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you're celebrating a festive Christmas Eve with extended family would both you and your hot cuz this send me out simultaneously realize that you're standing under the mistletoe are you sure you really want to kiss your cousin on the lips welcome to another episode of bit life so have you ever had one of those friends that you just stopped being friends because they were absolutely awful well that's what I'm gonna be today I'm gonna be that one friend that used to hang out with now you hate them all right your worst enemy please hate me or at least you will after we play this because midlife has got a new update let's see what's new I always want to make more episodes of bit life but I just never know what to do but I love what neuquén new updates are here so there is now a friends update okay and as much as I want to sing the theme song I know I get copyrighted but let's just say nobody told you life was gonna be this way as well you'll be saying actually play this so in this in this update you can make friends throughout your life befriend your classmates teachers co-workers and even your supervisors ah oh oh I see turn your friends at you best friends or enemies in this case enemies because you know that's what youtubers do are you a bad friend maybe you'll become someone else's enemy I think we'll make a lot of enemies prank your friends start rumors new childhood scenarios it sounds like there's like just ton of crap of stuff okay oh look at that it's Christmas time I always loved the little holiday decorations they do around bit life they just spruce things up a little bit first names don't last name is trust than me I'm just trying to get people a warning okay I mean no it's a it's a it's a I'm a foreign person it's a foreign name that's a it's Dahl trust amazed I was born ml in Oklahoma City United States I was the product of a one-night stand as it should be now everything's right what should we use the toy around with okay I know that's not so bad but you get the point okay like I think this doesn't you guys did say right this affects like things so maybe we'll just use like I don't know fire truck that sounds great my father graduated from the University with the undergraduate degree in philosophy he started a you at a Prince's hairdresser for smart salon Oklahoma City my mother graduated from graduate school she started a new position as assistant principal for Oklahoma City Public Schools you and your half-brother Xander are squabbling about who ate the last cookie nah he did it you can trust me I told all my brother you complained about him to your mother she reprimanded you for bickering with your half brother oh yeah that's right we don't I don't know my dad is so it's like half brother okay yeah yeah oh no I never my I do know my daddies I'm just so confused that's it okay sweet we're joining elementary school so now we can start making some friends or should I say because that's what I think is gonna happen you know who knows well taking a test your teacher your mrs. DiCaprio its class you look over and see that your classmate DeMarco ordered a pizza had to deliver to the classroom window window okay I know that's where justjust do it anyway hey you stop delivering pizzas to the window let's Duke it out Oh oh my god I killed him it's funny actually just seeing a meme about this way hey where's not beating up the kid that did something bad he died of his injuries that's totally my face it's all fun and games until someone delivers a pizza to the window then someone dies so which one which one was it they killed in all right you lunged at him you burst his neck that definitely has you know everything pretty much has the capability of killing someone you whacked his elbow knowing bit like that's what that's what killed them I watched his elbow a little too hard it was his Achilles elbow you squashed his Adam's apple you bit his hip when are we gonna start going to juvie for these things that's what I want to know but we know he's not gonna be ready because he's dead okay your classmate Wyatt keeps hiding your clothes while you're showering dirty gym class what will you do well if we want enemies then we need to like be annoying right we're gonna report them to the principal that's what we should do you visited the principal's office Andrea imported your classmate Wyatt for bullying you the principal mr. pickles mr. pickles gave Wyatt saturday detention haha your classmate ballerina finds you and talk to you after class every day you're thinking about asking her out valeria hi Hey Oh she called you disgusting why just because my name is don't arrest me or create Cruella Weiner Cruella's back oh no you have an opportunity to have your first kiss okay sure I'll kiss her never she tastes like beets what is is is visiting the nurse something that we've always had the option to do absolutely visitor the school's nurse has examined you and determined that you are fine you where's the part we have friends I mean I clearly should have some enemies right now because look at my popularity it's so freakin low right now so let's go to like Ashley Baker all right mess with her yes let's do that maybe we won't be the ones that die next time fresh pickings you put a big fat wad of wag wad of gum and your classmate Ashley's book in the middle of class hey that sucks - especially at least here in America we had to pay for our own books or we had to like if we if we damaged them we had to pay for them it really sucks I probably told the story a million times but it's still really really funny I had this math book in high school that my dog chewed up like bad bad bad bad I put a cover on the book and then I gave it I gave it back and before they notice it was like all screwed up I just gave