Todd White - Open Up to The holy Spirit

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I wanted to read a testimony that it's so rocked to my heart you guys okay with that all right so I was headed through an airport I was headed through the DC Airport and I ran into this girl and I was running late for a flight and God spoke to me but I want you to hear it from her side because she wrote they wrote the ministry after it was it's just so amazing but I want you to I want you to dream big like I need you to know what's in your account so you can write the big check and I'm not talking about an offering I'm talking about you know that everything according to life and godliness is yours that you understand that what a joint heir really means then everything that the father gave he gave to Jesus and Jesus said everything the father gave to him he gave to us and so it's really important that you understand the equipment that you really have or you won't write the big cheque as if you don't know what's in your account you won't write a cheque just like in the natural when you need to pay something if you want to give an offering you have to know what's in your account if you want to pay a bill you have to know what's in your account and if you don't know what's in your account that haven't paid for you won't write the big check you have to understand that God wants to and he wants to flow through you and he wants to touch the world through you he wants you to realize that the same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you Romans 8:11 the same holy spirit and kids don't get a junior Holy Ghost they get the same sized Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead the same Holy Spirit guys in the old testament the presence was to be sought after with everything it was to be revered people died because they touched it and they weren't and God wasn't ready for them to touch it and we have something that the Old Testament did have God came to move in and live inside of us the presence in the Old Testament like even a story about one of David's friends when the Ark started to tip all he did was steady it and he died on point that's a big deal there was a there was a king in the Old Testament that thought that it was okay for him to go behind the holy of holies and he lived as a leper for the rest of his life Aaron's Aaron's sons two of them they offered strange fire they offered sacrifice they went back but they weren't called to they went back and they died on point because of the presence of God I don't think we realize exactly what we have because if you do you are lethal to the enemy you don't understand see you're to be a Christian terrorist you are not to be terrorized by the enemy you are not to even be terrified by an adversary you are to terrify adversaries because the presence in you the presence upon you the Holy Spirit really wants to have his way like what would it be like to live without fear it would be the gospel jesus paid a price to make you fearless God didn't give you a spirit of fear but of love and power in a sound mind there's stuff that's going on in the world that's trying to terrorize Christians persecution is one of them just persecution the school shooting that just happened very close to here that's trying to people so that they can't function in God trying to make you think well why would God do that God didn't do it God doesn't come to steal kill and destroy that's not the mo of the Father he doesn't the mission of the father isn't to steal kill and destroy the mission of the father is to give you a life and a life abundant life John 10:10 describes the mos I mean us I say that because of the military because I was in the Marines matter of fact when I joined the Marine Corps I went to boot camp and they they pitied me to death but I came out of their machine but then a couple of months later I went AWOL ran away to call rado I did I did I ran away and up to sober thorn and then got arrested and put in the Frisco County Jail and got extradited across the u.s. putting military prison got out of there six months ago our since months later and I ran again yeah six months ago sorry six months later I ran away again after I got out of the brig I was back on base just for a little bit I ran away again I came right back out to Colorado so this is my Redemption state actually yes it really is no I went to Colorado and like what I what I love the most about Colorado back then is like the weed that was why I came and like I I just would ride I would ski would get in the gondola we burned big doobies on the way up and i'd wake and bake every morning I would and then I discovered the Most High and see what he came in that need for weed was driven out completely I mean all addiction because weed is an addiction it's a shame that lots of Christians actually get high and say well God made it well if he made that he made poppy seeds too so why don't you just do heroin he made cocoa leaves too so why don't you just snort cocaine because God made that to you guys Jesus is the Most High and if we don't see what he's given us we wouldn't need medication to get through life Jesus is the most perfect medicine that anybody could ever ask for he gives you a peace that surpasses understanding because when you get high you might have a little bit of peace when you're high but your buzz wears off that's why you got to get high again and then all of a sudden you feel like you're in that euphoria but really it's fake it's a mask it's a band-aid Jesus gives you peace that surpasses understanding there's no fear in him there's no fear in love because perfect love casts out all fear but unless you understand how perfectly you are loved by the father you'll live in fear fear is torment fear is demonic the devil is petrified so he is trying to recreate his mindset in you and we need to realize that we've been given the mind of Christ if you see who you are and you realized who's called you he called you by name he's a father he adopts children he is the father and he gives us the spirit of adoption and when I realized who I've been adopted by I realized that everything that he has is now mine it's not mine to further my kingdom it's mine to destroy hell's God has given me everything according to life and godliness I have weapons that God has given me to