Todd White - Busyness Disrupts His Presence

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[Music] for the first time in my life his tangible presence won't go away and i am willing to do whatever it takes for that to stay no matter what that includes not speaking seems like i'm just starting to get to know god and i know i've known him all along this is different i went to mercy culture this morning and it's beautiful pastor landon's such a beautiful man and i sat there and he's sharing on mourning weeping and my life has been there for the last seven months in such an intense way that i can't stop so i'll come here and i'm like what it was exactly exactly what god's been doing in me he's been sweeping everything clean and it's not like sin was the dirt busyness was wow fear has become a lover in a lot of people's lives and it's prostituting what's real it doesn't mean that you love fear that just mean that that just means that fear loves you and it's saturating and it seems like a welcome intruder the only reason that that's welcomed is because we've been living in adultery and i'm not talking adultery in the sense of cheating on your wife or cheating on your husband so i told theo to pray for me tonight i'm overwhelmed you know i preached that repent because i repent because i haven't preached the full gospel i had no idea what i was stepping into i've been going to every one of my staff telling them how sorry i am for being so busy i spent the other night with my wife and my kids apologizing to destiny and zoe and briley for allowing ministry to take over in a place where it wasn't like it wasn't good because it was good and for a season it was what god called me to i hope you guys are ready for this i want to really share with you what repentance looks like so that we can have a really clear understanding of what it is repentance isn't just saying you're sorry i believe that it's impossible to truly repent without godly remorse i sat my kids and my wife down and i apologized for being so busy people say well that's a call you're right it is but i got so busy that intimacy with me was was i'm not talking about discipline discipline is necessary but intimacy for me was militant i was very militant about everything because when god says something that's the way it is period and i go after that with everything in me god called me to go all around the world he did it's not like it wasn't real it was so real and i'm not saying anything negative about that except when you're gone so much and you come home and you're home for two days or three days and then you're pouring out your heart to lcu which is necessary and then you're trying to make sure that kids and family and wife and all that is amazing you want to do it all with excellence so militancy slept in slept yeah i slept with millions at sea militancy for me was never legalism i saw so many people cheating on wives and and ministers wives cheating with interns and and i i saw the most horrendous stuff when i traveled that it overwhelmed me and i said lord what do i do how can this how can i keep from this seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and and everything will be added don't worry but seek and and so no matter what i did i pressed in and i'm and i still am pressing in but this pressing in is different than i've ever pressed in before and i don't want to have you go 17 years to where you realize how to truly press in like a kindergartner right now explaining calculus so bear with me i am such i am in such a place of godly sorrow to where god is taking out all the things that were good and he's putting god in because you can you can be doing amazing at everything you do this doesn't just happen in ministry this happens in life to where life becomes your mistress help me because i am like floundering here i'm in a place of love with god that i didn't know existed but tears of the byproduct that don't stop it's not tears of of of sadness it's not tears that i missed it it's tears that i got it it's not tears that i can't believe i missed it like when i talk to my kids and tell them i'm sorry for not being able to be there for dance recitals and and and for all that stuff as destiny's growing up because i'm on the road three years in i was in full-time ministry i was traveling like just a couple years in i'm 200 000 miles plus a year and cruising and there wasn't sin involved i wasn't in secret place i utilized and redeemed the time and was very necessary for the season i was in but it was so intense that when i came home it was like whoa i gotta back away i have to i have to like because i i don't want to mess this up i can't afford to let family get messed up so many ministry families are messed up but militancy can't keep your family together and you can't just you can't just guard them through carnal means and i've stepped into this place of this heart cry of a father for a son and the cry of a son for the father and and it's just different you know pastor landon said this morning about the comforter said that the comforter is actually another word for the for communion with holy spirit and i'm like oh my gosh this is so good oh gosh everywhere i go oh my gosh i'm watching something oh man that's amazing he's doing something fresh and new but not just a week ago or two weeks ago he's doing it every day my my time with the lord is at a minimum of three hours every day no matter