Jaystation is back.

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j station j station where do i even begin with mr station um if you don't know who he is good bless your heart turn this video off right now just trust me it's not worth it it's not if you're still around you might remember the last time i did a video on him was when he faked being in a coma um i was like a year and a half ago i think she told me that he's probably in a coma right now nurse said probably coma but the doctors are like i don't know you know i might just be sleeping who knows yeah about a year and a half ago and uh since then i'm happy to report that he's turned a new leaf he's a new man and uh he really got in touch with his inner no i'm kidding since then he faked his own girlfriend's death so he could do one of those videos where you talk to them in the afterlife with a ouija board or whatever i never wanted to make a video like this ever but last night we lost alexia to a drunk driver guys and they broke up him and his girlfriend ended up breaking up because they got in a lot of hot water for that because faking someone's death for views is a messed up thing to do and then there was this whole online feud because he might have pressured her into it and then he got arrested for throwing a phone at her and was like flexing about it on his instagram live it's a wild story truly it's a wild story if you haven't seen drew gooden's video on it just go watch that he lays it all out very nicely or don't go watch it if you still don't know who this guy is and you've stuck around just don't watch it it's not worth it trust me you're better off not knowing that this man exists so then after all this happens he posts a video on his youtube channel saying goodbye it's he says that he quit youtube you know to to grow to work on himself like the title probably says i need to take a break from youtube i just need to i just need to stop all social media take some time to figure out who i am i'm just really sorry for everything i did and he hasn't posted a video since or has he that's right he's back he's back and he's back with his ex-girlfriend and they're posting together on a channel called the dream team channel like nothing ever happened and i cannot stress enough how weird that is until you know the full story with what [ __ ] happened between him and her again go watch drew's video if you don't know about that and then come back to this or go on living your life drew's video is just 25 minutes of what the [ __ ] is happening how does this guy continue to thrive on this website so today we're gonna watch some of his new content to find out but before we do that i want to tell you how you can thrive on other websites particularly when you're online shopping and you can do that by using honey the sweet sweet sponsor of today's video guys online shopping is supposed to be easy all right you can do it at home in your pjs but why is it so hard to find good coupon codes that actually work with honey it doesn't have to be honey is a free 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free at joinhoney.com cody okay so like i said they're back they're back the dream team and i'm not talking the 92 us men's olympic basketball team all right i'm talking j station and alexia the [ __ ] the real dream team yeah sure one might have emotionally manipulated the other one into doing something a little bit immoral and yeah maybe one of them threw a cell phone at the other but at the end of the day they're the [ __ ] dream team they're made for each other they're made to do content together so they announced their coming back with this video what's up dream team right now i'm sitting next to my ex-girlfriend alexia morano as you guys know we've been broken up for a while now guys she's been posting on her own channel and i haven't even been posting at all i'm still trying to think about everything that's gone on in that last couple months nice good good yeah take some time and reflect on everything that's good that's a good thing so i wanted to make alexia a promise that i would never be like that again and i actually made that promise not only to her face but i took her out and i bought her these matching rings guys check these rings out these symbolize the promise that i made to alexia that i would never do what i did to her before ever again guys are you [ __ ] kidding me dude nothing says i won't fake your death again like a cartier ring insane that even in this pseudo apology explanation video whatever they still find time to flex on us is that not like the perfect little microcosm of what youtube is yo what's up i just want to say that i'm like really sorry to everyone and like i'm working on it okay i bought myself a new mclaren so i could just sit inside and just think about like all the things i've done and yeah it's like super quiet in there because i got like the upgraded package super good sound system so it's like really sound proofed and stuff in there it's nice just to sit in there and think when i'm not blasting hubba stank so yeah they got back together him and alexia and since then they just they just been pumping out classic couples youtube [ __ ] everything you'd expect everything all the most ridiculous pranks and cool fun pranks that you could ever imagine on youtube for example going missing prank on my girlfriend she cried and also being mean to my girlfriend to see how she would react she cried look at this thumbnail you're fat i hate you you're ugly you stink good it's not even a prank that's just mean your legs [Music] what's wrong with what you tonight dude uh my favorite thing about these is that they look directly into the camera when they're talking to each other what the [ __ ] is wrong with you jstation why would you [ __ ] do that why would you tell me that my legs were hairy like that why would you post that on my instagram why would you do that jstation it's almost like for a second like the audience we get to like feel like j station you know what i'm saying oh sorry i thought there was a gucci hat up there it's pretty late right now the only thing open is mcdonald's so just order me that whoa mcdonald's are you sure alexia seriously don't you think you should go for something with a little less calories stay stuck why are you being so rude just order me what i want okay what's the big deal stop making me feel bad fine alexia you want mcdonald's i'll get you mcdonald's that's so [ __ ] up ah these videos are really funny because they're they're not subtle about who they're aiming these videos at they're clearly aimed at children but i feel like even kids would know that this is fake to overact it's so overacted that it's it's like it's like this is like wwe for kids that's what this is just overacted obviously fake but you you just you're watching and you're like this is [ __ ] awesome as an eight-year-old watching this you're like this is stupid but i [ __ ] with this he just told her not to eat mcdonald's savage he