at the aquarium's I said hey hon I said is there anything that we could pray for you for and and Karen kind of stepped away she goes actually there is I go really she goes yeah she goes I have a sick turtle are you kidding like God is so big like he's so much bigger than we let him be I have a sick turtle and he can hardly breathe and man Karen goes all pray and I'm like oh I'm backing up this is amazing I'm getting out of here I just stood back and I watched this woman in the name of Jeet I mean bold loud it was crazy I command this lungs to be healed in Jesus name and the girls like yeah sister and I'm like are you kidding me Lord like are you really that like this is amazing he's way bigger than you think if you just step out and let him be God let it be God his this woman was self-hatred this woman hated herself this woman was anger she was depressed she was suicide waiting to happen she didn't want to live she didn't want to be around she prays for her they high-five I go that was awesome she goes yup she's walking around like I was like you gotta be kidding me this is amazing look like he's so much but I fall into stuff like I don't know everything I fall into it I'm like oh god you're here it's amazing but I want to give him everything I don't want to give him part of my life I want him to have it all my life doesn't belong to me it belongs to him it's his it's not mine anymore I have been purchased not with silver not with gold not with corruptible things but I've been purchased with the blood of Jesus God so loved the world that He gave His Son so that if I would believe in him if whoever would believe within him we wouldn't perish but we have eternal life eternal life doesn't start when you die at the end when you leave this earth eternal life starts when you get born again and you die to who you thought you were that's when eternal life starts eternal life starts when you get born again it's easy and so we walk up we see another lady in the aisle with a she has a child now a Chow is a dog that they're not as friendly as most dogs and so I thought you know what I'm just gonna like cautiously approach the dog and talk to this lady so I went to talk to the lady and man Karen is right up in the dog's face like I'm like wow she's like a dog whisperer it's amazing I'm like this is crazy like she's no fear now all she needs to do is have her fear switched her fear switched she has no fear of certain things but she fears people but now it's starting to change and I looked at the lady there go hey and I had a word of knowledge about this mom she had the child she had a little son I said you have migraine headaches she said I do I have one right now I go No I said can we pray for you and Karen left the dog away and and walked away a little bit and I looked at her son or sons probably 7 years old I said hey I said can we pray for your mom and he goes he hates that her his mom is crippled from migraines look if you're crippled from migraines or headaches God's gonna heal you right now people said well how can you say that with certainty because the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy and if God did it in one he'll do it in another see he's no respecter of persons you don't have to do anything to earn a miracle God wants to do them because he loves you so she knelt down in the store this lady knelt down she's like this with her dog and Karen's just watching like this and so the little boy put his hand on his mom and he looked at me like how does this work oh this is so awesome I said just say this with me in the name of Jesus sure enough Karen comes over she goes she's afraid to touch she's just like this but she had enough boldness to come a couple feet closer and if you as a Christian would step out you'd see other people that are afraid step out just like David did when David slayed Goliath everybody was afraid but after that giant fell everybody chased the Philistines and the whole army saw the will of the Lord and if one question was step forward what it would change everything so she's shaking we prayed she goes and the little boy in Jesus name in Jesus name I command this headache to leave I command this heading to leave and the lady goes it's gone it's gone she got up she hugged me she goes it's gone and Karen goes really she was yes she grabbed Karen I go oh this is so good like this is so amazing cuz I don't have to tell her that it's real she's seeing it this is a show-and-tell gospel you preach the kingdom and heal the sick or you heal the sick and then share the kingdom either way it's show-and-tell telling show this is not supposed to be word only it's supposed to be word and spirit word and spirit this is amazing so this lady gets healed then they go up and and I know in my heart I need it I want to pay for her stuff that she's getting and so she goes up front and she said she goes you know she goes I really appreciate you guys praying for my headaches have never had become so bad they're so horrible and I said well I need to get your dog food she goes no you can't do that I said please let me and this lady Karen goes I want to help too like oh my gosh like so now this lady's stepping into radical generosity that right there crushes fear to you if people can be radically generous and crushes fear especially in a time like now like we're in a time where it's really hard because like jobs and this and that the other thing man every time you see this stuff in scripture you see people sowing like when famine was happening like if I'm gonna sit here and hoard what I have personally or if our students are gonna hoard what they have then even what they have will be taken and what we don't understand is that