what no matter what and i will fight to be in that place today i i i took a short nap with my son i spent a couple hours this morning with jesus and then today i went to put my son azariah and i love to cuddle him he gets to go to bed and he's right here and he just cuddles me and boom he passes out and i'm holding my boy and it's amazing and i i put on my watch you know sleep timer gonna get up in 30 minutes but i never press start and i'm in my sleep and god wakes me up in my sleep he says hey it's time and i wake up and i went no it was 20 minutes past when i wanted to wake up and i got upset i didn't get upset at me i i got upset at the fact that he's waiting for me and i've kept him waiting and i've never been there before and i got into my prayer chair and i'm trying to calm down because i'm i'm upset because i missed my appointment most important appointment ever in the whole world ever and i'm sitting in the chair and i said lord i'm so sorry and god landed on me and loved on me and just i've never been in this place i've always fought for intimacy i've always i've had relationship when i share this i'm very careful because i don't want people to think boy todd was like twisted and now he finally got saved that's what every cerebral theologian figure it out try to find fault we'll say i am in love like i've never been in love i've never known him like i know him now my life is being consumed with a holy fire that's burning in my heart that i can't contain i can't even control it it's absolutely astounding i'm a walking mess i'm a walking mess i'm in my closet crying out for people crying out for this nation crying out for people to see crying out for hardened people to have an encounter with the god of love that changes everything his love is without compromise it it it never grows weary it never gets tired it's always patient it's always kind he's always kind he's always patient like i get in my chair i'm like lord i missed it i 20 minutes and i sat there and thought what is wrong with me and that thought went away what's wrong is that i'm in a place of intimacy and love like i've never been before and busyness it was like it was like i was in a relationship with god and committed busyness as adultery and didn't even know it i looked through the old testament i read hosea oh my gosh hosea was this prophet and the lord's like i want you to marry a prostitute and so he does and then she ends up doing what a prostitute would do and and she leaves and then god's like bring her back and then again bring her back and then they're like selling her as a slave and god's like go and pay this for her and all the while he's he's having hosea preach and prophesy and share and his heart is broken for israel who is playing the harlot and i looked at this and harlot actually means adulterer adulteress so i'm looking through this i look at jeremiah he's a weeping prophet and he's weeping about the adultery and the harlotry that israel is committing against god continually you look at him he takes him out here they committed again he takes him out here he rescues him and then they committed again and then they rescue they're rescued and he committed and rescued committed rescue committed it's it's serious and the whole testament is about that and i'm like oh no way and it just the lights went on today in this place where i realized this adultery thing is way bigger than we think and i was in it through busyness just scheduled meetings people running trying to do family well but all the while in that militancy i didn't ever live up to my own expectation of what i needed to i thought i did and i didn't lose my kids and i didn't lose my wife i had a friend and jackie that was faithful and loved god and just just just loved jesus but in my life i wanted it to i wanted to do so much better and so much more and and i was doing it outside of his manifest presence and and and now it's the way he created us to function he created us to function with him manifesting himself on our life not just well i know he's here no he wants to tangibly land on you i'm talking like land on you and make your heart this throbbing heart of love you know in this season that i'm in that's never ending because this is like springtime forever a winter is past oh i'm not kidding winter is fast song of solomon language when i'm sitting there talking in and i'm in conversation or if i'm in a place it says that righteousness is it trains your senses to discern between both good and evil and i've taught that before and i understand that and to me it was it was sin i know the difference between what is sin and what is not sin but god's taking me deeper into this place of understanding what does that mean and so for me it's anything that anything that makes my heart beat escalate not cardio conversations thoughts thoughts actions that makes my heart beat fast i realize that i'm getting outside of god's heartbeat and i have this mighty holy spirit that i'm in covenant with that that heartbeat that gets out is on the verge of possible adultery with whatever's in front of me oh gosh so hard to use this word because we're so used to hearing it in the sexual content just this is different god is teaching me how to gauge my life from presence to live from presence that i'm in the heartbeat of the father and if something comes my way that takes my heartbeat where it's not supposed to be i realize that my