Todd White - Living Free from Offense

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Christianity is not a confession the kingdom is not a theory Christianity is relationship it's freedom father I thank you God give us ears to hear ears to hear give us ears to hear Jesus name God worship you and glorify you forgive us for looking at others [Music] apart from how you said we're supposed to [Music] forgive us for not seeing others the value that you see forgive us for not looking at others according to how you see so we have no right to look at people according to our opinion because our opinion is the way that seems right to a man forgive us for looking at others because of what they've done to others yeah forgive us for looking at anybody apart from what love says [Music] father thank you Jesus name Holy Ghost power Jesus name guys can be seated stand jump whatever you want to do Wow [Music] thanks for coming and hanging out have fun who's gonna preach it it's your truth sets us free bring the reality of what it looks like for somebody to be in love with God that's all I know it's all I've known since I've been set free for me I'm in love with him he's in love with me and I say yes he says I love you I say yes he says I love you well how did you love me God knock it off I said it earlier and I'll say it again I love the miraculous I love it Healing is it's part of the Covenant that we're in but I love being a son more than anything and I have not one day of condemnation in my life since I've been born again you can't give it to me it's not mine to take not even yours to give the only way you can really give condemnation is if you live in it yourself [Music] Jesus hey can I see that handheld for a second I'm gonna freak you guys out I'm an Oklahoman so be good so he also on all right I need you to turn the bass the whole way up on my mic bass bass on this mic whatever you got bring it there you go okay pause for just a second all right you okay alright I'm just gonna see how free you are you ready don't run away it's okay if you do I'll pray the Holy Ghost gets you in the parking lot okay sea bass all right any more bass come on it's gonna have fun a little it's alright it's okay all right [Applause] [Laughter] you turn me up a little just a little it's alright we're gonna be okay everybody's gonna be alright for those who've either aren't clapping if you clap you'll be alright even if you don't you'll be okay [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] is there anybody here that raps Kingdom Kingdom if it's a kingdom rapper is their Kingdom rapper in the house come on man it's got to be Kingdom it's got to be Jesus right all right give me another mic we have another mic twelve another mic you got turned him up a little okay this is not planned it's good I was actually waiting for him to say that it's gotta be Jesus because listen I know rappers all over the world that are like amazing that bring it like Lecrae and lots of people fizzle all kinds of people are mean amazing amazing rappers okay ready let's lay beat you can anything you got the same way as fine scribble em on the white season like keys tonight the fridge the like easy villainess uses its news is it's dudes and nudity show mini that new shiny get in the pitman Badu many excessive pants and many in a past is holding the heat so water reduce me holding the pitch then bring up a coaster squeaks approach so broad so you can't spawns and ex-cons dog hit him in the game yeah I just lost the flow my name is Rick by the way awesome man good job all right [Applause] he says I'm always on I just want to know if my mic is I am cuz I'm in love it's good sometimes all over the world when I go and we do rap and stuff sometimes people look and they're like well you know hey I'm not okay with that be very careful of what you say about music because you've gotta listen to the lyrics ya hear the lyrics cuz the lyrics bypass the brain and goes straight to the heart and if you forbid your kids or you forbid people from listening to rap and it's that and it's that stuff that goes straight to the heart you're gonna cut them off from receiving who they are lyrically okay cuz I know some serious rappers that are amazing and intense so don't cut them off okay alright let's just pray and I'm gonna share some stuff father I thank you you've broken ice you're good God we love you Jesus we love you we give you glory and honor father thank you for grace God Jesus name thank you Father Jesus name God thank you in the name of Jesus God for great grace in Jesus name Amen all right hang out can you back those shoes off so I don't run them over cuz I'm gonna be up and down and all around you guys don't have to back up you guys are good just your shoes thanks for bearing with me Oh Jesus's amazing guys he is [Music] all right I had a scripture that I had on my heart I just wanna I want to go over something it's not it's Ephesians 4 [Music] we're spring off of this and was gonna preach the gospel man that's all I know like I told you guys I've drugged out a 22 years atheist my whole life no Christian upbringing no Christian understanding nobody in my family except my grandma my grandpa went to church my grandma was a praying grandma I destroyed everybody's life you know I shared my testimony last night for those of you that weren't here you should hear it because I was tragedy and tragic and God is wonderful and he takes tragedy and he makes it beautiful and tomorrow's victories are built off yesterday's rubble and it's real important it is it's just awesome but my my whole family none of them were Christian and I kind of said that and when we got the day that my team I who was here and heard my testimony who was not here Wow okay well it was good the key to it is that I had a girlfriend for nine years I destroyed her life and a daughter was seven and a half at the time I destroyed everyone's life I had no Jesus in my life I incorporated God into my life for about five and a half months and it was really bad I prayed a prayer to surrender my life and had no idea what it really meant God's not into your confession as much as he is your life given it's not about inviting Jesus into your heart it's about surrendering your life to him you can surrender your your heart to God and keep your life back from him it's a problem we've taught people to invite Jesus into their heart and not give him their life I say it all the time it's not denied the devil pick up your crosses tonight your itself because self is the issue the gospel sets us free from us it's so good you guys ready for real be okay cuz I'm gonna bring it man I promise I wanted to beatbox in the beginning so we could be okay for a little bit but I love you so I'll dare to speak truth to you and I won't water anything down and make you feel good at all I'm not here to make you feel good I'm here to change the lives of the people that came because if I can get this I don't care who you are all you've got to do is give yourself to the king your excuses aren't good anymore not in here not now you were there give up or don't you're either for him or against him you know let me tell you this and there's I'm gonna talk about the end of my testimony and just then seal some stuff up and then I'm gonna bring the scripture out here that I live by and it's just awesome what you can do with it we can what God can do with one Scripture with one word if we dare to allow the Holy Spirit to empower it to be action in her life and if we were dare to be obedient listen to him God says today today you'll hear his voice don't harden your hearts today today God is speaking today and he's speaking like he has spoke through his son he's not speaking to you through circumstances or your experiences apart from God he's not speaking if you blast past loved ones that he lost that he didn't see healed he's not speaking if you children that are going through abelian he's speaking to you through his son the promise we've allowed stuff like that to come in between us and God and separate us from the king and He loves us and God is good he's done allowing things to happen to teach us a lesson but we teach people that all the time so where if God allowed it then he could have stopped it so he's to blame so we got a beef with God it's dangerous territory right there I said it things happen for a reason there's either a thief that comes to steal kill and destroy or Jesus came to give us life and life more abundantly you either choose to believe what you want to believe you can believe the reality of what God came to do anything that you can't see in the life of Jesus you have to question what you believe because Jesus is God personified the life of Jesus is perfect is perfect God in action Jesus was visibly who God was he was the visible image of the invisible God he was the Express image of the father he was everything that God was doing and saying everything so anything in your life that you have to wonder about it you can't see in the life of Jesus you better question what you're believing cuz God is good we can't just saying he's good all the time and believe that he's not what is that it's called hypocrisy people honor me with their lips but their hearts are far from me we can't afford that we have to be all-in or none in there was this guy he had this dream and in the dream is a real dream was an atheist and angry atheist had this dream one night he's asleep and he has this he sees this huge open field huge open field and then this field there's this big fence that goes the hole in the middle and he sees all these people with who he believes to be Jesus Jesus is walking around he's just happy something about that one then he looks and the Neos on the other side he sees the devil with all these people that are with him he sees this fence in the middle and it feels like he he's got to make some decision he doesn't understand it he's an atheist this is called mercy so he jumps up on this fence and he's standing there he's looking all around on sudden people with Jesus disappear the view with the devil disappeared and they're all gone and he's all by himself he's like that and all of a sudden the devil comes back into the picture because there you are I was looking for you and he says hey easy I didn't choose him and I definitely didn't choose you he said sure you did defense is mine [Music] think I'm playing a promise there is no middle ground or gray area in the gospel you're either for or against you gather or you scatter there is no in-between choose this day whom you're going to serve because guess what self is not even on the fence self is on the wrong side deny your self pick up the cross and follow me he said what does that mean that means it's not about you it's all about him and when you're all about him he is so all about you he is so for you and not against you and then when you get that relationship Oh awesome people always say Todd you're always ministering how you're not tired what's going on you're gonna burn out be careful brother listen to me it isn't possible people always pray for me too but I gonna leave a conference not all the time but a lot we need to pray for your brother to get filled up God fill him up for all that he's poured out you don't understand this is how I know God honestly I'm not being mean I'm not popping off I've been this way for eight years [Music] he's a fountain in me and he constantly fell he said come to me all of you who thirst it's what he says you heard a thirsty come to me you'll never thirst again why would I need you to pray for me to be filled up not be a mean I'm telling you that this is something that a lot of people don't understand he's a never-ending source victory he's a never-ending source of overflow you cannot drink fast enough out of my cup you have to drink out of my saucer I'm not being smart I'm not popping off I live this way every day if you're burn out and if you're tired it's because you don't know him that's not mean stuff I promise you we can stay in a place of constant filling constant relationship you know sometimes my days are so crazy busy I'm like just it's crazy I have three services day preach the neverending Gospels for their one service no but but I have three services and then I have two outreaches in between so I have an hour a couple hours here an outreach and a couple hours then an outreach and then a couple hours then we go to bed it's one o'clock at night and we do the same thing in the morning you know sometimes I only get ten minutes like today I had about 17 minutes see you quiet do you not think that God is big enough to take 17 minutes and go I got quiet I said god I love you I'm not here to get anything from you I'm just here to know you thank you for loving me and I laid there and he loved me but while I'm standing here in front of you he's doing the same thing and guess what I don't even have to feel it it's not about feelings it's about faith I have faith in the one that gave himself for me so I lived my life because of the one that gave himself for me the gospel it's the one that Jesus preached it's the one that we've mixed up not being me I just haven't read those books I don't I refused to read anything that limits gone in anyway the Bible you can't limit God by the Bible only if you're trying to get it with the wisdom of man you can try to get the Word of God with the wisdom of men you can read it just like a book and then you can read it like a book and you can say well it's written by other men boarding allow the word to be alive sharp and active and divide and separate like I said today your soul from your spirit and have your mind get completely renewed and breathed upon by the Holy Ghost by the Holy Spirit of life the very same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus Christ from the dead and powers that word to be real in your life Jesus was the Word made flesh and God wants our flesh to become the very word that we say we know but without the Holy Spirit it can't happen you'll be a good quote err but you won't walk it out it's not about quoting it's about living it it's about walking it I don't care if you're 40 years of Christian and all of a sudden God goes but boot thumps your heart cuz that's what he's gonna do all he needs to do is go whoo thump your heart boom wake up he says and then you say yeah but what are all these years and he says knock it off let's go I'm so serious we think because all these years is 12 years of Kemp believes - I wish that these 12 years get over and God did already as soon as you said forgive me God said forgiven forgotten done finished let's go and Satan is the god of this world who loves to whisper he's a stranger and he's so used to Christians listening to him and biting the bait and listening to the liar come on we said we wanna you know he wants to brother devour out by your by your sewing and by your tithing I understand that but what about not listening to him see it sounds like it sounds like it it's normal for Christians to listen to the stranger and Jesus forbid us to he said my sheep hear and obey my voice and the strangers they will not follow that's a command that's one of the commandments that he said if you love me you'll obey my Commandments because he knows that if you can't obey that one you'll become slaves to that one which you obey and condemnation is the whisper and depression and anger and bitterness unforgiveness and all that guilt shame is from hell it's not from God it's from the devil why he's depressed he's angry he's bitter he severed he's cut off from the source of life and he wants to make you think just like him and he can't do from God he knows he can't come to heaven to dethrone God he already tried that and God said go there he put him here and then he and then he put us here he said you know what you're there there there this is gonna be awesome [Music] and then Adam and Eve forfeited something they became slaves to that one wood they obeyed and they didn't listen to the voice of a liar did God say guess what he's trying to do to you did God really say well then if he said that then why do I feel this way get over it your feelings are deceptive and they're killing you it's