Todd White - Being Angry With God

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be seated and let's hang out for a bit and just talk about some really good stuff okay guys good all right all right I just I had this question on my heart or were doing worship and we're worshiping today how many of you have ever gotten mad at God raise your hands okay all right there we go okay well that's a good place to start I guess then because that would really be a bad thing for you be mad if I god that's only good alright I'm just fear something in here are you ready okay let's go to Philippians for yesterday I told you to turn there I kind of covered some stuff but I never took you in there so I'd like to take you in there and then cover some stuff cool this morning I I was amazing like yesterday it's it's His grace that enables me to function but I landed at 5:55 while I was post land 555 but landed an hour later and went through a whole day of travel and then another whole day of travel it seemed like and I lost the day somewhere in the middle of there and got here and then just ran got to my hotel went to work out as soon as I landed I'm back to my room took a shower chilled for about 25 minutes go time so we're out buh buh buh buh buh buh buh buh boom and then I went to sleep last night at like 11:30 I woke up this morning at like 555 but it was an amazing that was amazing straight through right I woke up this morning and I'm like to see if I gets more rest the host Burt it's like ah let's hang out so we hung out for about three and a half hours just spent some really good quality me and him time which is everything ah I think it's amazing that I get to like that I get to travel and I get to share my heart and all I get to do is talk about my relationship it's so crazy I mean that's really what it is I mean my ministry is called lifestyle Christianity because personally I believe that Christianity should just be a lifestyle as simple as it sounds what's that mean means that we're supposed to have a certain lifestyle as Christians we're supposed to be different than the world we're supposed to look completely different not just thread-like we're supposed to have a hope that's in us that's different than anybody else has but how can you have hope in something that you're mad at and how can you truly trust in somebody that you don't believe in and I'm not saying that you didn't believe enough to get to heaven I'm just saying that maybe you didn't believe enough for having to get into you there's anxiety in the body of Christ and worry and fear and all kinds of stuff I mean everywhere I go it's it's it's concentrated the enemy is concentrated on making you doubt on making you fear on making you anxious on making you worry and it's the very thing that you're commanded to never do but how can you stop worrying if you don't believe in the one that told you not to or believed in his ability to keep you from worrying he has all right kinda you know I'm worried right I said yesterday about the Matthew Matthew 11:28 Jesus has come to me all of you who are weary burdened down and broken hurting because you're like being squeezed by life he says come to me and I will give you rest then he says learn from me and you will find it come to me and I'll give you rest and learn from me and you'll find it that's crazy Waymon I thought I already got rest well I did but that's that's so that you can be forgiven but the reality of forgiveness needs to be so concentrated in your soul that you actually believe that you've really been forgiven and that regret gets cast out because regret produces death but godly sorrow leads to repentance regret produces death it is a life of bondage regret is bondage anxiety is bondage fear hopelessness depression anxiety bitterness the devil thinks about these things the devil wishes that he never did what he did but he didn't there's no hope for him so he wants you to think that you're hopeless he wants you to be depressed he wants you to be angry he wants you to be bitter he wants you to be afraid and he wants you to cop attitude towards people and he would love for you to cop an attitude towards your father because if you could cop an attitude towards your father you could never display him you might be able to display his gift because the gifts and callings of God are without repentance but you wouldn't be able to display relationship because in order to have a relationship with somebody you actually have to trust the one that you're in it with Hey okay in Philippians 4 verse 6 it says to be anxious for nothing don't be concerned about anything I mean it actually says that so if I I'll go in here to Philippians 4 I'm going to go into the Strong's Concordance because there's an app that I can it's pretty amazing I don't have to page through and find it I can just touch it boom some of you might think that this isn't important but I promise you oh it says this in the King James these doubt though thou this dine in Philippians 4:6 it says be careful for nothing that sounds weird so they had to translate it in some other way so we could get it right but they weren't careful be anxious about take thought take thought in nothing what is that right I'm serious take thought and nothing take thought and nothing take thought take thought and nothing that's worth take no weird place of thinking and something that's worth nothing don't let your mind get straight away and think about stuff that doesn't mean anything does that make sense late this make the dude translation no I'm not bringing down the word I'm saying there's a depth to it that's so powerful it says don't let your mind be anxious don't let your mind stray don't let your thoughts go so array and so twisted and go out there in such a place where you're so concerned with nothing that you don't realize that you've attained everything that's what it says oh this is so important to me don't let that happen but in everything being prayer and supplication what with Thanksgiving like be really thankful so don't let your mind go crazy and get twisted and go out there and be thinking about stuff that doesn't matter because it takes you away from the very thing that you're supposed to live in and dwell in everyday and wake up that way you're supposed to wake up with a thankful heart every second of every day you're