Todd White - Understanding Who We Are

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It's not about money It's about seeing the people, that are warriors, wake up And seeing them understand who they really are And where their roots really go Because it's one thing to die because of your honor It's another thing to give your life up for His And God is about to do something completely awesome In your nation And I don't know it all, but I know Him, and He does So I just want to pray really quick And then lose it, for about forty minutes Thirty, forty, just Jesus Holy Spirit, I ask you to saturate this meeting God, To make it about meeting You God I thank you, You told me that You are going to designate certain spots for me to be And you are honing in my heart where I am supposed to be God you spoke to me that this would be one of those places And I know that You have told me that You would never send me anywhere where it wouldn't bear much fruit, And it wouldn't remain You told me that it would remain, everywhere So God I'm asking you I'm asking You to spurr every heart to be revivalled That every heart would be revivalled everywhere we go God I thank You for the simplicity of the Gospel I thank You for the simplicity of who you have called us to be God I'm asking you to create in this nation, human torches Human torches that are set on fire That everywhere they go, They bring that flame everywhere they go God I'm asking you, To bulldoze all the excuses, And all the things that hinder people That you would bulldoze the sin and the junk That enslaves us That you would bulldoze over those things that hinder us That you would knock out those foxes That spoil the tender grapes, the tender fruit That you would kill the foxes that are trying to destroy this That you would dismantle disunity in New Zealand That you would dismantle disunity Because I don't even know the history of your nation But I know that there was unity in your nation That you stood together And that you were together, locked arms together And that's where that hauka came from In battle as one Why couldn't we do it for Jesus Why couldn't we do it, Why couldn't the church rise up And have the most amazing battle cry That the world has ever seen Why couldn't God do it here in this nation Why couldn't God do it here He can He can and He will So Lord I thank You for Your amazing goodness, For Your amazing grace God I thank You for who You really are A good, good Father I thank You for who we are Loved by You Do you guys know that song? "Good, good Father" You do? Can we just do that once right now? Come on, why not I'm really disrupting things right now You know it? Good, good Father Come on Good, good Father It's who You are It's who you are And we are loved by You It's who I am It's who I am You are perfect in all Your ways Jesus, You are a good good Father It's who you are It's who you are And we are loved by You It's who I am You are a good, good Father It's who you are And I'm loved by You It's who I am You are a good, good Father It's who You are And I'm loved by You It's who I am It's who I am You are a good, good Father It's who You are and I'm loved by YouNow, now you know the lyrics Just to the chorus Listen I am telling you That this is the simplicity of the Gospel This is your answer This is my answer He is a good, good Father It's everything I preach From a million angles He is a good, good Father That's it And I am loved by Him It's not contingent upon what I have done It's not contingent upon anything Except what He has done Because He is such a good Father He has sent His Son, because He so loved us He loved us so He sent His Son We don't have to do anything except believe that That is enough That is the simplicity of the Gospel That's the simple Gospel truth If that thing hits your heart It changes your whole life Then it is not about what you Dad did What your brother did What your mother did It's not about any of that It's about what God did That's really it We complicated and we said "Yeah but this happened, and this is what they did to me" But it's not about what they did to you It's about what He did for You If you see the simplicity of what He did for You The byproduct Is I am loved by Him That is who I am Wait a minute, that's it? Yeah that's it I am loved by Him That's really it He's a good, good Father That's who He is And I am loved by Him That's who I am What if that's the final answer of heaven What if that's the answer that heaven paid for you To understand For that thing to course through your whole body And for that to be your final answer What if stuff comes your way And you say "You know what God, you are a good, good Father it's the devil that comes to kill, steal and destroy That wasn't You that was the thief I thank You Father since You are so good I'm just going to be loved by You in the open And the thief is going to watch as I'm loved by You And people are going to get wrecked because I'm in love with You And You are in love with me and You will never change Your mind about me Forever, forever There's nothing