just said that her legs are hairy [ __ ] get wrecked dude i'm eight i'm eight years old you can't gain no weight if you get any more fat i'm dumping you classic prank let's see what else they've been up to sneaking into my boyfriend's car for 24 hours they are kissing i guess she caught him cheating in that one chucky doll is a live prank on my girlfriend what drone caught my girlfriend cheating on camera a lot of cheating going on which is which sucks because they're the dream team dude they shouldn't be cheating on each other there's a dream team so yeah they've been posting this stuff like every couple days it's a new you know wild prank or uh going to the worst reviewed chiropractor whatever where it's just all fake and then on june 4th they posted arrested my girlfriend under disguise as a police officer on june 4th amongst everything going on with the death of george floyd and the black lives matter protests and all of the discourse about police brutality he thought it was a good idea to make a youtube video where he impersonated an officer and then fake arrested his girlfriend you can't make this stuff up i wish it was made up i really do i'm not even gonna play the whole video because it's in the context of everything that's going on it's just truly disgusting really he had his car outfitted with sirens he wears this whole cop outfit which is also extremely illegal you can't impersonate an officer he like points a gun at her at one point he gets her on the ground and arrests her it's just it's [ __ ] vile and considering the timing you have to think it's a little bit too coincidental right no one is not aware of what's going on enough to just for this just to happen out of chance i just thought it would be cool to do a police officer video i just i didn't know i didn't hear i didn't check any news outlet like what are the odds he's he was just like i'm just trying to do a police themed video and i didn't check the news i didn't know what was going on it kind of seems like he saw what was going on and decided i can capitalize on this which is it's just awful it really is how do you how do you come back from faking your own girlfriend's death for views just to potentially do something worse than that within a few months and then after that he just goes back to the to the usual [ __ ] couple days later giving my girlfriend my credit card to buy anything she wants for 24 hours so today we got a very special video for you guys i've been super beat to my girlfriend alexia for like the last week pranking her nonstop if you guys haven't seen those videos link's gonna be in the description guys today alexia has no idea what today's video is about did you take a guess are you gonna be mean to me for 24 hours are you gonna steal some of my stuff no today is an exception that is coming tomorrow though don't you worry today we're gonna be nice to my girlfriend for 24 hours i'm gonna give her my credit card today we're going to be nice to my girlfriend for once in her [ __ ] life when i'm not throwing phones at her face guys today i'm going to be taking my girlfriend out for dinner because i've never once done that throughout our entire relationship guys today i'm going to be paying my girlfriend a compliment and let her spend whatever she wants the entire day give me your credit yeah what are you gonna spend it on i can buy whatever [Applause] why is this film i'm sorry but maybe this is a little bit whatever but this is it feels like this is filmed like a porn video doesn't it this is the same [ __ ] camera they use the little fish eye they talk to the lens right it's weird back with another video [Music] guys you already know i've been a big youtuber for like three years i got no limit on my credit card spend whatever you want alexia no remorse no remorse nothing there was no sign of any of any reflection that he's done on the [ __ ] he's done in the past he just said i've been a big youtuber for like three years you know i got no limit buy whatever you want accept some mcdonald's because you're fat i'm gonna have fun but just try to keep it to like a hundred dollar items don't go any farther than that okay sorry a hundred dollars anyways guys make sure you guys smash that like button right now guys it's gonna be an epic no i don't want to i don't want to don't tell me to do it i'm not i'm not gonna do it i'm okay i'm fine i'll do it no you know what no no i'm not gonna [ __ ] no let's see what she buys did i get this one no look at this red one dude you cannot get the suv alexia seriously it even has the white interior oh my god alexa actually the suv will be better for your giant body from all the mcdonald's i'm sorry i'm sorry i can't i can't get that i can't get over that please this is like eighty thousand dollars i just remembered i don't even have to ask you i can just pay with your credit card oh why is she why is she talking like she's nine margaritas deep wait jay i just remember aren't you gonna have to ask you honestly they probably are i would i would be i would slam a couple drinks if i had to film children's videos every couple days bye-bye what is that is that a freaking credit card let me see that it's the key to my brand new tesla no way alexia how much was it how much was it i don't think you want to know it came to uh it's like it doesn't even i can't even he does a video you know where he essentially makes a joke out of everything that's going on right now in the world and then two days later he does a video where he flexes on us that he bought a [ __ ] tesla for 85 000 they say the amount many times in this video oh my god guys alexia easily cost me at least a hundred thousand dollars already hasn't been an entire day yet yeah but what you said no limit dude i thought you made a big youtuber for three years i thought you said no limit now you're what you're tripping about a hundred grand you used to be my idol j station i thought you were rich dude so yeah i just wanted to let any of you who are worried know that jstation is back he's back in a big way you know and i've written a rap about it yup i've written a rap song about it um it goes like this jstation content's so hot it'll burn your computer screen cremation girlfriend's so crazy she might do a cut off your ball prank castration pranks so crazy it'll have you saying what in tarnation thanks for watching guys let's get 500 000 likes on this video you guys and i will compliment kelsey one time thanks see you in the next video where i will be buying myself a new [ __ ] crane peace [Music] you
Channel: Cody Ko
Views: 3,993,308
Rating: 4.9777474 out of 5
Keywords: jay station, Cody ko, cody, ko, instagram, comedy, sketch, dms, cringe, vine, advice, vlog, comments, codyko, comedian, vines, podcast, funny, tiny meat gang, insanely chill, 6secondauditions, the weekend edition
Id: INEnaS8Wg_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 39sec (999 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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