not about your feelings it's about his love love is not a feeling but we've made it that way because we grew up that way we weren't just born into sin we were cultivated by the very enemy of God and we're used to listening to the stranger constantly we get a little bit of breakthrough and we feel good about our breakthrough then of a sudden feelings shift really quick cuz Satan lies and we bite the bait and listen to him and we again obey that one I'm just talking real plain real truth we don't need to listen damn it he's finished see he can't be thrown God but he's trying to dethrone God from the very soul of man he can't kick God off the throne he tried that but he's not so convinced that he can't get God out of your soul and make you a confessing understand that has no idea who you are wandering around from church service to church service trying to get a breakthrough waiting for goosebumps and chills and tickles [Music] for God's good it's not about your goosebumps it's not about your chills and it's not about your feel-good it's about knowing the truth that sets you free Satan's not playing a game he is trying to destroy the body of Christ from the inside he's not worried about you going to church really he's okay with that as long as you never understand that you are the church he's cool but when you find out that you really are huh and you find out that you really are that means that you'll find out that he's really finished that means that it really won't matter anymore because he's finished and when he whispers you say haha when we came shirts you might say that what Satan says well so what and you walk out of here and all of a sudden you listen to him you're condemned again looking in your rear-view mirror wondering when that voice is gonna stop whispering to you guess what it never does jesus said my sheep hear and obey my voice and strangers they will not follow in order to follow a Boyce you'd have to hear him see a stranger sounds like God because we're so used to listening to that one and then when it comes to can you hear God well I don't know that we're confused because a lot of times we don't read our word and ask the Holy Spirit to teach us what it means we go off of somebody else's interpretation of it and then all of a sudden we're living by someone else's revelation and have no revelation of ourself and we've become an echo instead of a voice guess what I don't have any real people in my family that had the gospel and even if I did it wouldn't matter you know why because I'm the best me that God created me to be and if you get that you won't have to live in a shadow of anyone you'll live in the reality of who you are it's great to have spiritual fathers but God did not say I will not leave you as orphans I will give you spiritual fathers he did not say that I'm not being mean I'm telling you that we've elevated spiritual fathers above God as our Father and we've needed one I've had people call me into it and and email me will you be my spiritual father will you be my spiritual father you know what there's a guy that I talked to you about this name's Dan and like I met when I was suicidal and he told me about who God was and and I need to give he didn't say invite him into your heart he said give me your life you have to give me your life I ask anything's better than this I was suicide I want to kill myself my girlfriend hated me the daughter didn't know what it meant to have a father so I asked God to take my life and for the next five and a half months I had no idea what to even meant so its destructive and I destroyed five and a half months later I'm out in that drug dealer that crap deal and I picked up that kid in that car told him you have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law had the crack in my hand quarter ounce of crack cocaine and I said step out of the car put your hands on the hood and when he did I hit the gas and he unloaded a nine-millimeter of me from ten feet away if God spoke to me and said I took those bullets for you when you ready to live for me again it was real the bullets were real it wasn't fake and the drugs were real and I tried to get high all night long and couldn't the voice wouldn't go away girlfriend hated me I went to Teen Challenge escape Ashley's submission see resistance of the devil isn't a two-step program the resistance of the devil is a one step program you submit to God the devil's resisted it's not submit to God and then resist him it's submit to God and in your submission you're one with him and he's resistant but since we don't know relationship we think that we get the word in us in command Satan to get behind us by the word commanded by Allah and it doesn't work and he destroys us as we listen to him if Satan tells you worthless you should thank God that you're worth if he tells you you're never gonna be anything you should understand he's a liar you're 100% opposite stop playing with him [Music] if he tells you something well you know what eight years ago you should have never had that happen in your life your life is messed up forever now you should say father I thank you so much my life is so redeemed stop listening to him he's a liar why would you even play that game he wants you to because it's so Christians are so easy touchy-feely [Music] or be touched in you went oh god I love you what if he touched you so much that he realized you just went closer to God every time he did and every time he touched you you got close to God so he stopped touching you because it didn't work and he realized that the more he touched you the deeper and intimacy you grew with your father because that's how my life has been touches me and I go closer to my father he touches me and I don't turn and rebuke if he's behind me what I have to tell him to get behind me he's there already I'm serious man I live this way it sounds funny but I promise you I live this way and it's kept me clean and it's kept me filled with righteousness there's no way for unrighteousness to touch me because I'm righteous in the eyes of my father I have right standing with my dad he loves me he's proud of me he loves me he's empowered me stomp hell for a living why would I think like it when I'm required to destroy it a way that seems right to a man it creeps in tries to bait us why are we biting the bait it's because we fail to see what we really are because there's an identity crisis it's on the earth Satan's trying to make him make us just like him what is he he's depressed he's bitter he's angry he's unforgiveness he's completely no chance of hope so what is he trying to make us hopeless depressed bitter angry unforgiving he's trying to reproduce that very same seed in the soul of man why because if he can just get you to say you believe and have a good confession but be condemned he keeps you from ever entering into the grace that righteousness enables you to says that we have an abundance of grace and we are supposed to reign as a king in this life through the free gift of righteousness and we've made it just about a scripture instead of a life lived Jesus is the king of kings who could that be if we're a royal priesthood a holy nation set apart what does that really mean if we're a chosen generation chosen people God's chosen his elect what does that mean how could you be elect and guilty at the same time you can the devil would love to confuse that one twist that one and make you appropriate Jesus into your life bring Jesus in your life psychologically make it all about some belief system apart from the reality of what it means to be believing believing means to be fully convinced to be fully persuaded and the very simplicity of the gospel has been snatched away from the body of Christ because they're listening to the voice of a liar it's good you don't have to be that way matter of fact you only have one right I say it all the time mercy woke you up today God gave you another breath today to manifest him and not you and all creation is groaning the sun's gone see I'm looking at God's best regardless of what you think what you think apart from what I said doesn't matter because I know that you're God's best and if you came in here you're not a believer you will be why cuz God promised he's my dad how can you get out of that try what I use just popping off he's just smart think about it your heart will start going why because my dad loves you he loved me when I was twisted you know what we were twisted really whacked God loved me how would he not freely give us everything now dude come on [Music] it's awesome yay Jesus oh my gosh this is awesome this is good [Applause] [Music] all right so I want to share this one scripture here real quick and then we'll bounce from there take me half hour to get there all right oh so good [Music] I don't read my Bible I don't I don't I don't just read the word I don't know how I don't know how everybody's taught I don't I don't know I know how I've been taught by God to read and he's told me to commune with him when I read it's different she's different I think that's where we get messed up like how does that look like how do I do that and sometimes we've read the Bible or been read the Bible or heard so many things about that reading about that about that scripture that we read it in the light of what we've been taught I know what he's taught me but I can't afford to read it in the light of what he's taught me the next time I read it [Music] that's a revelation if I read it in the light of what I've been taught I'll always read it through a certain eye and you'll you'll ride in the revelation of what someone else had but if you read it in the light of him being your father he can father you a thousand different ways a million different ways through one word because the words alive okay seasons happens to be one of my favorite most favorite books when I first got when I first got saved set free for me eight years ago I went to Teen Challenge for two months I did encounter with Jesus three nights in a row I came home my girlfriend had come to Christ when I was in there and we got married four days later the one that I was hurting for nine years atheists we both and bang all of a sudden Lawson she's my wife we've been married for eight years October 24th have three girls fifteen six and seventeen months and it's awesome really awesome but not everybody understood that see when I destroyed her life and so her whole family was very very mad at me especially her mama so we had our wedding they came they came to our wedding see this is four days after I quit Teen Challenge ten months early in their eyes this wasn't good I quit everything in my life so this was just another it was the flow who was how I lived my life but it's not the program that changes you it's Christ and I'm not saying leave a program early because most people to leave early it's not God it's them saying I can't handle it I'm out of here it's God I'm out but the fruit that's on your tree our witness of whether it was God or not right you know a tree by its fruit so I get married and for those of you that didn't hear yesterday just get it and listen to it I won't have it on my website but you can get it here right okay so we get married it's in between first service and second service and her mom her stepdad her two brothers their wives come my sister my sister's came my dad came my grandma came uncle and my aunt came whom I destroyed them all I mean I did I ripped them all off I ripped them off her mom I ripped all the family off the whole thing I was a thief man the nature of the enemy steal kill and destroy so they came to my wedding and we get married I sang that song Who am I which is pretty cool I cried the whole time you know and we get married so happy my daughter she's seven and a half just like so happy so it was the line afterwards you know real quick we just drew a little quick service it's not about your big wedding it's about the Covenant you know it's it's your covenant so so my my mother-in-law is there she's not my mother-in-law so she comes up and I said hey mom this one thank you for coming I can't believe she married you now I have now I don't have a choice see we think we have a choice we think we have a choice to let that hurt us this is really good I promise you we get this right here you'll be so free I can't believe she married you so mom I love you don't tell me that you love me why do you I don't I don't want to hear it I can't believe this happened she's crying I said you'll see I give you a hug just gave me like one of them hugs and her stepdad comes up to me and he goes I said thanks for coming men appreciate it you're a loser and you always will be one you don't fool anybody and I said you'll see I love you don't you tell me you love me I won't tell you I'll show you and it didn't even hurt me you see you I've lived without offense for eight years you can't carry across an offense I promise you [Music] [Applause] [Music] see it listen I haven't been offended by anybody since I've been aggressive don't be scared of La Colonia by abrogating [Music] not here to do that prepare to empower us strengthen us to teach us who we really are my my whole mission is to bring Christians to Christ honestly really is to empower the church to know who she is so that she stopped being a slave to the other one so I told him that you know her brothers came up as hate as well thank you for coming yep we'll see that's what a rub mother said see man thanks for coming Todd it's all he said his wife oh I'm so happy for you then she turn around so what why would I let that why would that hold that against her why wouldn't I just walk out Jesus so that they actually see and leave see I've had all my family angry and bitter and mad all of them all of them the only ones that were really happy was my new wife my daughter and Dan the one that married us my old church was angry you have no idea angry the head pastor from the church was so mad so mad Todd it's all he said [Music] the God that put me in Teen Challenge they told me the day that I came out of Teen Challenge see I'm gonna talk about some stuff it's really important that we get really important that we get this it's not about how other people view you or see you you walk out Christ don't allow the opinions of others to limit you from who you really are we can live in such a way but it doesn't matter what people think you bear witness of who God is in your life you bear witness with fruit on your life it's not about whose shadow you're in it's not about who is looking at you it's about who has compelling you my love my Bible says and set in Corinthians right before it set Corinthians 5 right before it says if anybody be in Christ he's a new creation behold all things have become new old things passed away right before there it says if one died then all died and I says you know what so those that live or not live for themselves that's what it says in your Bible I promise you I've read it thousands and thousands of times and it says you know what now we don't regard anybody according to the flesh what does that mean that means that I don't have the right to look at you for how you talk to me or for what you've done or for what people have gossiped about you that you have done [Music] listen this is so huge therefore I look at nobody according to the flesh the only right that I have the only real reality that I live in as God has empowered me to look through new eyes to hear through new ears that I can actually look at people according to how God sees them so I have the right to see them according to what they've done or to what people have said they've done now the only right I have is to look at people for their potential and to reconcile them back to the father Jesus was given it's in that same chapter come on man same book you with me are you okay all right I'm just getting started because I love you if we get this it just changes everything it's not about what people think about you it's about what God says about you it's not what people think about the person that you're thinking about it's about what God thinks Jesus was given the Ministry of reconciliation reconciling people back to the Father not computing the