I hacked Yandere Simulator to make anything possible

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[Music] today we're hacking the game yes that's right I have found a way to hack yandere simulator well hacking is a big word I don't even spell that so you know the save feature in yandere simulator well it turns out you could do some pretty interesting things if you mess with it now the only reason why I know about this is because the YouTuber and also I think assisted on the game a and ze a MZ is doing like Oh sonic has done mods and cool things like that fan games you should go check them out what is going on with my mouse a mouse is freaking crazy but they're the ones that suggested me to do this so like shout out to them I'll link their channel down below but let me show you like what think of my am I talking about well if we save the game we can actually open up the save file and it shows you the location it shows you pretty much everything about every student it saves the exact state that every student is supposed to be in such as if their neck is snapped or not so we can change that we can make it to where their neck is snapped all next will be snapped in this episode we can make them wet we can make them dead want him to strip sure yeah okay so it's it's a little complicated to be honest there's a lot of things you want yandere chan to walk like a million miles an hour you got it watch this I'll show you so for you Google the Google school yawn dairy cuz that's what she's called Oh what the heck I know it's called something like that I think it's just school yawn dairy there it is there's a lot of things that I don't understand but that's okay just spots you don't get just watch just to show you how this works we're gonna change our crawl speed to insanely high like we're gonna be like a snake we're gonna set it to 20 and all we gotta do is save it and then load the game it's that simple we're gonna be the fastest crawler you've ever seen in your life alright everything normal right oh why why am i walking so fast I am walking so fast okay it's fine something's wrong but I walk so fast this is a crawling but this is just my normal walking speech it's like she's it's like she has wheels under her whoa hey who needs to ride when you Brent it's actually so slow but walking boy they're worried stuff today we take it's like she's walking on ice I don't know why he did that why didn't do the Crouch what happens if we enabled the Manik Oh got a seat room all right I fixed it watch this whoa look how fast they'll get way we gotta see this from another angle some say she's the deadliest snake ever she has such a blind she crawls at a million miles an hour when she runs she's very slow oh but when she gets crawling this is amazing I can make her way faster do I bet I can make you're way way faster that's hilarious all right I don't know why I couldn't get its work but we got it to work cuz we hacked the game that's all that matters all right so we got to see what other things can we do a lot of interesting little things we can do here what does flap speed mean see there's a lot of things we don't know about this game at zero why does we set it to Ted I mean I don't know don't ask me all right load the game okay I don't see any flapping going on what does it mean what is flapping me bird in the comments all right you know what we'll probably find out on accident you're just she's like a hummingbird I said she want to break the game beyond recognition or somebody thinks I wanna try possessed true you can okay I'm just editing myself you can edit the other students as well I'll show you I'll show you but not everything works like I wanted to which is sad but it's still funny I really just want to mess with this in real time just to see what happens why is this is this the flapping what is this possessed this is what it means to be possessed you just zoom out the camera oh that's what it reads they happen point they they have a point to be asking me such a thing all right but I'm assuming so just we laugh we do that so we basically turn it a fun girl well that's interesting okay well you know at least something happened what else can we do what happens if we enable roof push on ourselves well we just fall down oh and there's noticed we can just beat the game noticed simp I will notice us it only took me to hack the game oh that's what notice means oh I I'm crawling you just can't see it oh my god okay so we have to look at simply okay this is just weird this is just really weird so we're just stuck in the state now that's what it means to be noticed now like supplies like aura is not even there anymore okay let's turn that off the heck does it mean hey like the whole school just throws eggs at us I don't know what I did to that atmosphere but I don't see any eggs anywhere the world will never know what it means oh we can change her money I want 1 million dollars that's probably a lot more but let's just see I just want to see if I actually do it do it if Maji if we could do this in real life that would be sick dollars crap is this where's my hacks right maybe we did too much Oh unfortunately the money glitch don't work well glad you get it you get the point ah no I broke again I'll push it bull all right listen let's push those push sim play around and that's also drowning let's drown senpai