completely dismantle disarmed and dismember the enemy on a constant basis first John 3:8 is the mission statement of a Christian it was the mission statement of the Lord he said for this reason the Son of man was made manifest Jesus was made manifest to destroy the works of the devil destroy the works of the devil the mission statement of a Christian is to destroy the works of the devil to destroy you know that the enemy wants to make you afraid he wants to make you petrified he wants to make you think that you can't share your faith because what if they make fun of you what if they say something that you can't answer no you can share your testimony with anybody and it doesn't matter what they say because what happened to you is real it's real and that testimony impregnates people around you to be able to realize that God is real I don't care how they respond it doesn't matter how they respond Jesus is king you are too so and you're in the water you're not supposed to go after the jugular vein you're supposed to go after the heart God's not looking for you to headlock somebody to pray in your prayer God's looking for you to sow seed you should be a seed sowing machine everywhere you go everywhere you go soin seed everywhere sowing watering sowing watering your job is not the increase God is in charge of increase when it's time it's time and you'll see it you'll know it but man I'd hate to miss an opportunity to sow seed what we want to do is equip you to understand who you are your value because if you see your value and your value is determined by heavens standard instead of what people say see because if you let your value be determined by what people say they will give you a value that's determined by how you've lived how you've acted what you've done what they've done what they've seen what they believe but it's all not according to life of godliness it's actually according to ungodliness and it's according to wisdom of the world which is sensual demonic full of self-seeking it is twisted self seeking and envy is the wisdom of the world peaceable gentle willing to yield full of good fruits without partiality and without hypocrisy is the wisdom of the Lord and so many people want to give their opinion of your value your value is determined by your mother by your father your value is determined by a cross Jesus didn't pay a price for you because you were so worthless Jesus thought that you were worth it so he came God saw you saw you Jesus said for the joy set before him he endured the cross do you know that joy was the answer for the cross that the cross that joy was was the goal joy like the joy of the Lord is your strength your joy comes from your salvation Jesus pursued the cross it didn't pursue him he pursued it at all costs he set his face like flint towards the cross because he knew that you were on the other side but it wasn't just the joy of getting you it was the joy of him filling you with his joy it was the joy peace that surpasses understanding is the only real joy that you can possibly have in a world that's corrupt and twisted and demonically inspired this world is set up against you it's not for you God is for you so who cares who's you you have to know who you've been created to be being born again is essential when it's to unlock your potential the Holy Spirit doesn't just want to come and live inside of you he wants to rest upon you he wants to clothe you with Jesus he wants to clothe you with his presence so that when you pray for somebody his presence evangelizes them it's called presence of auntie lizhen the Holy Ghost is the one you pray for something why didn't feel anything it doesn't matter what you felt would it they feel I've watched waitresses cry shake go crazy because they don't know what happened I know I feel fire all over me what is that it's him he's the God that answers my fire if we'd realize that we all need to encounter and have a Mount Carmel experience every day just like Elijah when the prophets of bale were all set up 450 prophets he said well let's find out who's really God who's really gone you guys set up your altar and then I'll set up mine you go first and the God who answers by fire he's the Lord so these prophets of bail set up their thing they cut up a bull they sacrificed they're dancing they're chanting they're screaming out for a God that doesn't exist because bail wasn't God bail was an idol demonically inspired by the devil himself to get people to worship nothing and think that he's something but the God that answers by fire he is Lord he is Lord so they cut themselves they danced around they chant they streamed Elijah even had some fun with it and said maybe he's busy going number two I guess he maybe he's sleeping who we serve a god that never sleeps our God never sleeps he never slumbers his eyes are always on you he's constantly focused on you because you're his favorite everybody's his favorite he has every hair on your head numbered his thoughts out out way and out number the grades of and in the whole earth for each person listen in one cubic foot there's like more than 1 billion grains of sand in one cubic foot and God has more thoughts that outnumber all the grains of sand in the whole world and every one of them are for your well-being what if you got ahold of ten thoughts and stuff thinking those negative thoughts that you have see Christians don't spend enough time in the word and the truth are being themselves with the weapons of warfare to tear down strongholds in here not out here the strongholds that need to be destroyed or right here depression is nothing but a lie hopelessness is a lie Hope deferred makes your heart sick how can a Christians hearts get sick when you're to be an ambassador of Hope when Christ in you is the hope of glory you have to realize what he's done he didn't just pay a price to get you there he paid a price to get himself here because you were the joy set before him I never knew joy my whole life I thought sex was joy I thought drugs were Joe I thought coke was joy I thought alcohol was too I thought we'd was joy now it's just a band-aid man it's a band-aid for a festering wound that can only be fixed with Jesus doesn't matter what it is none of that stuff fixes you it's all losted it's all twisted none of it satisfies you the only thing that truly satisfies is godly contentment