Bad Tik Tok Pranksters

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/chodychodster 📅︎︎ Jan 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

It wasn't a nice shot...

at all.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/BritishBrownie 📅︎︎ Jan 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

I love Cody, but if he really thinks those first few "pranks" weren't also staged...

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Rhain1999 📅︎︎ Jan 19 2021 🗫︎ replies

ending might be the best cody ko ive seen in awhile, all around great video

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/UsualVolcano 📅︎︎ Jan 16 2021 🗫︎ replies
guys i'm officially shutting down my youtube channel it's a prank it's a prank oh my god dude you just seen your face oh my god you should have seen your face you gullible pieces little pieces from my literally oh i got you pranks a polarizing genre there are good pranks i will admit i will admit pranks amongst friends i'll watch that all day that's all in good fun and then there are pranks on unsuspecting people which that's a toughie those are usually very hard for me to watch unless done perfectly i think as a rule you shouldn't [ __ ] with someone just going about their day unless it's a gonna be ridiculously hilarious and b doesn't inconvenience them too much doesn't really get in the way of whatever they're trying to do and it doesn't [ __ ] with them too hard and there are plenty of examples of that eric andre show billy on the street impractical jokers basically what i'm saying is there's a very fine line between it being funny and it just being straight up hard to watch just disrespectful and cringe some people get it and they can get away with it and other people just don't get it and today we're going to watch some people that don't get it this dude that we're going to watch first he works mostly on tick tock and which by the way it's just funny to see tiktok going through every phase that youtube did when it grew up like tik tok right now is in its awkward teen phase you know it's like in its joey salads phase that's what it's going through right now all right this guy's name is jay kinda funny which is really funny in my opinion because he's not funny at [Music] man was that all what is that right there what's this right here seriously you do that to me i'm gonna get somebody call somebody on you come on come back here and that's it like like [ __ ] this just makes me so sad dude's at home depot this is a home depot he's trying to do some home improvement he's minding his own business just trying to fix a fence or something like that and he gets a bunch of rice or ball bearings or something dumped all over him for no reason it's like and he was still nice about it too that's the worst part he was still like hey man was that you come on what are you doing you know like how do you not just punch the kid in the face like because that's probably what he deserves for this excuse me okay i'm just trying to are you okay all right seriously what's the problem i'm just trying to do a little christmas shopping and you are being a nuisance i get it funny joke let me go okay this is how you want to play it this is a video that's going to go to my lawyer and then you're going to have charges let me go through anything to say okay great i'm gonna go all right thank you okay you know what now you got yourself security i'm gonna get security i'm gonna go get the manager so there stay here stay stay stay you stay you stay no you want a treat stay again it's a [ __ ] walmart during christmas shopping season in the middle of a [ __ ] pandemic is there any worse place like this is hell on earth hell on earth a walmart during christmas shopping season in the middle of a pandemic and this kid is just making it so much worse because he's satan like why and what's worse at the risk of looking like i'm defending a karen she ends up looking like a [ __ ] doofus because there's just no graceful way out of this like what do you do you just can't you can't just walk away because your cart's still there and then you gotta go to another walmart and do the same shopping that you were just you know halfway done doing you can't confront the kid because he plays this stupid character where he pretends to be a mute or something so what do you do what do you do what would you do like you just have to look like an idiot you got this is what you do you're gonna have charges that's like that's probably what i would do i don't know what the [ __ ] i would say no no actually i would probably tickle him yeah i think that's probably the best way out of this just like just like oh who's your little prankster huh who is it he's like huh stop dude yeah [ __ ] not so mute now are you who's my little tickle puss huh who is he who's my little tickle puss that oughta show them man stupid or some [ __ ] bro relax relax again like this kind of restores my faith in humanity a little bit like this is the bare minimum that this kid should be receiving is a flipped over card and he even gave him a chance he was like hey what are you doing stop because it's about to get worse so don't do whatever you're doing right now and then he does it again and then he flips over the cart like you should be getting punched in the face like how has he not had the [ __ ] punched absolutely out of his face at this point this is so annoying also i love that he filled his cart with little travel bottles like hundreds of them and you know he did not pick those up he just left them all over the ground for some minimum wage employee to come pick them up as another fun prank a rooney it's just not hitting dog it's not hitting so this is his thing this is what he's known for he walks up to somebody and he says which is