This Is What Happens When a Psychopath Is Unleashed on Space - Space Trash Scavenger | Ad

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hey there it's Josh welcome back to Let's game it out we're playing Space trash scavenger today bravely courageously sponsored by Paradox so thank you for that at the time this video is coming out the game is just released into Early Access so if you like what you see and I think that you will and you want to check it out for yourself head on down to the link in the description and you too can do some Scavenging of trash in space like this guy I think he's dead but probably happy anyway whatever new game so here we are in the Great vast world of space trash thingamabob look at all the Space trash space cylinders space ice space ashtrays not to mention a beautiful planet smaller asteroids and so much more and then there's us standing on our one Cube base that looks kind of like a server rack anyway here's the point of this game we have to make a base and then find a way to collect all this trash in the most efficient way we can or in my case hopefully the most illogical dumbest way possible and God I hope this thing up here is made out of cookie dough oh and pay no attention to that computer that was the tutorial don't worry you don't need it you've got me anyway we're going to expand our base but first I want to show you one of the wild things about this game which is that you can run on any side of your base help me I'm going to barf actually I guess it's kind of like Super Mario Galaxy and it's kind of nice because it means that we can build on any side which also means we can build out our base in really interesting ways because not only can we build straight across or off to the side you know like a normal looking Tetris block but we can also stack and build higher and above us oh the Creations we're going to be able to build oh and these blocks are different types too we got these solar ones that are helping us get power and then we got these socket ones here which is how we're going to place some of our Machinery so the game lets us start with this thing right here called the atomizer and it starts in this convenient little box but we're going to unpack that of course and any powered item like it needs to go into a socket Cube you know like right here or if that doesn't suit you we can go around to the side and put it right here or we can put it right here that is technically kind of upside down except nothing is really upside down so let's put it there great we did it and we're going to be using this machine a lot because it's what allows us to take all this trash out here and turn into materials we can actually use for us to build a bigger and Dumber looking base so for starters we're going to take our grapple gun and we're going to go around and see if we can't collect some trash shouldn't be too hard there's a lot of stuff around here that's made of all kinds of fun materials like this thing will make us two iron cubits anyway let's see what do we want to do with this tractor or grapple tractor looks a little something like this where it comes to us and we suck it into our inventory and that's kind of the easy way right we can just stand here and pull this stuff in we can even get one going and then go and grab a second one or we can go ahead and use grapple which pulls us to the item oh good now we're floating in space goodbye space rig we sure had a good run that's okay we're not stuck out here forever first off we can always look around and grab onto other stuff and pull ourselves over to it like this thing that I've have dubbed cookie dough Rock and then we can come over here switch to our teles scanner figure out what this is and then once we know that or even if we don't we can switch to our mining laser and and then just take what's ours which is to say everything we can get our hands on I did notice there's other beings around too which so far hasn't been hostile but it's a jelly entity that sounds so friendly hello are you friendly ow ow yes not time to shoot you in the eye socket till you explode yeah that'll teach you and then we can collect these things too and as far as I can tell that's pretty much the first stage of this game scanning Mining and collecting what a fruitful Planet this is and then once we're done here if we want to head back to our space rig no problem this thing on our back isn't just for good looks it's also a jetpack Yeehaw oh out of fuel you are stranded use fuel wait for Jetpack recharge or disable your life support by pressing K there is also the fourth option just become an object floating in space actually wait that does give me an idea first let's use our emergency jetpack power to get back over to the space rig once we have a little bit of inertia built up I think that'll take us the rest of the way either way once we get close enough we can just tractor ourselves in and then we're safe and sound back at our security blanket we call a base anyway I do have a curiosity now first let's head back over to the atomizer let's feed it all of these things all of these things that are essentially trash that's going to break down into various types of cubits that we can use for stuff ah there it goes and it's spitting out little Cubes To Where oh I see it's shooting off the side and collecting on the other side gravity is so confusing okay so now let's go through the thing where we go over and around then up again and oh what is this you need to eat yeah I guess that's true we do have some meters down at the bottom including Health hunger and Jetpack Fuel and we're slowly but surely losing health because I think we're Ultra hungry and also tired okay well first let's go over here and pick up all of our little cubits and now that we've got some lovely