Okay this game is getting super weird - Fran Bow

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welcome back my scrubs to another episode of Rambo did you miss it I don't even remember what episode this is I think it's like polar or something like that uh anyway I this game is very creepy it scared us very much I don't like most of it but because it's supposed to I think it's supposed to be that way that's okay I just want to know what happens to this girl and how it's all related to Little Miss nightmares I don't think it's like hugely related but you guys keep pointing out new things and I just find that really interesting so I just got to know everything about the cinematic universe plus like I said this already but Rambo 2 is coming out kind of soon and you know I would love to play that on the channel whatever it does come out so anyway it's anyone let's go last episode we got a bunch of crap oh no what did I do that I forgot that this happens oh this wasn't here before oh you scared me I thought nobody was living here there you are we were waiting for you this is your head my head my head my head is just in the right place you the precious being from the other world who would ever believe us I am confused I am confused I'm very confused l-ladies what are you talking about Fran bow that's your name right and your mom had died tragically very brutal right she's like yeah but thanks for reminding me and now you really want to know who killed them right that is yes true English how do you know we're slow down we just know we have to we are part of this world oh yes you guys also pointed out that these were the same girls from the asylum uh interesting interesting I just want to know what these pills have done to us and also I can have a theory as well if all of those monsters from this game were at the end of misfortune is it safe to assume that Fran bow is also dead what is it about these pills that take her to that same realm where those same monsters appear and they only appear when she takes the pills so is she actually able to see the afterlife whenever she takes these pills Barry computes I need to know but don't be sad bad things happen to all of us all the time I wish I were at home with mommy and daddy now don't wish for things that can't be done find solutions and answers they won't come back I shouldn't do that but mommy and daddy will never come back jig some tea and eat some cake it will make you feel better who told you about me are you scared little friend I mean yeah you got like two heads a little it's a odd way that I came here and this conversation makes me confuse you haven't asked about your cat yet mr. Midnight's that's very odd for a girl who loves her cat more than anything else in the world and yet you don't you judge me I love my cat bored than anything all right at the head you look so calm after finding him in a cage hungry and scared shouldn't it be as trembling in fear of you I'm not calm I just wanted to introduce myself I'm not a rude person you want him back I want you to like the kgs hungry and thirsty please before we set him free tell us about how it is you came here it's a long story I escaped from a place a very ugly place and they open they opened the heads of children to find out what's wrong with them he'll told us a secret and I was clever enough to find a way out and then I came into the woods and met a giant ant this is exactly what's happened so far this is a nice little recap guys and I killed the bug and it was terrible and then I met a rat and who wanted to get his hair done and then I made a door and the door took me here are you following along when I entered the door something happened I don't remember anything Ellison ah I saw a real pinecone family we did they wanted we were trying to steal the grapes I know the so it made no sense if you haven't seen the other episodes that was before I came here they lifted mr. Antone on Antonio's house like they like berries and I yeah so they were actually also a misfortune as well all those same bugs I guess from this game I I I it would have made more sense for me to play this first but you know I just I personally really love misfortune way more than this game I guess you can't really say that I beat it but you know I I don't I don't know they regret playing you first but it would make more sense for me to play this and I saw flying insects I got stuck in trees because they have long hair that was also in the woods and now I am here looking for mr. midnight that was some adventure how old are you friend I'm tin okay our she's ten all right my friend this this little misfortune her name deska Dulles or good now I can't remember he was away seven or eight we are sixteen years old much older than you so you have to obey us you can't tell me what to do uh uh you haven't even asked our names oh and you shouldn't wonder around in a house without permission are you stupid a stupid little girl with no family at all I'm sorry stop that please I didn't mean to be rude are you crying because if you are you'll get in trouble and if you do exactly as we say you and your cat will die or if you don't do exactly as they do you understand you don't scare me bring my cat now will you idiot you asked for it if you don't do what we asked for bad things will happen to you and your cat we will force you to kill him with your own hands that is me Oh No please I'll do whatever you ask good now listen to us carefully we need you to perform a little magic trick on us do you like magic yes and he did magic but she didn't have any idea how to actually do it anyway this magic is very powerful it's tremendous and dangerous