Thunderstorms and Atlantic Aviation Ramp Fees-Things to Avoid! Best landing Ever?

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well welcome aboard we are at indianapolis executive getting ready to head up to chicago midway it's a really short 31 minute flight and basically you do the mirrors departure kokomo transition to the fisk arrival kokomo transition so you take off and same exit point on the departure is the same arrival point on the on the arrival or the same entry point on the arrival so it happens pretty quickly so probably not a lot of narrating on this flight just because of the pace that it happens at pretty quick going into uh midway where southwest airlines is typically quite a bit of traffic there but citation max was just there the other day and he said it was deserted so uh we'll see what it looks like on the uh way up there couple cleanup items uh one is on one of my uh previous videos i listed a i gave you a list of my favorite uh aviation videos to watch on youtube uh inadvertently i left one person out and i want to offer that person an apology and a shout out so sean with corporate pilot life sorry i uh overlooked you on the um uh on my last list i i was almost afraid to actually mention the uh my list of youtubers because i knew i would forget somebody but you're the one i forgot the other thing i get is a lot of questions about how to steer an airplane on the ground so we're going to cover that right now so on this airplane there is no tiller over here none of the airplanes in this size category that i'm aware of have a tiller everything is done by your feet so if you come over here to the co-pilot side you can see the rudder pedals down there so the rudder pedals actually pivot in two directions so during normal flight use the bottom of the rudder pedals and move them around like that that moves the rudder also on the ground that steers the nose wheel left and right and then you can bring your feet up to the top of the pedals and you can depress the top of the pedals so right here you can depress those and that gives you braking and that controls brakes on each wheel of the main landing gear so basically the way it works is the rudder pedals are pivoted at the bottom so if you were to look at it like this the the bottom of them pivot so that if you press on the top of the rudder pedals they pivot like this and they give you breaking on each wheel if you press them forward they also slide like that and that gives you either rudder control or on the ground it gives you nose wheel steering so that's how you steer an airplane on the ground that's why you see all of us taxiing around with our hands free talking on the cell phone i got quite a few comments about that but uh you don't need your hands to uh to fly to drive an airplane on the ground to taxi an airplane i guess is what it's called all right without further ado here we go chicago midway here we come i'm a former air force pilot with over 1 000 hours in the f-16 today i run a medical equipment business and use my private jet to visit customers or travel with my family and friends i video some of those flights and share them here my name is greg and this is my youtube channel fox 50 radio check triple nine mod and clear thank you ah like a glove [Music] [Music] [Music] any lima alpha is going to be departing runway one eight and uh climbing to the north east uh 3 000 india exactly all right we'll leave it out but we're waiting for you to go it won't be right behind you chat across when five four times november only mouth a g5 taking off runway one eight departing to the southwest setting traffic advice certainly triple knight fox whiskey could be departed after one league alpha trapping a title exact traffic duke 54 delta bravo is three miles to the west to be approach crosswind runway exact traffic sure three one seven kilojoules 25 southwest with approach i found forex get the exact traffic one lee mouth departs to the southwest uh last call for the bravo is uh turning downwind runway one one eight all righty this is gonna come quickly jc you gonna go play in the storm sure so he's gonna be a left turn out going about the same place we are he must've been doing a short field takeoff he had that that was pretty much in the air as soon as he gave it to him turning the final one away there's some storms up a little bit north uh over by kokomo should be able to work our way through them as i said this is gonna come pretty quickly you gotta fire up on those storms to the north yeah negative i just came in from lambert watch up on radar uh top of the 50 air traffic controls keeping everything around them all right well we're just going to go on top of them and do our air work up south 55. [Laughter] so this is a ground communication outlet i keep my mic four times it connects me to a telephone line and i transmit over the radio to flight service or to atc in the approach andy premier three eight nine zero golf mike on the ground at executive holding sort of one running away one eight ifr to midway we're ready to copy our clearance three nights here calls mike clinton with this weather so close i figured kind of last minute that it'd be better to go ahead and just get my clearance here on the ground that way i could pick up atc right away get climbing so i already got my radar work and i'm already painting storms out there here