building blocks we're going to build a couple of things which over here we have different kind of Cubes we can make like regular ones and socket ones and solar ones not to mention glass as well as support cubes and all the other stuff we love like walls Windows stairs doors Etc but that's not what we're here for we're here for utilities and by that I mean a buy biotank it says all kinds of fancy words like biomaterials and growth factor but what it means is it makes us food oh and just to get you excited you see these three things I'm excited for these because they're conveyor belts move forward move forward into the right move forward into the left my heart can't take this but in order to get those things we need to build them through something called the fabricator which I just so happen to have cuz the game starts you with one okay let's see before we place it that Arrow tells us which direction it's going to face which of course we're going to have aim this direction because stuff spitting off on the side is always fun and we immediately have a power problem where it needs this much and we don't have that much to spare but that's okay cuz we have four more starting solar panel Cube things we can put down so we'll just kind of put these things out on the side just to make sure we have plenty of power and now it's time to have it fabricate us a biotank yes there it is thank you and now it's time for us to place that biotank which of course we're going to have dispense off the edge again okay go ahead give us the good stuff thank you and now we'll just wander our way over here so that we can pick up the food as it comes out M delicious algae nummy nummy numb good thing it doesn't fill our food needs very much I wanted to make sure we could eat a lot of it I love watching this stuff work we've got the atomizer spitting stuff out on that side down there and we've got this thing spitting out food over here and I believe another thing that we needed to do was back over here at the fabricator cuz we got to make ourselves a bed yes please give me a bed once again thank you okay let's see build on solid surface huh what about this will this do can only build on flat terrain and like I realized they're saying like yeah this will work but what about that thing way out there I don't know let's head over to it and find out I don't care if we're out of fuel we can just float our way there what is this thing anyway yeah thanks Captain Obvious I know it's a wreckage but I guess I asked indestructible and unexplored so it holds space Secrets I can't wait anyway as we get closer let's see if we can use our bet on this ow ow looks like we have more pressing concerns hey you you stop that ah well that'll teach me the good news is you respawn the bad news is most of your stuff is with your dead body which is why we're just going to head back like nothing happened in the first place this time I'm going to have my mining laser ready and I'm just going to fire it indiscriminately until this thing shows up again ah not just giving us precious resources but we're going to use that to Grapple onto it to get us over to our dead body everything's working out for us just not that version of Us come here let's pull you in let me have all my stuff back and then our body gets sucked inside us as intended anyway back to all this bed stuff which in conclusion you're not allowed to build your bed on some random object well while we're here we might as well take a look around see what kind of secrets are hidden from us okay so it looks like we got a massive interior which we're going to slingshot into with short burst from our jetpack and if we see anything bad we're just going to shoot it with our mining laser hopefully for lucky all ey shots and then it's back to the grapple gun to take this thing and steal their soul I'm sorry they squid entity and then we just float around looking for debris to steal I mean scavenge and after doing some lovely looking around trying to find stuff we we can just gently float away enjoy the sights and ow must you ruin everything and now to float back home so we can finish what we were doing which is trying to find the perfect place for a bed I think I know what we're going to do we're just going to place a block here and then one here and here and then we're going to place our bed right here on the end of the whole stack there we go that way we get plenty of Sun while we're trying to sleep nighty night you cannot sleep unless you build a roof over your bed curse is foiled again fine how about instead of that we just launch ourselves into space I know we're out of fuel I just don't care so instead we're just going to see how far we can get before we flee this Mortal coil also I don't know but this feels like a really good time to get some shuty why not just sleep while you drift through space wow everything is so far away from here still floating still floating if I use my little scope we can see that everything is obviously still there just a lot farther away yep still going everything's just kind of a glob in the distance a mere 18,000 ,000 M away which honestly in the states is only like 11 mil that's like we're about to die in the same neighborhood still oh well it was fun while it lasted by ah fresh new body and I'm glad to know our other body is still out there that said I don't think I'm going to go retrieve it I think it's a little too far away anyway we could go ahead and make a roof for this bed but I think I'd like to spend that time trying to make our rig a little bit more exciting we're also going to have to set this thing up which is the blueprint shop hooks up to the scav Corp Network allowing you to buy new Blueprints and we don't have enough stuff to buy it quite yet which means it's time to gather some supplies