I Activated GOD Mode in Bitlife to ruin everyone's lives

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your mother is calling towards you in a soft voice mother oh my god I can't believe you did this to dad but he's my dad right I'm I'm so confused my spit it's like gold I spelled gold oh my god what is this [Music] beloved bitte since we hope your stay safe and fighting the unique combination of boredom and anxiety that we all find ourselves in ain't that the truth our whole team has been working from home and it's been tougher than usual to keep our aggressive update schedule up Wow I'll be that's pretty awesome I'm really glad that you guys are working really hard and I thank you so much bit lifer you know I could really tell you appreciate your fans that you do everything you can so just do your best so there's now god mode edit anyone you wanted in the game as you're playing set up your own stats and appearance on custom lives oh I'm gonna make them pay they didn't do anything wrong there's now eye exams in resulting prescriptions off finally for the visually impaired people thank you I can now complete my transformation and put my glasses on adoption has been overhauled flyer on private planes when you go on vacation and of course more challenges Wow I'm excited I'm excited for god mode oh and there is a gold-digger challenge which I I'm probably not gonna do this episode but I would like to dedicate another episode for this which I better hurry up and get to it cause it's gonna be over three days if you guys remember correctly we've already done this challenge but it would be nice to try to beat this the challenges are very challenging a bit life I think I can see a lot less people have completed this challenge all right so how do we activate god mode it just sounds so exciting oh there it is select your appearance select your attributes oh so you can just start off off the bat okay oh this is gonna be so fun all right I'm excited I gotta say with all the events that are going on in our world right now I'm excited to see what bit life has to say about it usually they always do they always say something so that's gonna be interesting all right so here's the thing so for god mode it's a one-time purchase and you do have to buy it that's fair enough you know I understand the bit life it's got to make money and this seems like to me it's worth it I like this a lot better than the time machine so we could start new lives with any appearance in attributes you want add anybody in the game while you're playing that's gonna be good for some challenges well not that we're gonna use them for challenges I'm not trying to change the people in the game to anyone you want from real life oh that's so sweet are you stuck in quarantine right now we are to to help with boredom and anxieties we want to make god mode free for you through April 11 stay safe Wow bill I'm so like I'm telling you like I honestly respect FitLife so much they just they've just been so great to be honest I will pay for it well when we have facial hair now I don't think we had that before all right now I'm really gonna create myself leave it leave it down in the comments of what you would like to see me do with god mode okay but yeah if you if you can't afford it you better get it while you still can damn we got three shades of brown all right I'm gonna give myself that we all know white is paper you know I kinda already did this but yeah yeah let's just do this we have the evil prowess hey anybody up for abraham lincoln challenge that would be good right I wonder if they updated some of the hairs I think they probably have that's looking like it right there that is it chief quit up Nonnie where's my green I mean there's like yellow I know why hair is getting faded but like that's yellow all right I'm gonna assume that we can change it later so I'm gonna stick with that now this is interesting the fact that we can actually like mess of the attributes so here's a lot of attributes that we don't actually see a lot of athleticism fertility oh my god I'm so fertile but there's even a spectrum of interesting very interesting so we get to see the kind of the vine that Essenes over the way it characters work in bit life I think that's very interesting well if I'm gonna be a god like obviously I'm gonna make my smarts and 100% and honestly like I mean it's really not that far off Harma amazing oh god that beats me could really screw people up bad I am so freakin happy I'm the happiest person on earth fertility man I got just got a look at somebody they Greg knit discipline all of it athleticism I'm buff well if I'm God I expect that cry to be her ear like I expected echo I am so perfect that when I was born the doctors cried they started crying they're like oh my god like there was trumpets playing when I was born you didn't actually think that I would be good to everyone else right I may be God but I'm not a good God that's for sure I was born in Los Angeles I was a result of an affair well looks like someone's getting it my name is Bijou by Curson my