I Became the worst President in Bitlife

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Lily's garden is officially Presidents yes eggplants for every citizen you will be met with one you're welcome make it sweet oh my god there's took me so many hours of dude they smash like billions of dollars and of course it helps there's a guide that shows you how to be president yes I essentially did all of these things that it said except you know just not right if you're also having trouble becoming president in bill life check out this guide I'll try to link down below but if not it's by Louisville winter they always do a bunch of built life guides which are very helpful to to me I know so what do you so you're wondering right what's the plan well my plan is because I can use god mode right because I paid for it and last episode I use the time machine like three times you know wasted a lot of money but I buy a lot of money three dollars three have whatever I'm going to use god mode to make my parents rich if then I get the money you see how this is gonna this is this is gonna work the biggest problem with becoming president especially last episode is that we don't have enough money we spent our entire life becoming famous and still they get enough money well this will just have to do a few generations of presidents you know but we will get it all right yeah so I just gotta bake my parents stinkin rich that's all I mean I can't believe I never thought of this amazing plan before thanks to that guy by the way shout out to the guide they gave me the idea yuppers wonder about money when you would just be God and make your parents rich so easy and generous that way that means they're gonna write me in their will and so about a few lives we should be multi millionaires on top of it we can get a job too so we can kind of help so I am literally going to anything it takes to become president I just want to see that sweet sweet position for myself that's not a weird huh I just thought what have you president okay and we're doing it today notices bullcrap I've taken five hours to not do it or alright another thing when it comes to becoming president you can't you can't do anything bad even when you're a kid because your opponents won't find it and don't put the dirt on you do it I see them do it you can't do the dru so no doing 420 challenge okay don't do that and you have to be nice to people you can't act up in school they will they won't get it they will get that dirt on you that's just enough to talk to anyone if you know if you can just don't even talk to anyone you're learning to do some really fun things and now we're trying to decide which one is your favorite cutting with safety scissors that was fun we were cutting the construction paper I was a lame kid apparently if that's what was fun to me oh my money back mom is trying to talk to be no money give me money alright this is gonna take a while but yeah well it's just yeah I'm gonna fast forward time Philly nine three hours late L up daytime so I died of a massive heart attack but I'm gonna continue as my child gonna get all the money not bad it's not that's not bad at all is this gonna work oh I didn't even consider her not having like a husband or anything okay that's not too light though all right we're gonna marry someone with a lot of money to stop you soccer today alright let's take that long first million down easy and I bought a house too or what I keep doing it we're gonna sell it though woo yeah all right this is coming well I will keep you updated holy crap I just I just found something really cool so being a girl is actually way better because you get you can marry or you can have someone propose here this rich and they give you look at how much a freaking rings tells for I can make a hundred thousand dollars off for a reading talk about what's in a girl in real life but dude I've been making everyone propose to me they couldn't resist this green here hey no they're off for a hundred thousand dollars I'm gonna take you I can just keep being girls and have everyone proposed to me it's like so easy you do $25,000 my god oh no my mom died she wants to be taxidermy that's what she wanted that's way too much I'm sorry I can't all right now that I have this plan to get more money Howells is my daughter though it's kind of an issue as well I don't want to start too old okay so it's been many hours later I think I'm doing just a little okay for myself to tell you the truth I actually had 80 million dollars but then I was too old obviously to run for president so I I moved on to my to my daughter's life and I had to pay 30 million dollars it just taxes a load so here I am with uh this little measly 54 million dollars funny thing is I still don't think this is gonna be enough but I've been playing this all day okay I'm trying to put some dedication in this all right we're not gonna we're not gonna do this halfway all right after many generations of doing really shady things here we go you know what I probably shouldn't be an exotic dancer if I'm gonna run for president and I probably should go to college there it goes you know I'm going I'm going for it also I had so many properties I'm trying to sell this one but no one wants to buy it see people buy it I gotta go to education or get education I also wanted a lottery like three times to prove it like I took a picture 71 million dollars baby look at that okay so you can see how much money I actually had in the corner right here that's how much money I freaking had as you can see - I've been naming everyone Lily I never played bit like all day to try to come play something but here I am putting the lottery of Abyei one two three times it's been extremely hard I play like all the time all right another thing to become