Dan Mohler - Free from Guilt, Shame, and Condemnation

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man you oughta stop just slow down sometime and really think about that that God became a man he must think a lot about the potential of who he can be inside of men if he died for man if he had to become a man to die to restore man back he must think a lot of that potential my whole life growing up I was told that Jesus died on the cross because I was a sinner and it left me a forgiving sinner nobody ever told me that he died on the cross to restore my purpose and potential and destiny that he actually died on the cross because he saw great value in what I could be when he lived inside of me of course he had to die because I sinned but he didn't die because I was a sinner he died because I was a lost son see the cross doesn't expose your sin it removes your sin to expose your potential in your value for my whole life I was taught a sin conscious gospel that preyed on my depravity to try to get me to say I'm sorry the goodness of God leads men to change you don't you don't have to come out of somebody's depravity you teach what they're called to be and created to be and the goodness of God gets into you and brings change to you yeah I've never seen one scripture in my Bible read my Bible and I've read my Bible but never seen a scripture that said the reprimand of God is what changes a man's life people I say weeding all about the love of God it's about the judgment of God - I've never seen the judgment of God transform a life he did not come into the world to condemn the world that's the same word as judge to give the world what it deserves he did not he came into the world that the world might be through him might be saved in John 12 he said I did not come to judge you I came that you might be saved but you'll have my word that will judge you in that day remember when he comes they'll be a sword in his mouth the word of the Lord he didn't come to judge you he came to save you the Cross tells you who you're called and created to be never forget that the cross does not expose your sin it removes your sin to expose and unlock your potential your value in your purpose there's no one out there that's ever went to a car lot and saw a used car for 10-5 and went to the dealer and said you know what I'll give you 15 why it's not worth it source 10-5 and you're going to try to get him down to eight to who's ever went on a lot and said I'll give you 15 if it's mark 10 five why it's not worth it but he shed his blood for you and me and you think for a second I'm gonna live condemned and feel unworthy he washed my passed away he put a new thing inside of me a new heart new spirit he put his kingdom in me I didn't find a way to sin and get away with it I found a way to be free I found a way to wake up in him and enjoy him and him enjoy me and be excited in life the joy of my salvation not the joy of my circumstances the joy of my salvation good tidings of good tidings of that means the good tidings bring the great joy good tidings of so when you understand the good tidings great Joy's the automatic response so if you don't have great joy you don't need a spirit of joy and you don't need an order call where everybody's laughing praying for you hoping you get it it's understand the good news because it's good tidings of people say how can you always be so the way you are it's good tidings it's not gonna change that truce not gonna change tomorrow when I wake up this gospel is going to be the same when I crack open my Bible he's going to love and I'm gonna be right in the state of God when I go to bed tonight I have total access to him that'll never change let me get a little stranger weird with you a million years from now he's not gonna call Ana loud speaker dan Mohler to the front and say you know I've been thinking for a long time I think I made a mistake when I let you in here I'm in it's already settled like you already won so I might as well just become what he paid for I might as well enjoy the ride walk in a manner worthy of him and love him with my life since he loved me with his I want to just give it back huh say go ahead and take it this is what you paid for not my worship not my tithe you paid for my life so go ahead and take it yeah I feel good about that you feel good about that so listen guilt condemnation and shame is alive from hell it's never the gospel godly sorrow repentance feeling sorry for where you've been and what you done and going whoa letting the Holy Spirit bring that where you realize whoa and you run to God not run from God when you run from God that's Adam in the garden that's naked that's ashamed when you run to God that's clothed and robed in righteousness you run to God you talk to God you tell him wow thank you for the conviction in my life the truth you're working to me I realize that is so not who you created me to be Lord God I don't want that in my life you didn't create me for that and I just thank you for loving me thank you for washing me thank you for forgiving me when you're asking for forgiveness you're wondering if you're forgiving when you thank him for forgiving you you can move on yeah come on the blood of Jesus is speaking better things this thing's not complicated like heating crew he didn't curse his son on the cross he made a son to be sin he cursed sin in the flesh sin shall have no dominion over you you're not under the law you're under grace shall we keep on sinning so we've received grace since we're not under the law absolutely not he said how can you who died to sin living in any longer see the Christian life isn't praying a prayer to go to heaven it's dying to your old life and it's dying to sin once and for all so you can live to God what that means is die in to it's it's actions it's memories it's stayin its sting and you wake up every day and you don't believe your sin waiting to happen that's not humble that's deception you're a son in the making you're a daughter being manifested you're growing up into him in all things if you wake up and your sin waiting to happen you're constantly sin conscious and that's your tree and that's your fruit and you'll never repent because that's what we are and it's a wonder he loves us and then the gospel remains a mystery that never transforms your life one of the biggest mistakes we make we think our ability to sin makes us sinners so we say that in a false humility and continue to do the same because it's what we believe we are I didn't wake up to fail today and that's not arrogance I woke up to trust him and believe his grace and I woke up to follow him and be formed in him and be more like him I didn't wake up to be loved by you I woke up to love you so now you can't hurt me or let me down cuz my hope isn't in you my hope comes from him my expectations from the Lord yeah so that empowers me to get in a big setting like this and rub elbows and not be in there for the wrong reasons not to try to find identity for what God's doing among us or through me but to find identity through him yeah and then that brings really healthy relationship so all of a sudden I can have something healthy with you you guys good I'm not even sure where we're heading I guess I'm just feeling it out I don't even know what the gospel is amazing I'm just thinking about God putting himself in the womb of a woman it freaks me out to this day that that God would let Holy Spirit the son of God Jesus would say okay I'm ready to go put me in her it had to happen like he was Jesus just a second ago son of God in the heavens probably racing Michael and Gabriel around on the chariot I don't know but he was the Lord and the next moment he's a little embryo a fetus whatever he started out to be he was in her womb and there was a little heart beating and he was a man freaks me out that God would become a man to rescue men never change his mind about what he created us to be never let where we weren't decide who he is but let who he is decide where we can be come on it's the goodness of God it's the gospel it's good news it's amazing news it's not well you've been wretched and sinners and you need to shape up it's you're so much more would you open your eyes and see that God sees a whole lot more about us than we've ever considered and it's time to stop talking ourselves down in a false humility and come up hither get your mind off the earth and set your mind in heaven where he's sitting where you're seated with him at the right hand of Almighty God come on that's all Scripture that's all Scripture I've been bought with a price I'm not my own I'm not gonna sell cheap I'm not for sale man I got this thing over my head no vacancy fully and completely occupied yeah oh man I'm sorry but I'll just feel a little passionate right now feel a little aggressive the God of the universe nothing was made that wasn't made through him he was there from the beginning his name above every name he's the Lord he put himself in a woman to become a man we have a brother he was a hundred percent God stop he came as a man you're not doing him injustice when you say that he said he's the son of man he wants you to see came as a man does God ever slumber where was Jesus in the boat he was wet he was sleeping but God doesn't slumber also he came as a man can you tempt God how come Jesus was tempted then at all points yet without sin because if he didn't come as a man and couldn't be tempted it wouldn't be a real test how God how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth a man is God already anointed then why'd God have to anoint Jesus if he came as God came as a man and he laid down his glory and he made himself of no reputation guess what we've sought our whole lives guess what a big dangerous trap is even in the church there's people trying to seek reputation and get to be noticed sometimes it's dangerous to have a microphone because you need one and you want to manifest be very careful have the same mind in you Philippians 2 have the same mind in you that was in him who even though he was considered equal with God didn't consider it something to be acknowledged for but instead laid down his glory and made himself of no reputation and became a bondservant to men even a servant to the point of death therefore God has exalted him you humble your self under the mighty hand of God and in due time he will lift up because he can flow through yeah the gust was exciting to me you know it's freaking me out he came as a man in the womb of a woman's hung out in her birth in her womb and came through her birth canal guys the king of the universe was sitting there for nine months crock-pot and in a woman it freaks me out it freaks me out he did not pop into the wilderness at age 30 bustin ready to roll he didn't take a shortcut he came as we came woman came from man and every man since then came from woman so he had to come through Mary he had to come as a man when he raised from the dead he said don't you be afraid you touched me for a Spirit doesn't have flesh and bones what's he saying after he's raised from the dead he's still a man you better understand that and why cuz he's at the right hand of God and his Bloods on the mercy seat and he's sitting on his blood on the mercy seat at the right hand representing man as a man is he Lord yes is he God yes is he name above every name yes but he's a man he has a body and the blood of a man is in the holy place crying out on behalf of men mercy speaking better things you better understand this stuff it's powerful its innocent Holy Blood speaking out on behalf of guilty lives that would humble themselves and say oops what was I thinking I've been living for me and I've been created for his image and his glory oops what was I thinking I've been trying to make life work for me I'm bringing glory to his name now I'm making change I'm repenting I'm turning around