This new life simulator game is wild... Imagine Lifetimes

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welcome my scrubs to another life simulator yes I know we played quite a bit of why simulators on this channel but this one looks very very interesting Oh No is this a we already starting ok alright well I've seen everyone in their third cousin played this game so I thought hey we might as well play support you know the bit bit bit too much I'm so stupid okay I'm just gonna shut up I didn't expect to just jump right in the game alright this is interesting I like this so far choose your first words Tata Tata Mammootty are these like in other languages and I just don't know oh god I gotta pick one up - I'm gonna pick dad why not sweetie okay so you click lock so basically I only knows weak choices and things happen you know life simulators work this looks terrifying so let's take the head you see the choices you're about to make will affect your characters traits strengths and weaknesses in life okay okay choose a kindergarten exercise you know when I was a kindergartner I liked painting so I wanted to do that that's all I want to do was paint I barely ever got to paint though which is really sad in future right you should get started right away once you're done with these you'll be ready to face whatever is out there for sure choose some friends I mean there's the ghetto faces that's not fair well hey she's riding a bike I'm gonna pick you can I only pick one oh we could pick a few how many can we pick can we pick them all well why are they turning red okay so you can you can just pick them all oh my god this guy these color things are really confusing to me awesome when you pick one the other ones get eliminated I'll pick you how doesn't we pick one I have no idea how this is gonna affect things they both own vehicles so I'm going to pick them you look like a teacher so I'm gonna pick you I don't know what that does at all is this like a personality test choose your playground adventure oh okay ooh I like jump rope Oh teeter totter hey it's gotta be the tricycle okay wait what's going on here I didn't seek oh I see so okay I figure I too seek alright I picked that wait what's that bump on your nose oh come on all right I think I still get out a new to this day all right some people get it some people don't have it but I always freaking get crap all right Oh God she was the high school sports well I never played sports when I was in high school but if I were and probably I don't know probably run that's probably what I would do cuz I kind of do I kind of do that choose your crush uh oh he looks dreamy um there's no features at all all I know about them is that they she has a pin this was this was spunky over here cuz she's pointing I want someone that will point at me all right that's what I want that's why I'm gonna pick her Oh mrs. Robinson we can I'm pretty certain that that's the teacher she oh I know why she's pointing at me now she loves me well I thought that so don't sign it money right now I bet money I thought that subtle sign okay oh my god let's go with mrs. Robinson just I did I did do just that she was an after-school activity okay so this is gonna determine whether would it be horrible or not video games all were having video games okay game II I'm gaming it up because I'm a twenty do something productive instead why don't you shut up and stop judging me choose your first part-time job well let's make it realistic I worked in food alright I did not date a teacher Aldo okay I'm not going I'm not gonna get into that she was the college major what if I don't go to college I guess I guess in this scenario we do go to college video game design cuz I'm a gamer yeah all right Dan we could be a lot of things though maybe there's gonna be a lot of endings to this game all right let's pick that yeah take that school this very interesting oh I do Oh flowers I've I still with the teacher so we can hold pinkies together we can fly have money what does it mean I wish it had like a sort of like description I can watch GPE let's do this all partner path available oh so these ones also okay they're blocked out I couldn't tell so we can do the career path partner path travel path part your path I want to see where that teacher thinks going click slash swipe right to approve uma what happened to the teacher I only want to swipe just because I don't know Oh eggs in okay Chelsea okay no I want the weird I'm with the weird ones Patricia and Nina oh she have weird hair hey I can do a Fiona that's why it's also we could stop there all right whatever okay so I think I don't remember I think this may have been the teacher let's pick her choose your type of dates set her on fire set her off I over the candle electrocute her with the lightbulb hmm you know these are my ideal date morels though I'm actually really concerned what does the light bulb mean as our perfect date gotta go screw in a light bulb but how many couples does it take to screw in a light bulb just blend and it's us oh it's oh it's election I really need to start clicking these things okay adventurous romantic well of course we've gotta go romantic come on the I'm a ladies I'm the ladies man as you all know oh my god you know I got a big right our next boob self-destruct everything Oh escape make it official one-time thing oh god okay oh now oh now you're not judging me we have flat bodies together Oh what is it oh we can just keep going though wait why are we back here what happened can we just say let's just accept them all I know I had a lot more than that oh I just oh no I just reset the whole thing I wanted to know what that did piece of crap oh my god what they know you don't tell me this is another one of these games what on earth are you looking for a word of advice that perfect opportunity does not exist [Music] what's happening what's happening no no what is happening in this game I I literally did not know this