Doing anything it takes to get good grades in Bitlife

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oh it's just look at that like a little icon so cute going to an Apple conference with the iPad today would you like to purchase some Apple care can I interest you an apple product that doesn't screen record properly eight hundred dollars doesn't work right but Apple hey decide we're back with some more bit life but first let me give my heirloom alright I still don't really know why we need these but I guess we'll get it what's today oh I found the magic conch spongebob what do we do now I want to start this off by saying I really hope this is monetized last episode we played the school life update the school has been reworked and it's much like the prison life updates we could do all kinds of stuff as a school person we were sent the kid last episode as you can see we died pretty early our toenail was shot and that killed us hopefully this one's monetized now I know I asked for your challenges but I have another challenge I really really want to try I don't know if anyone asked me I should check know what sue the challenge that I'm gonna do today so today is an original beat you by challenge alright I see someone recommend this one a bit life is on Twitter asking people what should we do with the school life and someone said [Music] killing me I'm not doing this because I think it's okay but can we seduce a teacher there's no good way to say it we can bribe teachers a lot so what we're gonna do is try to see if we can sit a teacher to channel I don't know let's find out it's bit light I mean you could do so many illegal things RNA is gonna be bad Bob my GU because I don't know I really don't care what her name is I bet she ever since this update people don't even want to finish their lives anymore because it's like you wanted you the new stuff in bed life so I don't I don't even care about the end of my life I just want to do the school that's it okay none of this matters Oh Jax hi Jax I haven't learned how much I enjoyed chewing on my toenails some people if we could do that it's disgusting I understood all your toes yeah it's not pretty yeah elementary school all boys okay so it'll be pretty bad if this works such a young age but you know let's see okay we're gonna be we're gonna bribe the crap out of our teachers that can't be very nice to see if they do what do you think it probably won't be until college but we'll just we'll just see I just want to see what's possible okay doctor butt kiss isn't that but I feel like if it's in your weighted Paora compliments like we're sitting kisses her weight looking for that yeah I spent eight weeks without taking a shower that's stinky your class to be Pervis all-purpose is a bully down tells you every day that your face is just punch bowl what will you do we got to be a good student this time all right we can't get expelled reporting to the principal I'm reporting your go to the button go to the bite your classmate print is just threatened to hit your teacher mrs. mr. Wang what will you do report to the principal it looks like I'm a snitch now you visited the principal's office and report your classmate purpose frag zipa class the principal dr. Butkus weren't purpose to behave himself so this keeps happening like I guess they'll get expelled that I don't really know I am NOT very popular in class for a good reason know what no one likes stitching okay but I'm after that but kiss teacher's pet I guess we're gonna be a teacher's pet basically you know you told your principal dr. Boyd kiss that you think she's adorable her appreciation she called me adorable yeah so like I just want to see if like what the teachers will do okay but I also want to be like that kid from recess like I said last episode all right you know the one with the book and the glasses and that glasses but he has that he's like a hunchback okay I don't know no one likes him okay and obviously no one likes me either as you can clearly see bully your classmate Landa keeps hiding your clothes while you're showering dirty gym reporting from the principal the principal suspended light up from school for one day I just get yandere simulator flashbacks honestly do you want suck up to mr. button or dr. Butkus principal dr. Butkus that's very confusing yes the classic Rhodes you told the principal dr. Butkus that you truly hope she has animation may see wicked oh you have a great week dr. Boyd kiss her appreciation she doesn't appreciate it very much sees right through B aw crap I just wanted that I don't know what is she told you stop being so obvious what yes so people don't like kisses all right that's what they that's what I've got out of this oh my god why we have another troublemaker your classic Atlanta just tripped another student in class report him to the principal will we get in trouble for like reporting so many people your friend a classmate Sonny wants to go skip class with him and go to an escape room instead reporting to the principal hey where does expelling everyone in the game now okay so now we're in middle school so now we can actually start earning some money if we're gonna suck up to the teachers we gotta I start buying them stuff hey miss Lawrence oh now but case is gone we have to we have to suck up to someone else now so there's now that we're in middle school let's a complimentary Oh in high school now that was fast ever mind all right well I guess let's join a extracurricular activity all right I feel like we don't have enough time to do this I want some freaking suck up to these teachers teachers like people like kids at sports right I already get like extra like privileges because they're in sports you know oh we could join the cooking club oh my god we could be a guide every sip you later just bother everyone I'm gonna be a part of the football club because that's usually like the football team because that's used like the most okay we did it all right I don't know if that's gonna do anything but me if that helps us with the teachers then let's do it all right mrs. James mrs. grey do not like us very much we gotta fix that but we got some money now so let's compliment oh she really appreciated that you know some teachers have a bad dad days you know she's larger than life they are larger than life I really appreciate that simply notice to be oh my god it's happening she told you that your magnetic hold on a second okay why you being weird teacher all right Oh mrs. gray the love of my life she has blonde hair and that's all I know about her her name's mrs. grey I love grey I knew some kids that I was at school that like like the teachers you know it's really stupid because it's for wine it's obviously really wrong but like it's never gonna happen oh she straight - I don't even I don't even know that teachers had this thing on here okay crap oh she didn't like this one looking for that for that ha ha your culture English teacher mrs. gray money at you money not like that your English teacher mrs. gray ones you that it's not appropriate a couple members of the school faculty okay well she's not going to prison all right she took my other culpa me what about mrs. James let's compliment her teacher's pet you told your science teacher