come on this thing is simple it's not just beneficial you're not just getting blessings he's not just setting you up for the future making sure I RA works in your 401 K is good it's not why you're on the planet you're on the planet to shine you're on the planet to shine and if we're his go-to people to be the light of the world and this battery's dead of this light don't work well then there's darkness so a rise shine Church your light has come and the glory of the Lord has risen and it's upon you Oh darkness will cover the earth and deep darkness the people but the light it's on you yeah so let your light so shine before men it doesn't say so get discouraged get this heart and call for prayer and need ministry says let your light so shine get a perspective that guards your heart and keeps your heart cuz out of your heart flows the issues of life get a healthy reason for being and wake up every day in that reason put stickers and notes all over your house and on your mirror if you have to but write out why you're alive and why you woke up so you never allow the flesh to have a voice because if you live by the spirit you will not you will not you will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh what's religion do with the scripture like that if you live by the spirit Romans 8 it's there you will not fulfill the lusts well nobody's perfect brother maybe you aren't even humble enough to hear scripture to even think about what he's trying to say maybe we're too fixed on just talking ourselves down thinking it's humility when in fact it's deception if you live in the spirit you won't fulfill the lusts of the flesh he's not talking about never making a mistake he's not talking about just all the sudden reacting in something he's talking about the lessened desires and the things that pull men from truth yeah and then those people that do that get grayed out get condemned question themselves question their own heart a veil slips over their face and now they don't have intimacy with God so they can't get pregnant and reproduce a thing because they can't be with him because they don't feel close to him and they don't feel worthy of him and and yet here's the blood speaking better things calling you in wants to wash you clean are you with me guilt condemnation and shame three major tools of the devil do you have to be sorry for your sins is there a place of repentance for the gospel you better believe it there's some strange movements out there right now be very careful there some that say repentance is works and you don't have to it's already finished nobody needs to even get saved because the blood speaking and everybody's already saved and don't know it stay away from the weird stuff there's a lot of weird stuff out there there's stuff out there that says hey we're always going to do what we're going to do God knew that when he sent his son and he knows it now that's why he shed his blood to just cover us while we're out there living our way his grace is sufficient Grace's is working power to transform when you preach grace apart from transformation you're preaching perversion grace doesn't allow you to live in the flesh grace changes you you say oh my goodness I really blew up on my wife today thank God for the grace of God the grace of God empowers you to not blow up on her the grace of God is God's power it's his power on your behalf it's his working ability to help make you what you could never be on your own you're saved by grace by his working power through your faith you believe your life's worthy that you have potential and destiny and even though you've sinned and fallen short of the glory of God he hasn't lost sight of your purpose and why you're here and he loves you and you're saved by grace through faith you don't really faith in your life you won't walk in grace if you don't believe the gospel your life feels dry you feel very empty if you don't believe that your life is worth the blood there's not a grace pouring over are you with me grace and faith go hand in hand you're saved by grace through faith no faith no grace it's impossible to please God without faith why because without faith he can't release the grace to make you what he paid for so he can't be fulfilled as a father watching you grow into fruition are you good the guys are just kind of looking there's things for everybody it's amazing guilt condemnation shame I got to go back to it for some reason it's it needs hit hard here tonight guilt condemnation and shame there's people that talk themselves into one of the three or all of the three and and they say yeah but brother I should have known better okay I get that so at what point do you say wow should have known better run to God be bold about that and humble about that and receive his love and mercy become wiser and sharper and now you know better why do you have to lose something in knowing better should have known better so now I have to lose something I have to lose three days of relationship I have to lose a month of identity you'd never step out of him come on it's what Adam and Eve did in the garden they took off and ran they hid they heard the sound of the Lord coming and ran from father God because that's what's in consciousness does to people they run and hide from truth they started living quiet they shut down God you sin has a terrible effect when you live sin conscious your the the cross takes it away like it's unscripted for a Christian to be fighting with sin trying not to sin trying to do better you're supposed to wake up and believe believe that he is believe he loves you believe he forgave you believe he lives inside of you you start out your day in righteousness Romans 6 says that place produces its fruit to holiness all the sudden you're living holy without trying to be holy because you believe what he did is true and it fixes your heart on him and empowers your ways and all the sudden the trees made good and the fruit follows see he's not telling you to do better and try harder and clean up your act he says a good tree can't bear bad so we hear fruit and become tree Assessors and go oh my goodness I can't be a good tree cuz there's a bad branch and fruit right here or there's a thing you've been ignoring or denying and you hear the words say a good tree cannot bear bad fruit and you hear fruit and go oh my goodness I can't be a good tree and then he says a bad tree can't bear and now you're confused because you go wait a minute there is some valid changes in my life and not everything's a throwaway I'm troubled a good tree can't bear bad fruit but I see something on my limb that needs clift and a bad tree can't bear good fruit but there's some things in my life that are good and should remain all of a sudden you realize he's not talking about fruit he's talking about your identity the tree knowing who you are he's not talking about your actions he's talking about your identity he's saying when you realize you've been made a good tree you can't bear bad fruit [Applause] but if you keep thinking you're a bad tree you can't bear good fruit because all your efforts to bearing good fruit becomes striving to prove something that's already settled through his blood are you guys good cuz this is a good gospel it's what's wrong with me for 23 years I've been this way I just met somebody at a church I was at that hasn't seen me for years they knew me for years in and there he laughed and they said I think you're worse than ever I said I keep telling people I'll always be this way or worse why cuz I'm gonna keep getting to know him more see he hasn't changed since I've been saved he hasn't changed since the foundation of the world he hasn't changed since the beginning so why would I change unless I get my eyes off a truth when truth makes me free and he that's free is free so if I keep my eyes on truth and let the truth keep my eyes sing go I'm always full of light no matter what because I'm not a conditional Christian I'm not a Christian for things to go well I'm a Christian to be like him so I'm always receiving grace to fulfill that desire and faith so come hell or high water I'm positioned for Christ in me the hope of glory whether you do me right or whether you do me wrong where sin abounds grace abounds much more that's on God's end well he made us in His image why shouldn't that be our truth where sin abounds we get hurt broken trusted skeptical pull back and get tentative I don't think that's what Scripture is talking about [Laughter] [Music] do your the free to me what I'm saying but you gotta want this people we gotta want this we don't just want his blessings and the infilling of his spirit and all the terms we use no no we want his heart in his nature in his ways cuz that's freedom like living for yourself is the biggest bummer on the earth like self-conscious always worrying about how it's gonna work out for you it's like you're on this little saga journey with God and the whole your whole life is everything's all about you and hey that's a strategy from the devil and he just and I gotta pray and they pulled out in front of me that's devil trying to ruin my day and all this weird stuff hey man I got a mic I can even do better a Matt come on and all the sudden you're on this self focused self-centered journey calling a faith and thinking it's spiritual cuz it's so self conscious and so so focused you think the devil is so that caught up with you no he's already got you deceived he probably don't even have to look your way you're already doing good enough yourself he's got you hook line and sinker he don't even have to hold the rod probably just sticks it in the holder and goes get somebody a little more challenging cuz you're hooked I'm just sayin well goodness don't make it so easy for him let me try to get this done guilt condemnation and shame third fourth time I'm trying to go back there and then I get excited and preached a couple other things let me tell you what guilt condemnation and shame is guild is a subconscious confession that you're not forgiven they're all three Antichrist finished Antichrist works your condemnation shame are all Antichrist things forget the Book of Revelations when I say Antichrist what I'm saying is it's anti finished work expressions they're never in the tool belt of God guilt condemnation shame are never subcontracted by the Lord on your behalf guilt is a subconscious confession that you're not forgiving condemnation is a subconscious confession it's you receiving the fact that you believe you're worthy to be judged instead of redeemed shame is a really really nasty one because it brings a lot of bad things on people's lives because shame is you believing you still are what you're ashamed of or you wouldn't be ashamed it's hard for me to preach that and not cry because I see that when Rob so many people whose hearts have changed if your heart wasn't okay you would not cry if your heart wasn't okay you wouldn't care so being ashamed of what you did cannot be the answer when you cry yourself to sleep but don't fall asleep you're already sorry you must be alive inside you've must have seen the error of your ways why not run to him why are you hiding behind some rock somewhere naked when God paid the price to clothe you do you understand that he rules his kingdom with a scepter called righteousness that he nights you and marks you not guilty when you bow before him and he lets you stand before him without any sense of guilt condemnation or shame it's what the word righteousness means to stand before the Lord without any shame without any guilt without any condemnation to stand before the Lord and be right in his sight watch as if you've never sinned I'm not sure why people have a hard time preaching that if you study the Bible and look at the words that's what it means you're acquitted you're not going you're as if you never sinned so how can we be before the