here's the recipe be cautious and precise otherwise terrible things can happen ok I near the heart of ok I do yourselves we can't do it it would kill us you see we weren't like this before we used to be two different people in two different bodies but how how you like this now one night a long time ago something appeared in front of us we thought it was an angel but it was not he decided that we should spend eternity together he cursed us to be like this we never understood why we have a spell to bring him back we will do that later when we are not attached to each other anymore and show him that he is powerless and over credits so let's talk about it was it more go was it more go right someone's got to put a stop to that guy I'll try my best we are going to gather some things that you will need for the ritual and because you are I've been a very nutty girl you won't even be able to talk to your cat you have to wait until we come back let me give him some food no you can't their friend do you see this key you can you imagine what it could be open with or what you can open with it can you you still the silly girl it's very mean I had a slap in both your faces all right so let's look at this I want to examine it lost in darkness lost in tears your body becomes the life of the hand of the one angel that decides to bring you sorrow I'm gonna need the heart of the frog the head of a young virgin sounds easy enough hair and blood from a black cat on No a pentagram made of ashes the burnt body of a fox oh no Benjamin no all right I don't think we have any of those taste no we do not oh hello scary girl now I'm not even surprised anymore it's just scary who are you well no matter what I'm not my oh I need to be careful protect my kitty and myself we don't want to end up like that person that's just scary okay yeah I kinda remember seeing the owl about the typewriter can I see if the game oh we put the record on oh and I dig that actually work okay oh that's nice you know if we're gonna be in a scary place we can use at least have some chill music the stairs are a wall the way it's a it's a wall okay all right I'm just I gotta figure out a way to get through this I'm usually really dumb when it comes to these things what about this can we what about the wood no oh what peg tweezers to pick up things that might little hands cans alright alright we're getting somewhere it makes you happy oh look her reflection is not there yeah she's dead I knew it oh my god did not expect the hats it wasn't the baby it here though where's the baby now are the babies I guess I don't really know Jesus I didn't see that up there that's disgusting like this gay just gives me an icky feeling and I it's it's not quite the same with a little bit's fortune it's like depressing but not in like a bad way that makes you feel bad this game is just like cutesy but also like it's a horror thing and I just like hello it's him again but I haven't taken my pills well he opened the window thank you who is he I guess we could just escape now huh so I'm assuming we got everything oh this reminds me of the other game hello mr. frog hey you yes who's speaking me I'm a toad I have to tell you something yes what is it you were in great danger don't trust the girls well you don't have to tell me twice why do you say that look girl I'm a toad and I know I could swim away from this place but they won't let me every time I try to get out of here I magically come back this house is like a huge imaginin 8'o attic and a cat magnet they love us but not to give us love just to use this don't trust them that is terrible that's why my kitty is here then they give you a recipe for some kind of magic right how did you know I'm a tow dude did you see the dead girl one of the rooms that could be you if you try to do it she tried but she did it wrong my goodness thoughts I think of something else in I'm not a clever toad but if I were you I would be creative creative I'll try to do my best and girl please save us all I really want you to get out of here thanks toad oh I got a wood plank all right I really wish it I should be smarter with this I should just try to collect everything and then decide what to do with it it's like these games too it's like oh you forgot to click that molecule over there what you ha how did you not see that molecule they just sitting right over there it was the key item of the game to defeat the boss that's how it is oh my god I didn't see that you see this little pixel right here that's it that's how you beat the game right there you click that takes wrong with you it's like come on I'm already wearing glasses but I still can't see these things oh my god that ant was chance chance himself Wow so we can't do anything with all it's just creepy they can't do anything with that can't do anything with these things oh yeah that's right this thing yeah I can't go in there yet that's right all right all right you know what I'm actually gonna try using the candles on the fires just see if that works because there's a fire there it's not the dumbest idea no no of course you don't do that boys that matches yeah okay so we're gonna combine that with the candles I don't want to burn my little purse just but like sub kettles that put them back in your purse that'd be hilarious why are we able to view these pictures like this that's odd isn't it Oh what is this okay got a pot it was a cauldron did that call for some kind of cauldron is that the potion that we need to make that would make a lot of sense this must be cooked all together inside a pot or a cauldron with plenty of water or see yeah we're getting somewhere oh wait a minute Oh No oh my