Todd White - Step into your calling

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i love when i look at jesus and there are some times when jesus was like yeah that's really good but there was other times when he went are you with me in scripture where jesus was amazed he was amazed at the faith that stood in front of him i want to be that guy i want to be the one that jesus is like that's not a pride thing that's i found it in scripture and it was certain people that pressed in they pressed in he says wow i haven't find this found this kind of faith in all of israel to a centurion are you with me this is wonderful news that means that we can all struck jesus that god goes is that weird to religious people it is you're not going to obstruct god no no no i want to wow god i want to bring glory to his name i was listening to this story it was about it was about uh christian martyrdom which by the way is really exciting it's actually the great ending to the best news ever that's not like so sought after but if you realize that when you gave your life to christ you died you're already a murder walking this was a story about the wedding feast about the marriage supper and this person came into heaven and came up and the angels were like your seat is right over here at the marriage table come on and they're so excited to get there and they sit down at the table and they see a little girl that's sitting beside them and they said hey because they didn't recognize anybody that was there and they said hey how can you tell me how you got here the little girl goes yes of course why do you ask she says well i just wanted to know because i don't know anybody here and she felt comfortable asking a child so the child said well i grew up in rome and we had a really hard life she goes can you tell me about your life she said i can why don't i tell you about the end of it she's okay so the girl said my brother myself and my father were all captured by the romans for our faith and they took us and they took us to a coliseum and we were behind the bars and we were watching and my father they took out into the middle of this coliseum she said and and then all the doors opened and these lions came out and my father praising the lord lost his life as these lions ate him in front of the cheering romans and it devastated me as a little girl and it hurt so bad and i cried so hard and i didn't know what i was going to do but the next day i found out what i was going to do because the next day they came from my brother and i and they put us into the center of the same stadium with the same cheering roman crowd and as the doors opened the lions from all around the coliseum rushed to the center where my brother and i was it was only my brother and i and as the roman crowd cheered them on they mauled us and ripped our bodies apart we died and the angels ushered us into heaven and the little girl looked at the lady or looked at the man and said can you tell us your story i hope that when you get there you have a story i don't want my story to be i did nothing with this gospel it hit me like a ton of bricks and i thought lord god make my life a drink offering and and make me live a life worthy of the call god do whatever you got to do i asked him again this morning god give me a clean heart god renew a right spirit within me it's not because i'm in sin or i'm living some lie it's because i can't afford to be complacent for a moment or to live passive in the christian gospel where people around me are perishing i can't afford to live a life less than the price that he paid for me i can't afford to get up today and to live the same as i did yesterday there has to be a new awareness of this person of his presence of his love of his goodness of his grace and of his mercy that today i might burn brighter than i did yesterday something has to happen and the only thing that can make that happen is having a contrite heart the lord searches the earth he looks to and fro looking for one that he can show himself faithful to he searches his eyes are continually gazing like the holy spirit hovered the world when everything was created god hovers the earth looking for one to whom he can show himself faithful i don't know about you but i am seriously convicted today i can't afford to live less than this and it's not about performance it's not it's about being continuously aware of his presence of his person of him being a father if i don't understand my identity and who he's created me to be i can never live a life that's worthy dr brown was here and shared i think last sunday on suffering such a good message and then he came and completely totaled the school completely overwhelmed the school i sat on my i got on my knees over there for the 40 minutes the last 40 minutes and couldn't even contain myself because i really need to be ready the lord says be ready in season and out god says be ready in first peter he says be ready to give an explanation when people ask you about the hope that you carry when's the last time during the pandemic that someone asked you about the hope that you carry guys this doesn't mean people like i'm really uncomfortable i'm going to go somewhere where i can be tickled i would hate to be tickled all the way through life and then have to face jesus on that day to face a man that was bruised and broken and beaten and striped and scourged and marred beyond any man and to face him having been tickled and comfortable and comfortable my whole life i am required to be uncomfortable to rely upon the comforter i am required to be persecuted for the sake of godliness all of those that desire to live godly it doesn't say to talk godly