you know it's a change of pace I'm really curious to believe let us do it it's probably not the best subject we should probably try it on someone else if supply 1 notice you just round it what does it mean with so much roundel anyway it's didn't work at all because his aura is around yeah we do you try it on someone else Oh so you can just drown them in the middle of there watch out for that oxygen so I could do that to every stupid if I wanted to the cops will never give me I'll just crawl away see slithered off again are the cops coming to get you oh I'll fix that you can edit those two called yeah right more like boss okay I don't know what I just did I'm learning I'm learning I'm floating in the air though I can also make the police literally show up for no reason whatsoever and they just look stupid what a how that like what would happen then there's no police how are you doing who is doing this is a ghost I don't know who's invisible and who's doing that that's what I want to know I should I would I do that I want to call the cops for no reason and see what happens please oh my god I just got to school and they already called the police on me honestly what happens they're just gonna show and be like I don't know why we're here you know is that what God calls the cops on you I'm gone they're just gonna get here and why are they gonna arrest me they're gonna be like the place is here for no reason let's find out what happens they actually do show up the police arrive a school no one knows why but they arrived there unable to locate any corpses on school grounds they can't there no murder weapons there's they have no evidence that no one calls you well that's what happens all right well I just needed to see why that that was an option I why look I'm just learning about this I'm sure there's something else we can do we got to try some some more things well what the heck does this mean wait wait wait wait wait wait something's wrong why is it so quiet what happened to everyone what they're all gone so you could just activate that out of nowhere what I got rid of them so the two of us could be the police though so you can do that all right oh my god so oh god this is a bad idea but so basically the way this works right the things that say paulus you just changed them to true and therefore things will start to happen they aren't supposed to happen well we can find everything that says false and replace it with the word true resulting in probably a catastrophic failure probably get it fry my PC I'm a little scared so let's see how that works oh I did it oh I did it this is not gonna work at all for if the game doesn't crash I would be so surprised I'm evil genius she just changed it all it's opposite day it's actually opposite Dean yandere simulator this games about to have a bad time I'm probably about to have a bad time I'm loading it I'm loading it I don't think it worked I don't think worked this is normal everything's fine I do it right it's like everything know everything just seems fine but just give it a second oh well something's happening that was weird yeah I don't think they I don't think the game really knows what it's doing okay that was dumb we see some bigger brain thank you that's all can we trip the entire school all right I think this will work so we'll go to replace so we'll make it every one trip I mean this is such a prank imagine if everyone in your school tripped at the same time so I'm just I'm assuming we're all though the game everyone just go why does it not work does that thing not work with this nobody tripped at all not a single person tripped holy crap what are they doing how did this happen oh okay I did something I don't know what I did I told them all the vomit and now they're doing this this is not what I instructed you to do but I'm fine with this this is hilarious all right you know I don't know what it did now I can't move and neither can the bullies uh-oh oh yeah it's just another normal day in school everything works fine fighting everything's fine imagine you're walking to school right your senpai you're so excited to go read on your special fountain that apparently you own right I never understood that look he's gonna sit out his boundaries book oh oh well imagine instead of just going to school it's sitting on your fountain you started out in a hundred feet in the air watch this watch this watch this he just goes straight what what nothing happened everything's horrible problem no what kind of ankles he got I don't remember traveling 100 feet in the air but I guess I did can we see him Oh oh my god he's like a superhero senpai is that it that alone was worth it I needed that little laugh today this episode is just completely stupid but hey since we're here this isn't the new bill that you probably are wondering why why did I decide to change my shirt well this is actually on a separate day I try to stop recording at that time and you won't believe what is then the new game the new build oh my god you guys go crazy please please please a new bill here it is guys there it is I present to you the newest feature of the game the newest rival it's the character from my hero academia and there's a boy version to they don't have they're just trapped in a box can you get them out who knows I there's also just like more props like I don't know so I said you