trespasses against them and guess what ministry we have same one what is that reconciliation back to the Father not imputing the world's trespasses against them actually not even pointing out their sin wow that would be something what if we gonna lead people to Christ by not pointing out their faults and failures what if we gonna lead people to Christ because of the goodness that God that actually brings up to repentance what if that means that I can walk out his goodness live his goodness talk his goodness that people would want what I have because they would see the goodness of God in their heart would repent guess what guys I see it all the time I see it on airplanes I see it in stores I see it everywhere why man I talk to them as hard people doesn't matter God loves them I've been in situations with people that are so mad they're so mad they're an unforgiveness that are angry bitter I remember being in being in church will are being in a hotel and I'm sitting in I'm talking to to this housekeeper I get a word of knowledge about her ankle said something's going on with your ankle what's the deal oh it's been 20 years what do you mean when I was 3 I hurt my ankle really bad and it's frozen are you kidding me let me pray for you oh really right here absolutely you're kidding for sure it's not pray for Jesus thank you for this girl and it went and it started to get hot and it started to crawl up her leg the heat started to go she's oh my gosh what is that so God loves you so much and she's totally angry and totally bitter and I get this word she's healed she's moving right oh my gosh that's amazing it's amazing and I said you know who and I said man something about this relationship with your stepdad she gets so mad so mad problem she was already healed [Music] she was really and unforgiveness he was really angry but she's already healed but I thought we had to get him know the goodness of God hit her and I said hey she goes I don't understand that and I started to talk about mercy she started to cry gave her life to Jesus why because the goodness of God leads a person to repentance it's his goodness so I've got all my relatives that are angry bitter mad mad man I destroyed them they have in the world they have every right to be mad you know we as Christians think we have a right to be mad you're wrong you're deceived you come into the kingdom you give up your rights to be mad you have right to be alive what it is is the right to manifest him we think we have rights you know what here's what happens with rights well they did this to me and they said this to me and they shouldn't have said that you're right they shouldn't have and you shouldn't have been offended by what they said either so now like I'm mad at the church because they should have known better that's our problem really it's not the world it's us why would the world while we have it we keep fighting in the church come on guys we get so mad when somebody should have known better and hurts us and we go from church to church because we got hurt said it last night people are looking for love at churches they're going to church to see if there's love there and there's not love there so they go to another one to see if there's love there and you're looking for love but really what you're doing is your fault finding you're waiting for someone to mess up so you can have a good excuse to move to the next one and you go to the next one and then it happens again you got the next one it happens again never ever understanding why you're here you're here to become loved so you become loved and then you enter in as love not to be loved to give love gifts it's really good it's really good so all the people at my church are angry at me the guy that put me in Teen Challenge listen this is so amazing God had put me a team challenge his name's Peter he told me he goes I'll pay for you to go this is like when I'm really messed up he can put the option out there and then a couple months later I like gave up I got shot at I was a good reason to give up really ten feet away you give up to you maybe so he pays free to go I come back ten months early and that day that I said yesterday I went home the first day when I get out of Teen Challenge this is four days before my wedding I go to I go to church it's work day I want to help I just want to help it Peter comes up to me two guys Todd what are you doing here so he knows the Teen Challenge is a year I said God told me that God didn't tell you to leave Todd it's your flesh we're so good at doing that one it's your flesh I'm telling you God just hammered he should have known better you know what happened I cried not because it hurt me I cried because I was hurting for him oh it's so different the difference is being hurt by people are hurting for somebody Jesus wasn't hurt by people he hurt for people the Heymann cries for us come on man telling you the truth set you free so Peters the pastor came back one after another know what I did they walked away from me I picked up a broom and I swept anyway know why cuz I can you know what they didn't even say thank you you know what it was cool you get that on your job it'll change your life you go and do your job one to Jesus and not worry about what men think see how it works out for you it'll work how good because their heart is in the hand of the Lord you watch and see what he does I've watched it man every situation of Washington pan out watch what God does - or you can voice your opinion and you can say you know what this should've done that you call your friend call it prayer but gossip and then cause your friend to stumble over that person when they see them now they see them through the eye that you gave them this is good preaching so solid ah yeah it is people come like show us the miracles it is a miracle if you get free from you on this one man promise it's good you all right this is awesome honest I am watching this overtake people's lives what would it be like for you to live your life on offended what would it be like for you not to be offended by people anymore we don't even know what that would be but it sure would be a breath of fresh air what if the church was known by that on offended what if the church was known by not being upset no there's people that teach that you have to be from that you get that you're okay to be offended what is that that is not the gospel yeah Jesus come on man God solid he's not hurt he's not gonna lose the throne ever really and if we see who we really are we'll understand that we're seated with him already well yeah but I can't see it that's the problem we don't walk by sight we walk by faith faith we don't just walk by it we live by faith what is it fully convinced fully convinced in God's ability to keep me and sustain me empowered me compelled me fill me cost never ever ever your love never fails it never gives up we sing that but we don't know that and I'm not saying you I'm saying we because I never separate myself from the body it would be very bad for me to do that that would mean that I'm your judge and I'm not but I'm gonna preach it how I live it cuz it'll change your life it's awesome isn't it amazing what the Holy Spirit can do guys all right still all right excitement he got into that one Scripture I want to talk about I'm talking about a lot of them but I haven't gotten that one yet what it's in here it's making sense see every person is going to give you the opportunity to work on what I'm talking about but if you just become who God says you are you won't have to work on it anymore you'll just live it what would it be like if we could be quick to listen slow to speak slow to wrath or slow to anger what would it be like telling you it's available it's in the simplicity of the Cross it's in the reality of what jesus paid a price for [Music] so I said to him I get done and no one said anything to me dan took me to the house remember I talked to you guys yesterday I told you about my daughter the encounter with my girlfriend that said marry me it's awesome we got married for that wedding day they all came they're like whatever Peters there that God he didn't understand because he thought I'm going back to live with her again and nothing's changed you know what tree by its fruit so four days later he comes into the second service and we're doing a wedding and he doesn't even know about it so Peter the guy who put me in Teen Challenge that I'm a quitter I'm a loser all that stuff he comes in he sees skin he just sits down I walked by him I go hey Peter sorry you couldn't be here you guys get married yeah good for you soon as I left all that stuff everybody against elders all of them against me all of them so what gods for me and I'm not hurt I love them you think what did you do I stayed at the church how'd you do it easy it's not about me I promise really [Music] let me read the scripture Braille is tough says it diffusions 4:29 [Music] it's let's let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth but what is good for necessary edification that it may impart grace to the ears don't grieve the Holy Ghost Spirit of God whoever you want to whatever is more comfortable for you by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption let all bitterness wrath anger clamor evil speaking be put away from you with all malice and be kind to one another tender-hearted forgiving one another even as God in Christ forgave you therefore be imitators of God as dear children and walk in love as Christ himself also loved us and gave himself for us an offering and is sacrificed to God for sweet-smelling aroma I could go on it gets intense and people are like Fuu ok enough for that because it gets into some heavy stuff it's just the gospel we should be ok with it it's really good but I'm not using it to hurt you I want to talk about something I'll never use to hurt you says let every word that comes out of your mouth says let it never be let it never ever be corrupt what's a corrupt word a corrupt word that comes out of your mouth is anything that's used for your selfish game it's anything that comes out because you've been offended you're giving people a piece of your mind it's illegal to get people if you see your mind anymore because you're not supposed to have your mind see we think and it's so see it's so easy because we've got this another section of Scripture in James says who contained the tongue it's unruly it's evil everything evils in there is set on fire by Hell itself that's what it says who can do it I've got news for you with God all things are possible no one can tame the tongue that's right and if you try to bite your tongue and stop talking that way you'll bite it off but if you give your heart to God out of your heart your mouth speaks [Music] it's not what goes into a man that defiles them Jesus said it's in Matthew it's not what goes in it's what comes out of a man because what goes into the body goes out but it's what comes out of the heart that defiles one comes out of the heart the mouth speaks life and death is in the power of your tongue [Music] let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth do you know that God has enabled us to be stewards of grace he's given us the ability to speech stewards he's made of stewards do you know that you have favor with God Faber yeah favor with him favor you have favor with the king what does that mean yeah favor with the king God says you know what life and death is in the power of your tongue you're gonna choose what you're gonna speak if your heart's mine you'll speak for me but if you haven't given me your life you'll speak from you if you've given me your life I'll give you my mind well no no no no no no no wrong says who can know the thoughts of the Lord his ways are higher than my ways his thoughts are higher than my thoughts don't forget the end of it in Old Covenant it says that but in the new one it ends with but we have the mind of Christ oh it's so up it's so amazing don't live in an Old Covenant reality when God found fault with them and so he changed it came in a new covenant a brand-new one love the Lord's our God with everything you are and then love your neighbor as your self what does love look like love keeps no record of wrongs so if someone's wronged you you can't keep a record of it by responding to the wrong that they just said love doesn't behave rudely come on it's the gospel it's supernatural it's not psychological God guys this isn't like I can do this I can do this I can do this I can do this it's not it's I am this it's not I can do it come on you can do it come on you can do it stop being a doer and just start being a beer it's about being it's not about doing it's not about performing it's not about look what I can do it's about look who God created me to be he created me an enemy in His image I'm just like my dad well I don't feel like it we'll God get over your feelings you are so watch God's made me a steward of grace this is what it looks like I have the power to speak both life and death when I speak life like let's say this young man yeah you're the guy that came up last night right were you the guy with the glasses okay last night I saw your glasses and I said God's gonna give you a brand new pair of lenses to look through these lenses aren't going to be this is what I meant the lenses that God gave you aren't to look at people according to what they've done and to who they are and to what people have told you they are but God gave you the abroad last night put new lenses on you to see people through their created value and the reality of who people really are and the first person is your father really so now God's going to enable you to see your father for who he's created to be not because of what he's done not because of the mess ups not because of the words that were spoken but because of who God says he is you are a powerful young man God loves you so now I have favor with God I do so God says you know what Todd you have favor with me so I'll tell you what I will allow you to write the check of increased favor on someone else's life and I will know it by the words that you speak you can either mark a person with edification and encouragement and I will bring grace upon their life and increase favor on them by the words that you speak or you can step outside of your authority of rights as a believer in the reality of who you are in the kingdom and you can gossip complain and criticize which is the language of Hell itself I don't have the right to be offended by Hell itself so someone speaks to me a certain way when I let that hurt me it's because I failed to see Who I am in the midst of it and if you're having trouble with that one just be quiet God will give you grace because they'll never allow you to be tempted beyond that what you can bear if you could just be quiet so now I'm a Stuart a favor because of the words that I speak and a market person for loss so I have my whole family my whole church all of them are angry we used to we helped out with the youth a little bit in the beginning and I was like so excited yay awesome and the pastor he says to me he says he says uh we need to have a meeting so my wife we're brand new you know yeah I'm just like on fire you know running with CEO and love and I can't be hurt it's crazy what God could do I'm not kidding you man I wouldn't talk about this unless I'm living it you don't have the right to hurt me I wouldn't give it to you I love you I don't want anything from you really I just love you oh my gosh that's awesome no expectation of mine from you see I don't say man I love you waiting for you to say it back I just love you period you don't have to tell me back for me to feel good about saying it first or if I do need you to say it to me back that means I only said it for what you can give me come on think about it once what if you just said I love you and you just meant it and they didn't have to say anything I just love you and they didn't say anything in your say it we grew up that way with girlfriends in life come on I love you I said it to you come on say it and we're so twisted that way do you know that God says I love you and he never needs you to say it back for him to feel secure