to act godly to thank godly to confess their godly it doesn't say to wear godly clothes and look good on the outside but inside be filthy it says all of those that desire to live godly will suffer persecution so if we're not being persecuted maybe we're not living if we're not being persecuted for our faith if we're not being if people are not ruffled by what we carry then maybe we're not carrying him that's not mean are you guys with me i feel like why you know i don't really tell us something good do you realize that this is actually the good news like we carry the best news ever news that will never be bad this news never gets spoiled the world can't spoil it it can't take it away actually the way things are going are completely biblical they're like no no it's going to get better no it's going to get worse well that's that's wrong prophecy you're supposed to edify encourage you want me to lie to you do you call that prophecy everything's going to get better things are getting brighter wow look at the world do you think that the news is going to broadcast amazing tomorrow come on you know what's amazing the god that created everything the god of the universe the one that spoke and everything was chose to live in you despite your frailties your humanity your sin and your twistedness despite all that you've done and all that you did against him despite complacency and passionless christianity despite all that god still i love you still i love you when we don't deserve it if you want what you deserve go to hell that's what we all deserve but that's not what jesus paid a price for us to receive to inherit he purchased for us something much greater than just a sunday service or a conference or a radio station in your car or a bumper sticker he did way more than just open your car door for you to let you in as a gentleman he did way more than that he paid a price to give you a life that you could never earn he paid a price to give you such a heavenly calling a hopeful calling to where hope would never be deferred and your heart could never get sick because you're aware of his plans for you guys we need something it's in here it's strategic it's exciting it's never boring read in here i got up this morning and just cried i cried for about my first hour i do that's how it goes you know they do these um they do these closet times like in the lcu and and they'd do about 20 minutes 15 20 months i wouldn't get past just crying i would just cry i would be in the beginning stages of bawling i'm not kidding i would just be bawling and be like what was that it was me i don't ball because of sadness i don't ball because of depression i ball because i'm in love and it is so fantastically amazing it is outrageous it's beyond feelings it's beyond anything this world could ever give me it's joy inexpressible it's the god that's full of glory that said i have given you my glory that's what he said that's his word jesus said i don't speak to just those that are here but i speak to those who believe in me through their word and the glory you have given me i have given them that's what he says he chose to live in me despite my filthy insides he chose to live in me and then the body of christ because of not the because of the unawareness of god's dwelling place we consider our flesh as ugly and detestable you know that your flesh can never do something that your mind didn't premeditate to do we have taught the body of christ that we're bipolar christians that my flesh and my spirit are at war against each other it's the only reason is because we haven't surrendered we haven't surrendered and how can we surrender if i'm constantly feeding on the world instead of feeding on the word if my constant feeding is of the world of a tv of a game games have captured our generation games have captured our generation with fantasy and an escape of reality to where grown christian men and grown christian women yet on again gets sucked in for hours facebook captures people they get sucked in for hours worrying about and being concerned about what's happening in everybody's life and it's secluded us from reality it's kept us isolated from the truth and then we're wondering why things are so bad we're like oh my gosh look at how politics are going guys a democracy is one thing but a theocracy is another the theocracy that you and i have entered into regardless of america of russia of poland of europe of north korea regardless of what the outside external government has we have an internal government that is a theocracy and what the king says goes i've got lots of different news that i can read and reading the news keeps me away from the good news if i'm so focused on all the things that are going wrong and oh my gosh it happened again and look it happened again we knew that was going to happen gosh it doesn't take a genius it doesn't take a genius to see that things are not so good but it does take a son of god a daughter of god a king that has chosen to live inside of them to actually show them that he rules and reigns from within he doesn't just rule and reign from heaven he has chosen to come and dwell inside of us to rule and reign from his government his internal government holy spirit that has come to dwell and set up residence inside of us living stones that make up a spiritual temple it's an internal reality that far surpasses an external reality look this external reality is going to fade away everything's going to fade away but your internal reality will live forever gosh there is nothing that can stop this king except you guys i just want to go in a corner and cry god's heartbeat for us is so powerful his love for us far exceeds your expectation