Todd White - Be Free

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how could it be that you my king would die for me that's personal that's not you my king would die for us that's you my king would die for me when that hit my soul that he didn't just die for the whole world he died for me that's not selfish that's personal see the gospel is personal it's a personal account it's personal when jesus was on the tree and he said father forgive them they don't know what they're doing that he said that to me how do i know that because it said that for the joy set before him those people were horrible to him on this day just a week earlier they were amazing with him think with me here jesus rolls into town today they're throwing palm branches and they're like oh a few days later that's not how it rolled this life is full of stuff anybody living in the same world i am full of things full of twists and turns i love how jason said that's a good safety deposit box it is why because the enemy can't touch it this world can't touch it our treasure isn't here our treasure isn't here it's not it's not our treasure it says set your mind on things above this is humongous because if my perspective gets twisted for one moment that moment buys the next moment and then the next moment i'm already wrapped in stuff instead of him life is not set up for you it's set up against you do you know that do you know that satan actually is the god of this world still i mean jesus did defeat him but he still has the ability to mess up your life right now are you guys in the same are you are you here can you hear me do you know that the enemy still can come and steal kill and destroy do you know that like do you know that we have god who big g god and then little g the little g the smaller one do you know that when i say the god of this world people make him so big like the devil is god's equality promise god and the devil are not equals the enemy is created god is uncreated he's a fallen angel he's a fallen principality the devil is a fallen principality he's not in the ring with god come on god's not dodging him it wouldn't take a lot for god to just oh my gosh i'm just fascinated at the twists and the turns and man can you just play forever am i sorry how many love worship tonight i mean [Applause] bro when you broke out isaiah 55 i'm over there going oh who's so beautiful because his word never returns void ever ever let's not get this thing confused man let's not get it twisted let's not let's not think that anything has the ability to change the end of this book no scheme in hell no plan or plot of man has the ability to change the ending of this book i i don't know if you know it or not but being a christian you are in the end of this book and you will dwell with him forever in this world in this world you will have jesus said you will have tribulation you're going to have trial you're going to have tribulation you're going to have junk you're going to have lots of stuff coming against you but jesus didn't say brace yourself and defend yourself and get ready and be on defense because the enemy's coming lock the doors so we can't get in that's not what he said do you know what he said but be of good cheer he said you are it's it's the truth if god said it his word doesn't return void here's what his word said in this world you will face tribulation this word won't return void how many of you know that tribulation is real how many know that trials are real how many know that fires are real do you know that jesus isn't in the rosy garden he's in the fire so many people are praying for this and this and this and this and this do you know that trials do something to you trials produce something inside of you something that lots of lots of folks are lacking they produce patience guess what love is first so what's a trial come to do help you learn how to love oh my gosh i'm fascinated i'm back at square one again i really am i can't even explain to you how happy i am to be in the simplicity of why he saved me why am i saved i am saved from darkness to light i am saved from lost to found i am saved from dead to life i am safe from blind to sea i am saved i was and now i'm not i was and now i'm not and each trial tribulation every time you encounter that stuff and you face it with him and realize that he is our strong tower oh my gosh check this out this is like so beautiful gorgeous amazing oh my i was somewhere else but i'm going to go to another place because no software update airplane yes sorry that's not good right did you ever do that you're in something and you're like oh my gosh this is amazing software update we talked about this that how many of you came to warriors arrived what'd you think was that amazing it was like what is going on in here eddie james like crazy stuff right worship was everything was great in psalm 91 which many people when after psalm 91 when kovac came i heard people preaching it psalm 91 psalm 91 psalm 91 i want you to see this because you have david praying through this thing he's going through it and then god speaks and i know that that god all scripture is god breathes and he speaks all scripture anyway this is what he said this is contingent upon your deliverance there's a difference we we know there's a difference between knowing about god and knowing god but there is another difference between knowing god and you knowing that you're known by god so there's a difference between knowing about god and knowing god knowing god puts you into a place of intimacy intimacy is into me he sees are you with me into me he sees and into him i see and together we lock together and we see it's just this beautiful place deliverance david david he was chased like crazy by saul like years and years and years and years and years and these psalms are so beautiful because they're they're talking about like god be my defender god do this god do this in psalm 91 he gets to this end and he says in verse 14 first he in verse 11 the whole psalm is amazing guys he says for he will give his angels charged concerning you to guard you in all your ways they'll bail your bear you up in their hands that you don't strike your foot against the stone by the way the enemy used that against jesus and the temptation he tempted jesus throw yourself down off for is written with me the devil twists scripture oh my gosh he takes scripture and he wants you to see it from the demonic perspective without rhema just logos just read head knowledge knowing god knowing what god's heart is knowing