game was gonna be like this what is this I'm breaking this thing I went back into badge I'm sorry just slipped out I don't think you're supposed to go back in that way I swear on my life I did not know this game was gonna this prick and have a jump-scare name please don't tell me it's one of those games I can't take this anymore how many games we're gonna play this is gonna scare me when there was supposed to be scary but now there's an option for golf okay I'm just gonna keep going I'm gonna let's just try to get a normal playthrough I want to see the actual ending of the game yes they've got a crush of motsi career all right just don't scare me anymore this time all right I'll pick them all Holly sounds great I don't see how it matters till we pick it really doesn't matter there's no information given to us all right we're gonna try to go that romantic route once again oh the reason why we redo is because I did a one-time thing okay duh that makes a lot more sense now how many times can we do it and so we just died maybe that's why I turned into the freaking skeleton in this episode I've become a player let's just keep digging this I I apparently the game will get batter if you keep doing things haha what did she love me I think I got rejected I hope oh my god I can only imagine okay I'm gonna be quagmire this episode guys alright we're going for that hundred baby whatever name of this game is the guy's just called life's too what is this game called oh it's called imagine life times okay I'm horrible at remembering names I can't help it I'm a freak not really just the game alright okay we've done this about 50 times I don't think it's gonna do anything alright my character probably had fun though I certainly didn't expect that secret freaking ending they're all good they're all great I guess we gonna marry one now so let's just marry somebody and see what happens scooty adventurous day this what happens make it official tinder I guess I don't really know I don't even know what she looks like partner path complete repeatable ok so we did that path are we supposed to do all the paths awesome now will you do the family path the career is recommended so all we can only do marriage if we do career Oh oh my god okay so we should but basically don't do the career path we just want a job let's start a family with no money I am I'm broke I still work at McDonald's I think oh my god choose a delivery method IVF adoption do it yourself do it yourself fertilize the egg oh god here we go again oh come on you can wait get him come on see the thing is we all wanna race at some point what is time a tick Oh God what was I supposed to pick I don't know this is interesting yeah so what is death hey no am I supposed to pick I really don't know I guess it's like pressing a button what is significant a nothing be a pressing B nothing happened failure am i what am i doing I can't even move oh I am moving oh my god it's the mouse what is the universe uh meaningless oh god what kind of freaking spring baby am i creating right now I did not I I messed up I don't even know what I'm doing what is life random or predictable oh my god I didn't even pay attention hey quit following me what is money everything oho everything ready why don't we just keep going family path oh my god nobody but how many babies could we have yeah baby number two all right now then I'm not a freaking complete idiot but we can actually make a baby here all right you're just tuning in I so any of that sounds weird I know what is confusing this answer yes I like that fourth wall breaking in this game what is four plus two uh party tow didn't answer piece of crap I wanted to be stupid what is time a reversible how was that a failure but if I really believe that as a baby what is significant nothing I like them I'm like the magic conch shell nothing what is fair fifty-fifty oh crap I think life so apparently life is up there that's what they're trying to tell you wait did I even give birth to the other baby I've probably felt that didn't even realize it because that's how smart I am it takes me a little bit skinny think of things sometimes but once I do all right let's try this one more time okay yeah all right grandmas in a rocking chair again that's all that is okay be 50/50 all right so you got to pick the right answers I can't well I don't know maybe we can make a dumb baby but for the most part we have to do pick the correct answers what is your body indestructible B why I didn't want to pick that they change it on you it's actually tough to have a baby on this game what is the universe a conceivable meaningless oh I didn't pick anything okay crap it's actually hard to actually get to them what is confusing this question yeah I got it all right well I think we gotta give one more what is death inevitable inevitable for sure maybe time come on yeah so I bears that we never had a baby I want to see if we can have another one though after this Oh congratulations you have a purpose now this scares me yeah we can repeat it let's have at least two kids by night Oh what how does if we do another delivery method do an option right why not choose your child oh wow they all look so great oh my god it says abandon unwanted unknown orphaned it's like a it's like a mystery pause let's get unknown it got nailed to be reflections you have a lot of first now yeah I do and Amazon's now delivering babies I see okay it didn't come in prime though it sucked okay there's so many things that what I do now what have like 40 babies like under baby challenge again wasted now that we can get another partner why does if we try to do that I'm so what I'm starting over okay oh my god we can pick Mel we can throw them we get throw a wrench in this whole shebang misty they all look great I just want to see if we'll get in trouble for cheating all right let's go the romantic routes [Music] replace escape chief what are the odds right yeah throw those dice I get it