god I just realize what we need to do it's our knife I think look at this the heart of a frog Oh No broccoli what is a bell do we really have to kill the Frog let's go oh that's awful no I don't want to kill mr. frog no even if it were East I wouldn't know what come on it clearly says that we need to yeah I don't know what the heck I thought we'd have to kill it as clearly says we need a heart of a frog Oh doubters need the truth on paper huh I guess some people believe you when it's written down King prose I pick my little finger bad roses what does it mean who wrote this was it Hugh I can only imagine my sister's tried to catch me but I ran away I'm scared would you help me I have a monster inside my head how do I get it surely something will work doubters need the truth on paper I do have paper and I do have a crayon all right yeah sadly you don't but still though really nowhere to go they don't smell there must be plastic flowers then what about this is the water right okay maybe we could try using the cauldron on that yes I'm so smart yeah you put water in a pot all right whoa we got something right right Brad boo turn the water off god it's California this game takes place in California all right so I know what he ashes the pentagram a to ashes well this is ashes right use the broom know maybe we could sweep up the ashes okay all right so we need that oh the plank yes ah yes and then we can use the knife or the matches to burn that I bet yes yes yes yes you don't understand how happy it makes me when I actually get somewhere in a game and I have like particular there are like a lot of trouble particularly a lot of trouble in this game I think all right now we got a message in a bottle what is it are you prog okay that's the problem we're gonna have to kill oh don't kill himself well he did it all right listen don't feel bad about it right ah that burn wife there's no afire I can't touch the bottle oh it's that's what we use the tongs for ding hey I just have everything don't I all right so now let's examine this paper uh blood from the executor of the ritual a blue bloomed moonlight roses so is this the real this is the real recipe that we need hair from the person you want to be which are instructions there I really should do this and said all right so now we don't think of the prog yes all right just go on your Instagram okay you think she has one oh so I have all of these things oh all right ah interesting all right so we need a midnight Rose I need to find a rose and some hair and some hair you go there's no hair there yeah we got some here all right so I think the rose is right here right I don't think it was it wasn't they're not blue though so I don't know how to make it that's clearly what we need where we had to use the knife on ourselves oh oh I knew it next we need blood front oh I'm sorry friend we I don't think we can carry anything else can't we all right so we need that so now yeah all we need is some hair from the person you want to be which and then also the blue bloom to midnight rose that's the only thing I can't find oh wait there's a rose right there wait a minute whoa I never saw rose EnOcean maybe it's an old story how do we get that that's a blue rose give me a second wait a minute how do we get that okay so there's the house and then there's like the ocean the only place that there's water is outside but we go out here and we can't see anything what do I do well we do have a flowerpot maybe we could use that on the picture I don't know I'm willing to try anything nope doesn't work so we gotta just sit with the ghost girl and they shall give us a rose but I don't know what she wants wait a minute can we use this in the water oh my god that's it the net so you could throw my god I sometimes I feel so stupid yeah all right that's the only thing I need to help won the magic blue rosing sorry I did not a glitch i glitched all right so now that I have everything what do I do oh I need here maybe we can give it to the girl now you want this no she don't want it alright had a check all right well maybe now that I did that something will activate that's what I'm gonna guess what the heck you gotta use matches on the stove bro I'd be here I'd be here on this game all day if I didn't pretty good have the Internet you have no idea well I used the matches already that's why I would have never thought to do this I thought we already used it Hank so why did we put the cauldron on there Wow now we put everything in there okay yeah what's there left to do there are some missing ingredients I just need hair who's got a hair anybody what you gotta use plates escape without doing what sit this is the most confusing game every you gotta use though I'm just let you guys know now with that help I am so it's lost in this game you have to use the bad recipe on the typewriter what I would have never I'm so lost hair from your head okay from my own head so what did you use that I tried to use the knife on my head already I know that sounds bad but I did I did try doing that already maybe is that what we need to use the mirror for but would have a reflection so what is that gonna do none of this makes any sense I tell you oh my god friend here's the materials they need you have you studied the ritual yes but I need more time I can't remember all the words we're living there fast so let us know when you're ready oh god I need your hair Oh Oh the Frog Karl I think I'd I think you need help getting rid of this bag I can do it for you but I may need it I don't even know what's in it no you don't trust me if you want to get out of here this bag must be just disappeared must disappear I'll take you