supposed to be thankful and everything give thanks that's the will of God for you it says pray always and in Thessalonians like the vegetales day pray always pray without ceasing don't ever stop praying and in everything give thanks for this is the will of God for you and the peace of God it says I love this and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds through Christ Jesus it says and that peace that peace that everybody's looking for the peace that the world is looking for that peace since you attained just for a second when you said yes to Jesus that peace will actually train your whole soul train everything about you but if that thankfulness isn't there and that trust isn't there you can't give that you you can't praise God for something that you think God might have orchestrated to hurt you this is huge dilemma guys this is big problem stuff it says this it says but finally guys since whatever things are true whatever things are noble whatever things are just whatever things are pure whatever things are lovely whatever things are of good report if there's any virtue and anything praiseworthy meditate on these things the things which you've learned and received and and heard and saw in me these do and the God of peace will be with you he's saying look think about this okay so you guys you having your thoughts get twisted and taken away how many guys have daydreamed worried gosh it's like it's huge I hope you're hearing me this isn't okay it's not okay for us to be stressed out more than the world is it's not okay for us to have a higher divorce rate than the world does it's not okay to have more of an attitude than the world does it's not okay for you to be at your work and get mad at your work and start to actually question God in front of people that don't know him that's not okay because the God of peace is absent from you and you have a god of worry little G and that's not your God our Father is amazing there's so many people that believe that God is a thief that has come to steal kill and destroy but God has never come to steal kill and destroy the devil it says that the thief I understand is talking about teachers but where do you think they get their doctrine from the devil so the devil comes to steal to kill to destroy Jesus says but I have come Jesus says that you may have life and have it abundantly that you may have a violently excessive life abundant life that's what the word abundance means Phylon the excessive amount of I have come that you may have life life not life when you get to heaven let's not say that because some people think that he says I've come to give you abundant life like when you die what about here if this scripture doesn't make sense to your heart you will live like helps how you get to heaven you will think like the devil till you get to heaven then you'll realize what it says that in that day we'll see him and we'll say are you serious that was him we're listening to the wrong God when we worry we're listening to the wrong one you don't know how many people I confront and talk to on planes that are mad at God when I take when I take up a poll of how many people have been mad at God it's different I didn't even do this one how many people are mad at God right now don't raise your hand because that's horrible waking up getting an attitude with God because you've been taught things like God's in control the Bible doesn't teach that that gets everybody going on now he's a heretic no I'm not if the thief comes to steal kill and destroy that's not God controlling him there is the god of this world Satan the prince and power of the air who comes to steal kill and destroy he has reign here to attack because of the fall of man he attacks you have to know what's happening when you're being attacked you have to understand who your God is see fires come it says that fighters are good actually it's what it says it says man consider it real joy when you face these fiery trials consider it joy when you face these fiery trials if need be for the purifying of your faith so the devil comes to attack you but actually the reality of you seeing who your God is when you're in the midst of it purifies your faith and refines you God's not sending the trial your way to try you the devil is a jerk we've blamed God for things that God's never done God doesn't come to steal kill nice try but what happens is the devil sneaks in like a snake in the grass fight somebody slithers away and God takes the rap because we have the same God's in control c'mon man I'm not being twisted I'm being real so we've preached job in such a way till we blame God for things we said well Satan came up and he asked for job notice Satan came up presenting himself before God and God said from where do you go saying said from being on the earth walking to and fro on it like God knew where he was but he's just reminding the devil bummer for you we teach that God that Satan came and asked for job Satan didn't come and ask for job God said have you considered job he's the bomb nobody like him on the planet he fears me shuns you Satan says they fear you for nothing come on the only reason he fears you cuz you give him stuff he doesn't really love you he just wants your stuff think that Satan's not still about the same thing does he fear you for nothing the only reason he really fears use because she blessed him take what he has away God says all that he has is in your power did God need to give him that authority or just Satan already have it see there's where we go bonkers math we think that Satan needs God's permission to attack us he doesn't need permission he's a jerk you need to know who it is when he's coming it's so important so many people blame God for things so many people are told at funerals that God needed your mother the reason why he needed another angel so twisted doctrine it's not biblical at all well you know the Lord choose this to take who he wants to take honey I'm sorry but that's up to him no now you're a kid that's left with this thing that God needed your mom more than you did so now you blame God forever you can't love God but you might go through the Christian thing go to church but you still got an attitude back in your heart because God took your mom God does not come to steal kill and destroy God receiving somebody and taking them out are two totally