that you can do It's just submission to that simple truth It's submission to the simple fact That God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son That whoever believed in Him Wouldn't perish, but have eternal life That doesn't mean that you won't go through trials and tribulations That doesn't mean that fires won't come your way That just means you have to know Who is sending the fires Who is sending the problems Who is the fox that spoils the wine It's not God, it's the Devil We have to understand that we are loved by our father God wants us to manifest Him In the midst of a perverse and corrupt generation In the midst of people that don't have hope You are an ambassador of hope You are what the world is looking for In every situation You have got Heaven's answer inside of you People say "What's wrong with you Todd?" It's not what's wrong but what's made right People say you've got something in your eyes It's Him What is it, it is Christ in me The hope of glory What you have, Christ in you The hope of glory The world is looking for an answer And you have got the answer And His name is Jesus He is not religion And if He is religion He's caring for orphans, and widows And keeping yourself unspotted by the world That's what pure religion is Now what is an orphan An orphan isn't just a child without a mom and a dad An orphan is a Christian that doesn't know their Father What is a widow One that doesn't know their husband Think with me We are a bride We have been betrothed To one Husband God says God says, That I betrothed to you to one Husband That I might present you as a chaste virgin to Christ That's what He says Go ahead and have a seat Because we are about to get rolling We are rolling already I'm excited about this This is my problem I've been in love I've been in love for eleven years And no one can take it away No situation no person, nobody You can't take my joy from me because you didn't give it to me You cannot take my acceptance Because I've been accepted in the beloved Hey, welcome Thanks for coming tonight dude We saw him in a restaurant today Bless you, and all that came with you Everybody stand up that came with this fella Awesome What church did you come from? "Syrian Church" Wow, awesome Welcome Thank you for coming So I'm at the restaurant today We went to eat They are like I said hey, what's going on He said "we show our youth all your videos" I'm like come on man Why are you here Because I'm preaching at a church tonight Which one C3, ah we are coming It's awesome Imagine If all the churches got together And celebrated what it is like To be one Imagine if there wasn't differences This is our church, that is your church What if we were together Because we realize It not just about this and that It's about His body The hand and foot the leg, we are together as one Imagine if there wasn't disunity and dysfunction What if we were together on page What if we were hooked up to the head Jesus What if two heads aren't better than one What if He is the head When is the last time the body told the head what to do It never happens Come on How are we going to kick the devil When we are kicking each other How are we going to stomp the devil When we are stomping each other When we are back biting each other How are we going to do that We can't We need to be together Devil needs to realize we actually love each other Disciples actually love for one another is how we will be known I didn't come here to just preach that But it is a good subject It's all over the world man Dude, you guy have 4.5 million people in your nation That's like Not a lot of people What if we would be so on fire with Jesus That we disrupt all that stuff All the arguments, differences What if we would be so in love with Him We wouldn't have time for that stuff What if we had time to know him more What if our purpose in life was to wake up and love with Him What if our purpose in life was to understand that God made us in His image And in His image He made man And what if He's a good, good father And He made you in the image of a good, good Father That means that as a father you would be a good father too There is not textbook on this thing I mean, the Bible But being a dad you have to know the Father You have to know That He's good You have to know that you are loved by Him Or else you are going to be looking for love in all the wrong places You would be looking for love over here You would be looking to find it here You would be looking to get honor from people here You would be looking to get respect over here Now all of a sudden if you are looking to get respect You will be disrespected Because you are looking to get something from people That you can only give to your Father It is amazing What if you didn't live to try to look good in front of people What if Jesus says you have to look like a fool "I'm not going to look like a fool" No, no, no, that is the world But the Kingdom You have to be willing to look like a fool for His sake Really He takes the foolishness of the world and confounds the world with it I was as lost