three niners here golf mike hold for release clear to midway airport via the mir 6 departure kokomo transition then as filed contain 3 000 expect one two thousand one zero minutes after departure departure frequency one two four point nine or five squawk six seven four six hole for release premier three nine zero golf mic hold for release mere six kokomo transition that is filed three thousand initially twelve thousand ten minutes after departure one twenty four ninety five squawk six seven four six here's your golf mike a read back correct how long until you're ready uh for runway one eight three nine zero golf mike we are ready one eight susie releases zero golf mike rogers stand by hold for release hold for at least three nine to go plus i was a little concerned about that airplane took took off in front of me said he was heading north so i was wondering if he was going to pick up an ifr flight plan so we'd both be picking up the flight plan at the same time our clearance at the same time six seven kilo juliet at four west who will be crossing midfield for runway one here's your golf mike you are released upon entering controlled airspace turn right it'll be a right turn heading zero five zero void if not off by five zero if not off by five zero advised any approach by five five of your intentions time now one eight four five and there is traffic inbound from the west there's a king air approach control will have more information once you switch okay 390 gold mic we're released and it's a right turn all the way around to zero five zero on the heading we're taking the action now executive traffic premiere three nine zero golf mic runway one eight for the right turnout all the way around to zero five zero on the heading three ninety golf bank insect traffic seventy loads you lit crossing midfield will be turned down one for runway one eight we'll keep the climbing away all right right turn coming all the way around to zero five zero up to three thousand feet flaps are up the traffic seventy elo two light turning base runway three six six three nine zero golf mic out of 2200 off exec and three nine zero golf mic departure i didn't car maintain one two thousand for the flash up the one two thousand zero five okay coming around all the way to zero five zero southwest executive in the altimeter 298.7 there's a line of thunderstorms from illinois to pennsylvania light to moderate weather you're aware of that okay mike and there's some areas of severe weather also southwest 2257 flooding 330 vector final approach course center maintain three thousand okay yeah there's some nasty stuff out there contact chicago center one two zero point nine or seven twenty nine seven zero five see ya chicago premiere 390 golf mike seven point three climbing twelve thousand three and three got mike scott roger uh ebay right left the course approved and cleared up to haley when abel i am showing a line of moderate have extreme precipitation at about 10 miles north yeah it's uh gonna be from your call your eight o'clock all the way to your uh probably one to two o'clock three minute golf mike yeah we're deviating to the right and direct haley went able zero okay we are gonna work our way around these storms here that stuff is nasty so 25 miles up there there is a hole that i'm going to try to slip my way through and make that left turn back to haley we're going to keep the power back minimize the turbulence disruptions here zero valve mic if at any point you want to take a higher altitude so i got all my so this shows you the importance of having live radar which is what i have up here as opposed to the nexrad view which is this one so there's another thing and uh clear director ryan's the navel so the uh the live view gives me a little bit better feel and uh center one seven three charlie also yeah we're out of 11 five by one three thousand we need a left turn uh to go around this weather we're talking uh probably westbound for a little while one seven three charlie also gotta start climbing follow two one zero deviate the left course is approved and clear direct to heavy d when they wanna advise have extreme precipitation at the lion about 15 miles here north extends about the extends all the way out to the east and it's about uh 20 30 miles wide seven three trillion so yeah we're we're gonna fly uh we're gonna take a heading around 270 or so just uh you know get a little higher better i won wisconsin go contact chicago center one two one point two seven okay there's my gap there's a reminisce of that storm i don't want to get too close to that i want to go through here okay so far i'm feeling pretty good about this got my radar on uh ranged out at 25 miles so pretty tight quarters here because i'm really maneuvering around this stuff uh we used to call this a knife fight in a phone booth back in you have 16 days when you get wrapped up in a real tight bfm fight this is what i kind of feel like at the moment monoi mano with the weather i want to make sure we're victorious so we're going to play it safe no time to be a hero okay i like this pretty much just light turbulence so far november 173 charlie alpha contact chicago center 135.75 and i'll talk to you later when you get around the weather 35 75 g'day through charlie album november 6 000 juliet victor you're quite direct to hayley cross 2-5 25 miles east of haley at maintain 1 1011. six