different things it's so amazing man this thing gets straight in your life you'll be like it wasn't either took up oh my gosh is serious and you'll find out that there's a thousand different things that are in your little arsenal that God did that really were the thief and then you can finally take the blame off of the Father and say it really wasn't you I can trust you I can serve you you are gone that's so powerful it'll change your whole life even right now as I'm preaching there are thousands of things rolling through your soul that you've blamed on the father because I know where God is on this he just he crushed his lies man-bat The Devil's like no bummer through so he attacks tube bap bap bap bap his own friends jabs own friends Christian counsel come on you must have done something wrong obviously there must be sin in your life obviously there's got to be something wrong I mean we've done everything there's got to be something come on tell us the truth what have you done instead of standing with your brother and understanding the fight of faith and warring with your brother and with your sister but this thing to be crushed you question them and then you cause other people to question them when really it wasn't them at all and then you say things like well what kind of door did you open what they didn't open a door what if the thief has just come to attack and what if we don't know what God's will is and what if we think it might be God teaching them a lesson man come on that's all right this is so good it's actually hostile it is it ruins the enemy's plan it ruins his invasion of lives crushes worry anxiety and fear what if we wouldn't question our God what if we'd know who our Father is and what if we'd know who's coming and who's attacking us and what if we knew when the enemy was how can you pray if you think it could be God doing it you can't pray if you think it's God attacking you you better not pray you might mess it up come on even when it comes to sickness guys we think we question God people smoked someone smokes their whole life they have lung cancer you did it to yourself really if Jesus walked into the room somebody had lung cancer and Jesus walked up in there he wouldn't say I'm sorry but you did this to yourself bless you see ya he'd say why because it's the goodness of God that leads them to repentance guess all right some of you aren't smiling it's alright just causes lots of question jesus loves this crap I was with dude that you saw from City Point Church I did they're their youth summer camp this year I was there with with Joel Ramsey and his wife and we were down up at noosa at UM Sunshine Coast doing this and they sent me a driver and he's like this really big tattooed all the way down everything x-bike ER and he's like transform man out in perth got wrecked by jesus and he's like my drivers like man I was hoping we could hang out I'm like dude and we're just driving away you know and all the way from Brisbane out to the coast and just hanging out we get to the camp and I said dude I want to go downtown and just go see the you know the different stores and stuff there's a big strip there I'd never been there so it was cool for me so I'm like walking up and we walked in this one store there's this there's this girl that's working there she's I was going to get a little sundress for my little daughters because I have three girls we have a 19-9 and she's gonna be five soon so I'm like I'm gonna get these little cute sundress this you don't a little cheap lunch at the store I can this girl comes up and I said hey how are you he's like I'm cool I like are you okay she's yeah I'm okay did you know Jesus loves you she goes no I I don't I don't believe in that I said why not she's like well just cuz of this I looked at her and I said cuz you're mad at God she just what I said yeah you blamed him for things that he's never done you've been told that God's in control this happened in your life and this happen in your life and you've held it against God she looks at me she goes who are you are you some kind of psychic I said no I said I'm a son that knows who his father is a year a daughter that needs to know who your daddy is and she looks at me and she goes this is crazy I said you actually want to take your own life you and I looked down I said and you want to take your own life and I looked down her arms and they're filled with scars I said look at that I said I'm not here to like point out your bad stuff at all I'm just saying you need to know who God is she looks at me and she goes what is going on right now she starts to cry I said oh god is good and he loves you honey she goes I can't look at you I said why she was I don't know I can't look at you I said you need to look at me that's just weird I know what it is Devils can't look they can Devils can't look in here because the eye is the lamp of the body not carry Jesus so if you have a demon it'd be really hard to look at Jesus so she gets delivered she gets set free and born again right there in the store then there's a lady behind the counter that's like like looking at her like with an attitude she works there she looks at me and she's crying she just looks gosh I have to get back to work that lady behind the car she she doesn't like me I said no way that lady over there to use the I said that lady's got a problem with the right ankle I'm just gonna go pray for she goes oh my gosh better not so I went back to the counter I said hey I said what's going on with you I said you have problems with your right ankle she goes how can you tell I said I don't even stand still I said it might be God to tell me oh that's silly I said well if it is silly then I can pray for you nothing will happen okay so she gave me your hand and we prayed and jesus healed her ankle she looked at me she goes you're awesome what is going on I get to share the gospel with her and she's like Jesus is awesome I'm like he is and I'm just sharing my heart with her I looked over and the other girls like behind the thing I said you see that girl over there she goes she goes yeah she's the manager I said that girl of there help me today she did a really great job I just wanted you to I just I just want to thank you because that's only reflection of management she goes thank you I said no problem I said I hope you guys have