For Such a Time as This - WAKE UP!!

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hey guys i want to talk to you about a word that the lord gave me today in my prayer closet had such an urgency and such a flame on it i really literally felt the fear of the lord in a way where i've rarely felt it that's strong it was so amazing so i wrote this word out and and then immediately i wanted to send it to a couple of mentors and people that pour into my life people that i trust that are voices that are moms and dads and uh to me and i sent it to them and they were like this needs to go out right now to the body of christ this is a right now word so it's really important i'm actually starting to tremble again even thinking about it i released it to our students here at lcu at our university this morning it was the flame and fear of the lord and so i'd love for you guys to take a listen and let it take your heart to a place where the lord wants you to rest he wants us to live in his passionate heart of the reality of the book of revelation that we're about to step into bless you [Music] oh that all god's children but learn how to pray [Music] where prayer wouldn't be a burden it would be our delight [Music] i feel like these last nine months in my life of purifying [Music] this place reminds me of the place where esther was where she was just bathed and soaked in oil and fragrance so that she could be put before a king for such a time as this jesus i need your help [Music] like never before i need your strength because i'm weak the tears and the cries drain my body god i love you so much nothing else satisfies [Music] so i went into my prayer closet today i felt this intensity of the fear of the lord like i've never felt before i entered into worship and just thanked him and just cried and thanked him and cried and thanked him lifted up communion looked at the bread and thanked him for his body and just like jesus we talked about it before when he took the bread took the cup when he took the bread on the night that he was betrayed when he took the bread knowing that betrayal was on the other side i looked at it said what does it matter if people betray me i will love you more i once again looked at the bread and the juice and counted the cost and remember the lord's death and resurrection every day sometimes a couple times a day i do it just thankfulness what he's done the awareness of victory the awareness of hope the awareness of love love like we've never known [Music] love that's sweeter than wine love that intoxicates with the presence it doesn't make you numb like alcohol would make you numb the intoxicating presence of the lord doesn't make you love numb it makes you hungry gosh the small awareness of my shortcomings and my my faults become obliterated by the heightened awareness of his presence and how much he loves me and how much he sees my heart that wants to repent at the very whisper of conviction i don't have to have a convictive shout i'll listen to the still small voice of the convicting lord and king purity is what the lord desires wow there's no one like you jesus there's no one like you there's no one like you mountains bow before you demons run and flee at the mention of your name jesus wow as i've preached throughout the years i've stood before an audience of one never ever preaching to please people to pet people or to condone where people are at bringing the cutting edge of the living word praying that he would fully the heart and lay people wide open so that they would see his ever increasing gaze upon their soul the fear of the lord is everything jesus was anointed above his companions because he hated lawlessness and loved righteousness he was anointed he was smeared with the oil of heaven more than any because of his hatred for lawlessness and his love for righteousness the scepter of his throne his righteousness he rules and he reigns from within from his righteousness those afraid to approach the throne in prayer because they cannot see they become the righteousness of god that's in christ jesus david talked about the man that said but first let me bury my father i would like to say jesus says but first seek the kingdom and his righteousness i don't care if the world thinks i'm crazy everyone's gonna bow before my king [Music] if we willingly bow now and live out what he's called us to people won't be forced about later that should matter god has given me a platform has given me a voice he did not give me a platform or a voice to tickle ears or impressive people in these days that we're in people have heaped up for themselves teachers tickle their ears and lull them to sleep he's given me the reality of a holy ghost defibrillator so that i can shock people back into reality what a king that he would trust us with this gospel you have been entrusted with the gospel it is god's good pleasure to give you the kingdom the kingdom doesn't divide and separate the church the kingdom divides and separates the soul from the spirit the body of christ has become drunk drinking from the wrong cup she sits in a stupor in her drunkenness having sipped from the wrong glass [Music] she's overdosed on calories from the wrong bread she can't tell it's moldy whom shall i send whom will go for me the lord says in isaiah whoa to me i'm undone for i am a man of unclean lips i'd say and the lord not isaiah isaiah didn't have the privilege of grabbing a coal with his hands it would have burned his whole body but a seraphim brings the coal and touches it to his lips cleanses isaiah i would love to tell you that jesus is the fiery coal from the altar whom shall i set and isaiah with clean lips says here i am lord set me [Music] the church has forfeited the word send me to feed me she's forfeited her ability to be sent because she's been huddling in a corner afraid saying feed me something help me i'm starving because she's not able to eat herself she thinks that she needs to be fed but really she needs to drink desiring the pure milk of the word has been replaced to desiring