Todd White - You Are Right and Acceptable to God

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I was umm. A few years ago, I was in Oregon. Klamath Falls, Oregon. And I was doing a Sunday morning service. You guys okay? Alright. Sunday morning service and, no, Sunday night service. And we were worshipping. And I was like. You know, because I, I, I travel and and share my heart like all over the world. And I love doing it. You know? And, I, I got to share what I believe God is saying to me. Like, I, I can't share what I, what people want to hear. I, I go to conferences and they're like, "Okay, we want you to come teach us to how to, you know pray for the sick. And how to, how to prophesy. And how to get words of knowledge and stuff." And and so I've been disabled by the Lord to teach people that. Here's what he said, "Todd, if you just teach people that they're right with me. And teach people who I've called them to be, that will always come because it's the byproduct of being sons and daughters." So I've been on this quest to teach sonship. And, and I don't have another message. Like if you look up any message on YouTube. Anything at all that is out there, and anything you can find, it's going to be about the same subject. Just from as many angles as I can find, and there's a lot of Scriptures in there. And all of them talk about the same thing. Now honestly, the whole Bible talks about sonship. The Old Testament was that one day we were going to be, because we couldn't do it to be it. They was no way. God wanted it, but we couldn't. And Jesus, the whole New Testament is about who we are because we are. Who, who, what we do because we are. It's just awesome. And it seems almost confusing when you come into a conference and you, you preach on this and. But I have to trust and have to believe that God's word is overwhelmingly powerful. And in seed form, it produces after the same fruit. It produces the same tree. If I'm a tree of righteousness, then the planting of the Lord. And I preach out of my life, and what He's done in me. And my roots go down deep into the right stuff. Which is the love of God. It's not the love of people. My roots don't go down deep into the love of people for me. My roots go down deep into the love of God for me. And it sucks up nutrients from the reality of the King of kings and the Lord of lords. And I right now, am abiding in the vine. I'm, I'm a branch that abides in the vine. And the vine that saved me is the vine that preserves me. But I have to preach the reality of who you are as sons and daughters so that we don't get it confused and get it mixed up. Because if you go after the wrong thing, you'll move in great power, but there's hell to pay for your life not living holy before the Father. I'm in Klamath Falls, and I'm doing worship. And, and, I'm, I'm not, I'm up there singing with them and God gives me this picture. And he, he shows me like, it's the first time and the only time it's ever happened. He shows me the throne room. And I don't see a sea of glass. I just see all these different bright colors. And I hear a voice. I hear a voice say, "Look at me." And I turned around. And I could look, but I couldn't make it out. It was too awesome to make out. And he said, "Now turn around." And I turned around, and I saw millions and millions and millions and millions and millions of people there. And he said, "They're here because of your life." And it rocked me man. It rocked me. Because I'm not. There's a song by Keith Green, "Oh Lord, you're beautiful." Right? It's so amazing. And it says, "And when I'm going good, help me to never see the, NEVER see the crown." Because my, my life, I'm not live, I'm not living my life by the biggest mansion I can get when I get to heaven. That's just weird. Even if was just, even if it was just a tee-pee it would be amazing. Come on, think with me. Just to be with him. I'm not. I'm not doing what I do here so that I can receive something. I'm doing what I do here because of who I am here because I have received something. Something so precious. Something so amazing. I've received the love of God which is greater than anything possible. Anything ever. I'm going to, I'm in his love now, and I'm going to be in his love forever. And it's never going to change. But I've found that Christians don't see the love of God, so I'm adamantly going out, going after the reality of what disables you from the love of God. Because it's from the devil. It's demonic. It's strategy from hell. It's regret. Regret, regret is demonic. When you become a Christian, like before you come to Christ, you live in regret. It's horrible. But then after you come to Christ, regret gets crushed. It's not just disabled for a moment when you say, "I do," to him. It's disabled for a lifetime of living with the Great I Am. If the love of God, if to be filled with the love. The fullness of God is to know the love of God that's in Christ Jesus. Then there has to be something so powerful about that, yet it's so simple. But we've complicated it. And there's so many different things about how you can this. And how you can that. And how you can do this. Man, when I, when I started to pray for people, I didn't have anybody that taught me how to do it. I just was possessed with the very fact that God loved me so much. And I saw that healing was the byproduct of this thing. It was, "These signs will follow them that believe." I just went after it because I knew that God loved people. I didn't go after it because somebody taught me the how-to. So it almost seems weird because we, we want to be trained in normal Christian life. But the first thing about normal Christian life is having peace with God. That's like where it's at man. It seems like, "Well, I Well, no. We, we, I know the cross. I understand." People say, "I understand the cross. I understand that I have peace with God. Let's move on to something, like greater." There is nothing greater. Like, what if that's it? What if that's the whole thing? What if the whole thing is you having peace with God here and there being nothing at all ever that could separate you from the love of God that's in Christ Jesus? What if that is it? What if that is the answer? Man, my job is to work myself out of a job. Really! My job is to make this thing so simple that everybody can figure it out. My job isn't to come here and wow you with the complex. I don't even know big words, so that's hard too. I don't! I didn't do well in school. I didn't do that. I, I didn't grow up with a mom and a dad that were totally on fire. I didn't grow up in a Christian family. I didn't grow up with, with people that were pouring Jesus into me. I didn't grow up that way. I didn't grow up. As a matter of fact, for 34 years, nobody taught me, nobody told me how much God loves me. For 34 years of my life, not one person told me that God loved me. Imagine that. And I live in America. Where EVERYBODY knows about Jesus. It's not true. I heard people tell me why I was going to go to hell for this. And why I was going to do this. Hell is real, man. I am by no means telling you that hell is not real. Because hell is very real. Very real. People say, "Well, no. Now that's legalism." No it's not. Jesus wasn't a legalist. He talked about hell more than anybody. Because he knew the reality of the end game. It's a life lived in love with the Father, knowing that you fear the Lord, and you don't fear people. And you're in love with the Father. And you know that everybody that walks beside you is either headed to heaven or headed to hell. And you can't afford to compromise your life and make it nicey-nice because it's not nicey-nice. We've got a job to do. Here's our job. Therefore be an imitator of Christ. Whoaaa. That's intense, man. Therefore be an imitator of Christ, and walk in love dear children. Just as Christ loved you. Gave himself for you as a sweet fragrant aroma to the Father. Now we get to walk in love just like Jesus did and be the fragrant aroma in this world to a lost and dying world. To some it's the fragrance of death. To others it's the fragrance of life. Leading to life. But to all it's sweet smelling fragrance. It might be the fragrance of death, but that should be you smelling you like you died to yourself. That they could really find out the reality of what it's like to really live. Because every man dies, but not everybody truly lives. Truly living is living in relationship with the King. Knowing how much he truly loves you and appreciates you. We can do this because we've become this, but if we don't see what we've become, we'll never do it. And your works will never be good enough. And you can heal a million people, and still think like hell on the inside. But my heart cry for the rest of my life, unless God changes it, which I don't think he's going to. Because I believe he wants everybody to think like I think. Because I think that I'm right with God. Every second of every day. And there's nobody that can take me out of that. You can't reject it. You can't take it away from me. You can't tell me it's not what God's saying, because it's what he spoke through his Son. And it will never change. And the whole Bible says that God has spoken through his Son. And if we see Jesus for who he is, you will be wrecked on the inside. And you will not be able to sin, and want to get away with it. Because you will realize that you already didn't get away with it, the Father saw it. That's real love. That God doesn't just wipe you off the planet. Ohhh. Eeee. Okay. Let's talk about the same thing again. (Laughs.) Serious. So good. Are you ready? Let's do it. Ahhhh! How about we go into Titus? This is really beautiful stuff here. Listen. No matter who you are, and no matter what you're going through, and no matter where your life is, I want you to realize that God is bigger than what you're going through and who you are. Mmmmm. Alright. Titus 2. Gosh, I love this. See, I don't read this- I don't read this book so it gives me a list of rules that I'm to live by. Like it's not rules to me. It, this, I mean I lived underneath of rules and underneath of these things. And the law is rules, and it it tries to govern, it tries to rule you. The law does. And make you try to do things, but even though you want to, you don't, and even though you willed to, you can't. Because the law, is there's no possible way for you to obey the law. There's no way. It just doesn't happen. The only way that you obey the law is that when you surrender your life and you give your life to Jesus completely. And then once you see the reality of what it means to be clean upstairs, then these aren't rules, this is just guidelines. And the guidelines come from the Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of truth, who guides me into all truth. Come on. You okay? Listen. Gosh, I, I should just read all of this. It really is amazing. Oh my gosh. Okay, let's do it. Ahhhh! I'll just read the whole thing. Let's just read Chapter 1. We'll start there. Okay? Titus. "Paul, a bondservant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ, according to the faith of God's elect and the acknowledgement of the truth which accords to godliness, in hope of eternal life, which God, who cannot lie, promised beforehand, but has in this past, in this due time, mani-" Sorry. "But has in due time manifested his word through preaching, which has been committed to me according to the commandment of God our Savior; To Titus, a true son in our common faith: Grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior." Qualified elders. "For this reason, I left you in Crete, that you should set in order the things that are lacking and appoint elders in every city that I command you." And listen to the qualification of an elder. This is healthy church qualifications, okay? So I'm just going to read about healthy church qualifications. Now, if God enables us. See this didn't change. Like, like the disciples, and Paul, and setting up churches. And the reality of the building of churches all around in the area that they did was supposed to spread throughout the whole world. But the qualifications didn't change. Are you with me? Are you sure? Okay. "If a man is blameless, the husband of one, one wife, having faithful children not accused of dissipation or insubordination. A bishop must be blameless as a steward of God, not self-willed, not quick tempered, not given to wine, not violent, not greedy for money, but hospitable and a lover of what is good, sober-minded, just, holy, self-controlled, holding fast the faithful word as he has been taught, that he may be able, by sound doctrine, to both exhort and convict those who contradict. For there are