a great day I gotta get going down here I'm doing a youth camp up the road really how the service is open I'm like if you want to come I'm sure they let you in okay awesome great meeting you today I walk out the girls like who are you my name's Todd white I didn't say that know what I said I'm a Christian just like you right now I have a relationship with God you don't have to be mad at God anymore she goes thank you so much on your bless yous nice to meet you we walk down a little bit and I they have these things called byron bliss balls they're these little superfood circle things that are wrapped with coconut coating that are so good they're from the Lord and I saw him in the store in a little jar now I'm like oh I gotta get one of them to this guy with with me he's the current brother's going to get one so I walked in and there's a lady behind the counter Hey she just yeah I said oh I just got to tell you that Jesus loves you so much he goes okay she goes great I'm glad that you found your path I'm like oh honey he's not a path he's a road like I like I'm I'm on this road like I walked in here the road led me here she's like okay I said hey how do you do you guys make these and I'm just calling to her about it I see another waitress and I tell her that Jesus loves her and she kind of scurries away from me and talking this lady and she's like this is so crazy I like look you have some sighs she goes worried from and I told her the city the town I was from in America she goes all I just hired an American he was working in the back is washing dishes and he's from Florida and I was from Pennsylvania at the time we just moved to Dallas just recently she goes I said can you go get him so I can say hi so she goes back there get this guy this dishwasher he comes up he's like hey he's no way dude Todd white seriously in the middle of nowhere on the other side of the planet he goes bro I'll watch your stuff every day man lady goes you know this guy he goes yeah he's like his Christian loves Jesus and I said obviously you're a Christian loves Jesus too I told her man he goes I don't care dude this is awesome she goes I was wondering why you did a good job as Christians should be so heavenly minded that their earthly incredible they should do their job is under the Lord and not for people they should blaze a trail for the kingdom they should be supernatural and ridiculously awesome and so this lady's like this is so strange there's another young man at the counter and I said hey man jesus loves you so much bro he goes yeah geez thanks man okay real tall kid he kind of backed off and and walked away and then I watched this guy like hey I'm gonna take a break and to the lady and he runs out of the restaurant this kid so I'm talking to the lady and we pray for her her neck gets healed she's like this is amazing like I'll used to be a Christian I said what you got mad at God yeah well if it wasn't God at all and brought her back to the reality of the love of God the truth right so we're just having a fun time and I go back to the car and I'm like I'm like because we got to get to the camp because I'm getting ready to do my first session with the kids like this just living and having fun loving people and we go there and on the way to the car we get to the car and there's a knock at my window it's that kid like that tall kid he's like crying use it hey man here's the owner what the blanket is with you man but like man I came in I got scared and ran man something's wrong with you man he's got my car in the parking lot he ran away and the devil couldn't hold him cuz he wants freedom this is for real right in front of my driver and he's like dude this is crazy I said yeah and he tried to run away I said no no bro what are you running from stop why do you think you're here come here I command that thing to stop and let you go come here what what man what like he's gonna fight me but really he doesn't have the ability I'm serious he's like he's hurting he's like man he cuz I said what he's no any notes : I keep hearing these voices man I'm just so mad right now man what his deal and his eyes are bouncing I said dude I said you're mad at God he looks mean he goes yeah I'm mad at God my mom read Psalm 91 to me every morning every morning she did every morning and my dad came home she would hide it from him but she caught her one he caught her one day and he beat my mama mr. death right in front of me and I said if that's you God I don't want nothing to do with you nothing to do with you I said you blame God for something because yeah I just freaks out that's the come here and I grabbed him and Jesus hit this boy in the parking lot cuz it wasn't God you need to give your life back right now stop running right now it's time right now the kid goes ok ok and he gets born again gives this life back to Jesus he's been running since he was 9 he goes managers this is awesome man how did I get this car right now he don't even remember like this dude is possessed by a lie that gave an audience to the enemy and he doesn't even know how he got to the car and I was like four blocks away from the store walking going and the devil couldn't even hold him back because he wanted truth he comes gets saved gets born again gives his life to Jesus right there at the car hey snake man you changed my life huh I said man God's not a thief he doesn't come to steal kill destroy Jesus comes to give life man you're looking for life life man there are people here that have lost folks and you've got mad at God that God did this God didn't do that there are people here that have gone through hellish stuff on this earth that have blamed God and it wasn't God at all it wasn't God the devil has touched you has come to steal kill and destroy in your life there's the thief he's masqueraded himself as your father and there are people out here right now they're in that place and I know you're here come up here right now come up here right now don't play come on come on don't play that's you let's just get the blame off bang get free bang God just to just set you free right now
Channel: Todd White
Views: 192,228
Rating: 4.837491 out of 5
Id: K1G0FxbQU4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 37sec (1777 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 20 2016
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