father is pari by Kherson a retired interior designer well let's see how long do you live Butler my mother is avery Huck's a professor aged 43 we have a cat named Delilah can I just like make my cat never die he finally see those glasses right there I gotta give myself glasses obviously his generosity is not very much religiousness well he better get very religious because you know why you know what I'm gonna say hilarious the change my hair is right there there's my hair what that where was it before me when I get older my eyes turned red because how evil I was in those videa gaymes yes that's my father a Perry biker son I got my great hair from him I don't know why I sound like a biker I'm gonna be my father's super crazy he is not generous at all he's not very happy his looks are great though that's where I get them money poor how you make a poor oh my god you make them gay it's gonna be very complicate things quite a bit considering you know he's with my mom or with yes my mom I'm gonna give him zero willpower to see if that affects things I love this already so much all right save ha ha ha my father seems like a whole different person one day he just changed he did he never changed back googoo gaga bow down to me it all changes when beat you by Kirsten was born oh we can't we can't edit our cat at all I just want the power to make people like invincible and they never die okay can we revive people oh my god so much potential your mother has married your new stepfather whoa I mean I knew I made of light at all but I mean she moved on so fast and everybody said they broke up oh no I was a result of an affair it makes sense well no wonder why my dad changed so much he was so traumatized by the affair that he just changed completely your mother is calling towards you in a soft voice mother oh my god I can't believe you did this to dad but he's my dad right I am I'm so confused my spit it's like gold I spelled gold oh my god what is this my mother married on Tanya weed at 30 year old a 38 year old flight attendant with the child she changed her name to Avery weed I spit out some liquid that was in my mouth to tip my face my caretaker she wasn't happy oh no my looks are going down we have to fix that I don't know if this is possible but I would like to see like some Bruce Almighty powers like just in the middle of a game just changed things and decide like if someone's gonna get hit by a car or something Oh Grim Reaper mode I'm just saying that's a good idea I think grim to become the Grim Reaper and bit like all right my mother cheated that's a no-no I'm gonna have to do her bad all right we're definitely giving her red eyes I gave my dad red eyes but you know that's good right there she's got the Karen hirako oh well she is my mom right okay she doesn't have glasses that's okay gonna make her super crazy not generous very unhappy I don't want her to die so Health's fine I don't care about that looks very bad money Barry poor very religious for some reason I'm gonna complicate things more in her life Baker not smart well power is zero there we go now my mother seems like a whole different person while watching Curious George on TV your mother asked what you want to eat for lunch what would you choose just like what do you mind with the red eyes well so first okay so I thought maybe what I did to my dad cause her to leave my father but I don't think so I mean cuz they're still together new friend a little boy named stocky wants to become your friend become friends with him but I could I can edit here nope we'll save it I'll spare him for now I thought maybe we should take this life a little slow I do tend to go through my lives very fast because you know I kinda want to get through things but this one we're not we're just kind of coasting it and seeing how our cuts how our God mode you know powers do change things sorry I don't know how long that's been there my bad a family vacation your mother with her evil eyes wants to take you on a road trip to visit the relatives in Little Rock United States I refuse to go God does not have to do anything he wants to do I don't know why my school life is just so hard whatever I feel like this would be also be good for a deaf no challenge because that's the kind of hope but you know whole thing of that wait does this actually work the challenges because if it does then that would be very interesting so my stepfather and her his daughter doesn't look very happy it's probably because I made my mother gay understandably that would complicate things yeah right integrity you broke your mother's phone while trying to take it apart what will you do admit that I broke it what is she gonna do to me if she best watch out look at that you'll face up there my classmates that I have been fighting about what the best Disney movie is it's Mulan its Mulan ok I don't know about the best but that's the one I love I love Mulan so much what are gonna do disagree with me I'll throw a flying ice-cream truck at your face I really wish we could do stuff like that casting call your elementary school is putting