that he knows you is is where it's at this is what it says you will tread upon the lion and the cobra and the young lion in the serpent you will trample down this is this is where it's at because he has set his love upon me this is god talking god says because you've set your love upon me what does it mean to set your love upon him for some reason i think that i think that we think we have to be hugely strong amazingly powerful totally full of scripture that we need to know every word in that bible in order for us to truly know god that's not it you can get into works really quickly thinking that you have to memorize the whole thing in order to know god do you know that jesus said when you've seen me you've seen the father when they said what must we do what must we do he said believe no that just breaks it down just a little bit watch memorize the whole bible absolutely know every scripture and if i ask you a question you better be able to answer it that's not god he's not demanding that you know everything am i saying don't read the word absolutely not i let the word read me every day of my life so i love the word it's my everything i wake up i eat sleep breathe the word i wake up at night scriptures are rolling across my soul but that god's not looking for that do you know the easiest way to put your love upon him is to be broken for some reason we think we've got to be all strong and mighty man i am at the weakest point of my life right now right here and i am in love with jesus more than i've ever been before because he's faithful the songwaymaker even when i don't see that you're working even when i don't feel that you're working you never stop you never stop working if i don't see it does that mean he's not no dude i got this thing something hits me whack something horrible horrible hits you and i got this picture i did when dan started preaching when i just got born again go i listened to dan preach and he said this one time he said that god sits on his throne and he leans forward and he says what are you going to do and it stuck with me and i went home and i prayed i got to my my bedroom after gosh i was with him at a meeting i went back to my house and and i get in my bedroom i'm like god give me that picture every time i go through a trial give me the picture of you sitting forward on your throne leaning forward looking down at me saying what are you gonna do son that's powerful it sure does beat where are you god he's given us authority you are responsible for your own actions you are responsible for your own reaction a god reaction is what we're looking for we're not looking for a man's reaction he's looking for us to respond like jesus would oh my i am nowhere near that but man i want to be and every trial and every trauma and every tribulation gives me another chance and i've got news for you every day you get to work on this one but we better rely on the fruit of the spirit and that one fruit that's so powerful self-control you guys should yay self-control what is self-control look all through scripture and all throughout history you look at these people these men these women these men and women of god do you think they were perfect oh my gosh just take a look i i i pulled this up i was like oh yeah we'll go back to psalm 91. noah got drunk abraham was really old and he lied i don't know if you remember that or not but he lied he told them he told the king that's my sister uh okay sarah laughed at god or laughed and then lied god said did you laugh she said no i don't know you got to see this like god's not looking for perfect people he's not expecting you to be perfect jacob he was a serious liar do you understand the scheme with jacob and esau do you remember the scheme no no no we're talking about a family lineage we're talking about a line here how what is happening what does god see that we don't what is the perspective of heaven that sometimes we just don't have i mean you've got jacob you've got esau i mean esau esau is supposed to be the one to inherit this birthright are you with me and isaac's ready to go he's ready to go and and be done with life he's going to go to sleep and he wants to bless his son so that he can bless him with the inheritance inheriting what he's carrying i mean this is a big that's not a small deal right now guys i don't know if you that's a big deal and his his wife schemes and says here's what we're going to do we're going to tie animal skins around your arms going gonna have some fur here you're gonna smell gamey you're gonna smell like dead animals all right i'm gonna make the best food ever and when he asks for it you're gonna bring him this and he's going to say my son my well my son who is this you talk like you talk like jacob but you smell like esau yes dad total liar man are you with me how could he make it in the bible how could he make it like what's the deal how could he make it god saw something that we don't see are you with me sometimes we get so wrapped up in stuff and so wrapped up in life and so wrapped up with who's right and who's wrong and good and bad and ugly and yuck and our opinions and our stuff get so jacked and we've got this dad that's like i see what's best in you oh i love it man and jacob gets the blessing and isaac isaac's like your brother stole it what i don't know that just blows me okay how about gideon gideon is this dude that is from a very small family he's nobody special and he's threshing wheat inside of a wine press because he's petrified petrified he's gonna die he's like hiding in a wine press that'll preach wheat in a wine press and an angel says well you mighty man of valour i'm petrified you're a mighty man of valor i'm petrified you don't understand how i see me i'm petrified oh no you're a mighty man you're gonna save the whole place how can this be i'm a runt of the litter my family are the runt of the litter there's no possible way you must be thinking of someone else but lord this fascinates me if i'm gonna put you to the test god if it's really true don't be upset don't be mad i'm just saying are you these guys are reasoning with god come on look at moses he's like wait you can't just kill him god if you if you kill him what are people going to say about you god's like i'm going to blot them all out we'll start over it's done moses like you can't just kill him you know what if you kill them kill me too matter of fact if you kill him all the egyptians are going to say yeah what a god god's like you're you know what you're right what this is awesome what kind of