heartbeat has exceeded god's heartbeat and it needs to come back down here gosh it's so hard it's hard because it's foreign language this is foreign language for the body of christ as a whole it's foreign language lover language god being my lover jesus being my lover is foreign language to the body of christ we say it yeah that's cool but we back away quickly because it's just weird face to face with god means mouth to mouth with god that sounds weird but that's how we're created by god to function never outside of that place where we created the function that's why there's so many failures because outside of this is failure outside of love is failure oh my gosh please jesus help me i tried to write a couple of things down so i didn't seem like a wacko i'm not kidding it's because because to me this was a foreign language i would read song of song and be like okay i get some things and i'm like oh okay it just wasn't it didn't grip me now i'm being gripped by god's heart look i want a people that you are completely content with who god's created you to be but he didn't create you to be without him for a moment he didn't create you to be out to be without him thinking that he might not be there for a moment fear has crept in and we've slept with fear and it's produced horrible offspring you have to understand perfect love casts out all fear if love isn't perfect fear is present i i wasn't afraid before because i i mean i i i was never afraid to die because i know i'm just going to be with jesus like that's for real but this is different i want to be with him so presently now that everybody around me gets wiped out because of my love for jesus because it's a manifested love it's not just a love that i think i know it's a love that i live but i live inside of his heartbeat this is totally there's people looking at me like i'm insane and i know it's just the brain trying to connect here trying to okay we thought you loved god some thoughts i can hear him right now but we thought you loved god i did with everything that i knew everything in me that i knew i could love god with i did everything in me but this is different this is different when i said i repent you don't understand every message is coming out of that place like this morning i repented again and it's not a fake humility it's a my god if there's anything in me that's not seeking you kill it if there's any part of me that is driven by anything else kill it i can't have it live god anything in me that has anything at all before you do you understand that abraham with with isaac when abraham when isaac was born to abraham he became abraham's love i mean he's a hundred years old he has this baby of all the promises hang on isaac all of them so he grows up and into this young man and and abraham has been with him all the time teaching him yes son i mean teaching him his covenant rests upon this kid and god says i need you to kill your kid why because abraham not knowing it had committed adultery with his own son not in the sexual way someone will post that we post lots of stuff because we don't know him sometimes we sound bite people because we don't know him abraham in his love for god had let isaac slip in to a deeper place than god did and god wasn't going to have that and so god said sacrifice your son and so the pain of taking isaac out of abraham's heart had to be abraham's willingness to lay his son on an altar isaac was in abraham's heart he was in god's heart but he had now pierced and penetrated the very place that was reserved for god alone so isaac was in that place and god said you need to sacrifice your son so abraham had to go through a whole lot of stuff in that place i know i would and abraham takes his son and puts him on the altar lifts up the knife is going to drive the dagger into his chest and go said no now i know what's your isaac because you can't have what you think you want you can't have what you think you want if god's not your everything you can't have what you think you desire if your desires are stronger for something here than it is meeting with him there's nothing can be sustained there's no sustainable way to hold what god wants to do unless the heart is utterly abandoned and isaacs are ripped out nothing and god's not going to take it out for you god's not going to take it out for you first john 2 15 says do not love the world nor the things in the world if anybody loves the world the love of the father is not in him what does that mean it's pretty big love the world we're in the world but not of the world so many so many people incorporate jesus in and live of the world yet not in the world but of the world yet in the world but not of and we push the line of of purity a little further and a little further and we try to like i didn't sin and we try to like we do that whole test thing that's because you've got isaacs this is such not a good yay message i don't want to have look god's taken me off the road and said your 13 years of traveling i've taught you many things but now you're going to learn me so he's breaking my heart like he broke hosea's heart like he broke jeremiah's heart like he broke isaiah's heart all these prophets hearts were broken by god for a nation that kept running and my heart is breaking for america but my heart you can't rescue america until individual hearts are purified with the flame of his love that their hearts are completely free from isaacs