of what you think it is if his love for you if god's love for you is even minutely recognized it far excels any kind of love you can get from this world just a very finite portion to be filled with the fullness of god i want you to think about that for a second god's fullness how big would that be how how big would the fullness of god be how how full would his pinky nail be the fullness of god he says to know the love of god that's in christ jesus so here's the key to know the love of god that's in christ jesus so he's saying for you and i to experientially understand to know intimately and and to be completely focused on god's love that's in christ jesus so in the past god spoke to the fathers by the prophets but in these last days god has spoken to us by his son this is all always going to be about jesus always so anytime we're searching the word to try to find out a new thing and we don't land in jesus you're searching outside the parameters of god's love you can make this book say anything you want that's the danger of it you can make this word fit along any message that you want there are people that that make this message fix fix homosexual longings there are people that make this message seek like fit their false grace lying god wants you to be he's okay you can be free and do whatever you want god understands there are people that take this and make it fit everything there are people that have taken this bible to make it fit communism and it's the twisting and the slicing and the dicing of god's word and in the end they'll be hell to pay when you stand before a risen savior that's not okay it's not okay oh man i don't want to go down that road right now i love jesus man to be filled with the fullness of god is to know the love of god that's in christ jesus so if it all comes down to knowing the love of god that's in christ jesus if it all comes down to that if it's all about knowing god's love but all of god's love is in christ jesus that would mean that in order for me to be filled with any bit of fullness i have to experience i have to encounter i have to encounter jesus in such a way that everywhere i encounter the world the encounter of jesus that i have far supersedes my external reality are you with me i have to have such a daily hourly minute encounter with jesus this is not just about reading a book for a better day god did not pay a price for you to have a better day he did not pay a price for you to live your best day this isn't about stuff this isn't about things gosh if it was about things then people wandering around in the desert hiding in holes and in caves putting on different animal skins because they had to because they had to because their faith was getting them killed for it they were completely happy and and overwhelmed with god's goodness and joy so it can't be about stuff man going to africa and seeing people that have nothing and when they meet jesus they have everything and seeing the joy that's on their face is absolutely astounding seeing a witch doctor that thought that he was pressing into all that come to jesus and get rid of all of his junk and his jargon all his trash and all his spell casting trash because he's met one way more powerful and to see that man transformed in a day in a day we have way too much here in america we have way too much and the too much has taken place of him and the quest for more and the job and the and the this and the knowledge man we're going after college to seek the knowledge because we need a good job because we need to provide and we forgot the provider i'm not against college but your mind becomes god then all of a sudden you take a kid that grew up in a christian home and and he's doing really good and he goes away to college then he starts learning and he's wait a minute there's a lot of other options look at all these other options and wait a minute there's no way that all those animals fit on a boat and if that's not true then none of it's true so all of a sudden men you've got these people that are out there creating you have the most amazing creators you have people that have created some of the most amazing computer systems that are available software that's available you have the pc that was created by somebody that their company is rolling in billions and millions and billions and billions of dollars and everything there but there's still no peace and you have another set of computers that there are so many out there that has the very picture of a bitten forbidden fruit on the front of it that was one of the most amazing genius of people that gave no credit and no glory to the one that gave them their brilliance all of their stuff none of it they're taken with them you've got people that have created the most incredible games i mean i played games when i was a kid pac-man asteroids i remember when pong came out buddy space invaders was next look at them now there's no end look at the phones man the phones are so brilliant they're smartphone they're smarter than smart and then one comes out here droid comes out apple comes out boom boom boom and it seems like they'll never ever end the one-upping but they always do it always gets better how could it get better i mean how could it get better and then it does then all of a sudden these little things that we have in our hand take us away from the very god that created us i watch my own kids man my four-year-old like he'll crack your code in a second i'm not kidding he'll be looking out of the corner of his eye you put a new code in your phone he remembers it it is funny we've got a serious dilemma on our hands man there are monsters out there trying to eat you the problem is is