that you think that she's bubbly all right let's gift her something should we go all out mrs. James you have black hair how do we know what's a bi then dip for them to like we know nothing about them I think the test is we buy them a dozen red roses and they accept it then that's how they're weird she appreciated Amazon has everything I got that Prime I'm freaking white 14 years old who's mrs. Spielberg now day a relationship is great with mrs. Spielberg let's pay her a compliment charmed I'm sure he told you about teacher mrs. Phil Berg that she's a goddess she said that you're sweet you guys the back here that I hope the class heard that won't be funny Tuesday freakin like we graduated then date our teacher oh god I don't know I don't know if this up days gonna be like that though that's why I'm just saying they're like that would be some wacky crap yeah you know what I mean I hope this is a coconut bra yeah I do not endorse it II think I do a bit like obviously okay we've done so many horrible things a bit like alright we gotta give her a more expensive gifts we can get her a pool table that would be freaking weird i frickin 14 your gifts upon a nine hundred or pull table we got a work i'm gonna be able to afford things like that fact that's even an option okay so we're trying to get some more money to private teachers a pimp hired me as a lawnmower I earned 67 why these people hired me to mow their lawns a plus-size model a missionary a protester gangster day look at that 16 years old a thousand buckaroos dang I'm rich that's the precedent oh my god a shrunken head for 48 why is that an option know what happened my teacher she's gone what happened I never got to buy our pool table alright can we date our professor let's find out I just wanted to see if we could send teachers the prison is that so bad huh oh you can join fraternities now god this is so confusing all the freaking okay so I get it you can't date high school teachers all right got it you can seduce and dates breaking your professors though all right now that we know that changes they try to seduce dr. buck well we got a compliment first I calls her a dark horse I don't know it's a good thing to call someone hurt with her she didn't like it very much you told your professor dr. bug that she is particularly fit and been smiled and winked at her doctor liquor I'm just gonna try to seduce everyone and see oh my god you're really feeling like you shouldn't be doing this scrupulous school teacher ah it was unsuccessful oh they sent me to the dean's office apologize for max I'm so sorry I'll give together you know I just heard his last name and I just couldn't go myself this challenge is not going very well at all I guess the rumors spread around that I liked dr. liquor because my class popularity is horrible I lived the golden years in high school but now what okay let's give her gifts Rosina give dr. buck Oh a gift a Fossil watch Shiva blood baths she did love it Wow let's flirt again this is she doesn't like it I guess I should have paid attention to my grades a little bit I got expelled all right let's try this again it's dinnertime there once again your Creator is swirling a spoonful of a least favorite of your least favorite green muck through the air the spoon approaches her lips what would you do I guess I'll you did how econo I actually liked it now I used to not like it just cuz I thought it'd look nasty get that out of here now actually first kiss okay all right my big space was great but she tasted like butt crack we got dr. Weiner dr. love dr. love oh my god let's test the baby I just want to see it work one time and I guess I'm married now all right whatever the options there I just wait interpret I'm just waiting for somebody to take the bait okay what you're probably wondering why am I being sent to the principal's office we're trying to get my teacher a cryotherapy session don't brass don't even ask okay it's fine you went to your professor dr. Carter's office hours to assist him and illustrates it to him how helpful he can be he liked it here we go it works Lucido sir oh god no lovely loves to know why I've been trying to do this the whole game but now that it's happened I hate it you seduced your professor dr. Carter oh yeah you're pranking with your fleet oh my god I guess I'll keep the baby does this mean I get good grades ow does that mean we're 280 I'm so confused so we can't date them but we can seduce them because he's automatically my ex that's okay that's interesting he's crazy oh yeah well see yeah I guess it shows yeah I don't I don't think I don't think professionals can do that Oh start dating him okay okay maybe we actually can you called your baby daddy Floyd you asked him out and he agreed to start dating you we're dating oh my god our stats are amazing though look at these stats oh god how does this affect things teacher and a boyfriend we're gonna give a money propose what else can we do though feel like we should get fired or something oh my god we can just make this so much worse okay now it's time to flirt with the other ones now - he did not like it premarital real we're already we already have a kid what are you talking about does the game not know Oh God we have another baby all right well I'm in another one I just want to see what happens I mean we actually got all of our scholarships okay like this is we're just playing we're just trying to be smart okay we'll just seduce all of our teachers this is a stupid episode of bit life it really is I don't know what I was going for he's 61 we're 25 there's a little bit of a gap here look it we could be in it it looks like balloons alright so now I'm 33 he wants us to get plastic surgery maybe he's right I'm still in dead I got a job and I'm still a dead my god the whole seducing the professor didn't work at all got another baby he's 74 my god alright he's 82 how old can we get how old can he gets he's dead I don't know what the goal of this episode was I'm sorry I pictured in my mind things being a lot more wacky but they weren't look at her look at the health and smarts this is where the best stats I've ever had in my life oh I just want to see how old we live whoa whoa I would see someone was having a heart attack I went to go see them and they crushed me what are the lessons kids don't try to seduce your professors when you get to college because you might get crushed by a guy that you saved during a heart attack that's that's bit life for you today scrip of the day goes to Jordan simply I agree guys keep believing challenges okay we're gonna do severe challenges next episode alright this was a stupid challenge but you know it was kind of funny you know the less alright thanks for watching scrubs right bye bye
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 638,696
Rating: 4.9358554 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bit life, bitlife challenges, life simulator, bijuu mike bitlife, bitlife bijuu mike, bitlife challenge, bijuu mike, bitlife update, new bitlife update, funny moments, bitlife glitch, bitlife age glitch, bitlife school life, bitlife school life update
Id: F_uc1lJ1B94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 02 2019
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