because we can't rescue a country [Applause] if god's church is sleeping with the enemy it's impossible it's impossible for a church to rescue when she's sleeping with the enemy when she's sleeping with with how good was my performance today when she's sleeping with did people like that message let's check and see the likes how can you rescue when you're so concerned about how much you're liked people hate me but i am loved and i am being possessed by god's spirit what can man do to me this is a gospel of strength but in my in my strength of trying to hold on through militancy of trying to to make sure that nobody that that everything was good here and everything was good here and everything was good here and everything there i wasn't going crazy i didn't worry i wasn't condemned i i wasn't shameful and i didn't i didn't fear but what i did do was try to help everything out there god told me he said i did not create you give you this vision of lifestyle give you this building give you this school i did not do that for you to be a surrogate mother and care about everybody else's child but your own i did not desire for you to be a surrogate mother give birth and leave and let somebody else do this so he's hit my heart as a father in a different way ever as a father in the natural as a spiritual father but i can't afford to have any kind of isaacs living in and amongst this region right here that would be any more important that even remotely close to as important as my meeting with him consistently all day it starts early it continues throughout the day first john 5 19 says we know that we are of god but the whole world lies under the power of the evil one we know that you're of god we know we're a god but the whole world lies under the power of the evil one i can promise you this if god's not your everything then he's only your something if the whole world was under the power of the evil one and god's priority for you was intimacy relationship jesus bridged the gap for us to be intimate with the father on a consistent basis morning afternoon night all through the night waking up in relationship and intimacy what what does intimacy looks like look like what does communion look like you cannot have communion if you're not there communion means to have immunion to having union but if you're not there how can it happen what if you're there but you're so busy here and he's trying to get through busy but he can't get to you because there's isaac's in the way that have to be sacrificed on an altar this is our father's heart this is what i'm learning about god's heart i'm in my prayer room like overwhelmed seven months of crazy labor intense pruning oh my gosh i'm going to die god's like i need you dead i need you dead dead men don't whine [Applause] dead people can't whine they can't murmur they can't complain all they can do is lay there and god wants us to be completely dead to the praise of man the petting of man receiving honor from man because that will kill a move in a second because it always ends in adultery embezzlement something stupid second corinthians chapter 11 verses 1 through 3. says i wish that you would bear with me i preached this so many times i looked at it today and god went and i thought i knew it i wish that you would bear with me in a little foolishness he says but indeed you are bearing with me for i am jealous for you with a godly jealousy i've been trying to get the body of christ to wake up to something that i was kind of asleep to i'm not talking about moral failure stupid i'm not talking about that stuff it's not part of the equation i'm talking about a depth of god's love that can only be reached through 100 ripping out of everything that you thought you knew god loves you that's a good thought god loving you that's a better thought you being loved by god that's even better you living in a place of constant intercourse between the holy spirit your soul and god's heart back and forth on a consistent basis that's the plan good better better plan i betrothed you to one husband so that christ to christ i might present you as a pure virgin but i'm afraid that as the serpent deceived eve by his craftiness so your minds will be led astray by the simplicity and the purity of your devotion to christ second corinthians 11 1-3 in the passion now please bear with me through some of my craziness for a moment yes be patient with me you need to know that god's passion is burning inside of me for you because like a loving father i have pledged your hand in marriage to christ your true bridegroom i've also promised that i would present his fiancee to him as a pure virgin bride but i'm afraid that just as eve was deceived by the serpent's clever lies your thoughts might be corrupted and you might lose your single-hearted devotion and pure love for christ no and the king james says your simplicity your pure love and devotion to the simplicity that's in the christ let me read one more sorry so good you don't understand if i write scriptures down i'll never get to share them i always go somewhere else god has me laser focused like never before i've never ever known him like this it's in james four chapter verses one through six it says what is the cause for your conflicts and quarrels with each other doesn't that battle begin inside of you as a fight to have your own way or to fill your own desires you jealously want what others have so you can begin to