as, I was further than lost The least of these And then Jesus said "woop" Cleaned me up Filled me with His truth Polished me up Did my dreads I did them But I asked Him I did, why are you going to do dreads Because in the world I was a Rock singer I was that guy, the screaming guy in the front People moshing hitting each other When I got saved I shaved my head Because it was in rebellion I was just a rebel I did them because I didn't care what people thought That is why I did it So year in to my Christian walk I said, God I really love those dreads I love them, I just like them Yes they are all mine They are real The whole way down He said You can do it I want to break the stereotypical mindset of my bride And boy, oh boy It stirs up some stuff It does, on planes, everywhere They just kind of look at me like, Like we have deer in the United States When the headlights hit them, they look like It's like a deer in the headlight Look I used to be, when I came into churches I would come sit in the back Because no one knew I was the speaker Everybody would be praying for me to get saved I'm not kidding Then I would get the microphone and come up "Oh my God" And you know what it never did? Is it never hurt my hear, the opinions of people You know what when I got saved I was like I came into a family that couldn't stand me They were like angry as angry could be Because I, my girlfriend, now my wife, She is throwing her life away and I'm just tragic And so I had these family member that would persecute me Do you understand That the Bible says in 2 Timothy That for those that desire to live godly Will suffer persecution They will It's a promise from the Father How many people want that one fulfilled? Yeah, come on One little kid raised his hand For those who desire to live godly They will suffer persecution They will It is not a question it's going to happen You know, in my life I was so lost and hurt so many people That I had a lot to walk out I disrespected all of my relatives I stole from everybody And man, I had a lot on my plate It was Jesus And then I got my hair and the dreads all that stuff But even my wife When I started praying for people She was like, she went ballistic Like we get married And I find out someone got healed And I was like Oh my gosh, this is really a part of this thing Are you kidding me I was so excited I was happy being free I was like "yay" I'm like a new man I'm serious, old things really passed away I believe the Gospel I believe that when God says Old things passed away, behold all things become new I actually believed Him All that junk that I did that I wish I never did God told me to never ever revisit it Because He said it was finished So I believed Him And I never dug any of it up I just believed Him and I lived from there Where all that stuff, satan would try to whisper to me, And tell me "what about this" And I knew it was a stranger’s voice The one that I'm commanded not to follow And I just listened to His voice Which told me That I'm loved by Him And that He is a good, good father It is all over the Bible And I never revisited that stuff But man, my relatives liked to revisit that stuff "Yeah I remember when you did this and how about this and how about that" And I made as much reconciliation as I could Before it was this thing where I just realized I need to walk this out I need to walk it out So I had this one uncle In my life That hated the fact that I would talk about Jesus And I mean hated it And I'm walking out the Gospel And he would persecute me everytime Like, all the time Every time we got together Family gatherings he would hammer me With all the junk that I did before He would tease me about Jesus The old me was a fighter The old me was "don't disrespect me, don't dishonor me" I grew up in a boys home I grew up fighting, I grew up with brother rage, I grew up with all that stuff But the new me, I don't have to try to bite my lip and not do it It's gone, it's dead, it's really finished It's really dead How many of you would like that thing to be just dead How many of you would like anger to be dead, rage to be dead That stuff I lived by my whole life, Iit used to dominate me and control me But Jesus killed it And it never rose up People say "that is a theory" No you are wrong that is the Bible It is the truth of what God says to you And relationship with Holy Spirit Puts that thing inside of you And you live by that you live from that And it trains your senses Righteousness trains your senses to discern both good and evil When you get rained in your right standing with God You are right with God, you are loved by Him And all of a sudden He starts to train you in what is okay and what is not And people say thing to you And the truth about the Gospel, the truth about Jesus He has told us to never ever let sin against us produce sin within us You cannot do that in your own strength you would crumble in that place You have to do it in His strength You have to but it is submission, it is surrender It is not like a halfin life It is all in or none It's gather or scatter It is for