when stuff gets rough that's when you so when stuff is tough so this lady like I don't know how rough it is for her right now but I know that she's really overwhelmed with us blessing her she doesn't want it to stop just receive just let me bless you I got I don't want anything from you she goes okay see she's been taking advantage of a lot of people world if I do this what will you do and that's not that's not the kingdom no God wants us to be generous why because God so loved the world that He gave why God did so hate the world that he stole God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son why why do we give why do I want to bless her why don't want do it one it's a radical act of generosity it takes the spirit of ugly off the bride what when I tell a waitress when I'm going to a store and I tell her that Jesus loves her if I can't bless her I actually don't practice what I preach if I believe God is good and God is amazing I'm not talking about see people some people confuse this with just preaching prosperity I'm preaching generosity there's a difference between going after people for selfish gain or or getting people's stop be selfish there's a difference between getting everything and hoarding everything for yourself and teaching that that's demonic but if you're setting people free from being selfish so that they can actually be generous so you tie God's hands if you can't bless people and you need to be able to out there and bless people especially right now in this season that we're at you need to bless business owners need to bless waiters I can't stress this enough this is so important those people taking the carts across the parking lot I get Walmart whatever go up to them and give them 20 bucks and tell them how much the Lord loves them like no strings attached God just loves you why are you doing this like right now like people freak out because everybody is depending on Mammon right now and Mammon right now is it so good but God is always good and he owns the cattle on a Thousand Hills look we have a training center we have a building we have a two hundred thousand square foot property we don't have anybody in it right now I have I have 43 staff I have all that I will not squirm and freak out I will radically and generously bless and go out to this thing because you can't outgive God because he's the King of glory so we're doing this this lady she's crying she was I can't believe you guys are doing this this is real so Karen ends up getting her number and she ends up going and then she shows up at the night service that was like the I think that was the afternoon service no that was the morning because then Karen ended up taking other people out on outreach she'd lead an outreach this petrified woman that was completely just blown away and and angry because of this and that yes she led the other outreach and she had people go with her and she's praying for the sick she's getting words of knowledge and she was completely petrified completely hated herself and look at her now just one so now the night time comes and the testimony line is because we at night during the power and loves we have people share testimonies at LCU we have people share testimonies because hearing that and Pregnant's what you need to do is plant yourself in a culture to where testimonies are normal so they become normal in your life that's what we do we want normal Christianity normal lifestyle Christianity that's why we named this what it is and so now I'm Karen's up there with this the ladies there from the store with the dog and I'm like you're kidding me oh my gosh and I'm telling Dan and he's like oh my gosh this is amazing and and she's up there and she gets the mic like she's up there like I'm this lady was petrified she was like this I'm not going anywhere with you now she's up there getting a microphone are you kidding only God only God's love can do that that's radical so this lady gets up she goes today I went out Todd made me go to this certain town and here's what she said she goes there was a reason why I didn't want to go to defiance she goes she goes and he wanted to go to a mall where there was a restaurant but I didn't want to go to that mall see what Todd didn't know was I had a friend that had cancer and I prayed and we walked that mall every day she said and I pray God if it be your will healed my friend that's not how you pray for the sick Jesus demonstrated the will of God and her friend died and he did she didn't get healed so she got mad at God because he didn't heal her friend and so that's why she didn't want to go to mall I didn't know that that was the town that it all happened and I didn't know that but God did and we're at that town and she was brave enough to go to that parking lot who in the pet store and then all of a sudden she's at the very place that all that bad stuff happened but what is God to you he takes you to the place of your greatest fear and he breaks through with his kingdom it's so powerful she's telling the test waiting up said they're crying I had no idea about that stuff like oh my god that explains all this but look at this what does she encountered truth she countered truth now Karen is possessed by the right spirit not the spirit of fear but the spirit of love and power and a sound mind his God's gonna grow under sound mind so she starts sharing she goes and today I met I met a good friend its she's talking about the lady that she met at the store with the dog that we got her food the dog food the lady goes can I share she gives as she wants to share give to the leg come sit there going this is like the best ever so the lady goes today I was at the pet store and I had a migraine headache