didn't see me bye that frog is a shady frog alright so I guess we've got to show them the recipe here we are waiting for you Fran hey kids look ladies there's something missing I couldn't find your hair in the bag here you say there's no hair needed we know that for yourself it's all written down on the paper right there how can we miss that alright there now get prepared ok now we have everything we need alright see I just miss you fine little tiny details insignificant little details that are very significant all right last ingredient right there to make our special pie now they hear good now let me see what's there left to do okay what am I missing now Oh the ashes we have ashes right here draw black pinned around with it with the inside of the black and white square what black and white square okay maybe we did combine these two things no are you joking sometimes something just seems so obvious but then it's not all right we need to find some kind of square wonder know what that frog did of that thinking oh my god this I'm just not I'm just clearly not smart enough to play this game that's okay I just want to know the story anyway well this worked out great very nicely done friend there I've done it I've done it all I've done all the things for this pot pie okay now we're gonna combine the candles it says it on the instructions so clearly it's like no you forgot the molecules all right so I'm gonna Subang we like them oh my god yes I was right okay good oh all right so now we're gonna go pour this over their faces great great I can do that now tell me why he's gotta get my cat back they st. gonna feel good but it'll feel good to me everything's ready let's do it go to the kitchen good let's go I hope you have insurance place it down and close your eyes ladies use on them all right oh that would be so hot you would imagine it was like really hot and now I'll save the words I'm sure that's how you pronounce all that yeah yeah I'm definitely gonna try to pronounce all that what's happening wait a second that's not the right spell you tricked us ice cream ladies so you do have a gift for best of my cat you don't miss my kitty oh I think we double it killed them well you gotta know what a whole van no one to fold them now we got the key sweet any time I gotta I gotta say this is probably not gonna work I just with her like horse is not gonna work I don't know why I'm using the key on this but let's just go kitty you're free now well the key doesn't fit did you see another keyhole somewhere I don't know I had to look around did I that's some bull crap so something else is locked oh my god that's a keyhole I actually figured that out myself what oh my god it's like resident evil we got puzzles down all right what do we do oh I don't know what I'm doing oh the heck is going on okay I think we need to get the cogwheels up there cuz that's how those things work okay that what it can't be moved I don't know what I'm doing I'm gonna pretend like I know what I'm doing all right so that can't be moved all right I get it I get it I know exactly what I'm doing I'm the smartest person alive it's not a bold statement at all so that's the moving this we need to connect them these can't be moved at all all day look at that I am so smart well sort of something's happening I guess that's all that really matters oh my god they all moved who's figuring out these freaking puzzles are you kidding me this is insane thinking that looks like if it actually almost work drats oh I'll take it you're gonna be like little Einstein to play this game though it's freakin insane I don't think that's how it's supposed to be so babe there's more than one answer okay oh so close I'm literally missing one gear oh ho so close how did we get here this is not even fair simple mmm oh my god I did it what that ovens never gonna pass that crap yeah I love my prize yay bones sister promise we Clara and Mia boohoo lament promise to revenge's the unfair destiny it were to decide for us with the blood and tears we promise that we will kill him and bring our bodies back we won't stand this any longer even though we are sisters we hate each other and we will always hate each other nothing will ever change that but now with our bodies attached to each other we can't complete our task the strongest will live forever and the weakest will die mother must die this family's got some problems well oh they only get some pills my pills are called deity but why are they why are they yellow do we like the clinical trial like what is that alright anyway we got the key and I think that should probably in this chapter if I I really like I don't know I'm just really guessing at this point all right kitty you're out use it it works but dear kitty it works it's gonna attack us would it be surprised if we actually all she crying or we actually reunited we did it oh this feels so good I'm free friend my good friend get out of here oh my dear yeah we have to go yes let's go oh it's not gonna be that easy just like that how we're leaving alta widow do you have some i just had to get out of here i'm sorry i don't maybe someone else has some ideas the frog oh that's perfect now i could leave this place to go to my family i want to know what to do sir I found it I found my kitty sort of go home abused by Aunt Grace but how did you get out of here there's no boats help us I would love to help you but I'm too tiny even though I put my body is quite moldable I would be it'd be possible to carry both you to the side let me think about it don't leave us yet please the bike yes it's like et wait a minute what about the broom we could fly like Harry Potter alright you know