and while we're out here we might as well investigate whatever this is oh boy another journey and as we're floating our way over there we'll go ahead and Destroy some of this stuff so we can suck up the minerals come on come on give me that piece wait wait wait uh oh oh well we're here at least we littered even more in space let's go ahead and check this out wo what Incarnation set phasers to kill fiddles sticks it's not responding to my diplomacy I guess we'll have to fall back on uh talking hey there little guy wow I haven't seen many people out here in a world but it's blah blah blah blah okay it's like a little Quest cuz he's talking about the stock market and now he wants us to find him 5x steel and we'll do it but only cuz they're going to give us this furnace blueprint which means we may or may not do it but we will keep the blueprint it's a shame I can't go through is things or destroy them I would take either and once we're done doing a whole bunch of Scavenging it's time to depart for more pillaging opportunities oh boy more stuff brace yourself re-entry is a little twisty ah we picked up an loock hatch Escape pod that means maybe someone didn't make it well their loss is our gain there's something really satisfying about being on these little asteroids and just knowing you're taking everything valuable for yourself and then it's onward to whatever this thing is and here we are I do really love that if you want to search around really quick you can just hop off the asteroid get a better look come back down and flank that ice never saw it coming and also what the heck might this thing be guess we got to go check it out but before we do that let's go back to base because I have all this stuff in in my inventory and I don't want to lose it immediately and I just realized I don't have anywhere to put it yet but as I look to the stars for inspiration I realized we have all the containers we need right here we'll just let our body expire and that's going to be our container after all it's not going to be long now and scene ah and here we are with a fresh body can't say the same about this one don't go too far now okay I'm going to need all those supplies later anyway back on over to this thing closer closer and grab on all right ow well I guess that wasn't the front door but we'll find it don't you worry and that's okay because slingshotting around is a lot of fun well this looks like the entrance oh boy another one of you hello there I suppose you want to scavenge this derel freighter huh forget about it it's full of entity plus it's locked and I've got the only entry pass how about you clear out this ship for me borrow my laser rifle and take a clip sounds good I didn't read any of the other texts really this was your rifle it's hard to imagine you holding this thing well either way can I eliminate you fine okay let's let's go do this oh just waiting for me huh good thing I have this fresh body to absorb all the bullets and pretty much we just go through this place murder everything that we find and per usual collect scrap and occasionally you'll come across stuff like this sweet Sumptuous corn hey buddy I eliminated all the threats well you got me some historical data discs you ready to hand them over I sure am not I'll think about it though and also thanks for the rifle and here have a couple more warning shots for the road well let's head back to home base which is right where it says scavenge dead body hey speaking of can I just go through the planet I don't even know what it's made out of I don't know to the naked eye it seems pretty solid getting closer getting closer you are burning up you know in hindsight I think I was wrong I think this thing might be a gas planet well here we are again oh and good news the planet spit out my body it's now happily right here for me to collect you shouldn't have been so careless other me hey wait can I actually use this to slingshot myself back the other way oh I guess I can can I drag this thing back to my base wow I didn't realize my tether could go this long it normally can 300 M away yep here we go let's pull it all the way back to the rig ah here we go arms casually crunched backwards oh good look we're slowly slowly pulling it in aren't you excited other dead body soon you're going to have a friend come on okay almost there almost there and another successful retrieval oh and I gave myself a little kiss you know what I wish I could do with these bodies I've got these other two guns I haven't really used yet including this thing called the packing tool and also the repair tool it's a shame we can't just repair our old bodies or even better use the packing tool to pack them back up but you know that's wishing for two wo what the heck just happened let's take a closer look so we can see well I can see from my inventory that I packed up that Cube that was right there although that doesn't really explain all the other stuff lying around I also don't remember packing up a satchel like I was going to go do some teaching well let's pick it up and see what it is and it looks like I have an old style treasure chest in my inventory and if I Mouse over it it does say it's a container wait a minute are you thinking what I'm thinking King just in case I'm going to unpack this container and we'll see what we get oh well that confirms my thought the container I'm holding is in fact my corpse and I can't actually place this thing anywhere so you would think to yourself what good is this if you can't actually use it oh but you can at least I think so oh atomizer would you do me the honor of crunching up this body yep there it goes converting my corpse into resources 10 iron and five aluminum cubits to be exact I'm so amazed that worked so to confirm we can't use our packing gun And just pack