I like that representation there yeah you really do throw the dice and you cheese so don't cheat take your chances oh my god ooh family break up get away with it oh my god oh my god do I stop it am I supposed to be stop it yeah I think it's gonna do it on its own wait no I think I do stop it after we just got an Amazon package of a baby - oh this is interesting game wait we can travel - how do we travel no what are you doing nothing Oh would you or do we pick a place uh oh my God we're going everywhere we're going everywhere I'm a very responsible parent okay I don't want to hear judging from you guys all right what do you know writing social media posts I want to let everyone know how cool I am okay escaping responsibility stop judging me Gabe it knows it knows that I have two kids and I cheated on my wife yeah my wife this is a very interesting game I really like this I would love to make more of this for sure welcome back are you ready to make some real decisions now no that was pretty fun no way I don't think we ever actually got married did we we did we cheated and that was it all right I wanted to see if we can just keep being horrible but I guess we have to do these paths it says recommended but I don't really think I have a choice do I oh this one's important choose your search method oh I online obviously hey I went to college I'm finally gonna put it to use we're gonna be a gamer doing great oh you didn't say that when I pick the profession you liar oh my god oh my god I gotta try to get a Goodwyn how do you stop it are you gonna sign how do you sign okay decent this is work things out the boss hello you must be our latest recruits hello what do I do I welcoming good luck today I'm just gonna start I don't know what to do oh [Music] my god I'm just dripping Kali hello welcome and good luck hi I'm just doing things I'm just just you know this is cranking things you know I don't know what I'm doing Brenna's bad Green is good got it be a bit faster what am I supposed to do you haven't told me anything I think that's the point so I guess I would fight pretty for everything right all right keep going never waste time all right we'll just change things Oh Oh God oh god what is this what what is this job this has nothing to do with games whoosh okay so you got to do like in time all right I see oh god I have no time to read what you're saying to me I am working oh my god this is this is insane stop oh god I always feel like I'm so close but I don't get it [Music] that is not like a good noise at all I'm making terrible terrible games that's what I'm making a we get though what am I even paying you for ruthless boss eh you got that right it is what it is just take it take what [Music] yeah I did it give speech check my boss doesn't like me very much marriage path you will now happily share the rest of your meaningful lives together choose the size of the ring oh my god she like that she doesn't like that are you kidding me what if it's all I can afford of my stupid job all right I only give her the best okay I feel bad cuz I did have you know I have two kids and all played on the other ones so I give her a good one choose the amount of invitations oh my god okay Laurie that's going to pay for that me all right Cheers the color of the napkins gold they're gonna fit gold everything's gonna be gold choose the size of your cake what is that oh oh dude it even looks like a cake I don't know what it was I hereby declare you part a breadline bankrupt I'm so happy this is the happiest day of my life that we couldn't buy a house I can only live in a mobile or trailer because we spent so much money on the wedding well screw it mobile home it is good for you actually don't know the difference what is the point of this game yeah you must be exhausted I am I hate my job choose the pet see having a cat in a trailer would be too easy so let's chew the dog poop everywhere I love him bald actually it's hard to pick really in real life choose a decorative plant what a cactus that'll be really safe with my two kids she's the size your TV or you know it's that one okay extra extra large TV baby man I got it together I really do and now we can finally retire place if we can remarry is I like renewing vows I'm just I don't know I'm just going through the game because yeah enjoy the comforts of your retirement home oh okay don't get scary on me now all right oh clock is ticking this is depressing every we got to put out that recliner though okay am I gonna die I think I'm gonna die that's it I'm scary god that's it I'm so sorry but you you're dead yeah that is life I guess did you find what you were looking for I don't know I still don't really know the point of this game I always play my whole life we had a big wedding cake so many invitations so many boxes how did we fit all that into a mobile home oh my god is it gonna show other people I cheated other people I had a one-night stand with oh my god so many pictures oh god this is making me dizzy I can't look lots of video games lots of running lots of babies oh my god yeah the creepy toys sidekicks [Music] it's like a movie fountain place at a random time with a random set of genes are we done I don't know oh look at you now who's your favorite parent all right today's rep of the day goes to [Music] broken smile I love this game if you'd like to see more is leave support challenges down below like what should I do with this game I don't know I gotta go
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 832,281
Rating: 4.90381 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, imagine lifetimes, life simulator game, life simulator, bijuu mike, bijuu mike life simulator, life simulator bijuu mike, life simulation, life sim, imagine lifetimes life simulator
Id: nq1FkakVL-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 59sec (1259 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 20 2019
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