Tik Tok Houses Are Leveling Up

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okay tick-tock houses are leveling the fudge up content houses have always been a thing right i'm pretty sure it started with with gamers like it probably all comes from like lan lan parties and then there was the time you remember when when vine was around where all all of the big viners lived in the same apartment building on vine street in hollywood so they could shoot content together that was kind of an early form of this then all of a sudden influencers started coming together and renting these mansions team 10 house remember that they were in west hollywood they rented a mansion and they like burnt it down or some [ __ ] and so they moved to calabasas where and got an even bigger house in the same town as [ __ ] drake the cloud house the giant house in the hollywood hills pool sick ass view the faze house you ever seen that look at this 30 million dollars it's like 28 bedrooms 64 baths so then tick tock came around so naturally tick tock houses became a thing you got the hype house the sway house but that's what i mean by leveling up right not only are the houses getting crazier but the amount now the sway house take the hype house old old [ __ ] news all right there's like 50 of them now they're so goddamn many there's the clubhouse the alpha house there's this group of like comedy tick-tockers that moved into a house in vegas where they where they used to shoot pornos there's the not a content house they have a big-ass house in bel air there's a tick-tock house for people my age called the honey house they advertise themselves as the tick tock house for adults and that one's really funny and now i'm sure you've seen videos of that one but they all like have real jobs like that's their schtick is that they all like work day jobs but they're like meditation coaches and fitness zoom instructors and it's just all [ __ ] that doesn't exist outside of la it's awesome but that's not it the tic toc houses are also in europe now too there's the jet house that's one it's called that because the people who live there see themselves as jet setters i wish i was kidding then there's the goat house in ireland and there's a new one in the uk called the wave house which we're going to look at very last because that's like the entire reason why i'm making this video it's so awesome all right i know i just threw a lot at you let's start this all off by looking at the sway house upgrade all right there's a group of guys if you don't know this way house a group of dudes they lived in a nice house and they just moved into a better house because triller which is a competing app with tick tock now probably going to be the replacement maybe after sunday hired one of the kids who's 18 years old to be their chief strategy officer this is a company that made like a hundred million dollars last year he hired they hired an 18 year old to be their cso and i guess as one of the perks they get to move into the trailer house which is this [ __ ] gargantuan that's a term i just made up for gargantua's mansion [Music] yes boys yeah if you actually look straight up right there that is a room right there right above our garage and it's actually for uh one of our managers we were also informed it so that that's a pool house that's a pool house above their garage that they just use as their manager's like place that the manager hangs out when he comes over this is his managing area where he manages stuff this is the pool house i am the pool boy uh we have the kitchen look this is a pool house there's a kitchen in the pool house this is like an entire apartment that is just used for the manager to manage them yeah you little manager [ __ ] get us some deals dog oh i don't know gee i ever heard of making us some money you little pool house [ __ ] boy make some calls dog there's a gym there's a [ __ ] there's everything you could ever want but the craziest [ __ ] about this house is right here look at this bathroom please take a gander at this bathroom this is where margot robbie goes to the bathroom when she stays over here what the [ __ ] it's like a roller skating rink it's that big i've never seen a bathroom like this my entire life and i'm absolutely floored by it i'm floored by these floors look at these marble [ __ ] floors they're beautiful you could take a [ __ ] on the floor in a different place every single day for a year and never even come close to stepping on one of your own shits that's how big this bathroom is yeah the toilet opens by itself yeah something that's even better oh no this is the guy's bathroom aka my bathroom oh your shower's not a small dude so now you're probably thinking cody you're just jealous dude stop ripping on these kids lifestyle just because all you have is a [ __ ] couch with laundry on it all the time to that i would say yeah yeah i'm [ __ ] jealous did you see that bathroom i'm [ __ ] jealous of that [ __ ] imagine being 18 and having a bathroom like that like you could just breakdance on it whenever you want it no it's just funny that like and i know it's kind of the classic like old head [ __ ] to be like they just dance for 15 seconds and they live in the [ __ ] buckingham palace but like and i'm sure a lot more goes into it behind the scenes than we think but we can all agree that tick tock is way easier than the vast majority of jobs we can agree on that right and so is youtube i'm not i'm happy to admit that all right i'm happy to admit that youtube is probably easier than most jobs but i don't live in the set of selling sunset okay here's the not a content house [Music] [ __ ] hell oh jesus okay let's take a look at the goat house in ireland in ireland the goat house this is 2 million home this is why greek life is a thing in college because when you're this age you want to be associated with your pals living under one roof all repping a random phrase or letters or something you know but the difference is you're also in college working on getting a degree these kids are all college aged with money out of their ears all living in the nicest frat houses you've ever seen if this was a thing when i was 18 i would have been like [ __ ] college i'm just gonna try and do this i'll do a little dance on tick-tock if it gets me a house with heated floors studying nah i'm good i'd rather just do this a couple times whatever the [ __ ] that move is and then have a pool house sleeping in a twin bed in the same room as somebody else about five feet from me no thanks no no i'm gonna do this i'm gonna have a 20 000 square foot house all right let's take a look at the jet house here we are we're at the jet house does everyone want to go on a house tour or what let's show you the bedrooms why do i feel like i'm watching love island that was [ __ ] awesome electricity all right now we're going to take you into the living room kitchen area hey ben hello this guy is the best story time guys oh