many insubordinate, both idle talkers and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision, whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole households, teaching things that they ought not to for the sake of dishonest gain. One of them, a prophet of their own, said, 'Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons.' This testimony is true" This is what he really said, "Therefore sharply, rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith." He's talking about rebuke coming so that people can be sound in the faith. Like, rebuke that comes from the Father out of love, he disciplines and he chastises. But when God chastises, it's not so that you can be bummed out, it's so that you can be free. And I read this word, and if there's anything inside of my heart that's contrary to this, I need him to cut it out, and I need him to trim it away. I need him to prune, and I need to be in relationship with God. I can't afford for one second to have something in my mind that's not in my Father's. And I need to have relationship with the word. And I need to take the word. And I need to put it up here and believe that God's word is magnified above his own name. And unless you're willing, and unless you're will-, unless you're willing to give. You have to give God the inf-, the, the belief that his word is infallible before you can say that you give hon-, that you give God the honor and praise that's due him. You have to honor God and the infallibility of his word. And his word becomes truth that's, that's higher than anything else that you would elevate before you can tell me that you love God. Listen very carefully. Jesus said in John 14. This is so powerful. If you're falling asleep, wake up because I'm going to throw stuff at you. (Screams). Some of you were falling asleep, and now you're not. See I just threw something at you. Listen to this. This isn't legalism. I had somebody come to my house the other day. Or not, well uhh, a few months ago. And she said. Now she's a relative. Someone very close and very dear to us. She's wrapped up in a relationship. She's in a relationship of, of fornication outside of marriage. And she knows that I preach the Gospel. And she knows that I love her, but she knows that I don't compromise the truth. So she tried what lots of Christians do. She came up to me and she said. And, I, I was confronting her with, with the truth and correction about this. And how you can't live that way. She said, "Don't try to tell me that I, that God doesn't love me." Now I hear that all the time. "Don't judge me." Or, "Don't tell me that God doesn't love me." And I said, "No, no no. See, the problem is, is that, that God loves you so profusely, and you can't see it. You don't understand it. Because I truly believe that when you encounter that God is good and he loves you that much, there is no possible way, no possible way, for you to get it confused." See the love of God is profuse. He's amazing. He is an encounter waiting to happen with you. And I said, "The truth is, and the reason why you say that is because you don't know the love of God. Because if you did, you would understand." She goes, "What do you mean, I would understand?" I said, "Well you tell me that, 'Don't tell you that God doesn't love you." I said, "The truth is that by your actions and by the fruit of your life, you are displaying by your actions and by your life that you don't love God. It's not that God doesn't love you, it's that you don't love God. You want your cake and want to eat it too. You love to satisfy your flesh and your feelings because you don't understand your identity and who God has called you to be. Because if you saw what you were called to be and who you really are, you would never need this to satisfy that only this can keep." So Jesus said, "He who loves me, obeys my commandments." He who doesn't love me, doesn't." That's pretty much not legalism. That's the Lord Jesus. "He who loves me, obeys my commandments." Now, he's like talking to disciples that, that they're like, they're wanting to blow up cities. Like these guys, like they don't understand love. They have love walking before them, but there was a problem. See, they were orphans, and they don't know who their Father is. They can't know who their Father is. Even though Jesus talks about the Father. And they said, "Well, show us the Father." And Jesus says, "Have I been with you so long, and you don't know me? He who has seen me, has seen the Father. You've seen me, you've seen the Father. So how can you say, 'Show us the Father?" Come on guys. He's correcting them on a constant basis. He's love. He's correcting. He's rebuking. He, he's convincing. He's, he's God. In the flesh. And he loves them. And he's not pushing them out, and wanting to kill them. He tells them things like, "Lets, blow up the city. Let's kill them all." He's like, "You don't know what spirit you're of." They couldn't have known what spirit they were of. See, as an orphan it's impossible for you to know what spirit you're of. (Sighs). But you can still heal the sick, because the the disciples healed and did mighty miracles, and, and raised the dead. ALL that stuff without even being born again. They, they they had amazing things. Jesus was like, "Here's some power. Go out and do it." They're like, "Whoa!! Man, even the demons are subject. This is amazing!" "Don't rejoice in this. Rejoice in this." But the reality of that hadn't yet hit their heart because Jesus, Jesus told them in one place. He said, "You know what guys." He talking to them and he goes, "I have many things to tell you, but you can't bear up under it right now." Why? Because there are two things that God told us to seek that they were unable to seek. Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. In the Old Testament, in order to be right with God you had to obey to be right. You had to do this and this and never miss it. Never make a mistake because God is holy. But in the New Testament, Jesus fulfilled the law so that we could be obedient to the reality of the love of God. And that right there is everything. So Peter didn't understand it. Peter is lost. If you read Peter it is ridiculously amazing man. Like people say, "Well, I can relate to Peter." Well, which one? Which Peter can you relate to? Do you relate to the Peter before he was born again or after? Because if it's before, you need to be saved. Because if you relate to the Peter before that missed it and was barbaric and this and that and the other thing. And you can't afford to get a glimpse that "You're the Christ, the Son of God" and then in the next couple of sentences say, "This shall never happen to you." And then be rebuked by the Lord saying, "Get behind me Satan." Because you're not the devil. And you don't have the right to think according to the way that seems right to a man anymore. You've given yourself wholly and completely to God. This is why it is so imperative that righteousness hits your soul. That right standing hits your soul. That all regret gets crushed. Just that very, just that one thing. What if, what if the blood of Jesus hit your soul and all regret and all shame and all guilt and all condemnation was truly wiped out? And that the strength of God formed itself right here inside of your soul. That when that tried to come back, it had no access to your soul again. That's the Gospel! That's the simple message of the cross. That's the blood of Jesus that sets us free. Right there. That is the truth of who God's called you to be. See, then all of a sudden, the fruit of your life bears witness of a righteous tree. And righteous trees bear holy fruit. It's not like you have to produce it. Like I, I say, I use the example of an apple orchard or a cherry orchard, or oranges, or whatever trees. They don't scream to produce. APPLESSSSS!!!! That's not what you see, and it's not what you hear. They're just apple trees. That's what they produce. And if there's a branch that's not producing, it gets cut off. If there's a limb that's not producing apples, and you have. When I grew up, I grew up inside a fruit farm when I was really little. It was, it was a fruit farm. And they had these workers that would come through. And they had these shears. Right? And they'd come through and they'd clip off the branches that weren't doing. They prune it back. They trim it back. So that it could prod-, it could produce the biggest yield. And without relationship with God, you cannot produce the yield that he wants you to. But with relationship with God, he prunes and he trims. Man, and when he convicts you, if you obey, you will bear so much fruit. It will be ridiculous. When I welcome God into my life to prune and to trim away, every day. "God, if there's anything in me." Like this morning, I'm meditating. I'm just loving Jesus and letting him love me because he likes to. "God, if there's anything in me." And man, I live, and my conscience doesn't condemn me nor convict me of stuff that I know that needs to change. But if God reveals something that needs to change, I want to be quick, like that. And jump on it And no way. Right away. Right now. It's relationship with God. Don't you dare like sear your conscience and push the boundaries of this thing. When you start to, when you start to sear your conscience, the boundaries get bigger and bigger and bigger. Come on! People said to me. Man when I first got saved and I, I was hooked on pornography, and all that junk, and all that twisted stuff. Like, it ruled my life, man. Like, my whole life, it was, it was the ruler of my life. And man, I, I remember getting my job, and I remember being in the job trailer with these guys that were like, I mean like rowdy like pipe layers, dude. Tough construction guys. They would have pornog-, pornography pictures all over the trailer. I didn't go outside and not eat lunch in there with them. That's weird. Come out from them and be yourself separate doesn't mean don't associate with people. It just means that your heart's not associated with. It means that you're supposed to walk in the midst of a perverse and corrupt generation and shine as a light no matter how dark it is out there. And you need to separate yourself in your heart, in your conscience, in your mind. You need to set your mind on heavenly things and not on things of the earth. You set your mind on things above. It says, "Don't lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and thieves break in and steal. But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust can't destroy, and thieves can't break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." You can't afford to gain who you are, through stuff that's pulling you this way. You have to understand that God wants to Father you. He wants to be your dad. He's the best dad ever. And he'll never lead you astray. And he's given you the Spirit of truth so that he can totally overwhelm you with this truth, and guide you into all truth. He wants to give you a love relationship with your Bible. He wants you to have the Bible. Man, I, I have apps that are on my phone. I have apps that are on my Ipad. That are, that are vocal like audio apps. I listen to it. I watch it. I read it. It's a constant thing. Like, it hasn't changed. It's gotten more intense, and I'm devouring more. I'll be on planes, and I'm in the word the whole time. I don't watch movies. I don't watch the stuff. You don't have time to watch all that stuff and fill your mind and occupy it with stuff that Jesus paid a price to crush. That's not legalism. That's surrender. Legalism is, is, is you have to do this or else. It's not about that. It's I get to do this or else. Or else people go to hell. Or else the world dies. Or else I can't be an example. Dude, I don't count the pulpit and come up here a light thing. I don't. To who is given much, much is expected. Much is expected. Do you know that you came to this conference and my job is to make you a million times more accountable than before you were before you came in here? I promise you. That's how I see the Gospel. My job is to make Christians, they're equipped. But my job is to make you equipped with the reality of way more responsibility than what you came in here. And you are required to walk out what you say you know. Because to he who is given much, much is expected. Or God forbid you get a pulpit. And come on, you don't need that. You can live in a way that is pure and lovely and holy. Man, it says it! Have you ever read Philippians and Philippians 4, where it, and, and it talks about set your mind on these things. Think about these things. Meditate on these things. Things that are good and holy and lovely and pure. MAN, that's