god do you serve do you serve some grandfather in the sky with a stick because that's what religion thinks moses went down pretty big like this was big gideon's petrified he questions god he's like hey listen um don't be upset you're the one that causes the rain and the dew and all that stuff so here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna put this sheep skin out here and i want you i want you to do what i say oh i'm reading this going oh my god you've got so much mercy like do what i say make it wet here and make it make it dry there and the lord does it he's like ooh um do it the other way that's like okay oh my gosh and he does it and then gideon is building this huge army and man it's like boom these guys are warriors but they're outnumbered like ten to one it's not good you've got like thirty thousand warriors against like three hundred 000 like they're surrounded like this is how i fight my battles like they're surrounded it may look like no they were surrounded are you with me and then god's like listen um if you win you're probably going to think that you got it and i didn't help you we can't have that so tell everybody that's afraid to leave what do you think gideon's thinking i got some strong men i doubt they'll go we got nothing now what are we going to do lord you know what this is craziness god's not okay with you thinking you did this he loves your weakness he loves you being fully dependent he won't have it any other way we depend way too much on us way too much on what we can do and the strength that we can bring into the equation god's not looking for you to be strong he's not your weakness is a magnet for his strength so then he's like you know what you're gonna you probably are gonna think you did it again huh i i still think it's messed up you you know what go down to the river and have them drink from the river and i'll tell you which ones we'll keep after they all drink so some we're going to scoop it up some are going to put their face down so he picked somebody's like all right we're good down to 300 guys i don't know that'll work 300 against 300 300 000 what's gideon thinking i sure hope this works oh and by the way the way we're gonna fight totally different you're gonna take some some torches and some clay pots don't worry about your sword you're not going to need it this is our god our god is an awesome god clay pots and and torches he's like all right here's what we're going to do we're going to surround them surround them there's 300 000 people here i'm that's not the exact number but that's what i'm it's lot too little okay i want you to spread out okay what would it look like to surround 300 he wanted him surrounded what would it look like to surround 300 000 people with 300 what what's the spacing in between that what's the gap without microphones guys here's what we're gonna do when i give you the word you're just gonna shout and you're going to smash your clay pot on the ground one clay pot per man 300 men around 300 000 sure they weren't all standing 300 000 standing together they're camped so they surround them probably one one every three football fields what would that sound like would that be boom or would that be and you're going to shout for the lord and forgive and what happens the whole army kills himself what kind of god do you serve what this is an old testament oh my gosh i'm fascinated i'm totally rocked by this how about rahab she's definitely qualified she is a harlot and a prostitute god's going to use her mightily why she hid the spies she went down in history oh my god what what all did she do she threw a scarlet robe or a scarlet sheet out the window wrote do you know what happened to jericho kind of a god do we serve i'm looking back and seeing all these things and i'm like oh my gosh you got this those stories those testimonies are to produce faith inside of you they're not just there as some history lesson there are actual testimonies that really happened they really happened like they walked around jericho seven times battles are fought different the lord's way they walked around seven times and on the seventh time they shouted do you know what the people on the walls what the army inside was thinking stupid people dumb how dumb can you be shouting and then the walls the end only one wall standing rahabs oh man this is so beautiful guys this is the kind of god we serve i just i need to keep in check with old testament stories testimonies i need to stay filled with what god has done i need to stay filled with this i think it's in psalm 78 it says the children of ephraim drew back in battle why because they forgot the testimonies of the lord it really helps when you're in a place of intensity coming against you that you remind yourself of what god has done i think i was in worship tonight did you hear him share that guys think about all the victories that you've had why because what he did once he'll do it again he wants our trust he wants our hope he wants our focus upon him he doesn't want it focused on the tragedy he doesn't want it focused on what's wrong he wants us to look at him he wants us to look upon jesus the author and finisher of our faith who for the joy set before him which was you he endured the suffering he endured the hardship why so that you could live with freedom in your sights jeremiah and timothy were considered too young what did jeremiah do man there's so many stories and testimonies inside of these guys lives timothy paul's spiritual son what was accomplished through him david david went down in history as a man that was after god's heart he did david really jacked stuff up i mean this guy has everything david has everything he has went through all this stuff with saul all these years and he didn't take out god's anointing he didn't take out saul he could have done it several different times one he's in there saul goes back into the cave you guys know the story he cuts off the corner of his robe comes out of the cave and says i could have taken your life i am not against you saul was driven driven mad totally coming to get david constantly david makes it through this whole thing jonathan saul's son his best friend saul and jonathan get killed in battle david mourns weeps goes through it he did so well they becomes king and he is the king i mean jesus is saying that he came from the line of david are you with me like this is big david's got it all and when he's supposed to be in battle he's supposed to be out there fighting because david is a fighter and he is a