or against This thing is not part way in It is all or none Don't just give Jesus a part of your life You will become a target for the enemy And he will kill you He will thump you He will attack you Because he realises that you have not surrendered He realises that you are just in it for what you can get from God And God forbid that's there Because you will get pounded People will attack you Attack your family Attack anything that you elevate that is higher than your love for Jesus It is like Abraham and Isaac Abraham later on in his life, this old man Had this promise child Celebrated him And God saw that it wasn't good for Abraham Because Isaac had moved into the center of his heart And Isaac had taken the place where God was supposed to be And that love relationship that he had with his son Was damaging to the love relationship that the Father had with Abraham And God knew it, and He saw it, so He told Abraham I need you to sacrifice your boy The promise There had to be huge struggle Huge struggle Three days he journeyed To get to where they needed Isaac carries the wood on his back up the mountain And Abraham knows that He has got to lay his boy on that wood And slay the lad That is more than any of us can handle More than any of us It was not God's plan to kill the boy It was God's plan to take the boy out of his heart So that God can reign there We are in a dangerous place when we let other things reign Instead of our Father I promise We can not afford to have anything else that reign there Here is what happens You start to get attacked, in every situation All of a sudden your kids become more important than God Your kids become everything And all of a sudden, I am not saying do not love your kids But the Bible says Unless a man hates his family, his mother, his brother, his father, his kids, his wife also He cannot be my disciple That is intense words for Jesus to say But that word "hate" is translated "loves less" Unless you love God more, you cannot love your wife the way that you need to Unless you love God more or most you can't love your kids the way they need to be loved Unless you God with everything you are With all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, with all your mind You cannot love your neighbours as yourself You definitely cannot love your family the way they need to be loved And you will compromise your life Because your love relationship isn't fully on Jesus Fully surrendered, fully on fire He's awesome Now I've got my wife, I've got my kids Back then, just my one kid I'm praying for people and my wife cannot stand it She told me "if you don't stop praying for people I will never go out of the house with you ever again" It sounds funny, except she is my best friend So now, she is like, "okay, I can see clearly" "That you are choosing to pray for people over me" Now, our testimony is amazing We came out of great darkness Great twistedness Horrible, horrible stuff And all of a sudden, Jesus comes into our life Brand new people, brand new And we are like, loving Jesus And I find out that God wants me to pray for people That's for everybody, that is not just for evangelists That is for every believer Believers lay hands on the sick, and the sick recover Now evangelists, believers I am not a "healing evangelist", I am a son that knows it We should all want people to experience our good, good Father Really So I am praying for people and she says " I will never go out into public with you again" So I would go in after work, I got a job, after work I would come home I would get a shower, if I need to go shopping I would go take my daughter I would pray for people, I prayed for an average of ten people every day And not one person got healed Imagine that I prayed for a whole week For about seventy people, and not one person manifested healing At all People told me "well the reason why they didn't is, your gift is not your gift" "Obviously it is not your gift, they would be healed if it was" I just couldn't see that So on my Bible "These signs will follow those who believe:" It says "lay hands on the sick and the sick will recover" That's what the Bible says So I just chose to go after that Instead of going after what they didn't see You can never allow what people don't see to influence what you do see Ever So I'm going after it And my wife doesn't want to hear it "You are going to get fired, who do you think you are" "I don't want to hear it, stop telling me" And two weeks into our new life in Christ She said "I will never go into public with you again" So I would come home and she wouldn't go out of the house with me At all, ever And she persecuted me for the Gospel And she told me that I was a lunatic, I was a crazy man She was calling her mom for counseling, and her mom hates me What do you do with that, you stay in love with Jesus That's what you do You go into your bedroom, you open your Bible, you get on your knees And I never prayed for my wife to change for Me I didn't say "God you gotta do something with her because if You change her my life will be easier" That's selfish