My Boyfriend is Very Naughty

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from the makers of my favorite game a mischief to couple comes my boyfriend is apparently my boyfriend is a baddie Nazi oh no you think that's a joke no that's what it's called my boyfriend is very naughty it's straight to the point this is basically the share my story of games no I feel like there could only be a few things that could really be derived from that title I think we're going to be doing some really really bad stuff to our girlfriend so I just want to start off right now I do not glorify anything we do to this poor girl because I don't know that's the thing it is a pretty cheesy game teaches me to abuse people who I saw just gave me a few like days ago and I forgot about it I literally forgot about it until now Oh what did your boyfriend steal this time cuz he's so naughty he must have stole a brush again he loves to steal those brushes and stick them up his nose I don't know why he does that you hear that guys it's sound last time we played what mischiefs a couple three number three out of five there was no sound so thank god they're sound now lists on this one so anyway let's see what why my boyfriend is still naughty oh my god Oh what is he doing now what did he just do I'm so confused well he apparently hasn't always been naughty because looking up here they look so happy oh I got a magnet oh my god look at this space though I mean I gotta say the arts pretty nice though compared to like the other games that ABC escape games or whatever their name is so looks like they're eating pot stickers here but they're not done they're gonna be making more food but this one's red oh what the heck you could turn them do I have to give her the ultra spicy one this is like hot ones but yoza instead thinking the most evil way that I possibly can using this to like bring this pot over here and I'm assuming it's full of boiling water to throw it on her face yes in fact I'll be disappointed if that's not what happens right now okay I go game over what's the goal of this game my boyfriend is very Nazi how to do of course try to avoid his pranks even back to play tricks the girl in the game is always teased by her boyfriend of course we can't sit idly by we got to do something about this use your wisdom oh and I have it to help her all kinds of props in the game correctly to avoid her boyfriends teasing if necessary we can also help her playback I don't know what that means wait are you saying there no matter what we would have died if we were just let it go what is he doing right there I really don't know so let's just go so no matter what she's gonna she's doomed wait wait a minute we put a coin in her dosa that was a tooth oh the so evil this ad scared the crap out of me he put a coin in the frickin dumpling and she chewed on it and her tooth came out that's so horrible look at this I would be crying too girl yeah but she won't leave him she won't leave him sir my story be like my boyfriend I put a coin in my food and knocked my teeth out it was very sad wait we can make you meet the coin is that what we just did right now so there's a few options we have here so okay that's not i somehow gave her the exact same boy I'm so sorry so not so nah but you don't speak we bond come on so now for the Google Translate she said that's right that's right I did oh wait I'm so stupid I'm so stupid obviously the magnets I [Music] still want to give him the spicy one though oh no okay let's just go whatever we're in the first freaking level he's like these she ate my coin I broke now he's you know he ain't got a job oh here we go this art is actually really good I'm really impressed by this game okay so we got some pink razor headphones alright so I guess for a game or girl I'm not really exactly sure our slicing this coming we can make this open or closed I make a big mistake that's not English at all is it I make a big mistake bye-bye for not a before we do anything I just want to see that like the bad things that could happen so let's just let it go what's the boyfriend gonna do now oh my god he's pretending to shoot her that's kind of innocent though right I mean that's just like Bing I got you like there's nothing wrong with that I think he actually scared the life out of rats what's that's what's happening right now how is putting this close gonna change anything alright let's just try it then oh my god a big old buff guy came out of here naughty boy stupid naughty boy what's the headphones for now I'm just so curious put the headphones on her okay so let let's let her go now she's like really you think I wouldn't notice a banana peel in a big old hole here he's dancing he's like oh put my girlfriend hope she falls in a hole give it yeah he's so evil leave him adopem girl come on hello oh my god oh he is so horrible I think I got a straw for is one of the new metal straws they got a Starbucks do they still have those I think someone died actually using those I think they probably stopped doing those give him the banana peel No why do we have a pile of dirt here oh no stop no so nigh indeed we need to get this couple on dr. Phil Takeshi over here says he