champion and he is leading instead of being in battle he's on the rooftop looking down where he shouldn't be because the safest place to be when you're a warrior is on the front lines david's looking down he sees bathsheba he makes things happen why because he can he steps out of his role as king and steps into a place of a servant of the enemy so horrible and to stop it all he brings her husband in from the battlefield tries to get him drunk so he can sleep with his wife around the same time so they can't match up and he won't do it because this soldier is true and faithful and he is not going to do it so david says well the only way i can cover my sin is kill him so he sends a letter to the battalion chief and he says make sure that this man goes to the front of the line in battle and then draw back from him so he dies so david thinks he got away with it yes problem solved that's not how you solve problems you don't sleep with someone else's wife get her pregnant and then kill him so no one finds out that's basically what happened but god sees everything god is just but his justice is not without mercy we know the story nathan comes and talks about the sheep he talks about the neighbor that has the sheep and this man has all these sheep and he comes and kills them and what would you do david said i'd kill him he should die he should pay the price nathan said you're the man oh my god how did that rock him he loses the baby and then he marries the woman that he was in the adulterous affair with i need help are you with me like david had an affair with bashiba which is horrible she gets pregnant they lose the child and then god allows them to marry and have solomon and solomon came out of that i just need to think like jesus thinks are you with me this is a mind-boggling moses was a stutterer and he was a murderer so much stuff of moses elijah was suicidal at one point of his life jonah he argues with god that's like i want you to do this what absolutely not no possible way they don't deserve help you're kidding me i'm out of here he's gonna hide do you think you can hide from god some people do some pastors do you think that like you're going to get away you ain't going to get away with that god sees everything sees it all you can't make your bed in hell unless god sees it he sees you it doesn't matter where you go he sees you he sees it all the quicker that you and i get that the easier life gets because there's nothing done behind his back when you do something he's already in you i said it before when somebody that's a christian is living in an immoral lifestyle god is in your heart watching you sleep with your girlfriend he's there he's in the midst people hate talking about this i don't care what if you could what if you knew that he was looking through your eyes it sure would end that frenzy quickly i promise if the reality of the fear of the lord would be in that equation there is no possible way that you could keep going in the place of knowing that god saw your every move your every touch your every detail we don't even like we don't want god that close i don't like that i mean that's not real is it read your bible i promise it is what does christ in you the hope of glory mean that means that god when you get born again he comes to make his home inside of you he lives inside of you he sees everything that you do he knows everything that you say he knows what you're going to say before you say it he knows every thought that you think before you think it and he knows whether you really love him or you really do not he knows the ones that have truly set their love upon him because they are the ones that you will see delivered are you okay i got a lot of frowns turn your frown upside down just turn upside down frown gosh i love this man jonah argued with god then he ran then he's hiding and he's found on the boat and they throw him over and he gets that had to be nasty oh we were out we just went whale watching i will i just wouldn't want to be inside of that that would be ridiculous he gets spit back out in there inside of that whale he interceded and prayed and prayed and prayed and when he was launched out onto nineveh he went and did what he was supposed to do to begin with but he still was agitated he did he preached just like god said he's not now now god's going to be merciful man now he's going to be now he's going to show mercy i know it and it's really hot and god causes a tree to grow right there right then and shades him jonah's like at least i'm cool now and then god causes the tree that he made to grow come to nothing come on picture that come on god what you got to take you got to take my tree are you serious jonah you're upset about a tree how about the hundred thousand people oh it's just a big history lesson it's awesome for me it's really good i'm preaching to me right now because i have to remember i can't afford i can't afford to forget i can't afford to forget why he saved me i can't afford to forget what he saved me from i can't afford to be moved by light affliction i can't afford to be moved by circumstances by life i'm sharing this right before easter man lots of people have family coming in for his family we're going to see family how many of you got family that need a little more saving good how many of you go to your family gathering at easter and you wish that you could be a little more confident to share the gospel and that god would really touch their hearts and that they would really come to him the reason why the ones raised their hand first didn't raise their hands second is because they've given up and they're tired of getting beat up i don't know what world you're living in but i promise you that this is a fight of faith this is not a walk of faith this is a fight of faith but you better set your love upon him you better not set your love upon a person you better not set your love upon a people you better not set your love upon a church you better not set your love upon a ministry you better not set your love upon a youtube video you better not set your love upon somebody's book that they wrote you better set your love upon him you better not set your love upon a family lineage better not set your love upon anything else anything else is superficial god is supernatural we can't afford to set our love on anything else we have to set our love upon him there is only one who is worthy and his name is jesus nobody else in this world is your savior your wife is your savior your husband is your savior your pastor isn't your savior