it was so bad and these wonderful people came by and Karen's like it's crazy I get to walk I get the privilege of watching this on a daily basis I get to watch lives changed I get to watch people change from totally afraid to totally in faith just from an encounter with a holy wood yeah and Karen's holding her close they just met she's afraid of people animals I can pray for if she's holding a lady a woman she goes ad and then we went up front and I wasn't supposed to be at the dog store because I didn't have money for groceries this week but I wanted to get our pet food and all the things we needed for our dog and Karen's leg and then she said and then these wonderful people Karen pulls our closer these wonderful people they paid for all my dog food so I had money for groceries she said and they didn't even know it and Karen's got tears streaming down her face seeing why she's created for the first time in her life this is so powerful and she goes that today I went home and I told my husband and my husband looked at me got on his knees and our whole family gave our life to Jesus today oh my god if this is all I get to do the rest of my life this is what I'm gonna do I don't want to do anything else except reproduce this is people I don't care I want to create a school I want to create a culture here we've already created it it's already started there are 740 applications all ready for our September semester like we have 740 applications already put it application in take a step of faith let this become your life because if God can do that in one day what could he do with nine months not much of your life is like going through childbirth to give birth to something that God wants to do on this earth it's the most amazing thing ever and I want to reproduce this in people and impregnate as many people as it possibly can Jesus is king so this lady everybody erupted and they all freaked out crazy it was awesome guys I need you to help me right now I want you to think about coming to the school but I also want you to think about partnering with us partnering with lifestyle Christianity you don't have to partner with huge gifts I mean a lot of our partners are five dollars a week ten dollars a week I mean honestly what does that do like you skip a coffee once what one day out of seven days five dollars a week that's $20 a month but you have no idea $20 a month is way more than you think it is we're not looking for well I'm telling you that every dollar counts and if this is something that has helped you if the YouTube videos have helped you you know in 2014 we did three hundred and thirty four thousand minutes watched in 2019 we did over a hundred and fifty million minutes last year a hundred and fifty million minutes and they're all free and they're not monetized we won't monetize our YouTube and people's lives are being changed all over the planet help us so into this it doesn't have to be huge but if you would partner with just a couple dollars a week $20 a month $100 a month that's not much if if you believe in what we're doing I'm asking you to help us it's not hard it's not complicated one-time offerings are amazing but if you can sow seed sow seed now sow seed into something that you know is going to produce fruit I promise that when I share today just that testimony is the lifestyle you can ask any of our students you can ask any of our staff I love Jesus with everything in me but I want to be able to do much more than what we're doing so if you guys can become a partner I want you to put something on that screen right now so that they can see how they can partner I'd even tell my guys I was doing this text to give donate now text 4 1 4 1 1 or lifestyle Christianity comm backslash giving if you can do this we'd really appreciate this no pressure we just need help we're not going under we're not hurting we just need to grow and we have a big school coming please pray about coming it's so powerful we need as many students as can come we want to I want to reproduce as much as I can in people have goals of student housing I have lots of things I want to do I want to not even tell my staff I want to build a huge food pantry they're like great but without the vision the people perish and so I have great goals I want to feed the poor I want to clothe the poor I want to sow as much as we possibly can I want to I want to celebrate I want to teach students how to be radically generous I want to I want to put as many videos as we can we don't monetize we don't make money on YouTube I want to take the videos out probably probably the greatest reason was the testimony that I heard a man tell me his daughter came up she goes you saved my daddy it was out of power love school you saved my daddy I said oh honey that's awesome Jesus saved you died she does know you did I'm gonna know Jesus did she goes come here she grabbed me by the finger she pulls me over her other sisters there she goes you saved my dad she's older I could know Jesus didn't know you need to talk to my dad so I'm like ok so he's got five kids got a wife they're all they're happy amazing I said what what happened he goes brother as well thank you for saving my life gave me a big hug wouldn't let me go I said what's going on man how you know it's Jesus cuz no I know because I was in my computer if my family was in the kitchen and the living room watching TV I walked into the computer room had a double-barrel shotgun loaded I was gonna blow my brains out because I picked the gun up I put it in my mouth and my computer popped on my computer came on the wit I put the gun in my mouth maybe he bumped it I don't know but he said you came on there you told me about a reason to live and