I try to guess phrases in your language... OH NO

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[Music] you died on a toilet i'm so sorry for your loss i wish no one to die on the toilet i don't really talk about this a lot but um i i really find learning languages to be really fascinating i know that sounds really boring and the truth is it probably is to a lot of people but not to me i've been learning japanese for like a few years now and uh i'm nowhere near where i would like to be i still have so much more to go but it's something that i've done a little bit every single day for years i just find it so cool it's so fascinating and i find it interesting and not just japanese but i just think learning languages in general is just it's so it's really cool like i wish i knew everything i think after japanese i want to learn spanish because it just makes the most sense for me and where i live so jacksepticeye has this series called guessing phrases in other languages well that's exactly what i wanted to do i haven't seen any of his videos but just doing that i think that is so so freaking interesting i don't know if jacksepticeye is learning any any languages but but i asked you guys and i got six thousand replies so i have way more um i have more than enough replies so let's start it up let's see if i can guess your languages we gotta open up google translate you know i'm studying in japanese because i already have it on japanese all right first one shai enema says this one is easy but here it goes i never took a day's spanish classes in my life and i just aced that you would think i would know this from the meme me gusta but i don't remember what that means at all so i'm gonna take a guess that means it means i got a fat uncle yeah i'm pretty confident in this one i think that's what it means surely surely they just wanted to put i have a fat uncle let's see how close i am oh the thing is i have so many mexican friends and i've i was i've been around so many mexican people and i've heard spanish so often i only know a few things in spanish uh queso okay obviously i don't know me gusta i was i was close i was close shut up leche queso hola do do numbers count uno [Music] oh i don't remember the next one that's all i need you don't need all the numbers right papas i might offend someone in this video i'm not trying to i'm just really bad at pronouncing things i'm just totally guessing english spelling of russian words sounds oh i get it so they actually like this is the actual russian russian is so weird to me see that's another thing that i find really interesting see i could have made it easy on myself and i could have just learned spanish or i could have learned greek or i think greek right i don't know something that uses the same oh like french for instance it uses the same alphabet as us i don't have to guess it's like oh what is the what do these symbols mean you know no i didn't make it easy on myself i chose to learn a language that has over 50 000 kanji kanji my god 50 000. and because i and because i spend most of my time doing youtube and other stuff you know i don't get a lot of time uh to to practice japanese i really wish i could just take like a a year break i'm not going to but i wish i could and just dedicate my life to learning japanese and nothing else but i'm making slow progress and it's super rewarding especially when you like learn uh a new word and then you're like hey i know what that means or like you heard it you know i listen a lot of japanese music and it's like when i hear something i'm like wait whoa whoa whoa whoa i know what that means really cool really cool it's just just going at a snail's pace but hey one day when i'm 50 years old i'll get there prakras [Music] it just sounds like i'm casting a spell because i know i jacked that up but like seriously i i think if i was an actor i would probably just repeat this quick rash [Music] whatever it was a question so it's a question preston pogo sticks on a segway do you like that's surely that's what that says i've heard russian is very confusing too as well i don't know if it's as bad as japanese but i i think arabic is the the hardest language to learn that's what i've heard oh well that's nice at least you didn't say something cursed nice weather today isn't it i would argue that i was fairly close with that preston do like pogo sticks on it on a segway how many people knew this one why i don't even speak fluid spanish and i oh my god i'm bad you think i would know a little more spanish see the thing is in high school like you you had to take spanish uh french or you had to take art i took art you can see that i haven't used that at all hardly i really hope we get some japanese ones i always want to test myself i'm going to guess this is german miyenni [Music] what is that oh it just keeps going and then you just switch to english as you're speaking german english and a longer one in the spirit of halloween at least hey so it is german i was right about that i think i could get i might have a good luck guessing something because uh german does have very similar words some of them so battlefield exists not the game don't even exist no battlefield battlefield does not exist what is what does that mean am i saying something wrong i hope not oh you can't you say don't exist how dare you bellfield is a city in germany well it sure looks like it exists i think you're lying to me how close was i though see that's why that that's why german is way easier to learn than like japanese or something we're seeing the glen engage through iris and