see yourself as better than others you scheme with envy and harm others to selfishly obtain what you crave that's why you quarrel and fight all the time you don't obtain what you want because you because you won't ask god for it and when you do ask you ask and you don't receive because you're asking with corrupt motives seeking only to fulfill selfish ambition and selfish desire you have become spiritual adulterers who are having an affair an unholy relationship with the world oh my gosh don't you know that flirting with the world's values places you at odds with god whoever chooses to be the world's friend makes himself god's enemy does the scripture mean nothing to you when it says the spirit that god breathed into your hearts is a jealous lover who intensely desires to have more and more of us but he continues to pour out more and more grace upon us for it says god resists you when you are proud but continually pours out grace when you are humble can i get some keys or something guys someone help me please oh my gosh i'm sitting here going i can't hear anything i can hear your heartbeats first john 2 15 says don't set the affections of your heart on the world or in loving the things of this world the love of the father and the love of the world are incompatible incompatible this has been the most painful season of my whole life in christ i can't say that enough today again most painful season lovely beautiful it's caused this amazing it says that godly sorrow it's in second corinthians chapter 11 no chapter 7. godly sorrow leads to repentance let me read it sorry i'm almost done thanks for being with me [Music] in second corinthians chapter 7 paul's talking about a letter that he had to send a letter of correction it says though i saw um verse 8 of chapter 7 of second corinthians though i caused you sorrow by my letter i do not regret it though i though i did regret it for i see that that letter caused you to sorrow through only a while only a little while now i rejoice that you are made sorrowful that you were made sorrowful to the point of repentance if you remain sorrowful according to the will of god so that you might suffer might not suffer lost in anything through us for the sorrow that is according to the will of god produces repentance without regret leading to salvation but the sorrow of the world produces death and look at the fruit of godly sorrow it's amazing it says but behold what earnestness this very thing godly sorrow has produced in you what vindication of yourselves what indignation what fear not fear people fear of god the fear of god needs to be restored what longing what zeal what avenging of wrong in everything you demonstrated yourselves to be innocent in the matter now i was reading in 2nd samuel chapter 11 12 i was reading about david and bathsheba i've been reading a lot just i have to catch god's heart i have to get his heartbeat and you look at david and david sees this woman from a rooftop and he has her called into his chamber he sleeps with bathsheba who's another man's wife i know you know the story and the david wants to cover up his sin he has to cover it up with the only way to cover it up because she says she's pregnant the only way to cover it up is the husband has to be with her because if he's not going to be with her then it's obvious she was with somebody else and then david's going to be found out no that's not okay so david's like bring him here he comes he's loyal to israel he's loyal to god he won't sleep with his wife tries to get her the first night he tries to get him to the first night he ends up sleeping outside second time david gets him drunk and tries to coerce him get him drunk therefore his senses will be down still won't do it so he goes back to the he goes back to war so david's like well i got to fix this so he sends a letter to the commander and he says take him and put him to the front the husband that wouldn't sleep with his own wife for the sake of israel take him and put it to the front make sure he's at the heat of battle because david knows that if he wipes him out the whole lie is covered up thank god for prophets so he puts him in the front he gets killed sends the message back david's like you know what that's what happens with the sword [Music] david had become kind of a little god unto himself even though it goes down as a man it was after god's heart [Music] something had to happen to put him to the place where he was a man that was after god's heart because right now he was a man that was after bathsheba in the sack [Music] trying to cover up his sin that's not what a man of god does man of god doesn't try to cover up his sin and sweep it under a carpet like nothing happened and so many people just bury stuff and just it'll go away it'll go away no it won't your stuff doesn't go away it manifests again somewhere else and you have to live in fear because somebody might find out proverbs 28 says the wicked flee when no one pursues them but the righteous are bold as a lion you can't be bold as a lion when you have wickedness under your carpet and so nathan thinks everything's okay or she was pregnant or i'm sorry david thinks everything's okay both sheba's pregnant nathan comes knocking on the door hey david yes nathan like nathan was real prophet [Music] he says to david he goes let me tell you a story there was this man that had this little little sheep and he loved this little sheep