guys scream at me to play the new build but you don't consider what is in the new build oh yeah that like nothing there's a lot of small changes but you can't see them on the surface and it's not enough for me to make a bug hunter imagine if I can make simple I fall in me oh my god that made me blush so hard that would make me blush so hard it'd be like just loss the enemy's Oh get off of me every enemy ever oh my god we always wanted to be noticed and now we can do focus on yon dairy Chen it's false Wow Wow boys and gals we bout to beat the game also I know I've talked about neck snap I really think I should try it worse neck snapped neck snap when can you snap someone's neck in this game is it was that ever an option because I don't remember it can we please get a bike in the chat right now his neck is the snapped at all and he's not even noticing me at all either man huh I know this stuff so super stupid but it's really just all about trial and error here how come he not notice me all right I've got to do something that no one's ever done before we're gonna put routine to false no routines for senpai so does that mean himself oh oh oh oh my god for the first time guys holy cow oh my god the curses I'm sorry for the first time ever we're witnessing simply walking away from the fountain so what does it mean that he doesn't have her booty where is he going he's go to his locker heeey oh that's what happens when there's no routine but he can still he's just broken are you okay Oh what the heck eventually he did stop but what does it mean and then he just okay alright I gotta admit they had us in the first half they in the first half guys zip I do I have to become a book cuz I will I will I mean think about it guys it's so simple why didn't you add their changes to get of a suit that looks like a book simple I would have been like simple I would have been like what is your great tell me that's not the best plan ever I mean she was really trying right she would do that just become an actual encyclopedia hire me yeah Dre dev for the story I mean think about it is logical sure people will laugh at her baby but now simply no no no no no sorry not senpai okay so another thing actually that I did want to take a look at as well that I thought was really interesting and I think it also probably will lead to the story of some sort I could be overlooking things you know how was youtubers tend to be but I want to show you something interesting here so y'all remember these flowers over here right remember they actually do mean something this cherry tree is probably really important to the game and then the like there's like a whole secret tunnel under this the cherry tree well apparently when you kill someone over here there ain't gonna be no pretty flowers at spawning and I mean the blood look it they it doesn't spun there should be flowers all over the ground aka red kool-aid it's on my body but for some reason purposefully the Android have said that they're not gonna spawn here so like the ground is eating the flowers see I know this is really confusing with my censorship words the ground literally sucks up blood we take the ring from the boss's sisters over here there's like a ghost talking over here so what the heck is up with that all right you know what guys I just really love this huge theories down below what does it mean I mean it can't be gameplay purposes right the fact that there would be no blood that spawns here let's say let's take her out let's say there she'll still if she'll bleed some flowers look it just not here I don't know it also could because like maybe if they do spawn here the game will just like think you know it'll you can't clean it maybe but also it could be a story thing just saying but I don't know what do you guys think literally senpai started his day and he hit the ground running all right that's not a Smash Mouth all-star reference but he really did hit the ground running oh my god shrek comes out of nowhere senpai spate it's 9 I don't know I heard 9 is an unlucky number let's see how unlucky it actually is oh my god pretty easy in the air dying oh he's [Music] fine so you get to start them off dead oh that's hilarious no take them to the hospital somebody hilarious I seriously wonder what chameleon means like there's so many words here they like I don't know what they do they do something what what does chameleon mean all right guys that's kind of all the time I have today I honestly I just ordered the best around with it I know it's probably was the most exciting episode but I had fun it made me laugh so hopefully gonna meet yours left - yeah if any of you if any of you guys know how to edit the save files I want to try some like funny things like and let like let me know what to do cuz I'm pretty sure there's a lot that I could do with it but I just don't understand it that's my problem but anyway guys smash like scrubscribe but i'll see you the next one bye guys
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 500,233
Rating: 4.9622931 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, yandere simulator, yandere sim, bijuu mike yandere simulator, yandere simulator bijuu mike
Id: h2e0FTFbbCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 41sec (1061 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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