prayer, that's not even for her, that's for you "Touch my kids, my life will be better" That's for you still Touch them, let them know they are a son and a daughter God I am asking you in the name of Jesus, show her who she is as a daughter, God reveal to her that you are a good, good Father and she's loved by you Father I thank you, I lift up my wife right now before Your face God I thank You I love her so much, You are amazing Thank You And I praise God in my bedroom with the word of God And thank Jesus for who I am And who she is And I walk out of the bedroom "Hey honey" "Shut up" People would put their tail between their legs "Well that didn't work I'm not going to pray that way again" What are we doing? Why do we give up on people? Man imagine if God did that for you Jesus didn't give up on you He waited, for how many years, for me, 34 years 34 years Knocking on the door of my heart, 34 years He waited And I was as lost as lost could be Get shot at and He spares my life The least I could do is to give my life to Him The least I could do So a month goes by Not one person gets healed I would call that guy, Dan The guy that I got saved with, Pastor And I would say "dude, I prayed for all these people today" He would say "what happened" I said "nothing" He said "what are you going to do" "I'm going to keep praying for people" He's like "good for you, Todd" And I would just keep praying for people Hey, you know the Lord says, if we pray, believing, you will be healed "Okay" I say we pray "Why" "Because the worse that can happen is nothing" That is what I tell them And, nothing happened But here's the truth, if you ask somebody to pray for them The worst they can say is no And if you pray and it doesn't happen the worst that can happen is nothing What are we afraid of? Really We are afraid of how we look That's what it is It's called pride it needs to die Come on man, let's just bring this thing to normal Let's bring it to the normal Let's make it easy So I prayed again and again and again, 2 months go by, nothing 3 months go by, nothing Nothing Now we are at like 900 or so people Nothing is happening What are you going to do I'll keep on praying Because I will never allow what I don't see influence what I need to see I'll never allow what I have been through to influence what God says should happen Ever Why? Because I am a warrior I have enlisted in an army with the Lord I won't be entangled with the affairs of the world I have given my life to my King And I'm going to burn for Him every day So people don't have to burn Eventually I'm going to burn on fire, and in the flame of the Lord every day of my life No one is going to stop me Hell can't stop me Death has been defeated Jesus defeated the devil He has crushed the fear of death in me My question is, did He crush the fear of death in you? Did he? If He did then what are we doing with what we have been given? I'm not just up here as a motivational speaker I am preaching the word of God It's the Truth It's just who you really are It sets people's hearts on fire ablaze Because we find out, wait a minute, this is real And it's like, Holy Ghost defibrillator Boom I'm alive What if it's true What if all that is true What if He loves us What he does and it's not about how life treated us and all the bad thing that have happened And we blame God for things He has never done He has never done that He doesn't orchestrate death, loss and destruction guys At all Man, so my wife is just not on the same page Half a week later, I am at work one day Prayed for about a thousand people or so And a guy pulls up, in a truck I am in a guard shack, I am in a little box in a guard shack In the word, all day long I have been fellowshipping with Jesus, my job is not a bummer, it is exciting to me You say, "well it's just a waste of time" Utilize your time to grow Utilize your every second of you day to grow in Him And I am just focused on the truth of what God says I'm filling out spiral notebooks full of stuff Scriptures and things God is teaching me And I'm like having a field day I'm writing like these books It's all Scripture stuff, but still it is awesome I'm like, yay Studious, study Doesn't say study, to preach yourself approved It says study to show yourself approved Study to show So then, this guy pulls up And I get this thought "He has 2 herniated discs and nerve damage in his right leg" I said that's crazy, I don't even know what that is I don't know what a word of knowledge is, all I know is that is not me So I said, hey man, you've got this going on? He goes, yeah, I go, no way Dude, come into my shack He comes into my guard shack Oh I'm so, sorry I got you guys up Alright, sorry I said bro, look at my Bible It says "these signs will follow them that believe" "Yes" I said "it's Jesus, are you Christian" He said "Yes, I'm catholic" I said, "great" The last things that Mary said And I explained to him that Mary said "Do whatever Jesus says" at the wedding of Cana He goes "Okay" I said "we do whatever Jesus says, red letters is Jesus" He said "Ok" It says to lay hands on the