guarantee you scrubs out there to speak german are just cringing i already know i'm cringing all right i'm not even gonna try gayster that's gotta mean ghosts oh gayster is ghost gangster geister it's geister not gayster we are we are the little ghosts we like to eat the smallest and if you don't want to give us anything we will stick here what kind of stories are these coming from i'm getting the heebie-jeebies out of this i love this video already i hope you guys enjoy this this is really fun for me you guys know i love anime and that's part of the reason why i started learning japanese but i realized as i started learning more japanese and getting more interested in learning japanese i started getting interested in just just language learning in general and i find it so fascinating how children grow up and they can learn like three languages if you would if you were just teach them if you would just put them in a class or something they could learn like every language that they want to learn basically and when you get and when you're older it gets a little harder to learn languages just because there's more distractions as a kid like you just sit there and you just watch and you watch and you watch and like there's almost no distractions and kids especially live in the moment in the now me as an adult it is so hard to do that so it's just so i love the psychology behind it it's really really interesting to me so that's why after uh after i get satisfied with japanese i definitely gotta do like spanish or something else what language should i learn maybe i should just copy pewdiepie completely and just learn swedish this was a popular phrase back then hi welcome to chili's oh what is this what are these hieroglyphics aliens in the future be like what is chili's it sounds exotic hungarian hungarian oh my god oh god i i don't even know how that sounds horcolt bergogna team cool jig tech garlic also fun fact in hungarian we also say walnut is dio so there's a jojo reference wow it was the walnut all along i'm never gonna not think of dio as a walnut now thank you okay so you're putting quotes i'm assuming you're giving me one word at a time i'm not exactly sure pork old it's a pig it's a it's a it's a pig or just pork and google translate you good roasted close enough sorry vegan people okay borgonia a hamburger potato it goes with your burgers i mean i'm on to something you gotta hand it to me give me credit even if i don't deserve it hell do tell phone tell the phone oh my god it makes sense and it's so interesting too because a lot of words that we know in our own languages might be borrowed from another language and we don't know like japanese like samurai and all that or that's probably not right but yeah i'm half russian oh god yeah see russian it's just impossible i i there's no way for me to guess that nearby monk i'm just going to make sounds i think it says this is how i'm sounding to you guys right now powell says to bartender house can i attack barnes says four time power every time everybody turn everybody 10. everybody 10. uh the office is amazing watch the office if you have it argentina whoa what are you what do they speak in argentina it seems like spanish okay you definitely say how are you mate that's australian they speak a whole language in australia do you want to take a mate what are you asking me should what i don't know what you're asking me is argentina's way of saying hey it's a word that it's a word that just works j i like it mate is not what you think it is it's basically a drink that my country loves it's weird oh i said what you say you had me worry a little bit do i want to take a mate i thought you were i don't know what you were offering me but apparently you're offering me a drink hey do you want a drink but if you look up mate argentino you will see pictures what kind of pictures i am about to look it up now the heck is this dude that looks i ain't gonna lie though you know hey i know it's a different culture but like that looks kind of looks kind of odd to me i don't know if i would like you know just me being the person just me being the white person i am that lives in america seeing this i i would be a little worried about drinking it but i'm sure if so many people are drinking it i'm sure it's great i would try it it just it but it does look like you're just drinking hay and i don't know this doesn't seem like it would have a good texture going down the golet but i'm open you know i already know right now someone's gonna say something to get me canceled in another language and it doesn't count i'm telling you right now [Music] what it's actually cruel a cruel creole creole a deformed french language i guess we are still learning here and trying to imply it in books as a language are you like making it up or is it like a real thing because i do know like another really interesting thing is that there's actually languages out there that people don't even speak anymore so there's just so much man uh well it's apparently it's a real thing because it says right here that they know it happy words to you and serious happy words to you i'm serious here's what it actually means i love you and you're cool i already translated because i don't think you'll get it on google imagine me going to wherever you speak that i don't know you said it's french so i'm gonna pull up to france and be like sir sergey what'd you just say you just said you had some serious words for me what i think you said was it's coming it's it's coming um ninos means children i thought i've come i've come to that conclusion yeah