because godly contentment is great gain when you find out how much you're loved you can't help but to love and all of a sudden the miraculous becomes a byproduct of being a son being the daughter and you fall in love with the one that created you and you never knew it but then you did and there was a day oh my gosh my whole life's been a lie this is what's so hard for non-believers like well I mean if that's true that here if that's true then your whole life has been a lie well I don't know if I'm ready for that well they keep living a lie but one day I don't care who you are it doesn't matter see you can be a Christian wife and to have a good husband but he's not a Christian and you can think the husband can think well my wife's you know she's religious but really she's not she just knows Jesus religion is completely different religion is bondage religion is trying to follow rules that you can't your own strength and you can't relationship is the only thing that enables you to actually live out God's law God's law is the law of Liberty it's the law of love God's not a mean God he doesn't want to bang you and bash you over the head or beat you over the head with a stick that's not God God just wants you to stop living a lie so that you can actually live for something that's worth dying for everybody lives but not everybody truly lives and you can't truly live unless you know him because he is life he's the giver an author he is amazing he's everything he's my everything I was sitting here listening to students just crying back there this lifestyle Christianity University we saturate and pound identity from every angle so where you have nowhere else but Jesus where everything else in life none of it matters because when Jesus is everything all of a sudden everything is for him and everything you do everything that you say whether in word or in deed you do it as under the Lord enough for people then you always do a good job then your job flipping burgers isn't a bummer anymore I'm flipping burgers for Jesus but it doesn't there's no paying the bills happens when you sow because when you sow God blesses you were like well I don't really have anything to sell well even what you have will be taken and I'm not saying that for an offering cuz that's over I'm telling you that because your life needs to become one so where money doesn't rule your life anymore where Jesus rules your life and God shows you where to sow seed and your seed produces fruit and your fruit is eternal these power and loves we lose money almost every time we do these things and we know that it's a sowing thing we want to sow what's it what's it worth we started these power in love's like twelve years ago we started with about forty people that would sign up petrified oh my gosh I I can't do this I'm not ready how long you been a Christian 20 years yeah but like are you not ready for what well I'm not ready for outreach why cuz it's been all about you I'm not being selfish telling you the truth well I'm not an evangelist no but you're a believer if you're happy and you know it use your mouth what would it be like for you to be possessed by love itself to realize that you're never gonna die and to live is Christ and to die is gain so if somebody did take you out you just go be with Jesus and if someone says no they don't believe it's okay to sow that seed because there's other people that can sell in water so in water so in water so in water look do you want to go to heaven alone back to the husband and wife thing there's wives that are Christians and husbands that are not there here tonight actually I heard it my heart you just got to come here this guy and the husband's like this guys are free you're right I am I don't care what you think I'm right with God I love Jesus but I can tell you this that when you stand before Jesus because you will stand before Jesus this isn't a threat this is a promise when you stand before Jesus your wife won't be your lawyer she won't be able to defend you and say my husband was a good man have mercy it's over game over you had every opportunity to say yes but you chose to live for yourself because you thought that you were that good that God was gonna say well you know you're good enough come on in my son didn't matter come on that's not gonna happen just a little nugget oh I promise I was the angriest atheist on this planet man I hated Christians more than anything I did and no one really shared the gospel with me because of my hatred because of my anger no one told me that God left me people told me while I was gonna go to hell and I figured you know what you're a hypocrite if anybody's going to hell you are so I saw hypocrites telling me I was going to hell I'd sit there and listen to them cuss out their wife yet they're gonna tell me that I'm going to hell are you kidding me I got more love for my people on the street than I did from any Christian because everybody's bought themselves I don't want to get dirty I don't wanna I mean come on it's about me and God I hope I make it in by the skin of my teeth hopefully you don't have skin on your teeth this isn't barely make it in that's not what it is this isn't a violently excessive abundant life full of his presence his goodness his glory his love to where his love overwhelms you so much that you can't hold him back anymore where you've got to let him out unless you explode besides fear takes energy it wears you down fear is torment aren't you tired of being afraid aren't you tired of being ashamed what if shame could be wiped out what if fear could be wiped out what if guilt shame and condemnation is demonic strategy setup to get you to think like Satan things because he's hopeless depressed bitter cutoff he shut down forever he's a withering branch as we speak cut off from the source of life he'll never have a chance he's trying to get Christians to think that way and then this thing happens at a school and we're like oh my gosh wow and then we get more afraid why would we get more afraid we're never going to die to live is Christ and to die is gain that's them looking for half-hearted Christians he's looking for people that would be fooling in fully submerged fully surrendered this isn't halfway get along Street this isn't compromised Christian faith now with the real Christian please step forward and stop being afraid [Music] I'm passionate man people like why I can't handle this well then leave I'm glad to hear hear but I hope these words of conviction sit with you and stick you deep in your heart so that there's no way that you can hold back from him anymore cuz God didn't listen to me man God gave you your life as a loner you don't belong to you you don't belong to you you're not your own you are no longer your own you're his you're the property of God and people that aren't you should be because if you're not the property of god you're the property of the devil there is no in-between well I don't believe in that I don't believe in that it doesn't matter you're blind I promise you I didn't have any idea I thought I was living the dream I was living a nightmare people are dead because of the life that I lived with drugs and alcohol and all the twisted stuff all the thieving and stealing and hurting people for everybody just for my gain my selfish gain what are we thinking well I'm a good person never did that no did you ever lie yeah you ever twists the truth yeah there's 613 laws and Ten Commandments man God's holy and perfect if you missed one you missed them all no matter how good you think you are you are not holy you are not there's only one that's holy and his name is Jesus and he paid a price to make you holy in the eyes of the Father so that you tried to have to do holy you could be holy it could be right with God it's not holier than people holier than thou elevated now a real Christian would actually come up underneath of other ones to help them understand who they are it's not about lording over people it's about serving it's about washing feet like Jesus washed feet it's about loving people with every part of your being it's not just love like we speak love like phileo love like this worldly love it's a gulp a love it's completely abandoned 100 percent to God with every part of your being - none where you don't have the right to live for you anymore your rights have been taken away you're not into in a democracy you're in a theocracy he's the head and you're not where his body when's the last time the body told the head what to do Jesus is king and he wants what's best for you and what's best for you is you're not living for you what's best for you is you living from heaven towards Earth what's you what's good for you and what's the best for you is you having a deep relationship with the Holy Spirit so much that you get so convicted by his love that you can't hold him back anymore man the love that God has for us is so perfuse the width height the depth the length the breadth that we might know that love and it completely transforms your nature to where Bible the Bible is not boring to where the Bible is actually a love story of a father that wanted his kids back so he sent his one and only Son and he knew that he was gonna die when he came and they killed him but he didn't stay dead he raised from the dead there's no other God out there there's no other real God big G there's no other father that would do that and God loved us so much that he sent his son if he were like oh I don't believe that because we're too smart for God are you kidding me even our brilliance is nothing guts the one that gave you your brilliance wouldn't be something to die and have all that brilliance going to the grave and never give glory to the one who gave it to you well I did it myself you think you did grace is amazing grace is even for people that aren't believers where God shows his mercy to people that don't believe where he shows up big time in people's lives that are unbelieving that are heathen that are twisted that are messed up as messed up as possible God still gives grace it's so crazy the gracious gift of God and the love that God has for his people he's a father and he wants us to know him as dad he doesn't want us to know us know him as God he wants us to know him as father Abba Father daddy God he wants you to know that he is waiting for you he wants you to crawl up in his lap and talk to him he wants you to get alone in the private place and talk to him and say God I'm going through stuff right now that's really really really hard but I know that you said you'll never leave me nor forsake me and I know that you're here with me or I can't feel him but I know you're here father I'm here throwing myself into your mercy and asking you show me Who I am in this situation crying out to him for more just God's not afraid to give you more but he really wants you to use what he's already given you you guys this is amazing what kind of love is this I'm overwhelmed with this this is why I'm alive I'm alive to talk about the love of the Father the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the communion with the Holy Spirit but if you don't have communion with the Holy Spirit you can talk about God's love you can say that I'm right with God positionally but have no intimacy and intimacy is where time to where when no one's looking you're actually communing with God god I love you so much you're so amazing thanks for what you've done most of my prayer life is just thankfulness thank you lord that mean a lot of my other part of my prayer life is it up thank you Lord I'm laying over my head help God I know it you know what help means cuz there's lots of things that I don't know what to do and I need wisdom I need help lord thank you I might be an hour and a half help God help just crying today I'm crying just I love Jesus so much he's so fascinating he's so multifaceted God wants to reveal his manifold wisdom by the church to the powers and principalities God wants to Ephesians 3:10 he wants to reveal his manifold wisdom to the powers and principalities to the demonic realm by the church his bride his body the fullness of him that those all and all it says in Ephesians it's amazing we are the fullness of him that fills all in all the body of Christ he wants to show the powers and principalities that we actually believe that the highest part of hell is beneath the lowest part of us the God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet why because we are the body of Christ it's time that we remind the devil that he messed up big time see he should have killed me when he had the chance oh I'm not kidding see I'm never gonna die see I know him there'll be a time I put off the