on a rendition of The Wizard of Oz and there is an open casting call for production I will get the lead role don't you worry I was crying ruler of the monkey bars at recess ah yes the monkey bars at school and I remember those numbers smacking my head on them all the time so I know we could edit people but can we editor ourselves at some point like a zero everything can we edit can I change my stats whenever I feel like it or is it just like I don't know need to explore here quarrel you and your stepsister quarrel huh Natalie are bickering about why she wore your clothes why did she do that what's wrong with you are you actually okay what would you do you dare it's such a god attack I'm gonna kick her ear oh no I picked neck aah kicks her neck oh yeah she stopped you she tempt she stamped her buttocks she squeezed her torso not my torso that's my favorite part cuz I forgot I mean I wish a bill to make ourselves rich right maybe it is maybe it's more limited than I thought I gave my dad no money okay didn't write let's do that let's give him money O'Day he rich now so if we yeah so of course naturally we can ask for money and he'll give it to us right we have to work around right there after all I've done I literally and the reason why he has money and he wouldn't give me someone just might fall down a flight of stairs if they're not careful evil stepfather why you remote that wasn't around your stepfather told you that he thinks you are a a source of frustration what will you do see I think it would be really cool you know just as a feedback if there was god mode options because that's the whole I mean to me that's that's what I expect when it comes to god mode it's to be like oh god no it options and then you can kind of pick I know like how would that be different from the Grim Reaper I don't know I have no idea but I've just you know I'm just giving out ideas you can you could take you to leave a rumble with them I'm like how old I'm 10 years old what's he gonna do I'm gonna twist his skull you would think that me he's like twisting his neck but I I think it's actually twisting his skull which is very not pretty much damage I mean after all what can I 10 year old really do to abscond oh no I can't die should just build Reviver no I'm not a very good guard am I your friend Charles has unfriended you what will you do you know it's in your best interest that you salvage our relationship no oh he got away he got away stocky stalker sin is about to end Prentice anyway so I mean he literally didn't do anything wrong with me but I'm gonna give him zero he'll become a zero everything I'm not sure what's gotten into my friend lately he's like everything it's just awful oh that's right I was gonna kill my evil stepfather all right yeah your stepfather is threatened to leave you behind wall at the grocery store are you really Wow another stereotypical stepparents you told your mother about your stepfathers behavior why are we unhappy how does our happiness go so far down we got let's just the grocery store once and it was the end of the world you sir are gonna be crazy generosity nope no nope nope nope I am also not sure what's got into my stepfather lately look at me I'm all happy about it now I don't know if we gonna be able to edit ourselves when were adults but some prisoners starting high school are encourage you to try out for the soccer team with them what would you do I understand I mean I am the perfect being after all I guess I'll try out with him I'll just get a few trophies and go to the FIFA I obviously know nothing about soccer I will go to the video game yes tryouts were a formality it was obvious that I was going to get it well my happiness is just skyrocketing up so I don't maybe that's maybe it doesn't really matter that are that they went down you know grapevine your friend has a friend who knows a girl who is friends with this guy who works at bit life it apparently he told her that the bit like team is working as something called god mode that will be added to the game but he doesn't know if or when it might happen your friend is now speculating what god mode could be and is asking for your thoughts well this was obviously something that was the hair before and what will you say add you rely friends change the looks of anyone strike lightning on your enemies and you really do that set your own stats well it seems like they Elise had that as a thought to strike a lightening on your enemies because that's something I want to do see that's what talking about its after way of doing a survey it's kind of kind of genius to be honest they look at my stats are just going up it's like a self self-sustaining process but just going up oh look at this a new frame and Stevens stewards let me let me take a look at your stats Oh looks like you're not good enough I reject you I'm gonna get so bad it's like no nobody can be my friend nobody's perfect enough all right let's see how my evil stepfather is doing since I completely destroyed his life let's have a conversation of what he was Wow so it's like that alright well