Jesus MUST Be Coming Soon!

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welcome back i'm robert breaker and yes i have a whiteboard and i will use it to preach amen so i'll be preaching to you today a message that i hope is an encouragement to you and the title of the message is this jesus must be coming soon amen there's just so many things pointing to the fact that he's got to come back at a certain time and boy it looks like we're close to that time so i'm excited about it and i know a lot of other christians are as well so turn with me to 2 thessalonians chapter 2 and hebrews chapter 10. and i went ahead and wrote it all up here today because there's just so much to get out there i mean some of this you might have seen like one of these in the in one of my videos another one in a different video but i'm kind of just like taking it all and putting it all together today so we do have a lot to get into i'd like to go as quickly as i can through this try to make it short so you can share it with other people i know a lot of folks like to share my videos and i hope you'll share this one because everything is pointing to jesus christ coming soon amen and he must be coming soon with all that's taking place in this world now second thessalonians chapter two if you get that in your hand we'll read that here in a second second thessalonians chapter two verse one and two but let me just say this thank god for youtube you know on youtube are a lot of other people who are christians who are looking for the rapture and i see videos from time to time where someone says hey look what i found in the bible somebody else said hey look what i found in the bible it's almost like it's this huge puzzle and this guy has a puzzle piece and that guy has a puzzle piece and this guy and it's encouraging to get the whole puzzle and put it all together so that's what we're going to try to do today i'm going to show you all the puzzles try to put it together and the only conclusion that i can come to is jesus must be coming soon if you believe the bible now let's go to second thessalonians and verse one and two now we beseech you brother by the coming of our lord jesus christ now when is he coming he's coming at the rapture and by our gathering together unto him rapture gathering together unto him that you be not soon shaken in mind or be troubled neither by spirit nor by word nor by letter as from us as that the day of christ is at hand so the rapture is very very close don't be shaken i get phone calls sometimes with people saying brother breaker i'm just oh i'm shook up it hasn't come yet and i'm i'm depressed and i'm discouraged when is he coming well all i can say is he must be coming soon because what we're going to look at today points to wow i don't see how it can be much longer hebrews chapter 10 hebrews chapter 10 and verse 25 and hebrews 10 25 says not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is but exhorting one another that's what i'm hoping to do today is to exhort you and to encourage you exhorting one another and so much the more as you see the day approaching so much the more as we see the day getting closer and closer we should so much more encourage one another and i'm just excited to see people doing that so the first thing i want to do today is i want to go to the scriptures does the bible tell us when the rapture is well there's two camps out there there's one camp that says yeah yeah it's in there somewhere and then there's the other camp that says no no no one can read the bible and find out the exact day of the rapture that's impossible and i go well let's look at the bible itself and let's see if we can answer that question is the date of the rapture in the bible now i don't claim to have found it but as i read my bible i keep thinking man we must be getting closer and closer and the bible even says right here as we see the day approaching well we see the day is coming soon and the sooner we get to it i think the more god will reveal first thessalonians chapter 4 is the rapture let's go there first you know i still get emails from people who say brother breaker there's no rapture and comments sometimes they'll leave in the comment section there's no such thing as a rapture and yet i read in the bible all about it so are they reading their bibles i wonder but yes there is a rapture the rapture is in the bible and in first thessalonians chapter 4 verse 13 through 18 we read about the rapture it says but i would not have you to be ignorant brother concerning them which are asleep now this is their body sleeping in the grave their soul has gone to heaven those that are saved that you saw not even as others which have no hope for if we believe that jesus died and rose again even so them also which sleep in jesus will god bring with them he'll bring their soul down to their body resurrect their body put their soul back in it and then take them up in a glorified body with body and soul together verse 5 for this we say unto you by the word of the lord that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the lord shall not prevent them which are asleep so we who are saved and haven't died yet when the rapture comes we'll go up with them we'll be raptured out of here verse 16 for lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel with the trump of god and the dead in christ shall rise first then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up being caught up that's the rapture caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the lord wherefore comfort one another with these words the bible talks about the rapture being caught up and it says it's a comfort so who are you to come along and say no there's no rapture are you trying to steal my comfort yeah i think you are you need to be careful it's a comfort for me to know that jesus christ is coming back to get me out of this mess and boy is it a mess today