tent but I'm just gonna go be with you what are you gonna do I could take this life for me I already gave it away you can't take my life I gave it up it's gone it's his I'm gonna it's hand I am in Palma's him and no one can take me out I'm surrendered I've submitted I've given him everything like everything that I am his I am in full dependency if God doesn't show up if God doesn't show up our ministry is finished why because I'll put us out there dude like on a limb sent God if you don't show up we're all done all of our families everybody that works for the ministry we have like 34 employees I think right now full-time all their families are involved if God doesn't show up financially we're finished because I put it because it's the only place to be in Christianity the only place to be is in full faith mode full faith mode depending on him and if he doesn't show up you're done but God wants you to be like that in public every day God if you don't show up I'm done Lord if you don't speak to me on I want to live god I need to hear your voice now God speak to me I'm listening God I love you help me understand Lord Here I am speak to me use me Here I am send me God there's a guy over there Lord I'm over talk to I don't even know what I'm gonna say I said hey how you doing okay oh wow whoa and then God speaks and he initiates something black guy has a problem with his right shoulder he heard it in baseball when he was younger I don't have a sudden hey man did you play baseball yeah did you hurt your right shoulder pitching yeah oh dude what's going on now instead of what do you want now it's like oh my gosh like Jesus is real I don't believe in that well how'd it know about your shoulder I don't know lucky guess lucky guess you played baseball are you kidding you were a pitcher you hurt your right shoulder oh yeah oh this is so weird dude I'm not comfortable with this you're a grown man what are you not comfortable with see see God wants you to be out there on a place of risk to where if God doesn't show up you're done but there's look you can't fail if you walk in love so if I'm loving people I've never failed look if I so see if I pray and nothing happens I'm not a failure God looks at me and he goes whoo whoo look at that whoo Gabriel look at this Michael oh wow Wow they all think he's foolish he believes me well we better show up big-time BAM oh I'm not kidding I've seen him to be faithful and show up so many times we read this testimony to you that I said it was going to hey can I get the keys Jeremy in the name of Jesus what happened is angel what someone hiding from me okay Oh how many you guys love this guy bro I love you so much and you I love you too so much oh Jesus on these guys I just go sit down write a play for another couple of hours you have no idea I just love it okay listen to this testimony ready Who am I'm not getting many very far right now sorry yeah okay I'm writing this email as a witness of my father Phil's healing about three months ago my father was diagnosed with a brain disease that's incurable called PSP there are only twelve case studies in the world with people that have had this disease and every one of them have ended in very quick death within five to six years my father's was 18 months into this debilitating disease most of these people end up choking to death it's the final stage of this disease you can't swallow the symptoms my father was having were memory loss and then he was falling all the time his brain would tell him to move but his body would not respond he suffered many concussions cuts scrapes bruisings and physically it was not good for him at all it had gotten so bad the doctors prescribed for him a cane and then shortly after they said that he needed to go to a walker if he was going to walk at all they sent him to a therapist to teach him how to properly use the walker and they sent him to a speech therapist to to teach him how to speak again they told him that his speech would eventually start to become completely slurred and he wouldn't be able to talk the doctors at the Cleveland Clinic and the University Hospitals recommended that my father stopped working immediately and file for Social Security and disability within a couple of weeks they were going to recommend that he stopped driving altogether because he would go off the road and hurt or kill somebody but if he was behind the wheel this diagnosis was really real and it was very grim and again there's no cure for this brain disease on top of this my father was born with ankle and hand disorder called CMT the muscles in his feet his ankles in his hand deteriorates throughout deteriorated throughout his life he had been wearing leg braces for over ten years so every fall he would have now and then his balance was off it was on it wasn't uncommon it happened all the time many bruisings from these on the week of July 4th our family got together to enjoy the festivities and spend some time with dad in Germantown Ohio at this point he looked like he was going downhill very quickly he looked like he was 80 but really he was only 63 he had to be helped up and down the stairs during these four days he thought he started losing his feeling in his left leg it started swelling he went to Cleveland Clinic and they told him that he had some blood clots in his leg started to bruise and dark veins started to show up and he was in extreme pain my older sister Cece had been had been helping him with his off at his office driving him to his work appointments and doctor visits her ex-husband felt compassion and he was led to bless my father and decided to take him and my sister and their three kids to the Holy Land Israel it was on my father's dream or one of my father's dreams to go to Israel with his grandchildren it was one of the things that he wanted to do in his bucket list before he died upon returning from Israel we went through Washington DC Airport which was not supposed to happen and we had to connect to another flight very quickly my sister's daughter named Alana decided that she wanted to go to Starbucks to get a coffee before boarding the plane she had no phone and we were running extremely late but she went anyways when she got her coffee at Starbucks she noticed a man with dreadlocks and funny-looking shoes she made a smart comment and said something to him about his