Lord through the blood as if we never sinned to remain sin conscious and think it's humility to boast in our ability to commit it well brother we're not perfect well he's gonna sin what are you trying to say you're freaking me out brother that's a little heresy red flag right there what are you saying you never sinned brother see I'm not even talking about the act of sin I'm talking about the identity of being free from sin I can show you in the book of Romans three times it says you're free from sin free from sin free from sin it's in the book of Romans it's Romans six it's not my notes it's the book of Romans you're free from sin yeah but brother we're always gonna send stop you can't even hear the word of the Lord that's religion you're letting human experience Trump the grace of God that brings change to your life so who's yet to tell whats possible to become what grace did he pay for have we received the full measure of grace that he paid for on our lives have we believed to the place where every measure of grace he paid for has come upon us and made us what he paid for why don't we go after that why don't we see what living in the spirit is why don't we why don't we go after what's possible why don't we wake up every day and just believe we're righteous in his sight and that we're sons and we don't have nothing to prove his love has already proven to our hearts to a Christ across but through a son crucified and why don't we just live by the spirit and not fulfill the lust of the flesh and present ourself as members under righteousness which produces its fruit to holiness why don't we just live that way and come out of darkness into the light why don't we just reckon ourselves dead indeed under sin and alive under God in Christ Jesus that's all Scripture does that sound like you have a brother we're always gonna sin I mean what do you say man you're freaking me out are you perfect not even talking perfection I'm talking purity of heart and the pure in heart shall yeah you're not waking up trying not to sin I promise you that is deception you're waking up enjoying being his that's the truth the blood speaks better things than marking you for what you did wrong the blood marks you for what he did right and if you don't start where he finished you'll never run well because you'll get tricked into trying to accomplish something he already did and in your own strength you'll fail and believe you're a failure and never grow in the knowledge of truth and you know what all these lies are for to keep you from ever being with him because the whole goal is you to reproduce after your own kind your whole goal is to bear fruit and multiply after your own so if the enemy can lie to you and keep you from seeing what you've become you can never reproduce the fruit after him there's nothing on the earth that's multiplied without intimacy without two coming together there's nothing reproduced on the earth without two coming together so if the enemy can keep you from coming together with him intimately he can keep your life from ever being multiplied and reproduced from him and you can have a knowledge of him you can have a confession of him you can have a Christian screensaver ringtone bumper-sticker and music plan and a t-shirt that says lifestyle and maybe not know him or be with him and let all the things you do in his name take the place of knowing him and have a form of something instead of becoming that very thing don't any of you let that happen to you it's a lie every one of you have a right to be in his presence Adam was so sin conscious Adam was so sin conscious he ran from the sound of the Lord coming and God found him Adam where are you he knew where Adam was he doesn't have to ask questions he's giving Adam a chance to respond where are you Adam Adam where are you could you imagine Adams like I'm over here lord I heard you coming I was naked and ashamed so I hid Adam how did you know you were naked did you eat the tree that I forbid you to eat it was the woman that you gave me she gave me to eat whatever that was that was just a BAM thank you lord I know it's good I know this is the first sign of sin it's the first effect of sin in your Bible right on the heels of sin the first sign of sin is self-preservation self defense self awareness self centeredness ashamed it was the woman you gave me what's he saying he did Adam eat the tree was the question yes or no could he say yes or no no he couldn't take responsibility because all of a sudden he's a defender of himself instead of truth because sin perverted everything that he was created to be and everything he was created to be took a 180 BAM when he ate that tree and all of a sudden what he's saying is look if you when they gave me the woman probably wouldn't need the tree dude like work it out the Lord says woman what is this you've done she said it was the devil he made me do it that's really what she said it was the serpent for he gave me to eat a lot of people teach you know Adam was standing right there when it all happened and he didn't take authority and step in and all that I'm not sure I buy that I look at Genesis 4 and in the end of 3 and Genesis 3 I mean the end and he says to Adam because you heeded the voice of your wife instead of me here's what I personally believe happened everything's out to reproduce itself after its own kind cuz it's a law each seed after its own kind so the devil sees man and woman made in God's image to rule the earth and have dominion he's really ticked off because one day he said I'll be God I'll be in the highest place I'll rise above God's throne and I'll sit in the highest place are you aware that decree and God says you shouldn't oughta said that boom boom onto the earth and it's dark and it's void and there's no form and all of a sudden God Shoom Shoom Shoom and now he breathes into dirt and a human being stands up that looks just like his father and then he reaches into that fullness and that amazing revelation and brings out a woman that's where you came from ladies the fullness of God in the man Wow yeah yeah so God didn't make you cuz the man needed you in a sexual way in a less the way he didn't even make a woman until he saw the fullness of God in the man so the man is fully equipped to love her like he does that's where woman came from in the Bible so I always say if there's a man in a woman's life that oughta because of the fullness of God in the man not because she's hot yeah don't cheer me on too much buddy this topic is intense is there an area in our lives more exploited and more perverted Earle area more focused on than sexuality there's nothing even a close second people why you don't counterfeit $1 bills you go after something that has great value and this whole sexual arena is so driven by emotions and sensuality and it keeps men bound to feelings and flesh and fantasies it tries to keep spirit-filled people living there come out from among them and be he's separate there's a whole better thing on this side of the 180 because when you look at the beginning he says let us make man in our image so in the likeness of God he made man both male and female in his own likeness he made them both male and so what's a woman's created value to serve the man or to be found in God's likeness you're not here to serve the man you're here to be like him and if we all live to be like him we'll serve one another the reason she makes man complete is because man has an avenue to love and reproduce now and express and multiply who God made him to be he doesn't she doesn't make man complete cuz he had a deficit without her he makes man complete because he can manifest and reproduce with her and multiply what he was created to be so the whole earth is filled with his glory and we've turned it into sexual relations orgasms loneliness need to be loved need to be held need to feel special need to be valued we've turned it into curves and bust size and to just keep sensuality just thrive keep the flesh raging maybe even in the midst of our worship the first thing on every list of the flesh is sexuality I could turn you 2 Thessalonians have to turn you 2 Corinthians Galatians ya Ephesians Colossians sexuality first thing on the list and he doesn't tell you to manage it he doesn't tell you to balance it and he doesn't tell you to control it he tells you to put it to death why because what you were trained in is alive from hell it was not from the beginning well God gave us our sex drive stop it Adam gave you what you grew up with God gave you love not sex drive God gave you love not sex drive and just like we see his first love we love him the wife sees a love that she sheltered and protected in that she's nurtured in and she opens herself up to what is the safest place she's ever been and been held in that place she opens up and responds in that love the two come together and reproduce in that place after their own kind and the earth is filled with his glory it's not about orgasms it's about holiness in his presence it's about love why would you sell out for an orgasm when his presence wants to overtake you in your covenant union with your spouse I'm done with all that listen let me go back and get safe I'll go I'll go go go in safe ground remembered your condemnation shame so let's go back to the end of Genesis now we're in Genesis 4 and/or the end of Genesis 3 I mean and he says it says that God took off the fig leaves from Adam and Eve and what'd he do put on animal skins that were made from his own hands so yeah God's a hunter they had to skin him out I'm just sayin so because of their sin something already had to lose its blood something lost its life because sin cost life that's why sin there's no remission of sin without the shedding of blood cuz sin cost life but this isn't the redemption of man this is just a sign to us this is God prophecy and speaking it's you it's righteousness I know everybody preaches blood covenant there because the animals had to shed their blood to get their skins and it's true it's blood covenant but why isn't righteousness to us he took off their fig leaves and put animal skins made with his own hands so who clothed them if he let the fig leaves on Adam and Eve in Genesis 3 every day they wake up what is their awareness the day they messed up in blew it big I mean you know we've we have jokes and we blame it on the woman and the women get mad and say well he was in authority he's done the followed her and there's fights all the I heard this one story you know that this guy said he had a revelation that Adam and even and the kids Cain and Abel were walking through the mountains one day and it's desolate and charred and there's not much there and they looked down into this valley of lush and green and life and and and then Cain says or Abel's his mom dad look at that place down there we should go live there and Adam said well we used to some but your mother ate us out of house and home but it's really not that way Eve was deceived and Adam followed her instead of God so he literally committed treason and went against the word of the Lord and followed his wife so it's really on Adam I believe so I just told that joke just because I know honey I'm sorry it was a bad joke Oh was it that bad she's my little friend she sits right behind me I tickle her now I tell jokes she's crying if God leaves their fig leaves on what's their conscious awareness every day they live the day they missed and that they're separate from God they're naked they're ashamed every time the fig leaves start to wear out they have to make new ones and cover themselves what are they aware of the day they blew it and messed up the best thing ever so what's wrapped around that regret Gil condemnation and the Bible says where there's reget it's death it leads to death the worldly way the worldly way Corinthians 7 second aid 7 the worldly way of sorrow is