nobody else is jesus is and he will never let you down your interpretation of being let down can get jacked up because lots of people said lots of things about god but not really knowing who god is lots of people have said look i was in a restaurant the other day and we were coming back by the way who's coming to the easter production one of the two days what are the rest of you guys doing you ain't gonna pay for it oh i know what you're doing you're going home to visit family amen amen amen and you're going to have your own easter production at the dinner table on easter it's going to be destiny's trying to show me stuff i'm like don't do it i don't want to watch it it makes me cry like a baby i can't even look at the props my daughter thinks it's funny she's like dad it's a prop i go i know what happens there oh they went down to capernaum studios where the chosen was filmed is filmed and they're down there and they got to film all their stuff down there that's fabulous man fabulous i told you guys that last time we went down to capernaum studios i was there with destiny jesus uh jesus and the disciples are walking through they're getting ready to go film a scene they walk right by this guy and he's one of the workers there and the lady that owns it amazing lady she comes up to me and she goes hey can you pray for another staff member i could love to so the guy has a deaf ear by the way we had a deaf ear open up this morning right here it was so good it was so beautiful jesus heals he heals that's why those people are out there protesting because he heals and they hate it gosh so this guy has a deaf ear and we pray and he goes what and he opened his ear cut open his deaf ear right there on the capernaum set right there didn't even have to go to israel right there burnham oh my gosh it's so beautiful so then this time we went um we went and we went down there they let us go through they have a passover production that they do down there it's amazing you went through all these little um it's like you're going into jerusalem on the day of passover and they take you into the houses and the families and the kids are in there and they show you just how everything went down you see jesus walking through and you go into the last part of it and jesus is eating the less you know he's eating the last supper it was just beautiful but we left and we went to this place i think it's called shep's yeah it's like a hamburger place just a little restaurant in weatherford is that what it is weatherford yeah out in the middle of nowhere and so we got our food and stuff and i told the waitress i said hey i just got to tell you that jesus loves you guys thank you appreciate that and then um we eat our meal and you can tell that she does not want to talk about jesus and i walked up to her at the end and i just shared because we want to we want to bless her we want to bless her big like i'm telling you tip your waitresses don't rip them off don't and talk to them about jesus don't rip them off people already think god's a thief anyway you have the opportunity to change someone's life with a tip there are christians that have tracks that say a real tip find jesus that's their livelihood why would i want to why would i want to leave them thinking that my god is a thief they already think that so we want to bless her big time man we're gonna we're gonna bless her and so i just i didn't show her the bill i just wanted to talk to her so i shared her testimony she was oh okay great and you can tell she's looking around she's working behind the bar she's doing the bar and the stuff i said hey i said you're not even hearing me she goes well you know i got work to do i said i understand she know what i think i said i think you were christian when you were little and then god showed me a picture of what happened and he gave me a word of knowledge and he showed me that she lost she lost her parent to a sickness that she prayed for them to be healed she prayed i saw her little hands together praying god save them please just save them kill them i'll do anything i'll do anything i'll do anything and i start talking about she started crying i said and then at the funeral the pastor said the lord knew best he's the one that decided it was time to take so this little girl who is now a grown woman has lived with an anger against the very god that came to save not to steal kill and destroy that very god she's been angry at her whole life and i said man and i started sharing about jesus and he healed everywhere i said do you remember the story she was yeah i said is there anybody that came to him for healing that wasn't healed and she said no i said if jesus walked by your dad and and if jesus walked by them and and they were sick would he walk would he keep walking or if you asked him kill my dad would he say no or yes well yes i said and and when he prayed would he be healed or would he would he be sick she said no absolutely i said that's who god is i said so now you had somebody say god chose this i'm here to tell you that's not god she goes well how do you know and how did you know and how i said i have relationship with him and he is speaking to me about you right now and she lost it i said god doesn't come to steal kill and destroy came to give life i said were they a christian yeah i said you know they're with jesus yeah yeah but they but he took them i said what if he didn't take them what if he received them but he didn't take him out she says well okay you could see it you could see her coming into a relationship with the father he could see it he he didn't hurt me he didn't i said there are a million other things that you've blamed him for and he never did those things he didn't take out your dad he received him because if you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that jesus is lord you're not going to perish you're going to have eternal life i said so a disease the thief comes to steal kill and destroy i said let's talk about disease let's talk about sickness i said to her do you think that god put that disease on well i yes okay jesus was god's son and he came here to this earth to do the will of the father only the son of man he came to do the will of his father the food that he had to eat was to do the will of the father his life was so abandoned to accomplish god's will and in the garden of gethsemane when everything hit at once he had the choice because it wouldn't have been a temptation if he didn't have the choice god let this cup pass for me nevertheless at his