shoes she started to walk away and he asked her to come back the Lord gave this man insight into what was going on in her family and he told her that he knew that that he knew that the family that someone in the family had a disease and that Jesus was gonna heal him today I didn't know any of the severity of all this stuff because the severity is not the issue sometimes we know too much and we think oh my gosh this is big but it doesn't take more of God to here a jam to heal a jammed finger than it does to heal terminal cancer at that moment she knew that this was something very big and decided to get this guy to come the whole way to the other side of the airport a hundred gates away from where my gate was and my plane was coming in and so I was gonna miss my flight this was the opera direct opposite direction and he was obviously gonna miss he didn't care it felt like you need to go with her people are not an inconvenience I want you to know that so many times we get jacked up in traffic or whatever and it's just such an inconvenience roll down your window and talk to somebody stop being so selfish stop being all about you and listen people weren't hurry to get nowhere anyway where they missed thousands of opportunities because people are just an inconvenience to them I was an inconvenience to people for 34 years no one told me about Jesus it took me getting shot at to meet him and it shouldn't take people having to get shot at to meet Jesus and unfortunately sometimes we get to he's all we have left to realize he's all we needed to begin with but we shouldn't have to get to the bottom to realize he's Lord Oh once they found our group this gentleman introduced himself as Todd gave his testimony about what Jesus did in his life told my father there's no disease in heaven and then he wanted to lay hands on him because God's will was it to be on earth as it is in heaven and he wanted to pray for him he told him that the Lord was going to heal him today my sister laid hands on my father as well with Todd and when she did she felt something shoot through his brain all the way down to his feet and he did too at that moment my sister started speaking in tongues and started praying she got baptized to the Holy Ghost as we prayed for her down if you if you knew and you saw the situation he was he was had his Walker right there was bound his legs were shriveled up like this was a this was awful like to look at in the natural but we don't look at the things that we can see because the things that we see it's Kalasha know it's set Corinthians 419 for the things that we see are temporary but the things that we can't see they're eternal so we need to focus on here not on here we see this but this isn't the issue this invading this is the issue there were no physical signs of healing at that particular moment so we all ran to our planes to board and by the way when I got to my flight it was delayed just enough for me to get on the plane that's not always how it works out but it was really neat that it did that day the next morning my father got up out of bed without any exit any assistance walked outside and down a steep driveway to grab the trash can and brought it up when my mother saw this she was yelling at him saying are you crazy you're gonna fall my father walked in the house and said something has happened I believe the Lord has healed me because I can walk and I'm not stumbling his ankles everything we're completely strong couple days later my father came to my house to visit us and he was not using a cane or a walker he was alive and energetic and continued to proclaim God's healing a few days later we had most of the family coming down in town to stay for stay with us our family members were completely blown away asked we have to figure out right now what has happened to dad what is going on we were have they were having a very hard time with this because this particular point we were planning the last few years of his planning his funeral on the earth my father went to the Cleveland Clinic and University Hospitals to get a second opinion the doctors could not understand and they were frantically going around saying what is happening here they did series of tests to figure out what was going on they couldn't find anything my father asked the doctor can you not tell me that this brain disease is gone the doctor looked at him and said the only way that we can tell is if we do an autopsy he said well that's not gonna happen because I'm alive that answer right there was good enough to know that jesus healed my father and used this man's obedience that was going to be late to say something to a teenage girl who had made fun of him to start the conversation look as I write you and tell you about this Jesus has healed my father and his mind 100% he's renewing the gray hairs on his head and they're turning brown [Applause] my father is not going to quit working he is signing contracts and closing deals he is a Salesman that works for an energy company and every deal that he's running into he is signing the Lord is providing not just for his health but financially for many years to come we also we also believe that this is just the start in a segue into healing that God has for our whole entire family he is obviously setting us up for something very big he's allowing reconciliation restoration of relationships and forgiveness to overshadow the destruction that the enemy has tried to do all the way through our family line I also believe that there's a lot of people that are going to be coming to Christ and right now there's a revival due to his healing specifically in our city and our county he said my wife and I have not stopped talking about this amazing miracle I cannot shut up people have told me to keep silent and not say anything to certain people I told them that that's just not going to happen I was going to be very but I am going to be very vocal about this sharing G's sharing Jesus is healing there are many opportunities that we have now to pray for people and lay hands on them and the Lord is healing them obviously we all have this power because we have the same Jesus and the same Holy Spirit living inside of us he said after all that we would do greater things [Applause] I am completely utterly blown away at God's faithfulness I am seeing things that I've never seen before