the world unknowingly she's drank the devil's milk and instead of growing she's become lethargic and is sick and cowering in a corner hmm god's looking for a voice one that wouldn't be afraid to trumpet calvary one that's not afraid of death because they've already died one that doesn't fear people because they fear the lord one who sees from a new heart that they've been given instead of an old heart that's supposed to be gone one that doesn't spend all of their life trying to fix the things that they can't but they believe that jesus fixed it so they can move forward and press on to the upward call of christ and for the reason that god has laid a hold of you jesus help us come up higher today i feel the tenderness of the lord the tenderness of this person talking to david yesterday we were talking about the lord and his presence when moses said show me your glory god tucked him into the cleft of the rock and he said i will let all my glory pass before you and he did and he showed him his goodness he said i will let my goodness pass before you and he said nevertheless i will not i will not pardon the sin of people visiting the third and fourth generation and for some reason we as the church as the body of christ have bypassed the severity and dove into his goodness and have forgotten that he is a holy and righteous judge his goodness and floating around on this planet because god is good [Music] diving into immorality becomes commonplace because intimacy with jesus are just words coming out of people's hearts that are far from him adultery embezzlement twisted lying has become commonplace and has taken the place of real grace the empowerment of heaven itself jesus has given us all things all things are yours according to life godliness joint heirs with the king of glory all in heaven he says is mine and i give it to you all that the father has is mine and all that's mine is yours and we've used that for selfish gain and used liberty as a vice and there is hell to pay i hear it i really didn't want to hear this this morning tough i will be a dad i will be a father under complete authority of the king of glory i will not use this pulpit for selfish gain i will not use a microphone to voice my opinion because my opinion apart from what he says is hellish talk using a microphone for a show and impressing people is demonic using your platform for selfish gain is selfish ambition and the wisdom of the world with it which is sensual and demonic god sees right through the fake and he wants to go straight into your heart and pierce you where it hurts the most so that you can love he wants to cut away the trash and all the stuff that has smoldered the flame that god has placed in you that's a living flame of love and we need the lord to come and baptize us afresh [Music] we say that we desire the spirit and we we quote romans 8 11 in the same spirit that raised jesus christ from the dead dwells in us and will quicken our mortal body but we've forgotten what that spirit entailed what the same spirit that raised jesus from the dead and the number one pursuit and the number one the number one heart cry of the spirit is isaiah 11 2 defines that spirit the spirit of god the seven-fold spirit of god and it says that jesus's delight it wasn't in in the power to heal it wasn't in the power to prophesy it wasn't in the power of counsel it wasn't in the power of might no his number one desire was in the fear of the lord why because the fear of the lord will quicken your mortal body here so that none of your members are in sin because the fear of the lord cuts out gouges out the eye and cuts off the hand the fear of the lord is the wisdom of god itself set up to become the stronghold that came that takes every thought captive [Music] the fear of the lord makes you more than a conqueror the fear of the lord makes you an overcomer not one that gets overcome there is absolutely nothing that can overcome he who overcomes jesus says live a life worthy of the call walk in a manner worthy of the call to he who overcomes we are saved by grace but judged by works and somehow some way the devil has confused us that we don't have to work so we've become lazy sitting back twiddling our thumbs saying the lord knows where i am yeah he does he's the great i am he needs the church to get off her butt and to breathe in the fragrance of heaven so that she can breathe in god and exhale god stop breathing in and sucking in the world stop drinking from the cup of the devil and drink from the cup of the lord see the blazing eyes of fire that are staring at you consistently never turning away people look and say well i see these smiling eyes of love yes he's good and yes he smiles do you think he smiles at sin absolutely not sin sends people to hell cost you more than you ever wanted to pay and takes you further than you ever wanted to go the conscience becomes numb the conscience becomes seared and all violation takes place the line gets pushed further and further and further and further before you know it which is up and which is down and which is in and which is out we need god to regulate our compass to shake us to bring us again to true north so that we can face the lord and king jesus came as a lamb but he's not coming back that way oh he is so pleased oh that we can feel his heartbeat and only share what he shares as i stand here fully intoxicated with his presence the joy of the lord coming because my lamp is full of oil knowing that at any moment the king could return and i'm not sharing my oil with anyone you have to get your own oil you have to purchase what money can't buy you have to eat his flesh and drink his blood you have to have your life be the very sustenance of what you've taken in that is his body that is his blood your food needs to be the food of heaven your life becomes living bread your blood becomes drink because you've sipped from the master's table and you have sat with the king of glory because jesus said if anybody would love me my father and i would come in and dine and sup and eat