it! That's the game changer man. To fill your mind on the reality of the truth of God and to make sure that this thing doesn't get defiled. You can't afford to. See, in my life, I'm totally like free. And these guys in this job trailer are looking at these pornography pictures on the wall. And they said to me, "Aw, come on. What are you trying to say?" Now, now they know that I'm a Jesus guy. They know that I am. But it bothers them that I'm not partaking in it. It bothers them. So they're in groups of people teasing me about why I won't even look. "What's wrong with you? Are you this? Are you that? Are you this? Come on, God made them. Didn't he?" And I would look with them with tears and say, "He sure did, and if they knew who they were." And then I'd say, "Hey, how many of you guys have daughters? That's somebody's daughter." "What? Shut up, man!" "Okay." It's shutting the mouths of the liars. They're not liars, but the liar sits inside of their soul, and whispers lies, lies, lies. But man, the conscience is like even people that are heathen. Even people that are outside. Even people that are twisted. I said that, my conscience it, it wouldn't allow me to do certain things. Like it would allow me this much, but it wouldn't allow me this much. Like there's a point where I couldn't go beyond. And it actually is, it's a spark of divine holiness that still remains in God's creation. Even in unbelievers. I know it sounds funny, but it's the truth. It's really true. It won't let you go so far. Like so far. And your conscience, but, but even like a room of, of, an inner chamber of a room, when the curtains are drawn tight and it's dark inside of there. When, when there's a storm outside, woosh. There's flashes that light up that room. Bang! Bang! Bang! And your life can be a lightning flash. And you can be walking around people that have dirty and defiled consciences. And you can be a constant conviction in them. That's what it means to live and walk holy before God. To live and walk where your life is a conviction. Now it bothers you when you're around, and they might want to put you out of the room. Because unbelief has to do everything to get belief out of the room to feel comfortable about itself. But if you would dare to see who you were. And not bow to that stuff. And not have the fear of man. But have the fear of the Lord. You'd realize that when you walk holy and you live lovely before the Father, it's a conviction to people around you. And they really want what you have, they just don't know how to get it. It's really awesome. Because all those guys, man, would persecute me. And this and that. Listen. Go, uhh I know I told you to go to Titus. Gosh, I have so many things rolling through me right now. (Sighs). Let me just read this and then we'll go somewhere else. It says, "This testimony is true. Therefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in faith." Verse 13, "Not to give heed to Jewish fables and commandments of men who turn from the truth." And here, verse 15, "To the pure, all things are pure. But to those who are defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure. But even their mind and their conscience are defiled." It says, "They profess to know God, but in works they deny him. Being abominable, disobedient, and disqualified for every good work." Go to Matthew 5 for me. Please. Ohhhh. So good. I don't know if I shared this with you, because I went, when I went with Darren to do the, the Father of Lights, so it was years ago. I went, I went there and one of the places that I've meditated a whole lot and lived in is the Beatitudes. Because it's your attitude of being, and it's impossible to walk out through your doing. No way. No flesh would be able to walk that out. Period. No way. No way. So I, I went with Darren, and I went there before actually back in 2007. Someone sent me there on a trip. And I went, and I remember them taking us to the place where they said the Beatitudes was written. And it's a church. It's the church of the Beatitudes. It's like uhh, they, everyplace Jesus was there they put a church on it, in Israel. But it didn't make sense to my heart. Like something didn't bear witness. And like, umm I'm trying to picture it. Because like this is real important to me. And no matter where I preached it, it's amazing. But it says that he went up on a hill and seeing the multitudes, he let loose man. And it's like the Declaration of Independence of the Bible. It's Matthew 5-7. It's the attitudes of being. It's what a lot of people get away from. And it's actually what false grace teachers say doesn't exist anymore. And then red letters don't exist anymore. Yet they say they believe in Jesus, which is pretty demonic. Gosh, that's just crazy. See, I, I'm not projecting from a pulpit because I believe if you preach the truth it just exposes the lies. But the Beatitudes are really powerful, and they've changed my life, man. They've changed the reality of my life. And, it's your attitude of being, it's not your attitude of doing. Because if it's your do-attitudes, you'll fall short. But if it's your be-attitudes you'll live in them. And God will prune you and trim you back. And all of a sudden you'll be this fruity tree that everybody picks from. And you don't have to sell it, they'll pick it. It's awesome. It's so good. So, I'm, I'm with this guy, and he's walking us up this. He goes, "The old timers, they say that the, the Beatitudes were written in another place." So I"m like, "No way, dude." It clicked with me because I said, "The last time I was here it didn't make sense in my heart where where they said it was." And I said, "Well, can we go?" And he's like, "Yeah, I'm taking you there today." And I'm like, "Oh my gosh." Because this is a big deal to me. Like, I'm a, I'm a big baby man, when it comes to this. I mean, unless you're the devil, and then I'm like a lion. But I'm a big baby otherwise because I love Jesus with all my heart. So we're walking up this, this trail, and we're going up. And there's this little cave that you can go back in and sit and. And I'm like, "Wow, this is cool! Where did he do the Beatitudes at though, man?" Like, he's like, "Oh, it's up around." So we walk up on the top of this hill. And we get up there, and I look and it's like these, these, this mountain that's like this. And then down here there's this flat place. And you've got these hills that go way way up. And when I get to the top of the hill I can see where that other church is that they said that the Beatitudes. But this makes more sense to my brain, man. Right here. And I'm like, "Okay." And I'm like, "Well, wait a minute. I just got to be sure." So I'm, I'm like I went way far away. And He gets the Bible out. And I said, "I need you to." I told him, I said, "When I get way far away, the furthest point I can see you from, I want you to, to, to uhh preach the Beatitudes to me." Uhhh that's exciting to me. I'm like, because I want to hear it. You know? I'm just like, "Alright, cool." I just do, because I-, I live by it. I've settled in my heart that I live by the word of God. I, I didn't settle in my heart that I live by this or this or this. I live by God's word. God's truth. God's parameters. God's standards. I, I live by the cannon. I don't search for other books that could have been in there, because they're not in there. I don't search, I don't read Josephus and all that. I just don't. You might, and that's cool. But I won't. Because I'm not. And I have people that say, "Well, this would have been in there, but it's been cut out." I mean, it was written by man. You lost me right there. I mean, man wrote that. It's fallible. "No it's not. God's word is infallible. It's infallible." "Well, how do you know?" "Because I know." "Yeah, but how do you know?" "Because he lives in me and he told me so." Well why would I pursue that, when I can have this? This is awesome. And if it's just this book right here that I have to live by for the rest of my life, why wouldn't I spend the rest of my life learning it? This right here disables that whole like I came home from work, and I got three hours, what am I going to do? I'm going to watch 5 of my normal TV shows. I'm going to sit there and eat a bag of chips and. And then have my dinner. And then go back. Fade on the chair. And then be asked to go to bed. Go in there and then be bummed out because I have to hug the pillow god at night. Because I can't, I'm thankful my day is over. "Oh God, please don't let tomorrow be like that again." And then I have to leave the pillow god in the morning. That's a bummer, man. That's not life. That's tragic. That's tragedy. But how could we live and think the way that I'm thinking unless we believe the way that I'm believing? How could we think the way that I'm telling you that I think unless you could see the things that I see? And God didn't make me extra special so that you. I'm, I'm seeing something that's available for the whole body of Christ. That's why it's important to me that you would see that I'm just a normal dude that's in love with Jesus. I'm I'm just a normal dude that's sold out. See, I sold out. I sold out. I saw the reality of the price that Jesus paid for me, and I just sold out. I didn't hold anything back. I'm like, "I'm done living for me." Done. Finished. And it's been that way for 11 years. That's my problem. But I've been free from guilt and shame and condemnation and all those lies. And when someone brings stuff to me. See, Jesus said that I'm supposed to have a teacher that dwells inside of me. It says that you have the anointing that teaches all things that are true. I mentioned it yesterday. It's in 1 John 2:27. It says that you have the anointing that teaches you all things that are true, and you need no one to teach you. That doesn't mean that we don't need teachers. That just means that I have to have him, his presence, holiness, the reality of the Spirit of truth inside of me, guiding me into all truth. So when someone's teaching from a pulpit, I understand whether it is or it's not. Because I have an inner witness in something that's thumping my heart, letting me know that's twisted. I don't just take people’s word for it. I want to know the word. This will keep you so safe. There's really nobody that can debate this. It's like really awesome. It's undebatable. You can't, and you can't talk me out of it because I live in it. So what you going to do? Just submit. Just surrender. Just give up so that you can finally be who God created you to be. That's all we've got to do. There's, it's just surrender. It really is that easy. Jesus died for you so that you can live. He died for you so that you can live. He lives for you so that you can die. He died for you so that you could live. See, before Jesus came, and before Jesus did what he did, they lived in condemnation. And they, inside they were messed up. Because even when the high priest. We talked about it last night. Just going over it again. It's all the same message. When the high priest went into the holy of holies. And he went behind the veil. And he offered blood, not with, because the people's sins committed in ignorance. His sin and their sin. He offered blood for that. And when he put blood on the mercy seat, it was the day of atonement. It atoned, but it was for the purifying of the flesh on the outside. So the outside of man was clear, but inside he still was condemned. And when the high priest left that holy place, he was still condemned in his conscience. The high priest was. Like, God's representative before the people. When the high priest in the Old Testament went behind that veil, he still, when he left, after doing every ordinance of service. Which was symbolic for today. It was symbolic for the day. Right now, that we live in. When that high priest left, he was still condemned inside of his soul. His soul was still condemned. There was no way for him to be free here. None. Because the way into the holy of holies wasn't yet made manifest. So Jesus came, which, much, the much greater sacrifice. Not with the blood of bulls and goats. But with the blood of a spotless sacrifice, himself. How much more, it says, shall it purge your conscience from dead works in order to serve God? If your conscience is violated and condemned, you can't serve God. You can do things for God, but you cannot co-labor with God. You can work for God, but you'll burn out because there's no grace there. You can preach eloquent sermons because your, your research, and you might be a charismatic teacher. Or you might be just a teacher that has a gift in you that's real. But the gifts and callings of God are without repentance. It's only righteousness and