that's that's why you always hear nino okay yes that makes sense i've heard that many times there's lost children who's going to find them me i'm spot on i want to see the children in my bed i want to see the children in my basement i said the children were lost didn't i see look i'm already learning spanish as as we speak ninos children ah see that's exactly it's it's so fascinating go learn a language i'm i'm actually really jealous of all you scrubs out there that know more than one language because i really wish i would have learned spanish or something growing up i i'm gonna i swear like if i have kids i'm gonna teach them like three languages and they'll thank me later this isn't my native language but it i'm scottish so nips and teddies what oh nips intent there's no way you do not just say i don't want to get demonetized i don't know if i will well you just said nips and titties that's what you just told me don't even tell me you didn't just tell me that right now i hope i'm wrong scottish is scottish an actual language okay so so scottish likes most scottish people do speak english but there are other like older style languages i'm guessing but what's it called oh there i think it's gotta be this one that's the same crap though i don't understand neets and daddies sorry i'm just i i have the mind of a little child your mouse in egypt no how dare you call my mom that what are you saying about my mommy it's it's actually it's i realize it's just basically english isn't it i'm feeling rather peely wildy look at you muckle man drew kitts i called what you just say to me someone calls me a muckle man it sounds like they're just calling me my name i muckle man mike scottish people what did you just say what's a knuckle man well there's a book called it are you calling me iron man dude thanks hey we're getting a lot of german i didn't know we had a lot of german scrubs out there at least the ones that are learning german each moosh i'm just guessing by the way ish toilet [Music] you're you you died on a toilet i'm so sorry for your loss i wish no one to die on the toilet a lot of people thought it was funny though so uh i'm assuming that sounds funny you know i think that's what you really said i feel confident about this one i need to go to the toilet die what does dye mean see look how similar toilet in toilet is it's literally just another t so itch must mean i moose must okay so that that's that's a little different than dai now see that we would have some language barriers and complications with the word die in english so like if you say go die are you telling someone to go go die oh my god it's all coming together well this is my duty as an italian what this isn't even a letter are you telling me there's emojis in the actual alphabet bring estamente americano inguestamente americano you call me a very talented linguist that's what you're calling me unfairly american how dare you okay let me try i think i'll use my debit card anything vegan is this email address yours jerry everything none darren good day mate how you going looking crook is a joke are you right now that i just totally changed my accent how are you going now i just sound canadian what the heck are you going looking crook it's a joke are you right you just go straight to irish straight you know it just doesn't work whoa i can't believe i read that oy my justin bieber i don't know why that's so fun to say to me justin bieber is there one japanese one in here my analytics do say that like [ __ ] japanese is literally probably the one of the smallest uh percentages and you you would think that like at least a few japanese people would find their way towards my channel with all the stuff i play but no so what even is this to me that just says i'm still gonna guess it in honolulu uh uh i have no idea what does it say hello how's life what hey [Music] lafayette is your is your cousin this is tougher than i thought your name is lafayette lafayette oriente it's french oh that's how you say that okay we we it would be more like [Music] i'm awful there was also some of you i asked on twitter too but i got so many on youtube i was just like oh let's do let's see if we can get a few from twitter oh what do we have here okay well we obviously i'm gonna assume this is chinese and not japanese another thing that's interesting about it too is that chinese uh well japanese is borrowed from chinese right they use the same characters so the kanji it all comes from chinese and then japanese decided to add hiragana and katakana to it and they have like three different sorts of like writing systems it's it's really it's really weird but chinese is also really hard as well because there's a lot of tones and stuff it's it gets it's all very confusing i i have no idea i can just guess that something like this says probably first or recently oh what did i say recently my cat has been biting me it hurts yeah see okay yeah that makes sense i knew some of these kanjis and that's the kanji for cat but i knew it was chinese because you don't see this much kanji in a and like together in japanese you always see like a little bit of kanji hiragana stuff like that unless you know you know you just know if you know hey but i got recently so i'm happy with that this is a lot easier on twitter though i should have done more on twitter because you could just translate it hey how do i know you guys aren't just going to google translate and just putting random things hola thank you so much for that thank you so much i you said you love my channel thank you what what how did i know that it's