down our body unless of course we want to aim for the cube it's sitting on and then if we do that it'll gladly explode with whatever was on the body and then also turn into a treasure chest which we can then atomize well isn't that exciting I think we just found our ticket to a couple of precious resources so first off let's restore the pieces that we destroyed and now that this is made whole again let's continue to expand this structure looks like we're going to be using walls and windows and stuff after all so we'll put one here and here and all around really so far so good and now to add a little bit of a roof ah yeah that's perfect never mind the vacuum of space seeping inside we'll just make it a whole thing like we meant to do it except on this last one we're going to rotate this one to look like this just so that nobody is happy and finally a door so that we can hold back our dark secrets you know these ones yep there they are our most prized possessions I know it's hard to see what's going on here with all of the scavenge dead body labels but rest assured there's a lot of um Harvest ability in here and whenever we need more supplies well we just pull one out come on come on there you go and then when it's kind of at a resting spot that's when we pull out the packing tool give that Cube underneath them a nice zap and then go in and grab whatever's left behind and then into the incinerator it goes as an added benefit too the edges of our screen will forever remind us of the bodies I like it and what a healthy pile of my corpse pieces it's like Dipping Dots except cubes and forbidden now to siphon it all up M get inside okay great now we have some minerals to work with thank you so much corpse Barn you're welcome okay first things first let's go back to the fabricator and let's build us this blueprint shop so we can have even more fun and where we're going to put this who cares as long as we can reach it it doesn't matter look at all these fun new parts we could have for our base if we cared about Aesthetics I mean o and look at these things succulents a rug five things that are not available in this quadrant what quadrant oh I didn't even realize we have a quadrant map oh oh wow so this is us and 1.41 light years away we have this asteroid cluster or we have this mineral Rich cluster or we have a shipyard but that's okay for now we're just here with the drop zone or you can see its official name over here D but we have to at least get to another cluster and I think over here in the items in ammo gives us a sneak peak as to what it's going to take because there's an item here called jump drive fuel balance to provide faster than light travel when used with a jump drive and it requires one entity based Cubit which might honestly be this thing right here I mean it says entity nanofactory it's got a thing floating around actually why wait let's just go check it out right now also good news I forgot my rifle so we're just going to use the mining laser that's what we call being prepared hello it's me yep and here I am on the planet with some new friends can't tell how many of these there are because they keep shooting at me but I'm just going to shoot at this weird looking Cube and I'm sure everything will turn out just fine ah I died okay maybe I'll just uh stay here with the blueprint shop and explore some more options before I go back over there and by options I think I see some I like for example the trash tur beam tractor beam trash at a small distance to your rig not to mention the turret defend your space rig using turrets and thrusters thrust force to move your rig well I think we got goals now let's get this thing into shape unfortunately blueprints aren't cheap like once we have the blueprint it's not that expensive to make but to buy the blueprint we got to use credits this Thruster cone alone is 2,000 credits and we only have 234 and a good way for us to make credits is this thing right here the the stock market if we go back to our inventory we have a tab for the stock market and we got all kinds of stuff like stuff we can Farm like corn as well as materials we can make like glass and mirrors and plastic and steel and whatever and other more exotic Parts like sensors and CPUs and in order to make that stuff we have to unlock a couple blueprints for example we have these things here like the chem Forge that produces glass plastic substrate matresses in everybody's favorite nighttime snack plutonium pellets and I also like this thing the assembler which makes all of other stuff we can use for probably things but also to sell but even here we're getting ahead of ourselves the assembler alone is 5,000 credits and the cam Forge is even 500 so we can't afford either so we're going to focus on a thing that we actually already have thanks to that one guy that we took a job from and that never went back to which is to say we already have a furnace unlocked that will let us make steel and hardened alloy so we're going to start by making one of those ah the beginnings of Automation and while I'm tempted to take this thing and put it like right here to give this space maximum congestion I'm actually going to build it a little ways away you know to give us room to horse around and also to give us some slight distance from all the dead bodies I can't even look at that part of my base without giggling oh and I forgot we have power needs which means we need more solar cubes and we'll just kind of throw these all over the place which is probably not how I'm supposed to do this but who cares I'm sure bobbing and weaving is how you get the most out of your solar panels and it's also making our base look amazing anyway the furnace is working now and we can now make steel or hardened alloy obviously we could put those things in by hand