loves to abuse his girlfriend she doesn't know why and you know it doesn't stop there either because they gotta have something like at the Big O twist and I'm also Jesus Christ these are the kind of games that all my naughty boy friends always looking at everything I click makes her walk into the hole I don't want that to happen but I don't know what to do with these things I can't give her the straw can we put it in her mouth no and we put this in his mouth the straws gotta go in someone's mouth here what about the banana pill put it in the dirt banana peel in the hole banana peel on his face banana pill in the sky I mean what how many options we got here I just see the space right now I've seed that I swear I'm clicking it okay so she's safe now now what do we need the other things for okay I can't even go now oh wait no there's yours Darwin okay in an unexpected unexpected in an unexpected twist the freaking groundhog comes out apparently it's Groundhog Day Japan today I could just picture what the boyfriend is seeking while you set this up it's a kawaii banana doesn't get her that she's gonna fall in that hole and if she figures that out she's gonna meet my groundhog buddy why go through such great lengths is this YouTube channel boyfriend vs. girlfriend in app form rest in peace that channel okay maybe this like right there's a little square over here right click that no nothing all right let's go without it without collecting things take the nut take his nuts take his nuts I I need a hit I hate it I hate to do it I need a hit push aside all obstacles and difficulties woosh aside I've tried that I have been trying that this entire time okay I die this onto I push aside do I literally drag it kids I can't do it why smack it with a stick tell me what to do push the sighs look I'm dragging it I'm dragging it nothing's working do I have to be quicker maybe I had to be more fast here oh no this is move okay take the banana quit the well cover back in the place and finally give the rod to the well-covered I even tried that as well what do you mean give it to the well cover the wall covers like pigs dog I have tried this I've tried putting the well cover everywhere give the rightest I'm giving it right here what oh my god what's in here is he okay he's hided behind the curtain get out of there naughty boy get out there I mean they must have some true love for her to be staying with him like this a screwdriver what are you gonna do the screwdrivers stab him Oh what is this a button okay stuff we can use a screwdriver on this I don't even know I got this room I start clicking things randomly here no you're gonna tell me I can't use the screwdriver on these screws over here exactly see something just doesn't work right oh oh we filled the water oh it's really hot water I guess she's gonna wake up oh she's gonna wash it off with the extremely hot water and you're like scolded her face off Oh her boyfriend is she unrecognizable huh third-degree burns sweet all right let's just wake her up first I misses this again this is still pretty funny prank though child okay so we obviously do that and we changed this now why can't we change this why can we do that we haven't tried cold yet but it was already cold to begin with can we get anything else I mean we're gonna try everything I can't get in here right I can't okay whatever let's just keep going come on yes I just hope this turns out good that's it Oh with you can we change emojis chip oh [Music] all right no third-degree burns Oh what do we have here like a Yakuza member you know what I actually think that she might be better off with him rather than look at him he played that yonder recipie later too much look he's doing things actually thing I wouldn't be surprised if he had weights up there he's already doing the same thing okay well okay we can get goose give her a oh we still had Sunbrella go well I just wanted to see what happened I knew that wasn't gonna work very well all right let's stow the Yakuza's umbrella it sounds like a great idea no this was your umbrella it's it they're crappy one yes that was yours pal rebus Oh Oh what is this what is this we cut the the leaves oh we can what take is a switch oh so now it wait wait a minute though what about the black umbrella I really hope the next one is where we get a pregnancy test and like fake it because we're gonna be we're gonna be a YouTube prankster couple all right so if we gotta we have to do that you know every single one does that I hope that's what he does that really still the day oh my god what is going on are you kidding me he's literally trying to this should be attempted murder at this point now she's got him a guide for her way down and save her own life so we got ourselves a scythe here oh oh we should cut this and there's somebody behind there is it a snake now great she bought she broke both her ankles now she's like don't I just leave him oh my god I'm so stupid I didn't even see that there okay there we go you're safe now she's like I'm so glad God decided to stick to do all those things think upon a who's who's actually doing all these things so then they're like ah thank God the wind blew perfectly then they