with him and when you're sitting at the table that the lord has made he presents that buffet table that is full of his goodness his mercy and his severity and he has you sit down in the presence of your greatest enemies and he announces on the loudspeaker of heaven this is my son in whom i'm well pleased and the battle is the lord's oh lord use me and pour my life out like a drink offering i'm done trying to figure out plans and i'm asking you master planner [Music] master planner i'm done trying to figure out what i'm supposed to do tomorrow today has enough of its own oh prince of peace peace that surpasses understanding peace that crushes confusion peace that crushes division peace that's beyond my own ability to figure it out o cross at calvary have your way your blood jesus speaks a better word you rightly divide what is and it's what not truth you rightly divide what is and is what not truth you have made me a worker rightly dividing the word of truth because the fear of the lord governs my soul has taken over his residency and is fully occupying this temple giving way to no other renters it's full there's no room at the end it is fully occupied there's no room for options plan a is jesus there is no plan b oh god entice the bride with your sweet caress and the wine of your presence that she would shed and throw off that old wine skin let us taste and see that you are good and let us move into a season that's never ending of first love that has no end let us grow in fervent desire and fiery expectation not fearful expectation fearful expectation is sinning willfully after you have the knowledge of the truth let us leave the childish games of sinning willfully playing games the anointing is not a game the anointing is not something that you wear on your chest like a badge it is not some metal that you've achieved and you've arrived none of us have arrived the anointing is the presence of the holy [Laughter] people say you're a little bit too intense oh no when we face jesus you will see intense oh jesus receive your reward of your suffering let every devil scream in defeat let every devil be terrorized with true terror let every chattering voice that's trying to speak louder than our king be silenced let that voice have their throat cut with the sword of the lord let our hearts be pierced through and through over and over and over and over and over as many times as it takes oh god fully us and cut us deep take the living word the sharp two-edged sword and divide our soul from our spirit to where our soul no longer tries to dominate us but our spirit man the deliverer sets up his home and the strongest man of all jesus strips the armor of every other thought trying to just come and bait our soul let us run from the bait of satan oh jesus we love you you are so good you are so wonderful now is not the time to grow weary now is not the time to draw back god's soul has no pleasure he has no pleasure in the soul that draws back god has no pleasure and the soul that draws back let us let go let us completely let go of all those things that so easily tried to ensnare us god let us move past the things that so easily ensnare us and let us become keenly aware by our spirit of those things that we're hardly aware of purify our hearts and burn in us a righteous indignation and a godly fear burn in us a godly jealousy burn in us mark us with a godly jealousy that nothing infiltrates this relationship no family has the right to intervene no boyfriend or girlfriend has the right to intervene no loss has the right to intervene no death has the right to intervene no lie has the right to intervene strengthen the bride lord strengthen the bride you are where my heart my help my life my victory you are where my help comes from oh jesus author and finisher of our faith i look to you and the joy of knowing you overwhelms my soul there's no other lover that can compete with you o great king o god of majesty and victory none can defeat you you see me as lovely you see me as beautiful you see me as one that is surrendered to the call the first part of the call is being free from yourself being free from you denying that which in you tries to rise up silencing it with the truth of god's word because of the body of christ surrendering and submitting to the lordship of jesus many people will be saved not just a little because it's not god's will that any perish but that all be saved and come to the knowledge [Applause] of him god wants to pour out a spirit of wisdom and revelation upon the body of christ like never before he is about to release something that we've never seen this talk isn't hopeless talk it's hope because hope deferred is a talk from a sick heart this heart is not sick love's sick doesn't cause hopelessness love sick causes intensity and passion that cannot be quenched fire can't quench it sword can't quench it a shotgun can't quench it a guillotine can't quench it drawn and quartered can't can't touch it there's nothing that can touch love's sick because i'm eternally secure god will never change his mind he's made up his mind he made up his mind before i said yes if he made up his mind before i said yes how could my mind be set on something else all else are fruitless pursuits that lead us down a path of destruction you are holy and he has given us the holy spirit because he's holy jesus the lord told me to write out a word this morning in trembling in first corinthians chapter 2 paul came and he said when i came to you i came to you in fear and trembling salvation works itself out with fear and trembling the word works itself out with fear and trembling dave talked about yesterday eating the scroll honey to your lips and bitter in your stomach why because he wants you to vomit up that word he wants you to be bold and stand on the rooftop and bring it why would you wait for the things that you've done in secret to be exposed why wouldn't you let go of that stuff that so easily ensnares us gossip lying manipulating maneuvering selfish ambition [Music] trying to do whatever you can