regret and it leads to death because there's no redemption in regret but the godly way is godly sorrow where you realize how you hurt the plan of God you affected the lives of others you lived outside of what was purposeful and right and you go whoa duh what was I thinking you whether you weep or whether you just sincerely go man and take a step back and look and go whoa and run to him that's godly sorrow it leads to repentance errs of indication in it a clearing of yourself there's an increased zeal and indignation towards the lie and you prove to be clear in the matter by the way you live in respond that's what the scripture says in second finding 7 it's very powerful so guess what God does God puts animal skins on him so when they wake up and see the animal skins what's their first awareness the day God loved them forgave them and promised that there was a seed coming through the woman that would crush the head of the enemy so what did God do by putting on the animal skins he's prophesying the coming of his son in the day that men would live in righteousness covered by the work of God so he rules his kingdom with the scepter of righteousness and we've got to be skilled in righteousness we've gotta under and righteousness and we got to wake up everyday and present ourselves as numbers on to righteousness the Bible says you're a slave to righteousness the word slave means chained and bound to to serve it's testimony I'm I'm bound and chained to righteousness to live not guilty for the rest of my life because of his blood is that amazing or what so why do countless well-meaning Christians that are sincere sell out to guilt condemnation and shame identity Christ is in security and unworthiness and look in the mirror and not like who they are because we don't believe this gospel we don't separate herself from the thing we did wrong and run to him we're hiding in the fig leaves and the just shall live by yea but brother you don't know what I've done he knew what you did before you did it and he knew what you did before he sent his son he sees all things he's omniscient he knows the beginning from the end he he knew you were gonna miss it when he already was hanging there crucified but he's hoping and desiring and believing that his life give him would draw you unto him that you would see his goodness and you would be changed yeah and then all this religion and all this other stuff creeps in and works and legalism and all this stuff and then there's pendulum swings like this and people get real tight with it and then the other camp goes up and they get real loose with it and then they get tighter and they get looser and Jesus is standing here going hey guys there's a happy place right yeah and then instead of walking in love these camps fight and they write all this stuff and next thing you know you're not even preaching the gospel you're just preaching what everybody's missing you not even preaching the gospel after why you just preaching who not to listen to who's wrong you preach the gospel if I preach the clear gospel won't to protect you from the lives out there come on so when God put the fig leaves on him or off of them and put the animal skins on him what he's doing is he's teaching him that every day they wake up they think about the day that he came and forgave them in the midst of what they did wrong how he loved them and made them a promise of a future it's a sign of righteousness when he put their skins on him couple chapters later men are continually wicked in their hearts continually do you know where I'm at Genesis 6 and it says the Lord looked and he was sorry that he made man cuz man was just poo and people get they tear those scriptures up they like also God was sorry then why do you make man in the first place well he's not a man that he should repent why was he sorry we get so literal sometimes we miss the God's looking knowing the purpose and destiny of man he knows why man's on the earth and he's looking it's so perverted and and and everybody's doing the opposite extreme opposite of what they're here for living for themself at the cost and expense of one another when they're called the lay down their lives for each other so guess what God does he sends a flood you know that right and Noah and his family build a big old ark got persecuted for but when the floodwaters came they were in the ark they were floating on the water and everybody drowned sounds pretty awful huh Peter explains it in first Peter 3 this is Genesis 6 man this is only a few chapters passed at the beginning Peter says you know there was a day when 8 righteous souls were saved through water Noah and his family 8 righteous souls were saved through water we have this antitype which now saves us a photo was the blood brother it is the blood but it's also water baptism what do you mean we have this anti-type which now saves us water baptism not the cleansing of your flesh but the answer for a good conscience toward God what's he talking about what happens in water baptism you died everything you've ever been when you come out of the water what are you righteous in the sight of God what happened in the days of Noah God baptized the earth in water and when he brought the earth out of the water there was no unrighteousness on the earth and the only thing that remained through the water was eight righteous Souls and then he spoke to Noah almost per badum what he spoke to Adam from the beginning because the plans the same but he said this he said I'll never destroy the earth this way again it'll never be like this and he put a rainbow in the sky as a sign of his promise what was he saying there's a baptism coming that is unto righteousness not death and the only thing that will die is what men were but they're coming out of it alive men will not lose their life in the baptism coming accept the life that they were Peter had a revelation and said there's an antitype which now saves us who knows it would be good to have a good conscience towards God who knows a good conscience towards God would put you in intimacy with God and keep a veil off your face and you would stay one with him with a good conscience towards God is that true so what's Jesus say in the book of Mark believe and B he didn't separate the to believe and be believe and be baptized and you shall be he didn't say believe in you shall be saved that's what say he said believe and be baptized shall be saved why he's going after the good conscience and the righteousness and the dead to everything we were why did water baptism almost slip out of the church in most circles and it's sometimes it's an annual event at best because we don't preach transformation we preach go to heaven so we don't see the purpose of dying we just say confess him you show me one place in the book of Acts where they preach the gospel without water baptism and where men got saved and they didn't baptize him immediately it was all part of the message because it was all about transformation and coming out in righteousness believe and be and you shall be so sowed healed the liver protected preserved made whole and kept safe and Sam you guys with me come on this stuff is not difficult you know Jesus does believe in be baptized and you shall be saved and you know what we've done we've argued and split up and divided what's the name of Jesus only his name of the Father Son Holy Spirit no no that's Old Covenant that's New Covenant name of Jesus immersion sprinkling and then all the sudden we fight and we disagree and this is so simple believing be baptized shall be saved and we've made it complicated he said these signs shall follow those that believe they'll cast out devils they'll speak in new tongues we don't even really sometimes believe there's devils and we fight over tongues and think it's of the devil isn't it amazing what we've done with the precious gospel believe in be baptized you shall be saved I've baptized people that were twenty so sincere ready I've had parents call me so offended and so mad at me and say what are you doing baptizing my daughter I had her sprinkled when she was born and I'm like well good something took that's awesome you should be excited mama nobody's violating your efforts you're we're not rebaptised her that wasn't a believer baptism that was a christening that was a dedication that was you sending your daughter to the Lord and faith trusting his hand would be upon her life she's 20 she wants him she's laying down her life now her believer baptism she didn't believe a thing she doesn't remember that when she was newborn why would you in a fence deny her of her believer baptism maybe we do this stuff for our self to feel good and then we get violated and offended when our feel good is threatened and now we're offended because well what's what wasn't good enough about what I had done probably time to die mother here we have a water baptism how helped you you can't believe how much this stuff happens when you're in ministry the misunderstanding and how flared up people get and how hot cold they get like like the feather I mean it's amazing it just shows that we don't understand we're supposed to be dead feathers I mean we ought to all just get plucked people say well they get on my nerves I'm thinking you ought to get new nerves you're praying for them to change so they don't get on your nerves and I think God saying get new nerves it's like my pastor he was at an order and this lady come up see tried she flattered him a little bit she was trying to honor him to get him to pray a little bit she she really he said it was funny she's like you are such a man of God I know when you pray God answers your prayers and you walk close with him and I really need you to agree with me and pray and it's like okay honey I'll just pray you don't have to flatter me anymore and she said well please just pray with me for my husband he he knows how to get me going he has learned what to do and how to push my buttons in the right way and he does it on purpose and it just gets me every time and I want you to agree with God with me that God would cause him to stop pushing my buttons in my passengers a very wise man and he smiled and gently said you know I think I have a better line of Prayer she said wow what do you want to pray sir man ago let's pray that you go buttonless if there ain't nothing to push what he's doing won't work if you got a button it'll be pushed and she went oh cuz that's not what people are looking for that's that microwave thing Todd strong but they just want the spouse to change but if the spouse changes that just benefits you in that moment but you're still the same person and somebody else could push a button probably be better to just get rid of the buttons yeah or try to pray the rest of your life that God orchestrates everybody the way you need them that would not be cool are you guys okay okay I uh I don't even know what to do right now I was open to my Bible in faith hoping it landed somewhere you want to go hey man thanks you want to go to John chapter 20 with me and we'll close we're gonna pray something tonight we're gonna have fun something good is going to happen in here in it already has but but what I mean is God's gonna manifest some things in our lives or bodies it'll be fun he will yeah I know he will it's just the way he is I preach this all the time if you've listened to YouTube you hear me preach I preach this all the time it's in my top 100 list this scripture it's John 20 if you have a Bible you can go there if you want to pull it up on your phone cuz your screen will be lighted and you can read it that would be good I won't think you're texting it doesn't matter if I think you are not anyway you know if you are so did you ever hear somebody say well nobody will know you'll know and that's a problem because your conscience won't do well with that knowledge and then it'll subvert