like i felt it through the screen it's portuguese hey ganci kanti's not editing this but he knows see portuguese is actually really close to spanish in a lot of ways it's very similar from what i've heard so if you know portuguese or spanish you can learn either one it's kind of cool bless her heart of course i don't know why i was reminded of goofy gotta do some research mike jamaican hey it all sounds the same it just all sounds like italian to me how y'all put dim looks how you put them looks uh out of my oh you are you were asking me about my feet dude i know this or i don't know if you're a dude or not i'ma call you dude anyway no no feet pictures not until i hit 10 million bonjour [ __ ] you just you just invited me to apple piece i would like you know hey you know i would like to go to applebee's with you but you know i don't know you so that's not what it said did you know the potatoes are also called potatoes i didn't know that did not know that do we not have one japanese scrub oh i think we have some arabic here oh my god see that is just so confusing like you have to know what these symbols mean i don't know what they mean again it just looks like like it just looks like a u and a bunch of l's i don't know what it says oh okay well they did put up i didn't even read this [Music] operation nope i don't see myself ever learning it i find it so interesting though a lot of people do like want to learn arabic and stuff like that i'm assuming that's what it is yep that's right greetings to you from the land of mesopotamia mesopotamia greetings hi i'm really glad that you're here and again i'm just jealous because you know english so many people study english so much but like it's because i learned it it's just so easy and i barely know how to speak that well enough you know i'm actually british but i could speak spanish french japanese hey why you gotta flex like that watashiwa name this is gonna sound really stupid especially the japanese learners but i literally have not learned katakana at all i just learned hiragana and i'm learning kanji i've skipped katakana katsukon i know some of it but like it's just it's not something you need it's very very useful and there's so many things that katakana but like i figured if i ever wanted to learn it it would be easy it actually is very easy katakana katakana and hiragana are super easy but i literally i've just never learned it for no for and no good reason lauren okay your name is lauren okay [Music] lauren this let's see this is my problem microphone oh mike okay okay crap i don't know what this means it's not about life okay i think you said you want to meet me or you may have said nice to meet you i am oh wow my name is lauren i'm honored to meet mike okay i have to learn what is this word it probably says nice or something and honor okay good enough so it's called uh koi [Music] this is my problem koi this give me some more japanese ones i just want to i just want to do that dude i i see this all the time on twitter isn't it freaking um indonesian or no not indonesian portuguese no it's romanian what the heck what does it mean wait it's a jamaican oh wow i was wrong it's a jamaican slang word for menstrual pad or toilet paper why does everyone say that you know that's it's it's a it's probably it's a language barrier thing i don't know oh here we go watashi no name okay what's your name god i seriously need to learn katakana already it's used for a lot of names especially if you're speaking english but boy i know how to say my name is my name is something shenandoah that's an interesting name nice to meet you so i was gonna do pidgin which is more spoken than hawaiian but it's just broken english yeah i've heard about that from ryan higa so many languages so diverse so this sentence just breaks my brain i i don't even even though it has the same letters it just i don't know what it says you definitely said pewdiepie right here okay no you said pronounce so yeah i'm gonna go bury myself in a hole estonko estanco now i know this is french now i know it's french no it's portuguese what the heck it's almost about the same oh no it's missing a u oh you're telling me to play danganronpa 3. it's coming thank you so much oh thank you for telling me to my hair looks good i appreciate that come on i need one more i need one more japanese one to really test me anata ikutsu uh [Music] no i don't think it says that so when are you gonna really something stupid or stupid or soupy though speed no i don't know what this says means like you want to see i don't know what that what does this word mean what what are you saying is this right what am i gonna do to a dog so i knew honto means real but that's what it says where is this from it's funny speedo [Music] close enough all right guys that was actually really fun uh i love doing this i i hope i don't know if people are gonna care about this video but i found it really enjoyable so if you did as well please smash like for more videos like this and let me know if you want me to do more thank you jacksepticeye for the idea bye guys or should i say yeah [Music] foreign
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 107,832
Rating: 4.9623203 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, language learning, guessing phrases in other languages, guessing phrases in your language, language challenge, guessing foreign phrases, guessing other languages
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 13sec (1513 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2020
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