sick, and the sick will recover Your back is sick bro He goes, "yeah I go "let's pray" "What do we do" I said, "just pray" Ok So I put my hand on his back "Father I thank you in the name of Jesus" "For two brand new discs, and heal that nerve thing" He bends over, he stand up and he goes "You have a power!" No, look, it is Jesus He is the power He is, look, I am a believer He goes, "you have a power!" I'm trying to talk to him He's like "no, no, no, you have a power" He walks out of my shack I'm like, overwhelmed, I don't know how to talk to him And I know what this is, it is Him You can't attribute healing on a person, it is Jesus He is the one, take it up with Him, He said it But he said it, and I am a believer so it is, what it is And there are people alive today that wouldn't be, if I dropped this ball And I will never drop the ball We are ambassadors of hope for lost and dying people So I call my wife I said "hey, guess what happened" She said "What" I said, "remember that I've been praying for people" "There's this guy that pulled up" click She hangs up on me What do you do? You don't go "I can't believe it, she hang up on me" You can't expect somebody to see You have to see You have to walk You have to pave the way Don't expect everybody to just jump on page Live as a conviction Live and walk out your faith Let people around you see the fruit that hangs on your tree Let them pick it Don't try to sell it to them Let them pick it So my wife, she hang up on me So I called Dan I said "Dude, guess what happened?" He said "what" I said "dude, it worked!" "I prayed for this dude today" He goes "what happened" And he's so excited And I told him and he goes "Good for you Todd!" "Now what are you going to do" I said "I'm going to keep praying for everybody" So I kept writing down the testimonies Of what God did Just for the reality of this thing Jesus said "His Kingdom come, His will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven" There's no sickness in heaven It's His will to be on earth to be the same as it is in heaven Period. It's God's will What is God's will? For earth to look like heaven What is God's will? For you to destroy the works of the devil Heaven is not your mission Destroying hell is your mission Heaven is your destination We destroy hell on our way to heaven Right now we bring heaven here through agency of the Holy Spirit Right now, right here And so my wife didn't want to hear it She's just totally not okay with this whole thing I come home and I'm excited, "I saw two people today" "You are going to get fired, shut up, I don't want to hear it" I go back in my bedroom "God I thank you so much you are amazing" I go crazy in my bedroom Why? Because it's me, and Him He loves me It's like I got that daisy, "He loves me, He loves me, He loves me" It's who I am He loves me It's who I am He loves me I'm burning, it is not shut down People told me that this will wear off, "Let's see where you are at in 10 years" It's been 11 It's way worse than it has ever been It's not going to turn down Ever I stay hooked up To the super charger I stay hooked up to the Fountain of Life This thing can't dry out People are like "we need to pray for you, you are really poured out" You can't fill me up I appreciate that you want to help me But He is the one that keeps me full He, my relationship keeps me full No one is going to top me off, that's weird stuff I'm in love with Jesus I appreciate prayer But I'm in love with Jesus Why I pray for people is because of my love for my Father I don't have to pray for anybody I get to I get to represent Him here, in a lost and dying world And I refuse to turn my back on the One that never turned His back on me And I refuse to allow people that misunderstand this thing to determine my identity I refuse to let what people don't see influence what I have and do see I'm going run this thing Even if nobody went with me, I would still run I'm going to be locked in an airplane With hundreds of people soon It's going to be awesome It's going to be awesome I love this So back at home, I'm praying for people I'm praying for people, I'm praying for people And in five in a half months I have started to see breakthrough I am spending 45 minutes a day, writing down testimonies from things that happened every day Every day. And I'm not popping off I'm telling you that I was keeping a track record Of what was going going Because I needed to keep my eyes on what God was doing Instead of what I wasn't seeing And it was like a book Every night I'm writing these things down It's a testimony log I heard about people at Bethel Church I heard that they were writing down testimonies They hired a short hand writer that every Wednesday they do testimonies So I said that's a great idea I don't know how to do short hands, so I'm going to do long hand So watch this, Nine months, almost nine months into this thing My wife says to me one day "I'm going to shopping with you today" I go, no way I'm talking like, never going out of the house We are talking about nine months I said, no way She goes "but I will