intimacy and you'll never bear fruit because you won't be with him boomer you know the story in John 20 mary went to the tomb and the tomb the stone was rolled away and Jesus wasn't in there right it's one of the most phenomenal sections of Scripture because it teaches us so much about this being free from sin thing and how God sees us and who knows the setting the setting is trauma the setting is all these disciples are going to die for him at the supper table he gets struck they all scatter one disciple runs out of his garments in his attempt to get away and streaks through the trees with nothing on now I don't know about you but if you run out of your clothes you're probably trying to get away but a minute ago they're gonna die for him could you imagine Jesus if he was anything like us at the Last Supper and he has foreknowledge that they're all going to scatter and they're all sitting there Sam will die for you will die for him they're all whispering among themselves I don't know I don't care what he says you know I mean he's usually right but but he thinks we're gonna desert him I'll never desert him I'm ready to die for him I ain't never denied him out giving my life yeah me too we're in dude yeah it's probably where fist-bump started right there at that table could you picture that conversation they're all fist bumping under the table so Jesus can't see but yet Jesus knows Jesus knows they're gonna betray him jesus knows Peter's denying him jesus knows Judas has already sold out Jesus knows could you imagine if he was anything like us he can't even break the bread he can't even pass the cup he's a hurting vessel man I can't even trust these guys I poured myself into these guys intimately and now they're gonna bail on me as soon as I'm struck they're gonna pick up their own lives that they said they laid down and they're gonna run off and run away as if they don't even know me that is painful I'm hurt and I need prayer could you picture Jesus breaking the bread and looking around the table going you know you guys I was gonna break this and say something but I just can't you know I thought I could trust you I mean I'm even wondering if that was the Lord's voice when I heard your names cuz if it was really God I mean you guys would be better then he sits down the table and John comes over and snow mesquite off of me John Terry you acting like you love me when you're not ready to die for me just stay off of me look it's a little tense right now they're coming in a minute and I'm gonna die and you're gonna run and you went act like you love me you don't love me you love yourself you say well he couldn't do that cuz all the scriptures were written it was all though he's Jesus he couldn't do that cuz he's Jesus he couldn't do that cuz he's love that's why I couldn't do that and he called you to love like he loves and if he loved us this way are we not love so when I put that mentality in his mouth the reason we're laughing hysterically cuz we know that's the common mentality on the earth but it sounds hysterical putting in the mouth of Jesus cuz we know the person of Jesus so why doesn't that mentality sound just as Xterra call innocent and as the father sent me so I send you and as he is so are we and the things I do you'll do if you believe in your predestined to be conformed to the image of his son and he's firstborn among many [Music] they're all scriptures like six of them right in a row boo boo boo boo boom do you need any more there's a couple more you have exceedingly great and precious promises by which you partake of His divine nature escaping the corruption that's in the world through self-centered seeking second Peter 1 oh it's right there what's the promises for to assure that you have ample grace to partake of who he is on the inside so you can be separate from living for yourself like you used to and escape the snare that's in the world so if any man come after me let him first deny himself he didn't say first pray a prayer in case he dies tonight and hits a tree and doesn't make it he didn't say that he didn't he doesn't if anybody is gonna come after me anybody you're all invited if anybody's gonna come after me let him deny themselves why cuz you were not made for you you're made for my image and I'm here representing the image you were made for when you see me you've seen the father now don't just sing to me and don't just pray to me when you're in need follow me so deny yourself pick up your cross taxi through life and situations with the perspective where you don't let sin against you have the right to commit sin in you or through you you overcome evil with good you toned down a harsh word with a kind word you let mercy triumphs over judgment and you let mercy cover and love cover a multitude of sin follow me [Applause] don't just come to me and try to get to heaven come to me and let me put heaven back into you so the kingdom of God is here and don't look there and don't look there cuz it's in you you see what's wrong with me that's good news and my problem is I believe it I believe I'm gonna sleep so good tonight it doesn't even make sense to people like I sleep about five hours you'd have to hit me on the head with a hammer to get me to sleep more than five and a half why how just full of life I'm gonna go to bed tonight it's gonna be like a battery charger I'm gonna lay down and it's just gonna be like click mmm I'll go to bed I'll have to go to bed by faith well I'll Lam dad now be like father you just and in about five hours a little lighter go it's not yeah I'm sorry I'm not trying to condemn anybody I'm just telling you full of life just like a battery charger man but I go to bed that way wake up that way is what Todd was explaining this morning you don't go to bed and make love with your pillow and be glad you made it through the day oh that's why you can't get up in the morning because you can't face what you barely made it through I mean we call it depression I call it wrong thinking not the Ameen to people that have clinical situations but a lot of its perspective problems you can't face what almost destroyed you how did Jesus wake up every day when they were constantly out to get him he would stand in the streets and preach absolute total flawless truth and all they would hear for and listen for is what they didn't agree with and what they could criticize and he got up and faced that every day he heard their thoughts words weren't cool and stayed the same I loved him I'm learning from him I'm gonna follow him how about following him with me yeah I got to do this it's gonna get late I'm sorry they really give you the mic late here though you know we like really are in love with Jesus and worship Him we do all them testimonies is a phenomena or what listen all the tests I sit there in love the testimonies but it's scary when you give me a mic at like 8:15 and I'm like just getting wound up right now like I never like I never land I just stop cuz a time like actually a week ago was the first time in my Christian life that I landed that that I was done preaching I was it was amazing to me I was like huh the pastor looked at me like for real they said well we usually go to about 12 at 11:27 I was done and I stopped but I landed I was done and I knew I was done and the Lord was like if you talk any more you'll talk too much you're done this is the first time ever like I have never heard the control tower say bring it in down ever like I'm I'm going I see the runway I see where we can land we're right in line we go right you say aren't you gonna run out of fuel not a chance buddy all night long people falling out of windows but I never heard the control tower tell me to bring it in ever people teach how you gotta learn to wrap up and cast the net and end a sermon I don't even know what they're talking about I stand up here my heart goes like I don't even know what's coming out next I have nothing planned my preparations being with him you know what he told me a long long long time ago like 23 years ago three days saved God spoke to me in English he said I'm gonna put revelations of my love and righteousness in you and you're gonna speak to many of my people he said however I don't ever want you to read your Bible to preach a sermon he said I only ever want you to read your Bible to know me and only ever speak out of Who I am in your life and that will carry weight and bring change let's do John 20 so the guys are scared they're in the room they're scared they're hiding somewhere they're afraid we would or two we're not dishing on them then we're making fun of them they were afraid of death like some Christians in New Covenant are afraid of death they were afraid that what happened to Jesus was going to happen to them so they were huddled for fear of that and afraid to leave the room Miss Mary she just goes right out to the tomb cuz she loves him he's the best thing that ever happened to her and she don't care if he's dead it's the best way she can relate she'll just lean against the stone with her cheek on it if she has to but she's gonna be where he is that's Mary I love it Mary gets there and the stones rolled away and he's not there that's a little startling to a woman like Mary you got to understand this is not a Bible story this isn't a movie scene this is real this happened to a woman that knew him a woman that loved him obviously with her life so she gets there and Jesus says to her in verse 15 woman why are you weeping whom are you seeking she's supposing him to be the gardener said sir now I can't answer I don't know haven't even thought about it or really asked the Lord about it it didn't seem that important ever to me but I'm thinking about it right now I don't know why she didn't recognize him immediately because she thought he was the gardener she said sir if you have carried him away tell me where you've laid him look how much she honors him she just wants to get his body tell me where you've laid him and I will take him away and Jesus said to her matching this guy's this happened to marry she loved him he said marry and she goes can you imagine but last time she sees him he's unrecognizable and dead and you can't tell it's him unless you were with him from the beginning because he was marred more than any of the sons of men Jesus's visages marred more than anybody ever was by people it's in your Bible the worst thing they've ever done to a man Jesus looked worse than that when you light somebody on fire on a stake and stack wood around that stake and torch a person when the fire goes out do you think you can tell that they're even male or female he lost his appearance he lost his visits you couldn't recognize him you didn't even know who it was why was it so so why why did it why couldn't it just be 39 lashes and some spikes and some blood cuz in the garden God made man for his image and he told Adam to never eat the tree or the day you eat the tree you're surely gonna die he was talking about the image cuz Adam didn't fall over dead so when sin got done with Adam in the garden he didn't look anything like he was created to be he lost his appearance so Jesus had to come and lose his appearance as a man to pay the price to get man's appearance back in the Lord he was separated from God so you're forever joined he died so you'll forever live he was marred beyond description so you and I could get our identity back very powerful you got to see this stuff it's more than an Easter story a suffering Savior it's God becoming man and fulfilling what man failed so man could be restored back to what he was created to be don't minimize it don't follow the flesh let's go after this thing he says Mary and she turned to him and said rabboni which means teacher she recognized him it's you teacher now you know she's voting for him she's going right at him she's not like backing up oh she's running straight at him