and I'm so grateful there's so much more and I'm hungrier than I've ever been in my whole life I'm 14 years in this thing I'm weighing over my head and it's the safest place to be that God wants us to be overwhelmed with his goodness and his mercy you know on the day of Pentecost the birthday of Christianity happened you know Jesus gave these disciples authority and they had Authority and they were casting out Devils they will hear him the sick they were cleansing lepers they were raising the dead they were doing it you know the Bible says these signs will follow them that believe in my name they will cast out Devils that is Mark 16 that's the commission of the Lord make disciples of all nations teaching them all the same things that I've taught you to the disciples so when he taught them he was actually saying that it's supposed to be reproduced in US we've lowered the standard down to just going to church praying for a better day and hopefully we'll make it by the skin of our teeth when Jesus didn't pay a price for you to just get to heaven he paid a price for heaven to possess you so that you could give the devil a bad day every day so that you'd be crushed and demolish demolish strongholds and then you would know the will of the Lord which is like a hot potato to so many people because we haven't seen an answer to prayer so we allow our non answered prayer to determine God's will which is demonic because God's will is determined by the life of Jesus because Jesus came to only do the will of his father and everyone that came to him sick was healed and every devil was cast out why because when they came up on the scene and Jesus was there the devils would say what have we to do with you have you come to torment us before our time every devil knows there's a time when it's over every devil knows there's a time when it's finished every devil knows there's an appointed time knows it the devil knows that one day knee will bow and he will be chained in a lake of fire forever and ever and ever and ever and he is trying to persuade Christians to think fearfully instead of knowing that they are fearfully and wonderfully made the only way to escape this fear is a full immersion and a full baptism in the Holy Ghost and fire there is nothing else there's no other option unless you get baptized in the Holy Ghost and fire you will be afraid when I got baptized in the Holy Ghost I became a weapon see when the Holy Ghost see when you get born again he comes to live inside of you and that's awesome Jesus appeared after resurrection to the disciples they were hiding in fear in a room they were petrified because they saw what happened to Jesus Jesus shows up through a locked door peace guaranteed they are freaked out peace peace of you as the father sent me so I said you and he breathed on them what was that that was God restoring creation just like God breathed into dirt and it jumped up a man Jesus breathed into his disciples and the Holy Spirit came he said receive the Holy Spirit breathed on them if Jesus said receive the Holy Spirit get there or not yes they did so what happens is sometimes Christians think that when they get born again that's it it's over you're wrong there's more there's more there's more if that was it then why did Jesus tell the disciples to go to the Upper Room and wait see they already had the Holy Spirit see the Holy Spirit comes in you like he comes in you it like a well springing up and it's for your personal born-again experience to where God comes makes his home inside of you but there is a baptism in the Holy Ghost that comes to not just fill you inside but cover you outside we need to be fully covered fully submerged fully surrendered this has to be steward it when God baptizes you in the Holy Ghost it's not just so you can pray in tongues people have left it at that there's denominations say are you baptized always Berta you pray in tongues and that's it no praying in tongues is necessary but it's not the end result praying in tongues is your communication with God people like mine don't like tongues I'm freaked out by it I don't believe it's the Lord well the Bible talks about it so maybe you just don't believe the Bible but your prayer language isn't to impress people and if you're going to speak tongues in front of people in a congregation there must be an interpretation because God's not a God of confusion he's not it's very important but your prayer language is actually your communion your communication with God and it says that tongues edifies your spirit which builds up your spirit man so your own personal prayer language but when the disciples were baptized in the Holy Spirit and tongues of fire rested upon their head tongues of fire can you imagine that can you imagine be a baptized man and a fire on your head Reinhardt goes up leave a one individual flame for every watching he does man if you don't know who Reinhardt is he's one of the most amazing generals of the faith billions and billions seventy eight million people have come to Jesus to the Ministry of Daniel kolenda Reinhardt Bonnke C fan what am i some of my best friends in the whole world the baptism of Holy Ghost is necessary when the disciples got baptized on the day of Pentecost everything shifted everything changed what happened they spoke in tongues and everybody heard them from all these different languages that were in the area they were like these manners aren't they galilaeans they're speaking in this Peter the one that denied Jesus he denied Jesus he's the one that denied him when he got baptized in the Holy Ghost he preached the first sermon and three thousand people were added for that day now Peter that whole thing of fear of being afraid was finished why because when the Holy Ghost covers you the enemy can when the Holy Ghost covers you the enemy no longer can the enemy constantly tries to drown doubt tries to squelch tries to quench tries to shut you down but when the Holy Ghost covers you a boldness comes out the unashamed nosov the gospel comes out and you're willing to lose your life for the gospel because you've already given it to him being born again is essential but it's to unlock your potential there's more there's more and even after the disciples got baptized in the day of Pentecost there are chapters later where he said Lord look upon their threats and grant