it's only a clean conscience that's unviolated. That's kept clean on a daily basis, that we can have confidence before God. And then it's not performance. Then it's just relationship. It's no, there's no condemnation in what I'm sharing. I'm just cleaning house, dude. I'm not condemning you. I'm cleaning house. I'm just living in a place of a clean house. Sharing the truth of what it means to be clean. And if it grips your heart, you won't want this to satisfy you anymore. You won't even need this to satisfy you anymore. A pulpit. This right here doesn't satisfy anything. This isn't my life. My life is in here. My life. My life is only satisfied here. Before my Father every day. Living with clean hands and a pure heart. With an unviolated conscience before my Father. Why? Because I am accountable for my life. I'm accountable. My accountability partner has come to make his home inside of me. That keeps me accountable. Every second of every day he keeps me accountable. You can have someone with you to keep me accountable, but it doesn't work. Because you can always do twisted things when they're not around you. If you need a spiritual father to keep you accountable, you might call them on the phone, and them not answer, and you be an orphan. You're not an orphan. Because Jesus said, "I will not leave you as an orphan. I will come to you. I won't leave you as an orphan. Don't be bummed. I know that you're sad that I'm going away, but don't be bummed. I'm coming again. And it's going to be better for you," Jesus says. "It's going to be greater for you that I go. It's better for you that I go away. Because if I don't go, he won't come. But when he comes." And now we have when he came. But he didn't just come when you said yes to God. He comes daily in a way that you can have relationship with God He can teach you the truth about God. And you can keep your heart filleted open and wide. And ask him to judge the thoughts and intents of your heart at all times through his holy word. But if you don't let his word come, then your heart remains yucky. You have a brand new heart. And you can't afford to have a brand new yucky heart. And the only reason you could have a brand new yucky heart is because you don't know him. And you don't have relationship with him. Don't seek God for his stuff and not know his ways. He loves me. Regardless. I've gotten hardcore rebuke for this stuff by peop- Pastors! Leaders. Doesn't matter. Bring it! You can't dismantle it. It's the blood of Jesus. People have told me, "Well Todd, not everybody believes your way." Psshhh. If you're telling me that not everybody believes my way, you're telling me that not everybody has to believe in the blood of Jesus and the power thereof. And if you've built your ministry on people needing you to keep them saved, you might have built a co-laboring ministry. And there's hell to pay for that thing. Because shepherds stand before the Father. Because you've led millions astray. But you can stand before the Father, today, right now, repent, and get it over with. And not even sit in that place. And let Jesus Christ sit in the throne room of your soul and nothing else have access to that thing. And there can be a "No vacancy" sign on your forehead. Occupied. No room at the inn. So I go up to the top part of this, this mountain. He's at the bottom. I'm at the top. Whether Jesus is at the top or the bottom, it doesn't matter. I'm a really far distance away from this guy. And he's going to read the Beatitudes. And he says, "Blessed are the poor in spirit." With that voice. And I heard it loud and clear And I went, "Oh my God!" (Laughs). Because that's really it. It's the attitude of being. I be right with him. I just be right. What, what's wrong with you? "I'm right with God." It's not what's wrong, it's what's been made right. (Crying sound). What's been made right? I've been made right with my dad. Nobody can take me out. Nobody can snatch me out. Nobody. I'm not right with God because I preach a good sermon to you. I'm right with God because I live before him every day. Okay. Mmmmmm. "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth." This right here has been an overwhelming scripture. It's been in my life that I've pursued from the beginning. And the pursuit hasn't backed off. It's been 11 years, and I've never shifted my focus. "Blessed are those that hunger and thirst for righteousness." It's a promise. "Blessed are those that hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled." They shall be filled. That word filled, doesn't just mean filled once. That means, filled means consumed. Constant. Overflow. Bang. Keep on coming. Keep on coming. Keep on coming. Keep on coming. If you seek him for the reality of being made right with God, he will fill you to overflow. And persecutions coming. Because not everybody likes this message. You know why? Because it doesn't let them live in sin. Righteousness doesn't let the body of Christ live in sin. It doesn't! Hehhh. Man, come on. It's really awesome. What? Be holy. Psshhhh. "Let's move on to something else. That's crazy." Holiness is the byproduct of righteousness. You ought to seek it first. Worry. Righteousness is the answer to worry. Don't worry about this. Don't worry about that. Don't worry about this. Don't worry about that. But. He says, "Don't worry about this, and don't worry about that. After all these things the pagans seek. But you, you seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. And then everything will be added to you." Wow! It's part of the Beatitudes. It's in the next chapter. It's so powerful man. This is Matthew 5. Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. Seek first relationship with Holy Spirit who is the one who convicts you of righteousness. And when you're convicted of righteousness all of a sudden your senses become trained. See, when there is a so called fall, it is not a fall. It is a gradual descent into twistedness. Because it's not just a, "Whoops, I fell into that! Sorry." It's not that. We've, we use that language because we don't know how to verbalize it. But when it's a fall. "Oh they fell. They can get up." It's not, it's not a fall. It's a gradual descent into sin. It's because your conscience wasn't violated. Or when it started to get violated, you didn't obey your conviction. And so since you didn't obey that conviction, you took it a little further. And since your conscience is starting to get seared, you obeyed a little furth-, you disobeyed a little further. And then a little further. And then a little further. And now not just this goes, but all this goes. Everything's okay. Now all of a sudden you're way out here, in a place that you can't even believe that you're in. And the way that you got there was because of your first conviction that you didn't obey. Come on man! It's not a fall. It's a gradual descent. It's hellish thinking that has been allowed to infiltrate your belief system. Because the reality of righteousness hasn't been set up. See I truly believe this. I truly believe that if somebody encounters the love of God, the reality of the love of God, then God starts to weed out and to work out all this junk. Because some stuff, you know umm, like, you, you have some stuff in your life that like, it, it, it doesn't really convict you. But then the more you grow in God, all of a sudden, something that was okay before, isn't okay now. And God just. (Makes clipping noises). And before you know it, you're not just a little like. He doesn't just, he doesn't trim a tree back to the trunk. That's Nebekenezer That's not us. The devil gets trimmed back to the trunk, dude. Because there's no fruit that he can ever bear. See, but us, we don't get trimmed back to the trunk, we just get pruned back. But if you don't allow God to prune, then all of sudden you have branches that aren't bearing fruit, and you look like a yucky tree. It is good. It's amazing. Rawwwr. Blessed are those that are persecuted for the very thing they asked to be filled with. Righteousness. Blessed are those that are persecuted for righteousness sake. First it says, "Blessed are those that hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled." And we're like, "Alright. I'm going to position it. Yeah! I'm going to go after righteousness. This is awesome!" Then you get persecuted for the very thing that you asked for. It's awesome! But the truth about righteousness is that it makes you numb to persecution. Because that doesn't matter. Because you've laid ahold of the lamb. And you're running after this very thing. And you don't allow stuff inside of here that violates your perception of who Jesus really is. And then when little convictions come, you obey. Because you are not playing with this, dude. You don't have time to disobey. You don't have time. Obedience rather than sacrifice. It's so good. Why would you want to get out of this, man? Why wouldn't you just want to jump in with everything you are and say, "I'm in!" Why wouldn't you want to be baptized into the love of God? Why wouldn't you want to be completely like just submerged in his love and in his beauty in his grace? Grace is a teacher man! Let's go there. That's good. Ready? Let's go to Titus again. Wahhhhhooo!! AHHH! I really, this is like crazy! Titus 2. Ahhhh! First Titus 1:15 says, "To the pure, all things are pure. But to those that are defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure. Even their mind and conscience is defiled." It's so good. What's pure and what's not? Jesus! Jesus is pure! Jesus is pure! Yeah. Yes, sir. Jesus, he's pure man. Yes, sir. "To the pure, all things are pure, but to all those who are defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure; but even their mind and conscience are defiled. They profess to know God, but in works they deny him, being abominable, disobedient, and disqualified for every good work. But as for you, speak the things which are proper for sound doctrine: the older men be sober and reverent and temperate, sound in faith, in love and patience." Blessed are those that are persecuted for righteousness, man. "The older women likewise that they may be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things- that they may admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed. Likewise, exhort young men to be sober minded, in all things showing yourself to be a pattern for good works; in doctrine showing integrity, reverence, incorruptibility, sound speech that cannot be condemned, that one who is an opponent may be ashamed, having nothing evil to speak about you. Exhort bondservants to be obedient to their masters, to be well pleasing in all things, not answering back, not pilfering, but showing all good fidelity, that they may adorn the doctrine of God, our Savior in all things." If you don't stir up devils every once in awhile, you might be going the same way. Watch this. "For the grace of God that brings salvation appeared to all men." Now listen. Grace is a teacher. "The grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in this age, looking for the blessed hope and the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for himself his own special people, zealous for good works. Speak these things, exhort, rebuke with all authority, and let no one despise you." Mmmmmmm. Let's read Chapter 3 because it's only a couple. "Remind them to be subject to rulers, authorities, to obey, to be ready for every good work, speak evil of no one." That means people that have hurt you. You don't bash them. You don't come after them. "Speak evil of no one, but peaceable and gentle, showing all humility to all men. We also ourselves used to be, were once, before we got saved, we were once foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving various lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, and hating and hating one another. But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared towards men, not by our works of righteousness, so nothing that we did, nothing we did, but according to his mercy, he saved us through the washing of regeneration and the renewing of the Spirit, whom he poured out on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior, that having been justified by his grace, we should become heirs according to the hope of eternal life. And this is a faithful saying, and these things I want you to affirm constantly, that those who have believed in God should be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable to men. But avoid foolish disputes, genealogies, contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and useless. Reject the divisive man after the first and second admonition, knowing that such a person is warped