about him saying at first why because he is it so if we become it we won't nuts need someone to say it back to us in order to feel good about saying it first Oh [Music] it's really solid man promise people come to conferences and they're like teach us the miracles I am I promise you approached somebody that doesn't want God you approach somebody and you want to pray for him let me go I'm serious and you walk away like my gosh how'd that go I don't know it really hurt me these are all their stuff [Music] I'm not being mean I've talked to lots of people how do you do what you do easy you can say what you want to say I love you arrogant as you want to be doesn't matter I won't be arrogant back I don't have the right to you I have given up my life what does it mean to overcome the enemy by the blood of the Lamb the word of your testimony and you love now your own life unto death what does it mean it means you die man means it's not about you it's not about how you feel it's not about your offense it's about the cross that we carry it's about burying with each other and each other's burdens someone's hurting someone's twisted you got to talk to them and I hardly snap on you yeah okay I'm all right how you doing whoa I'm serious I'm not making fun anybody I'm just telling you this is the reality of it how you doing you all right yeah you know no I don't what's going on you know no I don't explain to me you know what I do I bring it just like I'm bringing it right now bring the reality of who they are I'm not gonna let you sit there feel sorry for yourself because somebody did something to hurt your feelings bring the truth to set you free so that you can help others be free we get transformed to transform we get free to bring freedom we're ministers of freedom grace love of God changes people so in that meeting we wanted to see if we could help with the youth I'm just talking testimonies but I'm speaking out of the word but I want to line it with testimony so you understand the reality what it looks like okay so my so my the head Pastor Dan was an associate pastor had passed her there with his wife my wife was there she's brand-new she's so happy I mean aside from the fact that I was praying for people everywhere she didn't like that at all so much that for nine months she refused to go in public with me promised no idea I was on a mission I saw my Bible to pray for the sick they'd be healed I believed it so I went after it nobody was on page with that my whole church was against me didn't matter I've got brave people I don't have to do it in my church if they're not okay with it I got the whole world outside of the church serious I don't have to stand for my church say you're wrong and I'm right stop just let the fruit that's on your tree bear witness people in town will hear your church will hear about some crazy guy that's praying for people at Walmart that's how it works [Music] so the pastor looks at us we're so excited I'm like I'm gonna stoke the youth man I'm gonna help the youth I'm gonna rah I don't want to be a youth pastor us one to help didn't matter I'm not looking to be in ministry as soon as you say yes you're in it really if you're president listen I'm just gonna talk about that for a second if you're pressing into ministry just to be in ministry and you can't hail your job because you can't handle people you're in trouble don't get in ministry because you can't handle people oh my goodness I just want to work with a bunch of crisp people come on to me I just want to work with a bunch of Christians pray for me to get my job people are so mean absolutely not what are you doing dude well you understand I mean they are your light yeah but it's really hard it's no stop you're light tear it up no you don't understand they're so mean the wicked oh go go go so dark around me stop sensing the darkness and just feel light [Music] really [Music] when you doubt my job's hard and the world's getting worse and I know Christians on my jobs pray for me to get no job around Christians absolutely not man come on well I'm just uncomfortable well yeah you're supposed to because you need the comforter why would you come on you've got the comforter that's the reason why Jesus said I'm gonna have to send them another one they're gonna be really uncomfortable they're gonna need them but we're so used to not you two not utilizing what we have and not living in relationship with what we have we're so used to the uncomfortability we need some kind of something to save us and we're already saved man people are praying for Jesus to come back God come on we're ready really I am having fun I'm not being mean I'm being real and I'm not making light of your situation I'm making the most of the reality of why we're really here you're not here to pray for Jesus to rescue you out of here Jesus isn't coming back to rescue us from the big bad world and the massive huge devil that we think we have he's not gonna rescues not here to rescue us away from the big bad world guys he said be of good cheer guys when you face tribulations yep they don't feel good okay but be of good cheer viv good cheer when you have these bad feelings because everybody's against you it's not what it says be of good cheer when you face tribulation I have overcome your workplace that's part of the world you see who you are you'll live from victory and not towards it you'll live from it you'll have your mind set on things above and none of things beneath you'll be seated with him in heavenly places you will be seated in him Ephesians 2:6 you're there already well I can't see it right we don't live by sight we don't live by the things that we can see that are visible because they're temporal and they're fading away but we live by the things that we can't see they're eternal forever 2nd Corinthians 4:18 so Bom awesome yay it is so they said in the meeting we said you know we've decided that you can't help with youth anymore no I'm a couple months old the Lord I'm running man I'm devouring the word I'm devouring by myself with nobody helping me I think I'll have a helper that's his name - do you know that that's me we need a lot of help so he's a helper - so the Holy Ghost is teaching me what the word means it's and these give me a chance to walk it out with everybody that I mean so all of a sudden like oh my gosh this awesome stuff and then I get in the meeting they're like you know what we've decided you're not mature enough to help them now in the natural I'm 2 months old god I understand my wife doesn't so they said I said I love these kids well we understand that and we understand you feel like you love them but they need a real leader to help them all right well can what can I do well actually right now nothing but we want you to grow and I said well I am growing every day cut me off people get hurt by this they bring up all kinds of churches and booze and I talk about all the time right it's not about you - licking your wounds it's about you getting over what people have said that they don't understand am NOT you're not living by their opinion but you're living by what God says about you stop living and your feelings and stop living by what people have said about you start to live from God and don't be offended by the church and and and don't say amen to this in a way because you've been hurt by the church which validates your excuse by being hurt by the church be very careful cuz it's not about your hurt it's about him He loves us smeg incents so good so good for your heart man I promise it is is anybody getting anything out of this at all man I love it it's a caught it's a dilemma and there's a lot of feuding and stuff going on inside the bride we don't want half the feud we can this walk in love so he said so his wife looks at me she goes Todd you haven't even gotten to a kindergarten level of maturity yet it's what she said like all right I smile so keep my wife mad upset she didn't see what I see we walked out of the meeting we got a car she burst into tears she was I'm leaving I said we can't leave I'm leaving listen we can't leave God didn't tell me to leave we can't you have to trust me on this but she's simple I don't want to be here anymore you can go by yourself then I said honey listen what did God tell us seeing Teen Challenge he stamped the scripture on my forehead seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and then all these things will be added to you told me in Teen Challenge I am putting a scripture on your forehead taught you're gonna live by at all the days of your life and it's gonna keep you free don't you ever seek stuff because I'll add to you that's what God spoke to me so I said to her I said in the car so whatta God say to us I'm sick his kingdom and his righteousness then everything will be added to us I don't need to seek another church I need to seek him and we got hammered boo didn't matter I went there I didn't put on my face how you doing I'm okay brother lots of people wear that mask hypocrisy it's time that we stop it's time that we get free because Jesus paid more of a price than you to live by feelings governed by what people think about you paid a price for us to be free it's the love of God sets us free new you God loves us so much and we're living by feelings and how can we be imitators imitations pottered by the world that's not here to change the way you think so that we can finally be free I could you have no idea I'm up here preaching I could try at any time because I hear God's heart and speaking to me about people and I'm not gonna point you out know what I'm hearing him I know what I'm hear to my heart we've allowed the hurts of what people have said to us to affect how we live and how we live our life and we've lived in past regret regretting this and regretting that regretting what we never did this and we never did that and before you know it you're living with the regret that you were even born back BAM let's slam dunk the devil man [Music] skip reaching his freedom promise I do promise you freedom free she's God loves us so much I'm tired of watching his bride get manipulated by the Devourer let's taking us away from a father that loves us they so loved a game God loved us so he gave what if someone treated you wrong what if you loved that return and what if it didn't just take two weeks what if it took five years of humankind how do you carve a harsh word softness is awesome every time I would go up to my relatives we go remember the first the first Christmas I went to my grandma's I'm so happy yay Jesus so happy I'm October it's November December of two months in same time that this stuff happened at my church do you understand then when one thing happens it's not just one thing ever it's 27 things at the same time right it's strategic to ruin our souls to twist our thinking so that we can never see who are created to be there are seeds that are trying to reproduce themselves in the soul of man in Genesis 3 it happened when man fell when man fell so who told you God totally and God said to Satan if prophesied he said the seed of this woman capital S is gonna crush the head of your seed there are two seats trying to reproduce themselves in the mind and soul of man it's the seed of Jesus and the seed of the deceiver two seeds trying to reproduce themselves right here constant so my whole family is just hammering me so I go to Christmas and I'm like hey guys man and my aunt's there her name's Holly she is so like not wanting to hear Jesus dude I mean the whole family does one here Semih grandma Graham was so happy oh I'm so happy for you praying for you that's the one that I told you it passed away four days ago my grandma want him to be with Jesus awesome my aunt's there's mad angry I said hey Polly I gotta tell you something what she's yeah heard you went to that rehab no it wasn't a rehab wishart was some challenge thing what was a 60 day challenge no it was a year but I left ten months early why would you leave Todd she didn't know she doesn't live around it she was there at Christmastime I said let me tell you about Jesus I start to talk to her don't you tell me about Jesus don't you tell me about some Jesus that priests are molesting kids and this and that bang boom bang bang Shah Baba she is so smart so intelligent she hammered me back BAM boom all my relatives tell my sister Todd shut your face really honestly I tell my I tell my aunt no listen you got to hear this I don't want to hear shut your mouth I don't want to hear about your Jesus I'm serious and I'm on my knees crying not because she's hurting me and I'm not telling her her faults and her failures to try to get her in it's not about scaring people out of hell it's not a get out of hell free card guys it's not it's about Jesus Christ it's about the kingdom it's not about just getting your name written in some book and getting to heaven one day that's about heaven getting into you today [Music] Jesus Jesus didn't pay a price for us to just get born again and get to heaven he paid a price for heaven to get into us he paid a price for us to give up our life so that we can have his here we can destroy hell for a living and we can live every day and have the highest part of help and eat the lowest part of us and realize who we are not just in the power but in the power of freedom I'm all about the power of God I love it I live in it every day it's my life I know about the power of freedom the reality of righteousness right standing with my father survive right standing with him and I see who I am I'm a tree of righteousness and that fruit that I bear is under holiness and then I don't have to sell my fruit I can just let people pick it so I'm telling her she's back everyone the only one my mom funny I'm happy free I hope this works so I mean cuz I destroyed her life I manipulate I maneuvered everybody so I've talked about Hong Kong said man I'll tell you man Jesus I know I know about Jesus son it's awesome great glad awesome good for you I've stole from him uncle knock me out just always money I mean it was bad so that I'm like wow I get in the car going home my wife's like you okay no what can I do help me pray for them father I thank you for the amazing family that you've given me God I thank you that I left them up before you got now thank you for the awesome aunt that you gave me my uncle God I thank you for my other hand God thank you for everyone God thank you I just lift him up to you and I ask you God show me they really are because they're amazing God thank you Jesus you're amazing thank you God they're awesome thank you for these people that you've put in my life but I can imitate Christ and walk in love and they can see who you really are God thank you from the beginning so man got over died now it's time to go to my dad's house [Music] so I go to my dad's house he's not a Christian none of my family except my grandma so I go over there I said hey Dad how you doing man doing great how are you son man I'll tell you about Jesus Todd I really thank you he's nice about it my dad's nice he's really you know that's great I'm glad you found what works for you no and he's really cool and my stepmom is there I say hey man I got to tell you this so awesome and I told her man did she hammer me I mean hammered cities she took like four classes four semesters at a time on different religions she knows everything to know about every religion she's just and she knows everything and I'm like huh I came and say anything it's like an hour 45 minutes probably up drilling now let's eat dinner like okay [Music] you know what I dared to say this once how you gotta loves you so much Todd [Music] really promise me bad my little daughter destiny seven half year old daughter at this time it's listening to all this on both sides of my family listening to it now I need to to share with her who she really is because she's gonna be affected by this see the persecution and the mean stuff so I'm gonna parent my kids so they can understand how a parent reacts to that stuff or your kids have nothing to follow so you parent in such a way to ReWalk it out and if you do it the wrong way then you confess to your children that that was twisted daddy didn't see right listen