he actually cuddled this little sheep it was his favorite it was a girl sheep it was a she sheep it was his favorite and there was a man that threw a party because a visitor came in he had lots of sheep but instead of using one of his sheep he went over and killed that man sheep next door neighbor's sheep to satisfy the belly of the person that came nathan goes what do you think david enraged because he's god's man he's enraged he's gonna pay back fourfold david's like i'll kill this man nathan said you are that man you are the man you're the one and god directly pointed to david that's you're the one god saw it all when you were in the act god saw it he saw it all david says i've sinned against the lord because there was some serious price to pay because he's like i'm going to take all the wives of all your people and i'm going to have people sleep with them in the daylight in front of them intense david's like i've sinned against the lord just like that nathan goes and it was from his heart like he saw it there's people that say i'm sorry but they weren't sorry they just got called [Music] it's different david saw it oh i've sinned against the lord nathan goes okay that stuff's not going to happen but [Music] and that boy or their baby never made it next baby that came with solomon but i want to read something to you this is so powerful i read this today and i just wept and wept and wept and wept and wept because this is what the repentant heart looks like this is when isaacs are ripped out and that stuff that's in the way of god's true communion with you this is what happens because the psalms david goes down as a man after god's heart it's not that he didn't make a mistake it's he did make a major mistake a major mistake but it wasn't a fall it was intentional are you with me we don't just fall into sin it's intentional it has to be [Music] premeditated [Music] listen to this this is what it looks like now i'm going to read [Music] out the new living translate or i'm sorry the passion translation i read a whole bunch of different translations and this is good this is psalm 51. this is what it looks like for someone to truly repent from their heart david wouldn't have gone down as a man after god's heart if he wasn't and i want our people to be known as a people that are after god's heart after god's heart but carpets are no place to sweep sin underneath and isaacs have to be out of hearts because we can't afford to have anything there it gives you a dirty filter says god give mercy give me mercy from the foundation of forgiveness i know your abundant love is enough to wash away my guilt because your compassion your compassion is so great take away the shameful guilt of sin forgive the full extent of my rebellious ways and rape this erase this deep stain from my conscience for i am so ashamed and i feel such pain and anguish within me i can't get away from the sting of sin against you lord everything i did i did right in front of you for you saw it all against you and about and you above all have i sinned everything you say to me is infallibly true and fallibly true and your judgment conquers me lord i have been a sinner since birth from the moment my mother conceived me in other words he's saying i was born in iniquity i know that you delight to set your truth deep in my spirit so come into the hidden places of my heart and teach me wisdom purify my conscience and make this leper clean again wash me in your love until i'm pure in heart satisfy me in your sweetness and my song of joy will return the places within me you have crushed will rejoice in your healing touch hide my sins from your face erase all my guilt from your saving grace create in me a new and clean heart or cl create a clean heart within me fill me with pure thoughts and holy desires ready to please you may you never reject me may you never take me take from me your sacred spirit let my passion for life be restored tasting joy and every breakthrough you bring to me hold me close to you with a willing spirit that obeys whatever you say then i can show to other guilty ones how loving and merciful you are they will find their way back home to you knowing that you will forgive them then i can show to other guilty ones how loving and merciful you are they will find their way back home to you knowing that you will forgive them o god my saving god deliver me fully from every sin and the sin that brought blood guilt and my my heart will again once be thrilled to sing the passionate songs of joy and deliverance oh lord unlock my heart unlock my lips and i will overcome with joyful praise for the source of your pleasure is not in my performance or the sacrifices that i might offer you the fountain of your pleasure is found in the sacrifices of my shattered broken contrite heart before you you will not despise my tenderness as i humbly bow at your feet because you favor zion do what is good for her be the protecting wall around jerusalem and when we are fully restored you will rejoice and take the light in every offering of our lives as we bring our sacrifices of righteousness before you in love that is what a broken and contrite heart looks like that it was that's what it looks like when you sacrifice your isaacs and you say and in david's case it was adultery murder lying stealing all of it came through that one act of promiscuity boom it was done but when his heart got hit boom ah that's what was