that nobody's afraid of it well you know dr brown shared this word the other day when he first started sharing it i knew what he was going and the word was akarit it's a greek word it means to mind in the beginning things that are going to matter in the end song of solomon explains it like this let us catch us the little foxes that spoil the vine hebrews hebrew i'm sorry yeah hebrews 2. but second corinthians chapter 10 verse 4 says in a different way it says that the weapons that we have are not carnal but are divinely powerful for pulling down strongholds taking every thought into captivity taking every thought captive that is trying to exalt itself against the knowledge of god all of these are the same we have been given weapons but we have become a people that lay our sword on an altar we have been given weapons but we have so gone after the political arena of trying to make sure that this stays in place that we've neglected the most important things ever we have become so political in our pursuit of getting the right president that we've forgotten that biden's going to hell without jesus we have become so focused on what's wrong and have completely forgotten what has been made right we need to encounter him not just at a service on a sunday we need an encounter with god that never ends god didn't set this thing up so that you would just come on sunday to get shocked god set this up so that your shock and awe of the father would never end that each day it would grow more glorious more intimate more exciting but if you never pick this word up if you never pick this up if you never search this it says that the glory of god is to conceal a matter this book is completely concealed this is not built for your brain this is not a normal book this book cannot be understood by the carnal mind that's why not many will read it if i told you that more muslims read it to fight against it then christian reap then christians read it to find out what's in it that should alarm you there's a war and it's not just against the nation it's against your soul corporately we can go after him but if we don't go after him individually corporately will never take place jesus says those that worship the father must worship him in spirit and in truth he's talking to the woman at the well she says you jews say that we must worship the father in jerusalem you say jesus as i tell you this the time is coming the time already is that those that worship the father must worship him in spirit and in truth why jesus carried holy spirit so jesus while he lived here was full on in worship of the father in spirit and in truth he was standing before her as the beaming example of normal christianity gosh normal christianity walking as a house of prayer walking as a mobile temple of prayer you cannot have prayer and complaint in the same place are you with me complaining and being so sad at how the world's going and how messed up things are isn't prayer interceding like moses did for a nation god if you blot them out then take me with you if you blot them out then take me out too that's prayer god if you take out america and you wipe them off the planet to take me out too one person standing before god for their nation for their people for their family god my family hasn't turned but if you choose to wipe them out then wipe me out too because i'm contending guys we're upon the holidays i don't know about you but my family's not ready i've got extended family that aren't ready i don't know about all you guys what would make them less ready is you not living ready what would make them not want to be with jesus is if they can't see you be with jesus what would make them not want him is if you argue about how they don't have him what would make them fear the lord is if you actually feared the lord if the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom then maybe seeking after worldly wisdom isn't are you with me are you okay this is kind of a heavy intense happy word i want us to love him well i want you look my goal isn't to have a big church my goal is to raise up a company of believers that have in mind the end my goal is to have you be so eternally focused that what you're doing with your life right now matters my goal is to have you so focused on your love with him now and for him now being consumed with that on a daily i don't know if this is your goal if it's not it might not be the right place for you and i'm okay with that if none go with me i'm going i'm not kidding i'm going after god i'm gonna go after him with everything in me why because the lord said all or none for or against gather or scatter he didn't say the safe place was hanging up in the middle when i see scriptures like jesus saying in the book of revelation that because you're lukewarm i will spit you out of my mouth i do not want to hang in a warm place this isn't well you know god's working on me one day i'll be on fire no the only reason that somebody's not burning now is because you allowed too much trash right here oh god i should be overwhelmingly concerned with what i'm putting in here and what i'm putting in here some people look at it as legalism i can watch what i want listen to what i want yes all things are permissible but not all things are beneficial why would i listen to something that's not going to benefit me because it's something that's routine it's habit i like this kind of music and all of a sudden the lyrics bypass your brain and go straight to your heart so you're wondering why you can't get rid of this stuff it's no joke music goes [Music] it doesn't even set here it sets here so when i'm listening to music that's all about stuff that jesus paid a price