but obviously ly that's not how we're going to do it okay maybe we'll do a couple because I can't even afford to buy the Trasher beam yet and without that I can't get the automation started anyway all right fine here you go and I'll just stand a little distance away while you spit out a cute little bars I love it yeah just keep piling them up okay that seems like a nice healthy pile now to suck it all into my body I'm going to assume I have to go to the stock market to sell I sure hope so or I'm going to feel real dumb okay you do land on it hello awkward space computer I'm here to conduct space business okay and you take these oh boy I made so much money I mean I didn't but it's enough to get started and I'll add more stuff to the furnace anyway so that it keeps making a nice little pile for me later okay and now it's time to unlock that one thing the Trasher beam I'm so excited and now that that's unlocked right on over here to the fabricator to make our exciting new purchase and by that I mean we're going to make a lot of them why settle for one when we can have excess now I don't know about optimal positioning but I do know we need to put them on a socket Cube so we're going to put that right over here and then we'll just slap one here oh look and it's already doing its thing oh good yeah that's what I wanted grab my steel bars and bring them over you're already doing the greatest gift you ever could well I'm already convinced so I'm going to put this one facing this way and then we'll put the next one right here facing up and then we'll put another one on top facing right and then another one on this side facing over here I'm hoping what that means is as it drags stuff in it'll pull this around like it's a conveyor belt well and now that I saw that I'm convinced that is indeed not the case well yeah I mean I guess it's perfect as is Right uh-oh look out you're going to lose that piece of Steel good catch okay I think I know how we can redo this let's take back this one in fact let's take all of them except the one that's pulling the steel that one's doing very important work and we'll go ahead and make some blocks that go all the way over here and now we're a ways away let's go ahead and put down another socket thingy followed by another one of these thingies ah yes excellent it's doing what I hoped it would do bringing the steel back over here now and let's put some blocks up here and Higher and Higher and then another socket and then another grabby [Music] thing okay so I think I might have gone a little overboard and I might have built multiple things all in the name of moving resources and boy howdy how everything is moving everywhere you look something is being transferred to somewhere else and that's because now there's little tractor beams everywhere and as you can see there are some real resources in there but a lot of it is just recirc cating around which is obviously fine by me all I wanted to do is create a mess and occasionally we get a big bulky piece that we can't actually tract her in and if it gets a little too close to our base well that happens and then it does break down into bite-sized chunks that we can digest but then I got to fly in here and do a little repairing and my favorite thing about this is it's not actually helping us develop anything to get credits but that's okay you've probably noticed that stuff like this furnace has the really big red port and then there's this blue one where I believe we can feed it min so I guess now it's time to take this whole system and hook it up to conveyor belt so we can actually get materials over to that thing so as a reminder with the furnace we need to be able to feed it iron and carbon which means taking all this random crap that's being collected atomizing it down and then separating out the parts we need and feeding it into this machine and we already do have an atomizer which is right here so that's where we're going to feed everything first let's head over to our fabricator and fabricate a whole bunch of conveyor belts should be easy enough for us to take this and wa easy there cowboy well I probably should have seen this coming I guess I'll just have to stand right in front of this thing so they go right into my face oh God Where Do We Begin I guess we'll go up there where that pool noodle is just so we can gather our bearings while things are still quiet okay so if this thing is capturing stuff and then moving it up it makes sense then that we put the conveyor belts all going up as well yep and it generally looks like that's working as we can see by that one piece that's trying to get away and keeps getting pulled back in so we'll put another one right here and then we'll aim one to the right and then another one leading down yep so far are so good kind of and then another one beneath it and then another one up the other side and all the way up here and here and down the side and then around the other side yes this is not excessive at all and it's pretty much going to be a lot of this all the way back and I can't imagine this will work but let's hope for the best oh hey it actually worked Color Me surprise and let's build a conveyor belt right here to get all these minerals moving out of the way and then these cubes continue their lovely Journey before going through this entire other conveyor belt system all the way down there and then there's kind of like a choke point right here where as you can see everything is working exactly as intended and nothing is getting snatched by anything else and then this thing right here separates out the things we need for the furnace and the things we don't need the stuff we don't need just sits here and eventually gets snatched up anyway so it works out just fine and then a bunch of stuff gets stuck on the other side