birthed out of his heart right there we have been sleeping with the enemy and it has produced horrible offspring [Music] and i'm not talking about your physical kids i'm talking about the issues of life and we can't afford to be in that place we need to be in this place can i get the whole worship team up here this is the most exciting time to be alive on the planet [Music] there are places in our hearts and in our minds that have been infiltrated by the enemy bit by bit and he has taken ground and a lot of the church is in that place and we need to be to the place of godly sorrow that leadeth unto repentance but it's not about just saying yeah whatever i'm guilty you don't care that you're guilty we need to sincerely care that we've been blindsided by the devil himself and the whole world lies under the sway of him it says come out and be separate i'm not just talking about people that are living in willful sin it can be just the busyness of life where god has now taken second place or third place because as quick as he takes second place he takes last place and this is not just for ministers any man alive any woman alive can gaze upon jesus everyone [Music] and i want to give the opportunity right now maybe you've never known him and you'd like to have intimacy with god you'd like to have relationship with god or maybe you can't find intimacy because the enemy has crept in either way i'm asking you right now before god to sacrifice your isaacs i'm asking you to sacrifice all those things that stand before him i'm asking you to cut down every graven image i'm asking you to stop playing the harlot with the world [Music] you can be a good person and still be a harlot with the world [Music] everybody stand please [Music] holy spirit i'm asking you right now in the name of jesus to put a burning in people's hearts [Music] if you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you have isaacs that need sacrifice i want you to come [Music] holy spirit come holy spirit come we don't want to sleep with the enemy we're not asleep not going to sleep with the enemy come holy spirit come right now worship you jesus come on jesus when you walk into the room everything changes just one love god just one look just one look holy spirit increase right now ask you for increase right now come more more god more god or god holy spirit's bringing genuine remorse genuine remorse genuine remorse [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] hello the kids my kids [Music] oh [Music] to someone please lay your hand on the shoulder if you don't mind [Music] i could literally tangibly feel the lord taking stuff out i don't know how many of you sense that but i can i really i mean i can it's amazing we've got an amazing father what i preached tonight wasn't anger what i preached tonight was god's heart his utter heart for us and the wholehearted a wholehearted god wanting a wholehearted bride a wholehearted father wanting a wholehearted son and daughter where everything in them wants him lord we thank you in the name of jesus we thank you in the name of jesus [Music] in the name of jesus come holy spirit ask you for more right now jesus name jesus name jesus name come on god more war [Music] is jason where's jason more in jesus name [Music] god i thank you right now for healing and wholeness all over this room as i was praying for people i could sense digestive issues going leaving i mean like it was really amazing didn't even mention them and i could send to them leaving [Music] and i really believed that was because god is now going to become satisfaction for your appetite father i thank you for healing completely all over this church right now jesus name physical healing for bodies in jesus name be healed sicknesses diseases get out be gone for people online you be healed in jesus name be made whole god i thank you for healing [Music] i want you to speak this with me in the name of jesus [Music] be healed all sickness all disease get out [Music] right now [Music] say it again in jesus name all sickness all disease [Music] get out [Music] i want you to say this joy be restored say that again joy [Music] be restored [Music] again louder joy be restored again louder joy be restored [Music] again louder joy be restored [Music] again louder joy be restored [Applause] [Music] [Applause] again louder with everything in you joy be restored [Music] again louder joy be restored i want you to pray this over the person next to you the shalom of heaven [Music] be upon you the peace that surpasses understanding be a garrison a guardian over our hearts and over our minds [Music] i want us to sing a song of celebration a song of celebration be free bro a song of celebration to rejoice to our king of kings come on come on just go just go just go just go down go tear it up just go jump around with them come on holy mackerel money [Music] okay [Music] she's really good she's gotta be out here come watch [Music] oh my gosh [Music] let's give jesus a great shot so i think we got a taste of what church is going to be like so next sunday ten o'clock services all the staff 10 30. for next sunday next sunday 10 30 6 o'clock come with a hungry heart
Channel: Todd White
Views: 34,101
Rating: 4.8681316 out of 5
Id: 31In2K1gbN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 34sec (4354 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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