to get to the pulpit and think that you've arrived my god don't you know that those that are at a pulpit and have a microphone will be judged way more strictly do you understand to he who has given much much is required this isn't the hour to make a name for yourself jesus who had the name above all names considered himself of no reputation he wasn't concerned with how people saw him there was nothing comely about him there was nothing beautiful about this man jesus yet when he spoke jesus talked about my blood is the real drink and my flesh is the real food unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you cannot meet a my disciple you cannot be my disciple and everybody bailed but his disciples everybody some say thousands failed either way his disciples still there he says do you want to go to and peter said where else would we go you have the words of eternal life and we know that you are him my question is do you know that he is him and do you know that he has the words of eternal life are we so intoxicated by facebook instagram social media cnn the news wondering what's going to happen read the book let the book read you eat the scroll swallow it it tastes good and it will sicken your stomach the word doesn't stick in your stomach the reality that you live in sickens your stomach because you see all are lost and none [Applause] none none go after him and your stomach will become sick it's the holy spirit getting righteousness inside of you because the word you drink the pure milk of the word you desire first you have to desire the pure milk of the word and then you start to grow thereby that's what peter said grow thereby desiring the pure milk of the word and then we move from milk to meat and it says that strong meat is for the mature that have their senses trained to discern both good and evil because they have been trained in the word of righteousness it's the word of righteousness that trains the soul it's being right with god because when you're right with god you're wrong with the world and when people don't like your post it's okay because you've fallen in love with god because jesus hung on the post now you carry the posts people don't like that because it completely convicts them of the sin that they're living in and i'm talking about the church the church doesn't like people that live in conviction the church doesn't reward those that live in conviction the body of christ doesn't cling to those that live in conviction only soldiers can cling to this soldiers that know that they've been enlisted by a captain that never loses soldiers that know that the battle is the lord's and he's given you every weapon necessary for you to take out the enemy and the number one pursuit is taking out the enemy of your soul and we go from message to message to message to message trying to find one that fits our life jesus doesn't fit your life and you can't afford to make god in your image he made you in his this is called returning this message is too intense oh no this is just the beginning i have lost it i'm not kidding and i'm lost i've lost it he is breathing fire into my soul like never before i've never ever ever felt anything quite like this i feel as if i could sweat blood you have no idea my tears and cries for the body of christ and where we're at right now how can we save people if we don't know what we've been saved to and how would they want what we have if we look like them this isn't religion no one wants to look like religion religion tries to follow rules and make other fine rules and travel over land and sea to make a convert twice a son of hell is themselves there'll be many pastors in hell guys there'll be many so-called prophets in hell i'm not kidding they'll be evangelists in hell ones that have won souls for the kingdom will sit in a pit eternally separated because it has become about them and they've ruled with the heart of balaam for profits and selfish gains oh yep i said it my job is to not make comfortable disciples i don't know if you know it or not but you are a disciple be like well i don't know if i want this then go i didn't sign up for this i signed up for miracles oh trust me you are the miracle the bride has made herself ready is a miracle in itself the church has sat back and gotten fat and full and is no longer hungry she's accepted jesus and said yes to jesus and she figures she's good she ain't good she's in trouble because accepting jesus at birth is being born again but born again is essential to unlock your fiery passionate holy potential to where you would draw a line and not cross it to where they would hang a plumb line this is the straight plumb line of the gospel this is holding the line of truth regardless of what people say they're like well this isn't the todd that i knew oh no this isn't the todd that i knew either i'm not kidding i've read my bible for 16 years steady every day of my life and i've never seen what i see right now and god had to do a pruning and a cutting and a trimming he had to put me into a place of painful labor painful labor i don't even remember what it was like i'm not kidding god is allowing me to give birth i am so excited i am i am so excited i am feeling contractions like never before i can't explain to you i've been in the room when my wife delivered it's not pretty but it's severe pain but afterwards don't even remember because it was worth it it was worth it i wrote something and i want to read it to you this is this morning and it was coming straight from the lord oh my god jesus i ask you to help this come out the way that it came in you are so good you are so righteous and so holy let me bring honor to your name i worship you i love you and i give you praise and glory o god you are holy and pure wake up the sleeping giant the body of christ is like a powder keg waiting to burst this morning waking up with the warning of complete sobriety yet at the same time being intoxicated with this great love he seems to have been brooding over me in the most intimate yet intensely focused way