not see you in the grocery store" "See, I'm going to go this way and get things and I have a debit card" "And you are going to go that way and get things and take Destiny with you" "We are not going to see each other in the store, I'm going so that your shopping trip isn't so long" "Because I am sick and tired of you taking an hour and a half to two hours every time you go grocery shopping" I said "Ok" So we went in the grocery store, she sure enough went that way, and me and destiny went this way My daughter is a little over eight years old and we are just having fun We pray for people everywhere My daughter literally at this point has seen hundreds and hundreds of people healed In shopping stores, malls, everywhere Dentist's office, we go and take my daughter to the dentist, Dude, Jesus is on We are in a waiting office, I'm going to bring the Gospel We are going to the grocery store and bring Jesus with me He likes to shop He likes people He loves people He always has something to say It's entirely impossible for Him to stop speaking after all, He is called the Word He is never silent People say "Yes He is" Well, maybe for you He is But I promise if you go to your secret place and say "God speak to me" Oh boy Just be ready Be ready So we are in the store My daughter and I are a couple rows over And we see some lady in a scooter She's driving down the shopping hall I said "look Destiny" She goes "we are not going to pray for her, are we?" I go, "mom is way over there, come on let's do it" So we run down the aisle, we see this lady we said "Hey" "Listen, I really need to pray for you right now" She says "Oh honey, I'm ok, I'm alright" She's with her grand daughter, the lady is an elderly woman She says "no, no, no, I'm okay, I pray every night," "There's a man on the TV, he stretches out his hands and says put your hands out" So it's just some kind of grid for healing So I'm like "Okay, at least we are at that place" She's like "no, no, no, I'm okay" Because she has been taught, "don't let everybody pray for you" Just because, it's a fear thing that the body of Christ has created Says, don't lay hands hastily on people And that's not for sickness, that's for ordaining people into leadership It's really scriptural The other way is not "Don't let anyone pray for you, because you don't want what they've got" Man, come on What do you have inside of you? Either greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world Or you are afraid of what is in the world The witch comes up to me and wants to pray for me Have at it, because what is in me is going to get on you I'm really not kidding You have no idea I have chased witches around the stores I have prayed for witches I hug them They just need a hug, they need love They don't understand what it is They fear God They don't know what God is Until they approach a Christian that is on fire with Him What are we so afraid of? I'm really serious, you should see some of the encounters You should see some of the airplane rides with people and what they do Airline attendants I'm really not kidding Eyes rolling up in their head, screaming Infront of everyone On a plane What would you do? Wouldn't you like to know you have what is necessary to make that stop? We do have it You just have no idea, I'm really serious I'm a threat to the enemy, only because I believe, I'm convinced fully No one can take it away I'm fully convinced, I am not afraid I am never going to die I am going to go right into the arms of the King To live is Christ and to die is for gain and it is for real So I'm praying for this, I'm asking this lady and she's not letting us And I said "please" And she goes "no, I'm okay" I looked at the granddaughter and I said "do you want your grandma to play with you again?" I didn't know what the lady had, all I know is her granddaughter goes "yeah!" She's about eight and a half years old, she's the same age as my daughter The lady looks at me and she goes, mad at me "Come on grandma, let them pray" She said "sir do you know that I've had four back surgeries?" "My back is fused in the seated position" "I am bent over, I am in this scooter but when I stand up my back is frozen here" "They fused it because of the pain" "I have been on 27 years of chronic pain medication" "And it doesn't work, I have spent all of my money on this because of insurance and this and that" And she's letting me have it man And I go "please just let us pray for you" "Hurry up!" You think, "boy ain't nothing going to happen here because she is angryi she is bitter" She's totally disgruntled, she's in unforgiveness, she's telling me about this and that and the other thing" And you think "man, God can't move here" Well, you are wrong Because Jesus is bigger than that It's his goodness that leads people to repentance And so we pray "Father we thank you in the name of Jesus for this lady" And I said "ok, what do you feel" "Pain" She's sweating in the chair, not because there is heat But because she is in chronic pain It's hurting I said "please get out of that chair" "Please get out and check your