it to them and then I left and I was good I was good to go I didn't have to pay for it because they didn't catch on to it but then everything later on I saw this girl walking with the book and I felt so terrible I felt like an awful person but really it was my awful dog Oh escaping school your friend a classmate Jamal wants you to skip class with them and go to troll people on the internet instead let's go with him up a creek without a Hall Pass a troll I saw you skipping school Oh No oh it turned me in I guess we just made our first enemy I mean I always do the snitch eek but I've never been snitched on you have been sit to the principal mr. Thomas's office for skipping school what happened to pickles argue with him he gave me detention your mother is arguing about you because she received a phone call from the principal mr. Thomas about your behavior in school all right get back with her my name is don't trust me like what the heck do you expect expect me it be a good kid loving my stupid parents named me this there's now an option to suck up to your teachers perhaps me do that you read it you read it out some students who cheated on a test your English teacher misses bravely Bree Oh Bailey I love my reading so much I'm so good at it that's why you guys watch you say oh he's the best youtuber the reads he's the best is the best reader on YouTube so says see if we can give our friends like advice and stuff like that that's what I want to do okay if we're gonna make friends maybe we should like go to school that's the place to make friends I think never mind we can't go to school because I can't get I can't pay for it wait never mind I did I did it I took out a student loan that's right you can always do that they will always always let you put yourself in debt that is one thing they've always let you do knowing full well you can't pay it back it's like when you have like a friend doesn't like go to your relationship tab like I wonder how that actually works do I really have no friends well your friend in class I a clean my best friend I definitely know you tells you that he is going to fail your professor dr. Lucas class unless you blame cheat off of you oh yeah okay this is already a thing hey maybe we should let him you know cheat off us because we actually do need a friend all right Oh holiday coffees hey we got a new situation I love these things you're in line at Starbucks excited to order finally your favorite toasted white chocolate mocha when two girls wearing fake antlers cut in front of you but still with her antlers these spoiled white girls don't come in there with their fake antlers is still my white girl drink but although I actually just want to go to I want to go to Starbucks already just so I can get a pumpkin spice pumpkin spice latte mmm call me what you will but it's good I don't care what you say all right graduated into music I didn't do anything for me I just got dead that's it I got kicked out of a bar for calling the cocktail server obtuse you know what all right fine all right you want to be that way okay you don't want to give me my pumpkin spice alcohol drink okay you are up to who would this worldly get up and if I get being called obtuse if someone called me that I would be like thanks so this guy's name is Julius seaman um let's start a rumor you started a rumor at work that your co-worker Julius is a heroin addict I'm just saying I saw him okay Little Snitch your coworker Julius reported you to HR why they didn't take any action thank God oh I try to have a conversation with Julius and he said talk to the hand I was just trying to talk to about cryptocurrencies okay why is this about the robber I didn't do that nah dawg I would never do that immediately rumors begin so a little bird told me that you have an enormous oh my god at your desk I definitely did say that now all right now we imported me to the supervisor but I'm still here I feel I could get fired for the dumbest reasons but I actually do really horrible things they don't like fire me a young lady named Jasmine Watson asked if you have a map because she just got lost in your eyes Oh Jasmine hi I got a baby no why why did they terminate me you have been sacked from your position at Buster's first Aki's diner that's where I worry stall Keys diner you suspect is because you destroyed the copy machine the six years of good service and this is how you treat me it's not my supervisor sample gives you're unwrapping the last gift on an already disappointing Christmas morning when you realize your parents give you a pack of plain white socks how will you react I Baloo's it you got me white sharks I peppered my parents with a bevy of profanities I mean I was grateful and as thankful as I am really like you could get me white socks I'd be like cool it is still like a really lame gift if you're gonna give like just don't give me nothing at all right I don't want your stupid white sighs get your socks get him out of here and the socks gave me anxiety what a gay parade a monk approaches you and offers to pay you $16,000 to take a parcel to Sweden he's a muck he can't be that bad sure I am never trusting a monk again well you know I'm not surprised I got sentenced the maximum language the maximum prison sentence all my daughters should be a birthday card while in jail oh we can return it to sender oh that's a horrible line the infirmary you bump into a fellow prisoner named candy who is doing time for public urination what will you do I loved your name it's great I old candy that he's the best you're the best pollution problem you were unbelievably thirsty but the only drink he found available is a top a toilet that a nasty inmate has been defecating on for the last 26 minutes we can drink it or die of thirst can you actually die of thirst okay I really really thought you might die of thirst you're suffering from cancer but I didn't drink it I got cancer of the mouth I don't even know that happen but I died all right I want to try again as don't trust me I feel like would it interact with friends like I wanted to I feel like we had to make more of an effort to make enemies so let's just okay dr. Morris hurt or the principal already hates us so let's just disrespect him stop making those intimates we'll need enemies you suspended me for four days okay also in this life we also got a new stepmother and I addressed her as woman cuz that's funny hi woman always says literally befriend him oh my god I am now friends with him are you kidding me is that what I've been having to do this entire time I thought I was doing it I thought like we were doing but I was like nothing's changing alright I'm apparently friends with dirtiest browser alright come on let's take over the world together your planet your friendly philosophy Tyrese wants you to skip plastic them and go on a sleigh ride instead that's not spine let's go with them okay so I'm just right they do actually go on your friends ah I see watch YouTube with him you gonna watch YouTube with your friends it's so realistic oh that's so cool hmm we're in my ads why don't you want to watch speech you Mike it's just like real life lore inside yeah me pixely I love all these people I don't know what deleg reci is or fixable I think I know a pixel is smush some lore inside all right oh yeah what what does that mean I guess they really like Lawrence you and your friend area swatch lore insights together on YouTube she has a stand in me always lower inside you gotta stand in me oh we know we're enemies that's right can you fall in love with a friend is that possible Oh Cub Scouts is on there call me Kevin's on there but where am I know what sweetie heyo Jade for the Cub Scouts oh yeah that's nice Avery time I watch them too mm I love J man's a legend see the thing is I know I'm actually on here because you guys keep sitting it to me beat you bit sir let's YouTube with your friend see I am on there but for some reason I can't get myself it's so cool thank you for life for acknowledging us youtubers okay I really appreciate it I think it would be really cool to interact with youtubers more like can we go to their house can we like I just want to become a super fan like obviously that's not like okay to do a real life ever and I would be freaked out if someone did it's me but I think it would be kind of funny because it's bit life right you want to do the horrible things right like can we stalk a youtuber oh that would be that would be a funny freaking thing to do in bit life only God only a bit life never in real life I just want to stop Cub Scouts in real life that's it I'm a person in real life to you that only has like a few like really good friends I feel like so if we're gonna have another friend we need to replacement so what happens if we unfried somebody you have unfriended your friend Darius that's it I really expected him to be more offended but it's like alright I respect that decision i I actually have had some like people that I grew up with and that I'm not friends with anymore and it's like it's weird like you know some people did you change you know and people naturally grow apart as well but some people do like or some people are kind of horrible he's just kind of realized it later on life I'm sure I'm sure everyone has a person I'm sure a lot of people have a person like that in their life Yuri friend or bully is that possible befriend him I don't know his looks aren't that good I only I only based my friends on looks friendly reject your classmate DiMarco does not want to be your friend why understand Raymond liquor oh yeah come on liquor come on let's let's be friends we're besties we have such a great relationship to bigger circle you are now friends with Raymond liquor is it like I wonder what happens we have like a bunch of friends can we have like so many keep Oh thousand friend challenge thousand pride challenge we should probably do something like that huh I feel like there's a potential there well if we're gonna start rumors we need multiple friends right so let's be friends somebody else just why not wait wieder bestie dude hey hey big friend let's befriend him hi doesn't want you well your name's Weiner anyway so stupid alright come on Jose strange eh my ride-or-die you my homie oh you might better have is it whoa what you heard you were friends with Jose strange did you know the Jose strange you started rumor that your friend Jose's mother fed him like a bird for six years she's like he didn't get that last name for no reason my family lived up to their name and I'm sorry to say but I seen it myself I went to his house it is I mean even to this day he's like thirty know he's like fifteen years old and his mother gets in like a bird and is still breast feeds them like it's kind of weird I'm just saying like I you know no judging I ain't here to judge but I'm just saying it's kind of the weirdest thing I've ever seen in my life and it makes me want to throw up but I'm not judging but I'm a true friend that's how people be I just want to see if that rumor will come around to bite us in the butt like will they say something alright let's watch some more YouTube fun babe you gotta thank God see for that okay although I will say oh my god see always taking my credit I do edit sometimes alright so sometimes I might be putting the bomb at it's out okay I'm just so sick with God see changing my spotlight all the time it's clearly a problem you and your friend Raymond watch the big goon McGee together on YouTube alright what else can we do with their friends we have it we have to test it all out right all right Raymond liquor let's