deepest moment of separation from the father because he'd never been separated in his deepest moment he said nevertheless not my will but yours be done jesus was so abandoned to god's will everywhere i said in everyone that came up sick he healed why because it was god's will if god made people sick if god gave your parents sickness and jesus healed it he would be going against his father he would be fighting against what god put there so many people have said sickness is this and this is why it's here and you did this you're reaping what you've sowed you smoked for all those years your lungs are messed up this is what you this is what you earn i've got news for you jesus paid a price for you to lay in a different bed in the gospel when you see what jesus did you now reap what he sowed and not what you sowed now you can choose in this life to sow to the flesh and reap corruption you can or you can make a choice through self-control and through a spirit yielded life to not use the things of the flesh those carnal beasts like animal instincts you can choose to put off to be crucified to crucify yourself with christ it's a painful thing but the reward is eternal and it's powerful you can choose this day god put mountains in for a mountain of cursing mountain of blessing choose this day which way you're going to go man make a choice make a choice choose jesus choose him so this girl looked at me and she said he didn't he didn't kill him i said no i said you should give your life back you have no idea i said i do i said welcome home welcome home [Music] and then i said we blessed you today why it's icing it's icing it is the cake is jesus taste and see that he is good what's wrong the icing is you want to bless them that's their job don't give them what you think they deserve give them what they don't deserve grace is you not getting what you deserve because if you want what you deserve hell is your destination but if you reap what he sowed it's a completely different world oh god i i i love this so much peter denied jesus i mean how intense would that have been hang with him hang with him hang with him i'll never do it i'll never do it never not me no i don't know him god sees something different saul killing christians killing them putting an end to this way the sex that's done it's out of here saul of tarsus on the road to damascus get knocked off that pony donkey horse whatever gets knocked off that thing on his way with a letter from the pharisees to go and imprison every christian that he finds everybody that's talking about jesus trying to snuff it out god's like i got plans for this guy i got plans for this guy oh the world is going to be freaked out in galatians it says that god chose him from his mother's womb what does that mean god was thoroughly understanding all the nasty stuff that he was going to do his whole life but he knew that that day when he got knocked off his high horse saul who imagined that day buddy i'm going to kill him i'm going to kill him i'm going to kill them all put them all in jail i got a letter they're all going down they're going down they're going down saul who are you lord i am jesus of nazareth the one whom you persecute go to the house on straight street where you will be told what you must do guys help me i can't see what was that sound oh i got to go to this house i got to go into this house take me to the house what happened don't talk about it just take me to the house i don't know i don't know i can't see take me to the house okay sir shut up and take me to the house so he goes to the house the lord shows him a vision of a man named ananias that's going to come and restore his sight so he's not going to eat anything why because he is rocked buddy he has completely rocked his whole life has now been completely flipped upside down i believed it was a forced fast why i believe that he didn't eat anything and he didn't drink anything because he wasn't about to rely upon the comfort of this world to try to get through something that he knew was god ananias is told the same thing you're going to go you're going to restore you're going to do this no lord do you know who this is i can't i i i think i do know i will show him how much he must suffer for my name's so ananias goes they meet his eyes are open one different man why because that motive of hate stealing killing and destroying that had blinded him god blinded him from what he was blinded to and when those skills fall out he had new eyes new eyes the eyes of oh my god ananias i love you he would have wanted to kill him i love you come on he becomes this apostle of love and doesn't care what comes against him chains and imprisonment await him the lord tells them when you go into the city they're gonna beat you they're gonna flog you they're gonna break you and saul didn't say well i'm not ready for that yet give me something easy no why because he was sold out man he was sold out and he was going after god with everything why because he had nothing but he had everything he had nothing except everything he didn't have a great ministry he left nothing but he met the lord so what did he do i don't care what's in my way i'm going yeah they're going to beat me yep they're going to stone me yeah they're going to flog me i'm sure he didn't say okay i'm going in he's like hey guys who is this guy look the disciples when he shows up oh my god behold this is the god that like wants to kill everybody what is happening they are so fascinated because this is not normal he is completely a 100 different man that is on a mission from god to save souls to preach the gospel to some of the most hardened-hearted people in the world the pharisees this pharisee of pharisees this man from the tribe of benjamin that circumcised on the eighth day that righteousness according to the law blameless this guy trained under gamilio one of the most amazing teachers top teachers of that day turns bad which is really good and he's going after it he is beaten shipwrecked stoned left for dead hungers thirsting fasting man he's going through it constantly he is pressed down he is persecuted he's not abandoned by god and he knows why he's in this thing he is going after this thing with everything you've got this man you've got thomas the doubter you've got peter the denier you've got all these people that were imperfect people that served a perfect god that gave everything that they were to serve god and the purpose for which they were on the planet and all he's looking for is obedient people people that say i