I've completely given up we have to use the baking soda I mean I try it ladies the baking soda with the toad that is such an odd combination I'm not a bakery bun but you are all slimy a soft like dough you're right it may work here it goes I'm so big and I feel gorgeous you are gorgeous let's go come on mr. midnight I only have one complaint the giant toad is staring at me he wants to help he wants to help us all alright if he tries anything I'll scratch him that's okay but try not to hurt him so much while we're sitting on him the waters deep but we don't so we're gonna float or boy way in the toad I mean we're not even on the pills but it really feels like it Oh before we go I forgot to give you something I saw this I saw you in this picture so I thought it was yours Oh my picture nice and this book with it too Veon thought that says I told you finally from my family photo thank you so much I thought I'd lost it forever but the book is not mine oh well take the book as a gift it always it's always healthy to read it has many pictures Wow thank you I like pictures well let's go now here we go hold on tight oh my god we playing Frogger what the heck I think we actually are i immediately died all right I didn't expect this but hey I made it oh that's not it they called me the king of Frogger yes they did I don't think you actually have to pass these do you and there's a skip button up there when in doubt use baking soda on a frog that's the lesson that we all learned today [Music] here we are jump off me now let's go kitty so he's gonna stay that way I hope you find your family's to insert oh thank you you too farewell goodbye sir and thank you for the ride friend what should we do now find the way back home kitty do you see the sky it's dawn it really soon all the scared things will disappear so you guys also told me that that cat was also from friend from Little Miss fortune in the tree no and none and little misfortunes like house right she has a cat this is supposedly the same cat I'm so sad I'm so hungry sleepy I want to go home now yeah let's go let's just go well more go finally attack us again oh this ought to be safe this looks pretty scary Oh Frank come on we have to go home there was no time yes but I'm a bit afraid of heights he said slaps her with his paw snap out of it all right kitty you're so sweet I'm right behind you well I mean he's like 5 pounds probably she's pretty skinny herself though and we'll make it will be fine nothing to be scared of I mean nothing could be more scarier than what we've already been through come on friend let's go I'm waiting for you friend wait oh geez holy crap well piece of crap I guess you just go home oh oh my dear I can't hold it any but I don't want to die you won't die my friend come on you can do it jump alright here I go oh I got you see hold the guide oh let's say it's like that buddy but it is like yeah Yee don't be afraid friend you're just dying we always fall and after the pain we will always rise odd it's so nice [Music] oh dear Aunt Grace don't ever leave me don't cry my little bro your heart is pure but your mind is tormented you got that right you have to stay and walk your own path please Aunt Grace why don't you just take me out of here please you'll just leave me alone like my mother and father did I'm sorry my dear friend [Music] you will soon understand hi dolls I'm grace no don't go please please oh not have again Brian it's time for your new medicine yeah I don't think it's good for her [Music] Oh Barnard let's go well what happened where am I friend where are you oh we please the cat now well it's like a little pod now tree wooden ugly tree I scratched you evil thing kitty kitty stuff what are you talking about Brandon my darling is that you it can't be what is it my dear of course it's me who else would it be friend you are a tree it's like you are a toy don't be silly help me get up oh that's awful why is she treat me we just a sec here where are my hands why can't I move I'm telling you my dude you've become a tree but uh my dear this was the end of the line the big monster did this I know it kitty he won't let us go home I hope he won't come back he was very scary he always comes back I think I remember him from that night the night mom and dad died kitty I don't want to talk about I just want to go home but you are a tree my friend a tree I can't carry you all the way back home besides I'm not sure where we are either I am going to die kitty or am I going to die Kitty tell me please don't say that friend please or don't leave me but I feel so weak this game is so jacked up what the heck honking okay it's a freakin radish with legs this brute be careful sir what are you attacking me if you please tell me where I am sir I'm not uh stop it I'll scratch you what do you say goodbye kitty self attack you please let me go harm Hello Kitty my purse please the drupes man I said I'll see what I can do friend oh my god alright we're gonna stop there this has been too long I mean I'm really very curious to see where this game's gonna go but yeah thanks for watching guys today scrub of the day goes to a neighbor I don't really know it but I know it ends with as soon as Suzu yeah [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 125,598
Rating: 4.9786878 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, fran bow, bijuumike fran bow, bijuu mike plays fran bow, cute horror game, fran bow lets play, bijuu mike little misfortune, little misfortune
Id: lM0VUWJ4x8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 22sec (1942 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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