and sinning, being self-condemned." Being self-condemned. It says, "Learn." It says, "And let our people learn to maintain good works to meet urgent needs, that they may be un-, that they not be unfruitful. Greet all and, and all who are with me greet you. Greet those who love us in the faith. Grace be with you all." See, grace is a teacher. Grace is the beauty of God. Grace empowers the spirit of holiness to take precedent in our life. Grace empowers us. I feel like, like most of my life, and I know it's about bringing people to Jesus, but honestly most of my life is bringing Christians that call themselves Christians to Christ. My, my heart cry, is to help to empower the Church to be the Church. This message isn't against the world. This message is for the church to empower her. This message isn't. Listen. When I was as twisted as could be, I had, like this message wouldn't have made any sense to me. But it's a conviction when Christians walk this out in front of people that don't know what it looks like for it to be walked out. And we can't afford to be a church that's not, that doesn't have mercy for the world, but we can't, we can't afford to be a church that has compromise and lives in the midst and walks corrupt in the midst of a corrupt generation. We are supposed to live and we are supposed to be lights that shine in the darkness. It says that you are the salt of the earth. It says that you are a preservative. It says that everywhere we go, we're supposed to let our light so shine so that they may glorify our Father in heaven by our good works. But our good works are done out of a place of being, instead of a place of doing. It's really important. Listen. This stuff happens all the time. It's not a threat. It's, I'm not threatened by it. Jesus loves us, man. And if we see the reality of love, what you just saw happen, won't, won't bother your heart. Because it didn't bother Jesus' heart. He loved people. People are hurt. People are bound. People believe lies. People believe all kinds of tragic tragic stuff. That their minds are spinning because the world is crushing them. And there's no hope. Jesus is hope. That's why it's so important that we as the body of Christ stop thinking with the mind of hell and keep thinking with the mind of Jesus. The only one that separates you from this is you. Because God will not separate you from this. The only one that will disable this is you. God will not hold back. He's given us as much of Him as we want. It's not, "Less of me and more of him." It's not, "I must decrease and He must increase." We've taken that Scripture and we've used it out of context. John the Baptist was saying, "I and the law must decrease, and Jesus and righteousness and truth, grace must increase." He wasn't saying, "I must-" It's not about you decreasing so that he might increase. It's about you dying so that you can live. It's about you surrendering so that you can finally be. It's about you pushing everything to the center of the table and not going back, man. And if for a second your flesh tries to make you go back, you bring it into subjection of the reality of the truth of who God says you are. Listen man, this is the Bible. You know I talked to you about the conscience, and I talked to you about, you know, in Hebrews 9. I read Hebrews 9 and. Well I think I did, last night. Did I read it? It says that the conscience was unable to be clean. And then in Hebrews 10 it says, you know it says, if the worshippers would have been purified with that sacrifice, then there would have been no more need for sacrifice because their conscience's would have been clean. But it wasn't able. See, what happens is Jesus, once you realize your consciousness, your conscience has been clean and washed by blood. It's been washed by every dead work. Every dead work that you wish you had never done. Even in the place where you're living right now and the stuff that's bothering you that's violating your conscience, it's dead works. So Jesus washes your conscience clean from dead works in order for you to serve God. And then what happens, is we walk in the light as he is in the light, and you and I can have real fellowship together. The body of Christ coming into unity and coming into 1 John says that. Coming into relationship and me actually talking to you. If I have junk in my closet, I have to hide stuff from you. And I can't be honest with you. And I'm not walking in the light as he is in the light. But if I'm living and walking in the place of being in the light as he is in the light, then I can actually talk with you. Then I don't have to like hide stuff from you. Then I can be real with you. We can't afford to let this thing be defiled. We can't afford to let little things come. It's the foxes that spoil the vine. And the foxes aren't supposed to have access to our vine. Because those foxes are lies. It says, "The foxes spoil the tender grapes so, or, the vine." See you start to bear fruit, and these foxes, these lies come. And snip away and take away from it. But if you have relationship with the pruner, foxes don't have access. Because he'll prune you and shoot foxes. I got that from Dan. Because he's a hunter. (Laughs). He had, he goes out and, he goes out and and hunts foxes like the farms they're like pestilence where we are. He's like, "There a perilous pestilence." But he. I shouldn't talk about this. I'll lose people. They, they spoil, they kill chickens, and they they hunt down farmers' stuff. The foxes do. They come in. And they kill the chickens. The, that produce eggs and all that. So the foxes, the, the farmers are like, "Get them out of here." So Dan goes out there with a red light and goes, "(Makes fox call noise)." And he calls these foxes and they come running across the field. (Makes shooting noise). I can't do that but, I can do it to lies. Because lies are no good. Lies are no good, man. We don't need them. So when I got saved, the the sin consciousness, because when when you're living in a place of guilt, shame and condemnation, what happens is your soul hasn't been touched by the blood of Jesus. I mean it did when you said yes to Jesus, but then, an understanding and a revelation about what it means to be right with God hasn't been sought after. And God's a teacher, so he'll teach you about your right standing with God. See, salvation, it gets inside of you. You say yes to God, and salvation comes in and makes its home inside of you and you're saved. But now, there's this working out of your salvation with fear and trembling. Salvation gets in there, and then it's the working of it out. Romans 5 says this, "We have peace with God when justified by faith therefore having peace with God." Hebrews 5 says this. It says he's talking about Melchizedek. Let's go in here and talk about it a little bit. Are you alright? So he's, he's he's talking about a high priest among men, and he's talking about Jesus being the high priest. Christ didn't glorify himself to become high priest, but it was, but it was he God who said to him, "You're my son. Today I have begotten you." Verse 5. "As he also says in another place: 'You are a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek." It says, "Who in the days of His flesh, when He had offered up prayers and supplications, with vehement cries and tears to Him who was able to save Him from death, and it was heard because of His godly fear, though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience through the things He suffered." Gosh, there's so much in here. I just want to get to this point. "And having been perfected, He became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him, called by God as a high priest, 'according to the order of Melchizedek,' of whom we have much to say, but it's hard to explain since you have become dull of hearing." Then it says this, "For though by this time, you ought to be a teacher, you need someone to teach you the very, again the very first principles and oracles of God; and you've come to need milk instead of solid food. For everyone who partakes only of milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, for he is a babe. But solid food belongs to those who are of full age, to those that by reason of use, have their senses trained, and senses exercised to discern between both good and evil." Untrained Unskilled in the word of righteousness. This is so powerful. In Hebrews 9 it goes through and it talks about the offering that came through the blood of bulls and goats and it wasn't able to cleanse the conscience. And then it says that Jesus, how much more should the blood of Jesus cleanse our conscience from dead works in order to serve God. So the reality of the cross cleanses our inner man, not our external man. I mean, external, but inner. The day of atonement for years and years and years when they offered blood and they went into that holy place, it cleansed people for one year. And then 365 days of guilt, shame, and condemnation until the next day came. And then 365 days of guilt, shame, and condemnation until the next year came. And then 365 days. It was redundant. And there was so much blood that was shed, but Jesus came with a much better, much greater sacrifice. Not with this, but with a body. And Jesus lived holy and pure and never sinned, ever, not once. So when he made that propitiation. See, he didn't just die for us, he died as us. And when Jesus paid the price that he did, it enabled the body of Christ that that through the blood of Jesus, he could wash clean. Open up the curtains in our room. The room of our conscience. And the word of God could judge the thoughts and intents of our heart. That the Holy Spirit didn't actually write on tablets of stone. When Christ came into your life, he actually gave you a new heart. And when your new heart came with the whole word intact. But we need relationship with Holy Spirit, so that he can shine light upon what you have become. So that you can stop seek, so that you can stop thinking sin consciousness. But you can start thinking Son consciousness. See, when I seek, when I, when I see through sin consciousness, I see through condemnation, guilt, and shame. When I see through Son consciousness, I see through forgiven. When I see through sin consciousness, I, I see through regret which produces death. Because there's no way out of that. They lived that way in the Old Testament. But Jesus paid a price for us to not think sin consciousness. Jesus paid a price for us to think Son consciousness. See, when I went to NA and AA when I was at, when I was younger. Like, when I left there I wanted to use. It was crazy. We would go in there, and what we would say. And this is how we would start the meeting. "Hi, my name's Todd." Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous. "Hi my name's Todd, and I am a recovering alcoholic." "Hi Todd." Like Nemo. Did you ever see Nemo? Okay. Same thing. "Hiiiii Todd." So when I, when I'm thinking through the lens of sin consciousness, I'm thinking through the lens of an addict. When I'm an addict, what I have to do is fight addiction. When I'm a sinner, what I have to do is fight sin. Bear with me here. It's not 12 steps. It's one step. Therefore, submit to God, resist the devil, and he's, and you'll be free. And he'll flee from you. You're free before you resist the devil, but it's your freedom that resists him. "Hi, my name's Todd, and I'm a recovering alcoholic." "Hi, Todd." What do alcoholics do? They fight alcoholism. "Hi my name's Todd, and I'm a new creation." Where's my fight? My fight is stand. How do I stand? My fight is I stand and rest. What is the rest? My rest is in the rest that Jesus paid a price to give me so that, the blood of Jesus brings my soul rest and brings it peace. Jesus said, "All of you who are weary come to me and burdened down, weighed down by life, come to me and you will find rest." So we come to him. Boom. But instead of understanding our identity as a saint, we still think we're a sinner. So now all of a sudden, guilt, shame, and condemnation run rampant. And we think that we are worms in the dirt not realizing that God cursed Satan, telling him to crawl on his belly all the days of his life. This is why Paul starts the letters out and he doesn't say to the sinners that are in Ephesus. This is why he says pastors, apostles, prophets, teachers, evangelists; they are for the equipping of the saints for the works of the ministry. He doesn't say the equipping of the sinners. See sin consciousness and Son consciousness is a big deal. See, the blood of Jesus crushes sin consciousness. Romans 7 is a person that's thinking sin conscious and cannot like get free from that. Romans 7 is a person that thinks under