this is who I really am I was wrong and you repent when you share the truth always always and if you haven't do it immediately don't like don't lead your kids down that road be the tough dad or tough mom don't be like pride you know whatever stop it knock it off don't say God's working on me the reality is you're being worked on by the other one say what you want well he's working on me stop it submit to him let him work through you instead of on you [Music] it's good you okay get your laughing then in the it's good it's awesome I love you I'm just preaching my heart man so that stuff happens and then in the midst of this I'm like I'm working and getting persecuted hardcore on my job at every angle cuz I'm a pie player I go in there my first day at work man is it okay if I share this selfishness life stuff it's just it helps man because if you apply it to your life it'll change your life it's highly applicable it is because how many people have had a job that you just you're done sharing Jesus at man because some regions I don't want you to raise your hands so I want you to be changed you can finally come out of your basket [Music] you guys alright has to do with everything the same thing I'm talking about words the reality of the effect of them on your life instead of the effect of God's life in yours so I go and this is in that same two-month period of time two weeks out of Teen Challenge I go and I apply for this job I see a job in the paper I'm like gonna get a job see I had 30 jobs in nine years a quitter got fired from everyone I never held a job I ripped off my family my whole life really in the nine-year period it's like I couldn't I couldn't hold a job ever so I come out of Teen Challenge when we get married I'm like I had it work she was really gonna get a job I am Colossians Colossians 3:17 and 3:23 says whatever you do you do it is unto the Lord and not for people if that's your perspective you won't have to sweep the floor to impress people you won't have to pick up stuff or empty trash so that your balls can see so you get a raise you actually just do what you do under the Lord not for people not to get the appreciation of the stroking of people but to give glory and honor God not to receive honor from people receiving honor from people is deceptive it's actually receiving glory from people it's not about that if you're not careful and this doesn't sink in and you get into ministry being trouble because you'll need people's appreciation for you to keep your place and your water this thing down and you'll preach something to make people feel good instead of the truth that sets people free and you'll preach to impress instead of preaching to address it's just the truth spoken love guys so I go and I I get my job actually I went to apply for it I went in I said I've got to come down you got store yeah yep come on down I'll get my application I'm like Paul thank you so much for the privilege if I'm like excited like a kid dude it's like I'm brand-new never worked before I didn't I'm a new guy that old man's dead this brand new man never worked before you know it hasn't changed it's eight years and it's worse now oh really honest anybody that knows me knows that I'm living this and I'm not just telling you something I'll live it man the gospel you can't take my smile for me you didn't give it to me let me tell you something you can't reject me because you're not the one that accepted [Music] I've been accepted by my father in the beloved you didn't give me my acceptance so you can't take it away from me no matter what you say or do God has accepted me and if God accepted me you didn't give me my acceptance so how can you take what you didn't give [Music] that's awesome it's impossible for you to reject me haha I'm here from him he loves you so I go and I get the app I'll go over there to fill it out first time of my life I'm gonna be honest on an application keep in mind that I have quite the honesty thing going on here and I have quite the 22 years of addiction I've quite the felony rap sheet the bad conduct discharge from the Marine Corps the extradited twice two crossed America the felonies the misdemeanors I got to fill all that out on there my five last jobs that I had four or five last jobs which were in the last year really honestly you know integrity is amazing so I'm filling that app out it took me like a half an hour to fill the app out I'm serious extra space needed for felonies promise [Music] I'll fill the whole thing out my wife is solid she's worked at the same job for 16 years I've never held a job she was so excited that I was going to get my job going to apply for a job I filled it out handed and lilius hey I said I'll be talking I'll be hearing from you she was thank you so much sir Wow okay she looked how she goes really she didn't say anything she just looked at me like I was crazy I am matter of fact I'm so out of my mind that I'm out of a lot of yours for real I filled it out panda at or I said I'll be hearing from you guys all right sir well thank you so much have a great day bless you God loves you so much you're amazing thank you I went I got in the car I got home called my wife I said hey I went apply for that job today wow wow that's awesome do you think you're gonna get it I said yeah I told all the truth on my application she is no no Oh seriously this stuff was the beginning of my Christian life god this is the start of everything it's so rock solid so foundational and in here's the key it doesn't matter how long you are how are you are along in Christianity if this becomes the new foundation that you live from it'll change the rest of your life you'll start living by the opinions of others or what other people think even if it's a spouse even if it's your kids even if it's your mother even if it's you father it's not about what they think it's about what God says to you your son your daughter don't you be manipulated by what other people thinking you're amazing you're God's best a few yeah the proud promise you come on man so three days later ring ring my phone rings guess who it is that company my wife's at work I answer the phone hello how you doing it's Todd I knew you'd be calling honest really because we wants you to come in if she goes we want you to come in same girl I said I knew you'd be calling me she goes we want you to come in for an interview I go oh when can I come in she goes well house smack him in right now so I went in that day then opening I went right in said hey how are you doing so glad to meet you man I'm gonna do a great job for you guys I don't even know what they're gonna offer me don't leave I'm sorry like this kid last night it happened to you I was at a church and thousand five hundred people got up at the same time I went what I say some people are escaping may God get you on your ride home she's a snake [Applause] cuz he loves you really see I have faith right I have faith that what I'm sharing with you is gonna empower your life I've faith fit but what I'm sharing is gonna is gonna leave you in a place for the next time someone says anything or the next time the enemy comes to devour your thought life to bring the reality of what hell is and you're thinking now you'll respond with heaven you'll respond with the Amen of God you'll respond with not the strangers voice you'll respond with the voice of truth would set you free and when they say something mean to you you're saving that was a harsh word that didn't feel good oh that's right and it's not about feelings father thank you for them taught my daughter this teach everybody this someone says something mean you can't say to them you can't talk they walk away father I thank you for that god bless them thank you Father they don't know who they are God they never would have said that if they knew who they were ask them in Jesus name every time you teach your kids that every time teach them that so they won't get offended at school will be hurt by teachers teachers freaked out when you pray for them in front of everybody else they do I've had paired teacher comfort stuff it's good kindergarten [Music] okay so I said man I'm gonna do a great job for you thanks for the permission to even come over and interview I appreciate you man you know what we're we're we're actually you're here we've never never seen anything like this you guys we're gonna give you a shot it's amazing what integrity and honesty can do because the world has never seen that guys I'm not being mean I'm being real the world doesn't understand it so they give me the job I show up my first day like hey thanks for thanks for this appreciate it yeah I'm all psyched man 5:30 in the morning I couldn't give me a hard hat here's your heart I'm a pie player I have no idea how to lay pipe I'm gonna do a great job because I'm doing it unto Him God's gonna give me wisdom and show me a whole life I've been trying to do things on my own strength and I can't remember so God's gonna bring it why cuz everything in Christianity is supernatural so we just think the miracles are supernatural you're wrong if you're free from you it's supernatural because you don't have an ability to be free from you so I go and I get my job and they give me my hat I see some guy walked by me with some stuff on his hardhat he is writing on it I go my nod to write on my hard hat she goes yeah but don't swear I'm like oh how I'm gonna salvation I got everything going on my hard hat and it's white I got Colossians 3:17 right here lost his 3:23 on the back Jesus Saves he loves you coming of salvation I got the thing a big cross on the top everything bang huh ready for duty reporting for service really who anybody that's work construction knows that that right there doesn't work out real good this is where my life got started and I didn't understand it what God was teaching me through it all training me see we need to walk this way so the medal of our armor gets tested so that we can stand and having done all we still stand so I get in the truck guys picked me up I'm like hey man how you guys doing I just want to tell you Jesus loves you so much guys are amazing man shut the blank up what are you on really I said I'm on Jesus man and I'm telling these guys I mean the guy beside me is done away from me he doesn't want to talk to me he's angry he's mad mad mad this guy is 61 years old I found out his name's Elwood he's up he's the top man for pie plate do you guys lay pipe here anybody ever done it okay you know what top man guy that hands the pipe down right it's pretty intense I was the trench guy I was down in the trenches this guy had to look at my hard head all day long Jesus this one watch I found out he's the reason why he's angry is because he used to be a milk farmer and a guy came into his house to sell him an insurance policy on if the farm was ever in trouble if you invest you'll return 300% on your investment and the guy in Jesus name sold him the policy and it was a scam and he took seventy five thousand dollars from him and he lost his farm to a Christian so now I'm in the truck Jesus Jesus Jesus I see what you don't understand is everybody has their opinion of who God is and unfortunately because they haven't seen what Christianity really is you're now under the opinion of what they believe Christianity to be so what if you raise the bar and raise the standard to what it really looks like so that the people that you hang with will want what you have what if your family has their own opinion like my aunt her own opinion of what a Christian was priests doing what they do all kinds of bad stuff my stepmom my dad's wife angry mad at God she blames God for everything well god he's got this and god that got this and come on one of the number one swear words is Jesus Christ or God damns God did he dam anything yet it's one of the most quickest words that we say two of the top cuss words that we use why Satan reproducing his seed right here [Music] so I go and I'm working and then he's hitting that pipe I'd yelling he'd come over and he handed down to me angry you know and then when I got a break I would run up top that would help I would cut his I would cut the storm drain and stuff I cut it for him why because he's 61 years old he shouldn't be out there doing what he's doing it's intense it's hard there's mud everywhere - ever walk in mud you ever feel what it's like to walk in mud he shouldn't be doing that he shouldn't be out there you're gonna got me fired get away from me it's a man I'm not gonna get you fired man I love you I just wanna help you're gonna get me fired so the guys that I work with the ho operator he would watch me he's not a Christian they mocked me every day so what go ahead and mock gods for me doesn't matter and you will see him in me go ahead do you know what let me ask you a question if I squeeze an orange into a cup and you drank it what kind of juice would it be if I squeezed an apple into a cup what kind of juice would you drink if I squeeze an orange into a cup and you drank it and it was apple juice what would you think then why isn't it equally estranged that when a Christian gets squeezed everything but Jesus comes out [Music] not being mean and being real the gospel is more than a confession it's a surrendered life to love itself and love keeps no record of wrongs love doesn't get hurt love hurts for love isn't hurt by love hurts [Music] what about go ahead squeeze oh you're gonna get his Jesus you know that Satan would be so tired of squeezing you if what he got was Jesus I promise you think I'm kidding think about it once he's just used to squeezing Christians and everything but Jesus comes out the fire turns up and all of a sudden the wrong leaven comes getting anything out of this so solid so good it's challenging challenges me every day does cuz I always meet people that are angry and mad and if I don't ever give them something that they see its truth that might never see I might be you might be someone's last chance to see what it means you might be that person's last chance for hope and you might just let an attitude separate that person from the reality of what Christ looks like in a person because your feelings got hurt none of that's gonna stand before God you know what your stand before God one day gonna stand there I'm gonna say no I would have been able to god if my wife was you know if my people in my work weren't so mean and my kids are naked oh my god it was me [Music] promise it's not mean it's true we can be free it's called surrender that's why it's not called a walk of fame it's a fight so for two months I'm working at that job Elwood wouldn't even talk to me he hates me and I'm helping him and he never said thank you one time and I would hug him in the morning hey man how you doing get away doc Joe hock me get away from me it's a man I love you with all my heart man don't you tell me you love me so I really do I didn't just tell him don't just tell people you love him love indeed don't just love somebody with your words you love them with your life you love and you give because you love just love simple I love you be warm be fed the gospel can't ignore that stuff it's awesome man describe he loves us so much guys I'm not spree chance of you guys laughing honestly I just want us to be who God created us to be really I didn't go to school I didn't go to college I went into my Bible and this is what the Bible says school can't make you think this way Bible College can't have you think this way it could if you submitted to the Holy Ghost if you submitted to God and allowed him to empower the word that you're being taught but if you just apply it by theory and you're doing projects and reports and this and that none of that is any good without side of relationship and you'll bring everything that you think to be true because someone taught you without having truth inside of you it's not just promises and precepts that we apply it's not just principles to apply to our life it's not just promises to hang on in frigerator and to remember his promises it's the reality of submission to God and the reality of relationship with the king of glory that empowers you from within it's God's good pleasure to give you the kingdom it's God's