because he said don't cling to me Mary she's coming hard she's like bony she's common and he says don't cling to me Mary why is he unsocial he tells you I don't cling to me Mary I haven't yet ascended to the Father what's he saying the reason I'm here the reason I came has come it was finished on the cross I didn't need to take any more beating it was all complete I gave my spirit up I died but now I'm raised from the dead the best part is coming right now I'm gonna take my blood not the blood of bulls and goats but I'm gonna take my own blood into the mercy seat into a heavenly tabernacle and I'm gonna be a priest under God for man and I'm gonna sit down on that blood at the right hand and make mediation on behalf of men for all time so Mary don't cling to me yet cuz I didn't wrap this thing up yet I gotta go to the Father that's what's happening you'll see it's Hebrews 9 it's right here it's unfolding Hebrews 9 is happening right here is how you know it don't cling to me Mary I have not yet ascended to my father but go tell my lowlife backstabbing two-faced say one thing do another non disciples that I have plenty of issues and concerns about them and I'm thinking of enrolling them into some more discipleship course don't cling to me Mary I haven't yet ascended in my father but we do go tell my brother in that amazing they didn't do one thing right and when he called him brother and he's saying I haven't changed my mind about you I know what you're here for I know what I've invested in you and I know what's possible you go tell my brother and that I'm going to my father and your father he's making us one I'm going to my god and your God what's he saying to them boys I'm not mad and you're not disqualified you know what the word father means there come forth from I'm going to the one I came forth from and I'm going to the one you came forth from you know the word God means their source of life I'm going to the source of life and he's your source of life you came forth from the source of life Mary came and told the disciples that she had seen the Lord and spoken these things to her and then the same day in the evening now we know he was on the road to Emmaus with two other disciples in another gospel and write about evening time he broke bread and their eyes opened and they went that was the Lord we should have been known didn't our hearts burn when he spoke so I'm not sure he had a busy schedule that day but we know he said he was going to the Father so did he go to the Father he said don't cling to me I haven't yet ascended so do you think he ascended because he came back same day here's how you know he ascended it's Romans 5:1 you now have peace with God through the Lord Jesus Christ by faith through the Lord Jesus Christ meaning his blood and have access into this grace in which we now stand so you have what did the blood do made peace between God and man what's the first thing out of his mouth when he walked in the room of the guys that were assembled for fear of the Jews he walked in and said peace to you why because right now his blood is on the mercy seat speaking better things and men are no longer seeing guilty in the sight of God for their sins when they believe so watch what he does he he helps make them believers hands his side they were so glad when they saw was the Lord do you see that in your Bible so glad when they saw was the Lord as soon as they realized it's really you what's the first thing you think hit their souls how they betrayed him how they denied him how they didn't do one thing right do you think that's probably what happened what's the next thing out of his mouth he says peace to you shows him his hands aside they go wow it's really you and then they go oh and the second thing out of his mouth peace to you it's a different piece the first piece is I've made peace between you and God you have peace with God the second piece is hey I know how you're feeling right now but stop it it's okay I love you don't you be condemned I haven't changed my mind about you how do you know he's saying that Dan you're reading into that nope watch peace be to you watch as the father sent me so I send you he's totally commissioning them to follow him and they've done nothing right to this point his blood speaking better things qualifying them and making them righteous in the sight of God so he's handing them the baton of the New Covenant New Testament church and we say as he says as the father sent me so I send you and we usually bring in the power of God there in miracles but for God so so how did God send the son in love as the father sent me so I send you now watch what he did this is the part that gives the whole chapter away when he said this he breathed on them and said receive the Holy Spirit so it sounds like Jesus is a little charismatic maybe he's been going to a spirit-filled Church for a while I don't know but he's like oh just having fun with you he holds all things together by the word of his power why doesn't he just say receive Holy Spirit why'd he breathe on him very important you don't miss this he's the redemption of man he brings man back to the beginning so what happened on the first day of man God saw man for what he wanted to make man to be and he breathed on that vision and man became a living being he goes puts his blood on the mercy seat the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world so now he took the sin away he didn't just forgive it he took it away came back day one where God breathes into man and man can live again as if sin never happened the tree of the knowledge of good and evil still there the voice is still there follow me and the judge I live by are you guys getting this it's the only reason he would breathe why we need to say be filled with Holy Spirit he breathed so we don't miss it that were brought back to the beginning to original value in our consciousness is no longer sin but Christ in us so we wake up every day and celebrate that truth trees that become good and our fruits automatic trees of righteousness the planting of the Lord are you with me so that's your life in him not being mean not being sarcastic I can't live that for you and no one can live that for you you got to say in your heart that's amazing and I believe that God and that's my purpose that's my potential and that's how you see me because you died once for and I'm not gonna be so self-centered and deceived that I exclude myself from all yeah I've had people say yeah brother I mean it hey it works for you that just doesn't work for me oh my goodness stop stop stop stop stop stop that's deception it's not that the gospel works it's relational and it's God loves you so you be loved by God in your life be changed do you know why we pray for the sick you know why Todd prayed for the sick last night you say because they were sick well that sounds right but the reason we pray for the sick and should have faith to pray for the sick is the forgiveness of sins and by His stripes were healed he bore our sin and your sin and my sin and his body on the tree that we having lived for righteousness not guilty were not guilty by His stripes were healed do you remember the serpents that came in the wilderness they were biting people they were down by the thousands because they love the worthless bread the manner that was coming down from heaven they said and what is this worthless stuff anyway it was a type in shadow of the bread that was coming it was a sign of the gospel and God's provision in sustaining power through Christ he said I was on the bread so the bread was Christ and guess what they did they complained and loathed it and said we don't want this stuff anymore what is it anyway manna and thousands of them died when these serpents came and Moses went on behalf of the people because they said look Moses we've sinned we made a big mistake would you go tell God was sorry so Moses runs over to God and tears another robe and throws some dirt on his head and says God would you forgive the people he says you know what I'll forgive them he said here's what I need you to do Moses you take bronze melt it down and make a replica of that serpent in spite in them and you up on a pole and it'll be that every man that looks it's still the medical symbol to this day the serpent on the pole it'll be that any man that was bitten looks at that pole and sees that serpent on the pole and and and if he was bitten he'll be healed well I was five six seven months saved and I'm sitting on my bed reading that and I'm like this is really weird you're not supposed to make graven images you're not to make false idols why would you make a bronze Serpent and put it on a pole why wouldn't you wave a flag that says y'all why wouldn't you take Aaron's rod that budded and and hold it up to represent life why wouldn't you take the Ark of the Covenant elevated so people could sit why would you put the serpent that was killing them make a replica and put her on a pole and the Lord said it's very simple down there my Hebrew people they understand the law that anything hanging on a pole has been cursed by God so I put the thing that was killing him on a pole faith rose in their heart because they knew I answered Moses his prayer and cursed what was killing them and they were instantly healed and he who knew no sin was made - so did God curse his son on the cross or did he curse sin in the flesh you're not supposed to see a suffering Savior you're supposed to see sin cursed by God and it'll be that any man looks to him by His stripes we are because I'm not guilty I'm not condemned he was made to be sin so I could become the righteousness of God in Christ and be judged not guilty we turning him to a soft we turn him into a suffering Savior in a passport to eternal life and we miss that the law of the spirit of life in Christ has made me free from the law of sin and death that sin shall have no dominion over me because God cursed sin in the flesh we're supposed to get that so it's why we pray for the sick yeah can we give there a way to get some lights out here so we can see each other can't you do that or that mess up something somebody help me can we don't they turn them lights on they keep you guys in the darker why doesn't somebody like turn on the light like what like I want to be able to see you guys we need to see each other there there we go good we're gonna do some we're gonna close but I want to do something okay I usually have an order call for this I'm not I'm gonna let you guys pray for each other and it's gonna be phenomenal yeah that's exactly what I feel like it's called Redemption it's brought back to original value I get testimonies from people cuz I preach this stuff okay the reason I get testimonies isn't like just cuz I'm anointed I have a gifting I'm not making light of that stuff but we focus on it so much oh you're so annoying have a gifting hour please you gotta pray for me stop stop you believe the gospel that stop running to one person all the time for prayer thinking they got a grip on something the whole reason we're to teach is to teach and train and train and equip and multiply for the work of the ministry yeah so so the reason that I get these emails and testimonies isn't because of the gifting on my life it's because of the message I preach don't miss that I can tell when I say that there's always people that want to fight that and they don't believe that they think the reason that there was healing last night is because we're under the umbrella of Todd White's ministry that's what people believe no buts because we're making the gospel simple and saying he loves us all this way and we can all be believers you show me one scripture that it says these signs shall follow the gifted the sign follows who believer and I think that's you and me I saw the sick healed way before anybody called me pastor why because I'm a believer