so when is it coming what what's the date of the rapture well i don't know but i do know my bible and i do know that in the bible it makes it look like the sooner we get closer to it the more we just might know what day now when i say that a lot of people say no mr breaker matthew 24 36 look at what jesus said okay let's look at it let's look at what jesus said matthew chapter 24 and verse 36 and you know what we'll look at what you said if you'll look at what i say after okay i'll look at your verse if you'll look at my verse okay let's let's let's play the verse game you give me this verse now let me give you this verse okay because in matthew chapter 24 verse 36 jesus says but of that day and hour knoweth no man no not the angels of heaven but my father only and so they say so in the bible the bible says jesus himself says you can't know the day or the hour um hold on a second he said that in his earthly ministry almost two thousand years ago do you know there was more bible after what was written here and god revealed some things after that so it says no man knows the day or hour but the father in heaven okay now let's go to the revelation of jesus christ that's what it's called the last book of the bible and look what it says the very first verse the very first verse look what it says the revelation of jesus christ you know who just said that that no man knew the day or hour in his day except the father in heaven well he said that well on earth now he rose again now he's in heaven and look what it says the revelation of jesus christ which god that would be god the father gave unto him to show unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant so there you go you have a revelation from the father to jesus after while jesus is in heaven and it's called the book of revelation it's revealing to us what the father revealed to the son and look what it says in revelation chapter 3 and verse 3. revelation 3 3 it says remember therefore how thou has received and heard and hold fast and repent if therefore thou shalt not watch i will come on thee as a thief and thou shalt not know what hour i will come upon thee jesus says to a church watch for when i'm coming because if you don't watch you won't know the what he says you won't know the hour i find that interesting so he says you won't know the hour so what's the opposite of that if you are watching then you just might know the hour so does the bible teach no man know the day or hour well that's what jesus said way back then but if you read the book of revelation you find out that there's some more revelation given and that the father revealed some things to jesus and these are the words of jesus and jesus says now if you're not watching you won't know what's the opposite of that so if you are watching you will know i find that quite interesting you know the old testament there's a rapture of sorts um if you get a chance go to my video on youtube entitled the the seven raptures because there are literally seven raptures in the bible but one of these was the time that elijah was taken up and elijah was taken up by god in what we would say is is a type of our rapture it's a type of the rapture but it's a literal rapture because he was taken out of this world and look at this in second kings chapter two verses one through three you see he was a prophet and he had i guess you could call it a school of prophets and a lot of these people that learned from him they were prophets also and look at what it says here second kings chapter two verse one and it came to pass when the lord would take up elijah into heaven by a whirlwind that elijah went with elisha from gilgal so elijah had elisha as his protege i guess we could call him and so he was learning from elijah and so they go together he was his padawan for the modern vernacular and they went together and look at this verse two and elijah said unto elisha terry here i pray thee for the lord hath sent me to bethel and elijah said unto him as the lord liveth and as thy soul liveth i will not leave thee so they went down to bethel now verse three and the sons of the prophets that were at bethel came forth to elisha and said unto him knowest thou that the lord will take away thy master from my head today and he said yeah i know it hold ye your peace and it says it another time there i believe but look at that here was the rapture for elijah and the prophets came to elisha and said hey today's the day that he's getting raptured did you know that he goes yeah i know what an interesting thing that in the old testament they knew the very day of when a rapture was going to take place is it possible in the new testament to know that well i'm not saying i do i'm not saying i don't but if you go to the scriptures what does it say in second peter 3 8 well let's go ahead and read that second peter chapter 3 8 by looking at the scriptures i can come to know over a conclusion then it's very close to the time of when the rapture should be second peter chapter 3 and verse 8 but beloved be not ignorant of this one thing peter says hey don't be ignorant okay well how do you not be ignorant you study paul says study to show thyself approved unto god ii timothy 2 15. so peter says here but beloved be not ignorant of this one thing that one day is with the lord as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day so in the eyes of god a thousand years is like one whole day because god's outside of time he's eternal he's an eternity so he's looking in on time and to him it's you know goes by real fast a thousand years seems like a day to him but there's a little more to that do you know that in the bible the bible says that god created everything in six days and on the seventh day god rested so you have the first day the second day the third day the fourth day the fifth day the sixth day the seventh day and if you take those seven days of literal creation