hundred julia's victory the south bend altimeter is two niner eight seven wow what's up nasty storms out here 121.27 have a good night you would not want to get stuck on one of these bad boys yeah i'm not going back to direct to haley yet so i have not told the controller i'm doing that i'm still deviating powers way back no sense going through this weather like this at the speed of stank it just beat the heck out of you in your airplane passengers if you had any your trip advisor right up would not be very favorable there we are direct haley 390 golf mike is direct hailey now november 9th is off my question so i got the digital atis on the ground before i left at midway it's romeo 050 at 11 10 miles visibility uh they're landing ils one for ios 4 right so i've got that all set up in my fms looks like there might be one last remnant of a storm here that we'll have to potentially deal with we'll see how it goes well i'm glad i got my clearance on the ground i should have made that decision a little bit earlier fortunately nobody was behind me wait i had to wait for that duke to clear anyway but knowing that this flight happened so quickly it was helpful to have that behind me she's got a 390 golf mic we're going to need 10 right i know you i know i told you direct haley but 10 right please deviation left or right of course is approved haley when able to survive took off my thank you okay so throttling back again a little bit here there's gonna be some some turbulence coming through this last little part here i'm clear of the big cell here off to my left i can tell there's gonna be some rumblings i'm gonna make a big move here she gave me deviations right over left of course i'm gonna take advantage of that make a pretty big move right here okay there we go back direct simulation november 600 victor contact south end approach 125.75 have a good night dalton 710 cross three five 35 miles southwest of hosa at maintain flight level two three zero so a couple moderate bumps in there and now we're through it 390 golf mike direct haley my crusher just departure you have information here south bend approach 125.75 have a good day 25.75 zero maxia south and approach premiere 390 golf mic 12 000 descending eleven thousand three nine zero golf money selling approach ultimate 2988 the park fist direct hayley for a transition okay i was given uh direct hayley that's what i'm doing now three minute golf playing through mike uh so we were really throttled back for most of that so we're still 104 miles out 26 minutes i'd rather spend a little more time in the air throttled back not beating me up or the airplane up then i would to get there ten minutes quicker my wife just texted me and asked me what i'm leaving got busy forgot to text her okay been airborne for 23 minutes 24 to go 128.2 have a good day originally plan for 31 minutes you can see that power back x-ray contact chicago cost us about 10 minutes well then we diverted around those storms too so all good premier zero golf mike i said i maintained one zero thousand ten thousand circumference if i can stress anything if i can stress anything it is do not fly into a thunderstorm by all means but did you want austin to do the uh avoid it or vectors outside about four 180. go around it never goes through or effectors outside of it to go straight in let's try my golf razor procedure and join the approach starting to clear up so i landed four right at uh midway i highly doubt we'll get uh good view of the city for atlanta 2-2 the two two runways we i think got a decent view number zero bravo hotel the only traffic i showed between you and valparaiso is a mile west of the airport southbound indicating two thousand i think he's in the pattern 12 vfr change two advisor frequencies approved have a good day premiere zero golf mike cross haley at six thousand haley at six thousand zero mike okay so let's look at how to do that haley at 6000 is already entered in there so all i got to do is come up here put my altitude selector to six thousand wait jerome six thousand two nine or eight two thousand now it will go and it will hit a three degree glide slope and follow it on in so let's see what happens that is not going to happen until about uh i don't know it looks about 10 miles outside haley so we got a little while before we're going to get to that point the airplane will figure it all out for you it figures it out top of descent that is the point at which we're going to begin zero seven zero join j554 resume our navigation number 176 contact chicago approach 128.2 have a good day 2176 contact chicago approach 128.2 these short flights can be quite challenging because things happen so quickly they're coming up on top of descent let's see the round circle indicating top of descent is getting close to the aircraft 14176 off and approach yeah one second approach identifiers or yeah eight top of descent see the snowflake coming right now i want to contact 100 miles east of cell county and say airplane's gonna start down air speed below 250. three ninety four golf mike vacating ten pounds i'm zero mike roger that contact approach one two eight point two twenty eight two zero mike good day chicago approach premiere three nine zero golf mike nine point five down to haley at six thousand with sierra november nine or three nine at zero golf mike chicago approach thank you runway 4 right at