but here's the testimonies that get from people because I preached this and we're gonna do it tonight I'm not gonna have an order call I usually have an order call and I have fun with it because I don't usually pray for people much in services because then the focus gets on the individual that's ministering and the speaker but when it comes to Redemption I usually jump in and have fun because I like it and I like when Jesus takes something out of your body that's not supposed to ever come out I really liked it like an STD like hepatitis like the email I just got after several tests HIV undetectable not because I'm anointed and gifted because I preach this stuff because I stood on the beach on Florida and she said are you trying to tell me that God would take aids out of my body I'm telling you he absolutely would take aids out of your body if he forgave you of all your sin and we'll never see you as a drug addict or a prostitute then why would if God will never judge you honey for where you've been why is where you been judging you if old things pass away and all things become new that ain't new that's old that needs to go so if you could go back and do over again and change those days of a drug addiction would you of course you're not using anymore you're not selling your body anymore you're not doing cheap tricks to stay high sweetheart you're not the woman you're telling me about you've been changed so if God will never judge you for where you've been where you've been should never have the right to judge you because all things are made new well yeah but brother she made her bed she needs to sleep in and no no no Jesus has a brand-new bed prepared for her it's called new life through Jesus Christ clean sheets amazing crawl in and sleep tight baby yeah come on if you're a new creation and old things pass away and behold all things are new then why should that thing be there here's what qualifies you for redemption if you could go back and do something over now that you know what you know you would but here's the dilemma you can't but you can change and when you change you'll never be judged for what you were you'll be judged for what you've become god I'll never see you for your past they'll see you for your present and things to come Geo many good-hearted people made bad mistakes made one vital sexual mistake and that thing bit him and marked him for life and put some in their blood like an STD that's incurable and now they get married and have to jump that hurdle for the rest of their life because they made a mistake when they were 17 and was sure they were in love and thought they were going to get married anyway and or they were just insecure and felt lonely and just needed to be with someone and then they got born again or they got repent and then said man that is not the answer Jesus you're all I want not want to save myself for covenant why should the STD from when you were 17 track with you for the rest of your life and keep reminding you of the day you were I think we ought to get aggressive and say that stuff needs to come out if you were going through a dark season and you were cutting yourself because you just were numb and you lost sight of your value and you were in this dark season and you were just cutting yourself why should those scars have to stay on your life the rest of your life if you see now and you see your value now oh I'm sure you could turn it into a testimony but what would touch your life greater turning that into a testimony you're looking down and seeing they're not there I've seen a whole lot of this stuff in my life because I preached it not because I'm gifted because I preached it I've seen young ladies standing an order that were covered with burns and scars and would wear long sleeves because they didn't want people to keep asking what happened to them and then they roll up their sleeves and scream and shake and cry because Jesus puts new skin on their body yeah so I'm either a sicko and I'm making that up for some temporal applause I'm telling you the truth it's one or the other so maybe tonight we ought to go for some redemption huh maybe tonight we ought to be like really seriously humble in front of one another and acknowledge if we have a situation like that and ask the people around us to believe that God redeems it completely because here's the deal we're all in the same boat we've all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God some of us sinned and deserve a mark and never got one some of us messed up one time in an arena and got bit for life some of us sinned way more in an area than others and got away with it it seems like in the long run now we're forgiven and yeah and we're on and was smarter but we never came out with more and other people got hammered and marked in that place it's not fair there's no mercy out there I was in a service like this one day way back when I first started preaching this I tell the story all the time because it's one that moves me so much it's very emotional there's a low 50s aged lady she's in the middle and we're praying and I told everybody it's none of my business what's in you what you got I don't need to know I just need to know you're free so we're praying boom boom boom I even told him that night I said I don't need no catcher's I don't need nothing it ain't they ain't falling that things coming out just just leave me alone with Jesus we'll be fine buh-buh-buh-buh-buh I get to this lady and she grabs my arm and cries and looks at me in the eyes and she says and it just ripped my heart I'm looking at this sweet lady crying saying this you know what she's saying and I said honey stop I don't need to know I'm just capricious she leads up and tells the whole story in my ear she's married for 30 years to the same man turns out that it was the only man in her whole life she ever knew sexually her husband that's a rare testimony never committed a sexual sin in her life but guess what 30 years into the marriage he gets his eyes on a 35 year old for some reason she's attracted to the 52 year old and they take off together him in his new model and guess what she does breaks and fall apart and feels like she's not a woman anymore I lost my attractiveness I don't have it I'm old abandoned alone 30 years he's gone this guy short-wave rolls into her life and starts encouraging her and telling her things she's so needs to hear and in no time she crawls him back with while she's in bed it hits her she said I pushed him off and said no no this is wrong she's crying telling me the whole story about she said I grabbed my things and I ran can you imagine the torment of that night for her can you imagine the torment in the morning can you imagine what's going through her for the next weeks now we got a problem symptoms start breaking out in her body she said what is this what is weird she goes to her family doctor lifelong family doctor he does these tests he sits her down and says honey we need to talk what's going on with you like what's happening in your life she tells him the whole story he said you have an incurable STD that's in your nervous system it will deplete some major organs and it will cost you years on your life one sexual sin in her whole life in a moment of deception and vulnerability and that thing bitter for keeps cuz there's no mercy in that arena but guess where there is mercy huh religion says we're brothers he should know better she needs to get a grip on her emotions you don't go compromising the truth because your husband left he should never crawl him that with that man you reap what you sow brother you don't even know God trying to talk about him tragedy I looked at her with so much passion and I said I said stop you've told me plenty stop she's looking down at the carpet now cuz she's confessed and she feels ashamed because she's relating to what she did now said no no you need to look at me and she's looking down I tipped her chin and made her look me right in the eyes and she's struggling to hold that look I said no no look at me very nice I said that's coming out of you do you hear me I said in there ain't nothing nobody can do about it well that sour again brother that's relationship you call it whatever you want but you just don't understand you're just quick to speak Amen I know you do so I prayed and said something simple like come out of her and don't you ever touch her again no fire no lightning she didn't shake she didn't tremble no Usher's just went down then and just prayed for the rest of the people six weeks later I went back to their church cuz I was helping out because they didn't have a pastor she came running to me she's lit up and bouncy pastor pastor guess what I said what she said they've done several tests in a row and there's no trace of it in my plot [Applause] so I'm a teacher right you figured that out I'm a teacher so I didn't celebrate I didn't clap it wasn't cuz I'm not honoring God he knows he's leads me to do stuff all the time and most of the time I don't even know until it's over and I go that was cool but I looked at her real calm and I said wasn't arrogance I said of course it's gone I said do you know why yes because he's so loved and I laughed and said yes he's all those things but all those things he is needs a place to land in your life so let me tell you why that's not in your blood she looked at me puzzled like I already told you why a tiptoe chin and I said cuz you're not that kind of girl [Applause] Freyja is that a good gospel or wha was she that kind of girl absolutely not you think just because you did something that's who you are she is tore up over it she needs a better plan called redemption and restoration and vindication in total healing so what do you say we believe for that kind of move in the room tonight what do you say that we believe that whether you've hurt your memory through a binge long-term abuse you don't concentrate you don't sleep well you just don't have the function like you used to emotionally that God would make that completely new tonight what do you say that if you've got something in your blood that's not from the beginning that's a product of where you've been and what you've done whether it be a hepatitis and HIV and STD something in your blood that we believe God would just completely cleanse your blood tonight through his blood would you want to do that what about if you've cut yourself and marked yourself and scarred yourself that you would be honest and humble and say I went through a dark season and I've done some things to my body I want to believe God would take that away you want to believe that he'll do that what do you say do you think he might I know we will so what do you say we do that tonight I've never done it this way so this is a this is new for me so I'm gonna step out in faith and do what I felt like I perceived when I was sitting over there I usually have an altar call and I pray over everybody because I like to because I know I have faith for redemption because I've seen Redemption countless times I saw a lady a young lady who took a razor blade ten times down the Front's of her thighs and spaced it it looked like she used a ruler she had ten down this one and ten down this one right in the front three inches long raised up purple because of cut over top a cut over now she's born again and she looks at her legs and wish she didn't mark her one time god-given legs and she's weeping about what she did but she did it but she's changed and as we prayed for her all twenty of those raised elevated three inch scars completely vanished as we pray well I don't believe that Dan I understand unbelief so real problem in the body of Christ it really is hmm but it happened in that same auto call there was a boy standing who had a purple railroad track carved into his forearm purple it looked like a tattoo but it was a scar God healed his mind and as he