and you look at the history of the world you find out that the world is only about seven thousand years old actually six thousand if you get a chance go to my video on youtube entitled the seven thousand years of human history blow your mind so according to that if a day is a thousand years a thousand years one day and you line that up with the seven thousand years of human history where are we now we're about right here and the bible talks about the millennial kingdom and how jesus has to rule for the final thousand years so we're really close to what's called the tribulation period the seven year tribulation and before that is the rapture so just looking at god's historical timeline it looks like we must be close to the rapture jesus must be coming soon just because the scriptures laid out seven thousand years of human history and that's all do you believe that now let's go over to uh first thessalonians chapter five and paul says something here that's quite interesting i wonder if the early church didn't know more than what we know we look at the seasons see first we look at the scriptures and the scriptures say in revelation 3 3 if you're not watching you won't know the day or the hour but if you are watching maybe you will know the day as you see the day approaching i mean we're looking for the day of the rapture and i'm looking in the scriptures for it but i'm also looking at the seasons i'm also looking at where we are in history and we're very close to what appears to be the coming of the antichrist in the mark of the beast system well the church has got to get out of that be out of here before that and it says here in first thessalonians chapter 5 but of the times and of the seasons brethren you have no need that i write unto you for yourselves know perfectly that the day of the lord shall come as death as thief in the night for when they shall say peace and safety then sudden destruction cometh upon them as travail upon a woman with child and they shall not escape but she brethren he's talking to save people about the rapture and he says but ye brother and are not in darkness that that day should overtake you as a thief what a thing to say hey christian you know you're not going to be surprised when the rapture comes because you'll have an idea of when it's coming because you'll know the season do you think we're in the season i think so i think so and let's continue reading there year all the children of light and the children of the day we are not of the night nor of darkness verse six therefore let us not sleep as do others but let us watch and be sober so watch for the rapture now are we in the season i think so there are some amazing things in 1948 way over here israel became a nation again and then in 2018 something spectacular took place there's a president of the united states of america djt we'll just give you in his initials you know donald j and his last name he declared that jerusalem is the capital of israel exactly 70 years later and you look at 70 in the bible and you go wow there's a lot of 70s in the bible i i really don't have time to go through all these verses but if you love studying the bible look these up sometime jeremiah 25 11-12 they were in babylon in captivity for 70 years jeremiah 29 10 god said i will visit you daniel chapter 9 and verse 2 was a prophecy 70 years of the desolation of jerusalem now go to isaiah 23 15. there's so many places in the bible where god does 70 and a lot of times it's a judgment to israel 70 years isaiah chapter 23 and verse 15. isaiah 23 15 look at this i find this interesting isaiah chapter 23 verse 15 says and it shall come to pass in that day that tyre shall be forgotten seventy years okay now watch what he says next according to the days of one king after the end of seventy years shall tire sing as a harlot so 70 years it says is as the rule or as the days of a king it almost sounds like he's saying 70 years is a generation that's important for what we'll see here in a minute let's go to psalms chapter 90 psalms chapter 90. in the bible we have god telling us 70 this 70 that seven this seven that god is a god of numbers matter of fact there's a book in the bible called the book of numbers and god uses that number 7 and the number 70 a lot and so we look at that as christians and we think wow that's old testament and a lot of times it's talking to jews what about new testament well we believe who are true bible believers that god is not done with israel he's going back to dealing with them so we make a big deal out of this 70 year thing from 1948 to 2018. and then we say but but how come the rapture hasn't come yet well psalms chapter 90 and look at verse 10. the days of our years are three score years and ten now score is twenty so three times twenty is sixty so sixty and ten is seventy so the days of our years are seventy and if by reason of strength they be four score years yet is there strength labor and sorrow for it is soon cut off and we fly away so between 70 and 4 score 4 times 20 is 80 between 70 and 80 years god is saying this is what appears to be a generation as in the days of a king so a generation is between 70 to 80 years in the bible now why is this important well let's go back to matthew chapter 24. jesus is speaking to israel about the end times and when israel gets back into their nation after being cast out because they rejected their messiah and it makes it sound like god says you're just going to have one generation in the land and then i'll come back and rule over you so we look at israel being born as a nation as a really big thing in 1948 and we're looking at that then we add 70 to 80 to it we say what does that come up to well you had 70s 2028 if you add 80 what do you get if you had 80 you get 20 28. so between 2018 and 2028 somewhere in there has got to be a seven year tribulation and that's how we that our christians are trying to put all