like a made up word and then he says it again uh and then he says it again and then he kind of waits and then he'll say it again and then he'll wait a little bit more and then i'll say chu papi munyen yo and then um and then he'll wait and then i'll say it again and then he'll usually say it again he came up to this person masked down and breathed in the dude's face as he said muno he said right here this breath particles into the guy's airways directly covet probably maybe and that's the prank papa no poppy no excuse me chupapi mugnano it's not good it's not a good joke it's not a good joke it just doesn't i hate it it's like as if breathing on people during a pandemic wasn't enough now he's returned with a pipe to make sure his breath is funneled is concentrated and then funneled in the direction of an unsuspecting person you know a lot of people ask me what does migneno mean and you know it means a lot of different things for a lot of different people but to me it means potentially getting people really sick that's what it means for me helping spread the virus that plagues the city that we're living that we're living in right now we're in the epicenter of the world los angeles and you know i'd like to think that i played a pretty big part in that so [Music] put your [ __ ] mask up i hate this kid it means no taste buds for the rest of your days this this one's actually kind of funny just because of the dude getting pranked not because of the kid he handled that really well that's how you handle this i guess just screaming the word back at him because that's what we're all feeling like this kid has just totally embodied the character of someone you'd never want to be in the same room with it's just a just an annoying thing that's your brand that's your brand just annoying so now you're probably thinking what's next for mr mignano what else does he got up his sleeve maybe he'll cough directly into people's mouths that's pretty muno no the natural evolution for someone that does prank stuff like this is they start faking pranks which is probably better because then he's not like endangering random people but it just makes for awful content like look at it [Music] i'm sorry dude i'm sorry i'm sorry let me get it back what the heck man hey man you plunged my head what the heck dude it's just a prank oh you got me like you can't just do that to random people like isn't that some some form of assault probably all right so it's not only this kid that does these there's there's a bunch of them it's like kids that want to be milk never show them your receipt they can't force you to see your receipt as you say let me see your resume oh no it's good we don't know it's not good yes it is you don't have you can't leave without a receipt i don't understand i just asked you though that's what you know i don't know how to store a problem historically i don't know it's that's the whole person trust me it's not illegal you actually just blocked me off you talking about your boyfriend yeah they did seriously you would go viral for real brother just go yeah exactly exactly this is not six feet this is bad social distancing can you guys put your mask above your nose please put your neck on that bruh hey he's he's cussing and he's trying to threaten us threaten you oh god that makes me cringe so so hard jesus christ like talk about entitled white kid just making trouble for no reason like yo he's he's cussing yo this dude right here is cus [ __ ] rat what are you what are you doing and i'm pretty sure it's not maybe it's not illegal but if it's store policy there's a private place you're buying something from the store you have to abide by their policies same reason they can reject you if you if you're not wearing a mask god damn sorry i feel like a boomer right now but this is pissing me off oh my god let's stop filming that is illegal why are you filming people uh we don't have a camera why are you filming people oh he's deaf can you please keep six feet yeah i'm calling security you know what i'll call the cops go ahead can we just exchange information i would like to know what your name is my name is mrs heidig hi dick is it karen hi dick yes it is karen karen [ __ ] yeah you did it man you're the next danny duncan you did it you know all this prank watching has me feeling like i need to get into the madness you know full disclosure i've tried one of these videos before i i i did one with nelk and um i was really bad at it and it's a hard thing to do it's hard it's it's hard to find the perfect mixture of [ __ ] with random people and funniness and um you know not [ __ ] with them too much it's hard to do that but i feel like i need to try again and maybe maybe that i've been trying to find my place on tick tock maybe pranks is where it's at for me so um i just gotta i just gotta think of a good one yo what's up welcome to cody's respectful prank show where we prank people respectfully all right let's go how was it out there fun yeah for an indiana guy nice hell yeah i think it pranked dude it was fun oh my god bro i had him growing you see that [ __ ] do you know the time my chance the time all right cool thanks man appreciate it oh my god get red did you see that it's like all these people are just pawns and i'm the prank king do you have the time sorry 11 16 11 16 cool thing i love the shoes by the way dude appreciate it yeah dude it just never stops it never [ __ ] stops give the time by chance 11 22 11 22 got it thank you i love your shirt by the way [Music] it wasn't a nice shot at all [Music] you
Channel: Cody Ko
Views: 3,266,486
Rating: 4.9689746 out of 5
Keywords: cody, cody ko, codyko
Id: SMZFmzlSspE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 16 2021
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