midway okay there's actually a nice view of the shoreline probably can't pick it up on the cameras take my word for it you can see the gary airport i go under there quite often as well not a bad one to go into if you're going into chicago money 176 roger maintain 3 000. myself all set up for the next phase tower 135 to get that set in standby ground 121.65 that set my noggin thousand to go there's haley making a left turn now haley at six thousand nailed it close to the visual approach runway two at gary airport eight eight and you're going south along via shoreline and then are you gonna go north of midway or what are your intentions [Applause] eight we are gonna be passing in between the gary delta and the charlie and then departing to the white side sierra quebec india let's try to go that's a 24-20 level in 3 000. that's 2420 chicago departure rate of contact trim right heading 180 team four thousand zero [Applause] departure good afternoon nine one eight juliet might mike 12.3 thousand heading zero nine zero november 9182 at my chicago departure radar contact climate came four thousand i'm gonna say four thousand dollars alright hey joe i might slide in zero seven zero contact departure one two zero five five [Applause] fifteen thousand jet go 58. [Applause] boy there is just not a lot of traffic maintain 200 knots for greater 200 degrees 390 complex there is just not any southwest traffic at all and usually it is just full of course this is labor day so that might have something to do with it can't say for sure one victory gospel robert direct roberts go ahead and start slowing a little bit here preserve to zero and it's off my localizer for four right zero two zero to intercept the localizer four right three nine to go mike zero golf mike maintains three thousand twelve status quick to runway four right three thousand del established the ils 390 gold mine one seventy five citgo and it's said go we'll go to tower three ninety golf mike jackard 58 proceed direct to lucy maintain one five fifteen thousand all right luke you maintain one five fifteen thousand fifty jet car 58 contact chicago center one two zero one two two one okay i got towers set up at citgo i can switch on over 170 tell sit go got that no problem november one victor golf contact chicago center 132 points 132.5 32.5 runway four right cleared to land state parking for right cleared to land 390 golf mike atlantic that is me kicking the autopilot off one thousand so five hundred minimums minimums oh my gosh that might be best landing ever here's zero golf mike turn right contact ground right and we'll go to ground three nine holy spokes was that a good landing midway five departure radar vectors to pq and as filed maintain three thousand marker springs who will be one three three point five squawk one three one three all right gulf stream nine or five eight bravo x-ray clear demand i see the midway five departure pq and it's filed climb maintain three thousand express and then uh departure is on one three three point five squawk one three one three and that's up to three thousand only and i thought they brought us here november april of actually read back is all correct i believe you said yes sierra and where you part today we're at uh signature center november x-ray is frequency ready for taxi welcome three-lane golf mike is clear at papa to atlantic november 390 golf night midway ground that'd be yankee to park across all runways 3-1 yankee to parking across all of the 3-1 runways 3-9-0 so there's a 3-1 right 3-1 center three one left gonna take yankee 46 minutes 70 pounds of fuel come out atlantic runway uh four right we'll be departure runway up to an hole shorter than the nearest action short of yankee for four right coming to 885. oh there's a wills up king air coming out hopefully he'll get out in front of me i'll pull in the aircraft approach from the right will follow you runway four right taxi yankee all right coming to 885. well thanks for riding along that was a short but eventful flight hopefully the takeaway is do not fly through a thunderstorm remember to hit that subscribe button you got to hit that notified bell to get noticed you can follow me on instagram you can also check out the merch store at so until next time fly safe and we'll see you soon delta midway ground runway four left attacks away whiskey intersection departure taxi via whiskey west keeps the intersection departure via west keystone delta good way grounding into 900 clear four right now come back [Music] so [Music] all right 20 minutes on the ground at atlantic aviation chicago midway they ripped me off fee should have just charged me a drop-off fee and i hate it when people do this watch out atlantic midway almost as bad as [Music] signature so to close the loop on the atlantic fuel charges the manager of the atlantic midway actually called me uh yesterday and we talked about monday's 345 charge for my less than 20 minute visit um and good news he confirmed for me that they charged me the correct amount so there you go take that into consideration when you're planning your next trip to chicago [Music] you
Channel: Premier 1 Driver
Views: 279,270
Rating: 4.9690309 out of 5
Id: rDJMeRM-Ztg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 38sec (2798 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2020
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