to actually finish and then i'm wondering why i can't think right why i'm so confused and why i'm depressed and why i get anxious it's because what you feed on what you eat the bible actually teaches that you are what you eat are you guys okay do you know the sports that we so desperately long for do you know the commercials every commercial is geared all of them are geared people think they're well they're harmless you're wrong you know you walk away and you go to the kitchen to get something and your little kid's watching the commercial then all of a sudden you hear stuff come out of your kid's mouth that you can't even believe is in there how did you learn that oh gosh who do you love what do you burn for what's your goal paul said oh that i might know you and the power of your resurrection and the fellowship of your suffering the fellowship of his sufferings people like last thing i want to do is suffer we're suffering enough from pandemic no no it's not the kind of suffering he's talking about man he's talking about suffering for your faith suffering for your belief suffering because you're the only one in a room that will stand up and actually say what you believe suffering because you're the only one in your whole family that will intercede to a god that they don't know so that they cannot go to so that they don't go to a place that they don't think is real what does your heart burn for are you eternally focused or are you focused on what's happening now it says don't worry about tomorrow no worry is wrong seeking first the kingdom of god and his righteousness is actually the answer to all worry if you see that you have right standing before this god that you say you know you will actually talk to him if you see that you're right with god you'll realize that you're going to be wrong with the world jesus said if they hate me they're going to hate you if you're not hated by everybody but you're loved by everybody you have to wonder who you're imitating oh this is going over like a rat sandwich it is oh i'm not eating that if if i if i can just put holy ghost defibrillators on one of you on one of you to where your heart goes i don't live my life so that i can impress somebody i don't i don't live my life so that hopefully i can impress somebody today a man came up to me yesterday i was at sprouts he comes up to me and he goes hey man he goes i just want to talk to you like okay what's up he goes man he goes uh my wife said that you were in here so i ran into the store and uh i said what's up he goes well man he goes 13 years ago man i was i was praying for people and and i was just praying you know for people and i saw people get healed and and then i ended up praying for this one person and then god told me tell them to get up out of the chair they were paralyzed and he said i didn't say it i didn't tell him and it went away and i felt really bad and i never prayed for one more person for 13 years i said whoa man why because i just felt really bad i said so you allowed something that made you feel really bad to interfere with how many thousands of people have you passed since then he said well man i just i wasn't obedient i just oh god got over that immediately i said so you allowed the devil to speak to you and tell you you failed and you've been a failure for 13 years what if i told you the last 13 years of your life have been a big lie man what i said what if i told you that because i would feel really bad i said what if i said that feeling really bad isn't going to fix that the stranger's voice lied to you 13 years ago you know what you could do you could get him back you could get him back how pray for somebody really that's what he said really i said yeah he goes oh it's on i said man listen what you don't understand each of you have the privilege he didn't say the reason why i came up to you is because i saw your videos he said my wife said you were in here he didn't even know who i was he had been 13 years away from praying for people and then turned this off which means the videos and the services and all that stuff his wife might have had been interceding for her husband for 13 years he doesn't even know who i am but he chose to come up to me at his wife's beckoning go in that store that's todd white who's todd white just go into the store and ask him to pray for you so he didn't even ask me to pray for him he just told me a situation and he goes all right i said let me pray for you it's okay pray for me goes thanks man and i saw a glimmer in his eye this is what each and every one of you carry you are a beacon of light you are a city on a hill you are the light that lights up your own house why would you be silent why would you remain silent while the devil is so active because i'm not a pastor doesn't matter pastors apostles prophets teachers evangelists all for the equipping of the saints you are a saint yeah but i don't believe that it doesn't matter the bible says it so you're wrong paul says in the ephesians to the saints who are in ephesus he doesn't say to the saints who have died and are floating above ephesus it's not what he said he said to the saints who are in philippi to the saints who are in corinth and these corinthians were twisted messes yet he still called them saints because your identity your identity doesn't change when you live in sin i was reading in hebrews the other day in hebrews 12. and if you read hebrews 11 it's absolutely phenomenal to hear about the works of moses and and gideon and all these guys sarah and abraham and samson all their works like amazing works of faith that is absolutely tremendous above and beyond we read the old testament and go whoa noah whoa a