will run with you that's all he's doing he doesn't need you to be perfect he's not looking for perfection he's looking for willingness and no matter how old you are how young you are no matter what you've done no matter where you've been none of that is relevant what is relevant is that today right now right here you commit in your heart i don't care what happened yesterday i don't care what happened last week i don't care what happened a month ago a year ago seven years ago this morning when you got up the argument that you had with your wife the the fight you had with your ball it does not matter none of that matters what matters is that you see the truth and that you get free that god's not looking for you to be perfect he's looking for you to be willing kenny can i get you up here guys we are about to enter how many of you were here this morning oh my gosh william brought a word us out over there shaken shaken shaking i've run with this kid for four years four and a half years we ran together there is such excellence on him such honor on him such integrity on him god has anointed him i am so super proud of him we're gonna run together and we're gonna destroy hell together i'm serious i am locking arms with risen nation in the most crazy amazing way ever we need to see dfw rocked with the gospel buddy there's all kinds of things that hold people back paul said you are limited by your own affections by your own affections what you've put your trust in and your hope in i've hoped in here and it's let me down i've trusted here and it's let me down i put my hope in them and they let me down and you're not the person i thought you were you are not supposed to put anybody in the place of jesus never never you're not supposed to put your wife there your husband there your pastor there you're never supposed to put people there you are supposed to lock eyes with jesus you are supposed to go through this world locked with the lord almighty he is faithful and if you set your love upon him he will deliver you he will deliver you i want to see miracles like we've never seen him before i want to see salvations more than we've ever seen before i want to see this place so packed out with people i want to see hospitals delivering their patients to the doors bringing them up in here i want to see crutches in wheelchairs lining this place buddy i am so done with normal william talked about friction that's all i've ever known but i just sense to more friction coming i sense the more suffering coming do you know that it's been granted to us the privilege of suffering it's in philippians 1. it's beautiful it brethren it's been granted to you the privilege of suffering people are like i'll take the other one for 500. everybody hates suffering but if you suffer for doing good it's commendable before the father but if you suffer for doing bad that's not good but if you suffer we're doing good a couple more the samaritan woman was divorced five times and living with her boyfriend timothy had an ulcer john the baptist ate bugs and he questioned whether jesus was really the one that was to come after he was put in prison and lazarus was dead what's your excuse what's your excuse what do you have in your life that's bigger than the reality of who jesus is i'm so serious gosh that's so good because he has set his love upon me therefore i will deliver him and set him securely on high because he has known my name that's not known about it that's known it what is his name his power his authority his love his protection his mercy his kindness his jealousy so much more he will call upon me and i will answer him i will be with him in trouble i will rescue him and aunt the lord says i will rescue him and honor him the lord is not just going to rescue you he's going to honor you well we don't get honor from the lord no no let me read it again he will rescue him and uh i will the lord says i will rescue him david's not saying he will the lord says i will rescue him and honor him and with a long life i will satisfy him and let him see my salvation that is a promise for you if you just set your love upon him gosh i was reading in john 12 chapter 12 verse 12 is the passover that's where jesus comes in and they they lay these palm branches down the pharisees are freaking out and they say to each other see you're not doing any good at all the whole world is following him they in their minds and in their hearts thought they were doing good jesus said they will put you in prison they will jail you they will kill you thinking that they're doing good i don't know if you know it or not but there's a lot of people that think that they're doing good when really it's evil and people are calling good evil and evil good you don't have to be a part of that nor do you have to be affected by that i guess my heart is it's always surrender always but if you're here and you found yourself putting your love upon something else and you know it come on up here come on it's okay we're gonna worship this thing right out of you look lots of stuff comes when stuff comes it gets bigger than god and when something's bigger than god you've set your love upon that instead of god simple as that and the enemy sees and knows it and what he does is he throws more trash your way because he knows that he can get your focus off of the king and onto darkness jesus we love you god i thank you for great victory i thank you for great grace god great victory lord we choose to set our love upon you jesus we choose to set our love upon you we love you god we love you you could be here tonight don't even know god and you were brought with a friend you're like you know what i want to know him that's you come up here come on it won't be the worst decision you ever made i promise be the most important one that you ever made is there anybody here that does not know him but would like to jesus jesus jesus father i thank you wow there's a woman here that lost a father and when i was talking about that girl you lost a father you prayed and god didn't answer and you have been angry inside since then get free get free god get free well maybe you're watching online i feel like your name is laura is that someone in the room i feel like you lost your dad just i'm sorry for your loss but god did not take them out that's all we're getting accomplished here god did not take him out he did not kill him jesus thank you i feel the pause right here for a minute inside you blame god for things that god did not do and right now you know you know that it wasn't god