an Old Testament law. That lives in there. I'm not doing, I'm not like. In the law, there's no way to do it, because if you miss one, you transgress them all, so your whole life's a failure. There's no way to do it. Moses was given that ministry. It had condemnation. But you've been given a different ministry. It's the ministry of righteousness. The Bible says that you've been reconciled to God. That word reconciled actually means, the root of it, means that you've been brought to the position of being right with God. You've been restored and brought to the sum of God. It says that you've been brought to the sum of the Father. Because as he is, so are we in this world. And I'm to think as a Son, not as a sinner. See, I was a sinner, and then I got saved by grace through faith, but now the grace through faith that saved me, is the grace through faith that sustains me. But it sustains me in my right standing with God. So now my position is right with God. Now my relationship is right with God. I have confidence to approach the Father. To approach the throne of grace in time of need. And once you realize who you are and whose you are, you realize that you always need Jesus and you never not need him. You always need him. So I can live before the throne of grace, and God likes me in there. This is really liberating. It's really free. Because the fruit of righteousness is holiness. The fruit of sin consciousness is sin. Regret, condemnation, guilt and shame. The Father thought, by sending his Son, as our substitute, as our propitiation, that he died a sinner's death as a holy man. And he who knew no sin, became sin, so that you might become the righteousness of God that's in Christ Jesus. And if God is for you, who can be against you? See, salvation has made its' place inside of you. So salvation now works itself out with fear and trembling. So it talks about it right in here in Romans 5. By this time, you ought to be a teacher. It doesn't say how long they've been in. See, because the day that you say, I do, he says I am. That doesn't mean that you have to have a teacher of position of teacher where you travel as a teacher all over the world. But you should be teaching people, because grace has become your teacher. Grace teaches us that denying ungodliness and denying lust and denying all that junk. You used to be a part of that, but now you're not. You used to be here, but now you're here. Romans 5 says that I have peace with God. I've been justified by faith, and it goes through this amazing, this amazing transformation of somebody that has peace with God and it's outstanding and outrageous, and yay! And you get in there and it says that you're supposed to reign as a king. It says through sin, this one man's sin, many fell away. But how much more, this one man's act of righteousness, what he did, would many be justified? Bang. And Jesus is like the first Adam, and not the second Adam, but the last one. There will never be another one. It's amazing. The second Adam doesn't exist, the last Adam does! It's forever and ever and ever. And it says you guys, you're supposed to reign as a king in this life. In this life, you are supposed to reign as a king through the free gift of righteousness and the abundance of grace. Because it's the violently excessive amount of grace that is a teacher. That teaches you through your right standing with God as a son that you deny ungodliness and let it have nothing in you, ever! Because Jesus removed it completely to make it tasteless to you. That you don't want to taste that stuff, because you've tasted and seen that he is good. And you longer need fornication, or pornography, or drugs or alcohol to satisfy what it never could anyway. It's so powerful. It's liberating. It's free. Like, it's really free. I love when people say, "How are you doing?" "I'm doing amazing!" "No really, how are you doing?" "I'm really doing amazing." "Well, I feel like you're tired." "No, my eyes are swollen because I cry a lot." "Why do you cry a lot?" "Because there are people that don't believe you can be free." It's really true. I'm not just popping off, man. I'm so free from me, that I'm free from you. I'm free from your opinions of me. I'm free from your Facebook posts about me. I'm free from your Twitters about me. I'm free from it. I'm free from people making videos against me. I'm free because I don't have to validate myself. Because I have the blood of Jesus that's constantly crying out mercy for me, and now it's mercy towards you. So people that despitefully use me, I can really pray for them in faith. So people that persecute me, I can actually bless them that persecute me. It's part of the program, man. It's the promise. You will be persecuted for righteousness sake. But you can't take what you didn't give to me away. Because I'm free from you. I love you. But I'm not going to compromise my life to make you feel better. I'm not going to play a part in you cutting down somebody else. I'm not going to sit there with leaders while they talk about somebody, if it happens. While they talk about somebody behind their back, I'm going to confront them, because I'm not there for their pulpit. I'm there for their heart to be clean. I don't sit in a lunchroom with people at work while they make fun of somebody and laugh at their jokes because it's not funny. They're not my problem. I'm not, I'm not mad at people. I love people. Flesh and blood isn't my war. My war is against principalities, demonic strongholds. Do you understand that it doesn't say my war is against, is against people? Do you know that it doesn't just mean even unbelievers? It means believers with a lack of belief. My war is not against believers that don't believe. My war is against their mindsets that have been dominated by lies through a sin conscious mentality. That they've been taught that way. And religion has made itself a stronghold And faith tries to protect itself from anything that it doesn't believe is faith. So if you've been taught as a believer, in your life, and grew up in the church, and you've been taught by people. Like I used the Jehovah Witness last night as an example. But it's many different examples. People are like, "You can never be free from sin." Or, or, "You can never be free because you'll only be free when you get out of here." That's a lie. That's a lie. But people persecute me because I preach freedom. People hear just bits and pieces and they see a YouTube video. Or they see me out there praying for people. "Oh, he's one of those false grace guys." You have no idea! This is real grace. This is real truth. But real truth empowers real grace to happen. And real grace empowers real truth to happen. But you're supposed to function out of being a son, not being a sinner. You're not a worm. You're a child of God. You're not a sinner. You're a saint. And when you see your identity as being right with God, if you miss it, if you miss it, you have a lawyer. His name is Jesus. If you miss it. That doesn't mean, see, 1 John, doesn't say "when you sin" it says "if you sin". People don't like that, man. "What are you trying to say? You're perfect?" Jesus says, "Be perfect." Be. Not do. Be. And once you see the reality of who you be, you be right with God. You be right with God. You realize that God has come in. He's taken those curtains down that used to have the flashes of lightning outside. He's taken them down. He's re-done the inside of your room. And the light of God keeps coming in and shining bright. And when sin, when something, when you, if you trip, if you say something that you shouldn't say. Or if you, you do something that you shouldn't have done. And it was, "Oh man." You didn't catch it before it happened, then all of a sudden the reality of God convicts you. You're convicted of being right with God. "And since you're right with Me, that's not acceptable." Right there. Right there! That is exactly what happens. Really. Perfect. So God, I talked to one of my daughters and maybe correct them stronger. Because the kids, they go at it man. I have a little 9 year old. Her name's Zoey. And a little, a little daugh-, a younger one named Briley. And they go at it. "Mine." You know? And I'll see Zoey do something wrong. "Zoey, stop that's not okay." (Whimpers). And Holy Spirit, right away, "That was too strong." "Yeah, but she shouldn't have been doing that." Wrong. Right away, "Hunny, daddy is so sorry. I didn't mean to correct you that strong. I love you with all my heart. Come here. The reason why we don't talk like that is because what happens is out of your heart, your mouth speaks. And daddy shouldn't have spoken that loud because it's in my heart. But you can't treat your sister like that and this is why. We love our sister, right? Yeah? Okay, come on. You guys kiss and you hug right now. And you make up right now." "NO!" 'Fine then daddy is going to hold you together until you do.' But I have to be man enough, a man enough of a guy, to obey when Holy Spirit convicts. This isn't just a message that I preach to the church. I live this thing, dude. When he convicts me, immediate obedience. He doesn't, delayed obedience is disobedience. Delayed obedience is disobedience. And once you start to push the boundaries, you start to shipwreck your faith, and your conscience becomes defiled. You can't afford to defile your confi.., your conscience. You can't afford. It's all we got. I, I, I live with me. See, I'm, I'm comfortable with the comforter in me. He's my teacher. He's the one. And I spend my life in here. This isn't a, "I read that one time." This is intense stuff man. But my qualification of leaders and this and that and the other thing. And, I mean it's intense. You don't like have something go wrong, so stop reading that. No way! If you've got something in your life that's out of whack, that's contrary to what this says, you get on your knees before the Father. And you tell him, "God, this is what you say about me. I'm asking you to make me become what your word says, God. Because I don't want to live apart from your truth. And here I am God. I'm your son, and I'm asking you to make this alive in my life. I realize that my life isn't where it needs to be right now. But you said that I am in position of right standing with you. And you convict me, therefore, grace will empower that conviction to be active in my life so that I can walk out this truth. Father, I thank you and I'm asking you to convict me DAILY about ANYTHING that needs to change. But Father, never convict me without full on grace in order to obey your conviction." It's relationship. It's not twisted. It's not hard. And it's not legalism. Legalism is there's no possible way for you to do it. You try to put a yoke on somebody that they can't have. But what, they can't function in. You put rules on people that they can't do. But in relationship, the ruler of this world has been judged. In relationship, those rules become something that you don't have to follow. Those rules are something that you get to follow. Because you used to be lost, and now you're found. And you used to be blind, but now you see. You used to be dead, but now you live. You used to be a sinner, but now you're a saint. You used to be in darkness, but now you're in light. You used to be against him, but not you are for him. You used to scatter, but now you gather. There is no in between, guys. It's either for or against. Gather or scatter. Light or dark. There is no in between. The Bible doesn't give you a gray area. The only reason you could have one is because you don't ask God to teach you. And you're going through everything. And you listen to. You can't afford to think, "Who do men say Jesus is?" You can't say, "Well some say he's a healer. Some say he's not. Some say, some say he's mean. Some say he's nice. Some say he loves. Some say he doesn't really love that much. Some say he tolerates. Some say he loves." God doesn't tolerate you. He loves you. That's why it says taste and see. You taste and see that the Lord is good and it will rock every fiber of your being. And the first place the word of God comes to separate is your soul from your spirit. He comes to separate the way that seems right to a man to the way that is right to the God. To our Father. To the way that is right to God. And then the Holy Spirit communicates with my spirit. And he makes it alive. And he starts to breathe on and light up the Scripture that's in my heart. And all of a sudden, (makes gasping noise). And you might not be able to explain it, but something's changing man. There's bread inside. And all of sudden the fruit of your life bears witness of what kind of tree you are. And people that didn't think you were