good pleasure to empower you it was his pleasing it pleased the father according to the power of God that dwells in us please to make you to create you innocent you know when you say yes to him you put off who you were and take all new he says you are stop trying to do things the way that you want that's the Holy Spirit to empower you just ask him so two months into it I'm watching the sunset this is about the same time Christmas time same exact time this whole things happened with my hand with stepmom I mean it's all over the board but these are too intense stand out there one morning when I'm seeing a sunset or sunrise for the first time in my life I've never remember seeing a sunrise before I was so oppressed and and drugged out in my life I don't even remember a sunrise my whole life this is 34 years old man never before I ever ever seen one and I'm watching it and it's like the Sun was there and it was a ray of light below it looked like a straight shot it was I never seen anything like it I'm sitting there and I got tears my eyes Elwood's standing beside me behind me here I need you stand-in there he doesn't talk to me ever except to yell at me nice fear I don't even know he's really there he says yeah God made that he walks away I'm like I start crying right now and even makes me cry because I just ate I'm like I didn't say anything yeah he did anyone mess it up and I just pray he walked away I'm out there by myself just praying quiet my streaming God thank you for empowering me to live this God thank you for the ability live walk this kingdom of God thank you God you touch the hearts of men god it's your will that all men be saved God it's your will not they have no chance when I'm on the job to not be saved they have no chance we say that it's people's choices but how can someone really make a choice when they're oppressed by the demonic and since when did someone's free well that's bound by lives and possessed by untruth and manipulated by life dominated by the wrong spirit have more power than the believers freewill that's possessed by truth and empowered by the Sun and I've watched everyone that I've claimed come into the kingdom uh-huh listen just gonna tell you the end of this a couple and then we're gonna pray all right sorry for keeping you so long we started real early so it doesn't look too late it's deceiving because I go forever but I know why we started early cuz we got church tomorrow [Music] so watch so I am growing in God is having an amazing time I ended up praying for I prayed for about nine to twelve people every day for healing never saw anything two weeks into that period my wife said I'll never go in public with you again the only place she goes Church and that's about it really she didn't see what I saw she said you're not a pastor who do you think you are it says in my Bible if I'm a believer these signs are gonna follow my life I'm gonna pray for the sick they're gonna be healed that's what it says so I said well I'm gonna pray so I prayed for nine to twelve people every day on a mission now this is all my job - they did not they were not okay with that and I wasn't trying to get them to see things my way no this is me they're not Christians I don't need their faith I I'm a man of faith I'm gonna grow in my relationship with God doesn't say these signs will follow those being prayed for it says believers so I'm the believer so I'm praying and actually my wife and I would first time it happened when I I set my heart on this two weeks into my relationship you know I get this job and we're at Walmart one day after work I'm the Walmart I see somebody with a walker I went my wife is here and I walked slowly not that far Hey see you know what I said the Bible says that if we pray for the sick they could be healed I said I said we pray here absolutely worst thing can happen is nothing that's what I said it's the truth that is the worst that can happen well we got to lose we don't pray we're definitely nothing's happening she goes you know what that's right I said well let's pray come on let's pray you don't have to Prince let me pray got to think you brah and I pray for it nothing up I turn around my wife is gone so I find her I said hey she goes let's go she's mad that was just the beginning I pray for about 10 people that day the first day at Walmart she's in the car waiting for me not good angry screaming angry yeah all this is going on the same time this is the same time period when God is honing who he is in my life persecutions promise from God we ought to say yes it's a promise all those who desire to live godly talk godly imagine that let me ask you where your life is watch this when's the last time you were persecuted you ought to check where you're living then that's not mean when's the last time you were persecuted for your faith if you're not being persecuted maybe we ought to step it up I'm not saying preach to people persecute you talk and live your life in a godly manner the people are challenged by your life not everybody's gonna agree with that faith blazes a trail it pioneers man just the fact of not being offended pioneers it makes people angry that you're not angry with them it makes them really angry when you love them in return but sooner or later it breaks through love does no harm to anyone [Music] cause all right so I went through this thing prayed for all these people wife is not gonna shop with me it's all that really so it took about nine months took about three and a half months of praying about thousand people for us all one person healed it was awesome nobody stood with me my daughter would be with me she would go with me shopping we'd pray for all these people daddy they're making fun of you doesn't matter honey God loves them yeah but they're saying mean things it's okay you see your daddy does it look like I'm hurt no that's right you know why cuz God loves them and they're amazing come on let's pray for it's not just for a pulpit this is for every Christian every Christian so she watched she watched people stopping at stop lights flipping me off because I go to speed limit [Music] don't talk about that right I don't know how it is here but I do because I can I don't do because I have to I do because I can I know police allow this but the speed limit says this so I'm just gonna going why to me it's a picture of the whole world during the broad road me going the narrow we need to flow with traffic [Music] not being mean you don't have to follow that I actually stopped at stop signs I do let's not look see it's a stop stop okay so that's how I've taught my my my daughter that's how I teach my six-year-old that's how I'm gonna walk and live my life I can I can live with integrity I can live that way God's empowered me to cuz on display before all the world to see on display people were watching your life to see if you're the real deal they've heard it all people in America have heard it they haven't seen it if Christians are supposed to be known by their lights let me ask you how many people watch this man it's awesome know what first Peter 3:15 says it says be ready to give an answer to somebody that comes up to you and asks you about this hope that you have when's the last time someone came up and asked you about your hope I'm not being mean I'm telling you it's available oh it is repentance oh it is saying you know what god I haven't seen it this way and I repent repent means change the way you think bang now I'm seeing it different this is the mean it's the gospel it's true none of the excuses that we have are gonna stand before the father none of us well God you know if they wouldn't do this that Boocock good job boom you're gonna see that it was you I'd rather you see it now than then don't be condemned just say you know what God I didn't get it now I do let's go and run with this thing all right I got to seal this up with my with my stepmother and my aunt and my wife in my workplace you guys alright yeah just a couple minutes and I'm done you alright and we're gonna pray okay come on man it's my last time with you give me a break you're like it's been long enough let me ask you has it if you are I know I get it if you walk out of here and someone cuts you off in traffic what's your response yeah [Music] I've had people say that they're not into cars you know charismatic and they don't like that yet it's okay if someone cuts them off to have a charismatic worship service for the wrong guy well I'm just not into that charismatic stuff yet if someone cuts you off your same thing you just had a worship service for the wrong God it's true strewth promise haha it's good it's awesome Jesus we love you help god help empower us to live this thing powerless okay so I'm seeing people healed about nine months in my wife gets whacked comes upon somebody gets healed my wife loses it God speaks to her and now she's on page took nine months serious persecution big-time my relatives see God God's enabled me to hear what people are saying when they're mocking me without them saying it out loud to me that's awesome it's scriptural they reason in their hearts and Jesus heard of it is so God's enabled me to hear and it started with my family start with my family I'd come up to the house it's time for Thanksgiving and I could hear the voices of what they're saying inside the house when I'm in the car getting ready to go up the driveway and I can hear it whoa so that's never happened to me well let me ask you could you handle it way that one cuz that's the truth because God's not gonna give you more than you can I just told him simply God break everything needs brokenness shake everything that needs shaking God I'm asking you for patience pray for that one but just from if people don't they hate that we had a conference on patience guaranteed no one's coming [Applause] truth really if we have a conference on patience no one's gonna show up for that you pray for patience everything happens slow people oh never again it's true watch this let me just be really really honest the first sign of a lack of patience is a lack of love because the first thing love is is patient so in our in our want to not pray for patience we have a want to not become love because the first thing love is is patient but patience have it's perfect work in you so that you may be complete why would you not want to be complete quicker it only comes through trial trial patience patience character character hope trial patience patience character character hope it never works another way trial scared run no trial perseverance patience character hope [Music] okay so now I'm three years into my Christian life I'm getting this the people are when I can hear what they're saying behind the closed doors it's just that kind of deal so we have this conference and the conference is the power and love conference it's our first one that we did it was in rooster Ohio right first one the power and love conference is that Elena that Elaine came to and that's why I'm here because of that conference it's a it's a hearing and doing its teaching and training people and equipping people and we have outreaches in between so people come train an identity and walk it out and live out the gospel right so we have a first one I I've this my first one to preach out even ever it's awesome my first conference so excited so I'm like yes it's gonna be awesome now I am moving God is healing people took about three and a half months and they started to heal people now I'm seeing to perfuse and I'm going after it everywhere I go doesn't matter where I go it's happening in the third year of my life I was seeing between 10 and 30 people healed every day on my job every day why again every day not because I had a ministry because I had a job and my job was my mission field and that's where your mission field is to do school as your mission field it's not about full-time ministry you already are in as soon as you say yes you just have to realize what you've been listed into so I am just going after this thing it's three years in I go to this town I'm in mooster I keep getting these calls on my cell phone I don't know who a number it is they're not leaving a message and I don't answer them it's a whole nother subject that's a hard deal people get your number it's like everybody else has it then huh I don't know if cell phones from God sometimes okay so I keep getting scone then and then my mom calls me she goes Todd I said yeah what's up she goes have you talked to Holly I go no why this is the an the angry one the one that does not want me to talk about Jesus ever she goes guess what I said what she goes she lives in Worcester I go no really excuse you she wants to come and hear you preach I go oh no I'm serious my last encounter with her wasn't good she's angry promised angry so she gets a hold of me I see mom tells me what number it is she calls me she goes tah she goes you're in my hometown I said I had no idea this even where he lived she goes I know she goes isn't it isn't it funny that you're preaching that you're speaking in my hometown I want to come and hear you speak I went are you sure I'm that you know she's not on page man I said I don't know I've never it's my first time speaking she goes good pressure right I'm thinking Omaha I didn't feel the pressure I just am like gosh I hurt for my head I want her to know Jesus man I just want her to know Jesus and I just love her I've been praying for her well the gods answering my prayers and it's not the way that I thought it was gonna happen right so she's on the phone and I go what's going on right now what are you doing she goes well she goes I'm actually heading to restaurant I'm gonna meet my friend she go I said well where you goin she goes well we're going to this place called the the Texas tumbleweed or the tumbleweed I looked out my window my hotel and it's right beside my hotel I go you're going there right now she goes yeah I go and they got a word of knowledge about her friend but her back she had scoliosis in her back I heard in my heart I see your friend have scoliosis real bad back problems she yeah I go I'm gonna be right over really because God's a better evangelist than I ever could be Holy Spirit's better so I go and I pull in the parking lot me and Dan it Dan's with me we're pulling I see a car pull in but it's it's uh yeah there's people there it's lunchtime you know so I look and just car pulls in I go go over to that car so we go over to that car I said that's Holly's friend so I go up to the window hey how are you she's I said hey listen uh God told me that your back's messed up he's gonna heal you what see how I didn't tell her a friend when I was coming I said I'm Holly's nephew I'm gonna go inside see you so you know I gotta go get my aunt she goes okay Dan's like sitting there going you know for those of you that don't know Dan he just smiles all the time truth so that Holly comes out I said hey I met your friend doc told me who it was when I came in the parking lot she goes what I said yeah oh that's gonna be awesome come on so she comes out and they're friends there they meet right at the beginning at that she's coming out the door and she's coming in Dan's with her I said here sit down right here she sits down and we're sitting there and she's on the bench and it's like right there and I'm standing there and dance standing there like hey God's gonna heal you and let me pray for you well I just like gives me your hand to pray for her God straightens out her back right there my aunt's beside her my aunt's like what's going on I said God's killed your friend he loves your friend and then a ladies coming in a wheelchair at the same time same time she's coming in a wheelchair being pushed right there are my aunt's there and I turned to the side and I'm kneeling and I'm right right in front right there's no room for her to get by me it's a sidewalk I think oh hey I said what's going on she goes why I'm a paraplegic I go what happened well I had this happen to my spine and this and that I've been like this for seven years you're not very for you can we pray for you my aunt's like Jesus freaked out she's caught in the right place at the right time wrong time right place whatever