you know that you know there's not it's not a question you might have questions coming in from outside because once once your heart gets free the enemy comes with familiar voices to try to get back in don't you let him come back in whoa i feel really strong in there right here this one is that you come you be free you'll be free you'll be free you'll be free i'm sorry hey man question can i tell she prayed for her dad to be healed he had cancer and he didn't heal him and then she said but he's healing other people now so you've prayed for other people with cancer and they've been healed it's okay but you're seeing other people heal that's awesome okay my question always goes back to this pair my answer always goes back to here and this is a great teaching point so important if jesus walked up to your dad when he had cancer and he prayed for him would he have been healed okay just it's not a trick question at all i promise um i've my grandma my grandmother had cancer and my grandpa had passed and grandma didn't want to live without grandpa it was really hard my mom and i and my stepdad my wife we all and i watched my grandma die i prayed for her to be healed i prayed for me it really hurt i didn't like it i watched the eater away i'd seen her heal there's so many things mrsa and dementia and all these different things and nothing came and i didn't when i went home that day after we prayed and uh the lord said what are you gonna do i'll get this picture all the time i'm gonna if you allow this yesterday's tragedy will be tomorrow's victory the tragedy of losing your dad and not seeing that we know that if jesus stepped into the room and prayed for him bang that thing's gone it's history he's healed right you guys okay this is like a big deal because everybody's got questions all this stuff needs worked out we have to take the blame off of god so the blame off of god for me is this jesus if you walked up in that house and prayed for my grandma she'd got up there's one place in the bible that i found the disciples prayed now this causes fights in the body of christ and people get really angry so get ready the only time i see the disciples praying and them not getting healed was the epileptic boy he gave these disciples authority in matthew 10 he said go preach the kingdom heal the sick cleanse the lepers raise the dead cast out devils free leave receive enough really good so these boys are down in town jesus is up on the mount of transfiguration with peter james and john he's up there turning inside out with his glory these guys the man brought him to the disciples and the disciples didn't do it so when jesus comes down he says guys how you doing the man comes hey pray can you heal my son because i brought him to your representatives and they couldn't do it can you what he looks at his disciples and he says you perverse and corrupt generation that doesn't mean perverted that means twisted thinking that means that your mind got so focused on what you saw that you forgot what i said it's kind of like when jesus was crucified he told them in three days they're gonna ride he's gonna rise the disciples weren't waiting outside the tomb because what they saw on that tree overwhelmed what he said so sometimes the things in life i get caught up in it where i'm looking at something that becomes bigger than the reality of god's ability to heal them and something doesn't sit right so jesus tells the disciples perverse and corrupt generation how long shall i bear with you how long will i be with you how long shall i bear up with you in other words i'm going to the cross soon you've got to get this he says perverse and corrupt that means twisted minded twisted thinking your mind's got altered thinking about something else happens to me it happens to all of us or else everybody would be healed he said they said when they got alone because jesus healed the boy right there so if it wasn't god's will to heal would have been there it's a great teaching point you guys okay you gotta go you gotta go i'm over time just a couple minutes this is a heart issue that we all have to deal with because when we pray and it doesn't happen we can't afford to back off because what the enemy wants to do is bite somebody and then why didn't you and then get upset at god and then really be leery especially praying for that because that's what took my dad no you go after it with everything you are no no it's not watch so watch yeah no what she's saying is i'm not angry at god i know but what you did was you brought this up and it's a great teaching point so i'm kind of teaching it out it's all right is anybody getting anything out of this at all does this help okay because we all got questions about healing and we want to go over all that stuff so jesus gets to the disciples alone and they said why couldn't we do it in other words all these other things happen why couldn't we do this one he said this type only comes out by prayer and fasting right but prayer and fasting wasn't works to work this demon out prayer and fasting was to work unbelief out he said why couldn't we do it unbelief oh my gosh this type only comes out by prayer and fasting what's the type type of devil no it's unbelief so it's denying yourself the reality of what we love the most food for a season and saying god i need to know you more that's some people get mad are you trying to say that i didn't fast enough and that's why my dad that's not what i'm saying i'm saying we're growing from faith to faith we're moving from glory to glory but a tool to grow and root out unbelief quicker is to actually go into seasons of prayer and fasting that's all amen are you doing right now sorry i didn't mean to expose it sorry does that make sense does that help okay it's not works we don't fast to move god jesus started his life for the 40 day fast he started his ministry with a 40-day fast there are times when you can see it i believe there are seasons coming up where the whole church will enter into fasting and prayer i really do it's really a big deal it really is i don't know about y'all but i love food so that's really hard for me how many of you fasting is a huge struggle welcome to normal welcome to normal all right i just want to pray jason can you come up here and help me yeah amen thanks for
Channel: Todd White
Views: 40,235
Rating: 4.8814588 out of 5
Id: luVxNuwesLU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 1sec (4801 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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