blew the wind over here in that robe just happened to be there oh she's icy all stands in the background Wow I see she's finally getting revenged now she's actually going to kill him she's like I got some rocks in this snow oh oh my god did he actually I think he did put a rock in there I wouldn't put it past him I'll get Santa before I could catch Santa dang it Oh what the heck I got her snowball give it to him what what what oh no I made her like words shouldn't be shouldn't we just be taking his snowball away I'm so confused oh we see oh we saved your life okay all right okay I'm so smart yes give it to her now holy crap she's strong she sort of did the spirit bomb on it oh he's hungry oh and I bet he's gonna expect me to cook for him but guess what divorce papers extend Oh No she's like take that you dirty girl [Music] that's the best I could we all know my boyfriend's naughty but we haven't asked why is he not E we need the backstory okay we need some flashbacks here I can Hannah may go oh oh but that was the whole thing she's actually dead now okay maybe we can actually grab something from here oh oh the bush okay give it to her Oh okay so what's gonna okay ooh if the parts gonna go right back in his face okay let's do it ah sweet revenge it is definitely delicious it is look at her she's so talented she's got freaking mother nature over here on her harp as she plays like who plays the harp she does she's perfect in every way yeah he's gonna come over here and throw this radio at her face I find that very mean is this the Twitter bird Oh an arrow stab him stab him while you can you need to be saved a girl Oh No okay I didn't know I didn't know if I was gonna be able to stab the bird I'd be like I like that one girl in the in the corner of the video okay yeah I keep forgetting let's go let's just go oh he's actually enjoying you what the heck they nessam metal right there oh oh I get it she's sad because the bird went away stick the feather in his eye oh no oh no oh do I do with the feather I know she's gonna get arrested - he's so impaired the cops won't understand the life of torment that she's had to deal with she doesn't even look that sorry I get I don't blame her alright let's go again what happens normally she just gets mad okay this ad is totally me right now the hate is feather that's the hint thanks thanks game I appreciate it okay first order go then take the feathers and bows and arrows to the piano what piano what piano there's no piano here that's not a P that's not a piano is it that's not what you call though this is a harp there's a Harper for MU of a piano I didn't know this okay all right I swear though it's like I do these things we go first I understand we get the feathers I swear if I put this on her and it doesn't do any and it does something this time I'm gonna be so mad because it's exactly what I've been doing what's and what is okay so you have to put the book okay yet to put it on first then oh so she was aiming for them yeah yeah sure she wasn't aiming for his head okay you know secretly deep down as she wanted to hit his head okay so there's actually 29 levels here so we'll do one more and then call it a day for today boom you got rid over the so sad oh it's ketchup Anson ate again for the third time this week throw me that garbage can he's making his girlfriend carrier oh no backpack hey we can make you make it oh my god he really did get stabbed he don't stab himself that's so dark dude I stabbed him for reals this time Oh what did we just do what I keep forgetting just did you go though first okay let's do that before we do anything I mean it's probably not a good idea to walk in the street this probably have you got in the street in the first place you know like oh no he's good he's gonna break her back he's like the invisible people just came it's down my leg you didn't see it well they were there alright I promise I wouldn't know what he has a knife is he gonna stab her I think it's a matter of time he's like the ultimate prank I just stabbed her I'll get so many Peters on my youtube channel okay we can't grab any of this stuff so I'm guessing oh no no no no what is that oh [Music] my god serves him right but what did he drop you drop his droops and he's a very naughty boy I mean I wouldn't put it past oh I gotta try it at that one more time look at this what is this what is this where did this ebook come from he's like that's not mine why doesn't let me get it I don't get it I guess it's not that important to the story oh we have a cute cat girl over there I wonder what's gonna be happening time no but we should do scrub of the day today day go suit [Music] Flor as always my scrub scrub scrub if you have it already and be sure to smash like if you enjoy beauty my girlfriend all right bye bye
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 200,124
Rating: 4.9567127 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, My boyfriend is very naughty, evil boyfriend, My Boyfriend is Very Naughty game, my boyfriend is naughty game, evil boyfriend game, mischief to couple
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 31 2019
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