back" She goes "I am not getting out of that chair" The granddaughter goes "please grandma" She's mad at me because I am instigating all this My daughter is kind of weirded out, but she has seen a lot of people get mad at her dad So she gets out of the chair and she is shaking She is like, like this, trembling Come on girls, let us pray again "In the name of Jesus, God we thank you" And I don't know what a back fusion is All I know that it's not right and she's locked in that position I keep thinking about that lady that has been bowed over for 18 years That Jesus said "Ought this woman not be loosed from this" I just thought of that, we are praying And all of a sudden her back goes "pop" And it popped underneath our hand And we moved away, and she goes like this In the grocery store And I went "oh my God, what's going on" She goes "I don't know, something is moving in my back" And my daughter is like "yay", she doesn't know The granddaughter, looks at the grandma, she goes "She goes, grandma, run!" For real And they go down the aisle like this The lady hasn't walked upright in 27 years This is in a grocery store In America, in a grocery store God doesn't just do miracles in Africa guys She comes back down, she's like And I look, and in walks my wife In the aisle Destiny hid behind me I'm not kidding You ask my wife, because she will come here You ask my wife and she will tell you This was a day that was like no other Because I have been in my bedroom, Praying for my wife, everyday of my life of Christianity Praying for this woman that I love so much Just to see that she is a daughter Just to see who God created her to be And she is in aisle, I mean she is really, really mad And she hates confrontation And I don't want to mess this up So I said, "madam, that's my best friend her name is Jacky" "She is in aisle down there," "The one that's angry?" "Well, she's not really angry, she just doesn't understand" "Could you go explain it to her?" And I backed away and she walks down the aisle To my wife, it's God's grace that she didn't walk out of there And she is at the end of the aisle I know what she is thinking I really know what she is thinking The lady looks at my wife She turns around, she lifts up her shirt She has a scar like that on her back Because of the surgeries, going into the same place Four different times And she is bending all around And my wife In the grocery store, loses it, screaming Holding this lady, and I'm like Destiny is like, "dad what is going on" I said "mom is crying" She said, "she's really mad" I said, "no, no she's not" "No they are hugging" She goes "what" I'm not kidding They get done hugging My wife is a snot mess Literally They come walking up the aisle My wife is looking at the ground crying Big sobs man, like when you cry so hard you go Takes your breath away like kids Like that She's just a mess She comes up, I don't say a word She looks at me she goes "You have a wonderful wife" She gives me a hug "Praise God" The granddaughter goes "Grandma she's crying" She has never seen her grandma stand up I'm like "yeah honey, come here" Give her a hug It's amazing She's so in love with Jesus right now Look what God has done to my grandma She drives the scooter out of the store Grandma walks out of the store We paid for her groceries Because that's what we do We bless people We go home We get to the house I go back in my bedroom And I laid on my face And I thank God for what it looks like to persevere I thank God for what it looked like to be persecuted for righteousness To be persecuted for doing good That it is commendable before the Father Jesus said, just like they hated Me, they are going to hate you So you will be my disciples Don't fear Don't fear We get home I go in my bedroom I am back there crying, sobbing Come out hour and a half later My wife is on the couch Still, I'm like, "are you okay?" "No" I said "what happened" She said "God spoke to me" This is important God speaking to each person She says He told me "I have given you a husband you never thought you could have" "He believes me, why don't you?" To my wife I went "what did you say?" She said, "I told Him that I will never stand in the way of him again" "I'm sorry" I didn't need her to apologize She needed for her own heart And she has never ever been in the way And it was nine months of birth pains For my wife to come on page This thing brings persecution This thing brings misunderstanding This thing stirs up religion, in a really bad way Don't you grow weary in doing good Because in due season you will reap You will reap Christianity is supernatural Christianity is completely heaven sent And you are supposed to be filled with the same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead My question is this: What are you waiting for guys? What are you waiting for?
Channel: Todd White
Views: 249,242
Rating: 4.8885083 out of 5
Id: Gd3qCCtS6rY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 49sec (3169 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 20 2016
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