a Christian start to see complete difference in your life. And maybe it's years and years down the road. But five years down the road, finally now, finally now they see that you were the real deal. I've had people in my life that, six years, seven years, eight years down, living in front of them. And then persecuting me and saying the meanest things and the angriest things about me. Saying the MEANEST things. All of sudden the reality of the fruit that hung on my tree bore two month's witness. And there's no way to avoid that I'm a tree of righteousness. The planting of the Lord. Want to see your family see? Walk like a tree that has your roots down in the right stuff. Do you want to see your colleagues at work saved? Walk like Jesus. Want to see your city saved? Live like God. Walk like God's told you to live. Walk like He's told you to walk. Because if any man abides in Christ, he ought walk just like Jesus walked. There is no, "Well, kind of like." It's just as. Just as means exactly like, no difference from. No difference between you and him. Exactly alike. Because Jesus never took glory to himself. He always gave glory to the Father. You know that God has an inheritance in the saints. Not in the sinners. He has an inheritance in the saints, and the only way that God receives that inheritance now is that you walk out what it means to be a son on this earth, glorifying your Father in heaven by your good works. Letting people around you see your light so shine. This isn't complicated. It's a matter of surrender. Daily. Repentance isn't something that you just do the second that you come to Christ. Repentance is something that you live in because if you keep your conscience tender, and you keep your conscience washed by blood, all of a sudden truth sets up camp here. See what happens, is when the truth of what God says you are sets His camp up inside of here and then lies are untasteful. And a lie comes, and it's so exposed, it's so exposed by the reality of the right standing that you have in God, that it has no access to your soul because your soul becomes occupied with the truth of who God says you are. And then, when this things that used to drive you away. Let's say boyfriend, girlfriend, relationship. Let's say that thing used to draw you away. All of a sudden the conviction of not even putting yourself, in a, in a situation to where that thing could even erupt in a second. It's your soul, and you separate yourself, so we can't do that. We can't be in that place. And then you start to ground yourself and be trained in righteousness. And then all of a sudden, you're, you become so free up here that it's not tasteful anymore to live that way. Because you understand that right standing with God means covenant, and covenant is amazing. And when you start to see the reality of what that means. See, it's about repentance, every day. Because you can ask God to breathe upon your soul, and you can live in a place of constant and daily place of repentance to where if anything gets out of whack a little bit, the Holy Spirit convicts your conscience of what is and what is not okay. And delayed obedience is disobedience. Two seconds of a lack of obedience is disobedience. That's not legalism. That's relationship. So if you're in a situation, see this whole tragedy of being angry and needing time to cool down is demonic. Husband and wife are talking and get into some kind of a discussion, and all of a sudden one of you needs two hours to calm down. Man, that's demonic. It's a fruit of the flesh that needs to die. And the more that you submit and surrender to the reality of being humble and getting on your knees and saying you're sorry even if they don't say it back. What I'm telling you has everything to do with every situation in life. You're in front of an employer that screams at you and tells you to (roaring noise). And you're right and they're wrong. Say, "Man, I'm really sorry." "You SHOULD be sorry!" You don't walk away and say, "Well, see if I ever say that again." That's attitude. You walk away and say, "Father, I thank you in the name of Jesus that you could sit on a cross, God. Humbling yourself. Dying for me. And you could say 'Forgive me, for they know not what they do.' God I could surely do it now because you've come to live inside of me." For the husband and wife it's the same thing. There's a disagreement. You don't separate yourself and sleep on the couch for the night. You don't let the sun go down on your anger. And you make sure that you make it right. Right away. Even if the other one doesn't want to make it right, you make sure that you humble yourself and you say you're sorry. Because it's not about who’s right and who’s wrong, it's about righteousness. The beauty, it's the beauty of righteousness. It's the beauty of holiness. It's amazing. The world would want what you have if you really believed it. Ahhhhh, that was good. The world will want what you have if you believe what you have is real. And not theory, because theory wasn't, won't change anybody. Listen, I don't want you to hear the message that I'm hear, that' I'm preaching today and be condemned. I just don't have another message, and you came into my session, so. It's not condemnation. But it is about doing something with your conviction. And how would you know that you could live this way, if you've never heard it preached this way? And I understand, "Well, I should have seen it in my Bible." I get it. But my heart, is to convict your heart so much, that when you read your Bible it's all you see. Because the whole Bible is about being right with God. It says in there, it says, "Strong meat is for the mature." Mature doesn't mean 50 years old in Jesus. Mature means has relationship with the Father. Because having their senses trained to discern between both good and evil. With me, it happens like this. I'm in a situation and whatever it is, on plane or wherever. And or any situation. Gosh. If something's not right, my like there's things that you know isn't right. Like, that you just know that's not right. But you ask the Holy Spirit to convict you about what is really right. Are you ready? Just ask Him. But the more that you can humble yourself in a place to ask him what is right and wrong. And don't just let the world determine what is good and bad. Because today people are calling good evil and evil good. We're in that day right now. All kinds of stuff is in there. America is going through it right now buddy. Intense. I can tell you stuff that they're teaching kids in elementary school that would make you spin. You can't even imagine. Horrible. Don't you let Dr. Phil determine what's good and bad. Don't you let Oprah determine what's good and bad. That's right. You let the Bible determine what's good and bad. We have this book here, that you might think is written by man. It is, but it was inspired by Him. It could be written by men, be written by people. It was inspired by the Father. One more Scripture. Am I okay? I don't even know the time. I think we're alright. You didn't say anything, so. (Laughs). Sorry, I'll be done in just a minute. Hehehe. Wow. Oh. Mmmm. Okay. Go to 2nd Timothy 3 please. Is this, I'm at a place where I love to read whole chapters, man. There's just so much in it. (Laughs). And one more Scripture. In the middle of a lot. Yeah, let me just read it. Okay, are you alright? "But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers without self-control, brutal despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away." Wow, I'm just going to read that again. That's amazing. "Men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers without self-control, brutal despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying it's power. And from such people turn away. For of this sort are those that creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts, always learning and never coming to the knowledge of truth." Having a form of godliness but denying it's power. I know that sometimes that's taught like denying the power of God. But I believe He's talking about the power of God to enable, to enable you to be free from all the stuff he just listed. And from such people turn away. This is the reality of what religion tries to do. Religion tries to say that you can't really be free from this stuff. I mean, "Hey, you're always going to sin. You're always going to do this. Let's just do this." Like we get people saved, and then we tell them they can never be free. But that's not true. That's not freedom. Jesus says we can be free. It says, "No longer be a slave to sin, but a slave unto righteousness." Romans 6 says that we died to sin. "Let sin no longer have dominion in you. Shall we sin so we can, you know so that we can get away with it? Or should we sin, continue in sin? Certainly not, how should we who died to it, continue in it?" That's powerful. Romans 5: I've been right with God. Romans 6: I'm dead to sin. Died. Just dead. Roman 7 speaks to those that are trying to do it in their own strength. Doing it according to the law, you can't. Romans 8 says by the Spirit. There's no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus who do not walk according to the flesh (Romans 7) but according to the Spirit, life in Christ. Spirit of holiness. You are holy. "Now as Jannes and Jambres resist-, Jambres resisted Moses, so, so these also resist the truth: men of corrupt mind disapproved concerning the faith; they will progress no further, and their folly will be manifest to all, as theirs also was. But you have carefully followed my doctrine, my manner of life, my purpose, my faith, my long suffering, my love, my perserverance, my persecution, my afflictions which happened to me at Antioch and at Iconium and at Lystra- what persecutions I endured. And out of them all the Lord delivered me. Yes, and all who desire to live godly," I love it. "All of those that desire to live godly," that's not just the miraculous without holiness. That's not just walking in miracles and living in sin. Living godly is walking like Jesus. He was both miraculous and holy. The kingdom of God enables us to walk in the power of God, and the kingdom in dominion. But the kingdom is relationship with Holy Spirit. Right standing enables the character that we carry. Jesus told the disciples, "I have many things I want to tell you, but you couldn't bear up under it now." Because he had two legs that could hold up the table. And one of them was righteousness and one of them was kingdom. To enable all the stuff that Jesus wanted to share with us, but the foundation has to be secured and has to be through Holy Spirit relationship and right standing with God. And they have to be always steadfast, or else your table is lopsided. You cannot afford to just walk in power, or your table's top heavy and it will fall. You can't afford just to walk in character, because the power of God, the godliness of God is enabled by the power of God to walk out righteousness. Both are intact. Both hold that table up. And you can build, and it will be on a strong foundation. "But evil men and imposters will grow worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. But you must continue in the things that you have learned and been assured of, knowing that from, from who you have learned, and from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith for which is in Christ Jesus. Listen to this right here. This is where I wanted to get. It says, "All Scripture is given by the inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine," as long as it's inspired by God. For reproof, as long as it's inspired by God. For correction, as long as it's inspired by God. And you'll know that it is, because it's for the instruction in righteousness, that you a man of God, a woman of God, may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. That's not just ministry. That's everything in life. All Scripture is breathed by the Father for training in righteousness. ALL. Every Scripture in this whole Bible. He didn't say some Scripture. He said all. Every Scripture in the whole book is for the one purpose of training in righteousness so that your core can be strong. So that nobody can dismantle the reality of your life. And godliness is the byproduct of sonship. And sonship is the focal point to where sin consciousness and son consciousness don't stay in the same temple anymore. Son consciousness sets its camp up here. And it produces its fruit unto holiness. And all of sudden you have your senses trained, that when something's wrong the Holy Spirit inside of you trembles your heart and lets you know it's not okay to be in that place. It's call the fear of the Lord. It's the beginning