this morning the heightened awareness of the exact point of calvary is brought to me consuming me with truth and extreme focus my every cell seems to be standing at full attention to hear this right now word from the captain of our salvation my lord our lord my savior your savior jesus the awareness of time is running out seems to be the seems to be the theme as tears stream down my face like a waterfall that never ends my eyes burning in my heart pounding with violent intercession for the saints that are yet still blinded by the god of this world still the devil and the millions upon millions of souls that need to know what the true gospel is i am overwhelmed i'm not overwhelmed with sadness or despair because that would mean that there is no hope hope deferred makes the heart sick i don't have a sick heart i've been given a new heart jeremiah 24 clarifies that a heart to know him i am overwhelmed by his wonderful presence the truth of the authentic gospel is pulsating within me revival fire consumes me from within i can hear the terrifying roar of the lion of the tribe of judah the one that is seated on the throne the one that has the name above every name i can literally feel the urgency of the hour that we live in he said to me in a thundering voice i have put you on the earth for such a time of this as this the spirit of the fear of the lord is about to be released in such a way that the cowering bride that has lived blinded with their hands covering her ears is about to become awestruck with godly jealousy and will become deeply lovesick for the return of the bridegroom she will begin to get her house in order first by removing all the extra clothing that she has gathered over all the years all the outfits of unrighteousness will be thrown out and burned she will be consumed with the one outfit that is needed her robe of righteousness her one concern is going to be made sure that she has oil in her lamp this oil is very costly it will cost you everything but with everything in her she will sell everything that she has to make sure that she has him this will produce a first love joy that will completely consume her the very oil of joy will both cover her and consumer great victory will once again be the platform that she will live from because the conscious awareness of the great gain of calvary for heaven and the mighty loss for hell will be seen in their entirety darkness will keep increasing in this world but our great god is unleashing an angelic host that will come alongside of this victorious bride to aid her in the conquering of satan's increasing strategy to deceive many we're about to witness the most wonderful awesome warfare that we have ever seen the literal book of revelation of the things that jesus showed the apostle john and said these are the things that are to come is now here hallelujah and praise to the lamb that was slain behold the lamb the one who is faithful and true i am writing this and i am overwhelmed by his presence i can hear and feel the spirit of god prophesying through me i hear him saying tell the church not to look at the things that you can see they are temporal and they are fading away it is time for us to gird up the loins of our mind and be ready repent and return get your heart and focus in order we are in our final lap run your race there's laid up for you a crown of righteousness no soldier ever entangles himself in the affairs of this world and no athlete ever competes except according to the rules you are a hard-working farmer sow seeds get ready for harvest dust off your swords and believe the truth let it cut you to the quick put on your breastplate and remember that you are the righteousness of god that's in christ jesus put your helmet back on and let your mind be renewed believe that you are who god says you are pull tight again your belt of truth that has loosened you are about to lose weight from the lies that have been trying to weigh you down pick up your shield soaked in the blood of jesus christ so that absolutely no enemy dart can touch you put on your battle shoes and march with the army of the lord the peace of god that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in christ jesus and remember always remember the battle belongs to the lord victory is ours this is a right now word of the lord right now for the church not in america only for the body of christ i need our worship team to come out here and i want all all who have this right here this heart cry that i just shared right now i want you to come and wail for the church right now and cry out for the body of christ right now don't play right now pour out your heart for the body of christ don't stop bring it to the lord right [Music] now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] cry out cry out cry out don't stop don't stop cry out lift your voice this is war this is war cry out [Applause] hold the line hold the line cry out [Applause] [Music] cry out cry out this is the plum line [Applause] wake up wake up wake up cry out he's coming cry out he's coming cry out [Applause] [Music] holy [Applause] [Music] spirit as you're crying out god's gonna baptize you with a fresh fire [Music] i pray that the lord would take this word and take it and put it into your life that you would eat the scroll of this word that it would make your stomach bitter to the things of this world to where you would see the gospel with such a clarity because the time is now the urgency is now now is the time of salvation people's eternity depend upon what you're going to do with this word remember he is for you and not against you it's time to act don't sit dormant obey the convictions of your heart and run with a passionate flame so that others can know his name god wants to use you as a vessel set apart of honor bless you you
Channel: Todd White
Views: 214,783
Rating: 4.8777671 out of 5
Id: eB-uzDa7rf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 37sec (3577 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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