the puzzle pieces together try to figure it out in matthew 24 32 jesus says this matthew 24 32 now learn the parable of the fig tree when his branch is yet tender and putteth forth leaves you know that summer is nigh so likewise ye when ye shall see all these things know that it is near even at the doors what is well when god comes back to dealing with israel and when he eventually comes back and rules for a thousand years in the millennial kingdom at the battle of armageddon but also what's before that the rapture and then he says here in verse 34 verily i say unto you this generation shall not pass till all these things be fulfilled so a generation appears to be between 70 and 80 years old and that generation shall not pass until all these things be fulfilled so we're looking at all this and we're trying to fit the rapture in and we say where does the rapture have to come well from 2028 subtract seven for seven year tribulation you get 2021 a lot of christians are like yeah 2021's got to be the rapture well i hope it is but is it could it be later there's a lot of questions and here we are in 2021 and we're getting to the end of it and we're like well you know no time like the president lord you must be coming soon anytime now some christians i talk to say it's too late he should have come already well all i know is he said he's coming and he's not a liar so he's coming soon so i see the seasons and all the seasons are pointing to wow we're in that season of when jesus should be returning soon at the rapture so i look at that in the in the fig tree generation and i say man we got to be close okay but then i also look at signs now are signs for us today who are christians not really first corinthians 1 22 says that signs are for the jews the jews seek after a sign so signs are more for israel okay god's not done with israel all these old testament prophecies all these old testament promises to them he's not done with them so as you go through and you begin to look at signs in the heavens you go wow i mean you can't help but scratch your head and go all right this must be intelligent design this must be a creator in heaven doing all this because this cannot be a coincidence you say what are you talking about well let's go to genesis chapter 1 and verse 14. god is speaking to israel through the signs of the heavens through the positioning of the planets and and other things god uses that like a clock all the things that are in heaven and in genesis chapter 1 verse 14 the first chapter in the entire bible god tells us that that's what he made it for okay genesis 1 14 and god said let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and for years so god said he created the lights in the firmament of the heaven he created the stars and the planets up there like a timepiece like a clock and it is four times and it is for seasons well and it is for days and it is for years okay i want you to see that that's what the bible says so god says that's what he did and if you see that and you look up at that you go wow man god is is real because uh it all seems to be mathematically perfect it can't be just a coincidence it can't be just a random explosion of nothing the big bang and then all these things just happen to be up there in the heaven in such a way that on certain feasts of israel they show up all these signs that can't be a coincidence that must be an intelligent designer go to job chapter 35 and verse 5. job 35 5 look what it says look unto the heavens and see and behold the clouds which were higher than now look under the heavens and see you look up in the heavens you see a whole bunch of stars up there and you see some interesting things look at isaiah 51 isaiah chapter 51 and you see what are called constellations and all the constellations have names and they all move and you know a lot of people in the old days would look at that and they would try to figure out hmm is god giving any signs is god going to show us something and they looked at the heavens and the way that they worked as they were god giving them signs now a lot of people say and that's evil stay away from that that's astrology okay well there is astrology and there is astronomy okay i'm not against astronomy astronomy is just looking at them knowing what they are and understanding them astrology is trying to use that to tell the future for yourself but do you know what god made it and god put those up there four signs genesis 1 14 and when jesus christ shows up the bible says there was a star in heaven marking the birth so god can use those as signs for who for the jews and so i don't know i've i've looked into a lot of these old jewish synagogues okay and in all these old jewish synagogues they always have a picture of the constellations they were always looking at the heavens and many of them they were looking for eclipses and blood moons and things like that and we're looking at the constellations and they were saying these are signs from god and they would try to figure out what was going to take place based upon those signs were they right all the time probably not but god did put that sign of the star in heaven called the star of bethlehem when jesus was born so god is marking sometimes and season so god is behind this all right you can twist it you can always listen every uh bad thing in this world is a good thing twisted an old pastor said one time you can twist that thing and turn it into astrology but you shouldn't but it is there and it is a real thing that god is marking his time of seasons with these stars now let's look at isaiah 51 6 lift up your eyes to the heavens and look into the earth beneath for the heavens shall vanish away like smoke in the earth shall wax old like a garment and they that dwell therein shall die in like manner but my salvation shall be forever and my righteousness shall not be abolished so lift up your eyes to the heavens god is