was being prophesied over the railroad track disappeared in front of our eyes as mom hyperventilated screamed and almost passed out hmm well you say we believe God for redemption if you marked your body when we're gonna do this together so stay with me and stay in order it's a lot of us but I'm on a mic so we can do this I've never done it this way so be patient with me I'm walking this out in faith to not the redemption part the way it looks part if you need redemption in your life and you've marked your life in some way through wrong living mistakes being somewhere you shouldn't are doing something you wish you didn't but in your heart you're saying man if I knew then what I know now I wouldn't have been there then I've changed but nonetheless I'm still carrying the remembrance of that in my body whether it's my flesh my blood are you following me I need you to stand and only you stand to your feet if you have something you're carrying from your past in your present stand to your feet be humble it's not about what you've done and where you've been everybody in this room is sinned and fallen short of the glory of God I've done things in my past that deserved a mark I just never got one my son he says dad I should have got a mark over again and over again a hundred times and never somehow got a mark I know some people that hardly did much at all and got a mark so whether you did much or did a little if you have a mark from yesterday and you're saying I wish I didn't do what I did I just wish you didn't go where I went but I can't change that and regret what eat me alive so I'm gonna stand before God and believe he loves me redeems me and forgives me and I'm gonna believe that total Redemption comes to my spirit soul and body blameless till he comes are you willing to do that tonight come on I need some more people to stand I know it in my heart stand to your feet real quick don't be ashamed stand to your feet I need some people you're holding out you didn't stand yet come on it's a bunch of yeah I saw it in my heart good thank you you're standing upright 25 people stood since I said that just so you know because I can see everybody anybody else need to stand come on I wouldn't wait if I didn't believe this was real and I didn't believe he was still sitting and don't want you involved I got plenty of people to pray for we got enough standing but I want everybody stand to your feet if that's you don't sit down and don't think I wonder what people will say I wonder what the guy beside my woman what my family member will say come on why are you living in a closet in the dark anyway let's just get this thing out here this is getting the light and let's go through it and let Jesus redeem it right I'm gonna have you stay standing here and then I'm gonna have you raise your hand here in a second and the people that are around you I want to make sure that everyone has at least one person with them don't gang pile up on somebody until everybody's covered okay like don't ten of you surround somebody just cuz they're close make sure everybody gets covered before we tag-team you get it if you want to when they get to you if you want to tell them what it is that you stood for and you don't mind telling them because you feel like it's a contact point of faith and they can pray specifically if that's where your faith is that's totally acceptable but listen people that are praying if they just say just pray for me and they don't want to talk about it that's okay it really is okay it's none of our business what's going on there okay yes ma'am stand up she just ask of emotions if her emotions or sometimes are connected to wrong believing so you don't always need prayer you need truth in your life but I feel like it would be good for you to stand okay somebody's gonna stand with you it's gonna be a really good night for you yeah cuz look at me honey jesus loves you he will never ever see you for anything that you've done and he doesn't see you for anything done to you and you got to be very careful you don't see yourself for what was done to you and what you've done but you see what was done for you through him and that's what separates you tonight you're gonna receive a grace to live sanctified you really are I see it in my heart yeah I feel like the piece of that's already coming on you right now it's really good if you have scars if you've cut yourself and you want to tell the person listen I just want you to pray if they're in a disclosed place and you can't see them that's fine you don't have to show them to anybody if you want to tell them just tell them if it's hepatitis tell them if you want to if it's STD tell them if you want to sometimes that's healthy for you to just say you know what I've made a lot of mistakes in my life and yeah I'm carrying an STD man and I don't want to take that the rest of my life and into my marriage and God I know God loves me and forgives me so do y'all follow what we're doing so before we pray I need you all that are standing just to look at me real quick here just look at me and an answer this one question in your heart knowing the person you are now in the revelation you've walking in and yet you've grown in in the way you've come to know God or whatever level that is if you could go back and do things over concerning yesterday would it look different now that you know what you know now would it absolutely that's not passionate absolutely with tears I like it so here's what I need you to do - so do you believe God loves you do you believe he forgives you of everything you've ever done then I believe we ought to be redeemed huh so raise your hand real high just one hand listen we're not praying I'm not praying for you I just want people to know who you are there's a lot of you standing people sitting go run to them real quick don't pray yet don't pray yet just go grab them say hey you're mine as soon as they grab you put your hand down as soon as you get claimed put your hand down put your hand down if they get you I only want your hand up if nobody found you yet man there's a lot of guys in the upper room back there man somebody make sure they go get them look at them guys are in heavenly places man go get Oh keep your hands up back there guys somebody's coming keep your hand up until somebody gets you if you're on the floor don't tag-team I don't want three on one when we still have hands raised I want one on one until everybody's covered Oh only have your hand up if you don't have anybody okay I got a guy right here can somebody find their way to him you got him good good how about the girl behind you or she yeah we can get her hand down if she's cleaned there's the guy back there and a pink like shirt I think it's pink that's a secure man that's awesome dude you look good in pink man you got him is there anybody that's not accounted for that we don't have go like this please it's a very large room we got everybody in the next two seconds three seconds either tell them what you're believing for or just say I don't need to share just belief for me I'm believing for redemption if you want to tell them tell them if one's not right one's not wrong just tell them sometimes it's good because it releases faith in each other okay you ready does everybody know what they're praying or that third dirt that that needs to know no and is everybody ready to pray are you ready now listen careful listen careful when you pray I just want you to speak Redemption over them the God makes all things new if they told you what it was let's just say it's an STD STD you come out of their blood herpes you leave HPV you come out of them and you never touch them again father thank you for loving them forgiving them and washing them clean right simple direct prayer it shouldn't take it should be under 10 seconds if you were a cutter and you told people I was a cutter you pray for everything to disappear right now okay okay if you didn't tell him you were a cutter believe it's gonna go all right are you ready pray for him right now redemption in Jesus name completely clean in this room yeah clean blood yeah HIV leave hepatitis go STDs leave every scar every mark from that season go suicidal scars go Jesus name mines be restored emotions be restored memory be restored amen start thanking God right now if you're being prayed for thank God that he loves you start thanking God that he forgives you a lot of you are going to need to get a test done to see your blood and check your blood but what I need you to do right now is just say thank you you love me you're doing it in me you love me God thank you thank you okay thank God begin to thank God that He loves you okay you don't need to pray anymore thank God if it's not if it's not too discreet in an area if it's an area you can look and you were a cutter and you're not ashamed to start checking and look and look and check if you were cut or look and check if you can without giving it or without getting in proper check your check yourself if you were a cutter if you were a cutter and you're looking at some spots that had marks and they're not there let us know who you are be humble and let us know you are is there any yeah anybody out there you were a cutter and you're looking Jack don't be ashamed if you can if you can not everybody can sometimes I learned that they do you do it in other places scars are going anybody let me see you I know there's people we prayed for going ok good yeah yeah they will and they'll just go go go just thank God for anybody else scars cutter right there going going yeah put your hands down so we can see who else the cutter it's just something we can check cutter you know they're going who are you there's got to be more yeah there and there yeah right there thank you Jesus anybody else the only reason I'm asking that one specifically is because that's one that you can obviously check you can't check for hepatitis right now probably or you can't check for HIV but a cutter you can check suicidal scars I've seen I don't know how many people they had their whole wrists lacerated from a drunken binge carving themselves and Jesus took that all the way is there anybody else you were a cutter and you're checking and your scars are going is there anybody that didn't acknowledge that and you need to it's good it gets everybody excited and happy yeah you yeah it's going completely going yeah now listen if you're standing there and you're saying man I can still see my scars here's what I need you to do right now with me okay don't turn this into a point in time turn this into a truth and you leave here excited you don't leave here disconnected I want you to turn this into a truth I want you to do this with me if you were prayed for for something that was visual and physical and it's still there I want you right now with me to thank God just thank God right now thank you Lord you love me and you have changed everything about me and you're continuing to change everything about me and you are making all things new for one reason Lord watch this do this with me for one reason Lord because you love me and you proved it through your son father redemption in Jesus name father I thank you that blood tests change I thank you there's no more symptoms or breakouts there's no more herpes there's no more genital warts I thank you Lord God there's no more evidence of blood disease I thank you when they get tests done that they're normal and negative all across this room in Jesus name Amen amen now I'm gonna I'm gonna close and leave the platform but I want you to do one more thing for each other if you still have some other kind of physical sickness
Channel: Todd White
Views: 173,557
Rating: 4.857336 out of 5
Id: Qq3fElpIHPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 0sec (7320 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2019
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