really so awesome this is great do you know that the Bible says that God prepares a table for us what that means is that when things are really scary and things are really intense God says this is a great place to sit and eat let's up right here God prepares a banqueting table right in the midst of your persecutors in the midst of your enemies it's the truth that's what the Word of God says is the truth so I sit and I eat with him in the face of adversity because he's my king and he loves me I think this wait man haha I really do any of you see the father of Lights movie [Applause] Same Same Same Same prepares a table for me the midst of Muslims it doesn't matter God loves people doesn't matter love is amazing I didn't have any resistance at all from any Muslim in that whole place in Israel not one why because I love them they persecute God would speak to them and they'd shut up they'd waters pray for him God would touch him heal him love him bring him into the kingdom why this is not about me God's all about them he loves them so why wouldn't I be all about them whatever they say mean stuff to me so what God has good things to say about them he knows the thoughts and plans that he's had for them yeah but they're Muslims I understand cuz they don't know who they really are the Muslim is a the Muslims are a fatherless generation they were kicked out of the house and they're looking for a father Abraham Ishmael go what happened father no father God says I will bless a nation through this one but I will bless all the nations through this one and the nation that he blessed through Ishmael is still part of all the nations this God's going to bless to Isaac it's really good promise coming into a season that is gonna freak you out really if we just dare to become love you'll see so awesome of a harvest every day yay uh semi an I get there this lady comes I said hey moon would pray for you so we're praying for and the lady in the chair she doesn't know this part she's sitting there she yours in the chair she's freaking out she's not having a seizure I said what's going on I don't know in the chair my aunt goes Todd what's happening god I don't know I really didn't know then all of a sudden her legs start going like this my aunt goes oh my god you know what I said oh my god I'm serious God got bigger than what I'm used to really he's honoring simple obedience this lady said what's going on she was mocking my legs I go home my aunt goes I gotta go she gets up she walks into the restaurant cuz I'll talk to you later her friend gets up and walks in there red in the face this lady's like she goes she starts to get out of this chair she's shaking she's starting to get feeling in her feet it's awesome now I'm late for the service that I'm supposed to speak out it's not good I say there I say hey I just want to tell you how much God loves you he's amazing and He loves you cheers I'm I'm a Christian she was but this is crazy I started to talk about the kingdom we had to go she's starting to get feeling back there just she loves us awesome right so I go to service you know and I get done with her service and with the preaching I shared my heart out man I get a call on my cell phone it's my aunt I'm like yeah just get done with an outreach I got like a half an hour yet or 45 minutes till the til the next service starts and I gotta be there my aunt's like Todd I said yeah she goes she has a horse Club that she works at like she she shows horses that's what she does that and restaurant stuff but she's a horse show she goes Todd I'm down here at the horse Club it's only ten minutes from the church - IRRI I said okay she goes I told everybody here that if you come down here everybody will be healed serious [Applause] I said Holly I gotta speak in a couple minutes she goes I'm already on my way what do you do that's my that's my peeps man I go okay but we got to be quick cuz I got to get back and you got to promise me that you get me back here she goes okay all right so I get to the horse club she's got everybody sitting in a circle in these plastic chairs in the horse club in the stable area like this [Music] all of them and it was awesome the reality of the prophetic and the reality of words of knowledge were so intense that God would tell me everything about each person and I went in a circle and prayed for each one and God healed each one my aunt sitting there she brought me in she goes here he is really this is the one that Boom Bang whop it's amazing if you'd allow God what he wants to do stop being manipulated by your feelings really promise I'm not speaking to anybody individually I'm speaking at a whole we got to stop being maneuvered by what people don't sing and start being compelled by love by what the father does see so I went went back it was awesome just had a fun time real quick rushed me back I speak from my heart my aunt comes listens I just poured it out my aunt just like cry and the whole time I'm like thank you for coming she was taught she because that day I shared my testimony good part about Jesus the part that she didn't want to hear so when I told her the part about being in the valley to where I was in the valley and Jesus came up and told me to do not fear I'll never leave you nor forsake you if anybody seen my testimony I said Rauf when I said that part she went and she cried harder and when we got down she goes top she goes your grandfather was meant to do what you're doing right now when he was in a drug rehabilitation center when you were just in when you were but when Kali was pregnant my mom was pregnant with me in the belly grandpa was in a rehab and he had dreams where Jesus met him in a valley and told him do not fear this addiction will never touch you again he had the same exact encounter that I had with Jesus and I ran with it my grandfather was a great man he believed in God but it was just about going to church he was a good man never drank again his addiction never touched him again Tigger she goes I'm so proud of you know how much Thanks it was awesome you know I didn't need her to say that to feel good I just it was awesome that she just got touched that way awesome that's Sunday night she came to the service the only one that she could know Saturday night she came she came to service he brought her friend who had lupus who was crippled like this really bad shot her friend I talked to at the end I said hey and I talked about Jesus and whoever wants Jesus my aunt Randall from she's not have to have this Jesus in my life she gave her life to God why because I never allowed how she treated me to influence how I was gonna treat her talk to her or speak to her and if you dare to live this way you'll see all your relatives come into the kingdom don't say well I tried that didn't work knock it off this is not a 30-day money-back guarantee been there done that got the t-shirt when did you give up on trying you didn't try you just worked at it it's not about working at or chipping away at the stone or peeling back the layers of an onion stop that leave all that stuff it's about living your life out loud never affected or offended by what people don't see and always living by what God does see so her friend with lupus don't have it anymore it was awesome one more my stepmom she was pretty intense I went up there and I met with him it was Christmas time and I said hey same year same time right about the same time then I said hey I just want to say dad I love you so much jesus loves you so much you're amazing thanks honey appreciate it shurl God loves you so much churros on disability she has a back injury it's really bad she's like respiratory therapists really hurting bad so I need to I need to pray for your back are we gonna do this again Todd I said no I say you just let me pray for you I don't even have to talk about she goes and my dad it's like a tennis match my dad sitting here my stepmoms here and I'm here and she's he's like my dad says this surely you ought to let him pray for you honest so awesome show goes fine Todd if it'll make you feel better they said really I can she use it sure what do I do just looks at me with attitude is it nothing just stand there okay she stands there and put my hand her back thank God for her how much he loves her God that you would reveal your love to her back be healed Jesus name I said do me a favor bend over and check your back this is stupid she bent over stood up turned around and cried I'm so sorry what did you do Jesus he lives in me girl he loves you he is amazed by you she is bawling please forgive me after I'm not mad at you I love you really she goes in the kitchen she's overwhelmed she's a believer now she's overwhelmed she's in there she has a goiter tumor on her wrist golf ball excuse she know I really wish we had prayed for my wrist so what he means she goes why I have this on my wrist so we'll put your hand on him with wet hands just put her hands on him father thank you take it in Jesus name anyway she went oh my god it's gone it's gone my dad goes really I said that Jesus is real he loves you whoa I'm just proud that you found your way Todd about six months later he fell off a roof and hurt his ankle really bad I went up to the emergency room where he was and I said dad I said this could have cost your life I know and shared the gospel with him not to scare him share the reality of what he sees in my life the change that he sees the reality of what it is I talked to him he just taught out I want this Jesus I said all right we just had him come right there why three nurses two nurses and a doctor were healed in the emergency room that night that day in front of him it's overwhelming it's too much for people to handle right they explode dude the gospel is so intense that you can corner somebody with the love of God so much that there's no way out you should give up or explode I'm serious I've seen it happen God's love is amazing guys so my dad gets saved pretty cool pretty cool right Peter that guy that persecuted me and hammered me right I'm up God gave me permission to leave after a year and a few months I could leave the church that I was at he said you can leave now it was like a year in a couple months I didn't ask to leave he told me one day you can go now so I he said but not without the pastor's blessing so I went up to the senior pastor that was wicked and I said hey the Lord told me that I'm supposed to change churches but he told me that I can't unless she blessed me he was so glad that I asked him cuz he wants me out I'm praying for people everywhere dude it's like perfuse not inside the church I'm not I'm honoring him he's the head of the house I'm not gonna dishonor him by doing my own thing saying well God's using me who do you think you are that's disrespect to Authority you submit to the head that you're under knock it off that's twisted solid at all sides dude there's not a loophole in this thing I promise I'm growing in this thing and if something is revealed to me I'm obedient I listen God just wants obedience that's it to beatings rather than sacrifice are you with me so I'm up at this other church and this guy Peter that's like totally angry I'm meant to saw the church we're spring I go to my wife says look in the back I looked and I saw Peter they're like this is an hour drive away from where that church was why is Peter here and I had just been laid off from my job right the job that I had and he's there he's an employer but I don't understand what God's doing here so I got laid off because of the gospel someone made up a lie I didn't fight it they told me you can't you know we're gonna temporary layoffs and they extend it into a permanent layoff it was for spiritual reasons I could have fought it but I don't have rights so why would I fight it really so it's a my wife gets so mad because I'm fired because of praying for people she knows you know it's that you're gonna get fired you're gonna get fired what are you doing you idiot fired it's all the time great for all these people today who's awesome God healed yeah yeah honey you're gonna lose your job it's important you keep your job I know but God open this door if I get fired who opened another one but I'm not preaching at people or down at people trying to make them feel bad or condemning people loving people people get healed in the process of loving that's what happens so he's there I walk back I said hey man so what are you doing here he goes can you forgive a fool I can forgive a fool too dude I love you I was never mad I was never here gives me a hug he goes I heard that you're not working right now would you come work for me I said I would love to come I wife's there she goes oh my god because I got fired and God's opening a door through somebody that hated us solid that's bigger than you think and better and more gooder mo bettah so good man it's awesome awesome awesome awesome my stepmom when they hated me the colder one day he had to get neck surgery as hey I said you know I need to pray for you and she burst into tears on the phone burst into tears this is four years in four years of serious persecution she knows that she can't convict me of anything except I believe the Bible and I'm walking out what I say I believe and I'm not a hypocrite I'm just a Jesus Freak and I'm crazy see my wife for that first whole year complained and called her mama told her how crazy her new husband is so her mom's got all that going on so I said I'm just gonna pray for you so on the phone I prayed for her God heals her neck on the phone I'm so proud of you I baptized her born again in baptized I'm speaking out his service her stepdad the one that said you're a loser and you'll always be one you don't vote me that one the one that everybody's like oh poor thing no poor thing nothing don't pity me I'm in love with a king you can't pity that it's awesome so right before that five and a half years into my kingdom life he said Thanksgiving dinner he says I need everybody to hear this so what's going on he goes I made a big mistake when I when I when I said that stuff about Todd he's a really good man everybody was so freaked out cuz he was a the guy that's gonna pray again Todd get Jesus this and Jesus that woohoo that's that guy for five years straight and never did it ever ruffle my feathers because I'm not a chicken [Music] I'm a son sons don't have feathers [Music] everybody was so freaked out that I kept past the mashed potatoes freaked out a couple months later I'm doing a service and he's there because the week or two weeks before that he's in the hospital had a blood clot in his leg has this filleted right here he has it split open they had to go in I was away preaching came back found that he had an emergency operation to take a vein from here and put it somewhere else and he has an aneurysm going into his heart right outside of his heart ready to go in i go in his legs all propped up in the hospital bed you know Jackie's mom who's already a Christian is in there she wants me to be there she wants me to pray I get there she she can't pray he's not having that stuff so I'm like hey are you doing oh I'm not doing too well I said I know so you know why I'm here right it's why because I love you he can't handle that stuff see he's had that whole dad bad dad tough life tough love all that stuff Matt doesn't know God as a father but I do and if he doesn't see it in me he'll never know you need to treat everybody with that same thing you might be their last chance of life now so Jim dude you know I got pray for you right so I don't believe in that you're not going anywhere I need to pray for you you have an aneurysm in your heart it's gonna go into your heart they have to do heart surgery to remove this thing I need to pray for you he just kind of shook his head but my hand on his chest thank father for loving him thank you God for loving him because he's amazing to you I said butch look at me you're amazing to God he loves you his son was there he does not like me tolerates me he's not a Christian but he doesn't want his dad to die so I'm the source of life for his father regardless if he knows it or not he might never know it if I wear a basket on my head in that situation I refuse to