in 30 seconds I was on my knees and I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ I said oh my god and I thought my heart right dad what if an ad popped up he's shot himself about going out that way bad people like well the wealth of the wicked laid up for the righteous I don't care I don't want ads in our videos I want conviction I want conviction I want encouragement I don't want to see people's lives changed forever I don't want ads I love Jesus but I'm not saying the people that have don't love him I'm just saying my conviction you need to obey your heart you need obey your conscience and I won't have that stuff guys if you can partner I need you to do it if you can plug in and donate monthly I need you to do it please don't think I just shared to get your money we're gonna make it without it I promise Jesus is king he didn't call us here to let everything fold are you with me he loves you look I'm gonna pray for the sick but I feel like I need to I need to ask you again real quick if you don't know the Lord he wants you to know him and if you're not born again he wants you born again if you're not saved he wants to save you who wants to save you from yourself who wants to save you from your hellish thinking he wants you he desires you he loves you and I want you to know how much was all my life I thought there's no way someone could love me but I was wrong cuz jesus paid it all he paid it all so if that's you and you're watching it you haven't given your life to Jesus if you'd like to I'd like to pray with you and if you've back slit you slid away I suggest you slide home because there's no greater place to be then hope with Jesus right here on this planet where you become a dwelling place of the Temple of the Most High God so just pray with me right now say Lord God I admit that I have sinned and fallen short and I need a Savior [Music] throw me the lifesaver Lord I feel like I'm drowning and you're the only one that could keep me afloat in above water I'm asking you right now come and make your home inside of me and be my king I surrender I'd give my life to you and I say yes God I say yes to you I say yes to you I say yes to you the Bible says that if you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is Lord you shall be saved and that word saved is saved healed delivered protected made whole kept safe and sound to be kept safe from harm to do well that's the word Sozo so when you confess with your mouth believe in your heart the Bible says you can be healed delivered set free so in the name of Jesus I thank you for healing right now all the way through the body of Christ right now that shoulders and backs necks ears eyes all of it would be healed right now in Jesus name just put your hand on the part of your body that is hurting I feel like there are people out there that have symptoms of this this flu virus thing I rebuke that symptom in Jesus name and command it to die right now in the name of Jesus right now we command every symptom to leave your body that your lungs would be healed your fever would drop your nose would be clear in Jesus name that that fear of that symptom will be gone father we worship you we give you glory I thank you for miracles signs and wonders right now in the name of Jesus God I thank you for encounters with the Spirit of the Living God then Holy Spirit you would invade the impossible and make the impossible possible in Jesus name brand new knees brand new box brand-new wrists brand new lungs brand new hearts brand new kidneys brand new livers in Jesus name father we worship you we give you glory we thank you we thank you we thank you we thank you we thank you we thank you [Music] we thank you Jesus we thank you we thank you Jesus we thank you we thank you Jesus we thank you we praise you Jesus we praise you we give you glory Jesus we give you glory Jesus we give you glory Jesus we thank you Jesus we thank you [Music] guys I want to thank you right now for considering partnering with us affect the Lord for healing you for miracles signs and wonders I want to thank the Lord for setting up his residence in your heart today and in your life today we would encourage you to plug in we would encourage you to be discipled to get to know a body of Christ we would love for you to be a part of our family we love discipleship it is so powerful because it's not just about praying and prayer it's about giving your life to Jesus and then finding out what you just gave your life to because this book is big and amazing God wants you to learn and understand what's in it he'll give you the Holy Spirit you already have him right now to help you make every word in your life but he also has teachers pastors apostles prophets evangelists the fivefold gift to equip us the Saints for the work of ministry the guys there's discipleship that needs to happen so I would encourage you to plug in I would encourage you to come back and be a part of what we're doing even if it's online for now as it isn't gonna be forever I promise God is resetting the body of Christ right now that's what he heard told me today he said I'm pushing the reset button by the church bringing them back to why they're in this thing so if you just got born again you've come in at a great season buddy cuz there's no place to go but up it's amazing let's worship Jesus a little [Music] it's [Music] it's I need if [Music] you yeah [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] it's [Music]
Channel: Todd White
Views: 104,594
Rating: 4.9126592 out of 5
Id: p_kySzp9CJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 35sec (4175 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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