saying it's not wrong to look up at the heavens now there are other verses in which god says but you're not supposed to worship the heavens right you only worship the true god not the other ones you know there are what's called fallen angels and things like that so there's only one true god and he declares himself the heavens declare his handiwork now go to daniel chapter 6 and verse 27 daniel 6 27 says this he delivereth and rescueth who is he god the god of daniel the true god he delivered the rescue he worked at signs and wonders in heaven and in earth who had delivered daniel from the power of the lions so the true god delivers signs in the heavens again who are the signs for well the hot signs are for the jews let's go to luke chapter 21 so huh so god can do signs in heaven and he can mark events that are to happen on this earth by celestial signs in heaven that's just bible and i'm surprised people would would speak against that i've talked about something like this before and people say oh breakers into astrology i'm like no no i don't believe in astrology i don't believe in the horoscope but i do believe in a god who is so powerful and so all knowing that when he put up everything up in the heavens he knew what would happen on earth thousands of years before it did and he put corresponding signs in heaven so the people on earth would go oh wow this just happened god already knew was going to happen so god is showing us how intelligent he is and how he can know the future that's just amazing to me so here we are in luke and look at what it says here in luke 21 11 luke 21 11 and great earthquakes shall be in diverse places and famines and pestilence and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven great signs shall there be from heaven again who are the signs for the jews i didn't get a chance to read job 38 verse 31-33 but it talks about the mazzaroth and it mentions constellations and it talks about the ordinances of heaven now let's look at acts chapter 2. all right i'm trying to get this all together for you to show you that yes god put the stars and the planets in their cycles in their rotations and he did it in such a way that he knew exactly what was going to take place on this earth for 7 000 years and he knew how to do it in such a way to line things up in heaven so that when that happened there was something up there that a person looks up and goes that just happened to happen at the same time we did you know that couldn't have been an accident that had to have been god saying yeah i knew that was going to happen so that's amazing now acts chapter 2 and verse 19 acts chapter 2 and verse 19. this is a prophecy from joel of what will happen in the last days verse 17. and it says this look at this in verse 19 and i will show wonders in heaven above and signs in the earth beneath blood and fire and vapor of smoke so god says he will show signs on the earth but he'll also search signs in heaven now look at verse 20 what are some of these signs the sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the great and notable day of the lord come so the bible teaches that god gave us those things in heaven for seasons and for times and for years and there are markers and they come around they do things in heaven and if you follow that now i'm not saying you should as a christian i believe that the signs are more for the jews but if you look at it that's what we're going to do today we're just going to look at a couple examples you go wow you can't help but go wow there must be a god who did this have you ever studied shmita cycles now some people spell it s-h-e-m-e-t-a-h i like the i shemitah god is a god who always uses the number seven i don't have time to go back and read you the law uh you know genesis exodus leviticus numbers deuteronomy the first five books of the bible but over and over and over in the law they're seven and seven times seven and seventy god always uses that number seven and so you've got these cycles of seven years well someone sent me a video here not too long ago and i looked at it and i just went wow it was pretty amazing how they said we look at things differently don't we then god does oftentimes we look at things different than the way god does but if god is looking at everything in seven year cycles which we don't we usually don't but this is how god told the jews to look at things as seven year cycles when you look at the seven year cycle and that's what a shemeta is it's a seven year cycle and a matter of fact doesn't this go back to daniel book of daniel in the prophecy of 70 weeks and it was a week of years so it was shmeda cycles when you look at the shemitah cycles and you look at these signs in heaven you can't help but come to any other conclusion then there is a god in heaven who is behind everything who is helping his people israel and who is being there for them and showing them signs in heaven of what he's going to do for them i just can't help but see it let me give you an example a lot of people say world war ii helped the jews get back their nation the old saying is this world war one prepared the the land for the jews because the battle for declaration and all that stuff and then world war ii prepared the jews for the land because of the holocaust and all that many people around the world who were jews or who claim to be you know there's some false jews so it's i don't know who's the true ones who's not all i know is the nation of israel exists again after almost two thousand years just like the bible prophesied but a lot of people came back to the nation of israel who claimed to be jews when they came back in 1948 right the the world war ii ended in about 45 world war ii ended and then in 1947 the united nations partitioned the land the holy land and said the jews can have part and the arabs can have part and they moved in in 47 and 48 they declared themselves a nation in 