president you're supposed to like study hard in school and have good reputations I was an exotic dancer but hopefully they forget about that because I forgot look at my legacy I have nine generations 291 years accumulated wealth over a hundred million dollars it all started with bu macGruber six-time great-grandfather oh hey they want to buy it sweet do you make a lot of money real estate but if so it takes so long to do it's almost not worth it I am on a rush that I cannot stop I would seriously play this all like oh my god I just want to get as much money as I possibly can but at the time okay you do not need five million dollars to run for this do not go for five freaky million dollars well do like a hundred a hundred thousand dollars is like too much well do like thirty thirty thousand is so sensitive a kid fine sixty two thousand dollars that's still probably to pretty much and we're gonna do education alright I was like barely starting the episode by God alright sweets and the guy it also said that we need to treat people with respect although other people kind of said to not do that I'm still gonna do it fate with respect she's 77 years old I don't give a crash you know got no fifty million dollars though well this is your pony Hillary or Marino response during a debate she makes a comments that you know is an outright lie I'm gonna interrupt screw that yeah all right so what we should do the best course of action is to run two terms each one we're gonna do this right van okay so now that we're school board direction we gotta we gotta go through two terms and we have to get as the highest approval that we possibly can in order to boost our opportunity to become president this is like ridiculous which kind of code through man a teachers offer you four thousand dollars to put her least favorite students and another teachers class was like nugget we can't do anything to get us no kicked out of here but Lily for president she will attend your gardens I swear I'm sorry I I'm obsessed with it I can't do it we need to check on Lily pretty soon though I know there's a lot of stories that I really need to cover all right first term done with school board director 77 percent approval rating pretty freakin good let's run for re-election but for me this is who I'm going against they'd be so stupid Oh vote for him look he's maybe smart it was no contest be kidding doctor so I had its you bought of dr. tickle got it cleared it right up dr. tickle administer treatment to your report your itchy bottom I'm up Purvis stalker soon wants to get married he was what's my money our fine I'll plan the wedding he's got a signed a prenup though save my money second term down look at those approval ratings they approve of me that's for sure all right we're right on pretty good schedule so now we need to run for mayor yes all right they said play fifty to eighty thousand dollars all right cool I could do that I can't even pay that much all right this guy actually is kind of smart though anything for cloud your campaign team says the most recent polls are showing you're not popular among the young voters and they suggest you start a hobby that will appeal to them you skateboard driving a debate characters hey anime is that that is the way that is definitely its way just before participating to debate you take a moment to meet with one of your consultants to discuss which topic you should focus on the most social issues the media has been reporting an untrue story about you were voted most likely to become an addict in high school deny it yes yes all right we in side to side to show this so there's a lot to ban the word moist I approve I pass this get it out of here no one likes that word moist update I'm okay so I'm officially a governor and apparently you've become famous for being a governor governor's what I said as I said goober a governor I baby say again but you gotta be careful with this because if you do something wrong you little kick you out I'm scared we got a 44 percent approval rating okay so we got to do economy and social issues easy the best thing I found is just increase your hours tax lemonade stands it's awful who would do that not everything needs to be taxed we can't be doing that the moment of truth is down here the second term of governor's finally over oh my god I've been working on this all day I still have 50 million dollars I believe we need 20 million to have to have like the basically minimum for a successful presidential campaign for this to work my approval rating has been so good I better win this you might see me rip my hair out just saying come on Lily vote for her yeah you will we get the first women's president all right we're bumping it up to 20 million dollars that's not a little bit of money just gonna go Democrat whatever again I'm not into politics I just pick it because that's what you always hear about so yeah we'll go with environment because we all know we want that right so I've never got this far so excited okay okay all right I've been treating them look at her look at this food camellia McCain got a lot of money but I do too all right I gotta treat her with respect that's what we've been doing cheers your campaign chief tells you that you can benefit from having a signature drink in your hands a social gathering let's do a Starbucks iced caramel macchiato waiting backstage I can't pay volunteer notice you've been feeling nervous about the speech you'll soon make it print up a lot large audience he pulls out a flask oh no no let's politely decline your pony camellia has made of a story accusing you of assaulting a bodybuilder what is it what did I do okay so you always want to deny these no okay so I think if we quit the game I think I can I think it'll go away what am I supposed to do