okay landlady told us it's five grand the cost of our deposits let's not grow it five times this house kind of just looks like a normal airbnb actually but still it's still nice that's what these are is little reality tv shows that are just self-produced you remember when like jersey shore and the real world were all huge that's exactly what this is they're just they're doing people are doing it themselves now networks should be scared as [ __ ] because i feel like this is only going to get more popular all right so you get it there's a lot of these now creator mansions they're called and you think how could anyone out do these people right the sway house how could anyone out do that that bathroom how could anyone out do that bathroom that's what you're thinking all right let's check out the wave house in the uk this one's brand new i don't even know if they've finished announcing all their members yet that's something that people do now i guess is announce members one by one [Music] um [Music] like what the [ __ ] are you kidding me that's like the richest house i've ever seen this is some old money [ __ ] this is some like weird jeffrey epstein ties type money you know this kid bobby moore who they follow on tick tock i guess he's like their announcer or something i don't know kind of [ __ ] up not to make him like a member of the house but they bestowed upon him the responsibility of tick talking about what's in the house the richest things in the house so let's check that out here's the craziest most expensive things in the wave house part one the house itself is worth over five million pounds which is close to seven million dollars it has 13 acres of land which is the equivalent of 10 football fields 13 acres of land and a [ __ ] indoor pool it also has a swimming pool gym and even a spa but it gets even crazier it also has a 100 inch tv which cost almost 30 thousand dollars why would you ever [ __ ] why would you ever need that this is like billionaire [ __ ] i don't understand why would you ever need a 30 000 tv that's egregious for anybody unless you're a billionaire what kind of tick tocks are you going to film on 13 acres of land hey yo going for a long jog in my own yard check let's watch part two here's the craziest most expensive things in the wave house part two if you love dogs then you'll love the wave house because it has its very own dog bath within the spa a dog bath i didn't think it could be done i didn't think that the sway bathroom could be outdone but they just did it there's a [ __ ] dog bath in this bathroom a bathroom a bath specifically for your dog if you love christmas on the 10 football fields of land are over 5 000 christmas trees 5 000 christmas trees that you can burn down for a sick tick tock and if you enjoy reading then you can visit the library located inside the house but it gets even crazier it has its own pond and over 300 apple trees where you can literally pick the apples off and eat them like this isn't a house this is a an estate all right so now you're probably thinking who's paying for this [ __ ] i don't know i have no idea i don't know some some investor is about to lose some serious money though once tick-tock goes away on sunday anyways okay so like over the course of the last like two weeks or something they've like revealed who the members are and you can only imagine what they did for that i mean if they're willing to rent a house of this caliber or buy or whatever the [ __ ] then just wait till you see how they how they revealed the members okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so [ __ ] extra it's so extra it's just doing way too much way too much all right the first member revealed [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i can't believe i love it it's so funny [Music] it's a boy throws in the house that's on fire [Music] it's so [ __ ] extra it's so funny how overboard they went with these like and like he took off his mask he's just like normal looking i'm not calling him ugly or anything like that i'm saying you know he's a pretty good looking guy but for for this presentation i half expected [ __ ] jason mamoa to come out of the mask just the whole cast of 300 what's up we're all members all right so they did one she jumps in the pool and reveals [Music] you got a kind of respect how much effort they put into this [Music] this [ __ ] works for the kardashians and that's it if you're just like a normal person trying to trying to pull i mean it's kind of working it's kind like this has a lot of likes and these this page got a ton of followers and [ __ ] i'm talking about it for christ's sake so i guess it's kind of working it's just so funny how drastically overboard they went with this like the first one the very first like mask reveal i was reading the comments and they're all like who are you i don't know who you are it's just so funny to be like i'm here folks it's me and everyone's like i don't know you so then they did like an announcement video where like the mask reveals are over but we're not done yet we're going live tonight at 7 pm it's just a [ __ ] live stream you made an announcement video for one live stream oh i love it i love it just doing the most doing way too much it's awesome so anyways yeah i just wanted to talk about the fact that this is that they're just leveling the [ __ ] up like what's up what's up now hype house huh where the [ __ ] is your dog bath despicable and if you guys think that the content houses that we just talked about if you think they're crazy i mean wait till you hear about these ones yo what's up welcome to our house dude we're a group of dudes that really likes getting shredded and working out so we turn the whole place into one giant gym and we call it the sweatshop yo what's up we're the normies um this is the normie house we say that because we all really like normalizing things we're constantly leaving comments on stuff about normalizing things that aren't really normalized yet and so we're big normies yo what's up welcome to the taint house we're not [ __ ] we're not [ __ ] but we're right in the middle baby yo welcome to the hoos we're all hockey players from canada yo what's good we're the braille house we're all blind yo what's up we're delta epsilon and we are a frat at miami of ohio yo what's good we're the what's good house yo what's up we're the wap house and i'm addison rey's mom and i'm the only member [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Cody Ko
Views: 4,034,209
Rating: 4.9802928 out of 5
Keywords: tik tok, hype, wave, hype house, sway house, sway, Cody ko, cody, ko, instagram, comedy, sketch, dms, cringe, vine, advice, vlog, comments, codyko, comedian, vines, podcast, funny, tiny meat gang, insanely chill, 6secondauditions, the weekend edition
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 20sec (980 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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