1948 during this shemitah cycle the rebirth of israel and it just happened to be during this shimida cycle that in heaven there were four blood moons during that time period and what's amazing to me is they always seem to appear on jewish feasts so if you're a jew and you realize part of the the feast of israel depends on the moons you're supposed to be looking at the moons if you're a jew and you're looking you'd be like wow there were just four blood moons that's interesting and these are called the blood moons and it just so happens they correspond in the shimida cycle of when they became a nation again just coincidence nothing to see here right except for the fact that you have 52 to 59 that's the first cycle okay we're going to look at the shimita cycles after israel became a nation from 52 to 59 would be the first cycle 59 to 66 would be the second cycle 66 to 75 would be the third cycle and during that time there just happened to be four blood moons again and during that time there just have to be something that took place that was probably one of the most famous things it was the six days war in 19 was it 67 i think it was 1967 but it was accompanied by signs in heaven for blood moons and what happened in the six days war attacked from both sides like a pincher movement they tried to take over and obliterate and destroy israel and god took it back the other way and they gained more land than they'd ever had in the last two thousand years okay and it just so happened that happened in heaven those signs but that's just coincidence right well that's what people try to tell you so you get the fourth cycle 75 to 80 80 to 87 fifth cycle sixth shemitah cycle 87 to 94. 94 to 2001 seven schmidt schmidta cycle eight cheminus michael 2001 to 2008. now we start getting into something interesting the ninth shemitah cycle from when they became a nation there's four blood moons again they come on passover sukkot passover sukkot the first one is 4 15 14 and the last one is 9 28 15. so in 14 and 15 these blood moons come up again and you look at that go huh except for the fact that in the next couple of years something big happens for the nation of israel in fact on september 23rd 2017 there's this sign in heaven that sounds a lot like revelation chapter 12. and guess what that sign has something to do with something that took place later and eventually it led to donald j you know who djt president declaring that jerusalem is the capital of the nation of israel just coincidence right oh yeah just coincidence ha ha or maybe there's a god in heaven that cares about his people the jews and he's given them signs in heaven saying look you will have a victory here you will be reborn you know israel was born at the beginning out of war did you know that god chose joshua to go in and start a war and take over and the nation of israel was founded through war well after the second great war they're founded again after a war and so they're going through this shimida cycle and september 23rd 2017 there's this sign in heaven and you look at that sign and guess what it corresponds to a president of the united states of america saying no no jerusalem is your capital and now jerusalem is the capital of the nation of israel just coincides right wink wink uh no no i don't think so i don't think it's just a coincidence so that's the 10th shmita cycle right here okay from 2015 to 2022. so that shimita cycle is over in 2022 and then is going to start the 11th cycle that would be a great time for the tribulation because the number 11 in the bible is the number for judgment and what is the tribulation according to the bible the seven year tribulation is the time of jacob's trouble it's a time of god judging israel and then at the end god coming back so 2022 to 2029 now i don't i don't understand all this because you know we're in 2021 now maybe the rapture takes place and then comes the tribulation i don't know but it's interesting someone sent me a video about the shemitah cycles and i was looking into it and just to see how god does everything by the number seven and just wow this would be a perfect time during this shmita cycle for the lord to come back wouldn't it it would be great well if that was enough right there that should be enough to make you want to get saved because jesus is coming soon and everything in the bible is true and right now god is dealing with the church but when the church leaves at the rapture god goes back to dealing with the nation of israel and he's showing them through signs in heaven and through the shemitah cycle hey i'm not done with you i'm not done with you so that's amazing that is amazing now there's another thing that i look at in the bible that makes me think that jesus is coming soon and that's the specific feasts okay the specific feasts of israel there are some feasts in israel that are to be kept by the nation every year there are actually seven feasts if you get a chance look at my video on youtube entitled the seven feast of israel and those feasts go like this first of all it all comes with a moon so there's a new moon and from the new moon you're supposed to count 14 days for passover all right i believe this is right now i've taught this before because this is what i learned but please study it for yourself i don't want to be wrong but this is how i've understood it so i could be wrong on some of the days here i don't know so look this out but i'm not wrong on the feast these are the feasts okay so the first feast is the feast of passover and the feast of passover is the first feast every year comes around springtime 24 hours after the passover is begins with a feast called the feast of unleavened bread that's the second feast for israel after that comes the feast of first fruits between two to six days later but guess what i say three days because it looked like in the time of jesus it was three days because jesus was