to your servants that with all boldness they might preach your word that you would confirm with healing in the name of your servant Jesus Christ and the whole house was shaken a one-house earthquake these guys were seeing it they were casting out Devils they were healing the sick they were seeing it they got persecuted when they got persecuted after they're baptized with the Holy Ghost they were like look I got more stripes than you come on we've been granted the privilege to suffer for the gospel this is amazing come on let's go Adam they've gone from the Sanhedrin Peter gets in front of the Sanhedrin these guys that are persecuting them for the guys that get it beautiful they went by the gate beautiful sober and gold we don't have but in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth standing here feet walk boom the guy gets up he's been laid from birth he gets up and everybody freaks out and they're like oh my gosh this guy's lame like who are you guys Peter and John they bring them in front of the court the courts like you were no longer speaking this man's name Peter's like already dead done already tonight him I don't think so you judging your eyes whether it's better to listen to God or listen to man what happened covered with the Holy Spirit I know many Christians that are baptized with the Holy Spirit but are still scared you need a full baptism and the Holy Ghost and fire you do what happens what what does it look like when you're baptized in fire it's like someone pours a quart of gasoline on you and strikes the match do you care what people think about you why not cuz you're burning if I poured a quart of gasoline on your head and let the match would you care about what people thought you'd be like if you were like Todd like you just radical man right no I'm burning I am on fire why because if I get on fire here people don't have to burn for eternity then guys this is a big deal I don't know how many of you are hungry for more but look we don't do these power in love schools we don't do these power in love schools since you can be half-filled man I want you overflowing because we give out of overflow our cup runneth over our cup runneth over you give out of overflow you don't give on a half tank know you need to be constantly filled your filling comes from eternal life comes from your salvation from Jesus inside Christ in you is the hope of glory but that hope coming out is that hope being made manifest how do we do that by the baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire so where you get completely submerged completely covered with His goodness with his glory and it doesn't matter what anybody thinks anymore it's over to where you get put in the court somewhere where you're having the answer for your Jesus you're gonna give them the gospel no matter where you go you're gonna be in Walmart it doesn't matter what people think you love Jesus you don't have to go hey everybody I mean you could you'll have to stand on a restaurant like stool and and preach at people is this about preaching at people this is about loving people on purpose with God's love not just trying to muster up this isn't about trying to go out there and well I'm gonna go out and do witnessing there's a difference between doing witnessing and becoming a witness what we're talking about is being fully submerged into God becoming a witness for his glory so we're everywhere you go you leave a trail because God's presence comes with you the tangible presence of God and I believe tonight tonight that people are going to be baptized afresh with the Holy Ghost and fire I just believe it with my whole heart normally what we try to do is we try to do a fire tunnel usually on a Saturday but we can so what I have to be tonight but I'm telling you right now that there's more don't come through this thing once we start expecting nothing because I promise you he's coming I promise there's no way we're gonna pray for impartation that the importation of gifts could be upon you words of knowledge prophecy healing miracles all of it that you would be imparted to we're believing for that but we're believing for a mighty baptism in the Holy Ghost and fire to wear tonight some of you will not sleep tonight some of you will be up vibrating on your bed all night long what because God doesn't want you not armed God told me that this has got me them one of those power powerful power and loves we've ever done because of this stuff that's happening twinkle because when the enemy comes in when the enemy comes in like a flood God raises up the standard he raises the standard don't you be afraid God is for you he's your defender Jesus is going to show up big-time big-time big-time and for those of you that are already baptized in the Holy Spirit I promise you there is more tonight you will get more you will get more you will get more Jesus is going to show up big time that testimony that I read we get hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of testimonies similar to this I want that to be in everybody's life I want you to happen in our LCU students we're watching the most ridiculous transformation of students come in they come in and they're some of them even a lot of them even lied on their applications when they came it's not like we don't know be like I know y'all lying on your application to go God's not mad at you but you will have transformation because Jesus wants you transformed that lies don't exist in your vocabulary anymore because Satan's the father of lies and I'm not saying that's your dad since he's not your dad and you're meeting your real dad all of a sudden truth comes and the Spirit of Truth has come the spirit of truth has come so tonight there's going to be a mighty baptism of the Holy Ghost in fire we're going to do a fire tunnel we're gonna lay hands on everybody tonight and I'm gonna have Jeremy and those guys tear it up in the background it's weird in Jesus men we need Jesus don't you be afraid don't be afraid now promise there's more there is more are you guys ready I mean really really are you ready you you
Channel: Todd White
Views: 97,197
Rating: 4.8862433 out of 5
Id: 2zukM_R2xBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 11sec (3431 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 22 2020
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