of wisdom. To where God actually trembles your heart. I remember times, there's times when I was supposed to go somewhere, and I knew, Paul had it. Paul was supposed to go in here and preach. God said, "Not now." Then later He said, "Now." But there's a place to where the Holy Spirit instead of shouting at us, trains our senses so that we know through our thought, through our eyes, through our ears, through our feelings, through our senses. They're trained to discern between both good and evil, and evil is no longer acceptable. Because our consciences are pure and they stay unviolated. And then all of a sudden as you go through life, God purges our conscience again and again and again. Last thing. Today and yesterday, I was doing, uhhh, I was exercising. I was looking out the window and I'm learn-, I'm just, man I'm just growing in this. I'm, I'm loving it. You think, "Well I've heard you preach this before." I get it, but it's deeper dude. Uhhh, yeah it is, man. It's deeper. I don't have another message. I don't want another message. I'm not here to entertain you. I'm here until we become the message. You know what I'm saying? I just want us to become the message. Just the simplicity of the Gospel. And there was this, there were these two umm, there were these two, you know what, you know what a backhoe is? The thing with a big arm and scoops. And there was one on top up on a platform here in this city. And then there was one down deep in the, in the gulley. Or in the, in this big really far down. It's got a really long arm on it, and huhhh. And you've got this dumpster at the bottom. And you've got like this one on the bottom. They both have long arms. They're both scooping the dirt out of this trench and pouring it into the dumpster. And then the top one is reaching down in. And taking the dirt out of the dumpster and putting it into a dump truck to carry it away. Do you get it? I do. See the world and the enemy is constantly trying to bombard you with everything through your senses. On a constant basis. But the reality of Holy Spirit is like the track hoe that's on the top. So every time this one puts junk in the box, the other one takes it out. And it's a constant process. This top one never stops working. It's really important. This one keeps throwing it in. This one keeps taking it out. And Holy Spirit is our teacher. And if we allow him the proper position that He has been given by the Father to have. He's our inner witness. Where he comes inside, and all of a sudden the things that, the things that you, used to allow in your life become unallowable anymore. Not because anybody's looking. See this is, this is it. See no matter what, it doesn't matter if I'm here or if I'm I'm, where-, wherever I'm at. It's, it's when no one's eyes are upon me. See people told me, "Todd, you have to have someone travel with you because you know, you got to be careful. I mean there's temptations, and." I'm just going to be really really honest to you. I am tempted to fall deeper in love with Jesus. Every day. I don't have something inside of me that is drawing or this out here. This has become untasteful to me. My relationship with God is deepening. When I'm in my hotel room, I don't have to put something over the TV because it might draw me away. Psssh. I have never turned a TV on in a hotel room. When your conscience gets washed by blood and you realize that He's always watching. When you realize that Jesus sits in like, I remember I was at Teen Challenge and they were talking about, "God judges the thoughts and intents of your heart." You know, "Receive with meekness the implanted word which is able to save your soul." That, that God came to make his home in me. So I said yes to God so I'm born again. So I'm a right spirit with him. He's, regenerate spirit. He's hooked up his spirit with my spirit, so we're one spirit. The Bible actually says I'm flesh of his flesh and bone of his bone. Biblical. So God doesn't call my flesh yucky. Jesus says if your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. Your hand can't cause you to sin, unless your mind wants it to. What if your mind is so fixed on things above and not beneath, the last thing you're thinking about is this thing doing that. What if your relationship can be that intense that there's nothing that draws you away more than he's drawing you up in. It's not a weird doctrine, it's just I'm trying to explain my life. I don't have stuff that calls my name louder than he has. I'm in love with Jesus. I love him. I want people, I want people to know him. I want people to know him now, not just then. I want, it's not the sweet old by and by. It's a life lived on fire for him to the day that I'm brought up into glory and spend eternity with him. It's about enjoying this life that's he's given me here, not through the pleasures of life that make it enjoyable. But through the relationship of him in my life that make it enjoyable. I've found something that's really real. People have told me that it's impossible. And, "Hey, everybody's tempted." Well, you're wrong. And I'm not saying I'm above anybody. I'm telling you that my mind is focused on being in love with God, and I don't have stuff that calls my name down here. I don't know how else to say that. I mean people get weirded out because people are so far from it. I'm not elevating myself above you. I, I promise. I've gone after something for 11 years. I don't have something, the want to sin and get away with it in my life. God sees it all. So God sits in the theatre room of my soul. So like, suppose this is an empty theatre room. God sits in the front seat, and suppose that big black, that big black curtain up there is a screen. And that being my mind. God sits in the theatre room of my soul. And he's, he's seeing everything that goes across my screen at all times. He sees it all. No matter what I do, no matter what I say, no matter what I think. And my acknowledgement of that and my giving this, him sitting here in the theatre room of my soul, the highest priority in my life. I know that he sees it. And if he sees it, he can give me grace to be free from junk on that screen that he wouldn't want there. That's not legalism. That's knowing that he's in me. That's knowing that there are people around me that depend on me knowing that. It's a privilege. It's not a bummer. But when someone first told me that, I was like, "Oh my God." Hehh. Because I just, 22 years of addiction, dude. Atheism, and anger, and hatred and all that stuff. And ripping off and people are dead because of me. And and all the pornography and all that junk dude. I had all that! And then he told me that God sits in the theatre room of my soul. And I'm like, "That doesn't make sense." And then they read Romans, or uh Hebrews 4:12. And I'm like, "Oh my gosh." But the first place God's word comes is to separate your soul from your spirit. Because your mind is whacked out. Because you grew up in the world and were trained by selfishness itself. So when you give your life to Jesus, you have another trainer. Not life. You have a Father who loves you. And whatever he calls you to, he gives you grace to walk out. If you would ask himself to reveal himself in this way, I promise you that he would. And you wouldn't be bound by circumstance and life. You could be a slave to righteousness and stop being a slave to sin. You become a weapon then of righteousness. You don't want to be a slave to sin. You don't want to have slave be your mast-, or sin be your master anymore. Why would you want to be led? It's like a noose. Sin will take you further than you ever wanted to go, and cost you more than you ever wanted to spend. Constant. Because a little one leads to a bigger one, leads to a bigger one, leads to a bigger one, then all of a sudden your life is just twisted and whacked and you don't understand how you got there. But all it takes is for your heart to repent and to see the reality of who your Father is. Seek mercy when it can be found. Seek the Father when he can be found. Don't deny this. Deny ungodliness. It says, "Pursue peace and holiness, for without which, nobody will see the Lord." Do you pursue peace? How do you pursue peace? Righteousness. You cannot pursue peace outside of righteousness, because if you pursue peace in the world to get it from your situation, you can never have peace. You might have a moment of happiness, but it's not peace that's sustained. Peace isn't laying in your lover's arms. Peace is knowing that God loves you, forgave you, and wanted to come and make his home inside of you. Peace is being justified by faith and having peace with God. Peace is knowing that you've been a new creation. Peace is being compelled by love. The love of Christ compels us. That if one died, then all died. And that those that live should no longer live for themselves, but live for the one that gave himself. That's real peace. Real peace is that right there. Peace. Pursue peace and holiness. Holiness is impossible unless you become right with God and then holiness is the byproduct of being right with God. Just like Peter, the one that really got it wrong. The one that was called the devil by Jesus because his mind was fixed on that twisted way that seems right to a man. So for you to say, "Hey, back off I'm only human." Is to say, "I'm only demonic." Say what you want. Your excuses are out the window, man. No one stops you from this except yourself because God will not hold back. He's given you everything according to life and godliness. And godliness will bring persecution. Godliness is the byproduct of sonship. Amen? That was a whole lot. How many of you woke up different this morning? Look. Look around. That's the bomb. Seriously, how many of you woke up different this morning? Put your hand up. Like something shifted. Something changed. It was just like, like last night it was a barrage of (makes shooting noise) To where your soul becomes arrested. (Screaming noise). It's just the truth of God. And I promise you that it's going to happen again today just because because God wants to purge us, man. He wants to wash us, man. That we can just be free. Alright, put your hands on your heart. Ohhhh, holy, yeah!! (Sings this). (Mic drops on floor>>>>>) Sorry. Father, I thank you in the name of Jesus, God. I ask you for this word to overwhelm our soul. God, I thank you that even today, our soul would be overwhelmed with this. Father, your word says that righteousness is what makes unashamed of this Gospel. That means that righteousness is what gives us our boldness. Father, I thank you that boldness of speech for our King comes because we're made right with that King, and we want other people to be made right with that King. God, I thank you that today, that people would go to a new level of boldness and freedom. God, I thank you that people would reach out and talk to people today. Because this right here enables the soul to be free so that we can actually approach others with our Gospel. That we can actually touch others with the Gospel that set us free. God I thank you for great grace. I thank you for truth God, in every situation. Jesus, I thank you for encounters. I thank you Father, that would speak to us about other people. Because we are learning to get our identity through what you've spoken over us as sons and daughters. It's not, it's not a bad thing for us to be able to get a word of knowledge and speak it to other people. Because we are not going to get our identity because we got a word of knowledge. We do not need an encounter to know you. We need to believe the truth that you've paid a price to come to know us. So that we could know you. Father, I thank you for the encounter with truth itself. That this would impart to people. This would empower people. And this would change everybody in this room. Everybody. God, I thank you for grace. I thank you for truth. I thank you for holy lives God, set apart. I thank you for massive encounters today God with people. Father, I thank you for so many encounters with people. So many miracles. So many healings. So many prophetic words today over people. God, I ask you to impart to them in Jesus' name all the amazing gifts that are in your Spirit, God. I thank you Father, that every gift that's available would function through the one gift, that gift of righteousness. The abundance of grace that you've poured out. God, thank you. Bless your people God. In Jesus' name. Amen Amen
Channel: Todd White
Views: 120,780
Rating: 4.8150382 out of 5
Id: Mk3j8Ec4Cbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 19sec (7099 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2017
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