hundred years building a boat in the middle of dry land not a drop of rain a hundred years i want you to build this boat because i'm gonna flood the earth noah's like i believe you i'm building everybody's laughing at him mocking at him on the day that it flooded they weren't they weren't laughing at him they were begging and pleading and scratching let us in just because people don't believe the things that you tell them doesn't mean that it's not true one day one day when you're seated at the marriage supper and you look beside you and you see your atheist neighbor you see your drug-addicted uncle you see these people that fought and rebelled against what you said their whole life you see the ones that persecuted you and you say how did you get here and they look at you and say i'm here because of your life it'll all be worth it it says let us not grow weary in doing good for in due season you shall reap what kind of reaping is that you look at these people in the hebrews 11th chapter it's phenomenal phenomenal and then you go into hebrews 12. oh god i'm just going to read hebrews 11. god i love this so much this took me the other day i sat there and cried and cried and cried oh gosh i just want to read it all i'm gonna now listen to me hebrews 11 we're almost done now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not yet seen for by it the elders obtained a good testimony by faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of god probably probably pretty important that we get it in us so that the things which are seen were not made of the things which are visible by faith abel offered to god a more excellent sacrifice than cain through which he obtained witness that he was righteous god testifying of his gifts and through it he being dead still speaks by faith enoch was taken away so that he did not see death for and was not found because god had taken him but before he was taken he had this testimony that he pleased god that's how i'm going now without faith it's impossible to please god for he who comes to god must believe that he is that he's a rewarder of those who diligently seek him by faith noah being divinely warned of things not yet seen moved with godly fear prepared an ark for the saving of his household by which he condemned the world and he became an air of righteousness which is according to faith by faith abraham obeyed when he was called out to go to the place where he would perceive in his inheritance as he went out he did not know where he was going by faith he dwelt in the land of promise in a foreign country dwelling in tents with isaac and jacob and heirs with him of the same promise for he waited for a city which has felt which was foundation which has foundations whose builder and maker is god by faith sarah herself received strength to concede see and she bore a child when she was of age when she was past the age because she judged him faithful who had promised therefore from one man and him as good as dead were born as many as the stars of the sky and multitude innumerable and as the sand which is by the seashore all these died in faith not having received promises but having seen them far off were assured of them embraced them and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth for those who say such things declare plainly that they seek a homeland and truly if they called to mind that country from which they had come out they would have had opportunity to return but now they desire a better that is a heavenly country therefore god is not ashamed to call them their god for he has prepared a city for them if god is not ashamed to call you his god then he is proud to call you his god by faith abraham when he was tested offered up isaac and he who received the promises offered up his only begotten son of whom it was said in isaac your seed shall be called concluding that god was able to raise him up even from the dead from which he also received him in a figurative sense by faith isaac blessed jacob and esau concerning things to come by faith jacob when he was dying blessed each of the sons of joseph and worship leaning on the top of his staff by faith joseph when he was dying made mention of the departure of the children of israel and gave instructions concerning his bones by faith moses moses when he was born was hidden three months by his parents because they saw he was a beautiful child they were not afraid of the king's command by faith moses when he became of age refused to be called the son of pharaoh's daughter daughter choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of god than to enjoy the passing pleasures of sin esteeming the reproach of christ greater riches than the treasures of egypt he looked for the reward by faith he forsook egypt not fearing the wrath of a king and he endured as seeing him who was invisible by faith he kept the passover in the sprinkling of blood lest he who destroyed the firstborn should touch him by faith they passed through the red sea by dry land whereas the egyptians attempting to do so were drowned by faith the walls of jericho fell down when they were encircled for seven days by faith the harlot rahab did not perish with those who did not believe for she had received the spies with peace what more could i say for the time would fail me to talk about gideon and barak and samson and jephthah also of david and samuel on the prophets who through faith have subdued kingdoms worked righteousness obtained promises stopped the mouths of lions quenched the violence of fire escaped the edge of the sword out of weakness were made strong became valiant in battle turned to flight the armies of the aliens women received their dead