here but most of it eventually makes it over where it follows this other conveyor belt all the way to the end here and those little cubes topple over the other side before being either stolen before finding their way over to the furnace which spits out a bunch of Steel which is then immediately stolen and then it finds its way circulating once again ah the steel circle of life and I can't believe it but everything's working kind of smoothly I mean it's hard to follow where anything is but as it turns out let's head back over to the stock market definitely a fruitful Endeavor behold we're rich now well Rich enough anyway which is good cuz now we can make some additional improvements there's still plenty of trash that we just can't reach which leads us to the next things we're going to unlock first up we thrusters so we can start moving this thing around in addition we need to unlock the rig control unit which we're going to need for piloting and lastly we're going to unlock these turrets for shooting stuff oh boy this is going to be fun anyway before we start adding turrets I think we need to make our base look a little bit more formidable so give me a second I'm going to add some more to it hold please okay so I tried to fix this up a little bit I don't know if it's menacing but it sure is something if we look at it from the side it's got all kinds of forking little points which is probably where we're going to put the turrets either way I feel like everything's starting come together and as an added bonus these things are really fun to use for swinging around makes it a lot more fun to get around I can tell you that much so now it's time to add the turrets each one at the end of one of these prongs don't worry this won't take very long at all just got to slam at each one of these walk over the side put one of these things down add a turret along the top okay I think that's all of them feels like it took forever but we did it and now with all of this figured out it's time to go to the other end of our base and add in some thrusters oh good news I don't have to put them in sockets well then the guy the limit isn't it I hope the game is okay with me just putting these like wherever I feel like because that's definitely the plan I'm sure my base is going to be smart enough to figure it out on its own oh yeah this is the good stuff put one there and then also put one here the thrusters of my dreams I'm glad the game is stopping me from adding a third like somehow that's going to be the real problem well at least the game lets me put one here and then also one facing into the other one fiercest ship in the Galaxy okay there we go everything's looking perfect this definitely looks up to code and now the last thing we need to figure out is where to put the steering wheel I want to say this probably makes the most sense because then we get a front row seat of what we're driving towards yeah this will be a good spot for it a perfect spot for us to do some piloting wow this is going to steer the whole thing and just for good luck let's put a Thruster right there just to give us some motivation while we fly okay buckle up it's time to ride okay so I'm noticing a couple of things as I pil it one I accidentally face the steering wheel backwards and second of all the frame rate seems to have altered a little bit which I'm totally okay with okay hang on first let's fix this put it on the correct way you know what that actually looks way more correct glad we fixed that let's do this oh yeah it's time to ride Thruster set to Max well it appears to be working we are definitely staring and moving around and now let's set our sights on that entity Planet let's get over there and show them who's boss onward to extremely slow Victory oh yeah Victory is at hand I can feel it quick get them use your lasers with great force shoot them with the lasers that I set up that I thought would be awesome and aren't doing anything all right fine whatever just hit him with the ship then there's our Target we got to get that thing their little maze thing that's the key that's what we got to get come on get in there ship you're doing great oh there we go I think we got it now ease off that throttle well easy easy oh oh oh okay can you stop your planet's already dead well I do believe we've claimed this asteroid as our own it's definitely part of our spaceship now and if I recall when we blew up that Cube thing it gives us a piece we need to make for our jump drive which now I have no idea where it went is this it what the hell is this nope just garbage well I'm sure it's here somewhere it's probably already somewhere in my ecosystem here well this is a good place to stop if any at the time of this video coming out this game just came out in Early Access and honestly I've had a great time with this one so if it looks fun to you and you want to check it out for yourself there's a linky in the description to find out more so I hope you had fun I know I did thanks again to Paradox for sponsoring this one and I'll see you next time
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 2,980,717
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: let's game it out, lets game it out, let game it out, let'sgameitout, letsgameitout, letgameitout, game it out, gameitout, lgio, josh let's game it out, let's game it out josh, lgio josh, josh lgio, let's game it out simulator, josh simulator, funny moments, space trash scavenger, space trash, trash scavenger, space trash game, space game, trash game, space trash scavenger game, space trash scavenger gameplay, space trash scavenger funny
Id: xOxq6cQwe7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 25sec (1705 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 09 2023
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