just be nasty to people okay okay it worked it worked yes I found a loophole well things go bad just stop okay here we go again Evelyn the media has been reporting this that you've been blending in sex a new triple deny it are you kidding me screw it I'm just gonna be nasty person to be super nasty apparently that's what you gotta do how about telling my opponent forts on churches but if you've downright nasty to you I don't freaking care I can't paint this a campaign assistant just emailed you a video showing your opponent Noah Watson accepting legal campaign donations who expose him he's exposed dramaalert while being interviewed by a local newspaper report ask if you can only have one which law would you most want to enact in the United States outlaw black licorice yes frickin yes but obviously that's not what people really wanted so we're gonna do duck the media has been reporting a true story about you won't download games on your phone but asked to play everyone else's - favi no we're clear to start a rumor about my opponent you can't be manager suggesting that you start a rumor that your opponent Noah Watson felt secretly applies lash if I every morning oh yeah sorts of rumors what is it gonna take am i not putting enough money is that it I will do this all night if I have to I basically already have 50 million dollars now there's no way I can lose okay you know what maybe we'll do half it's a lot of money why why why all of my money all the bits it doesn't matter I'm just gonna be nasty I don't care I'm just gonna spread hate and life apparently that's how this works I don't know the governor is trying to give me that droogs I'm gonna slap it out of his hand know why my best year it's so close like what do you do okay screw it Lily's garden is officially Presidents yes eggplants for every citizen you will be in bed with one you're welcome click it's sweet oh my god this took me so many hours of do they smashed like I guess I had to pick education that was what they wanted that's what the people wanted let's get to work my god I spent all of my money dang now it's time to be awful alright so what can you do as the president anyway I don't really care about being reelected I just wanted to finally freakin do it there's one for golf Oh thirty hours minimum of golf what I gotta have my golf man so I don't really know if it's anything different from the government or from the governor at all I'm gonna scare the public about crime like that beer yes my mom will come to your house oh my father died well these guys you got soggy Iggy you got to see us create some history pretty cool though I got no money though I know I I do never mind you have you have made a decision on a new law new law alerts okay so with ban the proposal has ban highway camel racing dude that sounds lids I'm freakin vetoing that I want to do that have you ever drifted on a camel before it say anything a political watch group is accusing your office of spying on the opposing party's election headquarters you have no knowledge of the activities the question but your advisor advisers are saying you need to respond to avoid appearing guilty deny it dismiss the radicals I don't even know what it means coming out your son Pat I just come out of the closet as gay how will you respond I just want to know if we don't support him we'll bit use it against us that's all I want to know not that I actually would do that but I want to see because I know they won't use like all kinds of crap against you all right let's check my approval what the hey Lilly is the perfect president Oh everybody hates my guts I need to get a monkey if they see a president with a monkey they'll be distracted of all the bad things I was doing they'll see the monkey on my shoulder and be like oh I forgot what you did I forgot you spend 30 hours also as the president of course they'll they would do this go on the dating apps does anyone want to date the president how about you moe oh sorry purpose stalker said and whoopsy like the president can the president just date like that like I'm just so oh god no no the Pietschmann you officially you have been impeached and are being forcibly removed from office it's sold by constant what I couldn't date so what does this mean am I still oh I'm just a famous politician now no I'm the president it's because I dated Gus me guys love each other stupid I'm posting a how angry I am about this right now all right it's time to write a book The Diary of Lily - dude people love that oh wow people are inviting me to talk shows and everything my fame is actually really good that was it that was it I'm not the president bored no so that's what happens when you try to run for president game you're not eligible to run for president after previously being removed from office great I'm so glad I did all that work just for that smash like for Lilly president if you think that she was dishonorably discharged as she should be back to president tell me down below in the comments okay today's for the day goes to [Music] I'm not a human [Music] [Music]
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 296,151
Rating: 4.9499216 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, god mode bitlife, becoming a god in bitlife, god simulator, god simulator game, life simulator, bitlife, bit life, bitlife bijuumike, bitlife god, life simulator games, life sim, life simulator game, bijuu mike bitlife, bit, life, president, president bitlife, how to become president in bitlife, bitlife president, president simulator, president simulator game, bitlife challenge, bitlife challenges
Id: 4PbMztGLTGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 32sec (1052 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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