buried and rose again the third day and all that or maybe two days it could have been two days because it would have been three days after the passover that he rose again then you have 50 days to the pentecost okay and that's the end of the spring feasts then you have to wait 135 days and then comes the feast of trumpets which would be the fifth of the feast of israel the fifth feast that is of course the feast of trumpets so i raced it here a little bit sorry that's the feast of trumpets after the feast of trumpets ten days is the feast of atonement that would be the sixth of their feasts after atonement is five days or so is the feast of tabernacles which is the seventh feast 73 days later is the feast of hanukkah now that feast is not one of the feasts mentioned in the law in the torah if you will the first five books of the bible are genesis exodus leviticus numbers and deuteronomy and those give the law well hanukkah is not mentioned in law these other seven are there's actually another feast called the feast of purim and i don't have time to get into purim the feast of purim i always think of that when i because we went to a jewish place one time on their feast of purim and listen to their beautiful music and things like that so there's purim and there's hanukkah those are two other feasts that they made kind of as their custom and that it's in the bible but it wasn't in the original seven in the first five books of the bible so there's these other two feasts also and i just want to throw that out there but the seven main feasts under the law of israel are passover unleavened bread first fruits pentecost trumpets atonement and tabernacles those are the seven main ones so you don't have to know about hanukkah although that is an interesting one so in the bible the apostle paul got some revelation from jesus christ and one of the things that god revealed to paul was this because paul writes about this a lot in his epistles is the fact that jesus is represented by these feasts so these feasts all represent something that takes place in the life of jesus christ for example first corinthians 5 7. first corinthians 5 7 the bible teaches christ our passover is sacrificed for us the end of the verse even for even christ our passover is sacrificed for us and what is he he's the unleavened bread now also christ is also first fruits all right let's go to first corinthians 15 20. first corinthians chapter 15 and verse 20 look what it says here but now is christ risen from the dead and become the first fruits of them that's left so jesus christ is passover he was the passover lamb unleavened bread and first fruits i forgot to give you john chapter 6 and verse 48 where jesus says i am the bread of life so jesus claims to be these feasts so when they're celebrating these feasts all of israel celebrated these for thousands of years and then jesus shows up and does something on these feasts to say hey this was me giving you foreknowledge saying i am the one that wrote the law and i am he whom you're looking for and all these feasts were types of me to make you think about me well these feasts are over jesus christ went up on the feast of pentecost he went up so those were what we call the spring feasts and so the feasts are types of christ and christ does something in his ministry that is done on these feast days that make us think of him so jesus went back up to heaven now he's coming back when is he coming back i don't know but if he seems to be doing all these really important things in his ministry on the feast days a lot of people think then in that case the future feasts the fall feasts these prophetic feasts have to be prophetic on the life of jesus so the next one is trumpets so the next feast to be fulfilled is the feast of trumpets and if that lines up with jesus then wouldn't that be something that would be on the next part for jesus's ministry what's the next thing that jesus is supposed to do in the bible he's supposed to come for his bride the church and get married and take her up and that would be called the rapture now go to first corinthians chapter 15 and look at what it says happens at the rapture this is a passage about the rapture first corinthians chapter 15 and look at what it says remember feast of trumpets would be the next one to be fulfilled and it says in first corinthians 15 51 behold i show you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed at the rapture in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trump for the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed for this corruptible must put on incorruption this mortal must put on immortality so when this corruptable shall put on incorruption and this mortal shall put on immortality then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written death is swallowed up in victory o death whereas thy sting o grave where is thy victory so the rapture is said to take place at the last trump and a trumpet is blown now the jewish feast supposedly they'd blow a trumpet a hundred times and they say that the last trump is the final trump the last trump now i've heard that so a lot of christians are saying we think that when it blows that final trumpet sound the final trump that's when the rapture has to be i don't know i've heard other people say well these two feasts are connected and that the last trump is really here at atonement well if the rapture comes in atonement then there we'd be at one with our lord and savior wouldn't we be up there with them i don't see a rapture on tabernacles because something has to line up with jesus christ coming back at armageddon and what does he come back for he comes back to tabernacle on earth with his people the jews and rule for a thousand years so i think armageddon is more for tabernacles so it have to be trumpets are atonement that the rapture would come if we continue what we've already seen jesus christ completing the different feasts so it would stand to reason that the rapture would probably be on one of the feasts of israel to take out the church so that god could then come back to dealing with israel who rejected him as their messiah you see he died on the cross to make an atonement for their sin but they rejected that so for two 000 years they've rejected the blood atonement of christ the jews to this day still think that they need to go and offer an animal for forgiveness of sins they don't see that that blood god no longer accepts it's the blood of his son on the cross so the atonement wouldn't that be when the jews realized oh he's the true atonement now we receive him and that would take place probably in the middle of the tribulation because the jews then flee for 1260 dates they are kept by god and so i just wanted to throw this all up here amen jesus must be coming soon there's so many things pointing to that first of all the scriptures no man know what the dinner hour people say but then you read the rest of the bible and it says if you're not looking then you won't know the day or you won't know the hour so the opposite is if you are looking then you would know wouldn't you and ever so much the more as we see the day appearing i mean we're getting closer and closer and what's making us think we're close to the rapture of the seasons we look at the season paul says i don't need to write unto you concerning the seasons you yourselves know perfectly it's like wow so we who are christians we can know they even knew when elijah was going to be raptured in the old testament said don't you know today he's going yeah i know what how how can they have this knowledge of knowing well to the jews god gave some signs and these signs are all in the heavens pointing to them hey get ready i'm coming back to dealing with you and you look at their shemitah cycles wow this looks like the last cycle before what would be a perfect time for the tribulation what happens before the tribulation the rapture but if it's got to happen on one of these feasts then trumpets 2021 so that then on 2022 the tribulation should come now i didn't even get a chance to get into these eclipses right we read over there in acts chapter 2 where he's quoting joel chapter 2 and he says the moon shall turn to blood well blood red moons and then the the sun will turn to blackness or to darkness that sounds like an eclipse and here in the united states of america we had an eclipse on august 21st 2017 and there'll be another eclipse in 2024 and eclipse are pretty ominous pretty ominous a lot of people say that when an eclipse happens over a certain place it's god giving a sign or a signal that something's going to happen a lot of people say god is done with america and that's god telling america hey man you better watch out because uh yeah because i'm done with you because you've turned against me and we see a lot more people in america turning against god and that's sad that's sad well i don't want to turn against god i want to come to god and i can't wait for god to come to me because he's promised in the bible the rapture and then comes armageddon and armageddon is when he comes back at the end of this tribulation period and takes over and rules for a thousand years so there it is it's not a long message today but it's long enough and i think i presented enough to show you how can anyone deny that we're not in the end of the church age like i said last week last week's sermon was the end of the church age to great reset if you get a chance please watch that that's a good sermon as well well everything is pointing to the season of this is the season of the rapture because now is coming the time of the tribulation of the judgment of god that final judgment of god in the book of daniel in which he prophesized the 70 weeks well that last week hasn't taken place yet and boy this would be a perfect time in the shemitah for it to take place and then of course the feasts they've got to be the feast jesus christ died was buried and rose again he sprung forth springing up he sprung up from the grave having accomplished or having completed in the prophetic type these feasts well now he's coming back he's going to come down from heaven and take up us at the rapture then he's going to stay up there while down here on the earth as the seven year tribulation that he's going to come back and set up his kingdom for a thousand years so when i look at all these things i go man jesus must be coming soon i don't see how it can be another year or two i mean it just everything seems to be falling in place and the sooner jesus comes at the rapture the better so let me ask you this are you saved the bible says you must be born again bible says salvation is through faith faith in what romans 3 25 through faith in his blood the gospel is first corinthians 15 1-4 how that christ died for our sins according to the scriptures that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures and you were saved by believing in that because jesus died for your sins to make an atonement for your sins will you trust him today if you trust him you'll go at the rapture and that rapture it must be coming soon so are you saved are you going at the rapture i hope so we might have another sermon next week we may not the rapture just might come first but if not we'll see every week with a new sermon in english and in spanish and hope you come hope you watch hope you learn the bible with me god bless you
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 174,640
Rating: 4.9088626 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus must be coming soon, Jesus is coming soon, Jesus is returning, Rapture, The Rapture, Jesus's return
Id: gxbtCQT58xM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 52sec (2992 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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