I was gonna give you a little bit of money but I guess not and it's also let's see if our father look bother you beautiful man you but this is your last chance you give me money now or you're not gonna have any money you take your Pig okay so somebody's greedy now they obviously don't deserve happiness oh that's good like Gabe I wasn't I didn't mean I'm not generous that that's exactly why well let me fix that when you're a god but you shoot yourself in the foot he's like what I can't help it I hate everything I hate I am NOT generous at all I still had my father in a Scrooge all right let's make him happy the ironic part about it is I made a very religious and yet he's not generous at all which you know is supposed to be the opposite all right no wonder I'm so stupid okay now this should be a little different he gave me $64 dude I know you're rich I know you're rich wait a minute if we kill him and he dies being rich will inherit the money I know I'm evil I never said I was a good guy all right I want to get a high school sleep interesting changes okay oh I guess I'll agree to become captain I've obviously so good at soccer I just look at the ball and it just flies it gets to gerd it just flash to the gold I could walk on waters like whatever mmm oh wow he actually died I didn't I didn't do that I need to strike him down I swear your father passed away at the age of 84 he died while sleeping peacefully it is your responsibility to plan his funeral I will plan it I'm broke he gave me $64 like I'm sorry dad dad you got to go to science oh wow to help the healing I got four hundred and sixty six thousand dollars I have a plan graduated from high school I mean I don't even need to work what am I even doing this for all right sure I'll be out pretty good Patrol man just gonna be walking around like The Terminator this is like they shoot me and there's just like these freakin holes you know they just Huell up what is your salary expectations Oh just all of it the more the merrier oh they didn't offer me that no your funeral all the sudden everyone in my life is so so generous and so rich you have money and like Oprah over here give more money even though I hate your stepfather you do have lots of money and you can give me lots of money hey she gave me like a freaking check oh ok so he hates us oh wait maybe we can do things in crime maybe maybe we can impale them electrocute them lfit laxative oh let's try that you try to sneak oh crap I can already tell it didn't work an elephant laxative at your stepfathers morning smoothie he called the police on you I'm real I could just get out right public defender no I'll just pay I don't want to oh like oh my god the judge asked to make the judge has asked you to make a plea surrounding your charge for attempted murder if you plead guilty you may receive a shorter sentence that if you are convicted on a trial possible sentence 37 years no way I am not guilty and I've been convicted elephant laxative is it really that bad oh so I read it I read up on it apparently there's a fake story they said it's fake at least they gave an elephant a laxative and it basically pooped on the person that's taking care of the elephant and killed them so I I don't know if that it's like a base set it's a fake story okay so I'm I would really like to see how that plays out in the game how you gonna sit got a jailed oh I should just be able to go get out lie just float through the windows like or something like oh my god you know I'm saying like I think this should be easy a massive inmate named tinder buddy is trying to strong-arm you into giving him your banana bananas are pretty rare in prison I will not refer to do that he lets you he looked at you in astonishment can you edit the inmates like abilities to you know you can't all right so it's not that deep I'm assuming that later on things will probably be changed you have received some alpha your mother she sent a coloring book thank you mother my evil-looking mother what is that legal coloring you're coming because the confiscate come on I know you can do like art in jail right but look if he still he still looks happy he's just not really happy it's a lie it's a sham he's a pretending okay I'm gonna save that life right there let me know if you want me to continue that life but don't don't leave just yet it's go to the daytime today scrip of the day goes to Rhianna [Music] if you want to be scrubbed today be sure to scrub scribe all right and always don't forget to scrub those hands bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 663,939
Rating: 4.9271388 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, god mode in bitlife, god mode bitlife, becoming a god in bitlife, god simulator, god simulator game, life simulator, bitlife, bit life, bitlife bijuumike, bitlife god, life simulator games, life sim, life simulator game, bijuu mike bitlife, bit, life
Id: -6uUIWN2rig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 16sec (1156 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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