be a basket headed Christian anywhere I go I will let my light shine before men let him see my good works and glorify my father who's in heaven he didn't I didn't say anything - I love you man thanks next day they went in to check they did a scan gone why because God loves him doesn't matter how angry he is couple weeks later he's at service I'm preaching I said look I said there's people here that don't know God you need to comes right up front just like this I said I love you I know you do [Music] I said for those of you they don't know this is my wife's fault my wife's father my father-in-law and what my step my wife step down my father-in-law he's a good man I love him thank you today's a good day this God's gonna follow you today a bunch of people came up I didn't complain about how mean my father-in-law was so everybody knew about him that's not prayer that's complaint so he came into the kingdom so almost every one of my relatives in 8 years are in the kingdom because of what I'm preaching so I want to pray for that same thing to be upon your life but let me ask you this question there's people that are here that don't know God and you definitely don't know him this way but I know that he wants you to so if you're here and you don't know Jesus if you've already said yes to him I don't want you up here but if you've never said yes I want you God I don't know you this way come up here some of you are sitting there have been crying just like wood then your mind catches the fact that you're crying you're like crazy why am i doing that there's anybody here that doesn't know him that don't that doesn't know Jesus come up here I'll pray for you say you know him Jesus eyes that his service just last two weeks ago I'm there at this big old church thousand people there and I said you know what so there's a bunch of you and I said there's like twenty some of you had the amount of people and they started coming up people came up I said also people were cheering because they knew who they were or was just guys that are sick of Church I just want Jesus so I said you know what so there's a Muslim here said you came just to see God spoke to your heart I need you to get up and the Muslim came right up from gave his life to Jesus why because he wants to know God as a father so if you're here you don't know him come up here [Music] Jesus give him strength come up here right now if you don't know God just come up don't be scared a lot of people say everybody bow their heads close their eyes I'm not get up here I'm not doing it like that if you ain't if you're too ashamed to get up how you ever gonna live if you're here and you don't know him have you walked you please come up here Father give them grace in Jesus name I'm offering you the reality of Jesus Christ [Applause] clean up down there okay just hang out right here I need you guys to come up you don't know Jesus I want you to come up it's not just this young man he just had enough strength to get up here some of you are shame shames keeping your seat you're like learning your number I can do it right here I said it last night it's not gonna work that way come up here and give your life to the king what do you got to lose what do you got to lose man why do you want to hold on to you really what good are you doing for yourself nothing there's people here that brought family members here you brought family coming here this guy and they brought you and you didn't want to come come up here there's three people in this room there's two people here I think there's like four people over there you don't know him and you need to come up here father asked you for strength in Jesus name God strengthened Jesus name God thank you for the for the amazing grace amazing grace Goff Jesus Jesus holy Lord God [Music] you're amazed Jesus you want us to know who we really are holy Lord God Jesus Jesus Jesus is this the only man that's gonna be bold enough to say I want this in my life are you kidding me really I wish I had permission right now for my father to call you out no it's not okay unless he says do it cuz I've done it plenty of times call out exactly who you are and what you're doing and why you won't come forward and it's not okay I don't like that do it do it as he says father I thank you in Jesus name God [Music] you're right here and you've been fighting addiction and you'd say you're in recovery but it's still a fight you haven't given up completely and surrendered yourself to the king but you've incorporated a min and it hasn't changed your life [Music] [Applause] you're not up here again for the same goal man alright alright hahaha Jesus give him strength father I thank you in Jesus name for the same thing up here support support group okay cool so I got to there's there's way more listen support okay all right support it's good listen I'm gonna I'm gonna say it again you've never known Jesus you've incorporated them in but you don't know him and you haven't given him your life you've done the church thing really you got hurt at the church thing so you've withdrawn from that you need him Jesus come on girl [Applause] there's more of you that are in this very same thing listen don't let shame hold you in the seat and sit there and say I don't want to move and do nothing I promise you you're not getting out of this God loves you too much to let you out of this and I love you too much to let you out of this I won't stop till I know I'm finished Jesus give him strength father I thank you in Jesus name I just I'm just going you have no idea I just want to come wrestle yeah Jesus stop playing this thing stop playing with God give up give your life to the king don't don't play anymore don't let don't sit there on the outside looking in give your life to the king come the people that I talked about last night I spoke to them I talked to them after in the crowd I went right up and said hey come on Jesus thank you why is it like pulling teeth you know you go to another country people like in America they're like I liked the challenge cuz I was a challenge and thank God somebody prayed for me [Music] Jesus father asked you in the name of Jesus God for great courage Jesus name Jesus name [Music] Oh [Music] you have no idea God loves yet when I I love ya okay I was in Australia and I was preaching just sharing the simple gospel and I was sharing and and I asked if anybody wanted Jesus and lots of people knew Jesus and nine kids walked up front by themselves without parents little kids between the ages of four and nine it was nuts out little kid was like he's kind of making fun you know the other kids are laughing and I prayed for him and the Holy Spirit fell on me so kids aren't exempt from this thing if if they hear God God's saying it's time then it's time but the thank you in Jesus name for great courage yeah it's awesome proudly - yeah you support okay Jesus Holy Ghost courage Jesus name some of you are still trying to figure me out you won't be able to just know my dad he loves you profusely now watch this you've heard about the love of God you don't know it you don't know it you've heard about it you're like and I'm not talking about coming up here to feel it I'm talking about giving your life to a God that loves you so that you can know it had major father issues your whole life and just the word father bothers you when you hear God is your father you're tough you've had to do it your own you don't need a father who's you've never had one God's not like that okay [Music] don't do this just one more top then we're gonna pray and it's a lot easier we're not gonna pick them out it is I'm not being smart I'm just like it's it's a it's a it's a said God inspired thing [Applause] [Music] that's okay it's alright [Music] that's you come on God give him courage Jesus name courage God Jesus courage courage go mmm you're too smart you got it all figured out promise you don't you're a science yeah come on Jesus [Music] of you come on up here it's okay it's not an embarrassing thing this the best thing you ever did I'm not kidding okay have three more people need you to come you want Jesus God asked you to give the two courage one of you as a husband that's wife is a Christian but you've just whatever why would you want to remain there she needs us Jesus hmm father I'll thank you Jesus thank you God asked you for great courage in Jesus name great courage come the name of Jesus great courage Jesus one of you has been really mad at me the whole time I've been preaching it's all right [Music] been mad the whole time I've been preaching like whatever come on up here whatever let's just let's just pray I'm not being mean let's pray not challenging you I'm putting this thing on the table saying you know what you come up here you'll find out God is more than a match it loves you them's ain't fight words God loves you [Music] right mother ask you for courage one more time Jesus courage if you think in your heart that that's you and you've never said yes come up right now let's do this come on okay all right I'm not gonna pull tug of war here done okay proud of you dude it's awesome so proud your good friend man you're awesome man mm-hmm Jesus thank you all right ready here's gonna do what's gonna ask Jesus to possess us you're gonna be possessed by something it ought to be him really really it's real easy Jesus is Lord is crucified for us and he bore our weight on a tree I know we understand that part he bore our sin on a tree so that we didn't have to carry it today the handwriting of requirements gets wiped out when we say yes and the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all unrighteousness all in righteousness [Music] Jesus was raised from the dead on the third day he raised from the dead then it was on the earth for 40 days 40 days preached and the things pertaining to the kingdom of God and then he ascended to heaven he told the disciples to go to roost wait for the promise so they went and they prayed for 10 more days 50 days later heaven open and the Holy Ghost got poured out came that day day of Pentecost and rested upon him tongues of fire baptized have been Holy Ghost Christianity's birthday was then this is awesome alright I want y'all to pray with me Lord God we thank you we're asking you to fully possess our lives we surrender we give up a right to know it all we give up our right to know it all and we're asking you in the name of Jesus - right now forgive us wash us clean and fill us in Jesus name Holy Spirit come right now come Holy Spirit Jesus name [Music] thank you God Jesus Jesus thank you Father thank you fill them God Jesus name let there be no mistake Jesus name come on Holy Ghost more Jesus name Jesus name yeah Jesus name come on God more Jesus Jesus you ought to pray that out loud man Jesus yay come on Holy Ghost more Jesus Jesus come baptize him Holy Ghost Holy Ghost come Jesus you ought to pray it out loud more [Music] Jesus loosen loose God Jesus name [Music] Jesus name thank you Father baptize him in the Holy Ghost God right now come right now sheared on my heart behind you come on God more that's right yeah you gotta pray it out loud it's good you'll explode come on God more MORE come on God more that's it yeah come on God yeah more MORE share to my club and estaba more God Jesus Jesus yeah pray for him keep praying for him if you've never been baptized in the Holy Spirit's stand up if you have to think about it you weren't you know what the Bible says [Music] says if you ask for bread come on it's real easy this is how much more would the Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those that ask so just ask him say Holy Spirit I want you come somebody around those people just lay hands on them it's okay just pray for just lay hands on Jesus come right now Holy Spirit come Jesus name she added the Mahakala by a local bus stop father thank you birth it in him God in Jesus name Jesus name more MORE come on God more [Music] let it bubble out come right now Morgan just pray for a minute does it have to be me just lay hands on and pray for the Holy Ghost right now say Holy Spirit baptize them in Jesus name it's the Bible Jesus thank you come on God more Jesus name [Music] [Music] [Music] if you need healing in this place just stand up and ask somebody next to you to pray for you right now oh I'm serious come on pray for this man get people to pray for you right now get them to pray right now Jesus come on guys get someone to pray for you that's around you right now don't everybody run to me I want people to just pray come on guys we're all we're all Christians let's pray you didn't come up here you should have if you're not a Christian and if you are you should be praying for somebody come on Holy Spirit Jesus Jesus yay [Music] yes salsa I saw it I think it's great thanks for coming again tonight oh my gosh hugger but you can't give you a hug just real quick sorry I'm sorry to interrupt insane [Music] okay oh my gosh it's awesome [Music] you you I want to release what's happened on my family on yours I want to release what God did in my family upon your family and I want to release what God showed me upon my life not being offended upon your life and I want to pray that this word be sealed in your heart and that we carry it and then you'd walk without offence so father I thank you in the name of Jesus God for grace upon the lives of everyone here father I thank you that you would bless them I think you're a great grace God in Jesus name father thank you God thank you for every family member being touched god by the gospel thank you father in Jesus name that you would bring the reality into our families God thank you for great grace god mercy Jesus thank you Father I thank you for every family member that is defying the gospel that they would see Christ in us the hope of glory and what will we have god I thank you for every person here that heard their preaching and the speaking about how to react and how to live God asked you to empower them by grace to walk out what we share tonight father I thank you that you would seal this word in the hearts of everyone hearing whether it be by DVD whether it be CD but will there be right now that you would do the same thing in their lives in Jesus name and upon the DVD your heart got touched and you gave your life to Jesus call somebody and tell somebody about it and if you're here or if you're on a DVD and you haven't been baptized and always spirit just put your own hand right on your heart and say Holy Spirit I want you come and then let him come in Jesus name and when everybody be praying for the sick there's somebody here that's hurting you need prayer please lay hands otherwise everybody comes to me and then it what it does is it defeats the whole message of Christ in us and then it comes about Christ in Todd it's not about Christ and Todd it's about Christ in us the hope of glory son of outcome to me listen in past days God moved in great power and people came to the man of power for the hour telling you God is doing something brand-new for the body of Christ he is moving through his body it's not about one man it's about Christ in us the hope of glory it's about people being empowered to know who they are so they can walk in this very thing it's not even about gifting it's about a believer priesthood a priesthood of believers that are filled by the same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead you are the source of life for your neighbor now talk to him Jesus name you
Channel: James Fortune @ Oasis Church
Views: 11,633
Rating: 4.8897638 out of 5
Keywords: Faith, Healing, Miracles, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Jesus Christ, Jehovah, Atheism, Revival, James Fortune, Holy Spirit, Oasis Church Edmond, The Bible Project, Clayton Jennings, Joseph Solomon, Terry Savelle, John Jorgenson, Real Truth Real Quick, The Skit Guys, Heather Lindsay,,, Bethel Redding, Kenneth Copeland, Joseph Prince, Pewdiepie, Todd White, Joel Osteen, Bill Johnson, Benny Hinn, Joyce Meyer, TD Jakes, Randy Clark, Rhema
Id: 6gHT1E9pOmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 180min 36sec (10836 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2015
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