raised to life again others were tortured not accepting deliverance that they might obtain a better better resurrection still others had trials of mockings and scourgings yes of chains and imprisonment they were stoned they were sawn in two they were tempted they were slain with the sword they wandered about in sheepskins and goat skins being destitute afflicted and tormented of whom the world was not worthy they wandered in deserts and mountains and dens and caves of the earth and all of these having obtained a good testimony through faith did not receive the promise god having provided something better for us that they should not be made perfect apart from us how could moses not be perfect how could noah not be perfect how could gideon not be perfect look at the feats of all these men and women of god look at these saints that completely devastated kingdoms look at elijah i am blown away look at this stuff and it says this the scripture's here for a reason and all of these having obtained a good testimony through faith did not receive the promise god had something better reserved for you and i oh god he have provided something better for us that they should be made should not be made perfect that means complete that those guys that moses isn't complete apart from you i want you to hear this noah isn't complete apart from you gideon isn't complete apart from you abraham the father of faith isn't complete apart from you oh my gosh that devastated me the other day and i sat there i'm like god help me live a life worthy of the call so that they can be complete with my life lived therefore why god having provided something better for us that they should not be made perfect apart from us therefore we also since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses witnesses let us lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily ensnares us and let us run with endurance the race that set before us looking unto jesus the author and finisher of our faith who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despised the shame and has sat down at the right hand of god there is a great cloud of witnesses in this room i sat in my chair the other day overwhelmed by the fact and then i was like god i don't understand like where what is this well the day that jesus was up on the mountain with peter james and john two of the witnesses were there moses and elijah were there on the mountain i'm like oh my god and then i started to see all these faces of all these men and women of faith who died i just kept seeing the blink all these martyrs all these ones just off and on just like blinking christmas lights buddy all looking at me like this come on come on oh my god come on come on you got this read the book you got this read the end we win but not without your participation i sat there and went oh my god it's not a pressure it's like a stadium filled with men and women of faith and children of faith that died for their faith murders in a stadium going come on let's go you're in your final lap run the race run the race todd run the race pick up the gauntlet pass it to the one behind you that's what i'm going to do and if you're in you're in you don't want to be out they are not complete unless you're participating unless your participation is everything it's all or none let go of the weight of sin that so easily ensnares us i would tell you that the sin that i'm talking about right now is complacency is passive christianity that's created and there's a byproduct from entitled brats i'm not saying you are one i'm saying the laxadaisical approach to christianity god knows where i'm at if he wants me he can tell me he's already told you well i'm not an evangelist you're a saint see he didn't say he didn't say god provided something better for us that they're not made perfect apart from the pastors teachers evangelists apostles doesn't say that it says us that's the body corporately that's every man woman and child rising up and actually and actually stepping in to what god has for them can i get my worship team please you have no idea i am so convicted i am i live with this i don't preach something that i'm not convicted of myself why would i preach something to you that i'm not convicted of that would be stupid on my part i need him i need him to challenge me every day when i read this book i am challenged man i'm overtaken at the privilege that he's given me i was walking out of walking out the gospel you don't have to be some preacher with a microphone all you have to be is one that's convicted you should be at least convicted enough to want to pick this up if i can just get you to pick this up because if you can't pick this up you'll never be able to lift up your head god didn't create pastors and teachers and prophets and evangelists they didn't create the fivefold gift so that you could just come and feed off of them and not feed yourself you seeing the reality of who he's called you to be is everything you knowing that you are a son or a daughter that god's well pleased with he's not angry at you i preach passionately and some people are like oh my gosh like god has to be upset at me he's not upset at you i'm trying to provoke you to step into who he's called you to be uh can we all stand please if you're here and you don't even know this god i'm talking about but you would like to would you please come up here come forward if you don't know him and you would like to
Channel: Todd White
Views: 87,454
Rating: 4.8929844 out of 5
Id: Dr7-QN0F5QM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 44sec (3584 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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