go to a concert together taylor swift day i was out there vibin you know I hurt my neck oh the hurt but I still fight Ben right now oh I love Taylor Swift he was like he was not enjoying you at all look at it alright what happens a week what happens if we party we're gonna party with them you you wore your favorite pajamas to a sleepover party at your friend Raymond's house but I enjoy to eat half enjoyed it it's a little waste okay if you're real friends and if you could prank each other that's how you know you're real friends usually like how how it is for me it's like what you can hit each other in the nuts that's how you know your friends you know your friends when you can hit each other and stuff like that okay I'm well I'm glad that we stopped doing that to each other because that does hurt a lot so yeah but there was a phase in my life and all of our friends would hit each other in the nuts and it did not feel good if you're a girl just considered it consider yourself lucky and least in that aspect all right let's play it let's play a little prank on him okay did summer record that you cut out a cardboard silhouette of a cockroach and place it on the inside of your friends Raymond's lampshade that's a good pray holy crap in case you wanted to see what that looks like it looks just like this oh my god that would be so freaky that would be very scary actually I would I would I would probably freak out I'd be like oh my god it's in the lab oh you can't pull you can't actually fall in love with your friends ask him out what the heck when the sleepover gets the freaking lady I promise I never had it his sleepovers like that okay I had sleepovers I have a trampoline man it was fun in my house I just like to think so play games all the time you signed your friend Raymond up for a subscription to spud man magazine his appreciation he actually liked it he's like that was it a prank I loves but man you could become best friends your friend bet your friend Raymond wants to become best friends with you oh I don't know this is moving a little faster I don't know maybe we should stay as friends only it's like really awkward it's like really weird right like when you when you have that relationship you know our that that friendship you never just say oh did we just become best friends like it's stepbrothers you never really say that it just kind of happens and you just don't know it but anyway let's agree to become best friends you saw someone call your mother a nerd oh I'm charging her you whacked your thumb you detached her face you detach her oh hey oh no come on hey where's my friend at bestie dude get me out of this I deserve one year in prison all right I'll take it your friend Jose has unfriended you why let's try to salvage our relationship you tried to salvage your friendship with Jose but we're all sons successful why what did I do you're appealing point fortunate this holiday season I considered a ways to give to those in need what would you do give gifts to children in need bring cookies to nursing home bring food to a homeless shelter I'll give some gifts to children in need all right you get a Nintendo switch you just discovered that your best friend Raymond who stayed at your friends last night use your soul but like we just talk about those and if I have those round you know this is we are weird confronting this right now why would you do that confront him this is a test of friendship can it can I survive that right your best friend Raymond just handed you a pirated copy of the rest of the movie rebel without a cause saying you can keep it if you want insulted if you trying to frame us are we gonna get set up okay I'll take it am I gonna get sent to prison I accepted to enjoy watching an illegally downloaded copy of rebel without a cause from my best friend Raymond thanks Raven oh that Haskell ad quickly huh all right well let's keep on walking go good what that's a weird thing for a mom she's like my baby is whoa whoa whoa why does my best friend Amy what happened is it because I spent a whole year in jail without spending time with him maybe maybe he has something to do with that our conversation you don't like talking oh my good you're celebrating a festive Christmas Eve with extended family would both you and your hot cousin send me out simultaneously realized that you're standing under the mistletoe why it's my cousin this is so wrong it's because I live in Oklahoma are you sure you really want to kiss your cousin on the lips are you 100% sure you want to kiss your cousin of the lips yes I'm sure are you absolutely positively sure it's a good idea to kiss your cousin of the lips really really you're seriously why don't you wanna kiss you cousin unless ya know oh you tried to kiss your hot cousin under the mistletoe but ended up getting smacked in the mouth well if there was ever a reason for my friend to unfriend me now this is a good reason today score of the day ghost you Olivia [Music] thank you for watching that Bijou McGee on YouTube I appreciate you so much okay thank you scrubs if you want to be scrub scrub scrub to be carpet could become part scrubs yeah I'm so good at talking join this groups today I would really appreciate it I love you guys so much and I'll see you in the next episode a bit like leave those challenges alright bye bye
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 305,526
Rating: 4.9501886 out of 5
Keywords: bitlife, life simulator, life simulator game, life, simulator, bit, bit life, bitlife update, bitlife friends update, bijuu mike bitlife, life simulation games, life simulator bitlife, bitlife game
Id: 58q2N3o2JyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 17sec (1277 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2019
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